24699 Hon. Jim Kolbe Hon. Donald M. Payne Hon. Charles W
October 25, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24699 Robin is a truly remarkable human being of the circumstances surrounding the disaster. the United States Navy, and for his life-long and her contributions, not only to her commu- It was on the evening of July 17th, 1944, dur- devotion as a son, husband, brother, father nity but also to the field of Pediatrics, are un- ing World War II, that the munitions blast oc- and citizen, I pay tribute. Ensign Triplett was paralleled. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the State curred. In an era of a segregated military, en- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ree D. Triplett of of Colorado and the US Congress I would like listed African Americans were relegated to du- Shuqualak, Mississippi. He is survived by his to commend Dr. Beach on her many accom- ties separate from those of their white counter- wife, Lorrie, and his two little girls, Andrea plishments and wish her the very best as she parts. Instead of obtaining ship duty, they (age seven) and Savannah Renee (age four); continues to educate Colorado’s future doctors were assigned to load ammunition and explo- his parents, Savannah and Ree Triplett of in the field of Pediatrics. sives on ships at port without the benefit of Shuqualak, Mississippi; and his two brothers, f proper training for this potentially dangerous two former servicemen, Theotis Donald (Air responsibility. After the terrible tragedy, African Force) and Wayne (Marine Corps). PERSONAL EXPLANATION American servicemen still suffering from the Mr. Speaker, I ask our colleagues to join me trauma of the explosion were ordered back to in remembering this present day hero, Ensign HON.
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