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(Martime) Migration as a Challenge for Europe 2nd European-South American Regional Security Symposium 27 April 2016 Dr. Patricia Schneider IFSH 25.04.2016 1. Numbers and facts: global migration Countries with the largest numbers of refugees: 60 million people migrate worldwide, this number includes: migrants, returnees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons (IDP‘S) 90 percent of the migrants are taken by developing countries IDP‘s are the biggest group: in 2014 38,2 Million IDP‘s have been counted Source : BMZ, Daten auf Abb. von Ende 2014 Link:https://www.facebook.com/BMZ.Bund/photos/a.193549867372151.47951.192941487432989/957773320949798/?type=3&fref=nf Date: 31.10.2015 IFSH Page 2 1. Numbers and facts: Global migration 2014: most of the refugees are in Turkey (1,51 million), Iran (982 Tsd), Destination countrys of Syrian migrants 2014: Ethiopia (659 Tsd) and Jordan (654 Tsd) March 2016: 4.8 Mio. registreed Syrian Refugees: Türkey (2.7 Mio.), Libanon (1.07 Mio.), Jordan (639 Tsd.), Irak (246 Tsd.), Ägypten (118 Tsd). EU: 616 Tsd registrations (4th place); plus IDPs: 6,5 Mio., hum. assistance for 13.5 UNHCR programs for refugees (not only for Syria) chronically underfinanced (only 61% of needed budget end of 2015) IFSH Page 3 Migrant Routes Source: http://missingmigrants.iom.int/ IFSH Page 4 2. Maritme migrants and European missions European missions/initiatives: 1. Mare Nostrum 2. Triton 3. EUROSUR 4. MARSUR Picture: http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2016number-03/eu-fluechtlingeof-tuerkeidead-balkanroutemartime-obergrenzen migrants in 5. EUNAVFOR MED the Mediterran has risen considerably Operation Sophia (2015: 3,770 deads/missing) 6. NATO Mission: after the catstrophe in Lampedusa Standing Nato Maritime Group 2 2013, there was a enhanced medial focus on migration and several operations had been implemented IFSH Page 5 2. Maritme migration and routes IFSH Page 6 2. migration flows: routes and numbers Quelle und Copyrights: Frontex 2016 IFSH Page 7 2. Maritime migration and navy missions 1.Mare Nostrum Mare Nostrum reaction to the Lampedusa happenings 2013 an operation from the italien navy to rescue migrants mainly from african countries, brought to Italy where they could ask for asylum. Picture:http://isaac.guidasicilia.it/foto/news/cronaca/operazione_mare_nostrum3_N.jpg the Italien Government demanded more finacial support Critique: incentive for migrants? and distribution of migrants from ending did not stop, push-factors other EU countries and cancelled more important than pull-factors. the operation in 2014 as a protest In total: 150.000 people have act been rescued during october 2013 and october 2014 IFSH Page 8 EU-Security Strategy - European Maritime Security Strategy (EUMSS) – June 2014 -Definition of maritime Security risks, -interests -Concretisation (Absatz Vc): -„transnational and organised crime, including piracy and armed robbery on the sea, human trafficking, organised criminal networks, (…), illegal weapon and drug trade, Smuggling“ ->Coordination national/europ. authorities Purpose: coherent maritime Governance, pan-european approach Purpose: „With the efficiently use of all EU instruments embedded in a comprehensive approach, the EU can deal with all risks and threats to its maritime Security, remove the causes and to restore "Good Governance“ – EUMSS, S. 9 IFSH – Dr. Patricia Schneider, [email protected] Page 9 2. Maritime migration and European missions 2.Triton Nov. 2014: Frontex (frontières extérieures) operation to support Italys S&R , also focus: border protection and surveillance, detection of traffickers 26 states take part at „Triton“ in April 2015 EU trebled the finacial resources of the operation and as an result more boats, helicopters and Picture: http://kissingenstrasse12.de/grenzschutz-zu-welchem-preis-uber-die-organisation-frontex/ airplanes could surveille a bigger area of Frontex: the mediterranen sea European Agency for the Plus private S&R, missions contributed Management to the fact that the route route from of Operational Cooperation at the Libya to Med was less used (also: External opening of Balkan-route). Borders of the Member States of the European Union IFSH Page 10 2. Martime Migration and European missions 3. EUROSUR European border surveillance system by FRONTEX, since Dec. 2013 an information-exchange 4.MARSUR (military counterpart) framework which provides Maritime Surveillance Network launched information collected from satellites in September 2006 and drones containing 17 Member States plus primary goal: management of Norway border surveillance, the detection of boats and to improve the reaction the network aims to improve the capability in combating cross-border exchange of operational maritime crime and preventing loss of