
and optical properties of quantum crystals from first principles calculations in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation Vitaly Gorelov,1 David M. Ceperley,2 Markus Holzmann,3, 4 and Carlo Pierleoni1, 5 1)Maison de la Simulation, CEA, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, UVSQ, Université Paris-Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 2)Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA 3)Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, LPMMC, 3800 Grenoble, France 4)Institut Laue Langevin, BP 156, F-38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France 5)Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of L’Aquila, Via Vetoio 10, I-67010 L’Aquila, Italy (Dated: 6 October 2020) We develop a formalism to accurately account for the renormalization of electronic structure due to quantum and thermal nuclear motions within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. We focus on the fundamental energy gap obtained from electronic addition and removal energies from Quantum Monte Carlo calculations in either the canonical or grand canonical ensembles. The formalism applies as well to effective single electron theories such as those based on Density Functional Theory. We show that electronic (Bloch) crystal momentum can be restored by marginalizing the total electron-ion with respect to the nuclear equilibrium distribution, and we describe an explicit procedure to establish the band structure of electronic excitations for quantum crystals within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Based on the Kubo-Greenwood equation, we discuss the effects of nuclear motion on optical conductivity. Our methodology applies to the low temperature regime where nuclear motion is quantized and in general differs from the semi-classical approximation. We apply our method to study the electronic structure of C2/c-24 crystalline hydrogen at 200K and 250 GPa and discuss the optical absorption profile of hydrogen crystal at 200K and carbon diamond at 297K.

I. INTRODUCTION of light nuclei, like solid hydrogen38,39 and other molec- ular crystals40. To go beyond the harmonic limit, one can employ the self-consistent harmonic approximation With increasing computational power, precise Quantum (SCHA), an effective mean field theory based on mini- Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations of electronic properties 1–9 mizing a free energy bound with respect to the effective in real materials have become affordable . Quantum equilibrium nuclear positions and effective frequencies Monte Carlo methods naturally extend to solve the full within an harmonic ansatz for the nuclear motion. One Schrödinger equation of the coupled electron-ion system at 10–12 characteristic of SCHA is to allow for structural predic- zero temperature or at finite temperature within the 41,42 13–15 tions induced by nuclear quantum and thermal effects , Path Integral formalism . For typical temperatures in but is intrinsically difficult to improve on further. condensed matter, the Born-Oppenheimer approximation can be further used to sample the nuclear distribution ei- Non-perturbative treatment of phonons can be achieved ther within coupled electron ion Monte Carlo (CEIMC)16 by path-integral calculations of the nuclear motion within or molecular dynamics simulations17,18. the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Path integral Recently, we studied the effect of nuclear quantum molecular dynamics (PIMD) and Monte Carlo (PIMC) and thermal motion on the closure of the fundamental has been used to study the renormalization of electronic electronic gap in high-pressure solid and liquid hydrogen structure of different materials due to nuclear motion within CEIMC19,20. Here, we discuss how the funda- mainly based on a semiclassical interpretation of the in- stantaneous Born-Oppenheimer electronic energies of the mental gap and the band structure can be obtained for 43–50 quantum and thermal crystals in a fully non-perturbative nuclear trajectory . In this scheme, nuclear coordi- approach using QMC based methods. We further propose nates have been implicitly assumed to be good quantum a new scheme to effectively include nuclear quantum and numbers for the nuclear motion. However, this is question- thermal effects on optical properties at low temperature able at low temperatures where quantization of phonons arXiv:2010.01988v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 5 Oct 2020 where the usual semiclassical approximation breaks down. is important. Here, we will show how to take properly into account the renormalization of electronic structure Standard electronic structure methods based on effec- at low temperatures within PIMD and PIMC extending tive single electron theories like Density Functional The- the discussion anticipated in Ref.19. ory (DFT), or many-body perturbation theory (GW), often assume a weak electron-phonon coupling and Concerning optical properties, ab–initio calculations phonons within the harmonic approximation so that based on the Born-Oppenheimer approximation typi- their effects on the electronic structure can be treated cally employ the semi-classical William-Lax approach51,52, perturbatively21–33, based on the seminal work of Allen, where the optical spectra computed at fixed nuclear con- Heine, and Cordona34–36. Both assumptions37 limit the figuration are averaged over the equilibrium nuclear dis- predictive power of these methods, especially for systems tribution. Successfully applied to study optical properties 2 of heavier elements53,54, its accuracy for light elements data like hydrogen remains questionable and we will discuss 0.8 E0(R; Np + 2) = 10.94 eV the minimal changes needed at low temperatures when = 0.61 eV nuclear motion is quantized. 0.7 The paper is organized as follows. In sectionII we 0.6 discuss the energy gaps and band structure of quantum crystals in a many-body framework. We first define the 0.5 fundamental gap based on electron addition and removal 0.4 energies within the BO approximation in the canonical and grand canonical ensemble. We then show how the 0.3 concept of crystal momentum of electronic excitations can be meaningfully extended to the case of quantum crystals 0.2 in a fully non-perturbative way, and finally present some 0.1 illustrative results for solid hydrogen at 200 K and 250 GPa. In sectionIII we then study the effects of finite 0.0 9 10 11 12 13 temperature and zero point nuclear motion on the opti- cal properties for semiclassical and quantum nuclei and E0(R; Ne) (eV) compute optical absorption of solid hydrogen and carbon diamond at finite temperature. In sectionIV we summa- FIG. 1: Histogram of the distribution of energy needed to rize our results. Explicit steps involved in the calculations add two electrons to C2/c-24 solid hydrogen at 200 K and 248 GPa compared with a normal distribution. of the density of states (DOS) in the grand canonical ensemble are detailed in the Appendix.

where we only vary the number of electrons Ne keeping II. ENERGY GAP AND BAND STRUCTURE V , T , and NP constant, we do not explicitly write out the dependence on these latter variables. In the following we define and discuss single particle Within CEIMC calculations the imaginary time dis- electronic excitation energies focusing on the fundamental cretized path-integral is typically calculated for the un- N = N electronic energy gap and the band structure in a quantum doped situation, e p, and the free energy difference crystal at zero and finite temperatures. We will assume can be obtained from the validity of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, a Z(Ne) −β[F (N )−F (N )] D − R β dτδE (R(τ),N )E = e e p = e 0 0 e simplification usually well justified in the description of Z(Np) condensed-matter. We stress that the formalism equally (3) applies to many-body and effective single-electron theo- ries. where δE0(R,Ne) = E0(R,Ne) − E0(R,Np) and h· · · i denotes the averaging over the undoped sample, Ne = Np. For small doping, |Ne −Np|  Np, the potential energy A. Canonical ensemble surface should only be slightly perturbed, |δE0(R,Ne)|  |E0(R,Np)|, and we may use the cumulant expansion (see Let us consider a system with Np protons and Ne Fig.1), which gives electrons, mutually interacting via the bare Coulomb 2 interaction. To assure global charge neutrality, a uniform σ (Ne) F (Ne) − F (Np) = hδE0(R(0),Ne)i − (4) charge background is added whenever Np =6 Ne. The 2 Z β canonical partition function at nuclear temperature T = 2 σ (Ne) = dτhδE0(R(τ),Ne)δE0(R(0),Ne)ic 1/kBβ V (5) and volume can be written as a path-integral 0 Z Z(N ) = e−βF (Ne) = DR(τ)e−S[R(τ)] where h... ic indicates the centered cumulant. Having the e (1) 2 form of a static response function, σ (Ne) describes the where the action is leading order changes of the adding/removal energies due to the electronically doped potential energy surface. Z β " 2  2 # ~ dR(τ) Adding (or removing) a single electron, we obtain the S[R(τ)] = dτ + E0(R(τ),Ne) . 0 2M dτ chemical potential from the free energy differences

(2) µ± = F (Np ± 1) − F (Np). (6)

Here M is the nuclear mass, R the vector of the Np nuclear A gap with respect to electronic doping, ∆ = µ+ − µ−, coordinates, and E0(R,Ne) denotes the electronic Born- can be determined from thermodynamics. Oppenheimer potential energy surface (PES) calculated Time-correlations of electron addition/removal energies 2 with Ne electrons. As we will concentrate on situations described by σ (Np ± 1) contribute with opposite sign to 3 the gap and are expected to largely cancel each other, and the results are then averaged,

∆ ' hδE (N + 1)i − hδE (N − 1)i 1 X θ 0 p 0 p (7) f(µ) = F (N , θ) (11) MV e θ so that the gap is entirely determined by the electronic 1 X θ ne(µ) = N (12) addition and removal energies, as intuitively expected. MV e θ

