LENT 2011, ISSUE 51, VOLUME XIII, #3 Same Sex Blessings Where are we now? (p. 1) How we got to Liturgy Canada where we are (p. 2) Same Sex Blessings: Where Are We Now? Trolling the Websites (p. 4) Survey of To listen to some people inside and sides here). In many ways, the outside the church, you‟d think all we controversy rages on. But in this issue, Canadian talk or care about is sex! Those of us we want to report on where things are Dioceses (p. 4) involved in parishes and congregations “on the ground”. What is actually taking know otherwise, of course, but we can‟t place because of—or in spite of—the deny that over the past many years rulings and conversations of much time and effort has been spent on international, national, diocesan and how the church responds to same-sex synod bodies? Let us be clear. We are couples who seek God‟s blessing on their not taking sides and saying the issue has relationship within the church been decided. But we thought it would community. be a good time to see what various parts of the Anglican and Lutheran churches In past issues of Liturgy Canada, we are actually doing. have used these pages to hear from people on both sides of the issue (in fact, First of all we present an unscientific it may be more accurate to say all sides, survey of the websites of the Anglican as there are probably more than two Church of Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and all of their synods and dioceses. Then we present a summary of what some Anglican dioceses are doing. This ANNUAL GENERAL information is in the public domain and MEETING readily available either on the web or by contacting the diocese concerned. We Please join us for the thought our readers might find it helpful to know where things stand across the Annual General country. As always, we welcome your Meeting of feedback. Liturgy Canada on

Monday, April 11 at 4 pm at the We are grateful to the leadership of each of the dioceses whose rites and processes Queen‟s Inn, we have quoted for giving us permission 161 Ontario Street, to reprint portions here. Stratford, Ontario. John Wilton+ and Peter Wall+ www.liturgy.ca Editors of this issue of Liturgy Canada Liturgy Canada Page 2

How We Got to Where We Are

The history of attempts to fully include gays and including the exchange of vows and/or a nuptial lesbians in the life of the Anglican Church (and I dare blessing. say the Lutheran Church) in Canada is a long one, a ...To those who experience these pastoral statements story that is not finished. One of the subsets of that and possible pastoral provisions as inadequate or story is the desire of some for a rite which insufficient, we recognize that they are less than the acknowledges the committed relationship between two blessing of same-sex unions or marriage. However it people of the same gender. The following are some is the discernment of the majority of the House of excerpts from recent documents which place the rites Bishops that as of today the doctrine and discipline of published in this edition of Liturgy Canada in some our church does not clearly permit further action, context. although we acknowledge that General Synod 2007 Just before the General Synod of 2007, the Canadian will vote on several resolutions on the blessing of House of Bishops released a pastoral statement which same-sex unions. they hoped would clarify its stand. The following is To those who fear that these pastoral provisions have selected from that statement: gone too far, we assert that this discipline is entirely ...In the name of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. consistent with the doctrine of the Church and with our membership in the Anglican Communion, and fits The House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of within the pastoral guidelines of the Windsor Report Canada, meeting from April 16-20, 2007, once again (paragraph 143). We call upon every member of the discussed the question of the blessing of same-sex Anglican Church of Canada to continue in their faithful unions. Once again a number of diverse opinions were discipleship and the work of theological and scriptural expressed. Again questions were raised about theology, reflection and dialogue. We are each called to scripture, discipline, and our church's constitution. participate in God's mission in the world and we However we did find a common strong concern for the believe we will do this by the grace of the Risen Christ pastoral care of all members of our church. While not all and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. bishops can conceive of condoning or blessing same-sex unions, we believe it is not only appropriate but a Looking ahead, we ask the Primate and General Gospel imperative to pray with the whole people of God, Synod for a report on: no matter their circumstance. In so doing we convey the 1. The theological question whether the blessing of long-standing Gospel teaching that God in Christ loves same-sex unions is a faithful, Spirit-led development of each person and indeed loves him/her so much that Christian doctrine (St. Michael Report) Christ is calling each person to change and grow more 2. The implications of the blessing of same-sex fully into God's image and likeness. To refuse to pray unions and /or marriage for our church and the with any person or people is to suggest God is not with Communion (The Windsor Report) them. All of us fall short of the glory of God but all are 3. Scripture's witness to the integrity of every human loved by God in Christ Jesus. person and the question of the sanctity of human relationships. ...We are committed, as bishops in Canada, to develop the most generous pastoral response possible within the We ask that this report be available in advance of current teaching of the church. We offer the following General Synod 2010. examples of possible pastoral responses: We commit to taking this ongoing conversation to the When a civilly married gay or lesbian couple seeks Lambeth Conference 2008. our church's reception of their civil marriage and asks their parish's recognition, it may be possible, with their During that General Synod, the Synod passed the bishop's knowledge and permission, to celebrate a following motions which in part responded to the Eucharist with the couple, including appropriate request of the Bishops noted above: intercessory prayers, but not including a nuptial That this General Synod accept the conclusion of the blessing. Primate‟s Theological Commission‟s St. Michael Report When a gay or lesbian married or committed couple that the blessing of same-sex unions is a matter of seeks to hold a reception or celebration in a church for doctrine, but is not core doctrine in the sense of being their life in Christ, again intercessory prayers for their credal and should not be a communion breaking issue. mutual fidelity, the deepening of their discipleship and (Source: Gs/2007 June 19-25/Act 33) for their baptismal ministry may be offered, not Liturgy Canada Lent 2011 Page 3

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That this General Synod resolves Our conversations affirmed the full faith commitments. For some, even that the blessing of same-sex unions inclusion of gay and lesbian this statement represents a risk. is not in conflict with the core members in our churches, aboriginal For some the statement does not go doctrine (in the sense of being voices in our midst, and the wide nearly far enough. credal) of The Anglican Church of range of perspectives on the issue of In the transparency and openness Canada. (Source GS/2007 June 19- same gender blessings across all we have experienced with one 25/Act 42, Act 43) dioceses. Our dialogue has been a another, we have risked positive and helpful step in our vulnerability but it is in such places discernment. At this time, however, General Synod 2010 that we grow closer in the body of we are not prepared to make a At its meeting last year, General Christ and behold each other as gift. legislative decision. Above, in and Synod held lengthy discussions Abiding with each other, and with through all of this, and despite all around the many issues of same- God we are sustained through our differences we are passionately sex blessings. The following is the struggle, patient listening, and committed to walking together, final report of those discussions: speaking from the mind and heart protecting our common life. together. We have experienced The General Synod of the Anglican We acknowledge diverse pastoral these conversations as a gift for us Church of Canada met in Halifax, practices as dioceses respond to here at Synod and hope that they Nova Scotia in June of 2010. their own missional contexts. We will be a further gift to the Anglican Together we entered into intentional accept the continuing commitment to Church of Canada and to the wider conversations in order to hear where develop generous pastoral Church. our Church is at this time in its life responses. We recognize that these in relation to the matter of blessing different approaches raise of same gender unions. Our difficulties and challenges. When conversations were marked by one acts there are implications for grace, honesty and generosity of all. There can be no imposition of a spirit towards one another. There decision or action, but rather we are was robust participation in the challenged to live together sharing conversations. In dialogue we in the mission of Christ entrusted to shared our passion for the mission us, accepting that different local of God in the world and our contexts call at times for different thoughts, feelings and convictions. local discernment, decision and We were attentive to each others‟ action. perspectives, experiences and stories and we shared a We are in a time of ongoing commitment to continued theological discernment which requires mutual reflection and scriptural study as a accountability through continuing foundation to our ongoing dialogue dialogue, diocese to diocese and and discernment. across the wider church. It also requires continued theological and We engaged these conversations scriptural study and dialogue on the within the particularity of our wide range of matters relating to Canadian context – a country that is human sexuality. diverse and many cultured. Canadians have been learning how For many members of General to dialogue across their diversities Synod there is deep sadness that, over the course of our national life. at this time, there is no common We do so with deeply held mind. We acknowledge the pain commitments to transparency and that our diversity in this matter openness, an approach that is not causes. We are deeply aware of the without risk and that we affirm as a cost to people whose lives are great gift. Often, in processes of implicated in the consequences of an discernment, the task is to see our ongoing discernment process. This way through a paradox. is not just an „issue‟ but is about people‟s daily lives and deeply held Liturgy Canada Page 4

Trolling the Websites What is Happening?

The following is the result of a couple of hours spent any legislative decision on the issue. visiting the websites of the Anglican and Lutheran national churches, synods and dioceses in January of Diocese of Toronto: Link to a page on Same-Gender 2011. The purpose was to see what a casual visitor Commitments. (See later in this issue) might learn about the debate and where each church stands on the issue of same-gender relationships. In every case, only the home page of each website was What is Happening Across the Country looked at, except when there was a clear link or In response to the 2007 Bishops‟ Statement, a reference to further pages. number of Dioceses have published rites and/or guidelines which are called by various names: Anglican Church of Canada: Under the Faith, Worship Blessing of Civil Marriage, Rite for the Celebration of and Ministry header, there is a link to the “Human Gay and Lesbian Covenants, Celebration of Civil Sexuality” page. Documents from General Synod 2010 Marriage with Same-Sex Couples, Pastoral and 2007, plus a number of resources for further Guidelines for the Blessing of Same-Gender study are available there. Commitments and Rite of Blessing of Civil Marriage. Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada: Under In the articles below, we have attempted to show the “Resources”, there is a link to the Human Sexuality “flavour” of each Diocese‟s response. Full texts are page, which contains a draft of a proposed Social Paper available on the respective Diocesan websites. on Human Sexuality. Feedback on this paper was The invited by September 2010 and the National Church Huron has issued the following statement from the was expected to issue a final version of this paper after Bishop, a rite to be used (called Celebration of Civil its February 2011 meeting. Marriage with Same-Sex Couples), and a list of Lutheran Synods: None of the five Lutheran Synod protocols, as follows: websites had any mention of the issue on their home I want to emphasize that nothing has changed in pages. Huron since General Synod of 2007 as it relates to Anglican Dioceses: Only four of the thirty Anglican same sex blessings. The Diocese of Huron Doctrine diocesan websites had reference to the issue on their and Worship Committee will meet and develop home pages. Even some of those who have developed appropriate prayers for my consideration as per the or are developing various liturgical rites do not have a House of Bishops Statement to members of General clear mention on their website‟s home pages. Synod 2007. As the House of Bishops Statement says, “When a civilly married gay or lesbian couple Diocese of Montreal: Link to a page called Liturgy for seeks our church‟s reception of their civil marriage and Blessing Civil Marriage. (See later in this issue) asks their parish‟s recognition, it may be possible, Diocese of New Westminster: Link to a separate with their bishop‟s knowledge and permission, to website devoted to the issue. The website contains an celebrate a Eucharist with the couple, including overview of the history and parameters of the appropriate intercessory prayers but not including a discussion in the diocese, the actual rite of blessing, nuptial blessing.”. the role of the episcopal visitor, the approval process The Guidelines for the rite begin as follows: plus archives and further background to the rite. (See The Eucharistic Rite for the Celebration of Civil later in this issue) Marriage is the same as all other Eucharistic Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island: celebrations except for PART 3 which is prescribed in Link to the October 2010 letter from the Bishops on the attached document. No part of the text (in PART Human Sexuality. The letter outlines the history of the 3) may be altered. issue in the Diocese and asks each parish to tell the The presider then will begin the prayers with the Bishops what kind of pastoral response they choose to following (PART 3). make to those who ask for a blessing of their union in light of the Canadian House of Bishops‟ statement of Presider: 2007. The Bishops say these responses will help them determine the “mind of the Diocese” on this matter. The letter also says the Diocese may not need to make Liturgy Canada Lent 2011 Page 5

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The Scriptures tell the story of We thank you, Lord, that in N and The Preface to the rite states, God‟s enduring covenant with all N, we have seen your love made among other things: humankind and indeed with all of manifest in our midst. May that The church recognizes the validity of creation. God‟s covenant with love be for them a seal upon their marriages which have been Israel was the source of their law hearts, a mantle about their solemnised in accordance with its and their love for one another. This shoulders and a crown upon their understanding of marriage, whether covenant set them apart to bless foreheads. or not the exchange of vows took and to be a blessing to all creation. Blessed are you, Lord God, for you place in the context of an act of This covenant took flesh in the bring us all to that table where your worship at which one of its ordained person of Jesus and has brought us saints feast forever in your heavenly ministers presided. A civil ceremony into a new community where there home. Amen. at which two people took each other is no male nor female, Jew nor as spouses with the intention of

Greek, slave nor free, but one lifelong commitment is a complete people united in Christ, to the Glory Diocese of Montreal and valid wedding. of God. This Diocese has published a rite The rite is almost identical to that We have gathered today to for the Blessing of Civil Marriage, contained in the Book of Occasional acknowledge and celebrate a adapted from the Book of Celebrations, with the exception covenant already made. The public Occasional Celebrations. The that in place of “man and woman” declaration of commitment which preamble to the rite states: the phrase “couple” is used. There binds these two persons in an This liturgy was commissioned by are one or two other minor enduring relationship is now to be the Bishop in response to a motion variations in wording. set apart by prayer and by their passed at the 2007 Synod of the deep desire to invite God into the Diocese of Montreal and affirmed by midst of their love for one another. the 2008 Synod. Diocese of New Westminster New Westminster was the first Our prayer is that this covenant, 2007 Motion Canadian Diocese to publish a rite, between N. and N., will reflect the Be it resolved that this Synod in response to their Diocesan glory of the One who came not be request that the Bishop grant Synod‟s repeated requests for such served, but to serve, and who gave permission for clergy, whose a liturgy. The preface to the rite his life as a ransom for many. By conscience permits, to bless duly follows: word and example, N. and N. solemnized and registered civil proclaim to us the love which sets marriages, including marriages us free to be children of God, between same-sex couples, where at A RITE FOR THE CELEBRATION inheritors of his kingdom and signs least one party is baptized; and that OF GAY AND LESBIAN of the new creation. the Bishop authorize an appropriate COVENANTS There follows the text of the Prayers rite and make regulations for its use of the People, ending with the in supportive parishes and CONCERNING THE RITE following: ministries. Blessing is a common feature of Christian worship. For centuries the Then the assembly, stretching their The protocols for use of this rite include provisions that the Bishop church has blessed people, places hands toward the couple, says and things. Every prayer of blessing together the following prayer: must give permission for each blessing, that the blessing be is thanksgiving for creation and All: Blessed are you, Lord our God, registered in the parish‟s Vestry redemption offered in petition for the for in your mercy you have created Book and as a blessing in the fulfillment of God‟s purpose in the us for love and companionship. We parish marriage register and that world. All human relationships have bless you for our creation, no priest is obliged to bless a civil the potential to be agents of God‟s preservation and all the blessings of marriage. Only clergy with purpose. Regardless of the specific this life. Above all we bless you for permission to perform marriages characteristics of the relationship, the act of blessing does not make our redemption in the great gift of may perform these blessings. Sixty our Lord Jesus Christ. days must elapse between the the relationship more holy but couple‟s request for a blessing and rather, in giving thanks to God and the performance of the rite itself. invoking God‟s holy name, releases Liturgy Canada Page 6

continued from page 5 the relationship to realize its full meeting of obligations that arise Will you do all in your power to potential as an expression of God‟s from the same. make your life together a witness to love and peace. the love of God in the world? After introductory prayers and the Couple: We will, with God’s help. The act of blessing recognizes the Liturgy of the Word, the rite pre-existent reality of the continues with the Covenant and The presider invites the couple to relationship; confers the Blessing: stand in full view of the congregation community‟s authority upon the and to face each other. Taking each THE COVENANT recipients to conduct themselves as other by the hand(s), each says to The presider invites the couple to formal and public participants in the other in turn. stand in the full view of the gathered such a relationship; establishes a community and addresses the N., I give myself to you. I love you, communal context of responsibility, couple in these or similar words. trust you, and delight in you. I will accountability and privilege; and share your burdens and your joys. I petitions God to endow the partners A covenant is an ancient form of will go with you wherever God calls with all such grace and strength promise, a public declaration of us. This is my solemn promise. necessary to fulfill the vows and commitment that binds people in commitments being made. an enduring relationship. The Bible The Blessing of the Covenant tells the story of God‟s covenant The presider then addresses the This Rite of Blessing is a public with human beings. God‟s covenant community as follows. service of the church and is with Israel was the basis of the celebrated before God in the body of You, friends and members of the people‟s liberation from slavery and the church and in the presence of families of N. and N., are witnesses exile. God‟s covenant with the friends, family and the congregation. to this covenant. followers of Jesus brings us into a Friends and family members are new community where there is no encouraged to participate in the Rite Will you support N. and N. in the male nor female, Jew nor Greek, where indicated. promises they have made? slave nor free, but one people We will. All matters relating to the conduct of united in Christ. the Rite shall be in accordance with Will you celebrate the goodness of All our covenants with family and the liturgical policy and practice of God‟s grace evident in their lives? friends are signs of God‟s the diocese. It is desirable that the We will. faithfulness and love. They are order of service be incorporated into living expressions of God‟s promises Will you stand by them, encourage, the Eucharist wherever possible. to us and sources of hope to others. guide, and pray for them in times of GUIDELINES FOR ADMISSION Today we gather to witness and to trouble and distress? In order to request this Rite of bless the public commitment of N. We will. Blessing each member of the couple and N. to such a covenant. Do you give them your blessing? must: The presider then addresses the We do. a) be free to enter into such a couple as follows. The presider then says one of the covenant. That is, they must not be N. and N., do you believe God has following blessings. in an existing covenantal called you into a life-long covenant relationship, including marriage. Let us pray. of love and fidelity? b) Enter the rite with an Couple: We do believe. We give thanks and praise to you, O understanding that the relationship gracious God, for your unfailing Will you live together in love? is to be exclusive of any other love and wonderful deeds among Couple: We will, with God’s help. partners and have the expectation of us: for the splendour of creation, permanence. Will you be faithful to one another? the beauty of this world, the Couple: We will, with God’s help. mystery of our lives and the c) Satisfy the requirements of any surprises of human love. We give previous relationship. This involves Will you support one another in you thanks and praise for N. and appropriate support of dependants love so that you may both grow into N., because you create in them the from any previous relationship and maturity of faith in Jesus Christ? desire for intimacy and the appropriate dissolution and Couple: We will, with God’s help. companionship, calling them out of Liturgy Canada Lent 2011 Page 7

continued from page 6 isolation and exile, strengthening In our solitude and our releases the divine qualities them against prejudice and fear, companionship, inherent in the person or persons and embracing them in a family of May we be blessed by you for being blessed so that these qualities friends and loved ones. ever. may work for the enhancement of God‟s reign. It is this latter view Pour out your abundant blessing In our acts of tenderness and that informed the compilers of the upon N. and N. May they grow in intimacy, proposed rite. love for one another and for all your May we be blessed by you for creation. Lead them into ever. We bless people not to increase accomplishments that satisfy and their spiritual dignity but to give In our delight at knowing and being delight. Grant that in the years thanks for the role they have been known, ahead they may be faithful to the called to play within the reign of May we be blessed by you for promises they make this day, and God and thus to release them to ever. that in the strength of the Holy play their part. (Occasional Spirit they may grow together in the In our acts of self-sacrifice to build Celebrations 1992, 119) love, joy, and peace of our Saviour up one another, ………………. Jesus Christ. May we be blessed by you for The proposed rite chooses to ever. Blessed are you, O gracious God, celebrate God‟s gifts present in the source of all love, now and for In our being comfort to each other, whole Christian community, ever. Amen. May we be blessed by you for whether gay or straight. The rite ever. gives thanks to God for fidelity in a The rite continues with the Eucharist world marked by promiscuity, for and concludes with the following: In our passion for justice, reconciliation in a society marked May we be blessed by you for THE COMMISSIONING OF THE by social, economic and ethnic ever. COMMUNITY separation and for the diversity of In our generosity and tenacity, gifts manifested in the Body of A Litany of Blessing May we be blessed by you for Christ in the midst of a culture After communion has been ever. tempted by the allure of distributed, the presider, a friend, or homogeneity. Without losing sight In all our fruitfulness, a member of the family leads the of the reality of human sin, the rite May we be blessed by you for community in the following litany of celebrates the redemption offered ever. blessing. Additional petitions may be freely in Jesus Christ who calls us included if so desired. into relationships of self-giving love. Dear friends, N. and N. have been The Diocese of New Westminster‟s ………………………………. drawn by God into a covenant of rite also includes an article in III) How is the proposed rite distinct mind and body, heart and will. We which Dr. Richard Leggett outlines from the marriage rite? have celebrated this covenant and the context of the liturgy. The pray that the life they share will following excerpts are from his First, it is only proper to reflect the love of God for the whole article Text in Context: The acknowledge that the proposed rite world. Let us join in prayer asking Blessing of Same-Gender shares a similar structure to God‟s blessing upon us as we go Covenants in the Diocese of New marriage, but this similarity is one forth with N. and N. to proclaim Westminster and are taken directly which reflects the common with our lives the reconciling and from the Diocesan website. structure of blessing rites: (a) renewing love of God made known introductory rite, (b) liturgy of the in Jesus Christ. word, (c) liturgy of the blessing and I) What do we understand a blessing (d) concluding rite (Occasional Abundant God, Lover of all Celebrations 1992, 121-122). creation, pour out your blessing on to be and to mean?...... us and the covenant we have The fundamental question is ……………………….. celebrated. whether a blessing imparts a divine [T]he proposed rite differs from the May we be blessed by you for quality to a person or persons that marriage rite in several significant ever. is absent or whether the blessing elements. Liturgy Canada Page 8

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1) It is generally acknowledged that 6) The promises of the proposed rite Niagara and as part of a the ministers of the sacrament of focus on mutual love and edification conversation with Anglicans in marriage are a heterosexual couple. rather than the “taking” language of Tanzania” include Our Common They marry each other; the presider the marriage rite. Understanding, Word and blesses what they have vowed. In Sacrament and Two Studies on the 7) Finally, the actual blessing in the the proposed rite the couple is not Bible and Homosexuality. proposed rite is neither derivative of heterosexual but homosexual. The nor similar to the blessing texts of covenant, while sharing some the marriage rite. characteristics of marital Niagara Rite of Blessing of Civil relationships, is sui generis, unique 8) Whereas the marriage rite Marriage and not to be confused with presumes marriage to be a Introduction marriage. conventional social relationship that This rite is intended for the has the potential for being a sign of 2) In marriage the exchange of voluntary use of priests who wish to God‟s reign, the proposed rite consents in deemed an essential offer a sacrament of blessing understands the blessing of same- element of the rite (Stevenson 1982, regardless of the gender of the civilly gender covenants to be an act of 205, 210). Such an exchange of married persons who wish to receive public witness and resistance in a consents is not deemed necessary in the blessing of the church and wish world that continues to marginalize the proposed rite. Although the to affirm their life commitment to gay and lesbian Christians. participants in the proposed rite are each other before God in the expected to enter this covenant ………………… community of the church. As such it freely, the implicit and explicit power does not imply nor is it intended to The proposed rite concludes in an differentials and impediments that suggest that those who do or do not act of corporate solidarity. The gave rise historically to the exchange make use of this rite are excluded congregation, couple and presider of consent in the marriage rite do not from the economy of God‟s salvation. join in a litany of blessing, witness pertain here. The rite is a means for the church to and commitment, seeking God‟s extend affirmation, support, and 3) In the marriage rite the community favour on the entire assembly as commitment to those who present is given the opportunity to voice any they go forth to live as agents of the themselves seeking a sign of God‟s legal and canonical objections to the reign of God. love in response to the love and blessing of the marriage. In the commitment they express for each proposed rite no such opportunity is other and have already affirmed in a provided. The introductory rubrics, civil ceremony. however, are clear that the presbyter This Diocese‟s website includes a or bishop who presides may not rite of blessing of a civil marriage, It is designed for the blessing of any bless the covenant if either of the an outline of which is included couple who has been civilly married. participants is legally married. below. The site also has a number It may also be used for the blessing or renewing of marriage vows for a 4) In marriage the presiding minister of theological essays produced for couple celebrating a significant declares the couple to be married, a the Bishop. These include A moment in their married life declaration more civil than ecclesial Theological Justification of Blessing together. in origin. There is no such Same-Gender Relationships, declaration in the proposed rite. Blessing as Mission, Searching the The rite is innovative in that it does Scriptures for Wisdom, What not provide a single set structure 5) A comparison of the introductory Christian Teaching Tells Us About with content. Rather it has been declaration of the marriage rite of Freedom to Change our Minds, and designed to present a variety of The Book of Alternative Services and Blessing Committed Same-Gender options, drawing on a number of the declaration that introduces the Unions in the Context of the Anglican liturgical resources. Thus, a draft exchange of promises in the Communion. structure appears, divided into six proposed rite will reveal significant sections, around which a service differences in the understanding of In addition, essays under the may be designed using the content the rites. heading “The Blessing of Same- Gender Unions and Holy Scripture: on the following pages as the basis ………………………. Essays written for the Bishop of for a dialogue between a couple and their priest. Liturgy Canada Lent 2011 Page 9

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The liturgy of the word includes the 3. In the course of such a that the blessing celebrates and option for a reading from a secular conversation, the cleric should be deepens a reality that already source and some appropriate prepared to advise the Bishop exists; suggestions are here offered. Where details about the couple and should there is only one reading, that be prepared to have a conversation I give my permission to the Church reading should be taken from the about the response of the parish to of St. John the Evangelist, Ottawa to Hebrew or Greek scriptures. blessings. A date for such a begin offering a rite of blessing to blessing should not be confirmed those same-sex couples civilly The language in this rite has been with the couple until after this married where at least one party is edited to be as inclusive as possible conversation with the Bishop has baptized, utilizing the rite of blessing and gender-balanced or gender- taken place. for civil marriages found in the Book neutral in references to both the of Occasional Celebrations, couple and to God. Words in 4. It is the Bishop‟s wish that each published by the Anglican Church of parenthesis should be used and blessing being contemplated would Canada. edited according to the involve such a conversation. circumstances of each couple. While 5. Seeking an affirmative vote at a The preamble to the rite points out two forms of prayer are offered, the Parish Vestry is not required; the that the role of an ordained minister priest or couple should feel free to Bishop prefers that Vestry meetings in a marriage service is to pray for produce their own. Similarly, while not take place over these services. God's blessing on the marriage, two options are provided for the which the couple has ministered to Eucharistic Prayer, any prayer from 6. This process will be monitored each other. the B.A.S. may be substituted. and may be adapted as needed. It is intended that only one of the The structure of the rite is then I have not chosen to create an options presented in each section be described, with a multitude of entirely new rite as has been offered used as a rite is produced. The resources given for putting together by at least two dioceses in Canada. options are in no particular order the liturgy to be used at any given My intention is to embrace a and should not be „matched‟ in a celebration. The parts of the liturgy liturgical process that will not correlating fashion. As this is a are Gathering of the Community, discriminate between members of blessing upon a couple already Proclamation of the Word, Blessing the Church on the basis of sexual civilly married, the renewal of vows of the Union, Prayers of the People, orientation. This will be Ottawa's and exchanging of a ring or another Celebration of the Eucharist offering to the ongoing discernment symbol of covenant love is entirely (optional) and Blessing and that is happening throughout the optional. Dismissal. Anglican Church of Canada.

Further questions about the use of It is my conviction that the process of this rite should be directed to the The Diocese of Ottawa discernment proposed here is Bishop‟s office or the Bishop‟s fundamentally conservative and The Diocese of Ottawa‟s website liturgical officer. traditional. That is, the process of contains the following excerpt from experiential discernment is Protocol for Use: the Bishop‟s Charge to the 2009 witnessed clearly within Holy 1. This rite is authorized by the Synod of the Diocese, which Scripture. A significant instance Bishop of Niagara for use in the outlines the Diocese‟s current may be examined in Acts chapter Diocese of Niagara by licenced position: clergy, and clergy holding the fifteen. There the Church Bishop‟s permission to officiate, to Same-sex couples who are civilly determines to do something, which, bless the civil marriages of same-sex married and seek the Church's on the face of it, is against a plain couples, one of whom must be blessing of their marriage must be reading of many other scriptural baptized. welcomed with the same care and texts. The reinterpretation of these solicitude that the church would texts is held to be done under the 2. Each cleric who wishes to officiate extend to any other of its members; guidance of the Holy Spirit in order at such a blessing should contact and, that when the church blesses to bring "new things out of old" as the Bishop‟s office, so that a the marriage of anyone civilly they are found in the new creation conversation can take place between married it does so recognizing that instituted by the death and rising of the Bishop and the cleric involved. the couple is already married and Jesus Christ. Such reinterpretation Liturgy Canada Page 10

continued from page 9 is witnessed to elsewhere in both As the practice proceeds, the College The document gives clear guidelines Testaments and in the subsequent of Bishops will evaluate its impact for what is to be included in the rite life of the Church. on the mission and ministry of the of blessing and very specific diocese. instructions about what is not to be

included. Those elements not to be Theological Foundation – In Diocese of Toronto included are: exchange of consents, seeking to meet the needs of gay This Diocese has recently published opportunity for public legal or and lesbian couples in our parishes a document called Pastoral canonical objections, declaration of we recognize the tension between Guidelines for the Blessing of Same union (e.g “I now pronounce the “gracious restraint” called for in Gender Commitments. The you...etc.”), signing of marriage “The Windsor Report” (embodied in introduction to the document and register and nuptial blessing. It is the three-fold moratoria) and the its theological foundation are made clear that an act of civil “pastoral generosity” called for by printed below: marriage is not to be included as the national House of Bishops in part of the blessing. their 2007 Pastoral Statement. At The following guidelines are the heart of these guidelines is the presented in order to offer a The final section of the document call of the baptismal covenant on all generous pastoral response to stable clearly outlines the diversity of the Christians. We live within our committed same gender Diocese and of this policy: covenant with God, embodied in the relationships in our diocesan family tenets of our faith outlined in the seeking a blessing of their Diocesan Diversity – The Diocese Creed and in the daily practice of commitment. The guidelines were of Toronto honours and appreciates our lives. We seek to grow in formed after consultation with a the diversity represented in its integrity and sanctity as we reflect Commission of clergy and laity parishes and clergy. This diversity the life of Christ in ourselves and in across a variety of theological will continue to be reflected in the our relationships, through worship, perspectives and opinions seeking to selection and appointment of clergy, reconciliation, proclamation, witness recognize the sensitivity of the issue and in the membership of and action. We understand blessing while being pastorally appropriate. committees and councils of the of same gender couples in light of In our discussions, we have seen diocese. We recognize there are their intention to grow into the that there is great diversity among theological and cultural differences fullness of Christ, individually and parishes that are opposed to same across our diocese and within in their relationship, through faithful gender commitments, similar to the parishes which are strained by both reflection of the gifts of the Spirit diversity found in parishes that are the limits and permission (Galatians 5:22-23). in favour. Recognition of this represented in blessing same gender diversity affirms that parishes which Overview relationships. All congregations and hold similar viewpoints on this The intent of the Toronto rite is for individual Anglicans are called to subject are not to be painted with the Bishop to authorize a limited exercise pastoral generosity one to one brush, and represent the rich number of parishes to offer another. breadth of life in parishes, with blessings of same-gender parishioners who are theologically commitments, and only after the Permission to participate in astute and deeply committed parish has engaged in a thorough blessings of same gender Christians. The diversity of our process of prayer, study, commitments will be extended only diocesan community demonstrates consultation, discernment and to those parishes and clergy who that we are called to witness to the consensus-building. Blessings fulfill the requirements noted above faith in a variety of ways, and would be conducted only in the and are granted permission by the though such witness is rooted in context of an ongoing pastoral diocesan bishop. differing interpretations and relationship with a congregation No clergy nor parishes will be understanding of holy scripture and and priest, and one of the couple required to participate in the the tradition, they are recognizably must be baptized. There is also blessing of same gender Anglican. provision for blessings in the case relationships. of couples whose parish or clergy are not authorized to use this rite.

Liturgy Canada Lent 2011 Page 11

continued from page 10 Coming: Liturgy Canada issue on Participation in the Clergy who object to blessing same Liturgy gender relationships will be asked to exercise pastoral generosity by Despite the work of the liturgical movement of the last several referring same gender couples decades, there is a widespread sense among liturgists that the seeking a blessing, if requested, to expected renewal of the church‟s worship has fallen short of the Area Bishop. expectations. A touchstone of the liturgical movement has been Vatican II's call for the 'full, conscious and active' participation of the Clergy who support blessing same laity. gender couples will be asked to An upcoming issue of Liturgy Canada will re-examine how exercise pastoral sensitivity to those worshippers might participate in—and clergy might preside at—the in their parish who are not in liturgy in ways that will deepen the liturgy's transformative agreement with the parish designation. potential.

Strengthening Liturgical Competencies: an emerging strategy by John W B Hill Members of Liturgy Canada Executive, both Anglican and Lutheran, have begun planning liturgy training events, in collaboration with the Renison Institute of Ministry in Waterloo, to serve the newly ordained and liturgical ministers in general. Confronted by persistent reports of liturgical boredom and spiritual disappointment amongst worshippers, we want to help rebuild Sunday liturgy to be engaging and energizing, and centred in vital experiences of Word and Sacrament. This will entail distinct „units‟ to address elements such as ● the shape of the liturgy ● liturgical space and movement ● proclamation ● intercession ● celebrating baptism ● celebrating eucharist ● gathering and sending ● managing change. Units will be formational (not just informational) and will involve both prayer and music. Initially, the training events will launch in southern Ontario, but hopefully the model will be portable and will be picked up in other regions. We will consult with bishops, seeking episcopal endorsement and cooperation in recommending the events and in recognizing participants with certificates of some sort. Some of these „units‟ are already in development or trial use, and may be ready to offer more widely this summer. The larger aim is to launch a week-long training event in one or more places in the summer of 2012. Watch for further announcements here and at www.liturgy.ca. Meanwhile, we will welcome input from readers. Have you experienced training events that might be instructive for us in the design of one or more of these „units‟? Please contact Steve Harnadek at [email protected].

Letters to the Editor are welcome! Letter to the Editor Send your comments to [email protected].

I appreciated Yme Woensdregt's article in the [Michaelmas] issue of Liturgy Canada. I like his theological arguments in favour of open communion as well as his use of group game theory which as a specialist in social work with groups I can fully relate to. The 21st century emergent church should see itself as a "centre set group" which is inclusive and where the cycle of formation is "belong - behave - believe." rather than the reverse. But I also agree with John Hill when he cautions that it is "the explicit invitation to the unbaptized to share in Communion that undermines the meaning of the sacraments." Communion should be open to all but we need to attempt to recognize unbaptized communicants in order to invite them to be baptized and receive the spiritual fullness of both sacraments.

The Rev'd Bob Chandler, St. Matthew's Church, Windsor, ON

Liturgy Canada Annual General Meeting on Monday, April 11th at 4 pm at the Queen‟s Inn, Stratford, Ontario! Join us! LENT 2011, ISSUE 51, VOLUME XIII, #3

Liturgy Canada is a society of women and men committed to the ongoing renewal of the Church in worship and mission. Our ministry is to provide resources on our liturgical life which focus the debate, inform our practice and evaluate our experience.

We always welcome Join online @ comments about our articles www.liturgy.ca and pay or what is happening in your parish. If you have been by PayPal or send a www.liturgycanada.ca touched, stimulated, cheque payable to informed, angered, inspired, Liturgy Canada to our confused or otherwise Liturgy Canada ISSN: 1493-6529 Business Manager, affected by this issue, we Lent 2011 Issue 51, Volume XIII, #3 the Rev‟d Lynn Mitchell: would love to help you share Executive your work with others. Your Liturgy Canada Stephen Harnadek, Chair responses are most 6 Hamilton Street Elizabeth Nelson, Secretary & General Editor Lynn Mitchell, Business Manager welcome! Stratford, Ontario Steven Mackison, Treasurer Send to Liturgy Canada, 6 N5A 7P4

Hamilton Street, Stratford, [email protected] Members Paul Bosch, Sharyn Hall, Mark Harris, John W.B. Hill, Ken Hull, ON N5A 7P4 Debbie-Lou Ludolph, Dean Mercer, Peter Wall, OR by e-mail to: John Wilton (Ontario); David Fletcher (Nova [email protected] Scotia); Christian Schreiner (Quebec); Marion Jenkins (Manitoba); Yme Woensdregt (British Columbia) Membership Fees $33 for 4 issues Joachim Fricker, Episcopal Advisor $55 for 8 issues $77 for 12 issues Additional donations to support the continuing work of Liturgy Canada are always appreciated. Published by Liturgy Canada in co-operation with the Anglican Book Centre

Let Us Give Thanks Blessing and Glory and Members may buy these by David Holeton, Thanksgiving publications directly from Catherine Hall and by William Blott us at a 20% discount. Greg Kerr-Wilson The story of the creation of Thinking About Baptism A presider‟s manual for the the Canadian Book of by John W. B. Hill Eucharist the Book of Common Prayer 1962. A booklet designed to Alternative Services. $14.95 $16.95 Members—$13.50 acquaint parents and Members—$11.95 Let Us Keep the Feast sponsors with the Church‟s Into the Household Kevin Flynn, Editor renewed theology of infant of God A „how-to‟ resource, based baptism. $2.50 (no discount) by John W. B. Hill on the Book of Alternative Making Disciples A presider‟s manual for Services Holy Week by John W. B. Hill Baptism in the Book of liturgies, The theology, rites and Alternative Services. $8.50 to help Holy Week worship practicalities of the Members—$7.00 in parish churches come catechumenate. $16.95 alive. $16.95 Members—$13.55 Members—$13.50