World Soil Resources Reports 22


24 June - 9 July 1965



1. Report of the First Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 19-23 June 1961.

2. Report of the First Meeting on Soil Survey, Correlation and Interpretation for Latin America, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 28-31 May 1962.

3. Report of the First Soil Correlation Seminar for Europe, Moscow. U.S.S.R.. 16-28 July 1962.

4. Report of the First Soil Correlation Seminar for South and Central Asia, Tashkent. Uzbek- istan, U.S.S.R.. 14 September-2 October 1962.

5- Report of the Fourth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey (Sub- commission on Land and Water Use of the European Commission on Agriculture). Lisbon, Portugal. 6-10 March 1963.

6. Report of the Second Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 9-11 July 1963.

7. Report of the Second Soil Correlation Seminar for Europe, Bucharest, Romania, 29 July- 6 August 1963.

8. Report of the Third Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World. Paris, France, 3 January 1964.

9. Adequacy of Soil Sludies in Paraguay, and , November-December 1963.

10. Report on the Soils of Bolivia, January 1964.

11. Report on the Soils of Paraguay. January 1964.

12. Preliminary Definitions, Legend and Correlation Table for the Soil Map of the World, Rome, August 1964.

13. Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 18-21 May 1964.

14. Report of the Meeting on the Classification and Correlation of Soils from Volcanic Ash, Tokyo. Japan. 11-27 June 1964.

15. Report of the First Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification, Survey and Soil Resources (European Commission on Agriculture). Florence, Italy, 1-3 October 1964.

16. Detailed Legend for the Third Draft of the Soil Map of South America, June 1965.

17. Report of the First Meeting of Soil Correlation for North America. Mexico. 1-8 February 1965.

18. The Soil Resources of Latin America, October 1965.

19. Report of the Third Soil Correlation Seminar for Europe: Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Yugoslavia, 29 August-22 September 1965.

20. Report of the Meeting of Rapporteurs. Soil Map of Europe (Working Party on Soil Classi- fication and Survey. European Commission on Agriculture), Bonn, Federal Republic of Ger- many, 29 November-3 December 1965.

21. Report of the Second Meeting on Soil Survey. Correlation and Interpretation for Latin America, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13-16 July 1965.

Cover photo by courtesy of Dr. J. Bennema, Netherlands. Scanned from original by ISRIC - World Soil Information, as ICSU World Data Centre for Soils. The purpose is to make a safe depository for endangered documents and to make the accrued information available for consultation, following Fair Use Guidelines. Every effort is taken to respect Copyright of the materials within the archives where the identification of the Copyright holder is clear and, where feasible, to contact the originators. For questions please contact indicating the item reference number concerned.



24 June - 9 July 1965


Klaas Jan Beek and Jakob Bennema

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Rockefeller Foundation - U.S. AID - Government of Brazil

Rome, 1966

MR/46880 302« CONTENTS

Pajge Participants 1 Travel schedule 2 - 3 The objectives of the expedition 3 Organization and character of the expedition 4 7 How the fieldwork was carried out 7 About this report 8 - 9 Acknowledgements 9 - 10 Summary of soil associations 11 - 19 Fieldnotes 20 - 35 Climate 36 40 Evaluation of the soil resources for agricultural development 41-46 Soil Profiles 1-11 Soil Profile No,. 1 47 - 49 M it n 2 50 - 52 H M H 3 53 - 55 M II M 4 56 - 58 •t II II 5 59 - 61 n II II 6 62 - 64 H II II 7 65 - 67 M II ' II 8 68 - 70 II II II 9 71 - 73 II II II 10 74 - 75 II II II 11 76 - 77

Maps - 1) Area studiedI by the expedition 2) Climate 3) Vegetation 4) Topography- 5) Geology 6) Soil Associations 7) Soil Productivity 8) Soil Potentiality -1-

Participants in the 1965 expedition were:

Argentina Carlos R.O. Miaczyinski (INTA) Soils and Agriculture Pedro Etchevehere (INTA) Soils and Geology

Brazil Waldemar Mendes (DPFS) Director Marcelo Nun e s Camargo (DPFS) Soil Correlator Chyoso Hirano (DPFS) Soil Survey Helio Pierantoni (DPFS) Soil Chemistry Raymundo Costa de Lemos (DPFS) Soil Survey Italo Falesi (IPEAN) Soil Survey Lucio Salgado Vieira (Universidade de Professor of Belem) Soils and Geology Francesco Palmiere (DPFS) Soil Survey Antonio Manuel Pires Filho (DPFS) Idare A. Gomes (DPFS) Gelson Rangel Lima (IBGE) Geographer and Geomorphology Dario de Souza Castelo (IBGE) Assistant Geographer

Peru Carlos Zamora (ONERN) Soil Survey

Surinam Walther Asin (Soil Survey Dept.) Soil Survey

U.S.A. Francis Cleveland (US-AID) Soil Survey Interpretation Dirk van der Voet (US-AID) Aerial Photograph Interpretation

Venezuela Justo Avilan Rovira (CIA) Soil Survey

FAO Staff D. Luis Bramao Chief, World Soil Resources Office Jakob Bennema FAO Consultant(Soil Survey Institute) Clyde Applewhite FAO Soil Survey Expert Klaas Jan Beek FAO Associate Expert -2-

The expedition also had the company of two reporter-cinematographers' Giorgio Fiaschitello, of the newspaper II Tempo and Benedito Toledo da Cruz, of the Agencia Nacional (Brazil), and of Mr. Jorge Pankov of the DNER in Porto Velho, who was in charge of expedition problems connected with road and bridge conditions, lodging and fuelling of the vehicles.

The travel schedule was as follows:

June 24 First participants arrived by road in Porto Velho (RO). June 25 Task force of 6 participants arrived in Rio Branco, (AC) by air. June 26 Field observations in along the road Rio Branco - Vila Plâcida de Castro by task force. Delayed participants arrived from Cuiabâ in Porto Velho by air. June 27 Task force initiated field work along BR-29 from Rio Branco for approximately 21 km. The other participants examined profiles along the first 30 km. of BR-29 from Porto Velho in the direction of Abuna. June 28 Task force returned by air from Rio Branco to Porto Velho. Parties joined and examined soils in the area of the experimental station of IPEAN near Porto Velho. June 29 Expedition left Porto Velho in eastern direction along BR-29 Porto Velho- Seringal Nova Vida (257 km). June 30 Seringal Nova Vida - Rondonia (143 km). July 1 Rondonia - Riozinho (124 km). July 2 Riozinho - Vilhena (216 km). July 3 Vilhena - Pensclo AlemSo (Serra dos Parecis) (560 km). July 4 PensSo Alemäo - Cuiabâ (250 km). July 5 Cuiabâ- cars serviced. -3-

July 6 Cuiaba-Rondonópolis (225 km). July 7 Rondonópolis - Jatai (494 km). July 8 Jatai - Goiânia - Brasilia (200 km) expedition ended.

The objectives of the expedition were as follows:

1. To study the soils of Acre, Rondonia, Mato Grosso and Goiâs along the recently completed road,which provides an interesting cross-section of the area of western and central Brazil, a region of which practically nothing is known from the soils point of view.

2. To correlate the soils in this area with similar soils in other parts of Brazil or South America where these soils have been thoroughly studied. This correlation gives a better understanding of the soils and their classification, for which purpose soil samples were also taken. It also provides an important basis for the appraisal of soil resources of the area under consideration. For the latter purpose not only soil but also soil environment was studied, principally vegetation, topography, climate, geology and hydrology.

3. To separate the more promising areas from the soil angle for the development of agriculture from those areas where no satisfactory development of agriculture can be expected due to the limitations presented by the soil and/or soil environment.

4. To promote, discussions on genesis, classification, and the agricultural potential- ities of the soils between the participating scientists who represented nine different countries (Argentina, Brazil, Netherlands, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Surinam, United States and Venezuela). These discussions provided all the participants of the expedition with a better understanding which will prove to be useful for their soil investigations in the near future.

5. To obtain the necessary information for the improvement of the FAO-UNESCO Soil Map of South America, which was presented to the expedition in its third draft, and of which the latest revision will reach the publishing stage at the end of 1966. The results of the expedition are also supposed to benefit the Brazilian program of the Ministry of Agriculture which aims at the compilation of a reconnaissance soil map of Brazil, 1:500,000, and the US-AID, DPFS, Frontier Development Project which has started an exploratory soil survey of the western and central two thirds of Brazil. These three soil mapping projects of FAO/UNESCO MA and US-AID are being carried out in close co-operation. -4-

Organization and character of the expedition I Former soil correlation trips organized by the WSRO of FAO covered groups of countries and correlation work was done mostly in regions where soil survey work had already been done before or was being carried out; e.g., Uruguay, Paraguay, South Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru. With the last expedition an attempt was made to obtain information on the soils of the most extensive and least known regions of South America from the soils angle. This area, which is characterised by very difficult access and lack of communications, includes the States in Brazil of Acre, Rondonia, Mato Grosso and Goiâs.

When the road connection between Porto Velho (Rondonia) and Cuiabâ had been completed, and surface connection between Porto Velho and Rio Branco (Acre) seemed feasible by train and road, the idea was born of organizing an expedition by surface from Acre to Brasilia. When FAO launched the suggestion of such an expedition at the Brazilian Division of Soil and Soil Fertility of the Ministry of Agriculture this idea found a very enthusiastic reception, and the organization of the expedition commenced in December 1964.

The preparations were made by an organizing committee comprised of Mr. Marcelo Camargo of Brazil, and Mr. Klaas Jan Beek of FAO. The information provided by the National Department of Public Roads (DNER) indicated that the expedition required thorough preparation, and that its realisation would only be feasible during the dry season - the latter part of June, July, August, September. The Department of Roads also promised complete coverage of the expedition between Cuiabä* and Porto Velho, including petrol supply, protection and lodging in camps and settlements, as lodgings and petrol stations were inadequate to cover the expedition's needs.

The expedition was warned that only four-wheel drive vehicles could do the trip, as much of the success of the expedition would depend on the vehicles' resistance to the unpaved and sometimes hardly passable roads and tracks. Therefore, the expedition was very much favored with the contribution from the Soils Division of five jeeps, four of which were Willys station wagons, and the other a Willys pick-up, all of which were new or almost new. ;

These vehicles were made available through the co-operation of the DPFS of the Ministry of Agriculture and of the DPFS-US AID Frontier Development Project. This project, which recently started its plan of operation, has as its main task the mapping of soil resources of the whole northwestern and central part of Brazil (about two thirds of the Brazilian territory). It was then decided that FAO should organize this expedition with the Project on a joint basis, as the respective interests were completely parallel. The Project took the responsibility of supporting the expedition with provisions, including combat food Type C rations, and the maintenance of the cars, while FAO undertook the petrol costs involved in this 8,000 km expedition. FAO invited the following participants for the expedition: C.O.Miaczyinski and Pedro Etchevehere (Argentina); Waldemar Mendes and Marcelo Camargo (Brazil) Carlos Zamora (Peru); Walther Asin (Surinam ); Justo Avilan (Venezuela). Financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation to WSRO made it possible to invite the Latin American participants, and the other participants, all from Brazil, were invited by the Frontier Development Project.

The first travel schedule drawn up after consulting the DNER had to be changed a number of times, even before the trip started. The original plan was that the five jeeps would depart from Rio de Janeiro on June 14th with the Brazilian participants and Mr. Beek of FAO, to arrive in Porto Velhó on June 21st, to transport the jeeps by train to Abunä.and to continue from there along the road BR-29 to Rio Branco. However, this idea had to be changed owing to the impossibility of travelling by land between Abunâ" and Rio Branco.

It was then decided that the participants would leave the cars in Porto Velho and fly up and down to Rio Branco, doing the field work in Rio Branco with local transport. Assembling of the participants was then supposed to be in Rio Branco. It was also anticipated that some of the team, if arriving on time in Porto Velho by road, would make an exploration by "Litorina" (a one-wagon self-driven train carriage) for a period of two days along the Madeira-Mamore' railroad, which runs from Porto Velho via Abuna. to Guajara Mirim at the Bolivian border.

Finally, on the 14th of June the five vehicles with 12 participants left Rio de Janeiro for Porto Velho, a distance of 4, 000 km. A few days before this departure, the DNER had informed the expedition that contrary to press news the obstructions on the road in two places between Vilhena and Porto Velho had been cleared. Previous to this the road had been closed for nine months during the rainy season when large stretches became inundated, and bridges and an earthen dam stretching for various kilometers had been washed away.

The expedition reached Porto Velho on June 24th, having been delayed three days owing to minor and major car defects. On the way to Porto Velho observations were made on soils and environment, and spots were selected which seemed of special interest or to be more representative of the region for excursion stops on the return trip. '

On June 25th all other participants were supposed to arrive by air in Porto Velho, and to proceed with the same flight to Rio Branco accompanied by those who had arrived by jeep. Only Dr;;; Avilan and Mr. Asin arrived according to schedule and proceeded to Rio Branco, followed the same day on a different flight by Messrs.Falesi Hirano, Van der Voet and Beek. The other participants coming by air lost one day in Cuiabâ as the scheduled flight was cancelled, and the next day on arrival in Porto Velho they found that the connection of the flight to Rio Branco had also been cancelled. Therefore, only a team of six, later described as the "task force", carried out soil investigations for two days in Acre. The group which stayed in Porto Velho went to the field in the neighbourhood of the town on June 27th and June 28th. Reunion of the two groups took place on June 28th, when the task force returned from Acre by air. -6-

On June 29th the expedition left Porto Velho in seven vehicles, two more vehicles than there had been on the first part of the trip, since the number of participants had been augmented by the arrival of two geographers of the IBGE, and two pressmen of ANSA and Agencia Nacional. The two additional vehicles were generously offered, together with drivers and a supervising engineer, by the DNER,

District Porto Velho, and these additional vehicles accompanied us until we reached ; Brasilia. The expedition arrived in Cuiabâ on July 4th (approximately 1554 km) and i arrived in Brasilia on July 9th (approximately 1500 km). The return to Rio was made on July 11th, after having completed a distance of approximately 8,500 km.

This part of the report would not be complete without the mention of some very characteristic situations with which we were faced during the trip. Exceptfojr some short scattered asphalted stretches in Mato Grosso the road is unpaved until you , reach Goiânia. Red dust filled the pores of all participants from the first till the last days, and it took everyone about an equal number of days to become completely clean again after the trip.

When the road goes through the lower area between Porto Velho and Vilhena, where there is Amazon forest, the expedition had to pass over 70 rivers using bridges or "pinguelas" which had been constructed three years ago, during the first construc- tion of the road. These bridges and pinguelas could not support the weight of the heavy loaded 15 to 20 ton trucks and were the most challenging aspect along the road to the courage and skill of the drivers as it often occurred that these "bridges" presented themselves as undistinguished bundles of loose rounded and rolling trees which were constantly opening and rolling apart. These were the places where the camera—men showed great activity, perhaps even more than during the stops for soil examinations and discussions, which must have seemed relatively dull to them in comparison with the passing of these pinguelas. It proved in any case that soil scientists if necessary are capable of doinp some civil engineering work as well.

Of course this road presented far greater difficulties to the heavy truck drivers than it presented to the expedition with its much lighter vehicles.. One story told how a Japanese truck driver 'worked four months on the construction of a new pinguela in order to continue on his way. Another group of trucks were stuck last year for several weeks at the dam near Muqui which is various kilometers long and which until now has been washed away each year. Drivers in such a situation suffer from hunger, malaria and other tropical diseases. Sometimes when a bridge had broken down and could not possibly be repaired, the expedition followed tracks recently cut through the forest, leading toward shallow fords in the river. These deviations had also been made by the truck drivers, for whom the expedition developed an enormous respect.

It is obvious that providing this very important road with a proper hard surface requires priority. This might also lower the cost of living in the area which is now extremely high in comparison with eastern Brazil. The population along the road is very small and the villages which appear in the map seldom consist of more than twenty wooden palm-leaf roofed houses. -7-

The principal economie activities are collecting rubber, seringueiros, Brazil nuts, and wood in the forest region, and extensive grazing in the savannah part beyond Cuiabâ. The presence of Indians was often mentioned but they live in the forest which is quite a considerable distance from the road. However, their invisible presence stimulates the imagination when one travels along this dusty and always very deserted road, which runs between two high green walls of tropical green forest. Colorful birds and butterflies are abundant, and although the absence of wild life seems to be somewhat disappointing the presence of mosquitoes, "pium," and other stinging insects did fulfil the expedition's expectations of the Amazon jungle.

The nights were spent in hammocks strung up very closely together in the small huts of the settlements, and for various members of the expedition these were the first nights in their lives spent in hammocks. These people were easily recognizable at night since they continued to move around causing the hammocks of their neighbours to swing also, and the following morning they tended to have a somewhat "bent-forward" walk. However, nobody broke any limbs. Of course the expedition was faced with new dishes, some of which were really delicious, as were the pastries filled with monkey meat in the camp of Colonel Muller in Riozinho.

