J" Phytol. Res. 23(2) : 239-245, 2010 SCAIYNING ELECTRON MICROSCPIC STTTDIE S OF M,INN,qYA KOENIGII L (RUTACEAE) VINEETA CHAUDIIARY Tnd ANITA RANA Department of Botany, School of Life Sciences, Khandari Campus, Dr, B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra - lndia. 2g2002 (u.p.), e-mail :
[email protected] SEM studies showed tl. lt n Murrrya koenigiil. the anther was dorsifixed, dithecous and bilobed. They dehisce longitudinaily, pistil was shortand slmcarpous. stigma *", ,ii.r.y, .rpL[+;;ilr. Pollen grains were spherical, mgno to tetracalporate with reticulited exine putt.-. rn. unicettutar hichomes were present on the inner and outer surface of calyx, .oroiiu, pedicel,.anther, ovarian surface and lamina of leaves. Stomata were prelent-on upp", *i lower surfaces ofpetals, ,ppr, *a lower surfaces of leaves. Keywords : Anther; pollen Murrrya koenigiiL.; grains; sEM studies; stomata; Trichomes. boduction I for 4 hours at 4oC. I boyo koenigii L. commonly known as Kurrypatta, d) Ished in 75o/o ethyl alcohol and kept in the same for ifrrreem and Barsanga belongs to family Rutaceae is a 12 hours at room temperature. lrrllom€r short and shrubby trie of about 2 - 5 meters e) Passed through the graded series ofethyl alcohol for l{L. It is a native of India. In India 16 genera and 75 I hour at room temperature. +cis of family Rutaceae are recordedr 0 Placed in I 00% ethyl alcohol (prepared by the action ftegenus Munayacomprisesof spriciesof , ll ofheated copper sulphate in absolute alcohol) for or small trees 12 tr distributea in ttre tropics and sub- hours at 4oC. regions2. In India, only two species of Munrya g) Transferred t, 5cat to a mixture of l:l 100% ethyl alcohol il,zaaics and koenigii are reported3 .