THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) -- Vol. LXVII-No. 52 NAIROBI, 16th November 1965 Price: Sh. 1 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZETTENoT1cEs-(Contd.) PAGE PAGE The Interpretation and General Provisions Act- The Companies Act-Winding-up Notices . 1392 Temporary Transfers of Powers . 1374 The Trade Unions Act-Registrations . 1392 The Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Act, 1965- The Societies Act-Registrations, etc. 1393 Authorization . Lost Policies . 1393 The Provident Fund Act-Appointment . Local Government Notices . 1394 The Criminal Procedure Code-Increased Powers . Business Transfer . 1395 Dissolution of Partnership . 1395 The Courts Act-Increased Civil Jurisdictioil . Changes of Name . 1395 The Museums Trustees Act-Appointment . Kenya Stock . 1396 The Agriculture ~ct-~Bnagement Orders, etc. The Trout Act-Appointment . 1396 Lost Local Purchase Orders . 1396 The Agricultural Credit Act-Appointments . The Tea (Appointments to the Board) Regulations- Appointments . SUPPLEMENT No. 88 Bills, 1965 The Medical Practitioners and Dentists Rules- Notice of Election . The Forest Act-Alteration of Boundaries . SUPPLEMENT No. 89 The Borstal Institutions Act-Cancellation, etc. Legislative Supplement LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE The Local Government Regulations, 1963-Nomination 290-The Iilterpretation and General Provisions Vacancies . Act-Delegation of Powers . 509 291-The Wild Animals Protection (Lake Solai The Registration of Titles Act-Registration . Controlled Area) Notice, 1965 . 509 The Animal Diseases Act-Appointments . 292-The Traffic (Vehicle Licences) (Duration, Fees and Refund) (Amendment) Rules, 1965 Notice re Sale of Game Trophies . 293-The Loca! Government (Kakamega Trade Nairobi Cost of Living Indices . Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 294-The Local Government (Taita-Taveta Trade Notice re Closure of Roads . Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 . Tender . 295-The Local Government (Embu Trade Develop- ment Joint Board) Order, 1965 . The Mining Regulations-Expiration . 296-The Local Government (Olkejuado Trade E.A. Currency Board-Circulation Return . Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 E.A. Customs and Excise Department-Tariff 297-The Local Government (Kisumu Trade Interpretation . Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 . 298-The Local Government (Mandera Trade The Agricultural Credit Act-Sale Notices . Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 The Electric Power Act-Applications, etc. 299-The Local Government (Wajir Trade Develop- ment Joint Board) Order, 1965 . The Trust Land Act-Setting Apart of Land . 300-The Local Government (Garissa Trade Transport Licensing . Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 . 301-The Local Government (Kiambu Trade The Water Act-Applications . Development Joint Board) Order, 1965 . Liquor Licensing . 302, 303-The Local Government Regulations, 1963-Revocations of Joint Boards . Probate and Administration . 304--The Prisons Act-Declaration . Bankruptcy Jurisdiction . 305-The Detention Camps Act-Declaration . 1374 TH E K EN Y A GA ZE'I'TE 16th N ovem ber 1965 G ztzErrs N orzcE N o. 4137 G AZBTTE N oTlcE N o. 4141 LCONST. 1 /2/21) THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA (AM ENDM END ACT, TH E IN TERPRETATION AN D G EN ERAL PROVISION S 1965 ACT (lqo. 14 of 1965) (Cap. 2) ExERclsB oF PoyvEus UNDBR SECTION 17 TEM PORARY TRANSFBR OF M INISTERIAL POW ERS IT IS hereby notified for gcneral inform ation that 1, Jom o IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 37 of tho K enyatta, with effect from 12th December 1964, have authorized Interpretation and G eneral Provisions Act, and of all other the Com missioner of txetnds to m ake grants or dispositions of powors thereto enabling m e, 1 hereby direct that, during the any estates, interests or rights in or over lands that are for absence beginning on 7th N ovem ber 1965, of the M inister for the time being vested in the G overnm ent of K enya. Iwands and Settlem ent all the powers conferred, and all the Gazette Notice No. 3510/ 1965 is hereby cancelled. duties im posed, upon that M inister by or under any A ct shall be had and m ay be exercised, and shall be perform ed, Dated this 9th day of November 1965. respectively, by the M inister for Local G overnm ent. JOM O K ENYATTA , Presîdent . D ated this 9th day of Novem bcr 1965. JOM O K EN YAW A , QIAZBTTB èfoTlcE lfo. 4142 President . THB PROV ID EN T FUN D ACT (Cap. 191) CIAZETTE 'ioTlcs èfo. 4138 A PPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF ACANAGBMENT (CONST. 1/2/21) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 (2) THE IN TERPRBTATION A N D G EN ERA L PROVISION S of the Provident Fund Act, the President heroby appoints- ACT STBPHEN N olcHu (Cap. 2) to be a m em ber of the Board of M anagement in place of W M PORARY TRANSFBR OF M INISTERIAL POW ERS S. K . M angeli*. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 37 of the D ated this 27th day of October 1965. Interpretation and G eneral Provisions Act, and of a1l other powers thereto enabling m e, 1 hereby direct that, dudng the JOM O KENYATTA: absence beginning on 17th N ovem ber 1965, of the M inister for Presldent . N atural Resourcej and W ildlife a11 the powers conferred, and *G.N . 2415/ 1962. a11 the duties im posed, upon that M inister by or undor any Act shall be had and m ay be exercised, and shall be perform ed, respectively, by the M inister for H om e A ffairs. CIAZETTE 'ioTlcE èlo. 4143 D ated this 9th day of N ovem ber 1965. THE CRIM IN AL PROCEDU RE COD E (Ccp. 75) JO M O K EN Y A T IW , IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 7 of the President . Crim inal Procedure C'ode, I hereby confer upon- BALDBV R &J SHARMA G AZET'I'B NolqcE N O. 4139 Resident M agistrate, with effect from t'M s date the powers W ONST. 1 /2 /21) conferred by that section in a Senior Resident M agistrate. Dated this 6th day of N ovem ber 1965. THE IN TERPRETATION AN D G EN ERAL PROVISION S ACT A . J. AIN LEY , (Cap. 2) Chiej Justice. TEMPORARY TRANSFER OF M INISTERIAL POWERS IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 37 of CIAZETTB lfoTlcs l4o. 4144 tlle Interpretation and G eneral Provisions A ct, and of all othcr powers thereto enabling m e, I hereby direct that, dm ing the THE COU RTS ACT absence beginning .on 7th N ovember .1965, of the M inister for (Cap. 10) Agriculture and Anim al H usbandry al1 the powers conferred, and a1l the duties im posed, upon that M inister by or under INCREASED CïVIL JURISDICTION any A ct, shalà be had and m ay be exercised, and shall be IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 of the perform ed, respectively, by the M inister f or Com m erce and Courts A ct, the Acting Chief Justice hereby grants to- Industry. BALDEV lu z SHARM A D ated this 4th day of Novem bor 1965. a magistrate empowered to hold a subordinate coprt* of the first class, full jurisdiction over a11 persons in #11 clvil matters JOM O KEN YATTA: in which the value of the subject matter in dlspute does not Presldent . exceed S.h. 3,000. Dated this 6th day of N ovem ber 1965. GAZETTS Ntm cE N (). 4140 A . J. AIN LEY , Câfe/ Justîce. (CONST. 1/2/21) *G.N. 4565/1962. TH B IN TERPRETATION AN D GENERAL PROVISION S ACT (Cap. 2) CIAZETTB ;foTIcE llo. 4145 TEMPORARV TRANSFBR oF M INISTBRIAL Pow Elts TH E M U SEU M S TRU STEF.S AG IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 37 of (Cap. 216) the lnterpretation and G eneral Provisions Act, and of a11 other APPOINTMENT powers thereto enabling m e, I hereby direct that, during the absence beginning on 7th N ovember 1965, of the M inister fer IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 (2) of Finance a11 the powers conferred, and all the duties im posed, the M useum s Trustees Act, tho M inister for Bducation hereby upon that M inister by or under any Act shall be had and appoints- m ay be exercised, and shall be performed, respectively, by the D OUGLAS ODHIAMBO M inister fer Internal Security and D efence. to be a m em ber of the Board of Trustees known ms the M useums Trustees of K enya. D ated this 11th day of N ovem ber 1965. D ated thls 22nd day of October 1965. JOM O K EW AW A, M BIY U K Om AN GE, Presîdent . M inîster Ior Educatîon. 16th N ovem ber 1965 TH E KENYA GA ZETFE 1375 GAZBT'I.E No'rlcs No. 4146 WAB. 16/11/207) CJAZBTTB 'fOTICE iio. 4149 THE AG RICULTURE ACIN (CAB. 16 / 11 /208) (Cap. 318) THE AGRICULTURE ACT Nolqcs 'ro SHow CAusE (Cap. 318) (Section 187 (3) (a) and (O) MANAGBMBNT ORDBR To : Douglas M axwell, Esq., P.O. Kiganio. (u%ection 187 (1)) WHEREAS a Management Order is in ferce in respect of- W HEREAS l am satisfed, and do hereby certify, that- Farm L.R. No. 2263 (1 056 acres) and situated in the Farm L.R. No. 2278 (162 acres), owned by Estate of the Nyeri area of the Nyeri Dlstrict, late G. R. Lovelace Semple-Fisher and situated in the Nyeri (hereinafter referred to as the holding) : area of the N yeri District, Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub- (hereinafter referred to as the holding) is being managed or section (3) of section 187 of the Act, the Minister for supervised so inadequately that it is necessary for preventing Agriculture and Animal Husbandry hereby called upon the said or delaying the deterioration of the holding to make and serve Douglas M axwell to show cause, within one month after the this Order : date of service of this notice, to the satisfaction of the Minister, Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by why an order should not be made by the M inister, with the section 187 of the Agriculture Aot, and after consultation with consent of the Central Agricultural Board, ordering : the Central Provinclal Agricultural Board, I hereby order (i) Subpara.
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