1 X θ e(µ) = E0(N , θ) (13) MV e θ B. Grand canonical ensemble In the independent particle approximation, the free energy, In the grand canonical ensemble, instead of the elec- the internal energy and electronic densities, f, e, and tronic density, the (electronic) chemical potential µ is ne respectively, exactly agree with those obtained in a the independent variable. Since the integrated density supercell of volume MV . In a many body theory, however, of states is given by the density as a function µ, a non- size effects due to correlations of two or more electrons 7,56,58 vanishing gap implies a vanishing of the density of states must be addressed differently . in the region µ− < µ < µ+. A gap in the many-particle density of states for µ− < The use of twist averaged boundary conditions provides µ < µ+ then implies a vanishing slope in fundamental an efficient strategy to reduce the finite size effects that thermodynamic properties (f(µ), ne(µ), e(µ)) as a func- result from the discrete nature of filling single particle tion of µ in this region. The value of the gap orbitals55–59. In the following we describe its use in the grand canonical approach of calculating the fundamental ∆ = µ+ − µ− (14) gap7,19. Expressed in terms of the canonical partition function can be directly read off from the flat region in the plot of Z(Ne, θ), the grand canonical partition function is these functions. We stress that the calculation of the thermodynamic X βµNe Zgc(µ, θ) = e Z(Ne, θ) potentials involves the average over nuclear configurations.

Ne This average should always be done before determining X the fundamental gap. Hence the correct value of the fun- = e−β(F (Ne,θ)−µNe) (8) damental gap is, in general, different (larger) than the Ne result obtained by determining the gap from the minimum value of electronic excitation energies with respect to all where we have explicitly added the dependence on the nuclear configurations in a simulation run. The result twist angle θ imposed on the boundary conditions of the of the latter procedure, which we call the “semiclassical electronic wave functions. approximation”, may be justified when analysing spectro- Consistent with the BO approximation, we address scopic quantities but does not necessarily represent the situations where the temperature is much less than the thermodynamic gap. electronic excitation energy, so that in equilibrium one maximises the exponent in Eq. (8)

C. Electronic band structure in quantum crystals −T log Zgc(µ, θ) = minNe [F (Ne, θ) − µNe] (9) ≡ F (N θ, θ) − µN θ (10) e e Within effective single particle theories, the electronic

θ structure of perfect crystals is conveniently described by where Ne denotes the number of electrons which mini- discussing the resulting band structure of the electronic mizes the r.h.s. of Eq. (9). Although not explicitly indi- excitation energies as a function of their Bloch wave vector. cated, let us stress that the finite temperature effects of Since the Bloch wave vector characterizes the symmetry the nuclear motion are still contained in the temperature θ properties of the underlying nuclear crystal, electronic dependence of F (Ne , θ). addition and removal energies of a perfect crystal can Neglecting modifications of the potential energy surface still be labelled by its quasi-momentum also within a due to doping, e.g. σ2 in the free energy differences many-electron description60,61. θ Eq. (4) as discussed previously, Ne can be determined In the following we discuss the extension of the concept by replacing the free energy F (Ne, θ) with the electronic of quasi-momentum to the case of quantum crystals, where energy E(Ne, θ) in the minimization Eq. (9). the nuclear positions fluctuate around their perfect crystal To reduce finite size effects, different independent calcu- lattice sites, R0, with zero point quantum and/or thermal lations are performed over a dense grid of M twist angles nuclear motion. 4

