HA NOI – 2017

The thesis is completed at

Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

Supervisors: 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Ngoc Anh

2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Anh

Reviewer 1: ………………………………………. .


Reviewer 2: ………………………………………..


Reviewer 3: ………………………………………..


The thesis defense is hosted by Dissertation Commettee

at institute level, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

At …………,Date……Month…….Year 20......

The thesis paper can be reached at: National Library and Library of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics 1 PREFACE

1. The urgency of the research project Ho Chi Minh’s though is the system of comprehensive and profound views on the on the fundamental issues of the Vietnamese , in which the idea of national liberation, liberation of the class, liberation of the people is main content and the red thread throughout his entire intellectual heritage. It is nothing more than a genuine humanism, which is the basis for creating the vitality and permanence of Ho Chi Minh Thought. Ho Chi Minh's humanistic thought, or Ho Chi Minh's humanism is an important component part, holding the nucleus, the philosophical foundation of the whole ideology as well as the actual Ho Chi Minh’s career, is the essence of the whole Ho Chi Minh legacy. This value has endogenous, extremely strong externalities, deepening the thought, persuasion, sensation, transformation of Ho Chi Minh's method and style. It was also the human values of Ho Chi Minh that contributed to the nature and power of the of Vietnam and the cause of the Vietnamese revolution. Hence, the study of Ho Chi Minh's humanistic thought in a holistic way is the deepening of the ideology, which in turn, more clearly defines the mechanism of existence and the permeability of that thought. For all classes of people. Youth, including students, are a key force in the construction and defense of the country, as a messenger for Vietnam's international integration, as an emblem of the Vietnamese nation. For the Vietnamese culture, therefore, they need to be all-round people in the spiritual, intellectual, physical and aesthetic aspects, which, in essence, are nothing more than human values. valve. Thus, one of the central tasks of Vietnamese education, as pointed out by the Communist Party of Vietnam, is "renovating the program to develop the capacity and qualities of learners, a harmony of morality, wisdom, physical and art; teaching people, teaching words and vocational training. To renovate the contents of education in the direction of streamlining, modern and practical, suited to ages, levels and trades; Increase practice, apply knowledge into practice. 2 Focusing on personality education, ethics, lifestyle, legal knowledge and civic awareness. Focusing on the fundamental values of culture, tradition and ethics, the quintessence of human culture, the core values and humanities of - and Ho Chi Minh's thought "To carry out that task, deepening the study and education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanist thought in life to promote the process of human culture of social life, human culture of human nature of Vietnam, in It has young people and students, and at the same time makes the human values of Ho Chi Minh more and more confirmed, accretion, light and permanence is a matter of practical significance.

Therefore, the researcher chose the topic of "Education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students of universities in Vietnam today" to do doctoral thesis, specialized in Ho Chi Minh.

2. Purpose and task of research

2.1. Purpose Analyzing the basic contents of Ho Chi Minh humanist thought, building a system of criteria for quality assessment, analysis of the situation and proposing solutions for educating humanistic ideas of Ho Chi Minh for students at universities in our country today.

2.2. Research mission - Clarify the basis of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought

- To build a system of criteria for evaluating the quality of humanitarian education activities for students at universities in our country

- Clarifying the basic contents of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought; - Assessing the reality of 's education and humanities education. - Proposing solutions to improve the quality of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic education for students at universities in Vietnam. 3 3. Object and area of study

3.1. Research subjects Educating Ho Chi Minh’s thought for students of universities in Vietnam.

3.2. Area of study - The PhD dissertation focuses on studying the humanities education for students of universities in our country today. - Educating the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students in universities is a broad issue. Therefore, in the framework of the dissertation, the author focuses on researching and exploring the realities of education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought at universities in the North. - Educational activities of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic education for university students are studied and researched from 2006 to 2016.

4. Theories and methods of research

4.1. Theories The PhD dissertation is practiced based on Marxist-Leninist views, Ho Chi Minh's thought and the Party's viewpoint on , culture, morality and humanity.