Modern means of communication - press and radio - had informed the visited region about the FAO expedition even before it arrived, and there was a great deal of encouraging interest in the aims of the expedition. This became particularly evident during the receptions given to members of the expedition in Rio Branco by the Governor of Acre, in Porto Velho by the Governor of the Territory of Rondonia, and in Cuiabâ by the Governor of Mato Grosso.

How the field-work was carried out

Since the expedition went through an area with very old geological and genetical soil surfaces, the changes which had to be observed in the soil patterns were not very frequent, and 'were rather easily observable in connection with topography and geology. The long distances which had to be covered every day, on an average 300 km., together with the sometimes complicated road conditions, did not permit many stops for soil study even though departure was planned every morning for six o'clock. Most stops were made at road cuts which saved much digging time. In flat areas and depressions a Dutch Edelman auger of 120 cm was used. Profile descriptions had to be concise but a complete description of profiles was made by the personnel of the DPFS. Samples were also taken of these profiles which have been analysed by the OPFS laboratory in Rio de Janeiro, and for which descriptions; and analyses are presented in the annex of this report. Some rock samples were also taken for analysis in the petrology and mineralogy section in Rio de Janeiro.

Samples of diagnostic horizons were sometimes taken without making a description of the complete profile and where no samples were taken field pH values were used to obtain some idea about base-status. Special mention should be made here of the common y * actice in Brazil of using a magnet for the separation of the so- called Latosol Roxo r is which have a high content of iron-oxides which can be attracted by the mag ^t. -8-

About this Report

The purpose of this report is to give as complete a picture as possible of the agricultural potential of the region visited from the soils angle. Before this expedition there was practically no information available on soils and the information collected during the trip has been included, together with a brief description of information already existing on climate, (prepared by Mr.^H^ van Baren of the World Soil Resources Office) topography, vegetation and geology. The stops for soil examination had to be short (3,200 km in 11 days) as is normally in a rapid reconnaissance or wind- shield survey. Therefore, in this report only the more important characteristics of the soils are included, to enable their classification at a great soil group or sub-group level.

The soils which have been seen all showed great similarities with other soils which have been observed and studied earlier in other parts of Brazil. Special attention was given to soils with an apparently higher nutrient status, since these were ; expected to be the more promising for eventual agricultural colonization projects. These soils have been completely described and the samples which were taken have been analysed in the laboratory of the DPFS, together with some other completely described and analysed soils which are included as an annex to thereport.Two complete profile descriptions in the annex which were taken in the neighbourhood of Porto Velho were described and analysed by the personnel of the soil section of IPEAN. Also three earlier-described profiles taken in the neighbourhood of Brasilia have been included with their analysis, as they represent the most frequent soils of the Planalto Central region made available by DPFS.

The report commences with a summary, where the area has been sub—divided into 25 soil regions, A series of maps (most 1:5,000,000) has been included which gives:

(a) location of the area within Brazil (b) base-map of the area with physiographical regions (c) map with location of the soils regions (d) climatological map following Koppen (e) climatological map following Thornthwaite (f) geological map (g) vegetation map (h) topographical map with altitudes observed during the trip.

After the summary, a more detailed report follows describing each soil association with the stops and observations made there. These stops have been numbered continuously from Porto Velho to Brasilia. — Q—

The report finishes with a global evaluation of the agricultural resources by soil associations and it must be stated that an expedition of this kind can provide only a very tentative soil map. It is possible to make an inventory of the soils along a cross-section which need not necessarily be a very representative cross-section, since roads are planned on a different basis, but'additional information including indexes of aerial photographs were consulted for the compilation. It should also be mentioned that some of the observations given in this Report were made during the journey to Brasilia, and it was sometimes necessary during the expedition to travel by night to reach our place of lodging.


This expedition was made possible through the most cordial co-operation of Brazil, for which this country has already become world famous, and it is not possible to mention all the persons and institutions that in some way contributed to it.

The Minister of Agriculture, Professor Hugo de Almeida Lerne, invited FAO to organize the expedition in Brazil and authorized the Division of Soil Survey and Soil Fertility (DPFS) to co-operate in the preparation and execution of the project. Special '. gratitude goes to the Director of this Division, Mr. Waldeman Mendes, and to ; Mr. Marcelo Camargo, who took such a great personal interest in the success of the expedition. The DPFS made available jeeps, equipment, and cartographic material to outfit the expedition, and Mr. L. Vettori analysed the samples collected during the expedition.

It was very important for the expedition that the recently formed DPFS-US AID Frontier Development Project should take an interest in their venture, which necessitated travelling through an important section of their Project area. The Frontier Development Project financed the travel and subsistence expenses of the Brazilian participants who were not officially invited by FAO, and who certainly contributed to the success of the expedition. Some of the jeeps were provided by the : F.D.P. and also maintenance costs of the vehicles were paid by them. .It is necessary; to mention personally Mr. Nathaniel Bloomfield, Project Manager, who devoted much of his time to the organization of the expedition and in addition gave his own project jeep.

The co-operation and assistance given by the National Department of Public Roads of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, was indispensable for thé organization and execution of the expedition. Special thanks are due to the Director General Eng. Lafayette, and also to Inspector Crisipio N.D.Miranda, in Rio de Janeiro, who provided all information about road conditions and maintained contact by DNER radio with the areas which •were visited. The DNER gave a complete coverage of the expedition between Por^o Velho and Brasilia, including petrol supply, lodging and guidance. This coverage was organized by the Chief Inspector, District Porto Velho, , Eg. Paulo Silva Mourr-, The expedition was guided between Porto Velho and Brasilia by road engineer Jorg . Pankov, who because of his personal and technical capabilities was the ideal person <. r that difficult task. The District Porto Velho also made available two more vf .ides which were required for the transport of the unexpected greater number of pa . Ucipants and extra supplies. -10-

The two DNER drivers did a magnificent job driving us safely from Porto Velho to Brasilia, and the members of the expedition will never forget the great hospitality received in the road construction camp in Riozinho, of CIB, Construtora Industrial Brasileira, and their Chief Colonel Nelson Muller. Great encouragement was given from the Governor of the States of Acre and Mato Grosso, and of the territory of Rondonia, who received the expedition in their palaces when it came through. In Acre the work of the task force was made possible through the co-operation of the State Department of Public Roads (DER) which with great ener-gy is carrying out an ambitious road plan under the stimulating directorship of Eng. Manuel Costa Nogueira.

The participation of the seven representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Surinam and Venezuela, and the petrol costs for the vehicles along the 8,000 km trip were paid from a most generous grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to the World Soil Resources Office of FAO.

Finally, gratitude goes to the Regional Office of FAO in Rio de Janeiro, where much administrative and secretarial help was given. -11-

Summary of Soil Associations

This part of the report is a legend for the accompanying map, on which soil associations are separated. The delineation of the associations was done principally by Dr. Marcelo Camargo, who as well as other basic information had index sheets of aerial photographs at his disposition, which covered a good part of the area between Cuiaba and Brasilia.

Soil Association 1.

Location: State of Acre, near Rio Branco, Acre River and near Vila Placida de Castro, Abuna River Principal soils: Red Yellow Podzolic soils; Concretionary Red Yellow Podzolic soils and Groundwater Latérites Associated soils: Red Yellow Latosols; Dark Red Latosols and Hydromorphic soils Vegetation: Semi—evergreen tropical forest with many species of the equatorial Amazon forest having heights of more than 30 meters Topography: Level and gently undulating. Geology: Soils derived from tertiary and more recent sediments, including shales and un consolidated material, Rio Branco formation

Soil Association 2.

Location: State of Acre, accompanying the BR 29 road in northeast direction at slightly higher altitude than association 1 Principal soils: Dark Red Latosols Associated soils: Concretionary Red Yellow Podzolic soils and Groundwater Laterites

Inclusions: Imperfectly drained Yellow Latosols with plinthite Vegetation: Topography and Geology as Soil Association 1

Soil Association 4. Location: Between Porto Velho and Ariquemes Principal soils: Red Yellow Latosols Associated soils: Concretionary Red Yellow Latosols Inclusions: Hydromorphic soils and Groundwater Laterites Vegetation: Semi-evergreen tropical forest with many species of the equatorial Amazon forest Topography: Level to gently undulating, locally undulating Geology: Mainly Tertiary s ediments (Barreiras formation) and sediments of a more recent age. Elevations often represent granitic material (graissens and peraciditos) formed by intrusions of acid material. These intrusions are of great importance as they are related to the most important mineral of the region - tin. The granitic rock of pegmatoid character has a pinkish red colour, and consists of pertitic microcline, not much quartz and biotitic mica. The basement of this association consists of gneisses rich in biotite of Pre-CambrianCand D age, including migmatites and charnokites which amongst others can be observed at some falls in the Madeira River and Jamari River.

Soil Association 5. Location: Ariquemes to a few kilometers West of Rondonia • Principal soils: Eutrophic and Dystrophie Reddish Brown Lateritic soils Associated soils: Red Yellow Latosols Vegetation: Semi-evergreen tropical forest, with many species of the Amazon forest. Rubber trees (Hevea sp.)-and "Castanheiras" (Brazil nuts, Bertholletia excelsa) are abundant in this area which includes two of the most important seringuais" (rubber tapping areas) of the territory: Nova Vida and Seringual Setenta. The Brazil nut tree is said to be associated with areas of higher soil fertility Locally the vegetation seems drier, probably on the soils with low water storing capacity due to shallowness Topography: Rolling, strongly undulating locally (hilly) Geology: Metamorphic rocks of Pre- CambrianC and Dage (gneisses , rich in biotite) and more recent intruded rocks of intermediate and basic character (grano—diorites and diabase). -13-

Soil Association 6.

Location: A few kilometers West of Rondonia until approximately 50 kilometers East of Rondonia Principal soils: Dystrophie Red Yellow Podzolic soils Vegetation: Moist deciduous tropical forest with various species of the Amazon forest, including "Parqueia. H There are a fair number of deciduous trees and the forest is not as high and dense as in the former 'associations (most trees 15-20 meters high). Topography: Rolling with long slopes several hundred meters long Geology: Undifferentiated rocks, metamorphic, of Pre-Cambrian C and D age. A micaschist -was observed.

Soil Association 7.

Location: 50 km east of Rondonia until 66 km east of Riozinho Principal soils: Dystrophie concretionary Red Yellow Podzolic soils, Eutrophic Grumusolic soils with tendency towards development of argillic B horizon Associated soils: Imperfectly drained and badly drainedGroundwater Laterites dystrophic

Inclusions: Undifferentiated Dystrophie Podzolized • Lateritic soils; concretionary phase Vegetation: Predominantly moist deciduous tropical forest, locally mixed with "cerradao" species Topography: Gently undulating slopes several hundred meters long Geology: Sedimentary rocks of Cambro-Ordovicianage; Ar aras formation predominantly shales and also sandstone. During the trip to to Porto Velho a calcareous shale was seen indicating that calcareous sediments probably occupy a small percentage of the area.

Soil Association 8. Location: 66 km east of Riozinho until 30 km west of Vilhena Principal soils: Red Yellow Sands Associated soils: Sandy Red Yellow Latosols Inclusions: Concretionary Red Yellow Sands Vegetation: Transitional between semi—deciduous tropical forest and semi-evergreen tropical forest, the latter occupying a considerable part of the area. The region is producing rubber; locally tall cerrado ( cerradao). -14-

Topography: Gently undulating Geology: Non-calcareous sandstones probably of Cretaceous age belonging to the Parecis series which is comparable to the Bauru series and is presented on the geological map as undifferentiated Mesozoic. Soil Association 9

Location: 30 km west of Vilhena, approximately 20 km west of Barracao Queimado Principal soils: Red Yellow Lato sol s of various textures Vegetation: The vegetation is transitional; moist deciduous tropical forest seems predominant. Also on the heavier textured

soils a transition between semi-evergreen and moist decidP- uous tropical was observed east of Vilhena, and west of Vilhena an area with semi-evergreen tropical forest occurs. Vilhena itself is located in an area of cerrado, which accord- ing to the aerial photographs is only a small island of cerrado vegetation within the forest area. Topography: Gently undulating Geology: Sediments of Cretaceous (?) age, Parecis series occur in this area and a fair amount of shales which seem superposed on the more typical sandstones of the Parecis series.

Soil Association 10 Location: 20 km west of Barracao Queimado to 9' km west of Rosario. Oeste, calculated along BR 29 (30 km east of "PensSo AlemSo") Principal soils: Dark Red Latosols and Sandy Dark Red Latosols Associated Soils: Red Yellow Sands and Red Yellow Latosols Vegetation: Campo Cerrado Topography: Level Geology: Sediments of various texture of Parecis series (Cretaceous)?

Soil Association 11 Location: 94 km west of Rosario Oeste to 62 km west of Rosario Oeste, this area being northwest of the town Diamantino Principal soils: Dark Red Latosols and Red Yellow Latosols Associated soils: Dusky Red Latosols (Latosols Roxo) and gravelly Red Yellow Latosols Inclusions: Red Yellow Sands Vegetation: Campo Cerrado -15-

Topography: Gently undulating and rolling with some escarpments at the edge of the plateau Geology: Sediments óf the Parecis series, which at a lower level include conglomerates as well as shales and sandstone, while at a still lower level intruded basic rock, basalt of the Tapirapua serra occurs. Soil Association 12 Location: 62 km west of Rosarion Oeste-Nobres Principal soils: Mediterranean soils (?) Reddish Prairie Soils (?) Associated soils: Litho sol s of limestone Inclusions: Hydromorphic soils Vegetation: Deciduous forest on the slopes, semi-deciduous tropical forest in the lower and more level parts Topography: Mountainous, arranged in lines with narrow valleys in between Geology: Sedimentary rocks of Permian age (Raizama formation) and of Cambro-Ordovician age (Araras series), the latter occurring locally on the eastern side of the serra de Tombador as the 'nucleus of some more elevated anticlines. The Araras series are characterised by calcitic and dolomitic limestones, and additionally fine detritic sediments. Dolomitic limestones only occur at the higher levels. The Raizama formation consists of sandstones (ortho-quartzites) with less than 10% feldspars, siltites and additionally shales. This formation has a very characteristic relief called apalachean. The sandstones of the Raizama formation make contact with the overlying Parecis formation along BR 29 near Estivada at the edge of the serra.

Soil Association 13

Location: Nobres 64 km east of Cuiabâ, along the road to Brasilia Principal soils: Concretionary Red and Yellow Podzolic soils and Groundwater Laterites Associated soils: Lithosols Vegetation: Campo cerrado and transitional forest; the forest being transitional between deciduous and semi-deciduous tropical forest difficult to classify Topography: Level and gently undulating Geology: Rocks are of Cuiabâ series of Pre-Cambrian B age:phyllites quartzites, quartzo sericites, grauwackes and sub-grauwackes. The series started as a thick accumulation of detritic sediments, probably marine.which were later subject to strong tectonic -16-

influence. Lateritic hardened material is often found which may function as parent material.

Soil Association 14

Location: 64 km east of Cuiabâ to 84 km east of Cuiabâ, along the road to Rondonopolis. Principal soils: Dystrophie andEutrophic gravelly Red Yellow Podzolic soils Associated soils: Lithosols of granitic rock and Dark Red Latosols Vegetation: Transitional forest semi-deciduous to deciduous, with babacu palms (Orbignya martiana) Topography: Strongly undulating (hilly) and mountainous Geology: This area, which is part of the serra Sao Vincente, has predominantly acidic rocks of recent intrusions, granite, as parent material

Soil Association 15

Location: 84 km to 132 km east of Cuiabâ along the road to Rondonopolis Principal soils: Red Yellow Sands and Sandy Red Yellow Latosols Vegetation: Campo c err ado Topography: Level Geology: Sandstones of the Chapada series, which is of Devonian age. The series also includes conglomeratic sandstones, shales and siltites Soil Association 16 Location: 132 km east of Cuiabâ to approximately 60 km west of Rondonopolis; this area includes the Town of Jaciara. Principal soils: Red Yellow Podzolic soils (Eutrophic ?) and Dark Red Latosols Associated soils: Soils with an argillie (textural) B horizon and laterite Vegetation: Transitional forest with characteristics of a semi-evergreen tropical forest and with babacu palms Topography: Rolling (undulating) to hilly (strongly undulating) Geology: Sediments of the Chapada series, Devonian age, including shales often on top of quartzites Note: There exists a fair amount of agriculture in this area; a sugarcane factory is under construction, and other crops include citrus, cotton and cassava -17-

Soil Association 17

Location: 60 km west of Rondonopolis to 20 km west of Rondonopolis Principal soils: Concretionary Lateritic soils with argillic (textural) B- horizon Associated Soils: Sandy Red Yellow Latosols and Lithosols of quartz or sand - stone Vegetation: Campo cerrado with some inclusions of transitional forest Topography: Mountainous Geology: Sandy sedimentary rocks; sandstones and quartzites of the hapada series of Devonian—1 age

Soil Association 18

Location: 20 km west of Rondonopolis to 175 km east of Rondonopolis ( 62 km west of Alto Garcas) Principal soils: Dark Red Latosols and Sandy Dark Red Latosols Associated soils: Sandy Red Yellow Latosols and undifferentiated concretionary lateritic soils Inclusions: Red Yellow Sands, HumicGleys andOrganic soils; in lower areas Low Humic Gleys Vegetation: Campo cerrado Topography: Gently undulating, locally undulating (rolling) Geology: Near Rondonopolis the geology is still the Devonian-1, Ghapada series. More to the east at a somewhat higher altitude there are predominant formations of Upper Carbon- iferous or Lower Permian age; the Aquidauana series. Characteristic are clastic sediments; sandstones of medium and fine granulation, tillites which are partly sandy with rounded pebbles, sometimes with granitic and quartzitic stones. Further conglomeratic stones are siltites and clay.

