December 22, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2647 Calorie March’’ from Florida to Boston in (#669). Had I been present I would have voted Law Enforcement Block grants, which goes to which took place in 2005. ‘‘aye.’’ help our first responders, will be cut by $315 Working with opera star Andrea Delgudice, S. 1932, On Agreeing to the Conference million. While I agree that we must be fiscally Todd also founded the Todd G. Patkin Oppor- Report for Budget Reconciliation, 2006 (#670). responsible, we cannot do so at the expense tunity Performing Art Center. It brings the Had I been present I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ of vital social and federal programs that assist highest quality vocal, dance and acting in- f our communities. struction to its students, many of whom are Mr. Speaker, I support our troops, and I be- from the less-advantage areas of Brockton, H.R. 2863 lieve in a robust defense. But we cannot use Massachusetts, and are receiving full scholar- this legislation to hold our troops politically ships because of their economic need. HON. DAVID WU hostage to unwise policies. I am pleased that Todd recently made a substantial contribu- OF OREGON ANWR has been stripped out of this bill, and tion to the Boston Medical Center for its Todd IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I strongly support its passage now that it has and Yadira Patkin Sickle Cell Anemia Clinic. Thursday, December 22, 2005 been removed. He has also provided significant financial sup- f port to the Boston chapter of the Anti-Defama- Mr. WU. Mr. Speaker, now that the most tion League, where he and Andrew Tarsy will egregious provision has been stripped out the H.R. 2863—DOD APPROPRIATIONS be managing a new initiative to combat bigotry Defense Appropriations bill, I rise to offer my CONFERENCE REPORT and intolerance in greater Boston. support for this important legislation. Todd has had a positive impact internation- When the House first voted on this measure HON. TOM UDALL ally as well, Mr. Speaker. He supports two early Monday morning on December 19, I op- OF NEW posed this bill because, among other reasons, charities in the State of Israel—the Jewish Na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tional Fund, which is chaired by Ronald it included a provision to permit oil and gas Thursday, December 22, 2005 Lauder, and the Yemin Orde Youth Village drilling in ANWR. The Arctic Refuge is one of headed by Chaim Peri. The village is perhaps the last, wild, untouched places left in the Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I the most advanced orphanage in Israel and —with an abundance and variety applaud the removal of a provision from the the world. It focuses on helping children, who of wildlife. Not only was I concerned about the Department of Defense Appropriation bill that frequently have been orphaned under dev- environmental impact of opening up ANWR to would have allowed drilling in the Arctic Na- astating circumstances, to become happy and drilling and exploration, but I was also op- tional Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). This pristine productive members of society. Today over posed to the inclusion of this unrelated provi- wilderness area deserves to be protected, and two-thirds of the 300 children in the village are sion in a defense bill. I am glad that the furthermore, a Defense Appropriations bill was Jews of Ethopian descent. ANWR provision has been stripped from this an entirely inappropriate vehicle to use to at- bill. f tempt to approve drilling in ANWR. For those The remaining bill will do a great deal to and other reasons, I opposed passage of H.R. PERSONAL EXPLANATION support our troops. It appropriates a total of 2863 on December 19, 2005. $453.5 billion for defense programs, including I am greatly pleased, however, that the Sen- HON. JIM KOLBE $50 billion in emergency spending for military ate rejected the inclusion of the ANWR lan- OF operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am guage, and removed the rider from this impor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pleased that it contains language, authored by tant appropriations bill. I still have grave con- Senator JOHN MCCAIN that bars any U.S. per- cerns over several provisions still included in Thursday, December 22, 2005 sonnel, including civilians, from engaging in H.R. 2863, however, when it is passed into Mr. KOLBE. Mr. Speaker, on December 16, ‘‘cruel, inhumane, or degrading’’ treatment of law our brave soldiers will get the resources 17, and 18, 2005, I missed the following votes detainees. I am particularly pleased it includes they need to do the job overseas and return due to previous commitments in my Congres- funds for an average 3.1 percent pay increase home safely as quickly as possible. sional district: for the men and women in our armed forces. f S. 1932, On Motion to Instruct Conferees, H.R. 2863 also includes funding for certain Budget Reconciliation, 2006 (#652). Had I special pay and bonuses for reserve per- THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE been present I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ sonnel. APPROPRIATIONS CONFERENCE H.R. 4437, On Passage of the Border Pro- With that said, and while I now support this REPORT tection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration bill in its final form, I am concerned about a Control Act (#661). Had I been present I number of remaining provisions in the bill. HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ Among other things, H.R. 2863 includes a pro- OF NEW YORK H. RES. 623, On Agreeing to the Resolution vision to provide virtually unlimited liability pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES providing for consideration of motions to sus- tection to the drug industry, while providing il- pend the rules (#663). Had I been present I lusory and unfunded compensation to any po- Thursday, December 22, 2005 would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ tential victims. We must be prepared in case Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, on December 19, H.R. 2520, Suspend the Rules and Agree to of a flu pandemic, including ensuring our first 2005, I voted against the Department of De- the Senate Amendment, Stem Cell Thera- responders are ready. Yet, the Republican bill fense Appropriations Conference Report as it peutic and Research Act (#664). Had I been uses the threat of a flu pandemic as an ex- was considered by the House of Representa- present I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ cuse to push the Administration’s agenda of tives. While I voted for the Defense Authoriza- H.R. 1815, On Agreeing to the Conference giving unwarranted and broad liability protec- tion Act and normally would support a De- Report, National Defense Authorization Act, tion to the drug industry for a broad array of fense Appropriations bill—especially with our FY 06 (#665). Had I been present I would products. troops in harm’s way—this year I regrettably have voted ‘‘aye.’’ I am also concerned about the bill’s inclu- had to vote against the legislation. H. RES. 639, On Agreeing to the Resolution sion of funding for the national missile defense I did so largely because the Republican ma- waiving points of order against the conference (NMD) system. The bill before us includes jority inserted a provision allowing oil drilling in report on H.R. 2863, Department of Defense $7.8 billion for this system. While we should the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Appropriations, FY 2006 (#666). Had I been always stand alert with a strong national de- This controversial measure was repeatedly re- present I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ fense, the NMD system is scientifically jected through the democratic process, but the H.R. 2863, On the motion to recommit con- unproven, fiscally irresponsible, and grossly in- Republican leadership preferred to hold the ference report with instructions for the appro- accurate. There are better ways to improve Defense Appropriations bill—and our troops in priations bill for the Department of Defense for our defense. the field—hostage to the effort to drill in this the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006, Last, I share many of my colleagues con- pristine wildlife refuge. Moreover this legisla- and for other purposes (#668). Had I been cerns over this bill’s provision to cut all non- tion contained a 1 percent across the board present I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ emergency discretionary spending, except for cut in non-defense discretionary spending. H.R. 2863, On Agreeing to the Conference VA programs, by 1 percent. As a result, K–12 Mr. Speaker, America cannot drill its way to Report for the appropriations bill for the De- education will see a cut of $1 billion this year; independence from foreign oil. Tapping ANWR partment of Defense for the fiscal year ending LIHEAP, which helps many people heat their would produce barely a drop in the bucket of September 30, 2006, and for other purposes homes, will be cut by $21 million; and Local the amount of oil we consume in this Nation.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:09 Dec 23, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K22DE8.002 E22DEPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS E2648 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 22, 2005 Even if we started drilling in ANWR today, we tem continues to be a waste for tax dollars ‘‘nay’’ on rollcalls 666, 669, 670 and ‘‘yea’’ on would not see any of that oil until 2012. since the program has failed many of its crit- rollcalls 665, 667, 668, and 671. Rather than drilling in the Arctic wilderness ical tests and by all accounts is a boondoggle. f and extending our reliance on oil, we must in- The language in the bill that bans torture by crease fuel efficiency, diversify our sources of all U.S. personnel, including civilian defense HONORING THE LIFE OF SPC RICH- energy, and promote clean alternatives. We and intelligence personnel, sets the appro- ARD JUNIOR DE GRACIA NAPUTI need to invest and focus on ways to reduce priate standard by which the U.S. should con- our consumption of oil. This is why Congress- duct itself—even in a war against terrorism. HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO man JACK KINGSTON (R–NY) and I have intro- Senator JOHN MCCAIN should be commended OF GUAM duced The Fuel Choices for American Security for his perseverance and determination not to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Act, which sets meaningful and achievable yield to President Bush and Vice President Thursday, December 22, 2005 goals, all of which can be accomplished using CHENEY’s demands that torture be permitted new technologies that are already proven, ef- under certain circumstances. Torture is an in- Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today fective and efficient. humane practice that is the antithesis of Amer- to honor the life of one of Guam’s sons, SPC I, therefore, am very pleased to learn that ica’s values and moral obligations as a de- Richard Junior De Gracia Naputi, 24, U.S. the Senate has struck the ANWR drilling provi- fender of international human rights. Army, of Talofofo, Guam. Sadly, on December sion from the Defense Appropriations Con- In addition to allowing drilling for oil in 20, 2005, our nation lost SPC Naputi. SPC ference Report. It is my understanding that ANWR, this bill has a number of nondefense Naputi was killed in action while serving in this bill will now pass the House by unanimous provisions that are objectionable. The across- Taji, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Free- consent, and will be sent to the President for the-board cut included in H.R. 2863 will total dom. Born and raised in Guam, he left the signature. an additional $8 billion in cuts to services crit- only home he knew to serve and defend his f ical to our families. This will result in another country. Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 15th In- $28 million cut to No Child Left Behind, bring- fantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division in Fort CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 2863, ing the total cut this year to $1 billion. This is Benning, Georgia, SPC Naputi embodied the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AP- in addition to the $40 billion this law has been proud history and traditions of his unit whose PROPRIATIONS ACT, 2006 under-funded by the Republicans since its motto was ‘‘Can Do’’ and whose lineage passage. traces back to the Civil War. SPEECH OF Also included in this bill are funds to pre- My thoughts and prayers are with the Naputi HON. BETTY McCOLLUM pare for a possible Avian Flu pandemic. While family during this time of loss. I join his par- OF MINNESOTA I support providing funding for this work, the ents, Richard and Naputi, his wife Brianne, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Republicans have included a provision pro- and all of Richard’s extended family and friends, in mourning the loss of Richard and in Sunday, December 18, 2005 viding unlimited liability protection to the phar- maceutical industry. Instead of having an hon- honoring the dignity of his life. While the loss Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Mr. Speak- est debate about the needs of health care of SPC Naputi is painful for our entire island er, by including the legislative provision to drill workers, public health systems and local gov- and our nation, he now joins that solemn fra- and destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ernments in the case of a pandemic, Repub- ternity of heroes who have put their country (ANWR) in this defense appropriation con- licans have chosen only to worry about an- before themselves and made the greatest sac- ference report (H.R. 2863), the Republican other of their strong allies—the drug compa- rifice. Heeding the Christmas message of majority has demonstrated their on-going nies. ‘‘Peace on earth,’’ Richard’s loss leads us to abuse of power, their shameless collusion with H.R. 2863 also claims to provide new fund- reflect upon the sacrifices made by the men the oil industry and a distasteful willingness to ing for Katrina relief which I support. However, and women who shoulder the responsibility of exploit the needs of U.S. troops at war in Iraq this bill includes only $5 billion—not nearly protecting our liberties and our freedoms. To and Afghanistan in order to achieve their pol- enough to allow families to begin to rebuild these men and women, we owe a debt of icy desires, regardless of the cost. This is a their lives and their community. And it relies gratitude that is simply unpayable. cynical strategy to pass a provision designed on a complicated scheme of possible reve- During this difficult time, the people of for the oil industry, a provision that has al- nues from drilling in ANWR and sales of spec- Guam and I are keeping the Naputi family in ready been rejected by this House earlier this trum to fund relief. In addition, Republicans our thoughts and prayers. I also extend my year. The fact that the Republican majority is used this opportunity to push through a divi- prayers to the many men and women con- using our brave men and women serving in sive school voucher plan that was defeated by tinuing to serve around the world in the cause the armed forces as political cover to ensure the Education and Workforce Committee. This of freedom. God bless the Naputi family, God that the provision allowing for oil drilling in plan will allow $645 million in taxpayer schools bless our men and women in uniform and God ANWR is passed by this House shows the to go to private and religious schools that do bless America. majority’s desperation, their deception and not have to adhere to the accountability re- f their willingness to undermine our democratic quirements of public schools. process. Mr. Speaker, I strongly support our troops. ON THE RETIREMENT OF THOMAS The intended purpose of this bill is to pro- Overall, this bill however, is an example of the F. MCHUGH vide the resource for the defense of our na- shameless and abusive tactics used over and tion. It is to ensure the men and women serv- over again by this Republican party to force HON. LOUISE McINTOSH SLAUGHTER ing in the armed forces have the training, the their special interest agenda on the American OF NEW YORK protective gear, the equipment and all of the people. It shows again that the Majority does IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES necessary support to execute their missions in not represent the values of American families, Thursday, December 22, 2005 Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Europe and here at but rather values their corporate contributors. home. The men and women of the U.S. I urge my colleagues to reject this outrageous Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Armed Forces comprise the greatest fighting bill. to recognize and celebrate the 37 years of public service Mr. Thomas F. McHugh has de- force the world has ever known and they not f only keep the citizens of the U.S. safe from a voted to the City of Rochester. His hard work world filled with very real threats, they are PERSONAL EXPLANATION and commitment to the city’s development will serving the cause of peace and security set an example for current and future public around the world. I commend our troops and HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD servants, and Rochester is grateful for all that our military leadership for their service and OF CALIFORNIA Mr. McHugh has contributed. sacrifice, as well as the dedication of their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. McHugh grew up in Ancram, Massachu- families. setts. His father was in the insurance business Of the more than $450 billion appropriated Thursday, December 22, 2005 and his mother was a teacher. It was from in this bill, much of the defense related ex- Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, due to them that he learned the importance of a penditures are necessary for national security. the death of a family member, I was not strong work ethic and a responsibility to com- I strongly support the 3.1 percent pay raise for present for rollcalls 665 through 671 on Sun- munity. He carried these lessons with him as military personnel. The allocation of more than day, December 18 and Monday, December studied at University of Syracuse and moved $7 billion for the ballistic-missile defense sys- 19. Had I been present, I would have voted to Rochester upon his graduation.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:09 Dec 23, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22DE8.066 E22DEPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS