THE GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya

(Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) -- Vol. LXVII-No. 52 , 16th November 1965 Price: Sh. 1

CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZETTENoT1cEs-(Contd.) PAGE PAGE The Interpretation and General Provisions Act- The Companies Act-Winding-up Notices . . . . 1392 Temporary Transfers of Powers ...... 1374 The Trade Unions Act-Registrations ...... 1392 The Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Act, 1965- The Societies Act-Registrations, etc...... 1393 Authorization ...... Lost Policies ...... 1393 The Provident Fund Act-Appointment ...... Local Government Notices ...... 1394 The Criminal Procedure Code-Increased Powers . . Business Transfer ...... 1395 Dissolution of Partnership ...... 1395 The Courts Act-Increased Civil Jurisdictioil . . . . Changes of Name ...... 1395 The Museums Trustees Act-Appointment . . . . Kenya Stock ...... 1396 The Agriculture ~ct-~Bnagement Orders, etc. . . The Trout Act-Appointment ...... 1396 Lost Local Purchase Orders ...... 1396 The Agricultural Credit Act-Appointments . . . . The Tea (Appointments to the Board) Regulations- Appointments ...... SUPPLEMENT No. 88 Bills, 1965 The Medical Practitioners and Dentists Rules- Notice of Election ...... The Forest Act-Alteration of Boundaries . . . . SUPPLEMENT No. 89 The Borstal Institutions Act-Cancellation, etc. . . Legislative Supplement LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE The Local Government Regulations, 1963-Nomination 290-The Iilterpretation and General Provisions Vacancies ...... Act-Delegation of Powers . . . . 509 291-The Wild Animals Protection (Lake Solai The Registration of Titles Act-Registration . . . . Controlled Area) Notice, 1965 . . . . 509 The Animal Diseases Act-Appointments . . . . 292-The Traffic (Vehicle Licences) (Duration, Fees and Refund) (Amendment) Rules, 1965 Notice re Sale of Game Trophies ...... 293-The Loca! Government ( Trade Nairobi Cost of Living Indices ...... Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 294-The Local Government (Taita-Taveta Trade Notice re Closure of Roads ...... Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 . . Tender ...... 295-The Local Government (Embu Trade Develop- ment Joint Board) Order, 1965 . . . . The Mining Regulations-Expiration ...... 296-The Local Government (Olkejuado Trade E.A. Currency Board-Circulation Return . . . . Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 E.A. Customs and Excise Department-Tariff 297-The Local Government ( Trade Interpretation ...... Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 . . 298-The Local Government ( Trade The Agricultural Credit Act-Sale Notices . . . . Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 The Electric Power Act-Applications, etc. . . . . 299-The Local Government (Wajir Trade Develop- ment Joint Board) Order, 1965 . . . . The Trust Land Act-Setting Apart of Land . . . . 300-The Local Government ( Trade Transport Licensing ...... Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 . . 301-The Local Government ( Trade The Water Act-Applications ...... Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 . . Liquor Licensing ...... 302, 303-The Local Government Regulations, 1963-Revocations of Joint Boards . . Probate and Administration ...... 304--The Prisons Act-Declaration ...... Bankruptcy Jurisdiction ...... 305-The Detention Camps Act-Declaration . . 1374 TH E K EN Y A GA ZE'I'TE 16th N ovem ber 1965

G ztzErrs N orzcE N o. 4137 G AZBTTE N oTlcE N o. 4141 LCONST. 1 /2/21) THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA (AM ENDM END ACT, TH E IN TERPRETATION AN D G EN ERAL PROVISION S 1965 ACT (lqo. 14 of 1965) (Cap. 2) ExERclsB oF PoyvEus UNDBR SECTION 17 TEM PORARY TRANSFBR OF M INISTERIAL POW ERS IT IS hereby notified for gcneral inform ation that 1, Jom o IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 37 of tho K enyatta, with effect from 12th December 1964, have authorized Interpretation and G eneral Provisions Act, and of all other the Com missioner of txetnds to m ake grants or dispositions of powors thereto enabling m e, 1 hereby direct that, during the any estates, interests or rights in or over lands that are for absence beginning on 7th N ovem ber 1965, of the M inister for the time being vested in the G overnm ent of K enya. Iwands and Settlem ent all the powers conferred, and all the Gazette Notice No. 3510/ 1965 is hereby cancelled. duties im posed, upon that M inister by or under any A ct shall be had and m ay be exercised, and shall be perform ed, Dated this 9th day of November 1965. respectively, by the M inister for Local G overnm ent. JOM O K ENYATTA , Presîdent . D ated this 9th day of Novem bcr 1965.

JOM O K EN YAW A , QIAZBTTB èfoTlcE lfo. 4142 President . THB PROV ID EN T FUN D ACT (Cap. 191) CIAZETTE 'ioTlcs èfo. 4138 A PPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF ACANAGBMENT (CONST. 1/2/21) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 (2) THE IN TERPRBTATION A N D G EN ERA L PROVISION S of the Provident Fund Act, the President heroby appoints- ACT STBPHEN N olcHu (Cap. 2) to be a m em ber of the Board of M anagement in place of W M PORARY TRANSFBR OF M INISTERIAL POW ERS S. K . M angeli*. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 37 of the D ated this 27th day of October 1965. Interpretation and G eneral Provisions Act, and of a1l other powers thereto enabling m e, 1 hereby direct that, dudng the JOM O KENYATTA: absence beginning on 17th N ovem ber 1965, of the M inister for Presldent . N atural Resourcej and W ildlife a11 the powers conferred, and *G.N . 2415/ 1962. a11 the duties im posed, upon that M inister by or undor any Act shall be had and m ay be exercised, and shall be perform ed, respectively, by the M inister for H om e A ffairs. CIAZETTE 'ioTlcE èlo. 4143

D ated this 9th day of N ovem ber 1965. THE CRIM IN AL PROCEDU RE COD E (Ccp. 75) JO M O K EN Y A T IW , IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 7 of the President . Crim inal Procedure C'ode, I hereby confer upon- BALDBV R &J SHARMA G AZET'I'B NolqcE N O. 4139 Resident M agistrate, with effect from t'M s date the powers W ONST. 1 /2 /21) conferred by that section in a Senior Resident M agistrate. Dated this 6th day of N ovem ber 1965. THE IN TERPRETATION AN D G EN ERAL PROVISION S ACT A . J. AIN LEY , (Cap. 2) Chiej Justice. TEMPORARY TRANSFER OF M INISTERIAL POWERS IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 37 of CIAZETTB lfoTlcs l4o. 4144 tlle Interpretation and G eneral Provisions A ct, and of all othcr powers thereto enabling m e, I hereby direct that, dm ing the THE COU RTS ACT absence beginning .on 7th N ovember .1965, of the M inister for (Cap. 10) Agriculture and Anim al H usbandry al1 the powers conferred, and a1l the duties im posed, upon that M inister by or under INCREASED CïVIL JURISDICTION any A ct, shalà be had and m ay be exercised, and shall be IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 of the perform ed, respectively, by the M inister f or Com m erce and Courts A ct, the Acting Chief Justice hereby grants to- Industry. BALDEV lu z SHARM A D ated this 4th day of Novem bor 1965. a magistrate empowered to hold a subordinate coprt* of the first class, full jurisdiction over a11 persons in #11 clvil matters JOM O KEN YATTA: in which the value of the subject matter in dlspute does not Presldent . exceed S.h. 3,000. Dated this 6th day of N ovem ber 1965.

GAZETTS Ntm cE N (). 4140 A . J. AIN LEY , Câfe/ Justîce. (CONST. 1/2/21) *G.N. 4565/1962. TH B IN TERPRETATION AN D GENERAL PROVISION S ACT (Cap. 2) CIAZETTB ;foTIcE llo. 4145 TEMPORARV TRANSFBR oF M INISTBRIAL Pow Elts TH E M U SEU M S TRU STEF.S AG IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 37 of (Cap. 216) the lnterpretation and G eneral Provisions Act, and of a11 other APPOINTMENT powers thereto enabling m e, I hereby direct that, during the absence beginning on 7th N ovember 1965, of the M inister fer IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 (2) of Finance a11 the powers conferred, and all the duties im posed, the M useum s Trustees Act, tho M inister for Bducation hereby upon that M inister by or under any Act shall be had and appoints- m ay be exercised, and shall be performed, respectively, by the D OUGLAS ODHIAMBO M inister fer Internal Security and D efence. to be a m em ber of the Board of Trustees known ms the M useums Trustees of K enya. D ated this 11th day of N ovem ber 1965. . D ated thls 22nd day of October 1965. JOM O K EW AW A, M BIY U K Om AN GE, Presîdent . M inîster Ior Educatîon. 16th N ovem ber 1965 TH E KENYA GA ZETFE 1375 GAZBT'I.E No'rlcs No. 4146 WAB. 16/11/207) CJAZBTTB 'fOTICE iio. 4149 THE AG RICULTURE ACIN (CAB. 16 / 11 /208) (Cap. 318) THE AGRICULTURE ACT Nolqcs 'ro SHow CAusE (Cap. 318) (Section 187 (3) (a) and (O) MANAGBMBNT ORDBR To : Douglas M axwell, Esq., P.O. Kiganio. (u%ection 187 (1)) WHEREAS a Management Order is in ferce in respect of- W HEREAS l am satisfed, and do hereby certify, that- Farm L.R. No. 2263 (1 056 acres) and situated in the Farm L.R. No. 2278 (162 acres), owned by Estate of the area of the Nyeri Dlstrict, late G. R. Lovelace Semple-Fisher and situated in the Nyeri (hereinafter referred to as the holding) : area of the N yeri District, Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub- (hereinafter referred to as the holding) is being managed or section (3) of section 187 of the Act, the Minister for supervised so inadequately that it is necessary for preventing Agriculture and Animal Husbandry hereby called upon the said or delaying the deterioration of the holding to make and serve Douglas M axwell to show cause, within one month after the this Order : date of service of this notice, to the satisfaction of the Minister, Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by why an order should not be made by the M inister, with the section 187 of the Agriculture Aot, and after consultation with consent of the Central Agricultural Board, ordering : the Central Provinclal Agricultural Board, I hereby order (i) Subpara. (Jl- that the holding and all of the fixed and and direct that as from 2nd November 1965, the holding shall, other equipment thereon be leased or 1et to. such a subject to tho provtsions .of section 187 of the Act, be occupied tenant and on such terms and conditlons as may, with and managed by the Minister for Agrictllture and Anlmal the approval of the Central Agricultural Board, be Husbandry to the exclusion of the owner. deternuned by the Minister for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. Dated this 4th day of November 1965. (ii) Subpara. tbl-that the holding or part thereof, or the interest therein of the owner, and a11 or any of the lixed BRUCB MCKENZIE, and other equipment thereon, be sold at the best price Minister lor Agricultureand Anîmal Husbandry. which, in the opinion of the M inister, may reasonably be obtained for it in the circumstances then prevailing. Dated this 4th day of November 1965. CIAZBTTE 'foTlcB pfo. 4150 LCAB. 16/ 11 /206) BRUCE MCKENZIE, M inister jor Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. THE AGRICULTURE AG (Cap. 318) GAZE'I'TE NoTlcE No. 4147 (CAB. 16 / 11 /207) NolqcE 'ro SHow CwusE THE AGRICULTURE ACT (Ccp. 318) (Section 187 (3) (c) and (18) M ANAGEMENT ORDBR To : Brian Ronald Norman, Esq., P.O. Box 1586, Nairobi. (Section 187 (1)) W HEREAS a Management Order is in force in respect of- WHEREAS 1 am satissed, and do. hereby certify, that- Farm L.R. Ne. 2602 (589 acres) and situated in the Nyeri area of the Nyeri District, ' Farm L.R. No. 2263 (1,056 acres), owned by Douglas Maxwell and situated jn the Nyeri area of the Nyeri District, (hereinafter referred to as the holding) : (hereinafter referred to as the holding) is bdng managed or Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub- supervised so inadequately that it is necessary for preventing section (3) of section 187 of the Act, the Minister for or delaying the deterioration of the holding to make and serve Agriculture and Animal Husbandry hereby called upon the said this O'rder : Brian Ronald Norman to show cause, within one month after Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by the date of service of this notice, to the satisfaction of the section 187 of the Agriculture Aot, and after consultatio'n with Minister, why an order should not be made by the M inister, the Contral Provinclal Agricultural Board, I hereby order with the consent of the Central Agriculturaj Board, ordering : and direct that as from 2nd November 1965, the holding shall, (i) Subpara. (Jl-that the holding and a11 of the fixed and subject to the provisions 'of section 187 .of the Act, be occupied other equipment thereon be leased or 1et to such a aad managed by the Minister for Agriculture and Animal tenant and on such terms and conditions as may, with Husbandry to the exclusion of the owner. the approval of the Central Agricultural Board, be determined by the Minister for Agriculture and Animal Dated this 4th day of November 1965. Husbandry. BRUCE M CKENZIE, (ii) Subpara. (Al-that the holding or part thereof , or the M inister 1or Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. interest therein of the owner, and a1l or any of the flxed and other equipment thereon, be sold at the best price GAZETTB NolncE No. 4148 (CAB. 16/ 11 /208) which, in the epinion of the M inistor, may reasonably 'I'HE AGRICULTURE ACT be obtained for it in the circttmstances then prevailing. Lcap. 318) Dated this 4th day of November 1965. N ovrlcs To SHow CAusB (Section 187 (3) (c) and (O) BRUCE M CKENZIE, To : Estate 0/ the late G. R. Lovelace Semple-Fisher, cIo M înister jor Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. P.O. Box 130, Nyeri. WHEREAS a Managemeni Order is in force in respect of- CJAZBTTE èkoTzcB èpo. 4151 Farm L.R. No. 2278 (162 acres) and situated in the Nyeri (CAB. 16/11 /206) area of the Nyeri District, THE AGRICULTURE ACT (hereinafter referred to as the holding) : Now, therefore, jn exercise' of the powers conferred by sub- (Cap. 318) section (3) of section 187 of the Act, the Minister f?r M ANAGBMBNT ORDBR Agriculture and Anim al Husbandry hereby called upon the sald (Section 187 (1)) Estate of the late G. R. Lovelace Semple-Fisher to show cause, within one month after the date of service of this notice, te W HEREAS I am satissed, and do' hereby certify, that- the satisfaction of the Minister, why an order should not be Farm L.R. No. 2602 (589 acres), owned by Brian Ronald made by the Minister, with the consent of the Central Agri- Norman and sittmted in the Nyeri area of the Nyeri cultural Board ordering : District, (i) Subpara. (cl- that the holding and al1 of the fixed and (hereinafter referred to as the holding) if being managed or other equipment thereon be leased or 1et to such a supervised so inadequatdy that it is necessary for preventing tenant and on such terms and conditions as may, with or delaying the deterioration of the holding to make and serve the approval of the Central Agricultural Board, be this Order : determined by the M inister for Agriculture and Animal Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by Husbandry. section 187 of the Agriculture Act, and after consultation with (ii) Subpara. (Dl- that the holding or part thereof, or the the Central Provinclal Agricttltural Board, I hereby order intereast therein of the owner, and a11 or any of the fixed and direct that as from 2nd November 1965, the holding shall, and other equipment thereon, bo sold at the best price subject to the provisions of section 187 of the Act, be occupied which, in the epinion of the Minister, may reasonably and managed by the Minister for Agriculture and Anlmal be obtained for it in the circumstances then prevailing. H usbandry to the exclusion of the owner. Dated this 4th day of November 1965. Dated this 4th day of November 1965. BRU CE M CK ENZIE, BRU CE M CK EN ZIE, M inîster Jt?r Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. M înîster jor Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. 1376 TH E K EN YA G A ZET TE 16th N ovem ber 1965

G AZB'I'TE NoTlcs N o. 4152 LCAB. 16/11 /198) QIXZETTE '4OTIeE 'qo. 4155 'TTIE A GRICULTURE A CT (CAB. 16/ 11 /202) (Cap. 318) TH E AGRICU LTURE ACT N ovrlcB To Suow CAtlsB (Cap. 318) (Section 187 (3) (tz) and (D) M ANAGBM ENT O RDER

To : M essrs. Gîceci Estates Limited, P.O. Box 75, Gilgil. ' (Section 187 (1)) W HEREAS a M anagem ent Order is in force in respect of- W H EREXS 1 am satis:ed, and do hereby certify, that- Farm L.R. No. 5643/2 (398 acres) and situated in the Farm L.R. No. 6875/1 (274 acres) ! owned by Roderick Gilgil area of the N akuru District, ' Bulteel Boyd and situated in the Laikipla area of the Laikipia (hereinafter referred to as the holding) : D istrict, Now, therefore, în exercise of the powers conferred by sub- (hereinafter referred te as the holding) is being managed or section (3) t)f section 187 oî the Acf, the Minister for supervised so inadequatdy that it is necessary for prevcnting Agriculture and Animal Husbandry hereby called upon the said or delaying the deterioration of the holding to m ake and serve Glceci Estates Limited to show cause, within one m onth after tbis Order : the date of service of this notice, to the satisfaction of the N ow, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by M inister, why an order should not be m ade by the M inister, section 187 of the Agriculture Aot, and after consultation with with the consent of the Central Agricultural Board, ordering : the Rift Valley Provincial Agricultural Board, I hereby order (i) Subpara. (cl- that the holding and al1 of the fixed and and dîrect that as from 2nd N ovember 1965, the holding simll, other eqttipm cnt thereon be leased or 1et to such a subjcct to the provisions of section 187 of the Act, be occupied tenaùt and on such term s and conditions as m ay, with and m anaged by the M inister for Agriculture and Anim al the agproval of the Central Agricultural Board, be H usbandry to the exclusion of the owner. determmed by the M inister for Agriculture and Animal H usbandry. D ated this 4th day of N ovem ber 1965. (ii) Subpara. (bl- that the holding or part thereof, or the BRU CB M CKEN ZIE, interest therein of the owner, and a1l or any of the fixed M înister /@r Agrkulture and Animal Husbandry. and other equipm ent thereon, be sold at the best price whfch, fn the opfnfon of the M infster, m ay reasonably be obtained for it in the circumstances then prevailing. GAZETTB N OTICB N 0. 4156 Dated this 28th day of October 1965. (CAB. 16/ 11 / 161) BRUCE M CKENZIE, TH B A GRICULTURE ACT M înister Jor Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. (Cap. 318) N o'rlcE To Suow CAUSB GAZE'I-I'E NoTIcE No. 4153 (CAB. 16/11/198) (Section 187 (3) (aj and (b)) TH E. AG RICU LTURE ACT To : M r. .d.. P. M anning and M rs. C. 1. M anning, c/(? M essrs. Lcap. 318) M arsh and Tagart, P.O . Box 286, Naîrobi. M ANAGEMBNT ORDBR W HEREA S a M anagem ent Order is in force in respect of- (Section 187 (1)) Farm L.R. No. 7460 (20.1 acres) and situated in the FHEREAS 1 am satisiied, and do hereby certify, that- Lim uru area .of the Kiam bu District, Farm L.R. No. 5643/2 (398 acres), owned by Giceci (hereinafter referred to as the holding) : Estates Limited and situated in the Gilgil area of the N ow, therefore, în exercise of the powers conferred by sub- District, section (3) of section 187 of the; Act, the M inister for (hereinafter referred te as the holding) is . being managed or Agriculture and Anim al Husbandry hereby called upon the said supervised so inadequately that it is necessary for preventing M r. A. P. M anning and M rs. C. 1. M anning to. show cause, or delaying the detcrioration of the holding te m ake and serve within o'ne m onth after the date of service of this notice, this Order : to the satisfaction of the M inister, why an order should not N ow, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by be made by the M inister, with the consent of the Central section 187 of the Agriculture Act, and after consultatio'n with Agricultural Board, ordering ; thr Rift Valley Previncial Agricultural Board, l hereby order (i) Nubpara. (fo- that the holding and all of the lixed and and dircct that as from 25th October 1965, the holding shall, other equipm ent thereon be leased or let to such a subject to the provisions of section 187 of the Act, be occugied tenant and on such term s and conditions as m ay, with and m anaged by the M inister for Agriculture and Am m al the approval of the Central Agricultural Board, be H usbandl'y to tho exclusion of the owner. determined by the M inister for Agriculture and Anim al Dated this day of October 1965. H usbandry. (ii) Subpara. (bl- that the holding er part thereof, or the BRUCE M CK ENZIE, intkrest therein of the owner, and all or any of the fixed M înister J(?r Agriculture and A nimal H usbandry. and other equipm ent thereon, ber sold at the best price which, in the opinion of the M inister, m ay reasonably GAZBTTE NoTlcE No. 4154 LCAB. 16 / 11 /202) be obtained for it in the circumstances then prevailing. TH E AG RICU LTU RE ACT Dated this 4th day of N ovem ber 1965. (Cap. 318) B RU CE M CK EN ZIE, N OTICE To SHow CAUSE M inîster jor Agriculture mztï Animal Husbandry. (Sectîon 187 (3) (J) and (5)) To : R oderick Bulteel Boyd, Esq., P.O . Box 177, N anyukî. W H EREAS a M anagem ent Order is in force in respect of- (CAB. 16/11 /161) Farm L.R. No. 6875/ 1 (274 acres) and situated in tlle THE AG RICU LTU RE AC'T Laikipia area of the Laikipia District, (hereinaftor referred to as the holding) : (Cap. 318) M ANAGEM BNT O RDER N ow, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub- section (3) of section 187 of the Act, the M inister for (Section 187 (1)) Agriculture and Anim al H usbandry hereby called upon the said W HEREAS I am satiW ed, and do hereby certifyr that- Rederick Bulted Boyd to show cause, within one m onth after Farm L.R. No. 7460 (20.1 acres), owned by A . P. M anning the date of service of this notice, te the satisfaction of the and M rs. C. 1. M anning and situated in the Lim uru area M inisters why an order should not be m ade by the M inister, of the K iam bu District, with the consent of the Central Agrieultural Board, ordering : (i) Subpara. (r/l- that the holding and a11 of the lixed and (hereinafter referred te as the holding) is being managed or other equipm ent thereon be leased or 1et to such a supervised so inadequately that it is necessary for preventing tenant and on such term s and conditïons as m ay, with or delaying the deterioration of tlle holding tty m ake and serve the approval of the Central Agrîcultural Board, be this O rder : determined by the M inister for Agriculture and Animal N ow, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferrcd by H usbandry. section 187 of the Agriculturo Act, and after consultation with (ii) Subpara. (:l- that the holding or part thereof , or the the Central Provincial Agricultural Board, I hereby order interest therein of the owner, and al1 or any of the fixed and direct that as from 2nd N ovem ber 1965, the holding shall, and other equipm ent thereon, be sold at the best price subject to the provisions .of section 187 of the Act, be occupied wllicll, in !11e opinion tn.f the M inister, m ay reasonably and m anaged by the M inister for Agriculttlre and Anim al be obtained for it in the circtlm stances thert prevailing. H usbandry to the exclusion of the owner. D ated this 4th day of N ovem ber 1965. D attd this 4th day of N ovem ber 1965. BR U CE M CK EN ZTE, BRUCE M CK FNZTE, M inister /gr Agriculture and Animal H usbandry. M inister /or Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. 16th November 1965 THE KENYA GAZEW E 1377 C;AZETTE AIOTICE ;fO. 4158 CIAZETTE 'VOTICE è;O. 4161 (CAB. 16/ 11/204) (CAB. 16/11/ 173) THE AGRICULTURE ACT THE AGRICULTURE ACT (Cap. 318) (Cap. 318) No'rlcs To SHow CAusE REVOCATION OF A4ANAGEMENT ORDER qsection 187 (3) (c) and (48) IN BXERCISE of the powèrs conferred on the Minister by To : Henry Catlow, Esq., cIo M uter and Oswald, Ltd., Nairobi. subsection (10) of section 187 of the Agriculture Act, and in W HEREAS a Management Order is in force in respect of- pursuance of a delegation* made under section 38 (1) of the lnterpretation and General Provisions Act, I hereby revoke the Farm L.R. No. 7794/3 (49.5 acres) and situated in the Management Order served on the estate of the late W . G. K iambu area of the K iam bu District, Lilywhite, and made on 3rd May 1965, in resgect of Farm (hereinafter referred to as the holding) : L.R. Nos. 5024/R, 7835, 2859, 1427 and 9402, sltuated in the Now, therefore, jn exercise of the powers conferred by sub- area of the Kilili District. section (3) of section 187 of the Act, the Minister for D ated this 11th day of November 1965. Agriculture and Animal Husbandry hereby called upon the said Henry Catlow to show cause, within one month after the date B. B. l7. RUSSELL, of service of this notice, to the satisfaction of the Minister, Assistant Secretarn why an order should not be made by the Minister, with the Central Agrîcultural Board. consent of the Central Agricultural Board, ordering : *L.N. 267/ 1964. (i) Subpara. (Jl- that the holding and a11 of the lixcd and other equipment thereon be leased or let to such a tenant and on such terms and conditions as may, with GAZETTE No'mc'E No. 4162 the approval of tho Central Agricultural Board, be THE AGRICULTURAL CREDIT ACT determined by the Mfnister for Agriculture and Animal (Cap. 323) Husbandry. APPOINTMBNT oF M IIMBBRS oF THB BoAlto oF 'I'HB LAND ANo (ii) Subpara. (bl-that the holding or part thereot or the AGRICIJLTURAI- BANK interest therein of the owner, and all or any of the sxed IT IS heroby notised for general information that pursuant and other equipment thereon, be sold at the best price to section 4 of the Agricultural Credit Act, the Minister for which, in the opinion of the Minister, may reasonably Agriculture and Animal Husbandry: after consultation with the be obtained for it in the' circumstances then prevailing. M inister for Finance, hereby appolnts- Dated this 4th day of November 1965. RICHARO O'BRIBN Wll-sox BRUCE M CKENZIE, to be a member of the Board of the Land and Agricultural Minister jor Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. Bank, with effect from 1st July 1965, in place of Percy James Gill who has resigned. CIAZETTE èçoTlcE '4o. 4159 The Agricultural Finance Corporation has appointed- (cà.B. 16/ 11 /204) P. N. SIFIJMA THE AGRICULTURE ACT to be a member of the said Board, with elect from 1st July (Cap. 318) 1965, in place of Robert Eden Charles Casewell Long who has M ANAGEMENT ORDER resigned. (Section 187 (1)) Dated this 8th day of November 1965. W HEREAS I am satisfied, and do hereby certify, that- BRUCE MCKENZIE, F'arm L.R. No'. 7794/3 (49.5 acres), owned by Hcnry Catlow M inîster jor Agrkulture and Anîmal Husbandry. and situated in the Kiambu area of the Kiambu District, (hereinafter referred te as the holding) is being managed or supervised so. inadequately that it is necessary for preventing or delaying the deterioration .of the holding to make and serve (TEA lBD l 1 111$ this Order : THE TEA (APPOINTMENTS TO THE BOARD) Now, t'herefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by REGULATIONS section 187 of the' Agriculture Act, and after consultatio'n with tho Central Provinclal Agricultural Board, l hereby order (Cap. 343, Sub. Legà and direct that as from 2nd November 1965, the holding shall, IN EXBRCISE of the powers conferred by regulation 3 of subject to the provisions of section 187 of the Aot, be occupied the Tea (Appointments to the Board) Regulations, the Minister and managed by the Minister for Agriculture and Animal for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry hereby, with esect from Husbandry to the exclusion of the o'wner. lst November 1965, appoints- STANLEY NYAATA MwANCHA Dated this 4th day of Ntwember 1965. to be a member of the Tea Board for the purposo of section BRUCE MCKENZIE, 3 (1) (c) of the Act, in the place of Peter Nderito Gako*, who Minister jor Agriculture cn/f Animal Husbandry. has resigned. Date'd this 5th day of November 1965. LCAB. 16 / 1 1 / 173) BRUCE MCKENZIE, THE AGRICULTURE ACT M inîster ltpr Agriculture and Anîmal Husbandry. (Cap. 318) *G.N. 991/ 1964. M AXAGEMEXT ORDER (Section 187 (1)) W HEREAS I am satisfied, and do hereby certify, that- (TEA IBDI 1 lm Farm L.R. Nos. 5024/R, 7835, 2859 1427, 9402 (7,229 acres), owned by Coast Plantations Limlted and situated in THE TEA (APPOINTMENTS TO THE BOARD) the Kilis area of the KiliE District, REGULATIONS (hereinafter referred to as the holding) is being managed or (Cap. 343, Sub. Legà supervised so inadequately that it is necessary for preventing IT IS hereby notilied for general information that in exercise or delaying the deterioration of the holding to make and serve of the powers conferred by regulation 2 of the Tea (Appoint- this Order : ments to the Board) Regulatlons, the Kenya Tea Growers' Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by Association has- section 187 of the Agriculture Act, and in pursuance of a direction* made under section 38 . (1) of the Interpretation (J) appointed- and General Provisions Act, and after consultation with OLIVER BROOKE the Ceast Provincial Agricultural Board, I hereby order to be a member of the Tea Board ; and and direct that as from 11th November 1965, the holding (b) cancelled the appointment of- shall, subject to the provisions of section 187 of the Act, be occupied and managed by the Minister for Agriculture and AI-AN FRANKLAND BEAKBANB* Aaimal Husbandry to the exdusion of the owner. as membtr of thc said Board. Dated this 11th day of November 1965. Dated tltis 9th day of November 1965. B. B. F. RUSSELL, G. K. KARHTHI, A ssistant Secretary, Permanent Secretary, Central Agrkulturql Board. Ministry t# Agriculture and Anîmal Husbandry. *L.N, 267/1964. *G.N. 3324/1961. 1378 THE KENYA GAZEW E 16th November 1965 ûlwzsTvs pkovleE 'qo. 4165 CIAZBTTE AloTlcE p4o. 4169 (C. 1211/D/60/16) THé MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS AND DENTISTS RULF.,S THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT RBGULATIONS, 1963 (Cap. 253, Sub. Leg.j (r.?/. 256 oj 1963) SOUTH UASIN GISHU AREA COUNCIL NoncE OI7 ELE/TION NOMINAUON OF Coïm clu oR IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by rule 3 (1) of the M edical Practitioners and Dentists Rules, the Minister for IT IS hereby natified for general information that in exercise He.a1th and Housing bereby deelares that an election to the of the powers conferred under paragrapll 9 Lb4 (iii) of the Board of three medical practitioners under section 12 (1) (#) Local Government (County of Sirikwa) Order, 1963 tyf 4he Act shall be held on 3rd January 1966. (L.N. 451 /63), the Minister for Local G'overnment has nominated- Dated this 12th day of November 1965. JAIRO K ITI;R SAMOEI J. D . OTIENDE, to represtnt the large farming interests on the 'South Uasin M inister ltpr Health and Housing. Gishu Area Council. Dattd this 10th day of November 1965. GA4E'I'I'E No'rlcs N(). 4166 J. K. ARAP KOITIE, THE FOREST ACT Perm anent Secretary, (Cap. 385) M inistry oj Local Government. M otrNr KENYA FOREST-M TERATION OF BOUNDARIES IN ACCORDANCE with the provisions of section 4 (2) of the Forests Act, the Minister for Natural Resources and Wildlife GAZBTTE Noncs No. 4170 hereby gives 28 days' notice, with effect from the date of this notice, of his intentien to declare that the btyundaries of the ASSISTANT CATERER- KENYA AlR FORCE M'Ltmt Kenya Forest be altered so as to exclude the areas described in the Schedule hereto. APPLICATIONS are invited for the post of Assistant Catorer in the Kenya Air F'orce, in the salary scale of f 236 by ,SCHEDIJI,B f 16 to f380 by f20 to f440 per annum. Applicants are expected to be at least 30 years (?f age', and should have experience in An yrea of lan'd of approximately 139 acres, lying within catering and hotel m anagement. The successful applicant will and adjoining the southern boundary of M ount Kenya Forest, be empleyed at Kenya Air Force Station, Eastleigh, and will be in the Kirinyaga District, tho boundaries of which are more responsible for the management of the Sergeants' M ess includ- particularly dehneated and edyed red on Boundary Plan No. ing control of staff, control of catering, and day-to-day 175/ 114, whieh is deposited m the Surveys Records O/ce, organizatio'n of the Mess. Applications, together with copies Survey of Kenya, Nairobi, and a copy of which may be of certilicates and testimenials, should reach the Permanent inspected at the oëce of the Divisional Forest Omcer, Nyeri. Secretary, P.O. Box 4024, Nairobi, not later than 1st December 1965, and the envelope' should be clearly addressed txvacancy- Assistant Caterer-Kenya Air Force''. Serving oflicers should Dated this @th day of November 1965. submit their applications on F'orm PSC.2A through the Hcads S of their Departments. . 0. AYODO, M inister Nr Natural Resources V. CARDOZO, and W ildlije. /or Permanent Secretary, M inistry oj Internal Security and Dejence.

CIAZBTTB 'foTlcs 'fo. 4167 GAZBTTE NorlcB No. 4171 (28/5/ 17.4. / Vol. 114 ARYISAN (BLACKSMITHI-KENYA ARMY APPLICATIONS are invited fer the post of Artisan THE BORSTAL INSTITUTIONS ACT (Blacksmith) at a salary scale: of f209.16 by f 8.16 to f227.8 CANCELLAT/ON OF APPOINTMENT re BOARD oF Vzsz'rclRs Pr nnnum. Applicants should hold a Kenya Government IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 20 of lrade Test at Grade l level and have considerable experience the Borstal Institutions Act, the Permanent Secretary for Home as a blacksmith. A lower certificate may be accepted if the applicant has had considerable experienco in the trade. The Affairs: hereby cancels the appointmentt of- vacancy is at O'rdnance Depot, Kahawa, and the commencing LLOYII BRIGHTMAN salary and grade will be depcndent on the trade test certifcate and previous experience. Applications, together with copies of as a member oî the Board . of Visitors to Shikusa Borstal certifkates and testimonials, should reach the Omcer Command- lnstitution in the Kakamega bistrict, Western Provincc. ing, Ordnance Depot, P.O. Box 30565, Nairobi, not later than 1st December 196j, and the envelope should be clearly Date.d this 4th day of .November 1965. addressed ttvacancy- Artisan (Blacksmithl''. Serving oëcers K. S. N. M ATIBA, should submit their applications on Form PSC.2A through the Permanent Secretary, Head of their D epartm ent. Minîstry 5/ Home Anairs. V . CARDOZO, jor Permanent Secretary, 3tff/f/uç/f'p.' o! frlrtrrzltz/ Securîty and Defence. *L.N. 692 /1963. fG.N. 1404/1965.

GAZETTB NoncE No. 4168 (28/5 /17z1. IVol. f.l) SCIENTIFIC OFFICER- INTERNATION AL RED LOCUST CONTROL SERVICE THE BORSTAL TNSTTTUTTONS ACT VACANCY APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF VISITORS APPLICANTS should be nationals of Participating Govern- IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 20 of ments and should be graduates in entomalogy or an allied the Borstal lnstitutions Act, the Permanent Secretary for Home biological science. The successful candidate would be reqttired Affairs* hereby appoints- to work with the Service so as to learn locust work at first E. SANDERS . hand. The essential language i. s English. Starting salary f 1,625 as a member of the Board of Visitors to Shikusa Borstal per annum rising to f 1,955 per annum by annual increments. Institution in the Kakamega District, W estern Province. Free housing, with Sh. 15 daily bush allowance whilo working away from Abercorn ; tours of duty 18 to 20 months, ' with paid leave of five days per month ; passages provided in ful, Dated this 4th day of November 1965. including wife and children, on appointment and on leave. Gratuity 10 per cent of salary for lirst three years, 25 per cent K. S. N. M ATIBA, thereafter paid into a contributory pension schem e. Send Perlnanent Secretary, details of qualifications, proof of naticmality, and names of Ministry (?J Home Aljairs. two referees to reach the Director, Internatlonal Red Locust Control Service, P.O. Box 37, Abercorn, Zambia, not later *L.N. 692. /1963. than 3rd Decem ber 1965. 16th November 1965 THF, KENYA GAZE'ITE 1379 GAZB'I'TB No'rl(7E No. 4173 Executive Oyccr Grade III (OFcer în Charge, Public Map PUBLIC SERVICE COM MISSIGN OF KENYA OFce), M inistry // Lands and Settlement (No. 408/65)

vacxxclss salar.v ,cc2e.- f670 to :820. PSNSIONABLE. APPLICATIONS are invited for the following posts and Applicants mus,t bo civil servants, preferably o'f Cambrjdge must be submitted to the Secretary, Public Service Commission School Certifcate standard of education, with a sound know- of Kenya, P.O. Box 30095, Nairobi, to. reach him by 7th Decem- ledge of the Government acoounting system and at lmast three ber, 1965. Civil Servants must submit applications to heads of ycars' practioal experience in account.s work. The p'ost involves departments on Form PSC.2A in triplicate at least seven d'ays the respongibility of supervising the staff of the P'ublic Map before tlle closing date ; other applic-atfons tc be submitted fn Oflicc and appzicants must have cxperfence or a good knowledge triplicate on Form PSC.2, obtainable from the Secretary. Appli- of reading maps various scales 'of maps, maintenance of stocks cants must quete the number showrt against the post in the of maps, indentmg, dealing with corzespondence independently advertisement. and keeping the acooun.ts. Note.- ln a11 cases prefcrence will be given .to qualitied candi- dates who are Kenya citizens of African origin. *Examiner oj Accounts, Department ol the Registrar-General (No. 409/65) Assistant Commissioner oj Lands (Supernumeraryj, Department Salary Jrc/e.--f670 to f 820. PBNSIONABLE or AGREE- ()/ Lands (No. 402/ 65) MENT. Salary scale.- k 1,839 to f 1,989. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- M ENT. Applican'ts must have a good working knowledge of accounts Applicants must possess an approved 'legal qualification and and Trade Union procedure. The successful candidate will be have p'ractical leqal experience since qualifying, preferably in- employed in the Trade Unions Section and will be required to cluding dealings la land. They must be men o'f proven ability ïnspect 'the accounts and' books of Trade Unions and ensure able, after gaining further experience, to. conduct importan't land that they are kept in accordance with the Trade Unions Act and transactions o.f al1 descriptlons on the G'overnment's behalf and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. He will be stationed to accept respensibility both in land and administrative matters. in Nairobi but must be prepared to travel for short periods in rhe successful candidate will be lvquired to possess qualities of the Provinces. character and leadership appropriate to the post. *Technical Operator, Ministry oj Injormation, Broadcasting and Kenya Sports Omcer, Ministry // Labour and Social Services Tourism (No. 410/65) (No. 403/65) Salary scale.-k 600 to f820. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- Salary scale.- E 1,390 ta f, 1,598. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- M EN T. M ENT. Applieants should possess a degree or diploma o.f an approved Applicants must have two years' experience in either Sound university and a professional guallcation in Physical Education or Television studio work or OB /OR duties, be able to operate o.f a recognized Training instltuite will be a distinct advantage. without supervision on all routine studio duties', have a clexar They must have considerable administrative and organizing understanding of the technical capabilities of equipment and ability and a wide knowledge 'o'f post-school physical recreation, be able to carry out simple first-'line maintenance and replace- particularly in f ootball, athletics and boxing. Experience of ment duties. 'l'he post is in the Engineering Division of the sports training and recreational activities within Districts is Voice of Kenya. required. Applicants with lower ed ucationa) qpalilications but at least five years' experjence in a compayabje post znay be ccm- *Technicialt, M inistry oj lnjormation, fr/fzffctwç/jpg and sidered. The successful candidate will not be permitted to accept Tourism (No. 411 /65) oflice with an Association but will work in close liaison with national governing bodies of spoft, Local Authorities and other Salary scale.- k 6* to f 820. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- organim tlons. Fbr the present he will be Secretary of the M BNT. Nationa'l Sports Counoil. Applioants must have theoretical knowledge equivalent to. City *cameraman (Three Postsj, Ministry oj Jk/tlr?ztcfftpn, Broad- and Guilds Telecommunications ':B'' Grade, three years' radi'o experience, be able to work on projects under supervision and casting aild. Tourism (No. 404/65) have knowledge of safety regulations. The post is in the Salary scale.- k 700 to f 988. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- Engineering Division of the Voice ef Kenya. M EN T. Applicants should have at leas't three years' exporience in Executive O'ccr Grade 1V, Kenya Institute (?J Administration 16 mm. Cinematography as a Cameraman, shooting news and/or (No. 412 /65) documentary material. A knowledge of film negative yrocessing would be an asset. Duties involve considerable travellmg wiyhin Salary scale.- k 520 to f 640. PENSIONABLE. Kenya and irregular working h'ours. The posts are in the Voice of Kenya. Applicants must be civil servants, preferably of Cambridge School Certificate standard of education, with at lemst three years' Storekeeper Grade I1, M inistry t# Works, Communieations and experience and a thorough kaowledge of Government regulauons Power (No. 405 /65) and stores procedure and ability 'to' supervise a large staff. The successful applicant will work under the general supervision of Salary scale.- k 670 to f 820. PENSIONABLE. the Bursar but will bo personally responsible for Jhe maintenance Applicants must be civil servants, preferably o'f Cambridge and general cleanliness of the lnstitute's buildings and grounds, School Certificate standrd of education, with at least five years' including supervision .of artisans, supervision of the main store, experionee .of storekeeping and must have passed Occupational including maintenance o'f stocks. and ledger control and control. Test Grade I for Storemen. They must possess a sound know- of vehicles, maintenance of log-books and issue of petrol. ledge of Government Stores administration and acoounting pro- cedures and have the ability to control staf and conduct oorrespondcnce. They must also be fully experienced in the *caretaker, Kenya Air Force (N.o. 413 /65) identifcation of items of Vehicle and Ear'th Moving Plan't spares Salary xcc/c.-f,520 t'o f 640. PBNSIONABLE or AGREE- and acoounting by mextns .of ledgers and job cards. M EN T. Executive O'ccr Grccle 1I1 (Chid Clerkj (Ten Posts), Judicial Applicants should be at least 30 years o1d and must have had Department (N.o. 406/65) considerable and wide experience of catering and hotel manage- Salary scale.- E 670 to f 820. PENSIONABLE. ment. The successful applicant will be employed a,t the' Kenzya Air Force Station, Eastleigh, and will be responsible for the Applicants must be civil servants, preferably o.f Cambridge managemen't of the Oëcers' Mess including control of staff, School Certiscate standard .of eduoation, with at least three years' control of catering and day-to-day organization of the Mess. service. Ability to control staff and a thorough knowledge of He will also. be responsible fer the general supervision of an Government regulations, the Exchequer system, Financial Orders Assistan't Caterer who will be carrying out similar duties in the and accounting procedure with particular reference to tlze re- Sergeaats' Mèss. cording o.f cash transactions and custody of public money are essential, and experience in Civil and Criminal Courts is desirable and would be an advantage. The oëcers appointed must be Court Bailin (Three Postsj, Judicial Department (No. 414/65) prepared to serve anywhere in Kenya. Salary scale.- E46o to :580. PENSIONABLB. Personnel Assistant, Judicial Department (No. 407/65) Applicants must be civil servants, preferably of Cam- bridge School G rtificate standard of educaticn, with knowledge Salary scale.- k 670 to f 820. PENSIONABLE. o.f tho laws relating to sorvice and execudon ef t7ivil and Applicants must be civil servants, preferably of Cambridge Criminal warrants and other proceasses. They must possess a School Certificate standard of eduoation, with a.t least three valid driving licence, be prepared to travel and work long hours yoars' experienco of personnel work, a sound knowledge of when necessary and to serve anywhere in K enya. Government regulations and oëce routine arzd procedure and ability 6o eontrol startfk and conduct correspondencc. Preference will be givcn to candidates who have successfully completed a *A higher starting salary tharl the m'fnimum may 1% allowed Kenya lnstitute of Administration oourse in Personnd Practice to ne'w entrants to tbe Service in respeot of qualifcatkms and or Oflice M anagement. experfence. 1380 TH E K EN YA G A ZET EE 16th N ovem ber 1965

(IAZETTB lqoTlcs 'qo. 4174 GAZBTTE N olqcE N o. 4177 THE REG ISTRATION OF TITLES ACT NA IROBI COST OF LIVING IN D ICF.S (Cap. 281) M IDDLB lNcoMs INor,x oF CONSUM ER PRICES, N AIROBI W HEREA S K ivoga Estate Lim ited of N airobi, Kenya, has The above index stood at 101 points in the middle of October executed a transfer of all its right title and interest in a1l that 1965. The base for this index is July 1964 = 100. piece of land com prising by m easurem ent Eight hundred and W AGB EARNERS' INDE,X oF CONSUMER PRICES, N AIROBI ninety-six (896) acres or thereabouts, that is to say, Jwand The above index stood at 113 roints in the first week of Reference No. 942 / 12 situate in District, held under a October 1965. The base for this lndex is October-Decem ber grant dated the 24th day of M arch 1923, registered as 1958 = 100. No. L.R.550/ 1, and whereas such transfer ha' s been presented for registration, and wllereas aë davit has been filed in the GENBRAL Cos'r oF Llv'IxG lxosx (EXCLIJDING ReN'r), NAIROBI terms of section 65 (h) of the said Ad, dedadng that tlle said The above index stood at 338 points in the middle of grant has been lost, notice is hereby given that after 14 days O'ctober 1965. from the date hereof provided that no objection has been W AGE A DJIJSTM ENT INDEX received within that period, l intend to dispense with the production of the said grant and to proceed with the regis- The above index stood at 316 points in the m iddle of tration of the said transfer. O ctober 1965. The base for the abcw e two indices is A ugust 1939 = 100.

Dated at N airobi this 16th day of N ovember .1965. M . A . K H AN , GAZETTE NoTlcE N o. 4178 Registrar 0/ Titles. CLOSU RE O'F ROA D S IT IS hereby notifie'd for general inform ation that a11 r'oads in M arsabit District (including M oyale Sub-District) are closed CJAZBTTB è4oTlcB èqo. 4175 to a11 vehicles with effect from 15th October to 10th D ecem ber (LVII 1) 1965, for the period of the short rains. THE AN IM AL D ISEA SES ACT Public vehicles m ay use the roads when on operational duties (No. 4 oj 1965) only but no other vehicle m ay proceed without the perm ission A PPOINTMENTS of either the District Cbmm issioner, M arsabit, or the D istrict IT IS hereby notified for general inform ation that in exercise Oëcer, M oyale', in M oyale Sub-D istrict. of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Anim al Diseases D ated this 15th day of O ctober 1965. Act, the Director of Veterinary Services has appointed the E. M . M AH IH U , following- Acting Provincial Commissîoner, G . F. R . H opper, E astern Provînce. D . D estrm A . Blundell, CJAZETTE 'qoTlcB 'fo. 4179 to be lnspectors for the purpose of the Act. K IRIN YA GA DISTRICT D ated this 6th day of O'ctober 1965. TENOERS A . E. D ORM AN , TENDERS are invited for the: supply of the: following items to the Governm ent Departm ents in Klrinyaga District for the Director oj Veterinary Services. ' year 1966 :- ' (J) Foodstufs and woodfuel. CIAZBTTB 'koTlcE ifo. 4176 (b) Uniforms. (c) Retail supply of petrol. IVORY AN D TROPHY AU CTIOIN SALE Details of the items and jluantities required may be obtained from the District Com missloner, K erugoya, to whom tenders G overnm ent gam e trophies com prising approxim ately- should be subm itted to. reach him by 12 noon on W ednesday, Ivory 74,7701 lb. 24th N ovem ber 1965. Rhino horns 885$ 1b. Tenders m ust be in plain sealed envelopes m arked with the H ippo teeth 2,130) lb. item for w hich they are subm itted and m ust n'ot bear any Elephant tails 49 pieces. other m ark which indicates who the tenderer is. Leopard 30 skins. R. E. ALAI, 9 skins. K erugoya, D istrîct Com m îssioner, Lion 3rd N ovember 1965. K irinyaga. Zebra . . 1 skin. 92 skins. Elephant ears GAZET'I'E No'rlcE N o. 4180 R eedbuck 13 skins. Bushbuck 27 skins. TH E M IN IN G REG ULATION S D uiker 7 skins. (Cap. 306, Sub. Leg.j H artebeeste 7 skins. EXPIRY oz? M 'INING LOCATIONS K udu 12 skins. NOTICE Ts hereby given in accordanco with regulation 32 (2) of the Mining Regulations that the followiny locations have Impala 72 skins. expired and are cancelle'd in the M ining Reglsters of the dis- Buflalo 7 skins. tricts concerned : - Dik-dik 2 skins. C oast Province, Taita D g/rfc/ Eland 14 skins. Location N/.--49 / 1-4. Cheetah 12 skins. Name 5/ registered holder-- Koycz Neal Noble. Civet C at . . . . 8 skins. (Wcly.- N on-precious m inerals, lode, Thom son's G azelle 62 skins. , Distrl-ct Location No.- 614I 1. Serval Cat 4 skins. Name of regîstered holder.- u . D. Van Aardt. Oryx 1 skin. Cltz-s-ç.- precious m etals lode. Steinbuck skins. D ated this 10th day of N ovember 1965. Bongo . . skin. FRAN CIS B. J. OLUTA , W ildebeeste skin. for Commissloner oj M ines and Geoiogy. W aterbuck skins. Topi skin. G AZBTTF, N o'rlcE N o. 4181 G erenuk . . skin. Elephant tails EAST AFRICAN CU RRENCY BOARD 31sT O CTOBBR 1965 will be olered for sale by public auction at the Ivory R oom , fFA G am e D epartm ent, M vita R oad, M om basa, on Friday, 3rd Currency in circulation . . . . 61,600,810 D ecem ber 1965, at 9 a.m . Bankers' balances held with Board 477,761 Catalogues for the sale can be obtained on request from the G am e W arden, G am e D epartm ent, Ivory R oom , P.O . Total EE.A . 62,078,571 Box 2144, M om basa. R . G . PEREIRA , H . R. H IRST, Game Pzrcrffe?i IIC Ivory Room, N airobi, Secretary, M om basa. 5th N ovçmbçr 196. J, Egst Alkican Currency Board. 16th November 1965 THE KENYA GAZEU E 13s1 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 4182 Descriptîon EAST AFRICAN CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DEPARTM ENT All that piece of land containing by measurement 1,880 acres or thereabouts situate north-east of Kericho Town- CUSTOMS TARIFF INTERPRETATION ship in the Kericho D istrict of K enya, known as Land Refer- IT IS notified for general information that the following amend- ence No. 8771 being the piece of Jand comprised in a Grant ments have been made to the interpretation of the Customs Tarifr registered in the Registry of Titles at Nairobi as No. Schedule promulgated in the Tarifr lnterpretation Book (revised 1,R. 11500/ 1 , which said piece of land with the dimensions, October, 1965). abuttals and boundaries . is delineated on land Survey Plan Custom House, M ombasa. R. F. J. OX LEY, N o. 57204 deposited in the Survey Records Oflicc at Nairobi 1st November l 965. for Commissioner of Customs and Excise, and is held by the said Cecil Frank V ale for the unexpired 1 East Africa. residue ef a term of 999 years frorrt the 1st day of M arch . Deletions 1955. The efl-ective date is the dato of publication of this amendment slip, except where otherwise shown. Conditions The highest bidder shall be the. purchaser. Page Article SECTION A The purchaser shall immediately after the sale pay to 55 ççM elinex''- a polyster Elm . the auctioneer a deposit of at least 25 per cent of the 61 N ansa S- a detergent. amount of the purchase money and sign an agreement 71 Polyster lilm - eçM elinex'' to complete .the purchase and pay the balance against SECTION B registration of the Transfer of the title into his or her 1 Thiosporin. nam e. 4 Brovon Asthm a Inhalant. 3. The Title deed referred to above may be inspected at 5 Comphamycetin. any time at the Nakuru oflice. of K.F.A. Auctioneers 5 Coricidin- D. and the purchaser shall be deemed to have full notice 23 Trisulpha. of each and every condition therein contained. 2. Amendmentz 4. The description of the property i.n the particulars and Page Article plan is believed to be correct and no claims shal be SECTION A valid if any error of description should be found. Arachis, Oleum , etc. Amend T.I. to cccf/ l 5 A (b). 5. The purchaser shall be solely responsible for ensuring 32 Ethyl Benzoateq that all beaeons are properly situated and for replacing such beacons as may be missing. 45 IAdmofeonrdm T B.I. Pt.o read 103 (bj (w.e.f. 1-10-65). Idoform Pulv. The Board of the Land and Agricultural Bank of Kenya In both items amend ççldoform'' to read lodoform. through its authorized representative has the right ta bid. Oleum Arachis, etc. Subject and in addition to the foregoing the conditions Amend T.I. to read 15 A (b4. of sale usually prescribed by the Auctioneers in this 3. Additions district shall app.l y. Iflsert the followinq rulings, in alphabetical orde r, on the page indlcatrd. Tho opqatlve date is SçExisting'' except where otherwise Nairobi, CHILDS, shown ln parenthesls :- 12th November 1965. Manager. Amend- Page Article Ftzrly.?- ment Item No. S/I> No. CJAZBTTB 'çoTlcs llo. 4184 SECTION A THE LAND AND AGRICULTURAL BANK OF KENYA 19 Chalk holders-for school use . . 167 (c) 11/65 THE AGRICULTURAL CREDIT ACT 28 Dodecylbenzepesodium sulphate (Nansa (Cap. 323) S, lxl-finlshed detergents (25-2-65) 105 1 1/65 N oz-lcE 45 Isopropyl alcoholi- IN PURSUANCE of the powers conferred upon the Board (J) for use in cosmetic manufacttlre by section 61 (i) of the above-mentioned Act, notice is hereby (11-6-65) 177 11/65 given that tho undermentioned property will be oflered for sale (bj other ...... 108 (kj by Dalgoty (East Africa) Limited on Friday, December 55 çtMelilwx''- a polyester filrrt :- 1965, at 11 a.m,, at its oflices in Nairobi. (aj lmported as a packzng material (1-11-65) . . . . 165 @) 1 1/65 D escription (bj other ...... 177 A1l that piece of Jand containing 49.03 acres or there- 61 Nansa S. 100 (dodecyl benzene sodium abôut.s situate in Kangemi, Dagoretti, in the District of sulphatel- finished detergents Kiambu of Kenya, known as Land Reference Number (25-2-65) . . . . 105 11/65 DAGOREI'TI /KANGEMI/ 182 being the pieee of land com- prised in the Certiscate of Freehold ' Title registered in the 71 Polyejter film- çdMelinex'' : Kiambu Lands Registry on the. 5th day of July 1960, and is (c) lmported as a packing material held by Hazron Kamau Waweru subject to the easements, (1-1 1-65) . . . . 165 @j 11/65 reservations, encumbrances, conditions and restrictions showq in (bj other . . 177 the Register, and also to the liabilities, rights and interests 72 Propylene Glycol : described in section 40 of the Native Lands Act, 1959. (a) for use ln cosmetic manufacture (11-6-65) 177 11/65 Conditîons (bj other ...... 108 (k) The highost bidder shall be the purcbaser. 91 Staple gun tackers (Arrow) M odels T18, The purchaser shall immediately after the sale pay to T25, 132, T50, T50(OC) HT50(N) . . 56 (g) 1 1/65 the auctioneer a deposit of at least 25 per cent of the 101 Unisol U.C.P.I. degreasant . . . . 177 1 1/65 amount of the purchase money and sign an agreement to complete' the purchase and pay the balance against SECTION B registration of the Transfer of the title into his or her Page nam c. 1 Ammonium Sulfobituminosum 1 1/65 1 Becomplex 1 1/65 The Title deed referred to above may be inspected at 5 Cophamycetin 1 1 /65 any time at the Nairobi oëce of Dalgety (East 'Africa) 10 Fanasil ...... 1 1/65 Limited and the purchaser shall be deemed to have full 12 H ormonale with vitam in 1 l /65 notice of each and every condition therein contained. 15 M ensalgin 1 1/65 23 Terbolan 11/65 4. The description o'f the property in tho particulars and 23 Trisulfa, C.P. 1 1 /6 5 plan is believed to be correct and no claims shall be valid if any error of description should be found. GAZBTTB NoTfcE No. 4183 The rurchaser shall be solely responsible for ensuring THE LAND AND AGRICULTURAL BANK OF KENYA tbat all beacons are properly shuated and for replacing THE AGRICULTURAL CREDIT ACT such beacons as may be missing. Lcap. 323) 6. The Board of the Land and Agricultural Bank of Kenya No'rlcE through its authorized representative has the right to bid. IN PURSUANCE of the powers conferred upon the Board 7. Subject and in addition to the foregoing the conditions by section 61 (i) of the above-mentioned Act, notice is hereby of sale usually prescribed by the Auctioneers in this givcn that tho undermentioned property will be oflered for sale district shall by K.F.A. Auctioneers on Friday, 17th December 1965, at 11 a.m.s in the Committee Room of its oëces in K.F.A. Nairobi, C. J. CHILDS, Building in N akuru. 12th November M anager. 1382 TH E K EN YA G AZEW E 16th N ovem ber 1965