1. Harmonic approximation eigenfunction of the full many-body system, Ψkn(r, R), can be characterized by a Bloch vector k in the first BZ Let us first consider the case of small nuclear fluctu- ik · a Ψkn(r + a, R + a) = e Ψkn(r, R) (18) ations around the lattice sites, such that the harmonic approximation can be used. Treating the electron-ion in- The quasi-momentum transfers to any electronic wave teraction as a weak perturbation, the αth electronic wave function obtained by marginalizing the full wave function function Φα(r|R) for a given (fixed) nuclear configuration with an arbitrary nuclear wave function χ(R+a) = χ(R), R is given in first order in perturbation theory as Z Z ∗ ik · a ∗ qm dRχ (R)Ψkn(r + a, R) = e dRχ (R)Ψkn(r, R). 0 (R − R ) A R0 X 0 · k0 R0 Φa(r|R) ' Φ (r) + Φ (r). k0 R0 R0 qm (15) qm Ek0 − Eqm (19) This allows us to extend the concept of the quasi- ΦR0 (r) ≡ hr|ΦR0 i Here, kn kn denotes the electronic (ground momentum of electronic excitations and to establish a state) wave function the perfect crystal, characterized by band structure useful for discussing the character of tran- k n = 0 r a (total) quasi-momentum and a band index . sition matrix elements for quantum crystals beyond the represents all electronic coordinates. With nuclear dis- harmonic approximation. placements, Φ(r|R) will have contributions from electronic excited states (qm) 6= (k0) of the periodic Hamiltonian, qm R0 R0 and Ak0 = ∇RhΦqm|H|Φk0 i denotes the matrix ele- 3. Born-Oppenheimer approximation ments evaluated at R = R0. Only the electron-nuclear H interaction in the Hamiltonian contribute to this matrix Determining the quasi-momentum of electronic wave elements. functions in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation based Integrating Eq (15) over the distribution nuclear fluc- on the above considerations is not straightforward. Within tuations with hR − R0i = 0, e.g. zero-point or thermal the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, the electronic fluctuations, the contribution of electronic excited states R R wave function, Φα (r) = hr|Φα i, is only determined up to drops out: an arbitrary phase ϕ(R), which depends on the nuclear

R0 positions hΦα(r|R)i = φk0 (r). (16) R iϕ(R) Φα (r) ' Φα(r|R)e . (20) The symmetry of the perfect crystal is thus restored, and, at least in the harmonic approximation, we can character- Although ϕ(R) can be fixed (up to a global constant) ize the αth electronic wave function of the quantum crystal by requiring smooth changes with respect to adiabatic by the quasi-momentum of the adiabatically connected changes of the nuclear position, this is impractical for state k, numerical computations. Let us therefore consider that the Born-Oppenheimer ik · a hΦα(r + a|R)i = e hΦα(r|R)i (17) wave function, Eq. (20), up to the unknown phase ϕ(R) exactly coincides with the harmonic expansion, Eq. (15) where a denotes any of the crystal lattice vectors. and expand it into the components of the electronic eigen- In general, the electronic of the system states of the perfect crystal will have a vanishing quasi-momentum in a large enough " # supercell, but adding and removal energies are still char- (R − R ) Aqm R0 R 0 · k0 hΦ |Φ i ' δqkδm0 + (1 − δqkδm0) acterized by a quasi-momentum within the first Brillouin qm α R0 R0 E − Eqm zone (BZ) even for a quantum crystal. It remains a useful k0 iϕ(R) concept for analysing transition matrix elements of purely ×e (21) electronic operators: as long as the nuclear distribution ϕ(R) remains unchanged in the transition matrix, the quasi- The unknown phase can be eliminated considering momentum must be conserved, and the usual selection the matrix elements rules for perfect crystals apply. In particular, one may dis- T(q, m; q, m0) = tinguish between direct and indirect transition according Z 2 R R0 R0 R to the Bloch vectors involved. dR|χ(R)| (R − R0) hΦα |Φqm0 ihΦqm|Φα i " # qm qm0 = δ δ 0 (1 − δ ) t + δ (1 − δ 0 ) t 2. Beyond the harmonic approximation qk m 0 m0 k0 m0 m 0 k0

(22) In general, the crystal lattice periodicity implies a dis- 0 qm crete translation symmetry such that a combined transla- for m 6= m and tk0 denotes a vector matrix element tion of electron and nuclei by any lattice vector does not which can be identified with the coefficients in the har- change the many-body density of system. Therefore, any monic expansion on the r.h.s. of Eq.(21). Again, any 5

0.006 been used for the CEIMC calculations49; details of the CEIMC simulations are reported in Ref.63. Averages 0.005 over ionic positions for the electron addition and removal

2 energies are obtained with 40 statistically independent | ) 0 0.004 configurations from the CEIMC trajectories. c