4.2. Research Methods - The dissertation is studied based on the methodology of Marxism- Leninism

- The dissertation uses the research methods of interdisciplinary and specialized disciplines, with special emphasis on methods: logical methods, history, use of textual methods, study of works Ho Chi Minh's classics, combining speeches, articles with practical guidance of people; Use specialized methods: sociological investigation, analysis, synthesis, comparison, ... to carry out the study.

4 5. The scientific and practical of the topic

5.1. The scientific - The dissertation contributes to enrich the system of policies and guidelines of the Party and the State on the work of educating the youth in general and moral education and humanity in particular. - The dissertation is an important theoretical basis for universities to develop plans and guidelines for the study of student morality.

- A reference for studying, researching the morality and style of Ho Chi Minh in our universities.

5.2. The practical of the topic The dissertation proposes basic solutions to help universities to promote the education of humanist thought in Ho Chi Minh for current students.

6. New contributions of the PhD’s thesis - Analyze the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought in a logical and sequence. -The thesis proposes a system of solutions to improve the quality of education of the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students of universities in Vietnam today.

7. Structure of the thesis In addition to the introduction, conclusion, list of references, appendix, thesis consists of 4 chapters, 10 periods

Chapter 1.


1.1. Sciences relates to Ho Chi Minh humanistic thought Researching on Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought has been widely studied by scholars, scientists, domestic and foreign individuals caring about 5 studying scientific topics, reference manual, theses, articles published scientific magazines, etc. Researching on this topics is accessed to different ways according to different researches by sciences, however, sciences all focus on clarifying common theories of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought as the concept, characteristics, origins, and basic contents of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. These results are very respectful and have helped to clarify many common theoretical issues of Ho Chi Minh’s thought about humanity. These researchs have provided important suggestions, valuable reference materials and important theoretical basis for the author to inherit, continue to deepen the study: The content of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought.

1.2. Some researches relates to educate Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. Educating Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought to various sections of the people in society is an important task in the process of building a new moral foundation for in the current period. This issue has been studied by scientists and scholars in various scientific works. In these works, the authors have initially clarified the following issues: the content system of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought; Clarifying the need to educate this idea for all classes of people in the process of innovation and international integration; proposing directions as well as propose some solutions to educate Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for all classes in the building of new ethics and new people in our country. These works have provided many important suggestions, which are precious documents, which is the basis for the author to inherit, continue to study in depth: Education of the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students of universities in Vietnam.

1.3. The problems have been studied and raised for the thesis to continue studying.

1.3.1. The problems have been studied Overview of the research situation related to the dissertation of scientists is the extremely valuable research that the author references and 6 inherits and performs the thesis. Through research on Ho Chi Minh's humanist thought, on the education of humanist thought in Ho Chi Minh City, the authors of the study have clarified the following issues:

Firstly, the study of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought: - First, the authors point out the basis for the formation of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought: the inheritance of the traditional values of humanity, the homeland and the family; The cultural quintessence of humanity on human kindness; Personal qualities of Ho Chi Minh.

- Secondly, the basic content, penetrating in Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought has been asserted by the authors is: infinite love for people, especially the suffering; Considering people as goals, is the dynamics of networking; Great tolerance for man; Caring for human development. However, the results of the research of scientists on the origin, characteristics and contents of the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought were studied from the perspective of morality, culture, society, human. But most of these works have only approached research in the form of writings, there are not many monographs that are systematic, comprehensive and profound in the origin and content of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought.

Second, the study of education in Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought - Firstly, the authors have clarified the necessity of educating Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for various sections of the people in society in order to create fully developed new people to meet the requirements of the Industrialization and modernization of the country. -Secondly, in these works, the authors have pointed out the issues and directly influenced the quality of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic education. That is, the conflict between enhancing the effectiveness of educational activity and the quality of educational actors; the educational content of Ho Chi Minh’s 7 humanistic thought and real life; the desire to improve the personality with the lack of awareness in the training and training of a part of society.

-Thirdly, the authors point out the directions and contents needed for education from the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. In addition, they have proposed specific measures to improve the effectiveness of this educational activity for all classes of people in society. However, the authors have just stopped studying ideological education for cadres, Party members, bringing into play the human factor. In fact, there have been no concrete works in the systematic study of the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought, especially in the current period.