QJAZBTTB '1oTIcE 'io. 4185 VJAZBTTB 'IOTICE :10. 4186 THE ELECTRIC POW ER ACT TH E ELECTRIC POW ER AG (Cap. 314) (Cap. 314) Notice 0/ an applicadon by The East Ajrican Power and Notice t# an application by The East Ajrican Power and Lighting Company Limited jor an extension oj the area Lighting Company Limited jor an extension t# the area t?/ supply J(?r Distributîng Lkence No. j2 (M unicîpality t# supply lor Distrîbuting Licence No. 19 (Townshîps 0/ oj Kt'sumu) dated the 4th day oj July 1947 (which has Kericho and Nandî Hills and adjacent areas) dated the already been extended by an endorsement dated the 19fà 19th day oj August 1958 (which has already been extended day t# October 1964) to enable a supply t# electrical by an endorsement dated the 23rd day (7/ June 1964) to energy to be made available in certain crcfz.ç oj the Central enable a supply oj electrical energy to be made available Nm rfzc Dîstrkt t# the Nyanla Provînce and (# the in certain Krrec.ç oj the Nandi and Kericho Dîstricts oj Kakamega Dfxrrfcf oj the W estern Provînce and // the the Rf// Valley Provînce and ()/ the Central Nyanza District Nandî Dîstrict t)/. the Rijt Valley Province 0/ Kenya. oj the Nyanza Provînce oj Kenya. NOTICE is herebq given tha! The East African Power and NOTICE is hereby given that rnw East M rican Power qnd Lighting Com pany Lmzited, a hmited liability company having Lighting Company Limited, a limited liability company hyvmg its reyistered oëce at Electricity House, k'imathi Street, its registered oKce at Blectricity H ouse, Kimathi Street, N alrobi, N airobl, K onya, the holder of D istributing Licence N o. 12 Kenya, the holder of D istributing Licence N o. 19 dated the dated tho 4th day of July 1947 (hereinafter calle,d xdthe 29th day of August 1958 (hereinafter called ''the Applicanf') Applicant'') will on the 3rd day (yf January 1966, pursuant to will en the 3rd day of Jarm ary 1966, pursuant to the provisions the provisions of section 36 and section 129 of the Electric of section 36 and section 129 of the Electric Power Act Power Act (Cap. 314), apply to the M inister for W orks, Com- (Cap. 314), apply to the M inister for W orks, Communications m unications an'd Pewer to extend the provisions and the area and P'ower to extend the provisions and the area of supply of suppl: the subject of tlle said Licence by the inclusion f or the subject of the said Licence by tho inclusion for tlle the rem alnder of the period of the said Llcence and for the remainder of the period of the said Llcence and for the period period of any extension or renewal thereof of the area (herein- of any extension or renewal thereof of the area (heremafter after called iithe Scheduled Area'') the particulars of which CaJIGI ''the Scheduled Area'') the particuhrs of wlaich are set are set out in the Schedule heroto. out in the Schedule hereto. The object of and reasons for the application are to enable The object of and reasons for the application are to enable the Applicant to provido a supply of electrical energy by way the Applicant to provide a supply of electrical energy by way of a general supply or etherwise to such Public or Local of a yeneral suppl: or otherwise to such Public or Local Authoritios, Companies, persons or bodies of persons in the Authorlties, Com panles, persons or bodies of persons in the Scheduled Area as may require the same. It is tho okinion Scheduled Area as may require tlle samo. It ls the oljnion of the Applicant that the granting of the apylication w1l1 be of the Applicant that the granting of the apylication w1l1 be equitable to the Applicant and to consum ers Sn every area of equitable to 'the A pplicant and to consum ers ln every area of supply concerned or O octed and no licensee or consum er in supply concernod or afected and no licensee or consum er in any area of supply will be prejudiced thereby. any area of supply will be prejudiced thereby. N o area will bo asected by the grant of the application save No are.a will be affected by the grant of the application and excopt the Scheduled Area and the Public or Local Autho- save and except tho Scheduled Area and the Public or Local rities, Com panies, persons or bodies of persons who m ay be Authorities, Companies, persons or bodie.s of persons who m ay asected by such grant and the manner in which they m ay be be aseoted by such grant and the m anner ip wllich they m ay affeoted is as follows : - be affeoted is as follows : - ' (c) The M unicipal Council of Kisumu, the (aj The Sirikwa County Council, and the Kipsigis County Council and the Kakameëa County Council of the Council of the Rlft Valley Province and the K isumu W o tern Province and the Slrikwa County Council of the County Council of the to the extent Rift V alley Province to the extent mw isaged by section 19 envisaged by section 19 of the Blectric Power Act. of the Blectric Power Act. . (b) Public or Local Authorities, Companies, . persons and (bj Public or Local Authorities, Companies, persons and bodies of persons resident or carrying on business in the bodie,s of persons resident or carrying on business in Scheduled Area jn that they m ay become cntitled to tlle Scheduled,a. in that they m ay becom e entitled requisition from the Applicant a supply of electrical to rm uisition from the Applicant a supply of electrical energy as provided by the Electric Power Act.

energy as provided by the Blectric Power Act. (c) P' ublic and tpocal Authorities, Companies, persdns or (c) Public or Local Authorities, Companies, pcsons or bodies bodie.s of persons desiring t,o give a stlpply of eledrical of persons desiring to give a supgly of eledrical energy energy on salo in the Seheduled Area m that the giving on sale in the Scheduled A rea m that the giving of of such supply will be precluded by such grant except such supply wi11 be precluded by such grant exccpt in in so far as m ay be authorizod under section 4 of the so far as m ay be authorized under section 4 of 'the Electric Power A ct. Electric Power Act. (J) The Gevernment of Kenya and the Assembly for the (d) The Government of Kenya and the Assembly for the m ft Valley Provinco altd the N yanz.a Province to the Rift Valley Province and the W estm'n Province to the extent of their general interu ts in the developm ent and extent of their general intereests in the development and welfare of the Scheduled Area. welfare of the Scheduled Area. Copies of a draft of the Endorsement and a glan showing Copies of a draft of the Bndorsement and a klan showing the Scheduled Area m ay be inspected at the repstered oë ce the Scheduled Area m ay be inspected at the reglstered oK ce of the Applicant and at its oë ce jn K ericho dudng nornm l of the A pplicant and at its oK ce in K isum u dudng normal eflico hours. om ce hours. N orlcE oi7 OBzEc'rloNs AND RBPRBSENTATIONS N OTICB OF OBJECTIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS Any Public or Local A uthority, Com pany, person or body Any Public or Local Authority, Com pany, person or body of persons desirous of making any representation on or objec- of porsons desirous of m aking any repreaentation on or objec- tion to this applicm ion m ust do so by letter addressed to the tion to this application m ust do' so by letter addressed to the M inister fer W orks, Cbm m unications and Power m arked on M inister for W orks, Comm unications and Power m arkod on the outside of the cover enclosing it E'Electric Power A ct'' on the outsido of the cover enclosing it ftElectric Power A ct'' on or before tho expiradon ef 30 days from the date of the said or before the expiration of 30 days front the date of the application a copy of such representation or objection must be said application a copy of such representation or objection forwarded to the Applicant, The Bast African Power and must be forwarded to the Aqplicant, The Betst African Power Lightin! Company Llmited, at its office at Elqctricity House, and Lighting Com pany Lizm ted, at its oë ce at Electricity K im athz Street, N airebi. H ouse, Kim athi Street, N airobi. SCHEDULE ' ' Scc out.E A11 that area of the Rift Valley, W estern and N yanza Pro- vince,s bounded on the north by Latitude N orth 00* 16' 10/' to A 11 that area of the W estern and Rift Valley Provinces of Longitude & st 35Q 9' 15': tllence southward by Longitude K enya bounded on the west by Longitude Bast 34* 30? 00'' on, East 35* 9' 15'/ to Latitude N orth 00* 10' 45'' #thence eastward the north by tmitude North 00@ 22' 00'/ #thence eastward by by Twatitudo N orth 0f)0 10' 45'/ to Longitude F'ast 35O 25' 00/' Latitude N orth 000 22' 00// to Longitudo East 34Q 49' 00' , thence southward by Longitude East 35O 25' 00'' to Latitude thence southward by Longitude East 34* 49' 00/' to Latitude South 00Q 38' 00// > thence westward by Latitude South N orth (Job ;i6, 00v : thence eastward by Latitude N orth 00Q 38' (XF' to Longitude East 35@ 9' 15'/ thenco northward 00? 16' çW ' to Longltade Ea,st 34 o 56. 10 ,, , tjwnca southward , by Ixmgitude Rast 34O 56' 10- to tmtituèe South 000 11' 00/' by Longitude East 35 0 9, 15', to tmtituèe South 00* 11' 00,2, thonce westward to the lake coast, thence by tho lake coast thence westward by Latitude South 00O 11' 00', to Longitude generally northward and wezstward to Longitude Fwast 34@ 30' 00'/. East 340 56 10/' thence northward by Longitude East 34 - s6' 10' ' to t-atitude North (x,- .1 6' 10--. D ated this 9th day of Novem ber 1965. D ated this 9th day of N ovem ber 1965. For The East African P'ower and Lighting com pany Lim ited. For The East African Power and Lighting Company Limited. B. H . K YLE-BOW YER, B. H . K YLE-BOW YER , Secretary. fecrefcrlz. 16th N ovem ber 1965 TH E KENYA G AZEW E 1383 GAzsr'rs Norfcs No. 4187 GAZET'FE NOTICE N(). 4190 THE ELECTRIC POWER ACT (LND. 3/ 1/2/25) (Cap. 314) THE TRUST LAND AW PUBLIC No'rlcB oF THE GIUNTING oF LocAL GENEMTING (Cap. 288) LIeENCE N o. 16 To THE EAST AFRICAN Powlm AND LIGHTING COMPANY LtMITED SETTING ATART oF LAND NOTICE is hereby given that on the 4th day of N ovember NOTICE is hereby given that the land described in the 1965, the M inister for Works, Communications and Power has, Schedule hereto has been duly sot apart in accordance with pursuant to an application made by The East African Power thr provisions ef Part IV of the Trust Land A ct, for the and Lighting Company Limited, a limited liability Company, purposes specifed in the said Schedule. having its registered omce at Electricity House, Kimathi Street, Nairobi, granted to the Com pany a Local Generating Licence SCHEDULE No. 16 dated the 4th day of November 1965, to construct, r/ffcc.- Emara, North Mugirango Location, Kisii District. operate and maintain a Thermal Generating Station in the Township of Meru substaqtially as indicated on the drawing rIfrp/lc.- Educational purpose with the approval of tho Chief attached to the said Local Generating Licence subject to the Education Oëcer. conditions and restrictions therein contained. Copies of the said Local Generating Licence and of the ,4:':,44.-3.72 acres (approximately). drawing referred to therein may be inspected by tle public Description ol lan'd : - at the registered olice of the Company, and at the omce of This land is situated approximately one' mile to the north of the M eru County Council at M eru. Ting'a Market. The boundaries are demarcated on the ground Dated this 10th day of November 1965. and are described as follows :- For The East African Power and Lighting Company Limited. Starting from a point A, which is a stone cairn from which Gesiaga Hill and Nyamwetureko Hill are three miles and four B. H. KYLE-BOW YER, miles distant, en bearings of 1330 and 90O respectively ; Secretary. thence for 427 fee.t on a bearing of 2580 to point B ; thence for 135 feet on a bearing of 287* to point C ; GAZETTE No'rlcE No. 4188 thence for 150 feet on a bearing of 281 0 to point D ; thence for 37 fcot on a bearing of 2970 to point E ; THE ELECTRIC POW ER ACT thence for 99 feet on a bearing of 340 to point 17 ; (Cap. 314) thence for 88 feet on a bearing of 57O to point G ; PUBLIC N OTICE OF THB G RANTING Ol7 D'ISTRIBUTING thence for 139 feet on a bearing of 52@ to point H ; LICENCE No. 22 To THE EAST AFRICAN POWBR AND LIGHTING thence for 82 feet on a bearing of 63* to point 1 ; COMPAN# LIMIT'CD rthence f or 178 feet on a bearing of 941.* to point J ; NOTICE is hereby given that on tho 4th day of November thonce for 127 feet on a bearing of 103.)* to point K ; 1965, the Minister for W orks, Communications and Power has, thence for 96 feet on a bearing of 1260 to point L ; pursmant to an application made by The East African Power thence for 131 feet on a bearing of 166.)0 back to the and Lighting Company Limited, a limited liability Company, starting point A . having its registered olice at Electricity House, Kimathi Street, Al1 bearings given above are magnetic. Nairobi, granted to the Company a Distributing Licence No. 22 dàted the 4th day of November 1965, to supply electrical A plaa of the area lnay be inspected at the oKce of the energy to the Townslzip of Mertz and adjacent areas in the District Commissioner, Kisii District. Eastern Region of the Republic of Kenya, as delineated on the plan attached to the said Distributing Licence and plore Dated this 8th day of November 1965. particularly described in the Schedule thereto, and subject to the conditions and restrictions therein contained. J. A. O'LOUGHLIN, Copies of the said Distributing Licence and of the plan Commîssioner (?J. Lands. showing the area of supply may be inspected by the public at the registered oëce of the Company, and at the oëce of the M eru County Council at Meru. GAZBTTB NorlcB No. 4191 Dated this 10th day o'f Novembor 1965. (LND. 3 / 1 /2/25) For The East African P'ower and Lighting Company Limited. THE TRUST LAND AG B. H.' KYLE-BOW YER, (Cap. 288) Secretary. SETTING ATART OF LAND NOTICE is hereby given that the land described in the Sehedule hereto has been duly set apart in accordance with (LND. 21 1 /2/25) the provisions of Part IV of the Trust Land Act, f or the THE TRUST LAND ACT purposes specified in the said Schedule. (Ccp. 288) ScllBnut,E SEW ING APART OF LAND NOTICE is hereby given that the land described in the P/ccc.- Keera, Kitutu Location, Kisii District. Schedule hereto has been duly set apart in accordance with f'JfrpTp-çtc---fltasee factory. the provisions of Part IV of the Trust Land Act, for the purposes specified in the said Schedule. z4rcc.-3 acres (approximately). SCHBDULE Description 0/ land : - P/cce.-Riamotinga, Wanjare Location, Kisii District. This land is situated approximately two miles to the west of PIzrptpâv.- Educational purpose with the approval of the Chief ltibo P.A.E.A. School. The boundaries are' demarcated on the Education O'ë cer. ground and aro describcd as follows ;- Xrcc.- 2.15 acres (approximately). Starting from a point A, which is a stono cairn from which Description 0/ land : - Chisera Hill and Nyabimana Hill are I.I. miles and 1 mile This land is situated approximately two miles to the south- distant, on bearings of 72Q and .1630 respectively ; west of Itierio. Mission. The boundaries are demarcated on thence for 201 jeet on a bearing of 148 Q to point B ; the ground and are described as follews : - thence for 186 feet on a bearing of 2080 to point C ; Starting from a point A, which is a concrete beacon from thence for 139 feet on a bearing of 2370 to. point D ; which Nsaria Hill and Engeri Hill are three miles and one mile thence for 220 feet on a bearing of 2490 to point E ; distant, on bearings of 1330 and 331 O respectively ; thcnce for 300 feet on a bearing of 3490 to point F ; thence for 286 feet on a bearfng of 1690 to pcdnt B ; thence for 300 feet on a bearing of 28@ 30' to point G ; thenco for 311 feet on a bearing of 2630 to' point C ; thence for 65 feet on a bmring of 20O to point H ; thence for 260 feet on a bearing of 328 û to point D ; thence for 80 feet en a bearlng of 25Q back to the starting thenco for 405 feet on a bearing of 76O back to the starting point A. point A. Al1 bearings given above are magnetic. A11 bearings given. above are magnetic. A plan of the area may be inspected at tho olce of the A plan of the are,a maK be inspected at the oëce of the District Commissioner, Kisii District. District Commissioner, Kisn District. Dated this 8th (lay of November 1965. Datcd tlais 8th day of Ncvember 1965. J . A. O'LOUGHLIN , J . A . (y LOU GH' Lm , Commîssioner of Lands. Commîssioner 0/ Lands. 1384 TH F. K ENYA GAZETJE 16th N ovem ber 1965

CIAZETTE èfoTlcE èko. 4192 TH E TRAN SPORT LICEN SIN G ACT (Cap. 404) TH E underm entioned applications were approved by the T ransport Licensing Board at a m etting held in Embu on 26th O cteber 1965. A . N . OU M A, Executive Omcer, Frcrlzptpr/ Licensing Board, P.O. Box 30440, N airobi. RoAo SERVICE LICBNCES EM /R/20/65- Philip M uciri Rukinga, P.O. Siakago, Embu. -N airobi-K ikuyu only, but allowed to set Route : Kirii and Embu. (KGG 881, 10 passengers.) down passengers between and K ikuyu. 27 p6s- loseph M 'Trim ungi, P.O. Box 73, M eru. Route : (KHW 279, 34 parssengers.) M aua-M eru, for a 3z-passenger vehicle only. (One 1924- Gerishon K . Kamuri, P.O . Box 6, . vellicle.) Variation of route to add Kirinyaga-sagana-N ew 32/65- M 'M arete M 'Ibutu, P.O. Box .130, M eru. Route : Road-Ruiru-rfhika-N airobi and delete K aratina- M ikinduri - M eru Town - K irua - Kibirichia, for Nyeri-rfhomson's Falls, but not to pick up' or set l8-passenger vehicle only. (Ono vehicle.) down passengers between Thika and Nairobi. TLB. 678- Kimotho Karanja, P.O . Sagana. Variation of Present route : Embu - Njega's Corner - Baricho - route to. add Sagana - K erugoya - Embu - Run- Karatina-Nyeri-Thomson's Falls. (KGU 86, 50 yenjes - Ishiara - Karatina - Nyeri via main road. passengers.) Present route : K erugoya-K aratina-saganay but not 41 p6s- ltaguuru Heshbon, P.O. Box 50, Kerugoya. between Sagana-Kibirigwa. (KHG 477, 33 pas- Ro.ute : K iam utugu - K arumande - M ukarara sengers.) 7886- N guka Bus Service, P.O. Box 42, Em bu. Granted Ithareini-lterugoya. (7-passenger vehicle.) to increase passenger-carrying capacity from 34 54/65- Njeru M 'Thimu and Njoka Ngano, P.O. Box 33, passengers te 52 passengers. Present route : Em bu- Embu. Route : Kianjokoma - Embu - Kutus K erugoya - Sagana - N guka - Fort H àll - Thika - Kibirigwa-Baricho-Karatina. C-passenger vehicle) <

TLB . 3665- M '1tunga M 'Araya, P.O . Box 23, M eru. R oute : 23/65- John Gachie and M oses Gacimu Ngare and Part- M eru Distriot. (KGG 775, 3 tons.) ners, P.O . Box 33, K erugoya. R oute : K irinyaga District and N yeri District and to Embu Town, 4416- .1oseph K ingori, P.O. Box 58, M eru. G ranted for farm produce and shop goods. (s-ton vehicle.) variation of route to add -Em u Town-sagana- 26/ 6s- cMbiri Kabira, P.O. Box 25, Kerugoya.. Route : Fort Hall-N yeri District-Thika-Nairobi, but not to Kirinyaga - M uranga - Nyori - N anyuki - Sagana, use N anyuki-sagana road, for shop goods, for country produce. (3-ton vehicle.) m inerals, liquors and a11 goods. Present route : 3094- Hansraj Laxmandas, P.O. Sagana. Route : Embu M eru and Town (not to lsiolo), for a11 District and to Sagana, for all goods, subject to goods. (KHR 448, 14,360 )b.) the surrender of ;$C'' Licence. (KFG 906, 10,175 lb.) 1665- M uita Thirikwa, P.O. Box 45, M eru. Route : 28/65- Chuka Regiona) and Produce Stores, P.O. B'ox 12, M eru - R um uruti - M aralal - G wam ba - lsiolo - Embu. Route : M eru D istrict only for farm pro- Timau-N anyuki, for carriage of foodstuffs. (3-ton duce and shop gaods. (6-ton vehlcle.) vehicle.) 30/ 65- Juma Njue Gatem eria and Nyaga M uyaweru and EM /B /21 /65- J'asoni M 'M bali, Chuka, No. 7, P.O. Chogoria. Co., P.O'. Box 70, Em bu. Route: ' Em bu and Route : Chuka-M eru-N airobi via Em bu and Fort M eru Districts and to Sagana, for carriage of farm H all and N anyuki-Thika-K itui, for shop goods, produce, timber and charcoal. (s-ton vehicle.) 33 /65- Andrew Dickson Njanja, P.O. Box 33, 01 K alou. sugar-cane and country produce, subject to the R oute ; Em bu - K irinyaga - M uranga - Thika, for surrender of IKC'' Licence. (KGD 870, 11,20: 1b.) farm produce and tebacco. (s-ton vehicle.) 4936- K iungu M utuerandu, P.O . Box 50, M eru. Route : 34/65- Gichia Karia, P.O. Box. 80, Keruëoya. R'oute : M eru - Isiolo - Nanyuki - Lafkipia District ; M eru- Tebere - Em bu - Fort Hall - Nyerl - K iam bu - Sagana-Em bu and M eru Districts, for a1l goods. N airobi, for carriage of foodstuffs, vegetables and (KFE 36, 2,240 lb.) fruit. (ll-ton vehicle.) The underm entioned applications were refused :- ROAD SERVICE LICBNCES EM'/R/6/65- Danson K. Karanja, c/o Ndia Bus Service, P.O. 40/65- M ikae1 Kigangi Ciuri and Khodabhai G . Patel, Sagana. P.O . Box 23, K erugoya. 13/65- Baranaba M batia, c/o J'. Kariuki) P.O. Box 42 / 6s- patrick W ainaina, Nthagaiya, P.O. Runyenjes. Em bu. 43/65- Kanyuambora Bus Service, Kanyuambora M arket, 24/65- Harambe Bus Service, P.IJ. Box 89, M eru. P.O . Siokago. 25/65- Eliphas M uchiri Gugoca, Ndagani Primary School, 44/65- Jonothan M uchubi and Co., C.C.M . Kithimu, P.O '. Chuka. P.O . Em bu. 26/65- Patrick John Nkoroi, Plot No. Gatumbe M arket 2 P.O'. Chuka. 45 /65- John Kinyua Njeru, P.O. Box 21, Embu. 28/65- M 'Rint1ra M ,M uchangi, P.O'. Chuka. 47/65- Mwangi Simion, C.C.M . Nthagayia, P.O. 29/65- Kagaa Trading Company, P.O. Box 114, M eru. Runyenjes. 30/65- Joseph Gachuhi 2 P.O. Box 24, M eru. 48 /65- James Gatumo Ngethe and Silas Franklin W ilson, 31 y6s- lohnson P. M wlti and Samwel K. M utungi, P.O. A .C. M ayori School, P.O. Siakago. Box 135, M eru. 49/65- A11 M ohamed and Brothers, P'.O. Box 44, Embu. TLB. 9208- Gerrard M arete, P.O . K agaa, M eru. 50/65- Nazereno Nthika, A.C. Ena, P.O'. Runyenjes. 33/65- Vinus Bus Service, P.O. Box 35, Meru. 51 /6.5- M aguh M uchira and Gakuru Njagi, P.O. Box 148, 34/65- Kariuki Ngarange, c/o P.O. Box 9988, M ombasa. Em bu. 35 / 65- Symon Peter Kinyua, c/o P.O. Box 42, Embu. lo-/lo- Nathan Njue Daniel, P.O. Box 70, Embu. 36/65- M we.a Public Road Service Co., P.O. Box 80, 52/65- Nzioka M bondo and Co., P.O. Box 21, Fort Hall. K erugoya. 53/65- E1dad W airegi Gathoga, M ufu, P.O. Runyenjes. 37/65- W aciuri Githiga, P.O. Box 42, Embu. 55/65- Johnstone Peter M aguh and Bros., P.O. Box 148, 38/65-.-.1. S. W aweru and Co., P.O. Box 29, Kerugoya. Em bu. 39 y6s- Njirata Kinanjui Nguru, M uthithi Market, Plot 56/65- Mrs. Eunice M uchira and Sons, c/o Justus Njagi N e. 9, Thiba, c/o D .O., M wea, P.O. Kirinyaga. N yaga, P.O . Box 148, Em bu. IIB'' CARRIERS' LICBNCES TLB . 2620- A rbi Esm ail, P.O . Box 89, M eru. 22 / 65- Pius Kilonzo Simon Kinguu, P.O. Box 42, Embu. 9659- Hasm ukh N . Shah, P.O. Box 15, Embu. 24/65- Njunu Gateri Njuno and Co., c/o P.O. Box 40, 3269- M utwiri M burunga, P.O . Box 137, M eru. K erugeya. EM /B / 16/65- Simion M 'Kura and Jonathan, P.O. Nkubu. 25/65- Peter M uthigani Kiragu, P.O. Box 37, Kerugoya. 17/65- Nyalchand V. Shah, C.C.M . Egoji, P.O. Egeji. 833o-< him anbhai Patel, P.O . Box 26, Kerugoya. 18 J6s- sacred House, Gakoromone' M arket, P.O. Box 38, 106.12- G itim u M wae and Co., P.O . Box 80, K erugoya. M eru. 27/65- Lucky Transporters, P.O. Box 97, Embu. 19/65-nSamue1 M 'Laru, P.O'. Box 57, M eru. 6586- J.oseph K ariuki N yam u, P.O'. B ox 69, Em bu. 20/65- P'eter M 'M aana M 'Akwalu, P.O. Box 34, M eru. 7172- Kibaru Runyenje and Company, P.O. Runyenjes. 11361- M ugo Njaaga, P.O. Box 1, Sagana Market. 1435- K irinyaga Service Station, P.O . Box 89, Em bu. 16th November 1965 THE KENYA GAZEW E 1385 .:B'' CARRIERS' u cesœ s-qcontd.s 11828- Uhuru Traders, P.O. Box 30, Embu. tolo- lamnadas Dahyabhai Shah, P.O. Box 80, Embu. 29/65-Njeru Ngonge, P.O. Runyenjes, Embu. 6171-Dawood Alimohamed, P.O. Box 7, Meru. 6934-Umedbhai Fulabhai Patel, P.O. Box 23, Embu. 1486- M 'lkiara Kimiri, P.O'. Box 125, Meru. 10858- Joram N gunguru and Company, P.O. Box 141, 32/65-Khetshi Karamslti Shah, P.O. Box 21, Embu. Em bu. 3535- Jam es M ugo and Partner, P.O. Box 180, Embu. 31/65--Shadrack Kivuti M uma, P.O. Bex 21, Embu. 9385- M uturi M aragwa, P.O. Box 40, Embu.

The undermentioned applications were deferred : -

RoAo SyavlcB LlcExcl!s TLB. 359(F-Daudi M 'Mbwii, P.O. Box 138, M eru. EM /R/46/65-Venanzia Wakina, A.C. Ena, P.O. Runyenjes.

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 4193 Kengoni Stream, L.R. No. 9409, Robert W ilson and Com- pany Ltd., Timau, construction of a dam 4 feet in height, THE W ATER ACT 40,000 gallons per day irrigation. (Cap. 372) Kamuti River, L.R. Nos. 3578/3 and 5869, R. Raja and NoerlcE Sons, Nairobi, 125,000 gallons per day irrigation. APPLICATIONS for diversion of water, plans of wlkich may Swampy Spring, L.R. No. 4469/3, Messrs. Goma Farms be seen at the Water Dovelopment Department, Nairobi, or Ltd., Plateau, construction of a dam 6 feet in heilht, 1,300 the omce of the Local W ater Bailis concerned, have been gallons per day domestic, 2,000 gallons per day lrrigation. submitted by the following :- Kasbia River, L.R. No. 22, Closeburn Estate Limited, Kassowai River, L.R. No. 8887, B. S. Mill, , con- N airobi, 227,000 gallons per day irrigation. struction of a dam 5 feet jn height, 8,900 gallons per day Nzoia River, L.R. No. 1804, Hoey's Bridge Sisal Estate domestic, 1,000 gallons per day irrigation. Ltd., Hoey's Bridge', construction of a dam 30 feet in height, Kasbi River, L.R. Nos. 5971, 5972/R and 7042, Silvia 100,000 gallons per day industrial (80 per cent returnable). Limited, Kiambu: 800 gallons per day domestic, 20,000 Stream Tributary of Nzoia River, L.R. N'o. 11304, M rs. gallons per day lndustrial, 80 per cent returnable', 120,000 A. H. Richardson, Hoey's Bridge, construction of a dam gallons per day irrigation, 200 gallons per day spraying collee. 4 feet in height, 1,000 gallons per day domestic. .- M uura River, Igembe Colee Growers Co-op. Society M elawa River, L.R. No. 3777/213, E. K. Githingi, Ltd-, Meru, 40,000 gallons per day industrial, 80 per cent 01 Kalou, 900 gallons per day domestic. returnable. Gatitu Stream, Plot No'. 168, L. G. Ngalubi, Nyeri, 800 Kabuku ltiver, L.R. No. 4903/2, P. Kariuki, Thika, 5,800 gallons per day domestic, 5,000 gallons per day irrigation. gallons per day domestic, 385,000 gallons per day irrigation. Chania River, L.R. N o. 8890, M rs. 1R'. M . G ash, N akuru, Kibcko River, Scheme B., Kamau, Thika, 700 gallons per 650 gallons per day domestic, 24,000 gallons per day day domestic, 1,000 gallons per day irrigation, 7,000 gallons irrigation. per day power. Keruchi Tributary of Ruiru River, Plot No. 456, G. Ngugi, Ukambuu Stream, Mbtlini Farmers Society Limited, Kiam bu, 600 gallons per day domestic, 350 gallons per day , 80,000 gallons ptr day industrial (80 per cent irrigation. returnable). Spring Tributary of Ruafwa River, L.R. No. 10914, A. M . Gacirago ltiver, Plot No. 24, L. K. Karukua, Fbrt Hall, Barberton, Kitale, construction of a dam 4 feet in height, 2,000 gallons per day irrigation, 14,000 gallons per day 960 gallons per day domestic, 8,000 gallons per day power. fish pond. ' Naka River, Chuka Szcondary School, Meru, construction Kalimuciko Stream Tributary of Bwathumara River, of a weir 3 .f eet in height, 21,000 gallons per day domestic, Tingania Cosee Growers Co-op. Society Ltd-, M eru, 30,000 5,000 gallons per day lrrigation. - gallons per day industrial (80 per cent returnable). Karimukui Stream Tributary of Nyamindi River, L.R. Lake Victoria, County Council of South Nyanza, Homa No. 27, H. M waura, Kianyaga, 800 gallons per day domestic, Bay, 2,000 gallons per day public. 2,500 gallons per day irrigation, 25,000 gallons per day power. Mavueni Dam, L.R. Nos. 2243, 2244, 2245, 2246 l 2247, Kapsimbeywa River, L.R. No. 1480/2, J. M . Anderson, 2253, 2259, 2260, 2262, 2263, 2264, 2265, 2596, Shah Vlrchand Nandi Hills, construction of a dam 3 feet in height, 3,000 Karamshi and Company, Kilili, construction of a dam 30 feet gallons per day irrigation, 75,000 gallons per day power. in height. Kagumo River, Plot No. 870, Kagumo. College, Nyeri, Nyambui River, Mbugiti High School, M uranga, 5,500 22 !800 gallons per day domestic, 7,200 gallons per day gallons per day domestic, 55,000 gallons per day power. irrlgation. lthanji Stream, L.R. N'o. 89, M r. Mbuthia, Thika, 300 Nyamweru River, L.R. Nos. 514 and 516, M rs. H. W angari, gallons per day domestic, 12,000 gallons per day irrigation. Uplands, 350 gallons per day domestic, 4,000 gallons per day Suru Suru River, Kagima Coffee Growers Co-op. Society, irrigation, 30,000 gallons per day power. Muranga, 60,000 gallons per day industrial (80 per cent M utara River, L.R. No. 10014, C. A. Foirester, Laikipia, returnable). 80,000 gallons per day power. Genia and swamp nearby, L.R. No. 4733/2, Consolata Molo River, L.R. No. 487/27 :J. 0. Evans, Kampi Father, Makuyu, 476,000 gallons per day irrigation. M oto, 20,000 gallons per day irrlgation. Kabuku River, L.R. No. 499, T. Mwaura, Thika, 550 Unnamed Tributary of Yala, L.R. No. 108, Xaverian gallons per day d'omestic, 10,000 gallons per day irrigation, Brothers, Kaimosi, 2,:00 gallons per day domestic. 500 gallons per day spraying coffee. Unnamed water course, L.R. Nos. 4519 and 10739, Githoboni River, Plot Nos. 12 and 16, K. Kagunyu, Thika, Nyangamara Ltd., Kithima Coffee Estate, Makuyu, construc- 1,000 gallons per day domcstic, 2,000 gallons per day public. tion of a dam 12 feet in height, 50,000 gallons per day Gitugi Stream Tributary of' N. Mathioya, Kagima Coffee pulping and washing of coiee. Growers Co-op. Society, Muranga, 30,000 gallons per day Gitumbu Tributary of Kiama, Plot No. 338, M . Gitacu, industrial (80 per cent returnable). Thika, 350 gallons per day domestic, 10,000 gallons per day Gathwariga River, Gatanga Coffee Growers Co-op. Society, indthstrial (80 per cent returnable), 10,000 gallons per day Thika, 80,000 gallons per day industrial (80 per cent return- irrigation. able). Karimikui Stream Tributary of Nyamindi, Plot No. 71, Thika River, Gatanga Coffee Growers Co-op. Society Ltd., H. G. Ngure, Kirinyaya, 750 gallons per day domestic, 1,000 Thika, 60,000 gallons per day industrial (80 per cent return- gallons per day jrrigatlon, 5,100 gallons per day power. able). Objections stating specific grounds therefor should be liled Nguruma Stream , L.R. N o. 9409, R obert W ilson and Co. in triplicate with the W ater Apportionment Board :P.O. Box Ltd., Timau, construction of a dam 5 feet in height, 10 l000 30521- Nairobi, within 30 days from the publicatlon of this gallons per day domestic, 90,000 gallons por day irrigatlon. notice. 1386 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 16th N ovem ber 1965

GAZETTS NozqcE No. 4194 Silvanus Ojiambo Osiato, Plot No. 18, Port Victoria M arkct, Bunyala Location, P.O . Funyula via K isum u.

THE LIQUOR LICENSING ACT zablon Kadima, Plot No. 1B, Funyula M arket, Sam ia Location, (Cap. 121) P.O'. Funyul.a via Kisumu. Btis Dickson Onyango, Plot N o. 8, M urumba M arket, M arach lw LIQ/OR LlcExslxG C oult'r Lecation, P.O . Private Bag, Busia. N O TIC E is hereby given that the underlisted applications John K . Olaka, Plot N o. 13, Busia M arket, P.O . Box 102 9, will be considered at the next statutory meeting of the Busia Busia. Liquor Licensing Court to be held in the District Com mis- Eliakim M ung'ala Plot N o. 26, Bum ala M arket, M arachi sioner's Ollice, Busia, on M onday, 29th N ovember 1965, at I , 10 aocation, P.O'. Box .1028, Busia. a.m . ; - N Ew A ppLlcATloxs SaBmuel Oyiengo, Plot N o. 28, Nam bale Trading Ctntre, ukhayo Location, P.O . Box 1040, Busia.

