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provided by Estudo Geral PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 075115 ͑2002͒

Surface and curvature energies from spheres: Density functional hierarchy and quantum Monte Carlo

L. M. Almeida* Department of Physics, University of Aveiro, 3810 Aveiro, Portugal

John P. Perdew† Department of Physics and Quantum Theory Group, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118

Carlos Fiolhais‡ Department of Physics and Center for Computational Physics, University of Coimbra, 3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal ͑Received 7 February 2002; published 20 August 2002͒ We consider spherical jellium clusters with up to 200 electrons as a testing ground for density functional approximations to the exchange-correlation energy of a many-electron . As nearly-exact standards, we employ Hartree–Fock energies at the exchange-only level and the ͑DMC͒ energies of Sottile and Ballone ͑2001͒ at the correlated level. The density functionals tested are the local spin density ͑LSD͒, generalized gradient ͑GGA͒, and meta-generalized gradient ͑meta-GGA͒ approximations; the latter gives the most accurate results. By fitting the deviation from the LSD energy of closed-shell clusters to the predictions of the liquid drop model, we extract the exchange-correlation surface energies and curvature energies of a semi-infinite jellium from the energies of finite clusters. For the density functionals, the surface energies so extracted agree closely with those calculated directly for a single planar surface. But for the diffusion , the surface energies so extracted are considerably lower ͑and we suspect more accurate͒ than those extrapolated by Acioli and Ceperley ͑1996͒ from their DMC supercell calculations. The errors of the LSD, GGA, and meta-GGA surface and curvature energies are estimated, and are found to be consistently small for both properties only at the meta-GGA level. These errors are qualitatively related to relative performances of the various density functionals for the calculation of atomization energies: the proper self-interaction correction to the LSD for a one-electron atom is in the curvature energy ͑as it is in meta-GGA͒, not in the surface energy ͑as it is in GGA͒. Additionally, a formula is given for the interpolation and extrapo- ␴ lation of the surface energy xc as a function of the bulk density parameter rs .

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.66.075115 PACS number͑s͒: 71.15.Mb, 73.22.Ϫf, 71.10.Ϫw, 68.35.Md

I. INTRODUCTION AND DENSITY FUNCTIONAL are neutralized by a positive background of uniform density THEORY ¯ ϭ ␲ 3 n 3/4 rs . Kohn–Sham density functional theory1 is now perhaps the most widely used method of calcula- In the spherical jellium model of a metallic cluster, this back- tion in both and quantum chemis- ground is contained inside a sphere of radius try. This self-consistent field theory would yield the exact ϭ 1/3 ground state energy E and spin densities n↑(r) and n↓(r)if R rsN . the exact density functional E ͓n↑ ,n↓͔ for the exchange- xc The ground-state energy E and spin densities nϭn↑(r) and correlation energy were known. The original local spin den- ͑ ͒ n↓(r) can be found by solving the self-consistent Kohn– sity LSD approximation is still widely used for solids, Sham equations, while more elaborate approximations have been developed for the more rapidly-varying electronic densities of atoms 1 2 ␴ Ϫ ٌ ϩvϩ͑r͒ϩu͓͑n͔;r͒ϩv ͓͑n↑ ,n↓͔;r͒͒␺ ␴͑r͒͑ and molecules. While empirically constructed functionals 2 xc i ϭ⑀ ␺ ͒ ͑ ͒ can achieve the highest accuracy for limited classes of sys- i␴ i␴͑r , 1 tems such as molecules, nonempirically constructed func- 2 tionals tend to have a wider and more nearly universal range in atomic units where បϭmϭe ϭ1. The potential due to the of application.2 Much remains to be done to test the func- positive background charge is tionals already developed, and to develop better ones. 3 N r 2 Spherical jellium clusters are simple test systems which Ϫ ͫ3Ϫͩ ͪ ͬ ͑rрR͒ display both slowly- and rapidly-varying density regions as 2R R well as a wide range of density values. Although not very vϩ͑r͒ϭ ͑2͒ realistic, they are simple enough to be explored by wave Ά N ͑ ͒ Ϫ ͑rϾR͒. function methods like diffusion Monte Carlo DMC , which r provide nearly-exact solutions to the many-electron Schro¨- dinger equation. In the jellium model, N interacting electrons The Hartree potential is

0163-1829/2002/66͑7͒/075115͑9͒/$20.0066 075115-1 ©2002 The American Physical Society L. M. ALMEIDA, JOHN P. PERDEW, AND CARLOS FIOLHAIS PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 075115 ͑2002͒

n͑rЈ͒ ͒ MGGA͓ ͔ϭ ͵ 3 ͑ ٌ ٌ ␶ ␶ 3 u͓͑n͔;r͒ϭ ͵ d rЈ , ͑3͒ Exc n↑ ,n↓ d rfxc n↑ ,n↓ , n↑ , n↓ , ↑ , ↓ , ͉rЈϪr͉ ͑10͒ where the total electron density is n(r)ϭn↑(r)ϩn↓(r) ϭ͚ which makes use not only of the GGA ingredients but also of ␴n␴(r), and the orbital kinetic energy densities, occup occup ͑ ͒ϭ ͉␺ ͑ ͉͒2 ͑ ͒ 1 ͒ ͑ n␴ r ͚ i␴ r . 4 ␶ ͒ϭ ٌ͉␺ ͉͒2 i ␴͑r ͚ i␴͑r . 11 2 i The ␺ ␴(r) are the occupied Kohn–Sham one-electron orbit- i ͑ ͒ als. The exchange-correlation potential is the functional de- We will consider the Perdew–Kurth–Zupan–Blaha PKZB ͑ ͒ rivative, Ref. 9 meta-GGA, which is constructed in a largely non- empirical way but has one empirical parameter fitted to mo- ␦E ͓n↑ ,n↓͔ lecular atomization energies in its exchange component. Like ␴ ͓͑ ͔ ͒ϭ xc ͑ ͒ vxc n↑ ,n↓ ;r . 5 the PBE GGA, the PKZB meta-GGA correctly reduces to ␦n␴͑r͒ LSD in the limit of a uniform density. Finally, the total energy is Part of our purpose is to test these functionals in compari- son with the recent fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo ͑DMC͒ occup 1 calculations for closed-shell jellium spheres of Sottile and ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ϭ ͗␺ ͉Ϫ ٌ2͉␺ ͘ϩ ͵ 3 E ͚ i␴ i␴ d rn r vϩ r 10 i␴ 2 Ballone. These DMC calculations, which follow and com- plete previous work,11 are essentially exact apart from fixed- 1 3 N2 3 node and statistical errors. Because they are made for finite ϩ ͵ d rn͑r͒u͓͑n͔;r͒ϩ ϩE ͓n↑ ,n↓͔, ͑6͒ 2 5 R xc systems, they are of course free from the size-extrapolation errors that may be present in DMC results for infinite5 or 2 where the 3N /5R term is the electrostatic self-energy of the semi-infinite12 systems. Our remaining purpose is to extract positive background. accurate jellium surface energies from these DMC results, 1 The local spin density ͑LSD͒ approximation is since the ‘‘exact’’ values are controversial.12,13 In Sec. II, we will discuss the size effects that arise in jellium spheres, and LSD͓ ͔ϭ ͵ 3 ͑ ͒⑀unif͑ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒͒ ͑ ͒ will explain how we perform our calculations and how we Exc n↑ ,n↓ d rn r xc n↓ r ,n↑ r , 7 extract surface energies. In Sec. III, we will present our re- unif sults. Our conclusions will be summarized in Sec. IV. where ⑀ (n↓ ,n↑) is the exchange-correlation energy per xc Our focus is of course on the exchange-correlation contri- electron of an electron gas with uniform spin densities n↓ bution to the total surface energy ␴. The exchange- and n↑ . By construction, LSD is correct for slowly-varying unif correlation surface energy ␴ is not only the part of ␴ that n␴(r). We have adopted the parametrization for ⑀ (n↓ ,n↑) xc xc must be approximated, but its magnitude is typically some- of Perdew and Wang ͑1992͒,4 based upon the released-node what greater than that of ␴. diffusion Monte Carlo calculation of Ceperley and Alder5 for the uniform electron gas. To better describe realistic density variations, semilocal or II. SIZE EFFECTS AND EXTRACTION OF THE SURFACE fully nonlocal density functionals have been developed. The ENERGY most popular of these is the generalized gradient approxima- The energy of a large (N→ϱ) neutral N-electron jellium tion ͑GGA͒, which makes use of the density gradient, sphere ͑and each of its kinetic, total electrostatic, exchange, and correlation components͒ is given by the liquid drop GGA͓ ͔ϭ ͵ 3 ͑ ٌ ٌ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ 14 Exc n↑ ,n↓ d rfxc n↓ ,n↑ , n↓ , n↑ , 8 model LDM , 4␲ ␥f ELDMϭ R3␣ϩ4␲R2␴ϩ2␲R ץ f ץ ͒ ͑ ͪ ␴,GGA͓͑ ͔ ͒ϭ xc Ϫٌ ͩ xc vxc n↑ ,n↓ ;r . 9 3 n␴ٌ͒͑ץ • n␴ץ ϭ⑀unif ϩ ␲ 2␴ 2/3ϩ ␲ ␥ 1/3 ͑ ͒ We consider two versions of GGA, corresponding to differ- N 4 rs N 2 rs N , 12 ent choices for the function f ; the semiempirically con- xc ␣ ␴ ␥ structed Becke–Lee–Yang–Parr6,7 functional and the where , , and are parameters describing the volume, ⑀unif nonempirically-constructed Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof surface, and curvature energies respectively, and ϭ ␲ 3 ␣ ͑PBE͒͑Ref. 8͒ functionals. Of these, only the latter correctly (4 rs /3) is the energy per electron of the uniform elec- ␴ reduces to LSD in the limit of a uniform density (ٌn↓ tron gas. The surface energy of jellium was formulated ␥ .ϭٌn↑ϭ0). within the LSD in Ref. 15 and the curvature energy in Ref The PBE GGA satisfies more exact constraints on 16. The energy per electron from Eq. ͑12͒ is then Exc͓n↓ ,n↑͔ than LSD does. Even more exact constraints can ELDM be satisfied by a meta-generalized gradient approximation ϭ⑀unifϩ4␲r2␴NϪ1/3ϩ2␲r ␥NϪ2/3. ͑13͒ ͑meta-GGA or MGGA͒ N s s


The LDM neglects quantum energy oscillations due to shell structure which are important for the small clusters (Nр200) we shall study. The true energy per electron is not a smooth function of N, like Eq. ͑13͒, but an oscillating function with local minima at the shell-closing magic- numbers Nϭ2, 8, 18, 20, 34, 40, 58, 92, 106, . . . . This oscillation arises from the structure of the Kohn–Sham or- bitals, which are functionals of the density. For the sequence of closed-shell structures, the oscillation is presumably about the same in LSD as it is at any higher level of theory, and so cancels out of the difference. Thus our LDM equation for the closed-shell clusters, including the smaller ones, is

E ELSD Ϫ ϭ͑⑀unifϪ⑀unif ͒ϩ4␲r2͑␴Ϫ␴LSD͒NϪ1/3 N N PW92 s FIG. 1. Electron density from self-consistent density functional ϩ ␲ ␥Ϫ␥LSD͒ Ϫ2/3 ͑ ͒ 2 rs͑ N , 14 calculations in the local spin density approximation or LSD and in the generalized gradient approximation GGA͑PBE͒ for a jellium ϭ where we have allowed for the possibility that the bulk en- sodium (rs 4.00) sphere with 20 electrons. Inset: relative differ- ergy per electron may differ from the PW92 paramerization ences of GGA and LSD densities. Note that GGA favors density used in our LSD calculations. ͓Our key assumption behind inhomogeneity slightly more than LSD does. Eq. ͑14͒, confirmed below for jellium spheres, appears to be true as well for carbon fullerenes; see Fig. 3 of Ref. 17͔. change slightly, but in about the same way, leaving our con- When we apply Eq. ͑14͒ in this article, we will always apply clusions unchanged. For the single planar surface of rs it to the exchange-correlation component of E, i.e., to Exc . ϭ4.00 jellium, using the LSD and GGA density profiles, the ␴LSD Since the LSD surface energy (rs) is known from surface exchange-correlation energies are in PBE GGA 252.5 15,16 independent calculations for the single planar surface, we and 243.5 erg/cm2, and in PKZB meta-GGA 265.6 and ␴ can extract the surface energy at any higher level of theory 257.5 erg/cm2, respectively. Similar small shifts are found ͑ ͒ including GGA, meta-GGA, and DMC by calculating the in the surface energies we extract from jellium spheres. energies per electron beyond and within LSD and then fitting We are interested in the closed shell clusters, in which the unif the difference as a function of N to Eq. ͑14͒, treating ⑀ electron density is naturally spherically symmetric and spin- Ϫ⑀unif ␴Ϫ␴LSD ␥Ϫ␥LSD PW92 , , and as the fit parameters. But unpolarized. When we occasionally consider open-shell clus- ⑀unifϪ⑀unif since the quantity PW92 is also known at least approxi- ters, we construct a spherically symmetric spin-independent mately ͑and vanishes within PBE GGA and PKZB meta- Kohn–Sham potential in the following way: We replace the ͒ ␪ ␾ ϭ ͱ ␲ GGA , we actually constrain this parameter and find only spherical harmonic factor Y lm( , )byY 00 1/ 4 in each ␴Ϫ␴LSD ␥Ϫ␥LSD and by fitting. Kohn–Sham orbital of Eq. ͑4͒, and we replace n↑(r) and ͑ ͒ The logical consistency of Eq. 14 depends in part upon n↓(r)byn(r)/2 in the exchange-correlation potential of Eq. the assumption that the electron density changes little from ͑5͒. Occupying the Kohn–Sham orbitals according to Hund’s LSD to any higher level of theory. Figure 1 shows that the rule, we find a spherically-symmetric but possibly spin- GGA ͑PBE͒ density of a spherical jellium cluster is in fact polarized LSD density on which we calculate the LSD, very close to the LSD density. This is not a surprising con- GGA, or meta-GGA energy. In addition to those calculations clusion: it also holds for the LSD and GGA densities of atoms and molecules,18 and for the LSD and DMC densities TABLE I. Comparison of energies for jellium sodium (r of spherical jellium clusters.10 s ϭ4.00) spheres with Nϭ18 and 20 electrons. The LSD calculation Table I shows the very small energy differences between is fully self-consistent. The GGA͑PBE͒ calculation is done fully fully self-consistent GGA and ‘‘post-LSD’’ GGA, in which self-consistently ͑SC-GGA͒ and also post-LSD ͑PLSD-GGA͒, i.e., the GGA energy is evaluated for the LSD density. The en- using the LSD density. ergy effects of full self-consistency beyond post-LSD are 18,19 typically negligible. Thus, in the rest of this work, we Energy ͑hartree͒ calculate GGA and meta-GGA energies on LSD densities, N LSD SC-GGA PLSD-GGA and we extract the DMC exchange-correlation energy by subtracting the LSD kinetic and electrostatic energies from 18 E Ϫ1.2361 Ϫ1.2481 Ϫ1.2478 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ the DMC total energy. Since the DMC total energy is varia- 18 Ex 1.8724 1.9726 1.9669 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ tionally insensitive to the small difference between the DMC 18 Ec 0.5388 0.4569 0.4560 and LSD density profiles, we are effectively comparing the exchange-correlation energies predicted for the same LSD 20 E Ϫ1.3858 Ϫ1.3980 Ϫ1.3977 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ density by various density functionals and by DMC; this is a 20 Ex 2.0663 2.1688 2.1628 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ valid comparison. If we used instead the self-consistent GGA 20 Ec 0.5967 0.5131 0.5121 density profiles, all our exchange-correlation energies would


TABLE II. Total energies of jellium spheres with 20 electrons TABLE III. Total energies per electron of jellium spheres at rs for different background densities. The results of the density func- ϭ4.00 for different magic clusters. The results of the density func- tional approaches are compared to the fixed-node diffusion Monte tional approaches are compared to the fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo or DMC values. Mean absolute differences ͑‘‘mad’’͒ from Carlo or DMC values. Mean absolute differences ͑‘‘mad’’͒ from DMC are presented in the last row. In this and subsequent tables DMC are presented in the last row. Note that the DMC energies are and figures, all the density functionals are evaluated post-LSD ͑as probably a little higher than exact energies, because of the fixed- defined in the caption of Table I͒. We show results for LSD, two node error. GGA’s ͑BLYP and PBE͒ and one meta-generalized gradient ap- ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ϭ proximation PKZB . Energy/N hartree for rs 4.00 N LSD BLYP PBE PKZB DMCa Energy ͑hartree͒ for Nϭ20 ͑ ͒ a 2 Ϫ0.0617 Ϫ0.0591 Ϫ0.0635 Ϫ0.0638 Ϫ0.0641 rs bohr LSD BLYP PBE PKZB DMC 8 Ϫ0.0672 Ϫ0.0594 Ϫ0.0681 Ϫ0.0684 Ϫ0.0674 0.30 99.175 99.056 98.967 99.134 99.107 18 Ϫ0.0687 Ϫ0.0589 Ϫ0.0693 Ϫ0.0692 Ϫ0.0684 0.50 38.279 38.284 38.136 38.233 38.170 20 Ϫ0.0693 Ϫ0.0591 Ϫ0.0699 Ϫ0.0698 Ϫ0.0690 1.00 7.583 7.7057 7.5078 7.5465 7.5197 34 Ϫ0.0704 Ϫ0.0594 Ϫ0.0709 Ϫ0.0707 Ϫ0.0700 2.00 Ϫ0.177 0.0117 Ϫ0.2096 Ϫ0.1987 Ϫ0.1927 40 Ϫ0.0702 Ϫ0.0588 Ϫ0.0707 Ϫ0.0705 Ϫ0.0697 3.25 Ϫ1.2956 Ϫ1.0917 Ϫ1.3121 Ϫ1.3095 Ϫ1.2938 58 Ϫ0.0718 Ϫ0.0600 Ϫ0.0722 Ϫ0.0720 Ϫ0.0713 4.00 Ϫ1.3858 Ϫ1.1826 Ϫ1.3977 Ϫ1.3970 Ϫ1.3800 92 Ϫ0.0727 Ϫ0.0603 Ϫ0.0730 Ϫ0.0729 Ϫ0.0721 5.62 Ϫ1.3183 Ϫ1.1244 Ϫ1.3249 Ϫ1.3259 Ϫ1.3095 106 Ϫ0.0717 Ϫ0.0591 Ϫ0.0720 Ϫ0.0718 Ϫ0.0710 mad 0.039 0.163 0.036 0.025 mad 0.0007 0.0099 0.0009 0.0007 a Reference 10. aReference 10. for spherical jellium clusters, we have also performed post- dependence of the exchange energy upon the density is LSD density functional calculations for the single planar jel- 15 strong nonlocal, and much of this nonlocality is captured by lium surface. the meta-GGA. Reference 2 showed that the PKZB meta-GGA accurately III. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS describes the surface exchange energy of a semi-infinite jel- lium. Table VI shows that the exchange-only total surface р The energies of neutral jellium spheres with N 200 were energy is also accurately predicted by the meta-GGA, in calculated within LSD, GGA, and meta-GGA, as explained comparison with Hartree–Fock values.21 in Sec. I and II. Figure 3 shows the deviations from the LSD of the PBE Table II shows the total energies E for spheres with N GGA and PKZB meta-GGA exchange-correlation energies ϭ20 electrons, for several values of the background density Exc . The GGA and meta-GGA deviations are similar for N parameter rs . In comparison with DMC, the least accurate р30, but the meta-GGA deviations are considerably smaller ͑ results are found with the BLYP GGA which predicts an than the GGA ones at larger N. While the PBE GGA correc- ͒ incorrect correlation energy for the uniform gas , and the tions to LSD have a slight tendency to stabilize open shells ͑ ͒ most accurate results on average are found with the PKZB relative to closed ones, the PKZB meta-GGA corrections meta-GGA. Table III shows E/N vs N, the raw data of our have a much stronger tendency to do so for the larger clus- ϭ analysis, at rs 4.00. ters. Table IV displays the errors of the various density func- Figure 4 shows how the shell-structure oscillations in tionals for the total energy per electron E/N, averaged over E /NϪ⑀unif damp out as N→ϱ (NϪ1/3→0) for jellium р р xc xc the closed-shell clusters with 2 N 106. Again the BLYP spheres, and how this energy difference approaches errors are much larger even than those of LSD. The PBE GGA errors are slightly smaller than those of LSD, and the TABLE IV. Mean absolute deviations from fixed-node DMC PKZB meta-GGA errors are significantly smaller. values ͑Ref. 10͒ of the total energies per electron in various density Table V displays the relative errors in the correlation en- functional approaches. The values are averages over nine magic ergies, averaged over the closed-shell clusters. Here we see a clusters with N electrons: Nϭ2, 8, 18, 20, 34, 40, 58, 92, and 106. clear improvement when we pass from LSD to GGA ͑PBE͒ ͑ ͒ or meta-GGA PKZB . The improvement from LSD to GGA ͉(EϪEDMC)/N͉ ͑hartree͒ ͑ ͒ PBE was not so evident in Table II because of the strong r LSD BLYP PBE PKZB cancellation of error between exchange and correlation s which occurs in all the density functionals, but especially in 1.00 0.0034 0.0093 0.0023 0.0010 LSD. 2.00 0.0015 0.0103 0.0013 0.0006 By subtracting the correlation from the total energy, we 3.25 0.0008 0.0101 0.0010 0.0007 obtain an exchange-only total energy that can be compared 4.00 0.0007 0.0099 0.0009 0.0007 to the Hartree–Fock ͑HF͒ energy. Figure 2 shows that this 5.62 0.0006 0.0092 0.0007 0.0007 exchange-only total energy is much closer to the HF total average 0.0014 0.0095 0.0012 0.0007 energy20 in the PKZB meta-GGA than it is in LSD. The


␴Ϫ␴ TABLE V. Average relative deviations of correlation energies, TABLE VI. Exchange-only total surface energies c in within various density functional approaches, from DMC values LSD, GGA ͑PBE͒, and MGGA ͑PKZB͒, compared with the ͑Ref. 10͒. Averages were taken over magic clusters: Nϭ2, 8, 18, Hartree–Fock ͑HF͒ surface energy (1 hartree/bohr2ϭ1.557 20, 34, 40, 58, 92, and 106. ϫ106 erg/cm2).

Ϫ DMC DMC ␴Ϫ␴ 2 (Ec Ec )/Ec c (erg/cm ) a rs LSD BLYP PBE PKZB rs LSD PBE PKZB HF 1.00 43.2% Ϫ20.7% 9.0% 9.7% 2.07 Ϫ894 Ϫ1442 Ϫ1316 Ϫ1273 2.00 36.8% Ϫ28.1% 10.1% 10.2% 2.30 Ϫ314 Ϫ729 Ϫ640 Ϫ674 3.25 31.7% Ϫ35.4% 9.1% 8.7% 2.66 34 Ϫ248 Ϫ192 Ϫ215 4.00 29.4% Ϫ38.8% 8.2% 7.7% 3.28 147 Ϫ14 13 5 5.62 26.8% Ϫ43.6% 7.6% 6.7% 3.99 125 30 44 40 average 33.6% -33.3% 8.8% 8.6% 4.96 80 27 34 35

aReference 21. ␲ 2␴ Ϫ1/3 ͑ ͒ 4 rs xcN as predicted by Eq. 13 . The key figure in this work is Fig. 5, which shows how is the LSD surface exchange-correlation energy of jellium, the PBE, PKZB, and DMC jellium surface exchange- which we have calculated for a single planar surface. By ␴ PBEϪ␴LSD ␴LSD correlation energy ␴ and curvature energy ␥ are extracted adding xc xc from the fit of Fig. 5 to xc , we obtain xc xc ␴PBE fit ␴ PBE by fitting the left-hand side of Eq. ͑14͒ to the parabola of the the third column, xc , which agrees closely with xc right-hand side for the sequence of closed-shell clusters ͑ex- calculated for a single planar surface ͑fourth column͒. This cluding Nϭ2 and 8͒. In this fit, ⑀unifϪ⑀unif is properly procedure is repeated for PKZB, which again shows close xc xc,PW92 ␴PKZB fit ␴ PKZB constrained to zero for PBE and PKZB. But the fixed-node agreement between xc and xc , and then for DMC. 10 ␴DMC fit ␴PKZB DMC energies to which we fit must tend in the limit N While xc is rather close to xc , both are much →ϱ 5 ␴DMC to values higher than the released-node DMC energies lower than xc from the planar surface DMC calculation of the uniform gas which PW92 represents. For DMC, we of Acioli and Ceperley.12 We interpret this as further evi- ⑀unifϭ⑀unifϩ⑀unif 22 take xc x c,OB , the Ortiz–Ballone parametrization dence that the surface energies of Ref. 12 are significantly of the fixed-node energy of the uniform gas22 ͑Table VII͒. too high, and that the PKZB surface energies are essentially We also tried another parametrization23 of the same energy, correct, as suggested in recent work.13,24,34 ␴PKZB fit ␴PKZB which did not affect our conclusions. In Fig. 5, we observe The close agreement between xc and xc in Table that the PKZB meta-GGA is much more like DMC than the VIII ͑and the similar agreement for PBE͒ gives us some con- Ϫ1/3ϭ ␴DMC fit PBE GGA is, both in initial slope at N 0 and in curva- fidence in our xc values. However, the accuracy of ␴ Ϫ␴LSD ͑ ture. From the fits, we find xc xc which is used to DMC fit is probably somewhat less than the precision of ͒ ␥ Ϫ␥LSD ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͓ construct Table VIII and also xc xc Table IX . Note PKZB fit, for several reasons: 1 We have to assume Eq. ␥ ͑ ͔͒ that the curvature energy xc is much lower in PKZB and 14 that corrections to the liquid drop model cancel out of DMC than it is in LSD or PBE. the difference between the beyond-LSD and LSD energies. Table VIII is the key table of this work. The first column While this assumption has been confirmed to remarkable ac-

͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ FIG. 2. Hartree–Fock HF total energies per electron Ref. 20 FIG. 3. Deviation of the exchange-correlation energy Exc in ϭ compared to LSD and meta-generalized gradient approximation or PBE or PKZB from its LSD value for rs 4.00 jellium spheres up Ϫ ϭ MGGA exchange-only total energies E Ec for jellium spheres to N 200, using LSD densities. The open circles in PBE-LSD and ϭ ϭ (rs 4.00). The values shown are for magic clusters with N 8, 20, open squares in PKZB-LSD show the values for clusters with 34, 40, 58, 92, 138, and 196. closed shells ͑magic clusters͒.


FIG. 4. Deviation of the exchange-correlation energy per elec- ⑀unif tron, Exc /N, from its uniform-gas value xc , for LSD densities. Minima of this quantity tend to occur at closed-shell magic num- bers. Comparison of LSD, GGA ͑PBE͒, and MGGA ͑PKZB͒ values FIG. 5. Energy deviation from LSD of GGA ͑PBE͒, MGGA for jellium spheres (r ϭ4.00) with the respective liquid drop model s ͑PKZB͒, and DMC for jellium spheres with r ϭ4.00 bohr. The full ͑LDM͒ values, 4␲r2␴ NϪ1/3 ͑including only the surface energy s s xc lines are parabolas fitted to the liquid drop model via Eq. ͑14͒,as ␴ and not the curvature energy͒. xc explained in the text. The open circles are input values for Nϭ2, 8, 18, 20, 34, 40, 58, 92, and 106. The first derivative of each parabola curacy for PBE and PKZB, it is not necessarily true to the at NϪ1/3ϭ0 gives the corresponding fit correction to the LSD sur- same extent for the difference between DMC and LSD. ͑2͒ face energy, while the second derivative at any NϪ1/3 gives the The DMC energies for the jellium spheres contain fixed-node correction to the LSD curvature energy. As explained near the end and statistical errors. Very small relative errors in the total of Sec. II, all the exchange-correlation energies, including that of energy become much larger errors in the surface energy. ͑3͒ DMC, are effectively evaluated on the same LSD density.


TABLE VII. Correlation energies per electron of the uniform TABLE IX. Deviations from LSD of the curvature energy ␥ of electron gas in the Perdew–Wang ͑PW92͒ and Ortiz–Ballone ͑OB͒ jellium in various density functional approaches and in DMC fit, for ⌬⑀OB ␥LSD parametrizations. Here c is the deviation from the PW92 pa- LSD densities. For an estimate of , see Table VIII of Ref. 16. rametrization, which may represent the fixed-node error. ␥ Ϫ␥LSD ͑ ͒ xc xc millihartree/bohr ⑀unif ͑ ͒ c millihartree rs BLYP PBE PKZB DMC fit a OB rs PW92 OB ⌬⑀ c 1.00 Ϫ1.78 Ϫ1.49 Ϫ4.36 Ϫ5.85 1.00 Ϫ59.774 Ϫ58.028 1.746 2.00 Ϫ0.76 Ϫ0.33 Ϫ1.04 Ϫ1.15 2.00 Ϫ44.760 Ϫ43.346 1.414 3.25 Ϫ0.29 Ϫ0.09 Ϫ0.35 Ϫ0.35 3.25 Ϫ35.489 Ϫ34.601 0.887 4.00 Ϫ0.17 Ϫ0.05 Ϫ0.21 Ϫ0.26 4.00 Ϫ31.866 Ϫ31.258 0.608 5.62 Ϫ0.06 Ϫ0.02 Ϫ0.09 Ϫ0.20 5.62 Ϫ26.408 Ϫ26.276 0.132

aReference 22. ␴ functionals should produce no relative error in xc , and we expect that the sophisticated RPAϩ would show the most unif →ϱ The bulk limit ⑀ used in Eq. ͑14͒ should be the true limit correct approach to this limit. The rs limit is strongly- of E/N as N→ϱ. While we know the exact bulk limit ⑀unif correlated, so the PKZB meta-GGA might be most xc 30 for the PBE and PKZB E /N, we only have an estimate22 trustworthy in that limit. xc ␴ for DMC, albeit an estimate acceptable to the second author Surface energies xc are typically calculated for a few of Refs. 10 and 22. We suspect that this third problem is the values of rs . It is thus useful to have a formula to interpolate most severe one for our DMC fit. It should be even more and extrapolate to other rs . We propose one which has four severe for the DMC surface energies of Ref. 12, where ap- fit parameters; parently the bulk limit was taken to be a released-node DMC energy, inconsistent with the fixed-node DMC energies A ␴ ͑ ͒ϭ ͑ ͒ evaluated there for finite cells; this choice would overesti- xc rs , 15 r7/2͑1ϩBxϩCx2ϩDx3͒ mate the surface energy. For further discussion of the role of s the bulk limit in surface energy calculations, see Refs. 25 and where 26. We believe that the most accurate jellium surface energies ϭ ϩ ͒1/2Ϫ x ͑1 rs 1. available are the RPAϩ ͑Refs. 13,24,27͒ values, which pro- vided the ‘‘exact’’ standard in Ref. 2. In RPAϩ, the ex- ϳ Ϫ7/2ϩ Ϫ5/2 ͑ ͒ The small-rs limit † rs O(rs )‡ of Eq. 15 follows change energy and the random phase approximation part of by applying the density functionals to the Thomas–Fermi ␲ 3 1/2 the correlation energy are treated exactly, and only the cor- density profile (3/4 rs ) f (x/rs ), treating ln rs as a constant. Ϫ Ϫ rection to RPA is treated in a nonempirical generalized gra- The large-r limit of Eq. ͑15͒ ϳr 5ϩO(r 11/2) was cho- ͑ s † s s ‡ dient approximation. An alternative correction to RPA is sen because it gave a good fit, and is consistent with a lim- 28,29͒ also under study. iting density profile (3/4␲r3)g(r x); however, it may only → s s In the rs 0 limit, the exchange-correlation energy be- reflect the disappearance ͑Table II of Ref. 31͒ of the density comes exchange-dominated and the density becomes slowly- tail outside the positive-background edge in this limit. A for- varying on the scale of rs . In this limit, each of our density ͑ ͒ ⑀unif ͑ mula like Eq. 15 for xc (rs) but including ln rs contribu- tions͒ was presented in Ref. 32. Table X confirms that this ␴ TABLE VIII. Jellium surface exchange-correlation energies xc simple formula works well. When fitted in the range 2.07 evaluated for LSD densities. Values calculated directly for a single Ͻ Ͻ Ͻ rs 4.00, it makes an interpolation error of 0.1%, while planar surface are compared to those extracted from finite jellium its extrapolation error to the wider range 0.8Ͻr Ͻ6.00 is ␴ s spheres via ‘‘fits’’ like those of Fig. 5. The DMC values HF only 1% or less. ͓Note that Eq. ͑15͒ can be rearranged so that ϩ␴ Ϫ ␴ Ϫ␴ ␴ c(QMC) ( LSD xc LSD) that we estimated from HF and A, B, C, D can be found by solving four simultaneous linear ␴ c(QMC) from Table V of Ref. 12 were 3153, 1342, 711, and equations.͔ 2 ϭ 394 erg/cm for rs 2.07, 2.66, 3.25, and 3.93, respectively; these The parameters for Eq. ͑15͒ are shown in Table XI. Note were interpolated to r ϭ2.00 and 4.00 using our Eq. ͑15͒. s that the parameter A is nearly the same for LSD, PBE, PKZB, and RPAϩ, as expected, since all these functionals ␴ (erg/cm2) xc have the same correct small-r limit. On the other hand, the r LSD PBE fit PBE PKZB fit PKZB DMC fit DMCa s s parameter A for DMC or DMC fit is rather different, reflect- 1.00 40928 40068 40276 41637 41463 41196 ing the greater imprecision of those surface energies. 2.00 3357 3263 3263 3420 3400 3347 3566 3.25 568.6 550.0 549.5 578.5 576.4 574.1 711 IV. CONCLUSIONS 4.00 261.7 252.6 252.5 265.9 265.6 272.8 372 5.62 70.0 67.4 67.4 71.1 71.3 83.7 The BLYP GGA, which gives accurate energies for atoms and molecules, is unsatisfactory for jellium clusters because aBased upon Ref. 12. it does not yield the correct correlation energy for a uniform


␴ TABLE X. Jellium surface exchange-correlation energies xc , for LSD densities. The symbol * denotes interpolated and extrapolated values calculated from Eq. ͑15͒. The parameters were found using the known ϭ surface energies at rs 2.07, 2.66, 3.28, 4.00.

␴ 2 xc (erg/cm ) ϩa ϩ rs LSD LSD* PBE PBE* PKZB PKZB* RPA RPA * 0.80 91706 92444 90617 91555 92891 93917 93398 1.00 40928 41291 40276 40715 41463 41933 41718 2.00 3357 3357 3263 3267 3400 3404 3413 3414 2.07 2962 2962 2881 2881 3004 3004 3015 3015 2.30 2019 2019 1960 1961 2047 2047 2060 2059 2.66 1188 1188 1151 1151 1204 1204 1214 1214 3.00 763.9 763.9 739.1 739.0 774.4 774.4 781 782.1 3.25 568.6 568.5 549.5 549.5 576.4 576.4 582.4 3.28 549.5 549.5 531.1 531.1 557.1 557.1 563 563.0 4.00 261.7 261.7 252.5 252.5 265.6 265.6 268 268.0 5.00 111.5 111.2 107.2 107.1 113.2 113.0 113 113.0 5.62 70.0 70.0 67.4 67.4 71.3 71.3 70.6 6.00 53.6 53.8 51.6 51.8 54.6 54.8 54 53.9

aReference 24.

electron gas. Table II shows how the BLYP GGA improves fitting both ␣Ϫ␣LSD and ␴Ϫ␴LSD to (EϪELSD)/A as a → 10 as rs 0, i.e., as the 20-electron cluster becomes a Ca atom function of L. Given ␣, an alternative accurate way to extract ͑with a self-interacting nucleus͒. But the LSD, PBE GGA, ␴ from slab calculations is also known.34 and PKZB meta-GGA are all rather accurate for jellium clus- The correction to the LSD energy can be remarkably ters. The most accurate density functional results overall are simple and insensitive to details of the electron density. That those of the meta-GGA, which satisfies the most exact con- is the idea behind our Eq. ͑14͒, and also behind the way straints and works best for a wide range of systems including 35 2 Mattsson and Kohn proposed to correct LSD or GGA sur- atoms, molecules, solids, and surfaces. face energies. For metal surfaces, wave vector analysis13,36 ͓ ͑ ͔͒ We have presented and confirmed a method Eq. 14 for provides a partial explanation for the success of this idea, but the extraction of accurate surface and curvature energies its applicability may be much wider, as found here; see also from the energies of finite clusters. The same method pre- Fig. 3 of Ref. 17 for closed-shell fullerenes. sumably would work even better for the extraction of surface When we extract the jellium surface energy from the dif- energies from planar slabs of finite thickness, since for slabs fusion Monte Carlo energies of jellium spheres,10 we obtain the curvature energy term of Eq. ͑14͒ would be absent. For a closed-shell slab of background thickness L and cross- in Table VIII values that are close to those of the PKZB sectional area A, we could write meta-GGA and slightly higher than those of LSD. Unlike Refs. 12 and 21, but like Refs. 13, 24, and 10, we find no E ELSD evidence that the density functionals are seriously in error for Ϫ ϭ͑␣Ϫ␣LSD͒Lϩ2͑␴Ϫ␴LSD͒, ͑16͒ the surface energy. We have also proposed a formula ͓Eq. A A ͑15͔͒ for the interpolation and extrapolation of the r -dependence of the surface energy. This formula should be TABLE XI. Parameters of Eq. ͑15͒ used to calculate interpo- s used for extrapolation only when the input ␴ (r ) are highly lated and extrapolated values ͑*͒ of Table X and DMC fit of Table xc s ␴ precise, as they are in our LSD, PBE, PKZB, and RPAϩ VIII. For the small-rs limit of xc , we independently estimate A ϭ Ϯ 2 ␴Ϫ␴ 7/2 calculations. 50 000 500 erg/cm by linearly extrapolating ( TF)rs as a ϭ ␴ function of rs to rs 0, using from Table I of Ref. 31 and the Our analysis brings the jellium surface energies from the ␴ ͑ ͒ Thomas–Fermi TF from Eq. 8.15 of Ref. 33. Note that the DMC diffusion Monte Carlo method into much closer agreement ϭ fit parametrization, fitted at rs 2.00, 3.25, 4.00, and 5.62, shows a with those from three sophisticated methods which produce Ͼ ␴ ͑ ͒ singularity for rs 12. values for xc that agree within 1%: 1 the PKZB meta- generalized gradient approximation;2 ͑2͒ a GGA short-range- param- LSD PBE PKZB RPAϩ DMC correlation correction to the random phase approximation eter fit (RPAϩ);24 and ͑3͒ a wave-vector-interpolation ͑WVI͒ long- A 50695 51936 51565 52227 47875 range correction to the PBE GGA for exchange and 13 B 0.74651 0.89526 0.74719 0.87924 0.35215 correlation. C Ϫ0.57888 Ϫ0.66994 Ϫ0.56519 Ϫ0.79810 0.09153 According to Table VIII, the PBE GGA surface energies D 0.25146 0.27742 0.24187 0.34685 Ϫ0.10819 are slightly lower and thus less accurate than the LSD sur- face energies. In fact the PBE gradient corrections to LSD


improve the energies of small clusters while worsening those proper self-interaction correction to LSD for a one-electron of large clusters, as can be seen in Fig. 5. atom is in the curvature energy, not in the surface energy. To better understand this situation, let us recall that the ͑These observations are also consistent with the performance ⑀ cohesive or atomization energy coh and the monovacancy of the density functionals for the atomization energies of real ⑀ 2͒ formation energy vac of a simple monovalent metal are, solids and of molecules. We would then also expect accu- respectively,14 rate vacancy formation energies14,37 from the PKZB meta- GGA. ⑀ Ӎ ␲ 2␴ϩ ␲ ␥ ͑ ͒ coh 4 rs 2 rs , 17 To some extent, we can understand why the functionals perform as they do. The negative second-order gradient co- ⑀ Ӎ ␲ 2␴Ϫ ␲ ␥ ͑ ͒ vac 4 rs 2 rs , 18 efficient for exchange is too large in PBE and other GGA’s ␴ ␴ the energies to create the positively-curved surface of an by almost a factor of two, making x and thus xc somewhat atom or the negatively-curved surface of a monovacancy. Let too low. The PKZB meta-GGA, which has the correct first- us focus on Eq. ͑17͒. In LSD, ␴ is nearly correct but ␥ is too principles gradient coefficient, improves the surface energy large, leading to bulk overbinding of atoms, i.e., to a cohe- as a result. The PKZB meta-GGA also improves the curva- sive energy that is too large. In PBE GGA, ␴ is lower and ture energy, probably because of its use of the extra ingredi- ␶ ␶ less accurate than in LSD, while ␥ is not so different from its ents ↑(r) and ↓(r). Since the second-order gradient expan- ␶ ٌ2 5/3 ٌ͉ ͉2 LSD value, so these errors in Eq. ͑17͒ tend to cancel, pro- sion of includes n as well as n and n /n terms, it ducing an accurate cohesive energy for the wrong reason in is also fair to say that the prediction of the right curvature PBE GGA. In PKZB meta-GGA, ␴ is slightly higher and energy requires the use of the Laplacian of the density. thus more accurate than in LSD, while ␥ is significantly lower and more accurate than LSD, producing the right co- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS hesive energy for the right reason. Because the bulk of a monovalent metal should be treated accurately by any of We are grateful to F. Sottile and P. Ballone for providing these approximations, the error of the cohesive energy is their results prior to publication and useful discussions. This essentially the self-interaction error, i.e., a failure of the func- work was supported in part by the National Science Founda- tional to describe properly a one-electron density. Thus the tion under Grant Nos. DMR-9810620 and DMR-0135678.

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