WAJIR BASE MAP 16 Februray 2012

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WAJIR BASE MAP 16 Februray 2012 WAJIR BASE MAP 16 Februray 2012 Sudan Ethiopia !( Sololo Moyale !( H! X X Eastern X Rift valley Takabba Uganda Gurar !( Somalia u"X GODOMA WAJIR XOGORJI X!( X GURAR X Western North Eastern u" b " Central BUTE u Nyanza DANABA Nairobi DUGOW BUTE X MANDERA GURAR X b b Coast QUADAMA MOYALE b Debel b b !(b Tanzania u" bb u" b b X AJAW u" b b b X b b X b b b KORODILLE b bb b b Xb Bute Helu BUNA !( b b b El Wak bX b b Buna b !( X!( BATALU b X b b BUNA b MANZA b X X b DUNTO b INGIRIR X b TARBAJ LEISANYU MULKA GUbLFU b b ELBEN b X Eldas X X LAKbXOLEY NORTH !(b SARBAN Xu" X b X b bb ELDAS b X u" X X ELDAS DAMBAS u" KOTULO WAJIR LAKOLEY SOUTH X b DELA El Bben BASIR X !(Xb X KILKILEY b b b b Tarbej Khorof Habrar MARSABIT !(b X !( b X KOTULO WAJIR X b WARGADU X u" TARBAJ u" ARBAJAHAN X GRIFTU u" X GRIFTU u" WARGADUD WAJIR bX KHOROF-HARAR X !(X LAFALEY bX bb Giriftu LAbFALEY X u" X WAJIR-BOR TULu"ATULXA ELNUbR DASHXEG X bX X b b b X Wagalla RIBA ADHI -BOGOL WAGALLA u!("bX bX"XWX ajir X b KENYA DISTRICT MAP XXXuXXXX bb JOGBARU XXXXXH!XXX WAGBEbRI X b !( Yamicha XXbXbpbb b b WAJIRb-BOR b X Xbu" Xbb b b b Water point X u"bHODHAN X Xb GANYURE WAJIR TObWNSHIP X X School X Xb X b b KUKALA b b b p b b b Airfield X b b GERILLE u" IBRAHIM HADADO NORTH b b "u X b b Hospital HADADO X BOJIHERI CENTRAL WAJIR b !( LOLKUTA NORTH Other town KULAAbLEbY b b b b H b b ! Major town LAG-BOGOL X LOLKUTA SOUTH b DIFF !( Major river b BURDER b HADADO SOUTH b b X LAGBOGOL SOUTHb !( X b b Major road X b Merti ADEMSAJIDA KIWANJA NDEGE b b !( MACHEZA KURSIN b Bulesa Lake HabasweinX XXX X DIFF b !( !( DXif!( u" u" District Bobundary HABASWEIN b X b TESORIE X HABASWEIN b !( Division Boundary X DILMANYALEY BANANE b Location Boundary bbb !( b u" b Map Doc Name: b SEBULE KE_Wajir base Map bb bb X X Creation Date: 16 feb 2012 u" SARIF Muka Guracha ABAKORE b X Projection/Datumbb: bb WGS 1984 DADAJA BURA !( Web R!(esBoeurncaesnb:e b http://ochaonline.un.org/kenya b b b X Nominal Scale at Ab4 paper size: 1:2,000,000 !( X SHIMBIR WAJIR b b bb b bb bb SEBULE X b b b b Map daBtaE sNoAurNceE(s): b u" b Admin boundaries: bCbCK 2002 !(Liboi b bRoads: Commbunication Commission of Kenya(CCK 2002) Tbowns: WFP 2b006 b b b Rivers: DEPHA 200b6 GARISSA bb bb !( b b DAGAHALEY WAJIR Disclaimers: u" b The debsignations employed and the presentation of material on this map do bnot imply any obpinion on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations. b b !( b b !( b Kora Wells !( !( !( !(.
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