W holesale Liquor Licence Busia Uniort Bar (Secretary), Plot N o. Busia M arket, P.O. M essrs Box 1172, Busia. . Kenya Bar (John K . Olakalj Plot No. 13, Busia M arket, P.O . Box 1029, Busia. Oundo M akhulu, Plot N o. 16, Siam ungu 'M arket, Bunyala Location, P.O. Funyula via K isum u. M alt and Non-spirituous Liquor Og-licences D . S. M W AN G I, Jkkonia M anyuru Gaunya, Plot N o. 1B, M uram ba M arket, Bttsia, Prestdent,

Sam ia Location, P.O. Funyula via K isum u. 26th October 1965. Busia .Lft./lltv Licensing Cottn . Toshua M . N ungo, Plot N o. 2, Bukhalalire M arket, M arach . Location, P.O . Private Bag, Busia. Peter Lumojo, Plot No. 18, Lugale M arket, Bunyala Location, GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 4195 P.O . Funyula via Kisumu. Paulo Kubasu THE LIQUOR LICENS.ING ACT , Plot N o. 4, Chengo M arket, M arach Location, P.O. Butula via . fcap. 121) Nainwakira Ouma, Plot N o. 8, Bukom a-Beach, Bunyala Loca- THIKA LIQUOR LICENSING COURT tion, P.O. Funyula via K isum u. out .v authorized by the Provincial Comm issioner, Central Joseph Ofunya, Plot No. 3, Bukhuma M arket, M arach Loca- Province, N yeri, the following application for Restaurant Liquor tion, P.O. Butula via Bungoma. Licence will be considered at a special meeting o'f the Thika Lazaro Ongidi, Plot N o. 1, Ikonzo M arket, M arach Location, Liquor Licensing Court to be held on 29th N ovem ber 1965, at P.O . Box 1028, Busia. 10 a.m ., in the om ce of the D istzict Com missionor, Thika ; - Agustino Oum ah, Plot N o. 4, O gina M arket, M arach Loeation, Restaurant Liquor Licence

P.O . Box .1028, Busia. M essrs . M aendele'o H otel and Bar, Plot N e. 15, T.U .D .C. M Thika. alt and Non-spirituous Liquor On-licences c KISAKA M or i ce om ete, plot x o. l2, Am ukura M arket, south Teso President, t-ocation, j'.o.. susia. Thika Liquor f-icezi-çf'': Court. Thom as Adungo, plot x o. 1, D onges M arket, south Teso Location, P.0,. Box 1028, Busia. . paulo M ulomi, I'lot x o. 8, N yapera M arket, M arach Locatien, G àzsrrs x olacs xo. 4196 P.O . Butula via Bupgom a. Tjjs j s Nashon Orach Idukita, l'lot N o. 6, M alaba M arket, N orth jquoR LICENSING ACT Teso Location, P. 0. M yanga. CCIK - 121) N Y

RENEwALS W IN NIFRED IRENE G RAH AM , D ECEASED M essrs. Kiragu Petro, M irio Kabare and Michael K. Chiuri, Plot No. 10, Kimbimbi, P.O'. Box 77, Kerugoya. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 29 of the Bernard M uriuki, Plot No. 8, K arumande Market, P.O. Trustee Act (Cap. 167), that any person having a claim against Kianyaga. or an intercst in the estate of the lato Winnifred lrene Graham Kanyi Wamai, Plot No. 3, Kianjege M arket, P.O. Box 55, of Blair Lodge, Balmoral Road, N airobi, whe died at N airobi Karatina. H ospital on 19th O'ctober 1965, is hereby required to send Lilian Njoki, Plot No. 1, Kagio, P.O. Box 37, Kerugoya. particulars in writing of his or her claim or interest to Barclays Kiragu Stephen Kabuitu, Plot No. 1, Kiuria Village, P.O. Bank D .C.O ., Trustee Department, P.O . Box 30116, N airobj, Box 80, K erugoya. before 24th January 1966, after which date the executors will Kanyi W amai, Plot No. 3, Kianjege Market, P.O. Box 55, distribute the estate among the persons entitled thereto having Karatina. regard only to the claims and interests of which they have Solomon M uriu M ugo, Plot No. 4, M ukarara M arket, P.O. had notice and will not as respects the property so distributed Kianyaga. be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then Council, P.O. Box 55, Kerugoya, Plot No. have had notice. C.4, Salana Markot. Isaacs Thlaka Simon, Plot No. 19, M ukarara Market, P.O. Dated the 10th day of November 1965. Box 33, Em bu. Jusuf Wandunju, Plot No. 6, Kerugoya, P.O. Box 6, Kerugoya. BARCLAYS BANK D.C.O., James Gachibl, Plot No. 20, Kutus M arket, P.O. Kutus. Trustee Department, Messrs. Kiranga Kagai and Co., Plot No. 27, Kagumo Market, P.O. Box 30116, Nairobi. P.O. Box 15, Kerugoya. Mrs. Violet Muthoni Ephantus, Plot No. 10, M ururi Market, P.O. Kianyaga. Jacan Gakenge, Plot No. 9, Kiamutugu, P.O. Kianyaga. Secondo K. Njamumo, Plot No. 16, Kianyaga, P.O'. Kianyaga. CHARLES LAURENCE WILLIAMS, DECEASED Solomon Karimi Karandu, Plot Ne. 3, Gitumbi Market, P.O. Box 46, K erugoya. N OTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 29 of the Gakubu slo Kiura, Plot No. 1, Ndcrome Vllage, P.O. Box 80, Trustee Act (Cap. 167), that any person having a claim against K erugoya . or an interest in the estate of the late Charles Laurence Marko K. Hezekiah, Plot Ne. 2, M utithi M arket, c/o District Williams of P.O. Box 5648, Nairobi, who die'd at Nairobi on Oflicer, Mwea. 27th October 1965, is hereby required to send particulars in Josiah Gatimu Migwi, Plot No. 18, Kiandai Market, P.O. writing of his or her claim or interest to Barclays Bank D.C.O., Kerugoya. Trustee Department, P.O. Box 30356, Nairobi, before 12th Mika .Mucira, Plot No. 2, lthare-ini M arket, P.O. Kianyaga. January 1966, after which date the executor will distribute the Mcssrs. W airimu and Co., Plot No. 13, Baricho, P.O. Box 11, estate among the' persons entitled thereto having regard only K erugoya. to the claims and interests of which the: have had notice Kabiro s Jo Njogu, Plot No. 2, Ngurubani Market, P.O. Box 13, and will not as respects the property so dlstributed be liable Kerugoya. to any person of whose claim they shall not then have had R. E. ALAI, notice. Chairman, Kerugoya, Kirînyaga Afrkan Lîquor Licensing D ated the 8th day of N ovember .1965. 6th November 1965. Board.

THE AFRICAN LIQUOR ACT (Cap. 122) AFRICAN LIQUOR LICBNSING BOARD M ISS DORA MADOLINE POLLOCK SHIELDS, DECEASED A MEETING of the Eldoret African Liquor Eicensing Board will be held in the District Commissioner's oflice, Eldoret, on NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 29 of the Monday, 6th December 1965, at 10 a.m., to consider the Trustee Act (Cap. 167), that any person having a claim against following applications :- or an interest in the estate of the late Miss Dora M adoline RENEwALS Pollock Shields of P.O'. Box 91, Kitale, who died at Kitale on 21st O'ctober 1965, is hereby required to send particulars To M anujacture and Retail in writing of his or her claim or lnterest to Barclays Bank Njoroge Kariuki, Plateau Beerhall, P.O'. Plateau. D.C.O., Trustee' Department, P.O'. Box 30356, Nairobi, before Karanja Gathirwa, L.R. 6495/R, Turbo Trading Centre, P.O. 12th January 1966, after which date the executors will distri- Turbo. bute the estate amongst the persons entitled therete having Karanja Gathirwa 2Soy Social Hall, P.O. Soy. regard only to the claims and interests of which they have had Kararaho Kariukl, L.R. 3055, Kjdiwa Bar, P.O. Box 411, notice and will not as respects the property so distributed be Eldoret. liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then havo NEw AplmlcA'rloxs had notice. To M anujacture and Retail Marina Society, Timboroa, Plot No. 2732/T.M.B., P.O. Dated the 5th day of November 1965. Timboroa Forest Station. Josphat Gi tau and lsaak Gitau, Hoey's Bridge, P.O. Box 22y BARCLAYS BANK D.C.O., H oey's Bridge. Trustee Department, Chegkochei arap Koima, Ainabkoi West S. Schemc, P.O. P.O. Box 30356, Nairobi. Alnabkoi. Lanan G. Mwangi, Plot No. 269, Kihuga Square, Eldoret W est, P.O. B'ox 761, Eldoret. GAZETTB N ozqcB No. 4208 Kararaho Kariuki, Plot No. 3 at Pania, P.O. Box 411, Eldoret. PHILIPP W ILHELM ULRICH KROLL DECEASED R. A. RIYA M Y, Chairman, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 29 of the Trustee Act (Cap. 167), that any person having a claim against Eldoret Ajrican Liquor Licensing Board. or an interest in the estate of the late Philipp W ilhelm Ulrich Kroll of Nakuru in Kenya, who. died on the 7th day of Sep- tember 1965, at Nairobi in Kenya, is hereby required to send Iyrticulars in writing of his or her claim or interest to the under- M M ES HAMILTON GAILEY, DECEASED slgned before the 15th day of January 1966, after which date TAKE NOTICE that the above deceased who died on the executor will distribute t'he estate among the persons 24th August 1938, bequeathed one-ninth of the. residue of his entitled thereto', having regard only to the claims and interests estato to those membcrs of the stas of Gailey and Roberts of which he shall have had notice and will not as respects the Limited who had completed not le-ss than ten years' service property so distributed be liable to any person of whose claim with that Company and were still employed by it on the he shall not then have had notice. said 24th Augyst 1938. A11 persons considering themselves entitled to partlcipate in this bequest or the personal repre- Dated the 6th day of November 1965. sentative of any deceased member so entitled is requested to submit a daim together witlt proof of entitlement to the CRIRSSW E.LL, MANN & DOD, ulïdersigned. A dvocates to the Executor, KAPLAN & STRAW ON, N atîonal Bank Building, Advocates Ior the Trustees, K enyatta Avenue, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. P.O. Box 51. Nakbsru. 1390 THE K ENYA G AZETI'E 16th N ovem ber 1965 tixzsvvs zqovlcs zvo. 4209 (2) CAUSE z4o. 250 op 1965 ROBERT TH EOD ORE ROM AN , D ECEASED By N ilkanthri H arrnanbltai Patel of P.Oi. Box 14374, Nairobi ill Kenya, 'the s'on o'f the deceased, through Jagdish Desai Esq., N OTICE is hereby given that al1 creditors and other persons A dvocate of N airobi for a grant of Letters of A dm inistration having any claim s or demands against the estate of Robert intestate of the estate .of H arm anbhai M akandas Patel o.f Theodore Roman of M alindi (decoased), who died on 31st N airobi in K enya who d'ied at Aden on the 10th day of October 1965, are hereby required to send tho partictllars in M arch, 1964. writing of their claim s or demands to us the undersigned, as (3) CAusn No. 251 oF 1965 advocates for the executor, on or before 15th January 1966, after which date the said executor will proceed to. dispose of By Bryan Rupert Paterson-Todd of P.O:. Box 350, Nakuru in tho assets of the said deceased having regard only to the K enya, the attorney of Harry G raham D unoom be of Guildford, debts, claim s and dem ands which ho shall then have had Surrey in U nited K ingdom , tlle oxecutor nam ed in the W ill of notice and he will not be liable for the assets of the sezid the deceased, through B. R. Paterson-rrodd Esq., advocate of deceased or any part thereof so distributed to any person or N akuru, for resealing in K enya, grarbt of Probate granted by persons 'of whose claim s .or demands he shall not then have .the Pèinoipal Probate Registry of the H igh Court of Justice in had notice. Fmgland at London of the estate of Reginald H ubert Dunoom be of Surrey in U nited Kingdom , who died at London o'n the Dated this 5th day of N ovember 1965. 12th day of Decem ber, 1963. A RCHER & W ILCOCK , (4) CAUSE No. 252. OF 1965 Advocates y(?r the Executor 5/ the abovemamed deceased. By Kathleen M uriel Bonham of P.O . Box 61, K iam bu in Kenya, the executrix nam ed in the W ill and Codicil of the de- ceased, through M /S Daly and Figgis, advocates of Nairobi, for CIAZETTE 'çoTlcB léo. 4210 a grant of Probate of tbe W ill and Codicil of Artbur Hugh D onald Le Poer Trench of Diani nmar M om basa, who died at IN THE HIGH COU RT OF K EN YA M om basa in K enya on the 6t.11 day of June, 1965. AT M OM BASA DISTRICT REGIW RY (5) CAUSE No. 254 OF 1965 PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION By Jayantilal Keshavji Shah and. M ansukhlal Keshavji Shah of TAKE N OTICE that the. application having been m ado in P.O . B'ox 16,19, N aïrobi fn K enya, the sons of tlze deceased, this Court in :- through N . J. Dave Esq., advocate of Nairobi for a grant of Càtlss N o. 60 oF 1965 Letters 'of Administration intestate of the esta.te of Keshavji Vrajpal Shah .of Nairobi aforesaid who' died at Nairobi on I)y Bashir bin Omar K harraz of M om basa in K enya, the the 21st day of February, 1965. execuïor nam ed in the will of tho deceased, through Sadiq G halia, Esq., for a grant of probate of the will of the late (6) CAUSE N o. 255 oF 1965 Omar bin Aboud Bajanduh of M ombasa in Kenya, who died at Shibam in Arabia on the 1st day of Fobruary 1961. By Amratlal Virji Parmar o.f P.O. Box 3590, Nairobi in ' K enya, the executo'r nam ed in the W .i11 of the deceased, through 'rhis Court will proceed te issue the same unless cause be N. J. Dave F.sq., advocate of Nairobi 7. for a yrant c'f Ptob' ate shtywn to the contrary and appearance in tllis resprct entered of tze W ill of Radhaben wife .of Vlrji Kanll of Nairobi in on or before the 7th day of December 1965. Kekxya, who' died at Nairobi aforcsaid on the 17th day of V IJAY K APILA , Aprll, 1965. D eputy R egistrar, This Cour't will proceed to. issue the sam e unless cause be M em basa, H igh Court ()/ Kenya, shown to' the contrary and appearance in this respect entered 30th O ctober 1965. f,cw Courts, M om basa. on or before 30th N ovember, 1965. N ote.- -kntfv will m entioned above is deposited and open to M . F. PATBL, inspection at the Court. N airobi, . D eputy Registrar, 12th N ovem ber 1965. High Court OJ Kenyq, Naîrobi. QJAZETTE lfoTlcs lfo. 4211 N tpfc.- -fhe W ills and codicil mentioned above are deposited and open to inspection at the Court. IN TH E H IGH COU RT OF K EN YA AT ELDORET IN TH E D ISTRIC T D ELEGATE'S COURT PROBAIE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION ClAzsrrs l4ortcE lko. 4213 CAIJSE N o. 16 or 1965 Notice tp/ application Jor grant 0/ probate 0/ the wfl/ ol the PROBA'I'E AN D AD M INISTRATION estate ()/ the Iate Godfrey M ordaunt ()/ Kt-tale, Trans Nztpl-c TAKE N OTICE that after 14 days from the date ef tM s D istrict, K enya. Gazette, I fntçrtd to apply tty the High Court at Motnbasa TAK E N OTICE that application having been m ade in this for representatlon of the estates of the persoys named m the Registry by M ary Stewart M orllaunt, P.O . B'ox 66, Kitale, Trans second column of the Sçhedule herdo, who dled on the dato N zoia D istrict, K enya, through R. F. J. Lindsell, Esq., advocate, ro pectively set forth agalnst their names. P.O . Box 184, Kitale, for the grant of probate of the will of And further take notice that a1l persons hadng any chl*m s the estate of the late Godfrey M ordaunt of K itale, Trans N zoia against or interests in the estates pf the syid deceased persons D istrict, K enya, who died at N airobi, Kenya, on 24th June are reqmred to prove such clalms or lnterests before pe 1965 : this Court will proceed to issuo the same unless cause within two montlks from t*e date of ths Gazety, after Flllcit be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered date tbe claims and integesy so proved will be pald and satisfed on or before 29th N evem ber 1965. and the several estates dlstnbuted according to law. 0 . P. SACH D EV A , D îstrict D elegate, SCHEDULB Eldoret, Districts ()/ Uasin Gishu, Trahs Nzofc, 29th October 1965. N andi, Elgeyo and M arakwet. Public D ate Testate Tnzsteets N am e of Deceased Address of or Cause No. Death Intestate GAZETTE N oTlcE N o. 4212 IN THE COU RT 0F KEN YA AT NA IROBI 77/65 M warabu M yli . . M ombasa 17-9-65 lntestate 78/65 M wanasokonl bilpi ,, 6-10-65 PROBATE AN D ADM IN ISTRATION K h a m i s b 1 r! M weqye Am anyl 79/65 Salilp b1n Humeyld 25-6-65 ,. CAUSE N o. 249 oF 1965 80/65 S a 1 1 m A h a m e d 17-2-65 ## Zaidan By Standard Bank Lim ited of Kim athi Street, N airobi in 81/65 Okachi Okachi . . ,, 29-10-65 ,, Kenya, the duly constituted lawfully appointed attorney of 83/65 M a r i a m b i n t i ,, 20-11-64 ,. Sakina R ulal 2 described in the W ill as Sakina K hannum daughter M oham ed o.f C haudhrl G hulam M oshi-ud-D in, the executrix nam ed in 87/65 Elkanah M wadime 27-9-65 the W ill of the deceased, through M /S Daly and Figgis, advocates M w a li w a s/o of N airobi for a grant of Letters of A dm inistratio'n with W ill M lango M sem e annexed of the estate .of A li M oham ed R ulal son o.f Chaudhri Rehm at A li also known as A 1i M oham ed R ural of Lyallapur, W est P'akistan who died at Lyallapur aforesaid on the 30th day M om basa, A . H . K H A W A JA , of Jqnuary, 1965. 6th N ovem ber 1965. A ssîstant Publk Trustee. 16th November 1965 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1391

