Memorial ART Gallery of the University of Rochester
MEMORIAL ART GALLERY BIEnniaL REPort 2004–2006 OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER INAUGURATION OF PubLication ItaLian BaroQUE OF amErican Organ PAGE 1 cataLog PAGE 2 DIRECTOR’S TWEntiEth PAGE 1 STATISTICS FOR THE YEARS PAGE 2 EXhibitions PAGE 3 Programs anD EVEnts PAGE 5 giFts OF art PAGE 7 Donors, MEmbErs anD FriENDS PAGE 8 FinanciaL summary PAGE 14 boarD anD staFF BACK COVER EXTREME MATERIALS This 2006 EXhibition organiZED by thE MEmoriaL Art GALLEry shoWcasED non-traDitionaL WorKS by 35 nationaL anD intErnationaL artists. IN thE untitLED WorK abovE (DEtaiL shoWN), Washington, DC artist Dan STEinhiLBER turnED munDanE, mass-ProDucED DucK saucE PacKEts into A BEautiFUL, surPrisingLY SEnsuous WorK OF art. A E C B D F The Years in Review A Extreme Materials, organized by the C Summer 2005 saw the arrival at MAG E In May 2006, Grant Holcomb (arms Memorial Art Gallery, was the surprise hit of of the only full-size antique Italian organ in folded) arrives for a surprise celebration of the 2005-06 season. Over the show’s two- North America. The Baroque instrument, his 20th year as Gallery director. Surrounding month run, more than 27,000 people came from the collection of the Eastman School him are (from left) MAG Board president to see art created from such unorthodox sub- of Music, was permanently installed in the Stan Konopko, UR president Joel Seligman, stances as garden hoses, pencil shavings, fish Herdle Fountain Court, where it is surrounded Board member Friederike Seligman, daughter skins, carrots, rubber tires, eggshells, smog— by Baroque masterworks. Shown above is Devon Holcomb and son Greg Holcomb.
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