Boycott continues at Plaza Hotel in Rochester Joint Board, UNITE HERE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION aid in picketing efforts OF THE The Joint Board will continue to ROCHESTER support the Rochester clergy’s REGIONAL boycott of the Plaza Hotel “for as long as it takes,” manager Gary JOINT BOARD, Bonadonna announced. Picketing photos by Luis Torres Luis photos by Picketing UNITE HERE Father Larry Tracy Rochester clergy leaders started new owner who is almost certain that boycott in to be more receptive to a union, or March after the we’re going to break him financial- hotel repeatedly ly. The ball is really in his court.” refused to give workers there a This summer, the Joint Board and free and fair pro- UNITE HERE teamed to hire a number Bonadonna cess to decide of college-age young people to join whether to have a union. The Joint the Board and CLUE volunteers on Board has supported that right since the picket lines. That step helped the Rochester Clergy and Laity ensure a significant number of United for Economic Justice (CLUE) picketers every day during the began the fight for workers over two hotel’s prime business hours. years ago. “I’ve been very impressed with these young men and women,” the Board manager said. “This goes far beyond simply a summer job for them. They really understand the issues and most have been activists Unions Bettering Lives on their campuses.” (See next Bonadonna met recently with the page for interviews with four of hotel’s owner in a futile attempt to those picketers.) find a reasonable settlement. “Basi- cally, all the owner would say was, ‘Why me, why me, why are you picking on me?’ “The answer is very simple — he refuses to give his employees the right to choose whether they have a union,” Bona- donna emphasized. Volume 26 Number 110 Bonadonna said the owner has Fall, 2008 remained adamant and hostile. “If he doesn’t agree to the community organizing principles we long ago subscribed to, then there are only two possible outcomes. “Either he’s going to get out of the hotel entirely so we can deal with a Miguel Casiano and Liz Baker Jake Allen Maggie Spallina Picketers tell why walking the line is important Editor’s Note: The Joint Board create that world is through Community College. Spallina and UNITE HERE recently team- activism. The only way changes comes by activism quite natural- ed up to hire a number of ever happen are through ly. Her mother, Teena Fitzroy, who college-age young people to people movements. The more I has cerebral palsy, founded help augment the ranks of got involved, the more I saw the what is now the Advocacy volunteers picketing the Roches- value of activism. I strongly Center in Rochester to help ter Plaza Hotel. Here are ex- people with disabilities. cerpts of interviews with four of them — Jake Allen, Maggie “I’m doing this because I had a Spallina, Sofira Bell-Materson and really bad boss, so I know first Meskerem Gebreyes. hand what that is like. He was verbally and sexually abusive believe that the Plaza workers *** *** *** *** *** *** *** with a lot of discrimination deserve having a fair process to Allen against women. I have been decide if they want a union or interested for some time in class Allen, a Monroe Community not. I believe in giving workers an College student, is an activist in issues. I looked around for some environment where they can the Rochester labor movement kind of group where I can talk freely about what they want. address those issues and realized and in the anti-war movement. This is incredibly important.” that unions are a perfect way to do that. “I am here picketing because I Spallina know what kind of world I want She is a student at Monroe to have, and the only way to (Continued on next page) Sofira Bell-Materson Meskerem Gebreyes T W O Picketers (Continued from preceeding page) “I expect to be involved in some fashion for the rest of my life — I hope some day to be a labor organizer. To me, an activist has to be like a shark — you either swim or you die. “In this country, we all know something is wrong. We’re not fooled anymore. But, until we convince people that complicit silence is the exact same thing as negative action, we’re all going to be screwed. You have Photos this page by Luis Torres Luis Photos this page by to be active, or you have no Ann Pitlyk, left, Aida Burgos, Taylor Vazquez-Simmons, Neyrissete Ramos, Modesta Santos, right to complain. If you see Epifanio Santos, Father Larry Tracy, Luis Sierra, Belen Colón, Alex Tornas-Raskin, Sandra something wrong and you don’t Molinari, and Molly Farrell do anything about it, you’re letting the negative happen. to workers . so they can get 1199 was negotiating a contract better