CIAZETTE èfoTlcB ifo. 4214 CIAZBTTE èloTlcE èqo. 4218 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT THE BAN KRUPTCY ACT (Cap. 53) (Cap. 53) RECEIVING ORDER N o'rlcE os INTENDBD DIVIDBND Debtor's ncznc.-Dahyabhai Chunibhai Patel. (Summary Casej zltflrexy.- lkhalifa Road, M ombasa. Debtor's rlcmc.- pyare La1 s/o Amar Nath Doll, formerly D escription.- txpoçtzr. trading as Electrical and Refrigeration Co. Date ol Afrlp petition.- uth October 1965. Address.- p.o. Box 12438, Nairobi. (N /zrf.- l-ligh Court of K enya at M ombasa. D escription.- Wçadeç. No. ()/ mattek.-m.c. 6 of 1965. Cour/.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at Nairobi. Date t# tprJcr.- 5th Novembqr 1965. No. oj mattel..- B.C. 9 of 1963. Whether debtor's or creditors' pcff/f/n.- creditors'. Last ll)z for receiving prtpt#&.- 1st December 1965. Act or Acts oj Bankruptcy.- h-tut the said Dahyabhai Chuni- Trustee's nflmc.- ofEcial Receiver. bhai Patel has failed before the 17th day of July 1965, to Adtlress.- p.o. Box 30031, Nairobi. comply with the requirements of the Bankruptcy Notice No. 4 of 1965 duly served on llim on the 2nd day of July 1965. Nairobi, M . L. HANDA, 1 1th Nevember 1965. Deputv. Omcial Receiver. , A. H. KHAW AJA, 9th Nevember 1965. Deputy Omcial Receiver (Coastj. GAZBTTB NovrlcE No. 4219 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (Cap. 53) THE BANKRUPTCY ACT No'rlclz oF INTENDED DIVIDBND Debtors' ncrne.s.-(1) Karsanbhai Khushal Ranchhod (2) Umed- (Cap. 53) bhai Khushalbhai Ranchhod, formerly trading as Khushal No'rlcs oF ORDER MADE ON APPLICATION F0R DISCHARGE Ranchhod. Debtor's ntzrnc.-Ramjibhai Lalubhai Tailor. Address.- b.o. Box 124, Thika. Address.- p.o. Box 5497, Nairobi. Description.- -kkàdzTs. Court .- tligh Court of Kenya at Nairobi. Descriptîon.- Waùoï. No. c# matter.- B.c. 8 of 1961. Ctpurf.- rf'he High Court of Kenya, P.O. Box 30041, Nairobi. Last day for receiving prt?t#J.- 1st December 1965. No. t# matter.- B.c. 44 of 1961. Trustee's ntzrne.- omcial Receiver. Date 5/ (?rJcr.- 15th October 1965. Address.- P.o'. Box 30031, Nairobi. Date t)/ f.sxuc.---alth November 1965. Nature oj order rncle.- Discharge suspended for six months. Nairobi, M . L. HANDA, 11th November 1965. Deputy OFcftzl Receîver. P. J. MCDERMOTT, D eputy Registrar, High Court ()/ Kenya, Nairobi. CIAZBTTE LCOTICE è4O. 4220 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT CIAZBTTB èloTlcE '4o. 4216 (Cap. 53) NOTICE OF INTBNDBD DIVIDFND TO PRBFBRENTIAL CREDITORS IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA (Summary Case) AT M OMBASA DISTRICT REGISTRY Debtor's ntzrnc.-Arjan Singh s/o Hira Singh, formerly trading BANKRTJPTCV JURISDICTION CAUSE NO. 4 ()F 1963 as Arjan Singh Manku and Co. Address.- p.o. Box 2835, Nairobi. Re : M anilal Dhulabhaî Patel, trading as X/rfctzn Tîmber and Description.- lkadeç. Hardware Company, debtor Cour/.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at Nairobi. Ex parte : L. Lucas Lîmited, credi'tor No. 0/ matter.- B.c. 38 of 1960. Last day for receivîng proofs.- kst December 1965. No-rfcE oF RBI-EASE oF TRUSTBE Trustee's ntzrnc.- oflicial Receiver. Address.- p.o'. Box 30031, Nairobi. Debtor's ncrnc.--sfanilal Dhulabhai Patel, trading as African Timber and Hardware Company. Nairobi, ' M . L. HANDA, Address.-Yozmzïkj of Mnazi Moja, M'ombasa, trading and 11th November 1965. Deputy O/./icfJl Receiver. carrying on buslness under the name and style of African Timber and Hardware Company on Haile Selassie Road, GAZETTE 'qoTlcs 'io. 4221 M ombasa. Deycrfpffon.- M erchant. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT Ctplzrl.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at M ombasa. (Cap. 53) No. t# matter.-B.c. 4 of 1963. N orlcE oF INTENOF.D D lvloExo To PREFBRENTIAL CREDITORS Trustee's ntfme.- 'rhe Oflicial Receiver of K enya. Lsummary Casej Address.-p.o. Box 30031, Nairobi. Debtor's ??J/?1c.-Karam Chand C'hopra s/o Tansukh Mal Date of rclcJJc.- 19th October 1965. Chopra. VIJAY KAPILA, .d ddressï-p.o. Box 3783, Nairobi. D eputy Registrar, Description.- knsuçancz agent. M ombasa, High Court oj Kenya, Ctpur/.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at Nairobi. 27th O'ctober 1965, Tvcw Courts, M om basa. No. t?/ matter.- B.c. 63 of 1961. Last day jor receiving prt?t?/.ç.- 1st December 1965. Trustee's ncrpc.- omcial Receiver. CIAZETTB 7qoTlcE 'éo. 4217 Address.-p.o. Box 30031, Nairobi. Nairobi, M . L. HANDA, THE BANKRUPTCY ACT 11th November 1965. Deputy Omcial Receiver. (Cap. 53) N o'rlcs oF DlvloFxo Debt or's ncrzlc.- Madhavlal Bhavsang Patel, f ormerly trading THE BANKRUPTCY ACT as Patel Flour and Pulse M ill. (Ccp. 53) ,4 ddress.- b.o. Box 158, Thika. NoTlcs oF DIVIDEND D escription.- Tçadeï. Debtor's name.- Guy Alfred Norman Verlaque. Court .-l-ligh Court of Kenya at Nairobi. Address.- p.o . Box 5060, M ombasa. No. t# matter.- B.c. 16 of 1960. Description.- suveçvksoç. Cgdlr/.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at M om basa. Amount per f .--Sh. 1. No. oj matter.- B.c'. 9 of 1962. First or #nc! or' of/zcrwjyc.- second and snal. ,4 nlount per J.- Sh. 13. W hen payable.- lznd N ovember 1965. F'irst or l??tz/ or otherwise.- Fiïst. W herc payable.- ht my omce, Harambee Avenue, P.O. Box W hen payable.- qgtY N ovem ber 1965. 30031, lxvairobi. HZ,?;c;'c payablc. O1d Custom s Housc, Nkrumah Road, P .O. Box 366, M ombasa. Nairobi, M . L. HANDA, M'embasa. A. H. KHAW AJA, 11th N ovember 1965. Deputy O'cfcl Receiver. 9th November 1965. Deputy Omcial Receiver (Coast). 1392 THE KENYA GAZEU E 16th November 1965


IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI IN THE MATTER O'F THE COMPANIF.S ACT BANKRUPTCY AND W'INDING-UP CAUSE NO. 7 OF 1965 (Cap. 486) IN THE MATTER OF W YTCHW OOD FLATS LIM ITED AND AND IN THE MATTER OIF TANA DEVBLOPMENT COMPANY IN THE MATTER OF THE COM PANIES ACT LIMITED (Cap. 486) M BMBBRS' VOLUNTARY W INDING UP N ovrlcB (Rule 51) NOTICE is hereby given that a petition for the winding up Name oj Ctprrlrtzny.-Tana Development Company Limited. of the above-named Company by the High Court of Kenya Address ()/ registered omce.- P.O. Ruiru. at Nairobi, was on the 19th day of October 1965, presented R egistered postal address.- p.o . Ruiru. to the said Court by the Commissioner of lncome Tax, East Nature oj buâïrlcr.-lnvestment holding. African Cbmmcm Services O'rganization, Ngong Road, P.O. Lîquidator's name.- solm Peters Ord. Box 30165, Nairobi, Kenya. Address.- p.o. Bex 612, Nairobi. Date ()/ appointment.- koth November 1965. And that the said petition is directed to be heard before the Bv wàtp?n appoînted.- u vm beçs. Court sitting at Nairobi on the 3rd day of December 1965, . at 10.30 a.m. or soon thereafter when it can be heard and any creditor or contributory of the said Company desirous of Nairobi, J. P. ORD, supporting or opposing the making of an order on the said 10th N ovem ber 1965. Liquîdator. petition wtll bei furnished by the undersigned to. any creditor or contributory of tbe said Company requiring a copy on pay- ment of tho regulated charges for the same.

Dated at Nairobi this .16th day of November 1965. QIAZBTTE èfoTlcE èlo. 4227 S. M . OTIENO, jor Legal Secretary, IN THE MATTER OF THE COM PANIES ACT East Ajrican Common Services Organization. (Cap. 486) Notice.- Any person wlao intends to appear at the hearing of Axo the said petition must serve or send by post to the above- IN THE MATTER OF T'WIGA LIMITVD named Legal Secretary, East African Common Services Organization, P.O'. Box 30005, Nairobi, Kenya, notice' in (In Members' Voluntary Gf/ztsnr Upj writing of his intention to do so. The notice must state the Nozqcs name and address of the person, or, if a firm, the name and address of the firm, and must bt signed by the person or NOTICB is hcreby given that the final meeting of the above- firm or his or their advocate, if any, ttnd must be served nNamed Company will be held at Silopark House, queensway, and, if posted, must be sent by post ln suflkient time to airobi :on Friday, 10th December 1965, at 11 a.m., ln accord- reach the above-named not later than 4 o'clock in the afternoon ance wlth the provisions of and for the purpose laid down of 2nd December 1965. in sectioa 283 (1) of the Companies Act (Cap. 486). Ilated the 8th day of 'fovenaber 1965. Q/AZSTTB pfoTlcs 'êo. 4224 P. M . JOHNSON, IN THE M ATTER OF THE COM PANIES ACT Liquidatorî (Cap- 486) P.O. Box 92, Nairobi. AND (Ntp/c.-This Comgany is not to be confused with Twiga Col'ee IN THE M ATTER O'F W OODLANDS LIM ITED Estates Limlted which Company purchased the asset.s of M BMBBRS' VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Twiga Limited and continu% to operate them.) NOTICE is hereby given that the final mecting of the mem- bers of the above-named Company will be held at the oflicts of Barber, Bellhouse, Mwanyi and Co., Hughes Building, Muindi Mbingu Street, Nairobl, on W ednesday, 1st December CIAZETTB pfoT1cE ;fO. 4228 1965, at 10 a.m., in accordance with the provisions of, and for the purposes laid down in section 283 (1) of the Companits IN THE M ATTER O'F THE COMPANIES ACT Act. (Cap. 486) Dated this 5th day of November .1965. AND J. A. CARTER, IN THE MATTER OF ROSS AND W EBB LIM ITED Liquidator, (In Members' Voluntary Windîng Up4 P.O. Box 4286, Nairobi. N oTlcE NOTICE is hereby given that the final meeting of the above- GAZETTE NOTICE No. 4225 named Company will be held at 8t. George's Building, Standard Street, Nairobi, on Friday, l0th December 1965, at 11 a.m ., IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIF,S ACT in accordance with the provisions of and for the purposes Wap. 486) laid down în section 283 (1) of the Companies Act (Cap. 486). Awo IN THE MATTER OIF TANA DEVELGPM BNT COMPANY Dated this 5th day of November 1965. LIMITED MEMSERS' VOLIJNTARY m xolxtl Up J. A . W ARDER, Joint Liquidator, NOTICE is hereby yiven that the following special resolution P.O. Box 30345, N airobi. was passed at a mcetlng of the shareholders of thc Company held on 10th November 1965 :- 'ETHAT the Company be wound up voltmtarily and that John Peters Ord of M ansion House, Nairobi, be appointed GAZETTE N oTIcE No. 4229 liquidator for the purpose.'' THE TRADE UNIGNS ACT Creditors of the Company are required on or before 10th January 1966, to sond full particulars of al1 claims they have (Cap. 233) against the said Company to the undersigned and if so required by netice in writing from the said liquidator are personally PURSUANT to section 63 of the above-mentioned Act, or by their advocates to come in and prove their debts or notice is hereby given that the registration of the- claims set out in such notice or in default theretyf they may be KExvA Bus SimvlcBs EMPLOYBES' Uxlox excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such as a trade union has been refused. debts are proved. Dated this 10th day of November 1965. Dated this 9th day of November 1965. J. P. ORD, Liquidator, 0. J. BURNS, P.O. Box 612, Naîrobi. Ading Registrar t# Trc#e Unions. THE TRADE UNIONS ACT THE SOCIBTIES RULES (Cap. 233) (Cap. 108, Sub. Leg.j PURSUANT to section 63 of the above-mentioned Act, PURSUANT to rule 17 of the Societies Rules, notice is notice is hereby given that the- hereby given that- M OMBASA ANt) Cows'r TAILORS EM/I-OYBRS AssoclAlqox (c) the societies listed in the First Schedule hereto have bcen has been registered as a trade union. registered ; and (b) the societies listed in the Second Schedule hereto have Dated this 8th day of N ovem ber 1965. been exempted from registration, 0. J. BURNS, Acting Registrar ()/ Trade Unions. under the provisions of the Societies Act (Cap. 108). FIRST SCHEDIJLB Name o/ Society Date Registration THE TRADE IJNIONS ACT EFected Bunyore Parents' Association ...... 4-11-65 (Cap. 233) Am bua Clan Society ...... 5-11-65 PURSUANT te section 63 of the above Act, notice is hereby Kenya African National Union, Sultan Hamud given that the undermentioned branches of trade unions have Sub-branch ...... been registered under the Trade Unions Act on the 8th day of N ovem ber 1965 :- SscoNo SCHEDULE Name oj Trade Unftpn.- -rranspo)'t and Allied W orkers Union. Name oj Society Date lmzlc/l.--rltika. Exemption Name oj Trade Lfnf/rl.- lfenya Civil Servants Union. EFected frtzz7c/scy.- n omson's Falls and Kabeto. St. John's Community Centre, Pumwani . . . . 10-11-65 Theosophical Society of E.A., Karatina Lodge . . 10-11-65 Shababul Eid Ez-zahabi, Mombasa . . . . Dated this 11th day ef November 1965. 10-11-65 . Al1 Africa Conference of Churches . . . . 10-11-65 S. 0. TALA, African M uslim Union of Kenya, M kongani Branch ...... 10-11-65 Assîstant Regîstrar t# Trade Unions. Gikoe 4-K Club ...... 10-11-65 Gitunduti 4-K Club . . . . 10-11-65 Icagacumi 4-K Club . . . . 10-11-65

GAZBTTE No'rlcE No. 4232 Kamuyu 4-K Club ...... 10-.11-65 lgana 4-K Club . . , . . . 10-11-65 THE SOCIBTIES ACT Kihoya Location 19 4-K Club . . 10-11-65 (Cap. 108) Matindiri 4-K Club 10-11-65 M elangini 4-K Club 10-11-65 PURSUANT to section 9 (1) of the Societies Act (Cap. .108), having reason to believe that the societies listed in the Schedule M uthambi 4-K Club 10-.11-65 hereto have ceased to exist, l hereby call upon the said societies Ngando 4-K Club . . 10-.11-65 to furnish me with proof of their oxistence within three months Toloso 4-K Club . . 10-11-65 of the date hereof. W amurogi 4-K Club 10-11-65 SCHBDULB Dated this 1 1th day of Navember 1965. Ukamba Traders and Farmers Association. Bunyore W elfare Society, East Africa. R. D. MCLAREN, Bunyore Welfare Society, East M rica, Branch. Assistant Registrar t# Societies. Bunyore W elfare' Society, East Africa, Kakamega Branch. Bunyore Welfare Society,' East Africa, Eldoret Branch. M ombasa Ratepayers' Association. THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Friendly Society. (Incorporated in Canada in 1887 as a Limited Liability Karachucmyo Ma-lmbo (West Karachucmyo Association). Company) Abaluhya W elfare Association, M ombasa. Loss OF POLICY Central Arab Associadon. Policy No. 1360154 jor Sh. 20,000 dated 21Jf December 1955, on the /f/c and the property ol Narhari Nathabhai Patel, Julu Nyabango Community, M ombasa. P.O. Box 17, K isumu, Kenya. Abaluhya Peoples' Association, Eldoret Branch. NOTICE is hereby given that evidence of the loss or destruc- Hindu Karigar Mandal (Labour Union). tion of this policy has been submitted to the Company and Balmik Bharat Mandal (Balmiki Youngmen Association). any person in possession of the policy or claiming to have any interest in this document should communicate within 39 days by registered post with the Company. Failing any such com- Dated this 11th day of November 1965. munication certified copy of the golicy (which shall be the. sole evidence of the contract) wil bc lssued to the owner. R. D . M CLAREN, Assistant Regîstrar tp/ Societîes. W . NEEDHAM -CLARK, Resident M anager, P.O. Box 30063, Nairobi. GAZBTTB No'rlcis No. 4233 G AZBTTE N o'rïc:B N o. 4236 THE SOCIETIES RULES (Ccp. 108, Sub. Leg.) THF, PAN AFRICA INSURANCE COMPANY LIM ITED, M OM BASA PURSUANT to rule 17 of the Societies Rules, notice is hereby given of the registration of change of name of the (INCORPORATED IN KBNYA) registered society named in the Schedule hereto. Loss oF Pol-lcY Policy No. 1001 for Sh. 15,000 on the lije oj Kantibha: SCI-IEDTJLE A mbalal A min, P.O. Box 6897, N airobi. Kanyikwaya (Gem) Welfare Society, to Kanyikwaya (Gem) NOTICE having been given of the loss of the above- Welfare Seciety (Kenya), Nairobi Branch. qumbered policy, its duplicate will be issued unless objection is filed with the undersigned within one month from the date hereof . M. D. NAVARE, AssistantR R. eDgî.s tMraCr L0A/ RSEoNcîe,tieg. M ombasa, M anager, 4 t h N o v e m b e r 1 9 Aw 5 . P.O. Box 867, Ivlombasa. 1394 Tlv K EN YA G A ZE'IT E 16th N ovem ber 1965