Soil Association 19 Location: 175 km east of Rondonopolis to Jatai Principal soils: Red and Yellow sands Associated soils: Sandy Dark Red Latosols and Sandy Red Yellow Latosols Inclusions: Soils with an argillic (textural)B-horizon probably dystrophic and Lithosols of sandstone Vegetation: Campo cerrado Topography: Undulating (rolling) -18-

Geology: Sandy sediments of Permian and Triassic age, Passa Dois and Botucatu series respectively, the latter of aeolian formation; not calcareous

Soil Association 20 Location: At lower levels along rivers near Jatai and Rio Verde Principal soils: Dusky Red Lato sol (Latosols Roxo) Associated soils: Eutrophic Reddish Brown Lateritic soils (Terra Roxa Estrut- urada) of unknown extension but probably very little Inclusions: Reddish Brown Lateritic soils (Terra Roxa Estruturada ?) HumicGley soils and Organic soils Vegetation: Campo cerrado and semi-deciduous tropical forest Topography: Undulating (rolling) Geology: Rock material consists of basic intrusions of basalt

Soil Association 21

Location: Between the Rio Verde and the Rio Turvo Principal soils: Red Yellow Latosols and Dark Red Latosols Inclusions: Lateritic soils with argillic (textural) B-horizon, Humic Gley soils and Organic soils Vegetation: Campo cerrado Topography: Gently undulating Geology: Undifferentiated metamorphic rocka of Pre-Cambrian C and D age Soil Association 22 Location: Between Rio Turvo and plateau of Goiania; between Goiania and plateau of Anapolis Principal soils: Dark Red Latosols, Eutrophic (?) and Dystrophie Associated soils: Eutrophic Red Yellow Podzolic soils (?) Vegetation: Semi-deciduous tropical forest Topography: Dissected, undulating, locally strongly undulating (hilly) Geology: Undiscriminated metamorphic rocks of Pre-CambrianC and D age, including phyllites and shales. -19-

Soil Association 23

Location: Between 83 km and 78 km west of Goiania Principal soils: Dark Red Latosols with a chernozemic A horizon Associated soils: Rock out-crops of calcareous rock Inclusions: Rendzina like soils (?) Vegetation: Deciduous forest Topography: Mountainous Geology: Metamorphic calcareous rocks of Pre-Cambrian C and Dage

Soil Association 24

Location: Plateaus of Goiania and Anapolis. Probably also includes the plateau of Brasilia if this has a connection with the plateau of Anapolis. Principal soils: Dark Red Latosols Associated soils: Red Yellow Latosols Inclusions: Organic soils,Humic Gley soils and indiscriminated later itic concretionary soils with ar gillie (textural) B-horizon Vegetation: Campo c err ado Topography: Gently undulating Geology: Metamorphic rocks, undifferentiated of Pre-Cambrian age.

Soil Association 25 Location: Dissected area near Alexsania, between Anapolis and Brasilia Principal soils: Lithosols of phyllites and ardozias Associated soils: Rock out-crops and "sols brun acide" or Tropical Brown Forest soils? and indiscriminated Later itic Concretionary soils with argillic (textural) B-horizon Vegetation: Campo cerrado and semi-deciduous forest Topography: Mountainous Geology: Metamorphic Pre-Cambrian rocks, including phyllites and ardozias -20-


Soil Associations 1 and 2 (indiscriminated) Acre; general aspects: High equatorial Amazon forest, very dense and stratified. Rich in species with very few deciduous trees but many rubber trees and Brazil nut trees. Height over 30 meters. Topography level to gently undulating - locally rolling. All soils derived from sediments (mostly Tertiary). No rock outcrops.

0 km Rio Branco - further kilometer distance along road to Placido de Castro. 0-21 km Sandy Red Yellow Latosols (less than 24% clay) predominantly with RY Podzolic'soils in higher parts. 15 km Dystrophie concretionary Red Yellow Podzolic soil; description given in Appendix. '1-50 km Dark Red Latosols and Red Yellow Podzolic soils. 28 km Road crosses AC 5 to Boca do Acre. 31 and 36 km Red Yellow Podzolic soil. 39 km Sandy soils with more forest which has all been cleared nearer Rio Branco. 50 km Auger observation in low area at Colony Iquire

0-30 cm Al with mottles, sandy clay loam 30-40 cm A2 grey, sandy clay loam 40-80 cm textural B abrupt transition, clay loam 80 + B22 red mottles A Groundwater Latérite ? According to Falesi low base- status and low CEC. 51 km Crossing with BR 29 which goes left to AbunS. 54 km Primary semi-evergreen tropical (Amazon) forest with level topography and Dark Red Latosols. 57 km Seringual "Areia Branca", rolling topography. 59 km Dark Red Latosol, heavy textured. The road is a narrow strip through primary forest with much Imperata brasiliensi8 on both sides. The climate is said to include 2200 mm precipitation per year. The dry months, during which the drought stress is not very severe, are August, September, October and November. 78 km Red Yellow Podzolic soils with some Fe-concretions all through profile - dystrophic ? 87 km Similar profile as at 78 km A2 0-5 cm A3 5-15 cm B12 15-50 cm argillic B B22 50-95 cm B3 95-120 cm C 120 + mottling 100 km Auger observation; soil with B texture (argillic B), and Fe-concretionary layer at 30 cm. -21-

105 km Auger observation: Groundwater Laterite, perhaps without argillic B-horizon. Whole profile sandy clay loam, red mottles in subsoil which harden when dry (?) Aquox ? imperfectly drained. 110 km Placido de Castro on Bolivian border with not more than 50 wooden houses. Economic activities: collecting rubber and Brazil nuts with some agriculture and pasture. Observations made from the road junction of Rio Branco-Vila Placido de Castro, which is 51 km from Rio Branco along BR 29 in Acre. BR 29 km. Imperfectly drained Lato sol ? Auger observation in lower part of gently undulating landscape. Red mottles (not hardened) at 50 cm; no clayskins, very friable, no observable increase in texture with depth, Aquox or Groundwater Laterite ? BR 29 H km. Higher part with flat topography, dark red Latosol well drained A-reddish brown, 2.5YR 4/4 clay, friable, diffuse transition B-2. 5YR 4/6 friable clay. According to Falesi, this profile occurs predominantly in a flat to gently undulating area which stretches over an undetermined distance along BR 29. This "plateau" also touches Rio Branco.

The complete sequence consists of three different soils: the imperfectly drained Latosolic soil as described under km 10 in the lowest parts, the well drained Dark Red Latosol which occupies most of the area at a medium level with flat topography, and a concretionary Red Yellow Podzolic soil developed in a truncated fossile Groundwater Laterite in the highest parts of the landscape. The Fe-concretions occur sometimes up to the surface, and sometimes only in subsurface horizons. These hills are 5-10 meters above the level of Dark Red Latosol.

Soil Association 4 10 km from Porto Velho along the road BR 29 to Abuna: concretionary Red Yellow Latosol, semi-evergreen tropical forest, rolling topography, weak Aj Latosolic (oxic) B horizon with few weak clayskins. Lateritic concretions starting on or near the surface, with 70 percent concretions in the B-horizon; B5 YR 5/6 heavy textured. Tertiary sediments are parent material and rock outcrops of pegmatites occur in the area.

Profiles in IPEAN experimental station, 6 km from Porto Velho along BR 29 eastwards: Flat topography, area 20 — 30 meters above river, soils also from sediments, subject to flooding during heavy rains. -22-

(1) Dystrophie Groundwater Latérite, imperfectly drained, plinthite starts in upper part of argillic B horizon at 80 cm, soft plinthite present; for description see annex. Experiments in Belem (IPEAN) indicate that these soils are not well adapted to oilpalm and citrus due to impeded drainage.

(2) Humic Yellow Lato sol, A 0-80 cm, profile description given in annex, IPEAN

(3) Humic Yellow Latosol, with dark coloured subsurface and heavy texture. It was generally agreed that fertilizer experiments on this soil are needed even though use of fertilizers in the region at the moment is not feasible. It was recommended that the soil be protected against insolation as much as possible. . (4) Concretionary Red Yellow Latosol.

The folio-wing kilometer distances are from Porto Velho in the direction of Cuiabâ, along BR 29.

0 km Porto Velho Altitude 120 m. 10 km Concretionary Red Yellow Latosols from sediments. There also occur in the landscape Red Yellow Latosols without concretions. Topography level and gently undulating - locally undulating. Vegetation semi-evergreen tropical forest. 24 km Ferry Candeias River 49 km Red Yellow Latosol, Groundwater Laterites and Red Yellow Latosols which are intergrades to Groundwater Latérites. 90 km Near the river at an altitude of 120 m, ..Dystrophie Red Yellow Podzolic which intergrade to Red Yellow Latosol. According to Dr. Bramao a Dystrophie Reddish Brown Lateritic soil with a weak Al; very heavy textures; very compact with many clayskins and medium sub—angular blocky structure. Yellow color-; •well drained in flat area, with Red Yellow Latosols on sediments and heavy textured. 105 km Yellow Latosol, heavy textured, semi-evergreen tropical forest, altitude 160 m. 134 km Auger observation in forest; semi—evergreen, .pale,Yellow Latosol (Sornbroek), A3 10YR 6/3, B 10YR 6/5, very heavy texture, altitude 140—150 m. Rock outcrops of granitic rock 148 km Red/Yellow Podzolic, gravelly phase, derived from granite rock with rolling topography. Al 0-20 cm 7.5YR 5/6 A3 20-35 cm sandy clay loam Bl 35-50 cm B2 50 + heavy clay loam 5YR 4/6 Rather distinct horizon differentiation. -23-

153 km DNER Camp, Caritianas - lunch. 166 km Very level area on sediments. Altitude 190 m with semi- evergreen forest. Observation with auger and near fallen tree - Lato sol ? Not modal with some clay skins B2 5YR 5/6 heavy texture with some coarse sand-grains. Many "Castanha do Para" trees (Brazil nut). 175 km Heavy Red Yellow Latosols on sediments. Not modal with some clay s kin s but not continuous and concretionary in sub-soil. 184 km Red Yellow Latosol on sediments, p H 4.5 in A and B with semi- evergreen Tropical forest, altitude 160 m. 187 km Pink granite observed. 247 km Seringual Nova Vida. Expedition spent the first night here. Note: Soil Association 4 finishes west of Seringual Nova Vida at Ariquemes.

Soil Association 5 The following distances are from Nova Vida in the direction of Cuiaba, along BR 29, except the first observation which is west of Nova Vida.

24 km West of Nova Vida, concretionary Red Yellow Podzolic soil on gneiss. Semi-evergreen forest at an altitude of 210 m. 4 km East of Nova Vida, the rock is diorite, Eutrophic Reddish Brown Lateritic soil Fe - and Mn concretions with many clayskins, subangular blocky pH top soil 4.5 at 100 cm 6.0 at 150 cm 6.5 stoneline at 50 cm between A and B topography rolling, altitude 250 m profile 180 cm deep. 23 km Auger observation, clayey profile 5 YR 5/6 (B-horizon), concretions starting at 70 cm. Probably a soil with argillic - B horizon; altitude 240 m with semi-evergreen tropical forest. 41 km Dystrophie Reddish Brown Lateritic soil of heavy texture. The whole profile has lateritic concretions with stony layer of lateritic concretions in upper part of the profile. Clayskins at an altitude of 240 m. 0-5 cm Al mixed 5 -15 A3 15 -30 Bl 30 -70 B21 70 -130 B22 7.5YR 3/6 130 -230 B3 10R 3/8 with white spots; structure of earth worms 230 -330 . Cl some structure of earth worms 330 + still biological activity 45 km Rather deep soils with Reddish Brown Lateritic or Dark Red Latosols. Topography rolling with forest somewhat drier 52 km Soil on decomposed shale with semi-evergreen forest; altitude 230 m. -24-

54 km. Jaru River ferry. 59 km Reddish Brown Lateritic soil. Profile on slope mixed with basic rock of textural B—horizon, strongly developed angular blocky structure with many clayskins, 10 YR 3/6 clay, average depth of profile 100 cm. Sample of B-horizon taken. 60 km Eutrophic Reddish Brown Lateritic soil; short description by DPFS (see Appendix) pH A-5, pH B, C and rock -6. Color of B 2.5YR 4/6, probably from quartzo-diorite. Clay texture with very porous, friable; clayskins not as well developed here as in other RBL profiles seen so far. Altitude 240 m. Semi-evergreen forest. 71 km Plateau ("Taboleiro"). Yellow Latosol from clayey sediments, in sub-soil plinthite, hard Fe-concrétions, and according to Etchevehere also tuff. 95 km Eutrophic Reddish Brown Lateritic soil resembling the Terra RoxaEstruturasoil of the Furnas area in Minas Gérais. Description by DPFS (see annex). Undulating (rolling) landscape, colour B2 2.5YR4/4 alt. 320 m. The vegetation is changing towards semi-deciduous perhaps in function with altitude.

Soil Association 6

2 km west of Rondonia: Eutrophic Red Yellow Podzolic soil Aj 0-15 cm granular, medium to coarse, 7.5YR 3/2 sandy clay loam A3 15-30 cm BT 50-120 cm strong medium sub-angular blocky 5 YR 5/7 abrupt transition to C, between B and C a thin continuous Fe layer. C 120 + mottled yellow, white and red, only part of the spot s harden.

Rolling topography with semi-evergreen vegetation and perhaps transition to semi-deciduous tropical forest. Avilan calls it a Red Yellow Podzolic soil. Altitude 200 m. The next kilometer distances are east of Rondonia along BR 29.

0 km Ferry Machada River (expedition spent second night in Rondonia) 17 km Sandy Red Yellow Podzolic with clear transition A-B concretion- ary phase and slopes several hundred meters long. Profile has A2 in sense of 7th Approximation. 29 km Red Yellow Podzolic, Aj-fine sandy clay loam of brownish colours; depth 100 cm. 45 km Flat topography. -25-

Soil Association 7

Kilometer distances are along BR 29 in eastern direction' as from Rondonia.

53 km Moderate well drained Red Yellow Podzolic, intergrading to Groundwater Latérite probably from sediments

Al 0 - 5 cm very -weak A12 5 - 10 cm with many concretions A2 10 -50 cm! sandy clay loam B 50 2 -80 cm' clay loam with much laterite and mica, massive porous 80 - 120 cm plinthite with yellowish and reddish colors, 10R 4/8 C 130 + greyish and 10R 4/8 mottling only deeper than 70 cm. Altitude 200 m 62 km The vegetation of wetter soils looks somewhat like cerrado and at other times like a mixture of cerrado with forest 78 km Dystrophie Groundwater Latérite with textural B-horizon Mottling in first 50 cm, yellow, deeper greyish at 100 cm plinthite, no A^ present. 240 m altitude, vegetation semi- deciduous tropical forest. 79 km Dystrophie concretionary Red Yellow Podzolic soil A light sandy clay loam, B clay loam, pH A-5, B-4.5 color B 5YR 4/6. Rolling topography, semi-deciduous tropical forest, dry period 4 months. Altitude 250 m. 102 km Dystrophie Red Yellow Podzolic light textured. (For profile description see Appendix) Soil derived from sandstone with textural (argillic) B-horizon Aj., A2, concretions in the B, plinthite rather soft; sandstone much disintegrated. 113 km Concretionary soil with an A and A horizon, no B horizon; directly on D which is decomposed sandstone. 132 km Riozinho - camp of CIB road constructors where the expedition spent the third night. Riozinho is located on the taboleiro with Yellow Latosols. 160 km Ferry over Pimenta Bueno river at settlement of same name. The following distances are kilometers along BR 29 as from Pimenta Bueno 0 km Pimenta Bueno 58 km Dystrophie Groundwater Laterite imperfectly drained on shales morphology comparable with some Ferruginous Tropical soils. pH surface 5.5, subsoil 4.5 altitude 220 m. Semi-deciduous tropical forest. -26-

65 km Grumusolic Profile: Al 0 - 7 cm 7.5YR 6/3.7.5YR 3/4 (moist), clay transition level and clear A3 7-13 cm transition level and clear Bl 13-20 cm B2 20-25 cm 5YR 3/3 clay occurrence of clayskins, coarse prismatic structure. Transition level and gradual C pH6.0 Deep cracks nearly down to the decomposing rock (D). Slickensides in lower part of the profile; imperfectly drained soil, flat area on shale, campo cerrado vegetation. Altitude 240 m. This soil has many characteristics of a Grumusol. The some- what lighter textured top-soil and probably the clayskins in the B— horizon are arguments against the possibility of it being a Grumusol. For description and data see Appendix. 73 km Groundwater Latérite, intergrading to Grey Hydromorphic soil. Aj, A£, B argillic.C. Sticky not hardened mottles in lower B; these mottles are red, matrix color greyish; clay, clear boundaries. Red mottles seem to harden when dry. From shales. Altitude 245 m. The vegetation shows extreme dryness in the dry period, as well as an excess of water in the rainy season. The vegetation looks somewhat like a transition between cerrado and caatinga, but the ecological conditions are quite different. The soil is im- perfectly drained. 79 km Grey Hydromorphic soil, Brazilian concept; soil with probably an argillic B horizon with red mottles in the lower part which may be of the parent material also some slickensides. From shales. Vegetation cerrado but some occurrences of semi- deciduous tropical forest. Altitude 245 m. 0 - 5 cm AI pH 4.5 5 -40 cm Yellowish Brown surface B2 medium prismatic, grey colors indicating gleying, pH 4.5 B3 red mottling, probably due to parent material. C pH 5.0 Topography: level Poorly drained soil 93 km A calcareous shale was observed during the trip to Porto Velho. -27-

Soil Association 8

Kilometer distances along BR 29 as from Pimenta Bueno.

