Rks Series Led Retrofit Kit

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Rks Series Led Retrofit Kit The Best LED Retrofit Solutions on Planet Earth RKS SERIES LED RETROFIT KIT Lasts 200,000 hours 7-Year Warranty Uses Up • Converts outdated 2 ft. by 2 ft. T8/T12 /U-bent fluorescent fixtures into a fully-integrated to 70% “like-new” LED fixture Less • Installs in less than 5 minutes with no tools in 3 easy steps Energy • High-efficiency retrofit kit uses 70% less energy; saving you money Model Nominal Power Ambient DLC reported Strips Qty Listed Number* LED Lumens** Lm/w RKS SERIES LED RETROFIT KIT RKS2220-X 20W 2 x 21” 3000 150 RKS3220-X 20W 3 x 21” 3000 150 RKS2230-X 30W 2 x 21” >4324 145 RKS3230-X 30W 3 x 21” > 4502 154 Converts 2 ft. by 2 ft. fixtures RKS Universal Fluorescent Fixture Retrofit Kit. Easily converts most all your • Kit includes the listed number of LED magnetic strips, (1) driver, (1) quick-connect output harness existing residential and commercial 4 and 8-foot T5, T8 and T12 linear and optional mounting screws fluorescent light fixtures into an integrated LED light fixture. This retrofit kit • Perfect for cold start applications down to -49°F works with the earliest to the latest versions of ceiling mount, 4-foot and 8- and as high as 158°F foot fluorescent light fixtures, regardless of the style, manufacturer or • LED strips and driver are backed with rare earth magnetic tape, attaches to the existing steel light existing ballast type including linear highbay, strip or wrap fixtures and even fixture in seconds chain suspended shop lights. • For non-steel fixtures and high vibration applications, the kit is predrilled and comes with Since the retrofit kit contains the LED driver, there is no guess work to mounting screws determine if it is compatible with your existing fixtures’ magnetic or • Thermally conductive rare earth magnetic tape electronic ballast. maintains its extraordinary strength across wide temperature variations; it also acts as a heat sink Super simple installation in 3 easy steps: 1). Remove existing bulbs and which increases the life of the LEDs and driver ballast. 2). Attach magnetically backed driver and connect to AC power • CRI of 82 source. 3). Attach magnetically-backed LED strips and quick connect to Y- • Accepts 90 to 277-volt and 50 to 60 Hertz input • Power factor of up to .989 harness. • Dimming not standard, optional upgrade • Optional Accessories: Clear and frosted lenses, If your fixture isn't steel, no worries, the kit is predrilled and comes with adhesive backing and extended harnesses mounting screws. • Suitable or damp locations * X suffix in model number denotes CCT, ie: RKS2440-3 = 3500K, RKS2440-4 = 4000K, RKS2440-5 = 5000K ** Test results verified by UL Verification Services Inc., in accordance with DLC guidelines. Results shown are at 5000K, tested in Linear Ambient luminaire without lens. Lumen output of other CCT and/or different luminaire may have different lumen outputs. www.optilumen.com | 844.438.5444 The Best LED Retrofit Solutions on Planet Earth RKS SERIES LED RETROFIT KIT Lasts 200,000 hours 7-Year Warranty Uses Up • Converts outdated 4 ft. and 8 ft. T5/T8/T12 fluorescent fixtures into a fully-integrated to 70% “like-new” LED fixture Less • Installs in less than 5 minutes with no tools in 3 easy steps Energy • High-efficiency retrofit kit uses 75% less energy; saving you money Model Nominal Power Ambient DLC reported Strips Qty Listed RKS SERIES LED RETROFIT KIT Number* LED Lumens** Lm/w RKS1420-X 20W 1 x 42” 3000 150 RKS2420-X 20W 2 x 42” 3000 150 RKS2430-X 30W 2 x 42” >4489 148 RKS3430-X 30W 3 x 42” >4621 152 RKS2440-X 40W 2 x 42” 5900 148 RKS3440-X 40W 3 x 42” >6082 156 RKS2450-X 50W 2 x 42” >6458 138 RKS3450-X 50W 3 x 42” >6835 145 Converts 4 ft. and 8 ft. fixtures • Each kit includes the listed number of LED magnetic RKS Universal Fluorescent Fixture Retrofit Kit. Easily converts most all your strips, (1) driver, (1) quick-connect output harness existing residential and commercial 4 and 8-foot T5, T8 and T12 linear and optional mounting screws fluorescent light fixtures into an integrated LED light fixture. This retrofit kit • Perfect for cold start applications down to -49°F works with the earliest to the latest versions of ceiling mount, 4-foot and 8- and as high as 158°F foot fluorescent light fixtures, regardless of the style, manufacturer or • LED strips and driver are backed with rare earth magnetic tape, attaches to the existing steel light existing ballast type including linear highbay, strip or wrap fixtures and even fixture in seconds chain suspended shop lights. • For non-steel fixtures and high vibration applications, the kit is predrilled and comes with Since the retrofit kit contains the LED driver, there is no guess work to mounting screws determine if it is compatible with your existing fixtures’ magnetic or • Thermally conductive rare earth magnetic tape electronic ballast. maintains its extraordinary strength across wide temperature variations; it also acts as a heat sink Super simple installation in 3 easy steps: 1). Remove existing bulbs and which increases the life of the LEDs and driver ballast. 2). Attach magnetically backed driver and connect to AC power • CRI of 82 • Accepts 90 to 277-volt and 50 to 60 Hertz input source. 3). Attach magnetically-backed LED strips and quick connect to Y- • Power factor of up to .989 harness. • Dimming not standard, optional upgrade • Optional Accessories: Clear and frosted lenses, If your fixture isn't steel, no worries, the kit is predrilled and comes with adhesive backing and extended harnesses mounting screws • Suitable or damp locations * X suffix in model number denotes CCT, ie: RKS2440-3 = 3500K, RKS2440-4 = 4000K, RKS2440-5 = 5000K ** Test results verified by UL Verification Services Inc., in accordance with DLC guidelines. Results shown are at 5000K, tested in Linear Ambient luminaire without lens. Lumen output of other CCT and/or different luminaire may have different lumen outputs. www.optilumen.com | 844.438.5444.
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