Outback Road Names South East Sheet 4

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Outback Road Names South East Sheet 4 RACK PLAN 768 Outback Road Names NOTE: ALL OUTBACK ROAD TYPES ARE ! . .! ROAD UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED GORGE NORTH FLINDERS . A . ! PARACHILN !. ! Sheet 2 adjoins 17033 17000 .! $1 $1 Alpana$1 Wirrealpa T M Nilpena Parachilna Mount Falkland E A Bosworth A WNS Woomera A 1 DO D Y N T ME E 8 R FRO A R C P W 0 01 I 0 Mt Falkland Wyambana Outstation 0 E 180 T F 3 A W Motpena $1 O 3 T 0 E P I 0 0 L Oratunga $1 R WOOMERA H H 5 M 7 Gum Creek $1 N M 1 I Arcoona $1 1 N R G 1 E G Y I H 1 Quinyambie 0 7 L D E Wertaloona $1 I 7 E H O 0 G Gum Creek A Fowlers 0 0 E O S 5 Motpena U 1 H 4 .! ! R . L Commodore 7 Frome Downs W The Pines Station Station 1 T 2 $1 $1 W A S P Frome Downs 0 $1 B V R A A 0 A A E A Y Lake Tinko Station 1 O R Y L C 7 A O O HIN L 0 . C K D ! RA N 4 E B O S O 5 GE RA 8 A R 4 Y H T GO PA Wirrealpa M 0 .! RIN IG U Yeltacowie M 7 120 1 NA D A 1 17 705 E O !. H 0 H R $1 4 W S 1 W T $1 C IR OL . ! R Wirraminna 0 A B EAL WO 0 Y U $1 PA A 0 Lake Station N 1705 IN 005 Y Oraparinna 7 E UD 18 Bunyeroo 1 E R R 7 E . ! Pernatty $1 0 R 1 U Erudina . 5 O ! D Benagerie ED 1 O Willow 8 EO 0 I $1 Mulyungarie W 0 N . Flinders ! IE Erudina A Springs 3 A 1706 Willow Martins Well N . Wintabatinyana 0 Little ! OW $1 LL E Ranges N 6 $1 WI I Island Lagoon Strawbridge 6 Upalinna R L NGS Springs Martins Well 0 I PR 1 Edeowie S U $1 7 .! . MERNA MORA A $1 ! $1 $1 8 1 63 D P 70 0 $1 1 Coondappie Station I . 17072 U Wilpena ! Erudina 0 N $1 $1 Upalinna 3 A A Old Oakden Hills WILPE $1 S DIN Merna NA P C U $1 OUND .! A ER A C STOKES HILL LOOKOUT 03 $1 Mora 1707 80 8 1 N R 1 Mulyungarie Fowler Station $1 7 Moralana .! Y E 17064 $1 0 .! O D Yarramba M AR 8 Prelinna S $1 MOR K 4 N OU E ALANA ARO T A R O R . ! H Old Pandita N 17 M 1 O G N 069 70 CK Baldoora 1 A 81 5 P E 1 M O Mannawarra 03 L Oakden Hills 3 B G 7 Umberu tn a L 0 E R .! E CURNAMONA A N Rawnsley W I 2 R T 9 $1G A Lake Torrens 0 6 S Mooleulooloo $1 D N $1 IN 18007 . O I 1 O ! $1 1 A L Park T 0 $1 . ! Prelinna 9 Mooleulooloo O Cotabena C S 7 7 R 0 W 1 $1 R A $1 A 7 $1 E Y $1 .! 0 .! M 1 A South Gap N N T G $1 B A .! 7 Curnamona 4 !. T Mernmerna A $1 M H 2 5 E A 50 A 0 Lake Torrens Arkapena A 1 . M 1 N 3 ! Prelinna Curnamona R 5 0 R 0 R South Gap $1 Woolyana R Ulowdna A 8 5 .! Y 1 E 1 AW Yalymboo P !. Arkaba N P SL Willippa L $1 $1.! A E Kalabity A . R Y ! Mundi S DIN A 1 K PPA T R H 7 WILLI E E K H U RB Mount Little 0 Willippa $1 M O 8 E Kalkaroo . I E ! G A L E 7 08 AL 5 A S Y 171 $1 R U Mundi H R 10 M R 0 W 7 KA A T 0 W T 1 T B R 0 L 1 A 1 E E 0 Y O 1 W I A 0 A 7 .! T 7 E 0 8 1 S W 0 Y H 43 D O E U 0 R S 2 1 Y Kalkaroo 0 8 T C NATABRA WELL T 9 E N 4 R HOLOWILIENA N R E A 8 T 0 E I 0 I Mahanewo 9 H 0 W 1 Kallioota G O 3 6 E L G 7 7 17111 A I 1 STATION B YALYMBOO $1 G U F N 1 6 6 N A !. D H T A A 0 Wallerberdina S 0 17112 R 15027 1 W B R H Bibliando L 8 Worumba O 1 I . ! ! Bibliando Killawarra 1 A A A L E O O 0 C W W $1 $1 K . ! 