, For a given fixed nuclear configuration, the electron q 0.003 ; addition and removal energies are obtained by consid- c n = , ering systems with a variable number of electrons

q 0.002 N − N ∈ [−6, 6] ( e p . For each system we perform Repta- T

| tion Quantum Monte Carlo (RQMC) calculations with −1 0.001 imaginary-time projection t =2.00 Ha and time step τ =0.01 Ha−1 for a 6×6×6 Monkhorst-Pack grid of twists. 0.000 We checked that those values are adequate for converging k k + G1 k + G2 k + G3 k + G4 k + G5 k + G6 k + G7 k + G8 the addition/removal energies within our resolution. The q electron addition and removal energies are further cor- rected for finite size effects in leading and next-to-leading FIG. 2: Square modulus of the overlap (defined in eq. (22)) order7. as a function of momentum q for a DFT-HSE calculation of Figure 3a illustrates the QMC highest occupied and hydrogen in the C2/c-24 structure at T = 200K and lowest unoccupied bands at 200 K and for the perfect P = 250GP a. G are the reciprocal lattice vectors of the i crystal plotted on top of the DFT/vdW-DF band struc- supercell, k corresponds to the X+ vector of the primitive BZ (see Fig.3) ture of the unitary cell of C2/c-24 hydrogen crystal at 250 GPa. The DFT band structure was rigidly shifted (“scissor operator”) to match the QMC gap. The QMC 2 points are sparsely mapped onto the band structure of positive density distribution χ(R) with hR − R0i = 0 the primitive cell of crystalline hydrogen as we have only for the nuclei can be used; in practice one simply aver- computed energies for a few twist values in order to de- ages over their equilibrium distribution at zero or finite termined the minimum insertion and removal energies temperature. for each twist value of our discrete grid of the supercell. A non-vanishing |T(q, m; q, m0)|2 indicates that the R Values for other momenta could be found by considering Born-Oppenheimer electronic wave function, Φα , aver- excitations at other twist values. aged over the nuclear distribution transforms as an elec- Figure4 shows the GCTABC results for the electron q tronic wave function with crystal momentum . Cor- volume density ne defined in Eq. (12) for solid hydrogen rections beyond the harmonic approximation, as well as (with and without zero point motion). We also report the incomplete averaging over nuclear configurations may DFT-HSE integrated DOS computed with the procedure modify the results, but the matrix elements remain well described in sectionIIB. Vertical lines indicate the plateau peaked for a single crystal momentum, see Fig.2 as an region or, equivalently, the valence band maximum (µ−) example. and conduction band minimum (µ+) of the quantum For all the systems considered here, we have also veri- crystal reported in Fig. 3a. 0 fied that analysing T(q, m; q, m ) using DFT-HSE wave The reduction of the gap due to nuclear motion is of function gives the same quasi-momentum to the excita- the order of 2 eV; this big change is caused by its large tions as one would guess based on the corresponding ideal R zero point motion. More details on the electronic gaps of 0 19 crystal states Φkn (r). thermal hydrogen crystals can be found in Ref. .


In this section we report the results of the electronic In the previous section, we have discussed how to deter- structure for solid hydrogen in the C2/c-24 structure at mine the fundamental gap and the electronic band struc- 200 K and 248 GPa. The ideal crystalline structure infor- ture with explicitly correlated, many-body approaches, mation has been obtained by ab initio Random Structural in particular with QMC methods. It is then natural Search method within the PBE approximation62 and fur- to interpret the electron addition/removal energies as ther relaxed at constant pressure using the DFT-vdW-DF electron/hole excitations with well defined (electronic) functional. We include zero point motion of the protons quasi-momentum in the first BZ. The description of these using path integrals with the CEIMC algorithm at con- excitations can be used in approximate single-particle stant volume and temperature. We consider a nearly theories, e.g. describing linear response spectral functions. cubic supercell of 96 protons with Lx = 11.12a0,Ly = In the following, we will focus on the calculation of optical 9.88a0,Lz = 9.61a0 where a0 is the Bohr radius. Opti- properties computed within the Kubo-Greenwood (KG) mized Slater-Jastrow-backflow trial wave functions have formalism64,65 taking into account the Born-Oppenheimer 6

16 vdW-DF - QMC C2/c-24 QMC Ideal QMC T200 14

12 )

V 10 e (

, 8



X+ G+ X0+ Y+ G+ (a) (b)

FIG. 3: (a) Band structure at finite temperature from QMC-CEIMC (orange points with 6 × 6 × 6 twist grid) and for perfect crystal QMC (blue points with 8 × 8 × 8 twist grid) calculations of 96 hydrogen atoms compared with the band structure from vdW-DF density functional for a unit cell of C2/c-24 hydrogen crystal at 248 GPa. The horizontal lines are the corresponding valence band maximum (µ−) and conduction band minimum (µ+) of the thermal crystal determined in Fig.4. (b) The symmetry points of the Brillouin-Zone path. The actual path reported in panel (a) (X+, G+, X0+, Y+) was rigidly shifted from the one indicated in panel (b) by ( 2π , 2π , 2π ) to better match the QMC twist grid. 16Lx 16Ly 16Lz

