Adobe Type Library Index to Alphabetical Additional Typefaces Typefaces Listed

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Adobe Type Library Index to Alphabetical Additional Typefaces Typefaces Listed a II 59 Aachen Std 76 Baskerville Cyrillic Std 88 Border Pi Std 59 Albertus Std Баскервиль 89 MVB Bossa Nova Std Кириллица Ст 60 Aldus Std 89 Briem Akademi Std 77 ITC New 60 a 90 Briem Script Std Alexa Std Baskerville Std 60 ITC American 91 aBrioso Pro 77 ITC Bauhaus Std Typewriter Std 94 Bruno Std 78 ITC Beesknees Std 61 Americana Std 94 78 Brush Script Std 61 Bell Std Amigo Std 95 Bulmer Std 79 Bell Centennial Std 62 a Andreas Std 95 Bundesbahn Pi Std 79 Bell Gothic Std 62 ITC Anna Std 79 Belwe Std 96 pmn Cæcilia Std 62 Antique Olive Std 80 Bembo Std 96 aCaflisch Script Pro SCHNELLÜBERSICHT QUICK REFERENCE SCHNELLÜBERSICHT 63 Apollo Std 80 ITC Benguiat Std 98 aCalcite Pro 81 63 Arcadia Std ITC Benguiat 99 New Caledonia Std Gothic Std 99 a 64 Caliban Std Arcana Std 81 ITC Berkeley 99 Calvert Std 64 AriadneStd Oldstyle Std 100 Candida Std 65 a Arno Pro 82 Berling Std 100 Cantoria Std 71 Arnold Böcklin Std 83 Bermuda Std 101 Caravan Borders Std 71 Ashley Script Std 83 Bernhard Std 101 Carolina Std 71 New Aster Std 83 Bernhard Modern Std 101 a Carta Std 72 Linotype 84 New Berolina Std 102 Cascade Script Std Astrology Pi Std 84 a Bickham 102 a Adobe Caslon Pro 72 Linotype Audio Pi Std Script Pro 104 Caslon 3 Std 72 Auriol Std 85 Biffo Std 104 Caslon 540 Std 73 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Std 86 aBirch Std 105 Caslon Open 86 a Face Std 74 Avenir Std Blackoak Std 105 ITC Caslon 224 Std 75 Baker Signet Std 86 a Blue Island Std 105 Castellar Std 75 a Balzano Std 86 Bodoni Std 106 Caxton Std 76 Banco Std 87 Bauer Bodoni Std 106 MVB Celestia 76 a Banshee Std Antiqua Std 88 ITC Bookman Std quick reference (1815) 07.indd Sec1:II 11/10/07 3:20:21 P 107 Centaur Std 120 Copperplate 134 ITC Eras Std III Gothic std 107 Linotype 135 ITC Esprit Std Centennial Std 121 CoRiAnDeR std 135 European Pi Std 108 Century 121 Corona Std 136 Eurostile Std Expanded Std 122 Coronet Std 137 a 108 Century Old Style Std Ex Ponto Pro 122 a Cottonwood Std 138 Excelsior Std 109 ITC Century Std 122 Courier Std 139 110 ITC Century Fairfi eld Std 123 a Critter Std Handtooled Std 140 Falstaff Std 123 a Cronos Pro 110 New Century 140 ITC Fenice Std 126 ITC Cushing Std Schoolbook Std 140 Fette Fraktur Std 110 127 a Cutout Std New Century 141 a Flood Std Schoolbook Std Fractions QUICK REFERENCE SCHNELLÜBERSICHT 127 Dante Std 141 ITC Flora Std 111 ITC Cerigo Std 127 Linotype Decoration 141 Florens Std 111 aChaparral Pro Pi Std 141 Flyer Std 114 aCharlemagne 128 Std Delphin Std 142 Folio Std 128 Linotype Didot Std 142 Forte Std 115 Charme Std 129 DIN Schriften Std 142 115 ITC Cheltenham Std Fournier Std 129 Diotima Std 143 Franklin Gothic Std 116 ITC Cheltenham 130 Handtooled Std Diskus Std 143 ITC Franklin Gothic Std 130 116 Cheq Std Dom Casual Std 145 Freestyle Script Std 130 116 Clairvaux Std Dorchester Script Std 145 Friz Quadrata Std 130 Doric Std 117 Clarendon Std 145 Frutiger Std 131 Duc De Berry Std 117 Clearface Gothic Std 147 a Fusaka Std 147 117 ITC Clearface Std 131 Eccentric Std Futura Std 118 Cloister Open Face Std 131 Egyptienne F Std 148 aGalahad Std 118 Cochin Std 132 Ehrhardt Std 149 ITC Galliard Std 119 a Conga Brava Std 132 Electra Std 149 Linotype Game Pi Std 119 a 133 Conga Brava Ellington Std 150 a Garamond Std Stencil 133 Else NPL Std Premier Pro 119 Cooper Black Std 155 a 134 MVB Emmascript Std Adobe 120 COPAL STD Garamond Pro 134 Engravers std quick reference (1815) 07.indd Sec1:III 11/20/07 8:07:55 A IV 157 Garamond 3 Std 170 Helvetica Std 190 Kaufmann Std 157 ITC Garamond Std 172 Helvetica Inserat Std 190 a Kepler Std 159 ITC Garamond 173 Helvetica Neue Std 199 Khaki Std Handtooled Std 176 Helvetica 199 Kigali Std 159 Simoncini Rounded Std 200 a Kinesis Std Garamond Std 177 Herculanum Std 200 Kino Std 160 Stempel 177 ITC Highlander Std 201 Klang Std Garamond Std 177 Hiroshige Std 201 160 Koch Antiqua Std Garth Graphic Std Hobo Std 178 201 Kolo Std 161 Gazette Std 178 Linotype Holiday Pi Std 202 Kompakt Std 161 aGiddyup Std 179 Horley Old Style Std 202 ITC Korinna Std 162 Gill Floriated SCHNELLÜBERSICHT QUICK REFERENCE SCHNELLÜBERSICHT 179 a Hypatia Sans Pro 202 Capitals Std Künstler Script Std 181 a 162 Gill Sans Std Immi 505 Std 202 Latin Std 181 Impact Std 163 ITC Giovanni Std 203 ITC Leawood Std 181 Impressum Std 163 Glypha Std 203 ITC Legacy Sans Std 164 Gothic 13 Std 182 Industria Std 204 ITC Legacy Serif Std 182 Index Std 164 Goudy Std 204 Legault Std 182 165 ITC Goudy Sans Std Insignia Std 205 Letter Gothic Std 166 Goudy Text Std 182 aIronwood Std 205 Life Std 166 Monotype 183 Isabella Std 206 LinoLetter Std Goudy Modern Std 183 ITC Isadora Std 206 Linoscript Std 166 Granjon Std 183 Italia Std 207 Linotext Std 167 Graphite Std 183 Monotype Italian 207 a Lithos Pro 168 MVB Greymantle Std Old Style Std 209 ITC Lubalin Graph Std 168 Monotype 184 209 Lucida Std Grotesque Std Janson Text Std 184 aAdobe Jenson Pro 210 Lucida Sans Std 169 Guardi Std 187 a Jimbo Std 211 Lucida 169 Typewriter Std Hadriano Std 188 Joanna Std 170 211 Lucida Sans Neue Hammer 189 aJuniper Std Unziale Std Typewriter Std 189 170 Hardwood Std Kabel Std 211 Lucida Math Std 189 ITC Kabel Std quick reference (1815) 07.indd Sec1:IV 11/10/07 3:20:24 P 212 ITC Machine Std 231 a Moonglow Std 249 Orator std V 212 a Madrone Std 232 ITC Motter 249 Orgánica Std Corpus Std 212 MVB Magnesium Std 250 Origami Std Myriad Pro 232 a Ouch! Std 212 MVB Magnolia Std 250 a 238 a Myriad std 213 Manito Std 250 Oxford Std 238 a Mythos Std 213 Marigold Std 251 ITC Ozwald Std 213 Mathematical Pi Std 238 National Codes Pi Std 251 Palace Script Std 214 239 Neuland Std Matura Std 251 Palatino Std 214 Maximus Std 239 Neuzeit S Std 252 Parisian Std 214 239 News Gothic Std Medici Script Std 252 Park Avenue Std 214 Melior Std 240 Notre Dame Std 252 Peignot Std SCHNELLÜBERSICHT QUICK REFERENCE SCHNELLÜBERSICHT 215 Memphis Std 240 ITC Novarese Std 253 Pelican Std 215 241 a ITC Mendoza Nueva Std 253 a Penumbra sans Std Roman Std 242 Nuptial Script Std 253 a Penumbra 216 Mercurius Std 242 aNyx Std fl are Std 216 Club Type Mercurius Std 253 a Penumbra 242 Ocean Sans Std 217 Meridien Std Halfserif Std 244 OCR-A Std 254 a Penumbra 217 a Mesquite Std 245 OCR-B Std serif Std 217 a Mezz Std 245 Octavian Std 254 Pepita Std 218 MICR Std 245 ITC Officina Sans Std 218 254 a Pepperwood Std a Minion Pro 246 ITC Officina Serif Std 228 a 255 Minion Std 246 Old Claude Std Perpetua Std 228 255 Photina Std Minister Std 246 Monotype 229 Mistral Std Old Style Std 256 Plantin Std 229 Monotype 247 Old Style 7 Std 256 aPoetica Std Modern Std 247 Olympian Std 258 Pompeia Std Inline 229 a Mojo Std 248 Omnia Std 259 Pompeijana Std 230 ITC Mona Lisa Std 248 Ondine Std 230 Monoline Script Std 248 Onyx Std 259 a Ponderosa Std 259 a 230 Montara Std 248 Optima Std Poplar Std quick reference (1815) 07.indd Sec1:V 11/10/07 3:20:25 P VI 259 a Postino Std 269 San Marco Std 283 ITC Stone Informal Std 260 Present Std 269 aSanvito Pro 284 ITC Stone Std Phonetic 260 Prestige 271 Sassafras Std 284 Strayhorn Std Elite Std 271 aSava Pro 285 a Strumpf Std 272 261 aQuake Std Stempel 285 aStudz Std Schneidler Std 261 ITC Quorum Std 285 Symbol Std 273 Monotype Scotch 286 ITC Symbol Std 261 aRad Std Roman Std 286 273 Monotype Script Std Syntax