94 km Beginning of sandy region - Red Yellow sands. 96 km Shales with lenses on top of sands with lateritic concretions. 102 km Red Yellow sands, semi—deciduous tropical forest. Altitude 340m 156 km Red Yellow sands, podzolized, profile high in eroded road cut, semi-deciduous forest. Some people call this a Regosol or Quartzo-Regosol Altitude 360 m. 184 km Lunch in DNER camp. We were told there are abundant rubber trees. 209 km Red Yellow sands, cerradao. Altitude 500 m. 214 km Cerrado vegetation 218 km Red sands with latosolic features, semi-deciduous tropical forest ? Transitional area to semi—evergreen forest.

Soil Association 9

223 km Red Yellow Lato sol with clay texture. Semi-deciduous tropical forest. Altitude 620 m. 245 km Red Yellow Latosol or Dark Red Latosol,described and sampled by DPFS (see annex). Somewhat excessively drained profile; Bemi-evergreen tropical forest. Altitude 640 m. Profile was studied within the forest. 257 km Vilhena; expedition spent . the fourth night here with accommoda- tion provided by DNER The next kilometer distances are as from Vilhena in the direction of Cuiabâ'.

0 km Vilhena; located in an island of campo cerrado 5 km Abrupt change to transitional forest; semi-deciduous to semi- evergreen. 7 km Heavy Red Yellow Latosol; semi-evergreen forest. 10 km Gradual change to cerradao. 13 km Transition to forest on dark red heavy soils but with sandy soils at lower positions. 44 km Transition to sandier soils; somewhat drier forest. 52 km. Somewhat humid Regosol, A 10 YR 6/2 (dry) 10 YR 3/2 moist, Altitude 520 m. Perhaps a weak podzol, semi-deciduous tropical forest. 63 km Medium textured Red Yellow Latosol; semi-evergreen tropical forest 69 km Altitude 600 m. -28-

Soil Association 10

75 km Campo C err ado 114 km Entrance for Barraç ao Queimado, DNER Campo Cerrado. Level topography, probably DarkRedLatosol, heavy textured. 2.5YR 4/6. From here on landscape very uniform; plateau of the Serra dos Parecis 121 km Altitude 680 m. 131 km Lato sol, Campo Cerrado, grasses of 20-30 cm high with much ant activity and some termites. Where ants are active formation of a thin reddish crust of 1-2 cm. In other places loose, dark grey soil. On sedimentary rocks of secondary periods. 131-560 km Level, gently undulating topography, Campo Cerrado, Latosols and red yellow sands. Altitude approximately 700 m.(at 248 km). 316 km Altitude 800 m. 381 km Rio Verde - a very clean river with some houses and a pension 556 km Some occurrences of semi-evergreen tropical forest near rivers at lower level and along flanks of Serra, including rubber trees.

560 km Pension of German immigrants. Here expedition spent the fifth night (PensSo Alem3o). Gently undulating topography on the edge of the Serra dos Parecis, Campo Cerrado, at lower level near rivers there are forests. Altitude 430 m. 569 km Dark Red Latosol, medium texture, heavy sandy clay loam, 2. 5YR 3/6. Level to gently undulating topography. Cerrado vegetation. Altitude 500 in. 577 km DarkRedLatosol, clay texture, cerrado vegetation, 2.5YR4/6

Soil Association 11 Kilometer distances are along BR 29, as from Rosario Oeste westwards. 91 km West of Rosario Oeste (33 km east of "Pensa"o Alemao") Red Yellow Latosol, coarse gravelly phase from conglomerates A 10YR 4.5/6, B 10YR 6/6, clay texture, altitude 520 cm, cerrado. 81 km Dusky Red Latosol (Latosol Roxo)cerrado phase, described by DPFS (see annex). Probably acrox in 7th approximation. pH in the A 5.0 in the low.ex part of the profile pH 7.0, color 10R 3/4, clay includes rather great amount of magnetic material from basalt. Altitude 470 m. 90 km - 75 km Dusky Red Latosols, cerrado vegetation. 67 km Transitional forest with babacu palms. Soil with many Fe- concr étions. -29-

Soil Association 12

0 km Rosario Oeste - the first small town since we left Porto Velho 14 km Lithosols of very hard dolomitic rocks. 20 km Nobres 32 km Soil with chernozemic A horizon, 0-30 cm, Dark Grey. Argillic- B horizon Reddish Brown pH 6.5 indicating high base-statvis. Many distinct clayskins and some evidence of weak hydromorphism in the A-horizon. Very colluvial parent material most of which is like some kind of Reddish prairie soil although present here with semi-deciduous forest. On the shallow parts deciduous forest with many bacuri palms (called Oricuri in Amazonas) which are said to indicate soils with higher fertility. Avilan calls this soil a Reddish Brown Lateritic soil. To Applewhite the soil resembles the prairie soils of Wisconsin. Altitude 300 m 38 km. Calcareous rock, Aroeira (Astromium sp.) alt. 340m 46 km Broken relief. "Apalachean" . 48 km. Lateritic crust . 62-60 km Rock outcrops of sandstone, apalachean relief, deciduous forest (rock material perhaps quartzite).

Soil Association 13

0 km Rosario Oeste, Campo Cerrado, locally rather dense, rolling topography . Altitude 360 m. 5 km West of Rosario Oeste, Yellow Latosol (?) Soil Association 13 seems to start between Nobres and Rosario Oeste. The next kilometer distances are along BR 29 as from Rosario Oeste in the direction of Cuiabâ. 12 km. Iron crusts and concretionary soils (fossile and often truncated Groundwater Latérites, associated with Groundwater Laterites in the lower areas). Altitude 360 m. The effects of erosion are severe with serious gullying and sheet erosion. 48 km Lithosols and Groundwater Laterites, associated with pale colored, podzolized soils, with a greyish top soil and pale yellow B-horizon (argillic B-horizon). Hard iron-concretions were observed in the lower part of the profile. Vegetation Campo Cerrado. 125 km. Entrance to Cuiabâ. Altitude 200m. Here the expedition spent two nights since the Jeeps needed servicing, and accommodation was secured at the Santa Rosa hotel which is very comfortable and modern. The next kilometer distances are as from Cuiabä in the direction of Rondonopolis, along BR 31. 0 km Exit Cuiabei along bridge over River Coxipo de Ouro. After Coxipo River, Cerrado vegetation with some bamboo; level topography. Quartzitic parent material with predominantly shallow soils. 9 km Imperfectly drained Red Yellow Podzolic soil intergrading to Groundwater Laterite. A concretionary layer occurs at 100 cm. Grey mottling above plinthite layer. Textural B (argillic B- horizon) is likely to occur. -30-

Horizonation is not very distinct. pH 4.8 dystrophic profile. Quartzitic gravel occurs below the cemented concretionary layer. The surface consists of sediments, presumably on top of older material. Cerrado vegetation on level topography. Similar soils occur under drier conditions in Venezuela but they are believed to be eutrophic. The same applies to Ghana. Altitude 220 m. Falesi has. observed soils similar to this profile in Maranhao which he examined. Bennema mentioned that some similarity exists (except for the concretionary layer) with the Red Yellow Podzolic soils of the Laras variation in Sao Paulo. 41 km This profile is similar in some respects to the previous one but its classification is not clear. There is a textural difference between A-horizon (sandy loam) and B-horizon (sandy clay loam) giving some argument for an argillic B. Clay skins are not visible, possibly due to the high porosity. The concretionary layer is higher (80cm) in the profile. Camargo thinks that the concretionary layer may be recent and not fossil as in former profile. Vegetable Cerrado and Cerradao. A few kilometers before this stop on the mesa, silt stone was observed. 56 km Profile transitional to the next soil association, being a Dark Red Latosolwith fine quartz gravel at about 30-40 cm. 2 5YR 4/6. Avilan agrees to its classification as Dark Red Latosols, typical of the Brazilian classification. Zamora: Red Latosol, altitude 230 m mixed transitional vegetation with many babacu palms . The rest of the trip to Rondonopolis was done at night due to engine trouble but observations were made in this area during the outgoing excursion.

Soil Association 14

70 km Serra sao Vicente, consisting of granitic rocks giving rise to dystrophic and eutrophic gravelly podzolized soils with a strongly undulating (hilly) to mountainous relief. Granitic hills 30-40 m high, covered with transitional forest and babacu in between more level topography and cerrado vegetation. Many shallow soils similar to gravelly podzolized soils in Sao Paulo, also on granite 84 km Transition to sandstone area.

Soil Association 15.

86 km Red Yellow Latosol with large fazenda, village, campo cerrado, and level topography. 93 km Lower area with gallery forest (forest "ciliar"). 99 km Sands 106 km Red Yellow sands with some very poor cassava and pineapple. Ill km Red Yellow Latosol and campo cerrado. 126 km Campo cerrado, recently burnt. 130 km Rolling topography with some plinthite in profile and cerrado vegetation. -31-

131 km Somewhat higher level: Red Yellow Latosol between soils with plinthite. 132 km Level topography: Red Yellow Latosol with cerrado vegetation.

Soil Association 16

133 km Very near former profile. Moderately drained Red Yellow Podzolic with grey Al, yellowish B transitional vegetation, cerrado mixed with forest on shales, and rolling topography. 139 km Concretionary Red Yellow Podzolic, grey sandy clay loam, B-horizon with some plinthite. 140 km Litho sol 146 km A small town with some cerrado vegetation. Topography rolling to hilly with slopes several hundred meters long. 148 km Jaciara sugar factory, also citrus cultivated. 153 km Intensive agriculture. 154 km Soil with textural B and lateritic concretions, moderately well drained with gravelly Red Yellow Podzolic soil ? At the highest part of the landscape Dark Red Latosols occur. 156 km Longer slopes with many babacu palms. Intensive pastures with capim coloniao, also bananas and cassava 161 km Small village of Juscelandia. 164 km Strongly undulating (hilly) with cultivation of rice, cassava cotton, castor—oil.

Soil Association 17.

171 km Concretionary lateritic soil with argillic B-horizon on quartzite on upper part of slope, similar to soils known in Goias, but here soils podzolized. In Goias many concretionary soils with latosol- ic features, hilly topography and transitional forest. 176 km Many babaqu palms. 176-191 km Dark Red Latosols and concretionary Red Yellow Podzolic soils, concretions of Fe-concretions with rock outcrops of sandstone and quartzite. 196 km Sandy soils with cerrado vegetation and long slopes. 206 km Broken topography with lithosols of sandstone.

Soil Association 18

222 km Red Yellow Latosols, with gently undulating slopes and cerrado vegetation. 226 km Rondonopolis where the expedition spent the night. This town is an important center in the agricultural region, especially for cotton and rice and corn and beans. Good connections with Goiania, Brasilia and Campo Grande. -32-

The following kilometer distances are from Rondonopolis along BR 31 in the direction of Jatai. 0 km Rondonopolis, altitude 220m. Pazula River altitude 180 m. Near the river there is forest changing to closed cerrado then cerrado . 10 km Typical cerrado on sandy soils. Altitude 250 m. Many palms were observed of a type with sub-terranean stem: 'Indaia atleia 14 km Campo cerrado vegetation. Altitude 430 m. 21 km Dark Red Latosol, sandy clay loam but clay in lower part, 2.5YR 3/6 with cerrado vegetation. Altitude 500 m. 30 km Dark Red Latosol of medium or heavy texture - pH 6.6 Acrox. cerrado vegetation, rolling landscape with long slopes. Dry period of 4 months. Soils too poor for Pinus elliothii. Altitude 460 m. 32 km Altitude 520 m. 42 km Open cerrado vegetation. 49 km Basalt conglomerate, lithosol, Altitude 420 m. Concretionary soil •with material apt to harden near the surface. 64 km Inhuma, altitude 420 m. with cerrado vegetation. 78 km Concretionary Dark Red or Red Yellow Latosol of medium texture. Altitude 420 m -with a somewhat gravelly profile. 83 km Sao Jose de Planalto - a small town with cerrado vegetation and rolling landscape. Altitude 520 m. 94 krr Plateau with Dark Red Latosol of medium texture and cerrado vegetation -with low shrubs. 100-103 km Large depression with hydromorphic soils, semi-deciduous forest. Altitude 540 m. 103 km Serra da Giboia begins with Red Yellow Latosols of medium texture and more broken topography. Cerrado vegetation. 108 km Mudstones and shales with soils high in clay content. 125 km High point overlooking canyon of Sao Lourenco, "amphitheater" Altitude 680 m. 139 km Red Yellow Latosols of medium texture and cerrado vegetation. 149 km Red Yellow Sands and campo cerrado . 158 km Heavier textured soils and cerrado vegetation. Altitude 660 m. 166 km Red Yellow Latosol and cerrado vegetation. Altitude 770 m. 169 km Dark Red Latosol, Acrox. clay loam, 2.5YR 4/6. Slightly sticky;topography with gently undulating slopes. Altitude 760 m.

Soil Association 19

178 km Red Yellow Sands on rolling topography. 183 km Red Yellow Sands probably of Botucatu sandstone. 188 km Latosols 190 km Vereda-buriti palms and grass vegetation but on higher parts campo cerrado. 210 km Red Yellow or Dark Red Latosols of medium texture. 224 km Cerrado vegetation. Altitude 840 m. -33-

237 km Alto Garcas which is a small town with topography gently- undulating. Altitude 830 m. 238 km Red Yellow Sands, podzolized. 258 km Red Yellow Lato sol s or sands. 288 km Altitude 760 m. 296 km Red and Yellow podzolized sands with' cerrado vegetation and gently undulating slopes. Altitude 760 m. 297 km Shales 298 km Deep gully erosion in area on limit of sands and light textured Red Yellow LatosoLs 311 km Alto Araguaya. Altitude 680 m. 315 km Planted pasture with presence of Buriti palms. Rolling topography with cerrado vegetation, gullies 322 km Sands with areas of severe erosion. The rest of the trip was made at night. The highest point in the area(920 m) was passed at 150 km west of Jatai. The vegetation is cerrado and campo cerrado (more open, lower and less shrubs).

Jatai at 670 m. Soil Association 19 ends somewhere west of Jatai.

Soil Association 20

Near Rio Claro river at Jatai: Dusky RedLatosols showing more clayskins than usual but not enough to be considered as Terra Roxa Estruturada (Reddish Brown Lateritic)from basalt. Further from the river the Dusky RedLatosols were more typical but showed in some parts a mixing of material derived from sandstone. The relief is rolling and the vegetation campo cerrado. There is a presence of Aroeira. These soils are not known in Venezuela and Peru but do exist in Paraguay. Bananas on these soils show symptoms of deficiencies. Most of the area is dedic ated to livestock production. 9 km East of Jatai along BR 54: Dusky Red Latosol (Latosol Roxo) semi-deciduous forest and cerrado vegetation. Between 9 km and 16 km along the same road transition to soil Association 21, probably at about 11 km. Soils of Soil Association 20 -were observed again near the town of Rio Verde, at 73 km from Jatai along road BR 54; Dusky Red Latosol, cerrado vegetation and semi-deciduous forest. In the lower parts there occurs a sandy Dark Red Latosol. 85 km 'From Jatai, near Rio Verde Dusky Red Latosol. 92 km From Jatai in the town Rio Verde there occurs cerrado vegetation, Dusky Red Latosol. 106 km Dusky Red Latosol,cerrado vegetation. Altitude 730 m. (along BR 19, as from Jatai) 174 km Concretionary Dusky Red Latosol ? Cerrado vegetation. .Altitude 560 m. -34-

Soil Association 21.