R R {Φα ,Eα } is the (Born-Oppenheimer) solution of the elec- 0.0925 RQMC Ideal RQMC 200 K tronic problem that depends parametrically on the nuclear HSE 200 K configuration R. Here {|χni , Ωn} are the nuclear wave- 0.0920 R R R functions and energies, and α = Eα − E0 denotes the 0.0915 Born-Oppenheimer excitation energy. Let us assume that the nuclear eigenstates are well described by the ground

) = 8.25 eV state Born-Oppenheimer energy surface E0(R), and ne- 3 0 0.0910 a

/ + glect any the dependence on electronic excitations α 6= 0.

1 = 9.96 eV

( 0.0905 Since the electrons can be considered to be in the e

n ground state for the temperatures considered here, we 0.0900 can write the Kubo-Greenwood (KG) conductivity as a thermal average over nuclear states only, 0.0895 1 Ωn X − k T σ(ω, T ) = e B σn(ω), (23) 0.0890 Z n

0.0885 P −Ωn/kB T 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 where Z = n e . Within this theory, σn(ω) (eV) takes the form occ. unocc. Mean electron density from QMC-CEIMC 1 X X R 2 FIG. 4: σn(ω) ∝ | hχn| P |χmi | calculations (orange solid line) and the integrated DOS ω αβ α β,m computed with HSE density functional (orange dashed line) for C2/c-24 hydrogen crystal at 248 GPa and 200 K plotted ×δ(βm − αn − ~ω), (24) together with the RQMC electron density for a perfect hydrogen crystal (blue line). where α indicates the initial electronic states in the R valence band |Φα i, β and m are the final electronic and nuclear states in the conduction band, respectively, P R = hΦR| ∇ |ΦRi the matrix element of the single elec- dynamics of the nuclei. αβ α β tron momentum operator for a given (fixed) nuclear con- R figuration R, and αn = hχn|α |χni + Ωn is the total electron-nuclear excitation energies. A. Semi-classical averaging The conventional quasiclassical procedure introduced by Williams51 and Lax52 (WL) substitutes the nuclear states Let us assume that the exact electron-nuclear wave m with a continuum and replaces the eigenvalues αn in R function can be factorized into |αni ' |Φα i |χni, where Eq. (24) by the electronic Born-Oppenheimer excitations 7