Std 261 Raleigh Std 274 ITC Serif Gothic Std 287 a 262 Raphael Std Tekton pro 274 Serifa Std 289 Tempo Std 262 aReliq Std Calm 275 Serlio std 290 SCHNELLÜBERSICHT QUICK REFERENCE SCHNELLÜBERSICHT 262 aReliq Std Active ITC Tiepolo Std 275 Serpentine Std 290 263 aReliq Std ITC Tiffany Std Extra Active 275 Shannon Std 291 Times Std 263 Reporter Std 276 Shelley Script Std 291 Times Std Phonetic 276 263 Revue Std Sho Std 292 Times Europa Std 276 a 263 Rockwell Std Shuriken 292 Times New Roman Std Boy Std 264 Romic Std 293 Times Ten Std 277 aSilentium Pro 265 aRosewood Std 294 aToolbox Std 278 ITC Slimbach Std 265 Rotation Std 294 Trade Gothic Std 279 Smaragd Std 265 Rotis Sans Serif Std 296 aTrajan pro 279 266 Rotis Semi Sans Std Snell Roundhand 297 Trump Mediäval Std 266 Std Rotis Semi Serif Std 297 Umbra Std 280 a Sonata Std 267 Rotis Serif Std 280 ITC Souvenir Std 297 Univers Std 267 Ruling Script Std 300 281 Spartan Std Universal Std 267 Runic Std 300 281 Spectrum Std University Std 267 Russell Oblique Std 300 ITC Usherwood Std 281 Spring Std 268 Russell Square Std 301 a Utopia Std 282 Spumoni Std 268 Rusticana Std 282 Stencil Std 303 VAG Rounded Std 268 Ruzicka Freehand Std 282 ITC Stone Sans Std 303 Vectora Std 269 Sabon Std 283 ITC Stone Serif Std 304 ITC Veljovic Std quick reference (1815) 07.indd Sec1:VI 11/10/07 3:20:26 P 304 Versailles Std 320 a Adobe Arabic 330 HY Rounded Gothic Std VII Std 305 Verve Std HY둥근고딕 Std 321 a 331 305 Visigoth Std Adobe Hebrew SMGothic Std SM고딕 Std 306 a Viva Std 322 Heisei Kaku Gothic Std 331 SMMyungjo Std 306 a Std Voluta Script Pro SM명조 Std 322 Heisei Maru Gothic Std 307 Warning Pi Std Std 307 aWarnock Pro 332 a Adobe Th ai 323 Heisei Mincho Std 313 a WATers Std TitlIng Pro 323 a Kazuraki Std HINWEISENOTES 314 ITC Weidemann Std !;_#ТугStd a indicateskennzeichnet an Adobe eine Adobe 315 324 Weiss Std a Kozuka Gothic Pr6N QUICK REFERENCE SCHNELLÜBERSICHT a Originals-Schrift.Originals typeface.
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    THE MAKEREADY ARCHIVE Column 5 of 77 The Case for Cross-Breeding Fonts Topics: Technologies that permit generating a new typeface that shares the characteristics of two or more parents. Column first appeared: April 1994, Computer Artist magazine. Source of this file: An expanded version of the column as it appeared in the 1996 book Makeready. Author's comment: The idea of morphed typefaces was one whose time never came. None of the products featured here have been available in the last ten years. Even Adobe's highly-touted Multiple Master tech- nology never made it into the mainstream. This archive, to be released over several years, collects the columns that Dan Margulis wrote under the Makeready title between 1993 and 2006. In some cases the columns appear as written; in others the archive contains revised versions that appeared in later books. Makeready in principle could cover anything related to graphic arts production, but it is best known for its contributions to Photoshop technique, particularly in the field of color correction. In its final years, the column was appearing in six different magazines worldwide (two in the United States). Dan Margulis teaches small-group master classes in color correction. Information is available at, which also has a selection of other articles and chapters from Dan’s books, and more than a hundred edited threads from Dan’s Applied Color Theory e-mail list. Copyright© 1994, 1996, 2020 Dan Margulis. All rights reserved. 11 The Case for Cross-Breeding Fonts With tens of thousands of typefaces on the market, why in the world would one want to morph existing ones? The creative designer may find some reasons.
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