16 km East of Jatai along BR 54: Red Yellow Latosol of medium texture with B-horizon and more than 15 percent clay. In Argentina in the Western Province of Buenos Aires, such soils are called Regosolic Brunizem as they occur narrowly associated with Brunizems. They exist in the drier areas where there is a problem of erosion. In Peru they exist on sandstone and in Para similar soils occur under forest vegetation. They respond very well to NPK fertilizer. It is expected that the cerrado soils under discussion will also have a deficiency of micro-nutrients with hard plinthite at the base of the profile. Altitude 750 m. 25 km Dark Red Latosol with cerrado vegetation and level topography. Many Indaia palms (Atleia exigua) Altitude 800 m. 45 km Hydromorphic soils ? 54 km Red Yellow Latosol of medium to heavy texture. Vegetation campo with few low shrubs. Altitude 840 m. 61 km Dark Red Latosol with heavy texture. Semi-deciduous to semi- evergreen forest. This forest occurs as strips only in the higher parts of the area with a sharp transition to the cerrado areas. Cerrado is found on the lighter textured soils. Altitude 820 m. Topography gently undulating. Transition to soils of soil association 20. Soils of soil association 21 occur again between the river Verde and the river Turvi along BR 19. Red Yellow Latosol and Dark Red Latosol, with Dusky Red Latosols at the lowest levels. Topography gently undulating. 197 km Presumably Acrox with Dark Red Latosol under third-class forest. Other profile at a few hundred meters: from calcareous rock pH surface 6.5 deeper pH 6.0, medium to high base status with a mollic epipedon, and all the other features are of a Dark Red Latosol.Altitude 580 m.

Soil Association 22 Soils of this region were only observed between Goiania and Anapolis, along the BR 14. 6 km From Goiania: rolling to hilly relief with semi-deciduous to deciduous forest. After destruction of the forest there is a regeneration of palm trees and some agriculture. Higher parts are still forested. Altitude 680 m. 13 km Dark Red Latosol, very friable with distinct dark colored Aj dissected relief. Citrus and Bacuri cultivation. 19 km Lithosols on the hills with DarkRed Latosols in areas between. Deciduous forest on Litho sols (on phyllites) pastures. -35-

25 km. Longer slopes with roundtop hills. Slopes of about 15 per cent, about 50-60 m above normal surface elevation. Dark Red Latosols pH 5 at surface,pH 6 in sub—soil •with presumably medium to high base status and weak A . Near to this area a very dark colored rock (possibly basic intermediate) was observed. The area is predominantly pasture with small areas of horticulture.

Soil Association 23

239 km From Jatai along BR 19: Dark Red Latosol with chernozemic A, altitude 640 m. Semi-deciduous forest with 4 limestone quarries. 247 km. Phyllites and calcareous rocks with dissected relief and quarries. Altitude 650 m.

Soil Association 24

4 km From Goiania along BR 19: Dark Red Latosol with cerrado vegetation and gently undulating topography. Along BR 14 near Anapolis there also occur soils of soil association 24: at a somewhat higher altitude - 900—1000 m rolling topography with long slopes, open valleys, soils are concretionary and are locally shallow in the higher parts. Cerrado vegetation associated with predominant DarkRed Latosols. The Planalto of Brasilia is1, also included in Soils Association 24 although there is probably no connection between this plateau and the plateaus of Anapolis and Goiania. The topography is level to gently undulating. Concretionary Red Yellow Latosols occur on the highest parts with Dark Red Latosols. on the lower sections. On the edge of the Planalto there are also indiscrimi- natedconcretionary podzolized soils as described by Feuer . (see Appendix for complete data).

Soil Association 25 '

100-120 km From Goiania in the direction of Brasilia, located near Alexsania between Anapolis and Brasilia: fossil Groundwater Laterites occur on some of the higher parts of the area. Very well defined hills, similar to lateritic hills in India near Bengalore. On the lower areas are presumably Acrox, Dark Red Latosols. The topography is gently undulating to undulating. Altitude 1000 m. Rocks are schists and phyllites. 125 km Much erosion with strongly undulating (hilly)topography and shallow soils with an A-horizon over a yellow subsurface soil, which appear to be Tropical Acid Brown Forest soils (Tropepts?) Some spots show an A-horizon directly over decomposing rock (Regosols ?) Many ant-hills are conspicuous within the area. -36-


There are few climatic stations in the area, especially in the Amazon region. Included in this chapter are the data.of six existing stations, plus estimated data of two supplementary points in the part without stations. For Porto Velho and Presidente Murtinho the temperatures are approximations.

Although certain objections exist to this method for the tropics, since the system is used, for instance, in Brazil, and since differences with the method of Papadakis are not very striking, the method of Thornthwaite has been chosen for the calculation of the potential evapotranspiration. It seems that the Thornthwaite method gives too low figures for the evapotranspiration. The number of dry (D), humid (H), and intermediate (I) months, are calculated according to Papadakis. A month is humid when rainfall (r) is greater than evapotranspiration (pe); it is dry when available water (rainfall plus water stored in the soil from previous rains) covers less than half of the evapotranspiration. Other months are intermediate. As the maximum amount of water which can be stored in the soil we have taken 100 mm. "Surplus" in the tables is r-pe, while "deficit" is pe-r, ignoring the amount of stored water. For the system of . calculation we refer to the publication of Papadakis. \J

The representative stations of the northern part, Sena Madureira and Porto Velho, have rainfall of over 2, 100 mm a year, with a heavy rainfall in the months of October to April, and much less in the remaining months. The mean temperature is 24. 2°C in Sena Madureira, and 25.1°C in Porto Velho. The summer temperatures are 25.0°C and 26.4°C respectively, and the winter temperatures 21.9°C and 24. 3°C respectively. The lower temperatures occur during the period with minimum rainfall. As can be seen in the tables there are no dry months in Sena Madureira, and two in Porto Velho. It is clear that by the use of mean figures of many years the high and low temperatures are levelled. There is no doubt that in the case of Sena. Madureira in years to come one or more of the four intermediate months will become dry.

The large central part of the investigated area is represented by the two points 60°L, 12°S and 58°L, 14°S. Rainfall is a little less than in the previous places, 2, 100- 2,250 mm in 60-12 and 1,605 - 1,750 mm in 58-14. The distribution during the year is the same. The rainfall in the winter months is not exactly known, but in each case it is less than 50 mm. The mean annual temperatures are lower, 24.1 C and 23.9°C respectively. The summer temperatures are 25.0°C and 25.8 C, the winter tempera- tures in both cases are 23.1°C. The resulting number of dry months is two in 60-12 and three in 58-14.

The west of the southern part of the area is represented by the meteorological station of Cuiabâ. The rainfall distribution is the same but the total amount is much less, 1,350 mm annually. The mean annual temperature is 23.1°C with a mean summer temperature of 26.7°C, and a mean winter temperature of 22.6 C. The number of dry months is three, but there are two more intermediate months than in 58-14, which suggests that one more dry month is easily possible in several years.

1/ Papadakis, J. Climatic Tables for the World, Buenos Aires, 1961 -37-

The rainfall in Presidente Murtinho is 1,881 mm annually. During the summer there is generally more than 300 mm per month, while during the colder winter months less than 10 mm is normal. The temperature data are not as reliable as in most other stations; the mean annual temperature is approximately 2Z.6°C, the summer temper- ature is 23.8°C - 24°C, and the winter temperature is about 19.2°C - 19.5°C. The resulting number of dry months is low, but with three as intermediate classified months it is easily possible that there are more months dry, which is more in accordance with the climatic conditions in the surrounding stations.

The climatic conditions in both remaining stations, Goiania and Formosa, are comparable. The rainfall is 1,755 and 1,628 mm respectively, and the distribution is the same as in the stations already mentioned. During the winter months the rainfall is extremely low (less than 10 mm per month), while in the summer months amounts of over 300 mm are no exception. The mean temperature is 21.4 C in Goiania and 21.3°C in Formosa. The respective summer temperatures are 22.4°C and winter temperatures 19.2°C and 19.3°C. The resulting number of dry months is in both cases three, but the second intermediate month in Goiania can become a dry month in several years.

Hundreds of maps are published in the Atlas Climatológico do Brasil ( 5 volumes 1955 - I960 ) 1/ which give complete information of the available data.

— Adalberto Serra, Atlas Climatológico do Brasil, Conselho Nacional de Geografia, 5 volumes, 1955 - I960. -38-


S. Madureira 2137 24.2 25.0 21.9 0 4 Porto Velho 2542 25.1 26.4 24.3 2 2 60°L 12°S 2100 - 2250 24.1 25.0 23.1 2 3

58°L 14°S 1605 - 1755 23.9 25.8 21.0 3 2 Cuiaba* 1352 23.1 26.7 22.6 3 4

Pres. Murtinho 1881 22.6 23.8-24 19.2-19. 5 2 3 Goiania 1755 21.4 22.4 19.2 3 2 Formosa 1628 21.3 23.0 19.3 3 2

Annual Mean Summer Winter Number Number rainfall annual temp, in temp. of dry- of inter- in mm temp, in °C. in°C months mediate °C months -39-

Sena Madureira 1/ Annual i- > J j?' M A M J A S O N D r 316 301 258 225 112 63 32 42 101 195 198 294 2137 pe 122 111 119 106 98 84 77 93 112 119 121 122 1284 surplus 194 190 134 119 14 76 77 172 981 deficit 21 45 51 11 128 H H H H H I I I I H H H

Porto Velho r 380 343 335 332 127 38 16 46 107 220 251 347 2542 pe 136 110 119 113 109 100 104 119 135 132 126 125 1428 surplus 244 233 216 219 18 88 125 222 1365 deficit 62 88 73 28 251 H H H H H I D D I H H H

60°L 12°5 (approximate figures) r 360 300 370 180 50 <50 <5Q <50 110 210 260 260 2100- -2250 pe 100 96 120 106 91 86 i 86 104 115 122 122 115 1271 surplus 252 204 250 74 88 138 145 deficit 41 <86 <86 <104 5 H H H H I I D D I H H H

58°L 14°5 (approximate figures) 1605- r 270 300 235 150 35 <50 <50 <50 50 145 180 240 - 1755 pe 110 97 121 103 100 70 67 89 115 133 135 118 1258 surplus 160 203 124 47 12 45 122 deficit 65 <70 <67 <89 65 H H H H I I D D D H H H Cuiabâ r 210 183 224 105 43 14 10 22 46 129 155 211 1352 pe 150 127 131 113 93 79 77 108 136 147 146 148 1455 surplus 60 54 93 9 63 279 deficit 12 50 65 67 86 90 18 388 H H H I I I D D D I H H

\J for an explanati r: see page 40 -40-

Presidente Murtinho Annual r 301 266 275 151 53 8 8 16 73 153 257 319 1881 pe 112 98 109 102 76 57 56 73 104 111 112 116 1126 surplus 189 168 166 49 42 145 203 962 deficit 23 49 48 57 31 198 H H H H I I D D I H H H

Goiania r 321 250 254 109 19 1 4 15 50 158 238 336 1755 pe 96 87 100 93 93 60 60 82 99 105 94 98 1067 surplus 225 163 154 16 53 144 238 993 deficit 74 59 56 67 49 305 H H H H I D D D I H H H

Formosa r 263 262 203 107 20 4 3 10 33 142 228 359 1628 pe 97 85 91 84 71 62 63 78 95 107 100 90 1023 surplus 166 141 112 17 35 128 269 868 deficit 51 58 60 68 62 299 H H H H I I D D D H H H

r = rainfall in mm pe = potential evapotranspiration according to Thornthwaite in mm surplus = r — pe deficit = pe - r H = Humid month I = Intermediate month D = Dry month -41-

Evaluation of the Soil Resources for Agricultural Development

The suitability of soils for agricultural production depends upon ecological factors such as soil, climate and topography, and also on the type and level of agricultural management which are very important. Two of the major questions are :- Are fertilizers, drainage, erosion control and other improvement practices within the economical possibilities of the farmers or not ? Which type of draft power is used, or is there only hand labor for the cultivation of annual crops ?

In the following interpretation of soils and environment only two types of manage- ment have been considered :-

(a) traditional management - based on natural fertility of the soils and hand labor; (b) modern management — which will employ fertilizers, tractors and other advanced management practices. In the case of modern management a distinction has been made between :- 1. cultivation of annual crops which because of tractor use remains restricted to the level or slightly sloping land; 2. cultivation of tree crops 'which can be carried out successfully on steeper slopes.

The soils are interpreted for their suitability for (a) traditional management, Productivity Map and (b) their suitability for modern management, Potentiality Map .

The following suitability classes have been established :-

Productivity Map (traditional management) Class Level of Productivity I High II Medium III Low IV Very low or nil Potentiality Map (modern management) Class Level of Potentiality I High — for annual and tree crops II Medium — for annual crops High - for tree crops III Medium - for annual and tree crops IV Medium - for annual crops Low - for tree crops V Low — for annual and tree crops VI Very low or nil — for annual and tree crops -42-


In the case of soil associations, soils are interpreted separately for their suitability, which may result in various suitability classes within a mapped soil association, and these are usually represented by strips of different colours on the map.

1. Dark Red Latosols and Red-Yellow Latosols (a) Traditional Farming The principal limitation of these soils is their low plant nutrient content. They occur in extensive areas and in some classification systems their color was used to separate them. It was then assumed that the darker red latosols had higher nutrient levels than the more yellow counterparts. Although this differentiation may suit certain specific areas, the color - fertility correlation does not seem to be generally applicable.

The separation of the Latosols which support a forest vegetation from those which are covered by a savannah cerrado vegetation is important. The burning of the forest improves the soil as the ashes help to increase fertility and therefore make the production of crops possible for a number of years in a shifting cultivation system. The savannah vegetation on the other hand is so poor that even after burning the savannah Latosols can only be used for extensive grazing. In fact, many of the Cerrado Latosol areas are known for their extremely low fertility which includes minor element deficiencies and the almost complete absence of available calcium in the subsoil. This makes the growth of roots in this layer almost impossible. Such phenomena have been observed for instance in some of the Cerrado Latosol areas of the South American Central Plateau, where the city of Brasilia is situated.

(b) Modern Management Experimentation with the Latosols as a whole has not yet developed far enough to state that their fertility is no longer a problem for modern farming. However, research and experimentation indicates that with improvement, including the proper use : of fertilizer, many Forest Latosols could reach high to very high productivity levels. On the otherhand, the Cerrado (savannah) Latosols with their minor element disorders and extremely high calcium deficiency would need much more attention. The Brazilian soil scientists however, who are studying the fertility problems of the Cerrado Latosols, believe that they can be overcome in the not too distant future.

Another important factor for the modern management of Latosols is topography. In the areas visited these soils occurred on level to gently undulating topography; therefore no problems are foreseen for the use of tractor driven machinery. However, Latosols are also known to occur on much steeper land,as for instance in the State of Sao Paulo and in North East Brazil, where the employment of mechanization would be necessarily restricted. -43-

2. Reddish Brown Lateritic Soils

(a) Traditional Management

These soils may either have a low base status (dystrophic) or a high base status (eutrophic), depending on the parent rock and the weathering stage. The Eutrophic Reddish Brown Lateritic soils were the best soils seen during the expedition for traditional management. This is of great importance, since in Rondonia where they are found, other soils of low fertility are by far predominant. Therefore, the Reddish Brown Lateritic soils deserve much more attention and a detailed survey, as they would be suitable for immediate settlement. They are favoured by their location on the new Cuiaba-Porto Velho road, and these soils could produce an important part of the agricultural needs of western Brazil. The Dystrophic Reddish Brown Lateritic soils, owing to their low content in plant nutrient are similar in productivity level to the Latosols. In other characteristics they are similar to the Eutrophic Reddish Brown Lateritic Soils. In Soil Association 5 they occur under semi-evergreen forest.

(b) Modern Management

The topography of Reddish Brown Lateritic soils in the areas visited is rolling and Jocally hilly, -which reduces the potentiality of these soils which are other- wise high to medium, and locally low for mechanized cultivation of annual crops. The potentiality for the cultivation of tree crops is not affected by topography and is there- fore high. As far as we know at present the Reddish Brown Lateritic soils pose no important problems on the use of fertilizers and respond well to treatment.

3. Red-Yellow Podzolic Soils and other Podzolized Soils

(a) Traditional Management

The majority of these soils have low base status and occur under forest vegetation, (areas They are roughly comparable to the Latosols inasmuch as they also have a low productivity level. Although their chemical fertility level is perhaps slightly better than that of the Latosols, their physical characteristics are not as good, and they may have a certain degree of excessive water in the rainy season due to their rather impervious B-horizon.