0 Y ORU I M K MBA LI D . Charlinga .! $1! 1 EN 8 8 O . ! 0 A N $1 17109 Holowiliena 12 1 . ! O A 0 I 8 L . A ! Kalabity HAWKER L $1 M 1 R 1 $1 E I R 1 B $1 1 I U Boolcoomatta H E Worumba H 1 Holowiliena Glenorchy 8 B O 7 B Baratta 0 L 7 W A 3 1 5 O T E L 0 4 5 O O Lake O Yadlamalka U $1 Boolcoomata . 1 S W ! Baratta $1 O L . Bimbowrie L $1 ! . O K! $1 4 I Holowiliena A 1 U L O Macfarlane 1 IE Wompinie Kootaberra N 1 7 T South Plumbago A O Marachowie 7 1 H N ON Mt Victor T D 1 ATTA STATI 1 7 A BAR A Yadlamalka E Three AGO M Y Holowiliena 18016 PLUMB O $1 $1 .! E Old Lake 5 O I Creeks $1 1804 $1 C Bindarrah Wompinie Milang Well 2 N $1 5 R South Oorama Mount Victor Plumbago L I IE Dismal . ! $1 6 RR 7 $1 A Matt $1 $1 $1 Bimbowrie O 0 P B 8 0 Y Station O B WA .! 1 M H Yudnapinna 8 IG Nonning YUDNAPINNA A Koonamore Koonamore B I H Whim N 1 T O 0 D 40 . 3 ! 15057 T B Bindy-I L $1 D 0 A 8 W . S 1 A O Old 1 A ! . Yudnapinna T R R $1 ! 8 H Wilkatana A 0 A B Bulloo Creek R U 8 B 0 .! . ! $1 $1 I B 1 T Boolcoomata R .! G A 1 8 T IM C 7 A Wilcowie 0 A U H R 1 2 A T 0 N 2 B R Bundera . A ! 7 L Hesso 1 W T T O Bulloo 8 H $1.! E A 1 W E 0 0 L 1 0 A LK 1 $1 Witchitie 8 $1 West P Y I 0 E 9 5 R 6 Creek O C P . 0 ! W 50 $1 6 I 0 $1 INE 1 3 E 9 K O C $1 Bagalowie Weekeroo O Station Bindarrah 3 $1 REE $1 9 1 K . Y N P ! Tepco 904 . A ! Witchitie O 5 U R Wilkatana Four Brothers L UTA T Pandurra C U Outalpa LPA .! Pine D O $1 M $1 IK N Nantilla 1 O R 1 180 Abminga A A Illeroo Yarley 5 N ITIE B 48 $1 Creek 1 05 A ITCH O 8 1 L 5 P Cottage $1 2 $1 Yarrah Y W T Morialpa 0 A Tikalina 9 I Aroona 0 I A 21 C 4 G 0 N $1 5 N .! W 180 I 5 3 A Corella $1 7 N $1 V O S 6 Morialpa .! 0 . A Narcoona 3 ! Pine E T $1 Outalpa Wiawera O G ON N 0 .! 8 O . ! N LT Waukaringa U 1 $1 W Wiawera Tepco OR RADIO O E Creek FLYING DOCT I R 2 Mt Arden A 2 M 30 .! O Bonnie Brae $1 $1 AW Tikalina 0 4 B R $1 E 4 18 M Weekeroo 1 RA O 15070 0 9 0 S Minburra Station !. 02 M 7 8 $1 O 9 R I 2 R 1 OLARY Lignum Corraberra T R 1 4 Emeroo E E K Melton $1 E $1 D I U 0 Ballara Outstation A R Y A Station W N 5 A $1 I Melton R G M 9 Eringa R 1 L A W Carriewerloo O N 4 6 F B H 0 I 2 Carrawillia R Florina T F G 0 0 Park R 0 I 4 A E 9 5 L H 3 Station Albury Vale 1 O 0 A 1 Florina Carriewerloo I 1 O M W L Siam .! North Hills A Old Siam $1 $1 O 8 $1 L $1 D R D D WERLOO O 0 $1 Wawirra O CARRIE W $1 C $1 E R A I I .! K 4 Karolta . $1 1! A R 3 .! N V 9 Y 3 I 0 3 R . .! 15072 B ! 2 0 N 7 K $1 A 8 A O Oulnina . 1 ! Weekeroo ! W N Winnininnie . 1 A 5 !. .! Emeroo $1 T N $1 . Minburra E ! D T A 8 7 I B $1 A N O R 0 R $1 0 B O Maldorky . 1 5 ! A Corraberra Wabricoola 1 T 3 I K E WADNAMING W N A 1 R .! 8 Winnininnie N 9 R $1 Duffields MYALL Minburra Plain R 9 $1 R 1 Mutooroo W CREEK E 0 0 N $1 E N A 9 D O 1 .! 0 P 0 19012 2 S B 8 E E A A U 1507 Y 0 I 0 $1 1 Devonborough 8 R P E A .
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