1.3.2. Issues are investigated in the thesis study process From the results obtained as well as the issues raised in the study of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought and the education of the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought, this is an important basis for the author to designate. Direction in researching and identifying key areas:

- Firstly, the dissertation will continue to comprehensively study the contents of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. -Secondly, based on the analysis of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought, the author will develop criteria for assessing the quality of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic education activities for students in universities; From there, assess the current status of this educational activity in the universities in Vietnam today.

-Thirdly, through the evaluation of the current status of the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic education activities for students in Vietnamese universities, the dissertation proposes a direction and system of educational solutions. Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students of universities in Vietnam today.

8 Chapter 2


2.1. Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought 2.1.1. Some concepts Concept of humanism The dissertation is consistent with the views of researchers who argue that humanism is a concept who’s meaning often emphasizes cultural values, values and human rights. The concept of humanism is a manifestation of morality, emotion, human love. However, these two concepts have the identity of humanity, love, concern for human well- being, human values and human love. The concept of “Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought”

From the results of the researches of scientists, as well as the requirements of the Marxist methodology, the thesis is that: Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought is a system of human arguments and The liberation of people drawn from the revolutionary reality; These arguments are formed on the basis of the selective inheritance of traditional humanistic values, human values in human culture with the climax of Marxism-Leninism, aiming at Liberate and develop human beings comprehensively. It is a concept of human nature; Human love; Spirit of tolerance; Considering both human being as the target and the cause of revolutionary cause; On human cultivation strategy ... Ho Chi Minh Humanistic thinking is oriented in building new people in our country today. The concept of “The education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought” for students 9 Based on the results of his research, the author of the thesis said: The education of humanist thought in Ho Chi Minh for students is the process of organizing systematic, purposeful and regular impact of human arguments, human love, the struggle for human well-being Ho Chi Minh's idea of appropriate educational methods of educational actors in the school to the perception of students to equip students with knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the target. Moral standards and step by step formation of new human personality in socialism for Vietnamese students today. 2.1.2. The basis of forming Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought is formed by the following: Vietnamese tradition of charity Traditional values of humanity of the Vietnamese people are an important basis for the formation of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. They are: the spirit of human love, the love of one's fellow beings is a prominent feature in Traditional charity of Vietnamese culture; The spirit of tolerance, peace and love is a characteristic of the Vietnamese tradition of charity. Value of compassion. The thesis confirmed, the values of compassion are the basis to create the richness and comprehensiveness of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought, it is: Oriental culture values The thesis gives some values of cultural thought of such as: The concept of "human" of Confucianism, the "love" (love) of the Mac Tu; Buddhist people with views about human beings, about human life; About the concept of life and purpose of life; The liberation and rescue of people from suffering are the important values that influenced the formation of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. Western cultural quintessence The Western cultural values that Ho Chi Minh received, played an important role in the formation of his humanistic ideals, were the Renaissance humanist ideologies, the Age of Light, the thought Bourgeois 10 humanism, Christian humanism and other advanced humanist ideologies in Western and world cultures. These values are selectively absorbed by Ho Chi Minh and lay the foundations for the birth of a new humanism. Thus, this humanitarian value is an important source in the formation of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. Marxist-Leninist humanism The Marxist-Leninist doctrine advocates the liberation of the oppressed, enslaved, liberated, liberated, building a new world, a free society, equality and happiness. Ho Chi Minh has absorbed, creatively applied and developed the human values of Marxism-Leninism to create for himself a humanism with new characteristics and nuances - Ho Chi Minh's humanism. The advocates struggle against oppression and exploitation to liberate people completely and mainly to liberate oppressed and exploited workers to bring about a prosperous, free and happy life for everyone and for humanity. From the above, the thesis affirmed that Ho Chi Minh's humanistic thought was formed from solid foundations in which there was a tradition of humanity and the human essence of humanity. Particularly, the noble humanism of the Marxist-Leninist ideology was the decisive factor for the formation of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. Qualities and personality of Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi Minh is an aspirant, patriotic people, especially the love that Ho Chi Minh devotes to working poor not only in the country but around the world. He is a steadfast man who has the will to be resilient in the struggle to bring happiness to the people. It is a man of intelligent, sharp, sharp, inquisitive nature; Have creative thinking; Have learned wisdom, a deep knowledge; Have strong faith in the people; Have the will, extraordinary energy; Have exemplary moral virtues; Simple, modest, close to the people. With these personal qualities, Ho Chi Minh was able to rapidly acquire knowledge, treasure of historical experience, elite humanism of humanity and transformation, but quintessential Transform into your 11 qualities, thoughts, and wisdom without falling into the stereotype, copying. 2.1.3. Basic contents of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought Ho Chi Minh's concept of human nature Based on the inheritance and development of Marxist-Leninist theories of man, Ho Chi Minh has a unique approach and conception of man. In Ho Chi Minh's view, there is no general human, abstract as per the doctrine of religious doctrine, but only specific people associated with specific historical conditions and circumstances. The concept of human beings in Ho Chi Minh’s thought is understood as "narrow meaning is family, brothers, relatives, friends, wide sense is the people in the whole country, more broadly human." The perception of human nature is social, subject to the influence and influence of social relationships, so in Ho Chi Minh's thought, good or bad, evil or good people are not the inherent nature that is created by the social relations, the living environment of man-made. Love Ho Chi Minh devoted infinite love to the most miserable people in society, workers, peasants, ruthlessly exploited peasants. Ho Chi Minh does not just stop at the emotional level, but also expresses the concrete actions that is to fight vigorously against the oppression of exploitation to liberate people, bring happiness to people. Love is Ho Chi Minh raised and mobilized people to perform together to bring happiness to the people. Tolerance Ho Chi Minh's tolerance is a characteristic of Ho Chi Minh's humanistic thought, and is also an important spiritual weapon in the struggle for the noble cause of revolutionary cause. It is reflected in the following: The great tolerance for differences in people; Tolerate those who have lost their way when they have realized the mistake; Tolerate with the enemy, willing to dialogue to find a peaceful solution; In the war, Ho Chi Minh always regarded the goal of the war as defeating the aggression of the enemy, rather than destroying all enemy forces. 12 Man is both a target and motive of the revolutionary cause Freeing people to bring about a prosperous life, freedom, happiness is the highest goal of our entire revolutionary cause. This goal is reflected in the upward trend of the Vietnamese revolution, in the goal of building a new society in our country as well as building a true state of the people, by the people, for the people in our country. This is a long-term revolutionary cause, difficult hardship of many generations of Vietnamese people and is done by the efforts of human beings themselves. Strategy "education" Human beings are the most precious thing in society, the force has great strength, is the decisive factor of the success of revolution, so to care and foster human development for revolutionary cause, in which education is the primary means of achieving strategic success. 2.2. The necessary of educating Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students at universities in Viet Nam today 2.2.1. The education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students to meet the requirements of quality of comprehensive labor resources in the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country. The goal of the industrialization and modernization process in our country is to develop a sustainable society, in addition to progress and justice, civilized society. To achieve this goal, we need to train a team of not only skilled but competent people but also have conscience and responsibility with the community. Therefore, the education of humanist ideology for students is an urgent requirement now as the country is entering a period of accelerated industrialization, modernization and international integration. 2.2.2. Educating Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought to meet the objective requirements in the process of comprehensive reform of higher . The purpose of the education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought is to help students develop good qualities of morality, ethics and 13 responsible lifestyles for themselves, their families and society. This is an important solution in the process of implementing higher education reform aiming to develop comprehensively the capacity and quality of learners. Therefore, the education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for university students in our country is now an objective requirement of the modern university education reform in Vietnam. 2.2.3. The education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for university students to meet the main endogenous demands in the process of improving the personality of students. Students with a high level of education should be receptive to their spiritual cultures. This helps them not only inherit the fine cultural traditions of the nation but also accept the values of compassion, human love in the HO Chi Minh’s humanistic thought of to enrich their soul, their emotions, contribute to improve the legality, goodness, and beauty in each student. The human values in Ho Chi Minh thought will impact and leave important marks on the personality of each student. Therefore, the education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students in universities in our country today is to meet the endogenous demands in the development and improvement of the personality of students. 2.3. Criteria for assessing the quality of education of the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students at universities in Vietnam The criteria for evaluating the quality of education activities of the Ho Chi Minh Humanistic Ideology for students in universities is a set of basic criteria for the quality of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought education for students in universities. On the basis of the most basic criteria for evaluating the quality of undergraduate training provided by the Ministry of Education and Training upon the performance of university quality accreditation, from the reality of educational activities in universities Studying, the thesis initially developed the criteria for assessing the quality of education of Ho Chi 14 Minh’s humanistic thought for students at universities in our country today. Criteria 1: With focus indicators assessing the quality of subjects of the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought education process Criteria 2: With focus indicators assessing the factors involved in the education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought Criteria 3: With the key indicators evaluating the results of the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought education process for students