Some Eutrophic Red-Yellow Podzolic soils and Podzolized soils were observed during the expedition which are comparable to the Ferruginous Tropical soils of Africa (areas 14 and 16). The latter soils seem to occur only in a strongly undulating or mountainous topography and consequently have a strong erosion hazard. The areas in which they occur have a pronounced dry season, thus restricting the choice of tree crops which can be grown successfully. These soils have, therefore, been classified as Class II. -44-

(b) Modern Management

Red-Yellow Podzolic soils of Soil Association I have level to gently undulating topography and belong to Class I. Associated with these soils are the Podzolized soils with a large amount of iron concretions (plinthite) coming near the surface — a character- istic which makes use of mechanical implements difficult. Consequently, these soils have been classified as Class II.

The Red-Yellow Podzolic soils of Soil Associations 6 and 7 belong to Class III because of their impediments to mechanization (rolling topography in 6 and gravel near the surface in 7), and restriction as to the choice of tree crops which can be grown due to the dry season. The Red-Yellow Podzolic soils of 13, 14 and 16 have been classified as Class V due to limitations caused by topography (14 and 16), concretions (13) and unfavorable climate.

4. Groundwater Latérites

(a) Traditional Management

The suitability of these soils for agriculture varies according to fertility status; depth of the horizon with iron concretions, or mottling which may transform itself into concretions after drainage; present drainage class, and the position of the soils in the landscape, in view of eventual drainage possibilities. For the interpretation it is preferable to restrict the name Groundwater Latérites to imperfectly drained soils with plinthite or mottling, within 60 cm depth. The hardening horizons •will cause rooting problems and reduction processes. In the studied sites these soils usually occupy depressed positions in the landscape and appear to have low fertility with plinthite generally occurring atadepth of more than 60 cm. Sometimes these soils intergrade toward Red-Yellow Podzolic soils and are moderately-"well drained, the plinthite probably being fossil. On the map these soils are classified as Class III.

(b) Modern Management

The potentiality of Groundwater Laterites depends on the feasibility of ensuring proper drainage, which is difficult to predict as the depth of plinthite varies. This is made worse by their position in the depressed areas of the landscape which precludes the possibility of open drainage. They are grouped as Class III on the potentiality map when the plinthite occurs rather deep (Association 1) and as Class V when the plinthite comes near the surface (Association 13). In the latter case the climate restricts the choice of tree crops which can be grown. -45-

5. Red-Yellow Sands

(a) Traditional Management

When these soils are covered by forest (Association 8) they may still have a restricted suitability for shifting cultivation but it is doubtful whether theforest will ever be regenerated after being cleared. Therefore, forest should be maintained on these soils as crop yields would be extremely low and erosion hazards very high. If these soils are covered by a savannah vegetation (Associations 15 and 19) they may be judged as unsuitable for traditional agriculture.

(b) Modern Management

It will be very difficult to increase the extremely low absorption complex of these very poor soils which is necessary to ensure their response to fertilizers. Some adapted crops such as pineapple, cashew, cassava, could perhaps be grown and they are classified as Class V.

6'. Grumusolic Soils (Association 7)

The Grumusols studied along the route are not typical Grumusols as they have a tendency to develop a textural B-horizon. They do, however, show deep cracks in the B-horizon and other characteristics connected with the presence of expanding clays.

(a) Traditional Management

Because of their high fertility status these soils have a medium suitability for annual crop production of savannah Latosols, which is exceptional in this transitional area. Their difficult workability is also a serious drawback for farmers who depend on hand-labor. They are classified as Class II on the productivity map.

(b) Modern Management

Modern equipment also meets with difficulties on these heavy sticky clay soils and tree crops cannot develop proper root systems because of the swelling and shrinking of the soil which damages the roots. Classified as Class IV.

7. Reddish Prairie or Mediterranean Soils (Association 12)

These soils occur in an area which has pronounced dry seasons (4-5 months). However, owing to their natural high fertility they have been grouped in Class II for traditional management and in Class IV for modern management. -46-

8. Hydromorphic Soils (Association 3)

Owing to their very low position in the landscape these soils run a serious risk of inundation caused by the overflowing of the Madeira River, and adequate drainage is virtually impossible. At present the area is very swampy and these soils have been considered as unsuitable for any type of agriculture. However, minor areas may exist where certain crops, such as rice,which are adapted to special conditions may be grown successfully. This area was not visited.

9. Lithosols (Associations 12,25) and Concretionary Lateritic Soils (Association 17)

Not suitable for agriculture. -47-

Profiles 1-11 Profile 1. Analysis by DPFS Rio de Janeiro

Date: 27/6/65 Classification: Concretionary Red Yellow Podzolic soil Localization: AC1 — road, at a distance of 15 km from Rio Branco do Acre Situation: Road cut in middle part of hill Slope: 2-3 percent Altitude: 220 m Geological formation Tertiary Parent material: Sandy clay sediments Topography: Nearly level - gently undulating locally Vege tation: At present dirty grassland, originally semi-evergreen forest Land use; Grassland with weed, and at 5 meters grassland with Jaragna grass Erosion: Rare Drainage: Well drained A. 0-7 cm Reddish brown 5YR 4/4 (moist), 5YR 5/3 (dry); sandy clay loam, moderate fine to coarse granular, slightly hard, friable, non- plastic, non-sticky, transition clear, wavy (4-8 cm)

A3 7-18 cm Dark red 25YR 3/8 (moist) reddish brown 2.5YR 5/4 (dry), clay loam, weak fine to coarse granular and subangular, slightly hard friable, non-sticky, non—plastic, clear transition, smooth. 12-45 cm Dark red 2.5YR 7/6 (moist) reddish brown 2.5YR 4/4 (dry); heavy sandy clay, weak fine to coarse granular and subangular slightly hard, very friable, slightly plastic, slightly sticky, gradual and smooth. 45-70 cm Dark red 2.5YR 3/6 (moist) red 2.5YR 4/6 (dry); clay,massive porous, weak fine to medium granular and somewhat sub—angular slightly hard, very friable, sticky, plastic; irregular, diffuse, (20—40 cm) coatings weak and common.

B2cm90-140 Red 2.5YR 4/6 (moist); horizon consists of concretions with clayey material in between; transition clear and irregular. Many moderate developed coatings, mainly on the surfaces of the concretions.

B3 140-165 cm Red 2.5YR 4/6 (moist); clay, moderate fine to coarse subangular hard, friable, plastic, sticky, clear, wavy. (20-40 cm). Many moderate developed coatings. C 165-200 cm + Varied colors consisting of 5Y6/1 (dry), to R3/6 (moist), 2. 5Y 6/8 (moist) and intermediates; clay strong, very fine, to fine, subangular and angular, hard, firm, non-plastic, non—sticky. Many strong developed coatings covering the structural elements.

Observations: Coatings cover structural elements. Roots: Many fascicular roots in Aj, diminishing to a few reaching B2crn. Pores: Many pores with predominant diameter of 1 mm. -48-

Sample air-dry pH

Depth Stones Gravel Water KC1 N Moisture Lab: No. Horizon in cm 20 mm 20-2mm Equivalent

1216 Al 0-7 0 3 5.1 4.3 18

1217 A 3 - 18 0 2 5.1 4.1 18

1218 - 45 0 2 5.2 4.0 20 Bl

1219 »21 - 70 0 6 5.3 4.0 21

1220 B22 - 90 0 14 5.7 4.0 24

1221 y -140 11 37 5.5 4.0 27 2cn

B 0 4.0 30 1222 3 -165 1 5.5

1223 C - 200 + 0 0 5.6 4.0 33

A1 P ki kr 2°3 2°5 P mg/lOOg SiO2 A]L2°3 Fe203 TiO2 2°5 MnO

7.4 5 .8 3.3 0.38 0.03 2.16 1.58 2.71 0.5

9.8 7, 5 4.1 0.45 0.03 2.20 1.63 2.85 0.3

11.9 10 .0 5.1 0.49 0.04 2.02 1.52 3.06 0.2

13.0 11. 2 6.4 0.47 0.03 1.97 1.45 2.75 0.2

14.2 13. 8 6.0 0.50 0.04 1.76 1.37 3.55 0.2

16.2 17. 5 8.9 0.50 0.05 1.57 1.18 3.07 0.1

17.4 19. 5 9.6 0.60 0.05 1.52 1.16 3. 18 0.1

19.7 20. 3 10.8 0.58 0.04 1.65 1.23 2.93 0.2

1/ Analytical results of the lateritic concretions in 1221 /A12O3 \ (SiO2) (A12O3) (Fe2O3) (ki) (kr) ( FTQ" / 10.4 11.5 50.9 1.53 0.40 o.236? -49-

Absorption Complex (mE/lOOg) Amonium Acetate N pH 7

Ca Mg K Na Sum H CEC Base 100.A1 of bases Saturation A1+ S

1.8 1.0 0.14 0.04 3.0 0.6 3.5 7.1 42 17

1.0 0.4 0.09 0.03 1.5 1.8 2.5 5.8 26 55

0.7 0.06 0.03 0.8 3.1 2.1 6.0 13 79

0.5 0.06 0.03 0.6 3.5 1.8 5.9 10 85

0.8 0.09 0.03 0.9 3.9 1.8 6.6 14 81

0.4 0.9 0.13 0.03 1.5 4.5 2.2 8.2 18 75

0.3 0.9 0.12 0.03 1.4 6.9 1.8 10.1 14 83

0.3 1.3 0.16 0.05 1.8 10.1 1.4 13.3 14 85

Granulometric Composition (%) C Dispersion with. NaOH Degree C "It N % N Coarse Fine Silt Clay Natural of Clay Sand Sand Clay % floccul- 2-0.20 0.20-0.05 m ation

1.24 0.14 9 30 22 34 14 8 43 2.43

0.62 0.09 7 17 16 44 23 10 57 1.91

0.34 0.10 3 20 21 28 31 17 45 0.90

0.25 0.01 - 18 19 30 33 7 79 0.91

0.19 0.07 - 16 17 27 40 6 85 0.68

0.16 0.07 • - 14 14 21 51 4 92 0.41

0.17 0.05 - 9 10 26 55 8 85 0.47

0.21 0.05 - 4 4 34 58 22 62 0.59 -50-

Profile 2. Analysis by DPFS Rio de Janeiro Date: 30/6/65 Classification: Terra Roxa Estruturada, Eutrophic Reddish Brown Lateritic Localization: BR 29 road, 42 km from ferry over Jaru River in the direction of Cuiabâ. Situation: Road cut in upper part of small hill with slope of about 20 per- cent. Slope: 15-25 percent Altitude: 320 m Geological formation: Pre-Cambrian CD. Parent material: Basic igneous rocks ? intermediate ? Topography: Gently undulating, consisting of rounded-off hills with slightly convex slopes; several tens of meters long with small V-shaped valleys Vegetation: Semi-deciduous tropical forest Land use: None Erosion: Drainage: Good

A 0-10 cm Dusky red, 2.5YR3/2, clay moderate fine to medium granular, slightly hard, friable, plastic, sticky, transition gradual and smooth. A3 10-27 cm Dark reddish brown, 2.5YR3/3, clay, moderate very fine to fine subangular, -with weak coatings over some places. Hard, friable, very sticky, plastic; transition gradual and even. Bj 27 - 55 cm Dark reddish brown, Z.5YR3/4, very clayey, strong medium prismatic, composed of strong very fine to fine angular with some subangular units; coatings common and moderate, very hard and firm, very plastic, very sticky, transition gradual and smooth.

*B2 55 -100 cm Reddish brown 2.5YR4/4 very clayey, moderate/medium prismatic composed of strong very fine to fine angular with some subangular elements; very strong coatings, hard, firm, very plastic very sticky; transition clear and wavy (40-60 cm) C 100 - 190 cm Dark red 2. 5YR3/6 white patches from parent material, clayey, weak, very fine sub-angular, soft, very friable, very plastic, very sticky; transition diffuse and smooth. D 190 -210 cm Material consisting of weathered rock of varying color (red, ochre, yellowish brown, and metal-black); soft and very friable. Observations: Roots: common on A^, few in A,, and rare at greater depths, where they occur along cracks in structural elements, until B-,

horizon (up to the transition B2 - C). Stone line sometimes locally, consisting of a layer of rock fragments, with a variable diameter of 1 to 20 cm in Aj. Few pores of 1 - 2 mm diameter up to Bj - horizon; somewhat more in Aj. In B£ and Bj horizons some pores of 3 mm diameter occur. In C - horizon, the same as B^. -51-

Sample air—dry pH

Depth Stones Gravel Water KC1 N Moisture Lab: No. Horizon in cm 20 mm 20-2mm Equivalent

1224 0-10 0 2 6.7 6.1 35 Al

1225 A3 -27 0 2 6.5 5. 6 32

B 33 1226 l - 55 0 1 6.1 5.1

1227 B -100 0 1 6.0 5.0 41 2

1228 C -190 0 X 6.0 5.0 45

1229 D - 210+ 0 0 5.9 4.7 40

A12°3 P ki 2°5 SiO2 A12°3 Fe2°3 TiO2 P2°5 MnO Fe2O3 mg/l00g

15.0 13.2 21.7 1.70 0.11 1.94 0. 94 0.95 0.6

19.5 14.3 23.2 1.89 0.10 2.32 i. 14 0.97 0.3

15.2 17.0 22.8 2.22 0.07 1.51 0 .82 1.17 0.2

14.7 22.5 22.2 2.72 0.05 1.11 0 .68 1.59 0.1

12.7 22.4 21.3 2.57 0.06 0.96 0 .60 1.65 0.1

14.3 20.5 21.1 2.48 0.07 1.18 0 .71 1.52 0.2 -52-

Absorption Complex (mE/lOOg) Amonium acetate N pH 7

K+ Na+ *""<* Base 100 .Al Ca ++ Mg++ Bases A1+++ H+ CEC Saturation Ai + S 16.8 2.4 0.27 0.06 19.5 0 1.8 21.3 92 0

15.0 2.5 0.35 0.06 17.9 0 2.5 20.4 88 0

11.7 2. 3 0.50 0.06 14.6 0 3.3 17.9 82 0

13.0 2.9 0.49 0.07 16.51 0 2.7 19.2 86 0

14.4 6.3 0.48 0.09 21.3 0 2.9 24.2 88 0

13.5 6.9 0.58 0.09 21.1 0 2.9 24.2 87 0

Granulometric Composition ("fc) Dispersion with NaOH Degree C % N% N Coarse Fine Silt Clay Natural of Clay Sand Sand 0.05-0.O. 002mm Clay % floccul- 2-0.20 0.20-0.05 002 ation

2.19 0.26 8 18 7 48 27 15 44 1. 78

0.94 0.14 7 18 9 41 32 17 47 1. 28

0.40 0.07 6 13 8 38 41 28 32 0. 93

0.30 0.07 4 6 4 29 61 36 41 0. 48

0.16 0.03 - 7 3 52 38 16 58 1. 37 r 0.09 0.02 - 22 7 49 22 16 27 2. 23 -53-

Profile 3. Analysis by DPFS, Rio de Janeiro

Date: 1/7/65 Classification: Red Yellow Podzolic Localization: BR29 - road, 7 km from Rondôniain the direction of Porto Velho Situation: Road cut in upper part of hill slope with slope of about 10percent Altitude: 200 m Geological formation: Pre-Cambrian, CD. Parent material: Acid gneiss Topography: Gently undulating, consisting of flattened hills with slightly convex slopes tens of meters long. Slope 15-20 percent Vegetation: Semi—deciduous forest ? Land use: Small areas with corn, manioc and some gardens Drainage: Moderately well drained

A 0-15 cm Dark Brown 10YR3/3 clay with gravelly clay loam; moderate, fine to coarse granular, slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky slightly plastic.

45-70 cm Strong brown 7.5YR5.5/7 clayey moderate, very fine to medium subangular; hard, friable, sticky, slightly plastic with many moderate coatings.

C 90-120 cm Reddish yellow 7.5YR6/6, mottling common, fine to medium diffuse to YR7/8 and common fine to medium mainly N8/ coatings weak, few covering structure elements; clay loam; micaceous weak very fine and fine subangular, slightly hard friable, non-plastic, non-sticky.

D 130-150+cm Material consisting of weathered rock, predominantly with yellow (10YR7/8) colors, and common white patches.

Observation: A, — there seem to be fascicular roots present. Presence of gravel up to 3 mm diameter. B — few roots -54-

Sample air-dry PH (%) Stones Gravel Water KC1 N Moisture Depth Lab: No. Horizon in cm 20 mm 20—2 mm Equivalent

1230 Al 0-15 8 33 5.5 4.8 25

1231 45-70 1 4 5.4 4.3 36 B2

1232 C 90-120 0 X 5.5 4.2 40

1233 D 130-150 0 0 5.4 4.2 44

P Al 2°3 2?5 ki kr mg/100g SiO2 Fe TiO2 P MnO Fe à 2°3 2°5 2°3

13.4 11. 3 7.0 1.07 0.03 2.01 1.44 2. 52 0.8

16.0 23. 4 12.9 1.11 0.03 1.17 0.86 2. 83 0.2

16.7 29. 1 7.2 1.10 0.01 0.98 0.84 6..33 0.5

21.8 29. 5 8.4 1.06 0.02 1.26 1.06 5.45 0.5 -55-

Absorption Comples: (mE/lOOg) Amonium Acetate N pH 7 100. Al Sum of Base + + CEC A1+ S Ca++ Mg++ K+ Na Bases A1+++ H Saturation

3.4 1.0 0 .10 0.05 4.6 0 4. 6 9.2 50 0

1.0 0 .03 0.05 1.1 0. 6 1 .8 3, 5 31 35

0.7 0. 02 0.05 0.8 1.0 1 .1 2. 9 28 56

0.5 0. 02 0.06 0.6 1.2 0 .9 2, 7 22 67

Granulometric Composition Dispersion with NaOH

Degree C Fine Natural of Coarse C % N % TI Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % floccul- Clay 2-0.20 0.20-0. 05 0.05-0. <0.002mm ation 002

1. 83 0. 16 11 17 19 33 31 19 39 1. 06

0. 40 0. 04 10 9 11 23 57 0 100 0. 40

0. 07 0 .01 -- 2 4 60 34 0 100 1. 76

0. 04 0 .01 — 2 4 76 18 0 100 4. 22 Profile 4. Analysis by DPFS, Rio de Janeiro

Date: 1/7/65 Classification: Sandy Red, Yellow Podzolic, dystrophic Localization: BR29 - Road Riozinho - RondÔnia, 500 m beyond Castanhal Farm at 30 km distance from Riozinho in the direction of Rondóhia Situation: Trench in rounded-off top - slope 0-3 percent Altitude: 240 m Geological formation: ? Parent material: Sandy9 corresponding with sample Noo 7 Vegetation: Semi—deciduous forest Land use: Brazil nut, pastures and some manioc farming Drainage: Very well drained Topography: Undulating, being a rounded off hill-top at the place of profile which is nearly flat

A 0-5 cm Very dark greyish brown 10YR3/2, light clays moderate, fine to medium granular and individual sand grains; soft, very friable, non-sticky, non-plastic, transition smooth and abrupto

A 5-80 cm Dark brown 7O5YR3/3P sandy clay, weak, fine to medium, granular and massive pores, breaking totally into fine earth;

very friable, slightly; stickys slightly plastic, transition gradual and smooth»

B 80 -160 cm Reddish brown 5YR4/4, sandy clay, very friable, slightly plastic t sticky, transition diffuse and smooth,,

B 160-220+ cm Yellowish red 5YR5/6, sandy clay, very friable^ slightly plastic, sticky«,

Obs er vation: Trench of 75 cm depth by auger. Common presence of fascicular roots in A. Few fiöe roots reaching bottom of trench, some with a diameter of up to 3 mm« Pores commonly present in Aj, with diameters up to 2 mm, and in A with diameters up to 1 mm. Few with diameters up to 2 mm. Presence of charcoal at 20 cm depth (top of 3rd horizon). -57-

Sample air—dry pH

Depth Stones Gravel Water KC1 N Moisture Lab: No. Horizon in cm 20 mm 20-2 mm Equivalent

1234 0- 5 0 X 5.4 4.6 15 Al

1235 A2 -80 0 X 5.2 4.4 14

1236 -160 0 1 5.3 4.3 15 B2

1237 B 0 1 5.5 4.4 14 3 -220

Al 2°3 P2°5 Id ]cr Fe mg/l00g SiO Al Fe P MnO 2°3 2 2°3 2°3 2°5

8. 1 6. 8 2.6 0.80 0.03 2.01 1..63 4 .19 1.5

11* 3 11 .1 3.1 0.91 0.02 1.72 1..47 5. 74 0.4

U. 6 11 .3 3.2 0.92 0.01 1.74 1..47 5. 55 0.3

11. 9 11 .3 3.4 0.94 0.01 1.78 1.50 5. 29 0.3 -58-

Absorption Complex (mE/lOOg) Amonitun Acetate N pH 7

Sum of Base 100.Al Ca++ Mg++ K + Na + Bases + H + CEC Saturation Al+S

1.9 0.6 0.31 0.04 2.9 0.2 8.4 11.5 25 6

0. 5 0.02 0.03 0.6 1.1 5.0 6.7 9 65

0. 5 0.01 0.04 0.6 0.9 4.0 5.5 11 60

0. 4 0.01 0.03 0.4 0.7 2.5 3.6 11 64

Granulometric Composition ( Dispersion with NaOH C Degree C% N% Coarse Fine Silt Clay Natural of ~N Sand Sand 0.05-0. <0. 002mm Clay % floccul- Clay 2-0.20 0.20-0. 05 002 ation

1.75 0.13 14 46 19 19 16 2 88 1.19

0.64 0.05 13 34 25 13 28 6 79 0.46

0.37 0.03 12 33 19 20 28 10 64 0.71

0.19 0.02 33 24 14 29 1 97 0.48 -59-

Profile 5. Analysis by DPFS Rio de Janeiro

Date: 2/7/65 Classification: Grumusolic. Localization: BR 29 - Road, Vilhena - Riozinho, taken before ferry of Rio Comemoragao in Pimenta Bueno. Situation: Road cut, situated halfway up a hill with a slope of 5-8 percent Altitude: 220 m Geological formation: Cambro-Ordovician , Parent material: Shales (occasionally calcareous lenses) Topography: Gently undulating, slopes of hundreds of meters with open valleys Vegetation: Savannah/semi deciduous (deciduous) Drainage: Imperfect :

A. 0-7 cm Light brown 7.5YR6/3 ( dry ), dark brown 7.5YR3/4 (moist), clayey, moderate, fine to coarse, subangular sometimes angular, very hard, friable, plastic, very sticky; transition smooth and abrupt.

7 -13 cm Reddish brown 5YR4/4, clayey, compact massive, breaks in angular blocks; extremely hard, friable, plastic, very sticky, even and clear transition.

13-20 cm Dark reddish brown 5YR3. 5/4, very clayey, idem A3 (somewhat subangular fine to coarse), hard, firm, plastic, and very sticky; transition smooth and gradual.

B_ 20-45 cm Dark reddish brown 5YR3/3, very clayey, strong coarse prismatic Ù composed of moderate fine to coarse subangular and angular; extremely hard; firm, plastic, very sticky, transition smooth and gradual.

B- -(C?) 45-55 cm Dark reddish brown 2.5YR3/3, very clayey, moderate coarse prismatic, composed of moderate, very fine to coarse angular and subangular; firm, plastic, very sticky, transition smooth and abrupt.

55 - 65+ cm Weathered rock.

Observations: Roots: common and consisting of fascicular roots in A., few in A, and B, some occur in top of D. Pores: Few in Aj with a diameter of 1-2 mm; practically absent in rest of profile. Some rounded pebbles in A,, with a diameter varying from 3 to 4 cm. Coatings: weak and few in A, (distributed in stains); Many strong ones occur in B (covering all structural elements and cracks). Strong and common in B, (idem B,). Presence of some slicken8ides in B,. Mottling diffuse and few in A , common and increasing in B, (C?). -60-

Sample air—dry pH %

Depth Stones Gravel Water KC1 N Moisture Li ab: No. Horizon in cm 20 mm 20—2 mm Equivalent

1238 0-7 6 x 5.7 4.3 37 Al

A -13 0 x 4.3 33 1239 3 5.9

1240 -20 0 x 6.1 4.3 37 Bl 1241 -45 0 1 6.5 4.8 37 B2

1242 B3(C?) -55 0 0 6.6 5.3 32 (weathered rock) 1243 D -65 6.9 5.8 23 (weathered rock)

A12°3 P2°5 SiO A1 Fe TiO2 P MnO ki kr 2 2°3 2°3 2°5 Fe2°3 mg/l00g

15.6 12.7 11.7 0.54 0.07 - .2.08 1O31 Io71 0.5

17.5 13.7 10.0 0.59 0.05 2.18 1.48 2.13 0.2

15.7 17.1 11.2 0.63 0.04 1.56 1.10 2.40 0.2

13.0 18.3 10.0 0.63 0.03 1.21 0.90 2.84 0.2

16.8 16.6 10.1 0.61 0.04 - 1.72 1.24 2.59 0.3

15.5 17.2 6.6 0.59 0.12 - 1.53 1.23 4.12 1.0 -61-

Absorption Complex (mE/lOOg) Amonium Acetate N pH 7 Stun of Base 100.Al Ca Mg K Na Bases Al H CEC Saturation A1+ S

5.5 5,5 0.40 0,15 11.6 0,6 6.7 18.9 61 5

5O2 6.7 0.28 0,18 12.4 0,6 4.9 17.9 69 5

6.9 10.3 0,41 0,23 17,8 0,6 4.3 22.7 78 3

8,6 15,1 0,41 0,34 24,5 0.2 2,6 27.3 90 1

8,8 15,2 0o34 0,39 24,7 0 1.3 26.0 95 0

9.3 15,4 0,34 0,39 25.4 0 0,4 25.8 98 0

Granulometric Composition (%) Dispersion with NaOH

Degree C Coarse Fine Silt Clay Natural of floccul- Clay C % N % N Sand Sand 0.05-0 <0. 002mm Clay % ation 2-0.20 0.20-0.05 002

1.90 0.19 10 2 1 51 46 20 57 1.11

1.18 0.12 10 3 1 46 50 27 46 0.92

0.85 0.08 11 2 1 32 65 39 40 0.49

0.52 0.04 13 1 X 30 69 43 38 0.43

0.25 0.04 - 1 X 52 47 32 32 1.11

0.14 0.02 - 4 2 61 33 18 45 1.85 -62-

Profile 6. Analysis by DPFS Rio de Janeiro

Date: 2/7/65 Classification: ? ("Tropaqualf") ; Localization: BR29 Road (Vilhena-Riozinho), 24 km before ferry of Rio Commemorag£o in Pimenta Bueno. Situation: . Road construction pit in upper part of slight undulation. Slope of about 3 percent Altitude: 220 m ; Geological formation: Cambro-Ordovician ; Parent material:. Shales (occasionally calcareous lenses) Topography: Gently undulating, open valleys; slightly convex slopes of a hundred meters in length with slopes not exceeding 8 percent Vegetation: Tree savannah Land use: Dirty grassland Drainage: Poor

A 0-5 cm Dark yellowish brown 10YR3/4, heavy sandy clay, moderate, fine to medium, granular and fine subangular, slightly hard, friable, slightly plastic, slightly sticky; transition smooth and clear. ,

B, 25-45 cm Light brownish greyK?) 10YR6/2 ; mottling small and few, predominantly red 2. 5YR4/6; coatings strong, common, covering structural elements, ;very clayey, moderate, very fine to fine, angular and subangular, extremely hard, firm, plastic, very sticky; transition smooth and gradual.

C 50-60 cm N6/; Mottling fine to medium; very predominant red, 2.5YR4/6: Coatings moderate and common, very clayey, •weak, very fine to j fine angular and subangular; firm plastic and very sticky. -63-

Sample air-dry pH

Depth Stones Gravel Water KC1 N Moisture Lab: No. Horizon in cm 20 mm 20-2 mm Equivalent

1244 0 - 5 0 3 5.2 4.0 33 Al

1245 B 25 •- 45 0 2 5.4 3.8 40 2 1246 C 50 -- 60 0 1 5.5 4.0 40

Al 2°3 P2°5 SiO Al Fe TiO 0 MnO ki kr 2 2°3 2 P2 5 mg/l00g 2°3 Fe 2°3

16. 8 11 .0 6 .7 .0. 60 0. 01 2.59 1.87 2 .57 0. 2

25. 2 22 .9 6. 8 0. 76 0. 01 1.87 1.57 5 .23 0. 2

28. 7 20 .7 8. 5 0. 68 o. 02 2 .35 1.87 3 .83 0. 2 -64-

Absorption Complex (mE/l00g) Amonium Acetate N pH 7

Sum of Base 100 .Al Ca++ Mg++ K+ Na+ Bases A 1++ + H + CEC Saturation Al +s

1. 6 1.6 0.28 0.03 3.5 2. 6 5.9 12, 0 29 43

1,.4 8.7 0.24 0.08 10.4 7. 1 2 .7 20. 2 51 41

2 .4 15.2 0.22 0.21 18.0 1. 6 2.3 21. 9 82 8

Granulometric Composition (%) Dispersion with NaOH

C Coarse Fine Silt Clay Natural Degree Clay c% N% N Sand Sand 0.05-0. <0. 002mm Clay % of flocc- 2-0. 20 0 .20-0. 05 002 ulation

1. 68 0. 15 11 3 2 56 39 17 56 1 .44

0. 54 0. 06 9 2 2 27 69 49 29 0.39

0. 28 o. 04 7 1 X 48 51 39 24 0 .94 -65-

Profile 7. Analysis by DPFS, Rio de Janeiro

Date: 2/7/65 Classification: Red-Yellow Latosol Localization: BR29 - Road 10 km from Vilhena in Pimenta Bueno direction. Situation: Trench under wood in upper part of hill with slope of about 3-5 Altitude: 620 m Geological formation: Parent material: Topography: Undulating, consisting of rounded hills with slopes hundreds of meters long, convex slopes of about 10-30 percent and open "V" shaped valleys Vegetation: Tropical semi-deciduous forest Land use: None Drainage: Very well drained

AQ 1-0 cm

A 0-4 cm Dark Brown 7.5YR4/4, clay, weak, very fine to fine granular, friable, slightly plastic; transition smooth and abrupt.

4 -12 cm Strong brown 7.5YR5/6, heavy clay, weak, very fine to medium granular; friable, plastic and sticky; transition smooth and clear.

12-25 cm Yellowish red 5YR5/6, clayey, moderate, very fine to fine sub- angular blocky, friable, plastic and sticky; transition smooth and gradual.

25-80 cm Yellowish red 5YR5/8, very clayey, very friable, plastic, very sticky.

B 80-200 cm Yellowish red 4YR5/8, very clayey, very friable, plastic, very sticky.

B23 200-270 cm+ Reddish yellow 5YR5.5/8; very clayey, friable, very plastic, very sticky.

Observation: Pit of 50 cm deep,further down by auger Roots: Many in A, and A,, with a predominant diameter of 1 to 2 mm. Roots: Few in B., varying in diameter from 10 to 50 mm. A., A,, B., very porous with predominant diameter of 1 to 2 mm. -66-

Sample air-dry PH Depth Stones Gravel Water KC1 N Moisture Lab: No. Horizon in cm 20 mm 20-2mm Equivalent

1249 Ao 1 - 0 0 0 4.3 3.4 -

1250 A 0-4 0 • o 3.9 3.4 74 l 1251 -12 0 0 4.1 4.0 34 A3

1252 B -25 0 0 4.4 4.2 32 l

1253 B 0 0 5.2 30 21 -80 4.5

1254 B -200 0 0 22 5.3 5.0 28

1255 B -270 + 0 0 5.8 6.2 29 23

A12°3 P2°5 SiO A1 TiO2 P MnO ki kr 2°3 -A 2°5 Fe2°3 mg/l00g

13.2 20.4 6.3 0.54 0. 02 1.10 0.92 5.13 2.4

15.7 27.3 8.1 0.79 0. 01 0.98 0.82 5.25 0.7

17.6 32.6 9.6 0.96 0. 01 0.92 0.77 5.33 0.5

18.3 35.6 10.0 0.98 • 0.87 0.74 5.54 0.4

18.8 36.7 10.1 1.00 X 0.87 0.74 5.71 0.2

18.8 37.3 10.2 1.05 0.86 0.73 5.72 0.1

18.2 38.6 10.7 1.21 < 0.80 0.68 5.64 0.1 -67-

Absorption Complex (mE/lOOg) Amonium Acetate N pH 7

Sum of Base 100.Al ++ Ca++ Mg K Na Bases A1+++ H+ CEC Saturation Al + S

3.2 1.4 0.59 0.10 5.3 4.0 50.3 59.6 9 43

1.2 0.13 0.04 1.4 4.6 29.3 35.3 4 77

0. 6 0.05 0.04 0.7 2.0 11.8 14.5 5 74

0.5 0.04 0.02 0.6 1.2 7.6 9.4 6 67

0. 4 0.05 0.01 0.5 0.5 4.9 5.9 8 50

0.5 0.00 0.02 0.5 0.0 3.0 3.5 14 0

0.4 0.00 0.02 0.4 0.0 1.3 1.7 24 0

Granulometric Composition (%) Dispersion with NaOH Coarse Fine Silt Clay Natural Degree C% N% ^ Sand Sand 0.05-0 <0.002mm Clay of Clay 2-0,20 0,20-0.05 002 % floccul- ation

23.08 1.25 19 —

7.76 0.69 11 8 3 25 64 86 0.39

2.67 0.20 13 10 4 22 64 21 67 0.34

1.72 0.15 12 10 5 17 68 15 78 0.25

1.02 0.08 13 9 5 11 75 26 65 0.15

0.60 0.06 10 9 6 9 76 0 100 0.12

0.25 0.06 6 5 11 78 38 51 0.14 -68-

Profile 8. Analysis by DPFS - Rio de Janeiro.

