Association for Information Systems AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) UK Academy for Information Systems UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2010 3-23-2010 MEGA-PROJECT MANAGEMENT: A CASE STUDY OF THE LONDON OLYMPIC GAMES 2012 Sean Dodd University of East London,
[email protected] Visva Sathasivam Lambeth Council Recommended Citation Dodd, Sean and Sathasivam, Visva, "MEGA-PROJECT MANAGEMENT: A CASE STUDY OF THE LONDON OLYMPIC GAMES 2012" (2010). UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2010. Paper 19. This material is brought to you by the UK Academy for Information Systems at AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). It has been accepted for inclusion in UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2010 by an authorized administrator of AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). For more information, please contact
[email protected]. MEGA-PROJECT MANAGEMENT: A CASE STUDY OF THE LONDON OLYMPIC GAMES 2012 Dr. Sean Dodd Royal Docks Business School, University of East London, London SE16 2RD Telephone: 0208 223 2307. Fax : 0208 223 3395. Email:
[email protected] Abstract With so many government sponsored mega-project failures exposed in the press, this paper describes the ongoing project management of the largest construct project of its kind in the UK for over 150 years. The mega-project is twice as large as the new Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport, and has to be delivered in half the time it took for T5 to be built. Important issues are discussed that should ensure the London Olympic Games is ready on time, within budget and will deliver world class sporting facilities as expected by the 11,000 professional athletes, 1 million visitors expected and a television audience expected to exceed 4 billion viewers.