R 52,53 for a fixed nuclear configuration α (see refs. ) with the eigenvalues and matrix elements averaged over occ. unocc. the nuclear states. Eq. (28) is valid at low temperatures 1 X X σWL(ω) ∝ hχ | |P R |2δ(∆R − ω) |χ i and when the transition matrix elements do not correlate n ω n αβ β,α ~ n α β with the eigenvalues. This effectively means that the transitions are computed for electronic eigenvalues aver- (25) aged over the nuclear motion. We will call this procedure R R R Quantum Averaging. with ∆β,α = β − α . Using second order perturba- tion theory, it has been argued that this expression con- siders, in an effective way, the phonon-assisted indirect transitions53,54. However, for light nuclei such as hydro- C. Results: crystalline hydrogen and carbon diamond gen, replacing the nuclear spectrum by a classical contin- uum might not be accurate enough in the temperature Here we illustrate the different renormalization proce- regime explored by experiments. dures of the absorption spectra for solid C2/c-24 hydrogen at 200 K and for carbon diamond at 297 K. While nu- clear configurations of hydrogen are obtained as described B. Quantum averaging in sectionIID for carbon diamond we used the cubic supercell containing 64 atoms with the lattice constant An alternative procedure is to consider only direct 3.56712Å appropriate for room temperature66. The nu- transitions between pairs of electronic states of quantum clear configurations for carbon are obtained from the path or thermally averaged bands taking into account only integral molecular dynamics with the PBE functional us- nuclear zero point motion and thermal renormalizations ing i-PI and QuantumEspresso67,68. of the bands, but neglecting phonon assisted transitions. The absorption is computed for 40 fixed nuclear con- In practice, we replace the eigenvalues in Eq.(24) by figuration within the Kubo-Greenwood formalism imple- their quantum/thermal average neglecting explicit phonon mented in KGEC code69 using DFT. In hydrogen we used contributions. HSE functional with 8 × 8 × 8 k-grid and 2 × 2 × 2 q-grid Considering low temperatures, nuclear states will oc- to sample the Fock operator, the kinetic energy cut-off cupy essentially only the nuclear ground state and a few was set to 40 Ry and the gaussian smearing to 0.2 eV. low-lying phonon excitations, so that phononic energies In Carbon we used PBE functional with 10 × 10 × 10 can be neglected compared to typical electronic excitation k-grid, 60 Ry of the cut-off and 0.35 eV smearing. For energies both systems the PAW pseudopotentials were used. Figure 5a shows the absorption spectra of hydrogen at  −  ≈  −  βm αn βn αn (26) 248 and 290 GPa together with the absorption of ideal The summation over nuclear states m can be replaced crystal at 250 GPa, computed with the HSE functional P at the same conditions as for quantum crystals. The dif- using the completeness relation m |χβmihχβm| = 1, ference between the semiclassical and quantum averaging occ. unocc. 1 X X is particularly noticeable in the region of the onset of σ (ω) ∝ hχ | |P R |2 |χ i n ω αn αβ αn absorption (low energy/low absorption). The reduction of α β the gap at 248 GPa, given by the difference in the onset of ×δ(βn − αn − ~ω). (27) the ideal and quantum absorption profiles is compatible with the reduction obtained by QMC in sectionIID. Within CEIMC the nuclear configurations, including The fundamental gap is often determined in exper- zero point motion and phononic excitation at finite tem- iments by using the Tauc extrapolation of absorption perature, are sampled exactly according to the Born- 70 profiles . Figure 6a illustrates the Tauc analysis of our Oppenheimer PES without any explicit phonon sampling, absorption profiles for C2/c-24 hydrogen at 200K at two so that Eq. (27) cannot be applied directly. However, pressures. The gap value is determined from the value of at zero temperatures, the nuclear average involved in √ the intercept of a linear fit of ωα vs ω with the horizontal calculating the matrix elements fully separates from the axis. At 290 GPa, the semi-classical procedure predicts nuclear average in the electronic excitation energies. As- the gap to be closed at variance with the fundamental suming this factorization to hold also at low, but finite gap of ∼ 0.4 eV from the HSE band structure (orange temperatures, we obtain vertical dashed line). The absorption profile by Quantum occ. unocc. 1 X X Averaging provides a more consistent value of the gap. At σ(ω, T ) ∝ h|P R |2i ω αβ 248 GPa, the gap from the semi-classical absorption is α β ∼ 0.8 eV, about 0.5 eV smaller than the fundamental gap ×δ(h∆αβi − ~ω) from the HSE band structure (blue vertical dashed line). (28) Again the gap extracted from the absorption profile by quantum averaging is in better agreement with the one We have obtained effectively a Kubo-Greenwood conduc- from the band structure. tivity, where the δ function is represented as a gaussian The results for carbon, which are shown in Fig. 5b, 8

(a) Hydrogen (b) Carbon

FIG. 5: Optical absorption for (a) C2/c-24 quantum crystals at 200K and (b) carbon diamond at 297 K using the semiclassical (WL) and quantum (QA) averaging procedures. The black dashed lines indicate the absorption of an ideal crystal.

300 300 248 GPa QA (1.3 eV) WL (3.45 eV) 248 GPa WL (0.8 eV) QA (3.55 eV) 290 GPa QA (0.4 eV) 250 290 GPa WL (0.0 eV) 250 2 2 / / 1 1

) 200 ) 200 m m c c / /

V 150 V 150 e e ( (

100 100

50 50

0 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 (eV) (eV) (a) Hydrogen (b) Carbon

FIG. 6: Tauc analysis of the absorption profiles for (a) C2/c-24 quantum crystals at 200K and (b) carbon diamond at 297 K using the semiclassical (WL) and quantum (QA) averaging procedures. Values of the gap extracted from the intercept of the linear fits and the horizontal axis are reported in the legend. The dashed vertical lines indicate the values of fundamental band-gaps computed using the HSE functional for hydrogen (a) and PBE for carbon (b). demonstrate a smaller reduction from ideal to thermal in hydrogen. The gaps extracted from the absorption crystal absorption. The results are compatible with the profiles for carbon, see Fig. 6b, are also compatible with ones by Zachrias et al. Ref.54 up to a horizontal shift in the the gap extracted from the PBE band structure. Note, absorption profile used there to match the GW band gap. however, that the gap values extracted from the Tauc Since carbon is heavier than hydrogen, one expect the analysis depend on the gaussian smearing in computing semiclassical averaging to become more accurate. From the absorption profile and on the fitting range used. Fig. 5b we see that the difference between semiclassical and quantum averaging profiles is much smaller than 9