surveillance information and services such migrant lives at sea as ship positions, tracks an identification data between participating states cooperation with the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and The project has highlighted the need to the EU Satellite Centre (SatCen). control information in the maritime domain https://www.eda.europa.eu/what-we-do/activities/activities-search IFSH /maritime-surveillance-%28marsur%29 Page 11 Picture: http://marsur.info/start.php 2. Martime Migration and European missions 5. Operation Sophia after the increasing number of deaths in the mediterranean sea in April 2015 (1,244 death/missing people), the German govenment sent naval ships there (Start: 07.05.2015) 5,673 people have been http://www.einsatz.bundeswehr.de/portal/a/einsatzbw rescued since then at the beginning (07.05.2015) German Navy acts without a mandate in June 2015 it proceeds with the European Union Naval Force – Mediterranean (EUNAVFOR MED) and started, operating with a mandate later in time it was renamed to Operation Sophia (which was a hommage to a Somalian girl born on board) IFSH Page 12 2. Martime Migration and European missions 6. NATO mission: the NATO is involved since March 2016 to fight against irregular migration as well as to collect information for Frontex ,the turkish and the greek government Turkey is not a member of the EU but a member of the NATO, which is why the German Minister for Germany, Greece and Turkey requested the Defence Ursula von der Leyen involvement of the NATO argued: A mandate from the German Bundestag is not the permanent representation of the ships: necessary because there are no „Standing Nato Maritime Group 2“ was armed soldiers on board, and placed between the turkish and greek waters the NATO has no executive power, the mission is rather focused on just collecting information Source: http://www.taz.de/picture/987389/948/Eunavfor_Med_Schleswig-Holstein_dpa_10sep2015.jpeg IFSH http://www.nato.diplo.de/Vertretung/nato/de/00/00__Aegaeis.html Page 13 2. Martime Migration and European missions Operation Sophia is a military operation divided into three parts: 1st: reconnaissance by drones 2nd: 2a) monitor and search/board suspect ships in international waters (started in October 2015) Source: http://www.eeas.europa.eu/csdp/missions-and- 2b) monitor and search/board suspect operations/eunavfor-med/index_en.htm o a resolution of the UN Security Council ships in foreign territorial waters or an approval of the concerned country 3rd: Scan/search is necessary and currently the in foreign territory international law requirements for 2b. and 3. are not given and these parts have not started yet IFSH Page 14 4. Policy developments in the EU European Agenda on Migration (May 2015): 4 principles 1. Reducing the incentives for irregular migration 2. Saving lives and securing external borders 3. A strong common Asylum policy (so far only few areas of asylum policies are commonly regulated, it is up to the sovereign decision of states to decide about it. Dublin III- agreement: the states the refugees first arrives in is responsible) EU-Migration-Agency? 4. A new policy on legal migration (EU-Turkey-Pact) IFSH Page 15 4. Policy developments in the EU EU-Turkey Action Plan (closing and opening) All new irregular migrants crossing from Turkey into Greek islands as from 20 March 2016 will be returned to Turkey For every Syrian being returned to Turkey from Greek islands, another Syrian will be resettled from Turkey to EU Turkey will take measures to prevent new sea or land routes for illegal migration opening from Turkey to the EU A ferry heads for Turkey on 4, 2016 in Lesbos, Greece . In Return: Visa liberalisation for turkish http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/inpictures/2016/04/pictures-greece-sends-refugees-turkey-160404103701640.html citizens in the EU, provide 6 billion euros for Refugee-facility in Turkey HR standards will have to be followed: 1) no deportation to states where the refugees face torture and death; 2) fair and fast individual proceedings; 3) independent appeal board for review of implementation. IFSH Page 16 Policy developments in the EU 4. Policy developments in the EU EU-Turkey Action Plan Number of refugees arriving in Greece (per week) 20.03.2016: Beginn of the EU-Turkey Action Plan Since the EU-Turkey-Action Plan has Home countries of refugees, who have been been implemented (20.03.) there are: deported to Turkey Newly arrived refugees in Greece Refugees have been deported to Turkey Syrian have been resettled from others Turkey to EU Spiegel Online: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/fluechtlinge-infografik-zu-eu-tuerkei-abkommen-a-1087280.html IFSH Page 17 4. Policy developments in the EU Failed redistribution Comparatively, only small groups of migrants have been relocated: