Hymn Tune: Bellwoods 1 Re - store in us, O God, the splen - dour of your love; re - 2 O Spi - rit, wake in us the won - der of your power; from 3 Bring us, O Christ, to share the full - ness of your joy; bap - 4 Three - per - soned God, ful - fil the pro - mise of your grace, that 1 new your im - age in our hearts, and all___ our sins re - move. 2 fruit - less fears un - furl our lives like spring - time bud and flower. 3 tize us in the ris - en life that death_ can - not des - troy. 4 we, when all our search - ing ends, may see___ you face to face. Dismissal Deacon Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. All Thanks be to God. Postlude Allegro maestoso e serioso (from ‘Sonata No. 1 in F Minor’) Felix Mendelssohn THE CONSECRATED OILS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN BOTH THE EAST AND WEST AISLES FOLLOWING THE SERVICE. THROUGHOUT THE YEAR, THE OILS ARE AVAILABLE BY CONTACTING THE CATHEDRAL. PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR OWN CONTAINERS FOR THE SACRED CHRISM AND THE OIL OF THE SICK. The Holy Eucharist The Cathedral Church of St. James Diocese of Toronto • Anglican Church of Canada Blessing of Oils King & Church Streets, Toronto and the Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows Cathedral Centre (416) 364-7865 • Fax (416) 364-0295 of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons 65 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2E9
[email protected] • www.stjamescathedral.ca Holy Tuesday • March 27, 2018 at 10:30am Archbishop of Toronto The Most Rev’d Colin Johnson Rector of the Cathedral and Dean of Toronto The Very Rev’d Andrew Asbil Vicar The Rev’d Louise Peters The Cathedral Church of St.