pay, steady work sched- at the college. “We can see that the picketing ules and all the other things the is working. We see a real slow- union helps to bring. “I was very impressed with them down in the hotel’s business. and got involved in supporting Overall the picket line is been “I’m happy to help people try to their cause. I did the same thing incredibly successful.” get a fairer system that a union in my senior year when their can bring. A lot of people contract was again up for Gebreyes support us, and stop by to say, renewal. I also took a labor She is a weekend shop rep at ‘Good job!’” internship with them. I inter- Hudson News, which the Joint viewed workers who formed the Board organized a year ago. Bell-Masterson union in the 1970s and then She also attends Monroe Com- She recently graduated from made a documentary film for munity College. the University of Rochester. the Local. “I like to help, that’s why I am out “I was very involved in social “So, I understand the import- here. I am also out here be- justice issues on campus. I got ance of the union, especially at cause the Joint Board helped us involved my freshman year a time like this when the hotel at Hudson News get a union, so I when the Service Employees workers have no representation know how important the union is International Union (SEIU) Local and no voice. “My experience here on the line has been a very positive one. While the reactions very — some people are upset and strongly disagree with what we’re doing — there are certainly many who understand what we’re doing. A lot of people have been very supportive.” Margaret Spallina, right, speaking to a hotel costumer with Molly Farrell and Ann Pitlyk, Margaret Spallina, Sandra Molinari and Molly Ferrell Sandra Molinari. T H R E E the Culinary Workers Union Local Board endorses 226 in Nevada supporting their latest contract campaign. As Make sure you’re Obama, other President, he will fight for and sign into law the Employee Free registered to vote Choice Act, an increase in the candidates who minimum wage, and affordable health care for every American. If you aren’t registered to support workers, vote in the crucial November U.S. House of Representatives 4 general election, you still labor issues 21st District: Paul Tonko (D) have time to register. (See story on left for the Joint 24th District: Mike Arcuri (D) Board’s endorsements.) The Joint Board is strongly endorsing Barack Obama for 25th District: Dan Maffei (D) You have until Friday, Octo- President and other candidates ber 10 to register and you who will support workers, their 26th District: Jon Powers (D) can get forms at most state families and important labor agency offices (such as the issues, manager Gary Bona- 27th District: Louise Slaughter (D) Department of Motor Vehi- donna announced. cles), at U.S. post offices, or at 28th District: Brian Higgins (D) any county board of elec- “No election since the 1930s,” tions. You must mail or deliver Bonadonna said, “is more crucial 29th District: Eric Massa (D) the registration form to to the poor, the middle class, your county board of elec- young people and senior citizens; New York State Senate tions so it is in their hands by to the American economy and 43rd District: Mike Russo (D) October 10. good jobs; and to once again becoming the beacon of hope 50th District: John DeFrancisco (R) Requirements for registering and freedom to the world.” include being a U.S. citizen 55th District: James Alesi (R) and being 18 years old by Bonadonna stressed that “no Election Day — November 4. President or Presidential candi- 56th District: Joe Robach (R) Your county board of elec- date since Franklin Roosevelt has tions will notify you in writing if so strongly supported the Ameri- 58th District: William Stachowski (D) you are eligible to vote and can worker and workers’ rights where to cast your ballot. to organize. There is no more 60th District: Antoine Thompson (D) important job at this juncture in Absentee voting history than electing Obama.” 61st District: Joe Mesi (D) If you want to vote absentee, (See letter on next page that you must request an absen- Obama wrote in support of New York State Assembly tee ballot from your board of workers at Propper International 120th District: Bill Magnarelli (D) elections by October 28 and seeking to organize.) its return must be postmarked 131st District: Susan John (D) by November 3. Bonadonna added that the Joint Board “has made a serious 132nd District: Joe Morelle (D) You may qualify to vote effort to examine the candi- absentee for several reasons, dates and their views on our 144th District: Sam Hoyt (D) including that you will be issues.
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