Date: 4/7/65 Classification: Dusky Red Latosol Localization: BR29 - between: Rosario Oeste and Vilhena 43 km before German boarding house (PensSo Alemâo) Situation: Trench in high part of plateau Altitude: 440 m Geological formation: ? Parent material: Presumably pseudo-autochtonous Topography: Practically level with slopes of several 100 m in length - 0.5 percent Vegetation: Wide spaced low tree savannah Land use: Extensive grazing Drainage: Very well drained

A 0-20 cm Dark greyish red 9R3/3, clay; strong, very fine to medium, granular, slightly hard, very friable, slightly plastic, slightly sticky, transition smooth and gradual.

A3 20 -45 cm Dark greyish red 9R3/4, clay, weak, very fine to fine granular and grains consisting of fine earth, slightly hard, very friable, . slightly plastic, slightly sticky, transition smooth and diffuse.

B 45 -130 cm Dark greyish red 10R3/4, clay, massive porous, slightly coherent consisting of grains •with some nodules of 2 to 5 mm diameter; soft, very friable, slightly plastic and sticky.

B21 130-220 cm Dark greyish red 10R3/3.5; clayey, very friable, plastic, sticky, transition smooth and diffuse.

B 220-280 cm Dark greyish red 10R3/3, clay, very friable, plastic, very sticky; transition smooth and diffuse.

B 280-310 cm Dark greyish red 10R 3/3, clay, very friable, plastic, very sticky transition smooth and diffuse. • Observation: Roots: Many in top of A.(0-4cm), 1 to 2 mm thick, fascicular, common in Aß, gradually diminishing when reaching the bottom of the trench. Pores: Few pores observed in A. and A,, down- ward, very porous -with a predominant pore-diameter of less than 1 mm. 70 cm deep trench further down auger observation. Presence of rounded-off quartz-grains with a diameter of up to 2 mm. , reaching the bottom of the trench. -69-

Sample air-dry PH (%) Depth Stones Gravel Water KC1 N Moisture LabrNo. Horizon in cm 20 mm Z0-Zmm Equivalent

1256 A 0-20 0 2 5.2 4.3 28 l

1257 A -45 0 2 5.4 4.5 26 3

1258 Bl -130 0 3 5.5 5.1 27

B -220 0 4 5.5 6.1 27 1259 21

1260 B22 -280 0 4 5.7 6.4 26

B 0 4 5.8 6.2 27 1261 23 -310+

i A12°3 P2°5 SiO A1 Fe TiO2 P MnO ki kr mg/lOOg 2 2°3 2°3 2°5 Fe2°3

6.3 29.3 21.0 1.69 0.07 0.37 0.25 2.19 0.3

6.2 31.0 21.7 1.75 0.06 0.34 0.23 2.24 0.2

6.2 32.2 23.1 1.86 0.05 0.33 0.22 2.19 0.1

5.9 32.8 22.9 1.96 0.04 0.30 0.21 2.25 0.1

5.8 31.8 23.3 1.94 0.04 - 0.31 0.21 2.14 0.1

6.4 33.6 23.1 2.11 0.04 0.33 0.23 2.28 0.1 -70-

Absorption Complex (mE/l00g) Amonium Acetate N pH 7

Sum of Base 100.Al Ca++ Mg++ K4 Na+ Bases Al H + CEC Saturation A1+ S

0 .7 0.07 0.07 0.8 0.7 7.3 8 .8 9 47

0 .6 0.03 0.07 0.7 0.3 5.1 6.1 11 30

0. 6 0.01 0.06 0.7 0 3.1 3 .8 18 0

0. 6 0.01 0.06 0.7 0 1.2 1 .9 37 0

0. 6 0.01 0.07 0.7 0 1.1 1 .8 39 0

0. 6 0.01 0.06 0.7 0 1.0 1 .7 41 0

Granulometric Composition (%) Dispersion with NaOH

C_ Coarse Fine Silt Clay Degree C% I"1% N Sand Sand 0,05-0 <0.002mm Natural of flocc- Clay 2-0,20 0,20-0.05 002 Clay % ulation

2. 08 0. 11 19 24 13 19 44 8 82 0.43

1. 37 0. 08 17 5 3 43 49 14 71 0.88

0. 70 0. 04 18 16 10 18 56 0 100 0.32

0. 36 0. 02 18 12 7 24 57 27 53 0.42

0. 19 0. 01 - 13 9 17 61 25 59 0.28

0. 26 0. 02 - 11 10 23 56 24 57 0.41 -71-

Profile 9» Analysis by DPFS, Rio de Janeiro

Date: 4/7/65 Classification: Argiustoll (R.Chestnuy'R. Prairie ?) BR29 - road between RosârioOeste and Vilhena, 7 km beyond Localization: Nobres. Road cut in lower part of hill, slopes locally varying from Situation: 5-10 percent 400 m Altitude: Silurian Geological formation: Metamorphic limestone, material originating from in situ Parent material: weathering. Affected by additions of similar material from nearby areas. Topography: Mountain adjustment with narrow, long, 'V' shaped valleys Vegetation: Semi-deciduous forest Land use: Extensive grazing Drainage: Moderate •well drained

A 0-25 cm Black 2.5YR2/1, clay, moderate, fine to coarse, granular (0-10) and subangular, slightly hard, friable, plastic, sticky, clear transition.

B 25 - 65 cm Dark reddish brown 2. 5YR2/4, mottiing fine to medium, (40-50) common, diffuse, dark reddish brown 2.4YR3/4; very clayey, strongly coarse, prismatic, composed of very fine to medium subangular and angular; coatings very common, partly cover- ing structural elements; very hard, friable, very plastic and very sticky; transition gradual.

C 65-80 cm+ Dark reddish brown 2.5YR3/4; very clayey, moderate coarse, (65-75) prismatic composed of very fine to medium subangular and angular; coatings very common, partly covering structural elements, very hard, friable, very plastic and very sticky.

Observation: The depths between brackets are described and sampled. C — horizon:- presence of -white patches -which give light effervescence with hydrochloric acid. Characteristic is the presence of many aroeiras. Calcarious outcrops in adjacent areas. Roots: Common in A , diminishing gradually downwards until A,. Predominantly fascicular roots, some with diameter of up to 5 mm. Pores not visible. -72-

Sample air-dry PH (%)

Depth Stones Gravel Water KC1N Moisture Lab: No. Horizon in cm 20 mm 20-2mm Equivalent

1262 A 0-10 0 X 5.9 5.3 23

1263 B 40-50 0 X 5.6 5.6 27

1264 C 65-75 0 X 6.8 6.0 26

Al P 0 2°3 2 SiO Al Fe TiO P MnO ki ? 2 2°3 2°3 2°5 mg/l00g Fe2 °3

11. 7 9. 9 3. 8 0. 35 0. 09 2 .01 1.61 4. 04 1.9

20. 0 18 .4 5. 8 0. 45 0. 06 1.85 1.54 5. 00 0.6

19. 3 16 .7 5. 4 0. 40 0. 05 1 .96 1.63 4. 82 0.8 -73-

Absorption Complex (mE/l00g) Amonium Acetate N pH 7

Sum of Base 100.Al + +Hh+ Ca »»„TT v + Na Bases Al H CEC Saturation Al + S Mg K

14. 8 4. 5 0.24 0.06 19.6 0 3. 6 23. 2 84 0

11. 4 4. 9 0.12 0.09 16.5 0 1. 5 18. 0 92 0

9. 2 4..0 0.09 0.09 13.4 0 0. 6 14. 0 96 0

Granulometric Composition (%] Dispersion with NaOH Degree Coarse Fine Natural of C% N% C_ Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay floccul— Clay N 2-0,20 0, 20-0.05 0.05-0.002 <0. 002mm ation

1.78 0.14 13 10 17 42 31 12 61 1. 35

0.78 0.08 10 8 9 35 48 23 52 0 .73

0.48 0.03 16 7 12 35 46 28 39 0 .76 -74-

Profile 10. Description and analysis by IPEAN - Belem

Classification: Humic Yellow Latosol Localization: Porto Velho Experimental Station; on the extreme right side recently burnt secondary forest. Vegetation: Young secondary forest. Drainage: Well drained.

A 0-15 cm Dark brown 10YR3/3, clay, weak to moderate, fine sub- angular, friable, non-plastic, non-sticky, pores and canals common, many fine roots, biological activity common; transition smooth and diffuse.

15 - 35 cm Dark yellowish brown 10YR3/4, loamy clay, weak, fine, sub-angular, breaking into single grains, very friable, non-plastic, non-sticky, pores and canals common, many fine roots, transition diffuse and smooth.

35 - 78 cm Dark yellowish brown to 10YR4/4, clay,weak, fine sub- angular, breaking into single grains, very friable, slightly plastic, non-sticky, many pores and canals, fine roots common; transition diffuse and smooth.

78 - 90 cm Yellowish brown to 10YR5/6,clay, massive porous, breaking into weak, fine, subangular and simple grains, very friable, slightly plastic, slightly sticky, many pores and canals, few fine roots Transition smooth and diffuse.

B 90 -110 cm Yellowish brown to 10YR5/8, clay, massive porous, breaking into weak, fine to medium, sub-angular, friable, plastic, slightly sticky, many pores and canals; few fine roots.

110-150+cm 'Dusky yellow, 10YR6/8, clay, massive porous, breaking into weak, medium, sub-angular, friable, plastic, slightly sticky, many pores and canals, very few fine roots. -75-

Lab: No. Horizon Depth Coarse Fine Silt Clay Natural Sand Sand Clay

3023 A 0-15 1 19 2 39 5 P

3024 A12 -35 1 15 43 41 7

3025 A3 -78 4 8 29 59 13

3026 B -90 3 7 71 14 l 19 3027 B21 -110 3 7 16 74 12 3028 B22 -150 2 6 16 76 5

mE/ 100 g of air dry fine soil LabcNo. Horizon pH Sum Base mg/ Ca Mg K Na Mn H Al CEC Bases Sat: 100 % gr 3023 A 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.22 0.02 14 .87 3. 22 18. 81 0. 72 4 0.55 p 4.9 3024 A 0.02 82 17. 67 12 4.9 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.26 13 .95 2. 44 0. 4 0.55

3025 A3 5.1 0.33 0.02 0.16 0.13 0.02 10 .26 2. 52 13 42 0. 64 5 traces

11 3026 B 5.1 0.30 0.10 0.14 0.10 0.02 8. 04 2 .42 11 .10 0 .64 6 l 3027 B21 5.0 0.20 0.23 0.15 0.11 0.02 5. 75 2. 22 8 .73 0 .81 9 11

11 3028 B22 5.4 0.15 0.30 0.09 0.08 0.02 4. 40 1. 40 6.42 0 .62 10

g/100 g Air dry fine soil

Lab. No. C • N Org. SiO2 Fe2O3 A12O3 C/N Ki Kr Mat.

3023 4.0 0.21 6.98 21.8 9.8 22.4 19 1.65 1.31 3024 3.78 0.19 6.50 21.0 8.6 24.0 20 1.49 1.21 3025 2.41 0.09 4.19 20.8 9.0 25.0 27 1.41 1.15 3026 •1.39 0.06 2.38 21.0 9.4 24.2 22 1.48 1.18 3027 0.99 0.06 1.70 21.8 9.6 25.2 17 1.47 1.18 3028 0.54 0.05 0.95 22.0 9.6 25.2 12 1.48 1.19 -76-

Profile 11. Description and Analysis by IPEÀN, Belem

Classification: Hydromorphic Latérite, moderately well drained. Localization: Porto Velho Experimental Station, bed with citrus, Road 4. Topography: Level Vegetation: Ground covered with grasses; citrus orchard Drainage: Adjacent area well drained; the profile itself is moderately well drained

A 0-12 cm Yellowish brown 10YR5/8 heavy clay, weak to moderate fine, subangular, firm, plastic, sticky; many pores and canals; worm and insect activity; many fine roots; transition wavy, gradual.

A2 12 -30 cm Yellow red 5YR5/6, light clay, moderate, fine to medium subangular, friable, plastic, sticky, many pores and canals; many fine roots; transition smooth and diffuse.

30 -52 cm Yellow red 5YR4/8, light clay, moderate, fine to medium subangular, friable, plastic, sticky, many pores and canals, fine roots; common transition, smooth and diffuse.

B2 52 -75 cm Red 2.5YR4/6, light clay, medium subangular, friable, very plastic, very sticky, many pores and canals; some pisolitic concretions on transition from Bj to H^; transition clear and wavy.

B31pl73 ~102 cm Red 2.5YR5/6, mottling common, medium and distinct yellow 10YR7/6 and abundant, medium to coarse, prominent red 10YR4/8, light clay, massive, breaking into weak, fine, sub- angular peds, friable, plastic, sticky; pores common, very few fine roots; presence of small lateritic concretions; transition smooth and diffuse.

B32pl 102-150 cm Abundant medium to coarse and prominently mottling red 10YR4/8, with medium and distinct yellow 10YR7/6 and with medium and weak strong brown 7.5YR5/8; rubbed light red 10R6/8 light clay, moderate to strong, medium, subangular, firm, plastic, sticky, with many small lateritic concretions; coatings common. -77-

Lab: No. Horizon Depth Coarse Fine Silt Clay Natural Sand Sand Clay

3000 0-12 2 19 40 39 3001 - 50 2 21 32 45

3002 B] - 52 1 19 34 46 3003 B. -75 1 17 35 49 i 15 52 3004 B31pl -102 2 31 13 50 3005 B32pl .-150 7 30

LabrNo. Horizon pH mE/ 100 g of air dry fine soil Sum Base pH t+ ++ + + ++ + +++ H2O Ca Mg K Na Mn H A1 CEC. Bases Sat: mg/KC1 % 100

3000 A 4.3 0. 45 0.15 0.15 0.11 0. 02 4. 5. 87 42 0.86 V 0. 55 4. 00 p 69 11. 3001 A 4.7 20 0. 02 3. 30 5. 43 0.48 5 55 4. 00 2 0. 0.05 0.15 0.08 65 9. o,

3002 B 30 0 .02 3. 33 5. 44 60 0.83 0 .55 4. 00 l 4.5 0. 0.15 0.15 0.23 9. 9 3003 4.5 0. 30 0.15 0.11 0.20 0 .02 2 .41 5 .65 8. 82 0.76 9traces 4 .00 B2 3004 B 4.8 0. 30 0.10 0.12 0.20 - 2.66 6 .85 10 .02S 0.72 7 II 4 .00 31P1 tl 3005 B32pl 5.0 0 .30 0.15 0.11 0.22 - 1.84 7 .83 IC1.45 0.78 7 4. 00

g/100 g Air dry fine soil LabrNo. C N Org. Fe2°3 A12°3 C/N Ki Kr Mat.

3000 1.27 0.13 2.18 16. 00 4.19 11.73 10 2.31 1.89 3001 0.68 0.09 2.16 18. 20 4.19 13.26 8 2.33 1.94 3002 0.57 0.07 0.98 17. 00 4.39 13.77 8 2.10 1.75 3003 0.41 0.06 0.69 19. 20 4.58 14.02 7 2.33 1.93 3004 0.34 0.06 0.59 23. 20 7.58 16.06 6 2.46 1.89 3005 0.14 0.05 0.30 26 .40 9.98 18.87 3 2.37 1.78 38° 7O° 62° 54° 46°

A M A Z 0 N A

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WSRO 511/OCTOBER I96s[ 46C 38* 'bolßa.


SCALE 1:3.000.000 200 300 KM.



,NDEX PEi 9 P - Monthly precipitation in mm. ' S^Si) E = Evapotranspirotion in mm. T = Mean monthly temperature in °C 48° INDEX, TE - 5.4To To : Mean annual temperature in °C CUIABA- WSR0-5I5/0CT0BER 1965 SOUTH AMERICA SOIL RESOURCES EXPEDITION IN BRAZIL 24 JUNE / 9 JULY 1965



R\O o? AND GOVERNMENT OF BRAZIL ,v°? TERR T 0 R IjO^ *•: 3 / P. HERJaljS^ J«! D-sE

I BARAÖWE R 0 N CT*0-M \MELGACO_ i WORLD SOIL RESOURCES OFFICE I2C «8» LAND AND WATER DEVELOPMENT DIVISION £_£[0 .«^ B 0 L I V SCALE 1:5.000.000 c 66 64° 100 £00 300 KM. 2fr *\!f/ARA «&- MAP 3 <9 ir\ \56° \30\ < ,4o> /- / OIAMANTINOO N 62e 3 R0SARI0/0ESTE/tf2 I




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WSR0-5I4 OlGc





WSRO-5I3/OCTQ8ER 1965 3o2é d






WSRO-5I6/0CT0BER 1963 •3026





WSRO-517/OCTOBER 1965 4-





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56° 54° 48° WSRO-512/OCTOBER 1963 3o26








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