IV. CONCLUSIONS comparisons with experiment.

In this work we have discussed electronic structure and optical properties for quantum crystals where quantum ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and thermal nuclear motion is important. We have fo- cused on low temperatures assuming the validity of the This work has received funding from the European Born-Oppenheimer approximation. First, we addressed Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program the fundamental electronic gap in terms of electron addi- under the grant agreement No. 676531 (project E- tion and removal energies which can be directly computed CAM). D.M.C. was supported by DOE Grant NA DE- using many-body Quantum Monte Carlo methods with- NA0001789 and by the Fondation NanoSciences (Greno- out relying on perturbation theory. We presented the ble). V.G. and C.P. were supported by the Agence methodology in the canonical and grand-canonical ensem- Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) France, under the bles, the latter giving access to density of states. The program “Accueil de Chercheurs de Haut Niveau 2015” averaging over motion of the ions is based on their thermo- project: HyLightExtreme. Computer time was pro- dynamic definitions, e.g. the electronic (energy) density vided by the PRACE Project 2016143296, ISCRAB ne(µ) (e(µ)). Therefore, the resulting energy gap might (IsB17_MMCRHY,IscrB_FPSHPH) computer allocation be different from a semi-classical approach where addition at CINECA Italy, the high-performance computer re- and removal energies for individual nuclear configurations sources from Grand Equipement National de Calcul In- are considered independently. tensif (GENCI) Allocation 2018-A0030910282, and by We then discussed how the electronic band-structure the Froggy platform of CIMENT, Grenoble (Rhône-Alpes can be established for quantum crystals assigning to each CPER07-13 CIRA and ANR-10-EQPX-29-01). addition/removal energy a well-defined crystal momentum for averages over nuclear equilibrium distributions. We presented an explicit procedure to determine the crystal DATA AVAILABILITY momentum for electronic wave functions in the Born- Oppenheimer approximation without the need to explic- The data that support the findings of this study are itly fix the phase of the BO nuclear wavefunction. available from the corresponding author upon reasonable We then discussed the calculation of optical conductiv- request. ity using the Kubo-Greenwood formula. For light nuclei at low temperatures, we have shown that the semi-classical approximation should be replaced by a ”quantum average” Appendix A: Grand-canonical twist averaging boundary which takes into account the quantization of the nuclear conditions motion, similar to the fundamental gap discussed before. We have applied our methodology to study the band Here we give the procedure to apply the grand-canonical structure and density of states of hydrogen C2/c-24 crystal twist averaging boundary conditions (GCTABC)56 for at 200K and 250GPa where CEIMC has been used to the total energy calculations with varying numbers of sample the nuclear , and the QMC methods electrons and twist angles. At each twist angle, θ, the for the addition/removal energies. electronic wave function obeys55 Concerning optical properties, we have calculated iθx the optical absorption for hydrogen and carbon dia- Ψ(r1 + Lxx..,ˆ rNe ) = e Ψ(r1, .., rNe ). (A1) mond where we have approximated the electronic Born- Oppenheimer energies by DFT Kohn-Sham eigenvalues and is used to calculate the Ne electron ground state and discussed the differences between the quantum aver- energy E0(Ne, θ). age and the semi-classical approximation. At low temper- At zero (electronic) temperature in the grand-canonical θ atures, only the quantum averaging procedure correctly ensemble, the probability for a number, Ne ) of electrons reproduces the onset of absorption consistent with the for a given twist angle θ is proportional to one expected from the fundamental energy gap. As ex- θ P(N ) ∝ exp[−β(E0(Ne, θ) − µNe)] (A2) pected, in the case of carbon, the difference between the e two methods are much smaller than for hydrogen. −−−−→ min[E0(Ne, θ) − µNe], β→∞ Ne This work paves the way for a more controlled and thermodynamically consistent investigation of electronic where µ is the chemical potential. structure from many-body theory. Such procedures are In practice, within GCTABC, the ground state energy particularly needed for strongly correlated systems which E0(Ne, θ) is computed for different number of electrons, have important thermal and quantum ionic motions. The Ne, independently of the twist vector θ. 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