G AZBTI'E N o'ncE N o. 4237 G AZETTE NoTl(%, No. 4241 CITY COUN CIL C)F NA IROBI TH E JUBILEE INSURAN CE CO M PAN Y LIM ITED GRADU ATED PERSON AL TAX , 1966 (lxcolœoltxrrEo Ix KENYA) PURSUANT to section 3 (1) of the Graduatod Personal Tax M OM BA SA A ct, 1963, the City Counc'il of N airobi havo by rôsolution prescribed that f or the year 1966 Graduated Personal TM shall Loss oF Potlcy be paid at the rates shown in the Schedule attached hereto. ' Policy No. 16676 on the D/e oj Kamrudin Pirbhai Amershî ol K ampala. SCHEDULE APPLICATION has been m ade to this Cem pany for the issue of duplicate of the above-num bered policy, the original Ixcom A having been reported as lost or m isplaced. N otice is hereby nnual M onthly given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the E xceeding N ot Exceeding W X TaX , - Payable Payable oflice of the Com pany within 30 days from the date hereof, - . - - . duplicate policy will be issued. A nnual M onthly Annual M onthly f Sh. f Sh . S h . Sh. M . R. H OSAN G ADY, 96 160 48 4 Executive D irector, 96 160 144 240 72 6 M om basa, Head OMcc, 144 , 240 204 340 108 9 4th N ovem bor 1965. #.&. Box 220, M ombasa. 204 340 312 520 156 13 312 520 420 700 240 20 420 700 516 860 360 30 516 860 600 1,000 480 40 600 1,000 -- -- 600 50 G AM TTE N olqcs N o. 4238 D . M . W H ITESIDE, LII?E IN SU RAN CE CORPORATION OF IN D IA A cting Town Clerk, FOREIGN D EPARTM ENT N ovem ber 1* 5. City Hall, Nairobi. Loss oF Pou cy GAZETTE N o'rl(zE N o. 4242 N OTICE having been given of the loss of Policy 57268240 TH E SIRIKW A COUN W COU N CIL No. on the life of Shri M eghji Devshi Shah, duplicate 57319645 THE TIN DERET AREA COU N CIL policy will be issued unless objectiop is lodged with the above 'I'H E G RASS PIRES A CT Oë ce within one m onth from this date. (Cap. 327) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 11 of the D . R . D ESAI, Grass Fires Act (Cap. 327), the Area Council of Tinderet hereby Branch M anager. declares a state of danger in respect of County Division as deEned by the Local Government (County of Slrikwa) Order (L.N . 451 /63), between 1st December 1965 and 30th April 1966 inclusive. CJAZET:E '4orlcE Tlo. 4239 rhe burning of vegetation within the said area is hereby prohibited, except with permission of the Council, and any one who burns vegetation contrary to the provisions of thls THE ClW COUNCIL OF NAIROBI Order shall be guilty of an osence. THE G RAD UATED PERSON AL Tu ACT, 1965 B. K . ARA.P TAN UI, PENALTY FoR LATE PAYMENT Clerk to Council, Eldoret, Sirikwa County Council, PURSUA NT to section 10 of the above-m entioned Act, the 11th N ovem ber 1965. P.O . Box 100, Eldoret. Council at its m eeting on 17th Februaçy 1965, appointed 31st D ecem ber 1965, as the day after which the application ef the aforem entioned section to the N airobi Area. QIAZETTS èfoTlcE 'io. 4243 A1l persons specified therein, i.e. persons in receipt of an incom o not derived from em plopnent who have not com m enced TH E COIJNTY COU N CIL 0F TH E CEN RII7T to stam p a G raduated Personal Tax Card on the 31st day of NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of section 3 (1) of January 1965, or have not com pleted paym ent of the tax for the Rating Act, 1964, that the County Council of the Central the year 1965 by the appointed day, i.e'. 31st D ecem bcr 1965, Rift has im posed the following rates for tho fnancial year shall pay a genalty equal to twice the am ount of in ending 31st D ecember 1965 :- ddault in addltion to the tax due. 1. Naivasha Urban, Gilgil Urban and Kijabe Trading Contre.-d per cent of unim proved site value. D . M . W H ITESID E, 2. Naivasha and Gilgil Rural.- 50 per cent of annual value. N airobi, A cting Town Clerk, 3 . Rongai Township.- 3 per cent of unim proved site value. 16th N ovem ber 1965. 'City H all, N airobi. 4. Rongai/Kampi ya M oto, Subukia, Solai and Letnet Rura1.- 50 per cent of annual value. 5. Njoro, Elburgon and M olo Urban.-d per cent of site CIAZETTE 'qoTlcE lfo. 4240 value. 6. Njoro, Turi, Elburgon, M olo / M au Summit and O1' engu- ruone Rura1.- 50 per ccnt of annual value. THE ClTY COUN CIL OF N M ROBI 7. Eldam a Ravine Township.- 3 per cent of site value. GRADU ATED PERSON AL Tu 8. Ravine Rural and Adjudication Sections of Kiprota, N gubretti, N gendalel, Chem ogoch, Kisokon, Kiptuim , N oTlcs To A Lc E MPLOYERS Kisanana 1, Kisanana 2, Saos, Kabim oi, ' Kipttm o, EM PLOYERS of labour are reminded that two questions Koitabes, Rosoga, Sigora, Poror.- 50 per cent of annual appoar in the spaces at the bottom right hand side of the value. Graduated Personal Tax Card. These concern rèsidence of the The abeve rates shall becom e payable at the Adm inistrative em ployee and his fam ily and if applicable, m ust be answered OK ces of the Cotmty Council of the C'entra) Rift, P.O. Box 138, beforo the card js returned to this Council at the year end. N akuru, on 15th D ecem ber 1965. Em ployers wishing to recoive further inform ation and a code Pursuant to section 16 (3) of the Rating Act (No. 20 of list of the 41 local authorities in Kenya, should m ake applica- 1964), interest shall become payable tty the County Council of tion to the Graduated Personal Tax Section in the Banking the Central Rift at the rate of 1 per centum per m ensem or Hall at the City Hall Nairobi, or write to the City Treasurer, parf thereof on any rate remaining unpaid after the day on P !.l .O. Box 30037, N alrob i. w hich the sam e was payable. L . E . TA RPLEE , D . M . W H ITESID E, Clerk t# the Council, N airobi, A cting Tow n Clerk, N akuru, County H all, 16th N ovcm ber 1965. C ity H all, N airobi. #th N ovem ber 1965. P.O. Box 138, Nakuru. 16th November 1965 THE KENYA GAZETFE 1395 GAZETTE NoTlcB No. 4244 Forms of Nomination may be obtained from the olce of the District Olcer, TaNeta., on any week-day between 1he THB COIJ'NTY COUNCIL OF THE CENTRAL RlFT hours of nine o'clock in the morning and noon.

DRAFT SIJPPI-EMSNTARY VALUATION RoLL, 1965 M . M . M UH ASHAM Y, NOTICE is hereby given qlzat the Draft Suppiementary Returnîng Olccr, Valuation Roll, 1965, for Nalvasha, Gilgil, Kijabe, Rongai, Taita D îstrict. Molo, Njoro, Elburgon and Eldama Ravine has been laid N o'rss before a meeting of the County Council of the Central m ft as required by the Rating Act (Cap. 266), and is now available 1. The atteation of candidates and persoas nominating is at the County Hall, Nakuru, for public inspection. drawn to the rttles for jiiling up nomination papers and other provisions relating to the nomination contained in the Local Any person who is aggrieved- Government (Election) Rules, 1963. (aj by the inclusion of any rateable property in or by the 2. Every person guilty of a corrupt or illegal practice will, omission of any rateable property from the said on conviction, be liable to the penaltivs imposed by the Election Supplementary Valuation Roll ; or Offences Act. Lb) by any valuo ascribed in the Supplementary Valuation Roll to any rateable property, or by any other statement tlxzETTE lloTlcB '4o. 4247 made or ornitted to be made in the same with respect to any rateable property, THE TRANSFER OF BUSINESSES ACT may Jodge an objection in writing to the Clerk of the Cotmcil, (Ccp. 500) P.O. Box 138, Nakuru, at any time before the expiration of NOTICE is heroby given that the business of hotel, bar and 28 days from the date of publication of this notice. restaurant carried on by the Coast Investments Linaited, under the lirm name or style of Blue Marlin Hotel at Plot No. 603, No person shall be entitlcd to urge any objection before a , has, as from the 1st day of November 1965, been Valuation Court unless he shall havo lirst lodged such notice sold and transferred to Safari and Sea Hotel- Blue Marlin.- of objection as aforesaid. Limited wlto will carry on the said business at tbe same address Forms of objection may be obtained from tho undersigned. under the same' lirm namo or style of the Blue Marlin Hotel. The address of the transferor is P.O. Box 54, Malindi. L. E, TARPLEE, The address of the transferee is P.O. Box 54, M alindi. Clerk (7/ the Council, Nakuru, County Hall, Yhe transferee doe,s not assmne nor it intends to assume. 8th November 1965. P.O. Box 138, Nakuru. any of the liabilities incurred by the transforor in the said business and tho same will be paid and discharged by the transferor up to and including the 31st day of October 1965. A1i debts due to or owing by the transferor up to and including QIAZETTE èfoTlcE l4o. 4245 the 31st day of October 1965, will be received and paid by the transferor. . COUNTY COUNCIL OF NYANDARUA Dated at Nairobi this 8th day of Novembor 1965. DRAFT SG PLBMBNTARY VALUATION ROLL, 1965 NOTICE is hereby given that the Draft Supplementary SHAPLBY BARRET MARSH & CO., Valuation Roll for the year 1965 f or the County of Nyandarua Advocates jor the Transjerec. has been laid beforo a meeting of the County Cotmcil of Nyandarua and is now available at the Council Olces, 01 Joro Orok, for public inspection during normnl working hours. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP ln conformity with section 11 of the Valuation for Rating Ad, any person aggrieved- NOTICE Ls herebr given that tle partnership heretofore sub- sisting between lsmall Kalu Qureshi and Harklshan Bbikhabhai (c) by the inclusion of any rateable property in, or by the Chauhan trading under the 5rm name or style of Ideal Garaye, omissiori of any rateable property from, any Draft at Kenyatta Avenue, Nakuru, has been by mutual consent dls- Valuation Roll or Draft Supplementary Valuation Roll ; solved by retirement therefrom of Harkishaa Bhikhabhai or Cbauhan, witil efect from the 27th day of October 1965. (b) by any valuation ascribed in any Draft Valuation Roll The said business will hereafter be carried by the continuing or Draft Supplementary Vallzation Roll, to any rateable partner Ismail Kalu Qureshi as the solo proprietor thereof at property, or by any other statement made or omitted 1he said place under the' same iirm name or style. to be made in the same with respect to any rateable The continuing gartner shall recover and pay al1 debts due property, to and by the sald partnership as up to the date of such may lodge an objection with the Acting Clerk of the Council dissolution. at any time before the expiration of 28 days from the date of publication of this notice. Any such objections shall be Dated at Naklzru this 27th day of October 1965. znade in writing. No person shall be entitle,d to urge any objection before a ISMM L KALU QURESHI, Valuatlon Court tmless he has first lodged such notice of Continuîng partner. objection as aforesaid. HARX ISHAN BHIKHABHAI CHAUHAN, Retiring partner. E. K. B. M UTEMA, Acting Clerk 5/ the Council, County Council t?/ Nyandarua, GxzB'r'rB NovlcE No. 4249 01 Joro Orok, P.O. Box 4, 4th November 1965. 01 Joro Orok. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAM E 1, Kulstmlbai Hassanali Alibhai Kanji of P.O. Box 687, GAzs'r-rs No'rlcs No. 4246 Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, hcreby give public notice that by a deed poll dated thc 30th day of October 1965 duly executed by me as the mother and natural guardian o, f my THE TM TA/TAVETA COIJNTY COUNCIL minor son Abdulrehman Hassanali Alibhai Kanji, I have form- THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BLECTION RULES, 1963 ally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name of Babu Hassanali Alibhai Kanji and in lieu ELECTION is to be held for a councillor to serve on the thereof on his behalf assumed the name of Abdulrehman Taita/Tavet.a County Council for the electoral are.a specised Hassanali Alibhai Kanji, 1 hereby request and authorize a1l below : - persons to designate and address my said son by the name of Abdulrehnnan Hassanali Alibhai Kanji upon all occasions and Electoral aglrcc.- -faveta-Mzima. for a11 purposeas.

Nominatlon Day will be on 14th Decembez 1965, and c'andi- dates should deliver their nomination papers to the Deputy Dated at M ombasa this 30th day of October .1965. Returning OKcer, Taveta (D.O.'s Olce, Taveta), between tho hours of dght o'clock in the mornlng afld twelve noon. KULSUMBM HASSANALI ALIBHM KANJI. 1396 TH E K EN YA G AZEU E 16th N ovem ber 1965


By this deed, 1, the undersigned Peter Solomon, a Kenya j xjojAamed Javaid Awan s/ o Ghulam Rubani of P.O . citizen of P.O . Box 160, M om basa, K enya, do hereby s ox' 4ap x airebi in K enya, form erly called M oham ed Javaid absolutely renounco and abandon the use of my last name (àf jjanjd s j, o Ghulam Rubani , hereby give public notice that I Vallabhdas and in pursuance of such change and renounciation jlaye absolutely renounced and abandoned thc use of tho said ' of nam e I hereby declare that 1 will at all tim es hereafter surnam e 0j u arjid and assum ed in lieu thereof the surname in a11 records, deeds and instruments in writing and in all f xwan o , and further that such change is evidenced by a actions and proceedings and in alJ dealings and transactions (jeed poll dated the 11th day of N ovem ber 1965 duly executed and upon al1 occasions whatsoever use and sign m y said nam e b m o and attested , of Peter Solom on in lieu of m y f orm er nam e of Peter Solom on y . Vallabhdas so renounced as aforesaid, and I hereby authorize oated at Nairobi this 12th day of N ovem ber 1965 and request a11 persons te designate', describe and addrcss nae . by the assumed nam e of Peter Solom on only. M ou x M so Jw vxlo Aw AN , In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal . jormerly M ohamed Javaid Hanid. this 30th day of October 1965. PETER SOLO M ON . GAZBT'I'E NoTIcE N o. 4256 GAZE'I'TE No'rlcE No. 4251 2) PER CENT KEINYA STOCK 1965/70 N OTICE OF CH ANG E OF NA M E 17OR the purpose of preparing the warrants for interest due

I l Kalim Ullah Awan s/o Ghulam Rubani of P.O . Box 439, on ,15th January 1966, tho balances of the' several accounts in . Nalrobi in Kenya f orm eTly called K alim ultakt uanad s / o the aboke-mentloned Stock will bo syruck at close of business Ghulam Rubani , on 15th December 1965, after which date the Stock will be , hereby give' public notice that I have absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of the said surnam e of transferable ex dividend. H anad and assumed in lieu thereof the surnam e of Awan and TH E TREA SU RY further that such change is evidenced by a deed poll dated P ! the 11th day of November 1965, duly executed by me and .O. Box 30007, N avobi. attested. -- Dated at N airobi this 12th day of N ovember 1965. GAZETTE Nozqcs N o. 4257 K ALIM U LLAH AW AN , THE TROTJT Acvr formerly Kalim Ullah Hanad. (Cap . 380) - wssorxwvsxv G AZE'I'TB N o'rlcE N o. 4252 IN EX ER CTSE of the powers conferred by section 8 of the N OTICE OF CHAN G E OF N A M E Trout Act, tho Chief Fisheries Oflicer hereby appoints-

1. ' Ghulam Rubani Awan s/o M ohamed Ibrahim of P.O. REX I'IIGGINS Box 439, Nairobi in Konya, form erly called G hulam Rubani to be H onorary F.ish W arden for the period of live years from Hanad s / o of M ohamed lbrahim, hereby give public notice the date hereof . that I have absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of the said surnam e of Hanad and assum ed in lieu thereof the N airobi, C . E. P. W ATSON , surname of Awan and further that such change is evidenced 8th November 1965. Chiej Fisheries Ogcer. by a deed poll dated the 11th day of N ovem ber 1965, duly ' executed by m e and attested. - D ated at N airobi this 12th day of N ovember 1965. G AZETTE N OTICB N o. 4258 GHIJLAM RUBAX I Aw Ax , W ARNIN G TO' TRADERS jormerly Ghulam Rubani Hanad. toss or LocAl - PuRclu sE O RDER FoRM s

- ' N OTICE is given that the following Local Purchase Order GAZETTB N o'rlcB N o. 4253 Fbrm s have been lost- N OTICE OF CHAN G E Os x xsjs N 0s.- 238698, 238699, 238700, 209367, 2093'72, 209374, 209380, 209387, 209389, 209394, 209399. BY a deed dated the 12t11 day of N ovem ber 1965, Anthony N Clilord Vincent Saldanha of N akuru also called or know n o person who presents any of the said Order Forms to any by the nam e iford Antonio Vicen, te Saldanha, renounced tfader haS authority to do so, and responsibility cannot be 'of C l and abandoned the use of his said nam o of cuford Antonio accepted for losses which may be incurred by any trader who Vicente Saldanha and assumed (or retained exclusively) in lj eu supplies goods to such person. Anyone to whom any of the thereof as from the date hereof the nam e of Anthony Cliford said O'rder Form s is presented should inform the Police and Vincent Saldanha and jn pursuance of such cj , arjge of name as the Chief Engineer (Roads), M inistry of W orks, Communica- aforesaid it is herebï declared that he will at all times hereafter tions and Power. in all records and lnstruments in writinj and in all dealings and transactions and upon a11 occasions whatsoever use' and . sign the said nam e of Anthony Clicord Vincent Saldanha as ' his nam e in lieu of the said form er nam e of Cliford Antonio .

aVuitchenortiez eSs aaldnadn hrae qusoe strs enao11u npceerds onass taof odresaigidn,a teand he heroby N oW (JN SA.'1' aE , describe and address him by such assum ed nam e of Anthony Clifford V incent Saldanha only. o ated at x airou this 12th day of N ovember 1965. I)G -IZEVEL AW PO ER SI-IAPLEV BARRBT M ARSH & co., Advocates for Angony cppor.s vincent sauanka. REQIJIRE ENTS A GAzsvrs Novlcs xo. 4254 R ESOU R CES lN K EN Y A NOTICE O'F CH AN GE OF NA M E anj, kcuhoawnyy Yjyyn ( yMe auna mo of oXf êt iyr Oobui vi na UK ecnjyazyj' hs aRIC C , t Ojjfo yreetl yc agllyevd u 1 9 6 4 - 1 9 7 0 public notice that by a deed poll dated the 3rd day of N ovember 1965, duly executed by m e at N airobi, 1 have , formally antl absolutely Tenounced and abandoned the use of m y said form er nam e of Yon M an Chan San and in lieu thereof have assum ed tho nam e of Chan Yon M an for al1 purposes and hereby authorize and request a11 perscns to Price ; Sh. 5 (Postage 50 centsj designato, describe and address m e by the nam e of Chan Yon M an. D ated at N airobi this 3rd day of N ovem ber 1965. cuAx vox M Ax , lormerly known as von Man o an san. l Obtainable from the G overnm ent Printer, N airobi