End of chapter 2

The study of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought is an important theoretical basis for research into the ideological education of university students in our country. In this chapter, the thesis has come to clarify the following issues: to clarify the conception of "Ho Chi Minh’s Humanistic Thought" and the concept of "The Education of Ho Chi Minh’s Humanistic Thought for University Students". To clarify the origins of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought and analyze clearly the contents of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought: Firstly, Ho Chi Minh's conception of man and human nature; Second, human love; Third, the spirit of tolerance vast; Fourth, man is both a target and a force of revolution; Fifth is, implementation of "education" strategy. To affirm that the education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for Vietnamese students is necessary in order to meet the requirements of the quality of the comprehensive labor force of the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country; From objective requirements of the process of higher education reform in our country; In order to meet the objective demands in the development and improvement of the personality of the students. The first step is to build a system of criteria for assessing the quality of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic education activities for current university students. 15 Chapter 3.


3.1. Real situation

3.1.1. Some characteristics of the survey sample of the topic Features of the survey area

In order to ensure accurate and objective survey results, during the survey, the dissertation specifying the area of the survey; Number of students and trainers involved in the survey; The number and structure of schools participating in the survey. Demographic In this content, the thesis shows the sex ratio of students participating in the survey; Position and responsibilities in the class of students participating in the survey; Structure of the student body participating in the survey; The current residence of the student participant in the survey form.

The survey results obtained from the field survey are an important basis for evaluating the current status of Ho Chi Minh humanist education for students at universities in Vietnam today.

3.1.2. Real situation Important achievements and cause

* Achievements On the basis of field surveys at universities, the thesis evaluates the results achieved by the university through factors such as:

Firstly, the results in improving the quality of educational subjects. 16 Secondly, the factors involved in educational activities such as curriculum and course syllabus are regularly supplemented and edited by the schools; Facilitation facilities such as libraries, lecture halls, teaching facilities, and teaching aids have been invested in teaching and learning.

Thirdly, the achievement of Ho Chi Minh's humanistic education in universities is a change in the worldview, human life and human behavior in the practice of Students after a process of education, training. They find the need to study and practice according to Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought; The number of students involved in community volunteering, philanthropic activities, humanitarian activities has increased.

* Cause of accomplishment First, the Party, the State and the Ministry of Education and Training have timely promulgated appropriate guidelines, guidelines and policies to guide the entire educational activities and educational activities of Ho Chi Minh ideology includes the education of humanity in Ho Chi Minh.

Second, the Party Committee, the school's management board had a clear awareness of the education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students at universities. Third, ethical norms, solidarity traditions, and fraternal life are also one of the important causes for the education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students. Fourth, most students are aware of the importance of education so they try to train according to Ho Chi Minh's humanistic thought in their learning. Limitations and causes

* Limitations - Firstly, a part of the subjects involved in the education process is not aware of the role and location of the Ho Chi Minh humanist education. 17 - Second, the quality of the factors involved in the educational process has not met the practical requirements of educational activity.

- Thirdly, the results of Ho Chi Minh humanist education activities have not met the requirements of building human resources for comprehensive development of the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country.

* Causes

- First, it comes from the psychology, the majors and the university.

- Secondly, the contents, methods and forms of organizing the humanistic education of Ho Chi Minh for students in universities are still very formal. - Third, the negative side of the market economy along with the process of opening up the integration has profound impact on students' moral awareness and behavior. The market economy has been promoting personal benefits and material benefits in an excessive way. - Fourth, beside the students who have good sense of learning, training and cultivation, there is still a part of students lack of sense of learning, training according to the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought.

3.2. Issues raised in the education of humanist thought in Ho Chi Minh for students 3.2.1. Contradiction between the quality requirements of Ho Chi Minh humanist education activities for students with limitations and inadequacies of educational subjects. In order to improve the quality of education activities of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic education for students in universities, we have to overcome the inadequacies of subjects involved in the education process, Train the faculty of Ho Chi Minh’s thought to be firmly in the field of expertise and ethical standards. In addition, there should be close coordination between the school, the family and the society in the education of the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students so that the subjects can meet the requirements of educational activities. 18 3.2.2. Contradictions between the content of the humanistic education of Ho Chi Minh in the school and the reality of social life The negative phenomena taking place in the social life that students often witness as the emotion between people, the indifference between people and nature, and society; Negative phenomena, inequality in society. These are issues that are contrary to human love, compassion, selflessness, tolerance in Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought that students need to be taught by teachers in school. This fact has caused great difficulties in educating Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students in universities that need to be addressed to improve the quality of educational activities.

3.2.3. The contradiction between the desire to improve personality with the lack of awareness training Ho Chi Minh Humanities of a large proportion of students. Improving the personality is not only the desire of students but also the objective social demands of society. However, nowadays in the universities there are still a large number of students lack of training consciousness. The lack of training consciousness is a manifestation of the decline of social morality, the departure from Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. This is really a question for the education of humanist ideas of Ho Chi Minh for students in universities in our country.

Chapter 4. THE EDUCATION OF HO CHI MINH’S HUMANISTIC THOUGHT FOR STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITIES IN VIET NAM – DIRECTIONS AND SOLUTIONS 4.1. Direction of education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought university students 4.1.1. The education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students is linked with the goal of building "new people in socialism" 19 The education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students in universities helps them to create the qualities and personality of the Vietnamese people. This new method is carried out simultaneously with the education of specialized knowledge and practical skills in order to form a comprehensive human resource to meet the requirements of the cause of industrialization, modernization and association. International entry. This is an important orientation in the education activities of today's universities

4.1.2. Educating Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for student’s responsibility for themselves, their families and the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country. As a reserve team, a powerful contingent of the revolutionary cause, and the future owners of the nation, the younger generation - first of all students - is responsible for succeeding careers. The glorious revolution that the go generation has left behind. Therefore, to make them see their great responsibility to themselves, to the family and above all the responsibility of a citizen, a young intellectual for the cause of construction and development. The country for the purpose of a prosperous people, strong country, democracy, justice and civilization is an orientation in educating the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students today.

4.2. Educational solution of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for universities students.

From the position, role, requirement and reality of educating Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students at universities in Viet Nam. This education should be synchronized by various solutions. However, in this topic, the author initially mentioned some basic solutions:

4.2.1. Raising awareness about the position and role of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought education for students. Implement this solution is to educate the education sector, management staff, lectures, mass organizations... have high sense of responsibility. In the process of directing, organizing and renovating 20 educational contents and methods to bring about the quality of this activity in universities in our country.

4.2.2. Renovation of contents and methods of educating Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students in Viet Nam through subjects relate to Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. Renovation of contents of Ho Chi Minh’s thought aims at equipping, students with highly scientific, Party- based background knowledge and deep thought for students. Renovating the training program of Ho Chi Minh’s thought. Renovating teaching methods on Ho Chi Minh’s thought aims to help students to be active, creative and self-learning, to transform Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought in to the necessary qualities for themselves. Strengthening the conditions to support the educational activities of the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought.

4.2.3. Promoting student autonomy and self-discipline in training according to the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. To implement this solution, every schools need to educate and persuade each student to realize that their responsibilities toward the country. On the other hand, schools should encourage students to actively study and train themselves according to the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. Universities need to set up a monitoring and a valuation mechanism in various forms and suitable for students to enhance the spirit of self-learning, self-training according to Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. Moreover, setting up the regulation on reward, discipline and democracy for students who have good record in studying and training in Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought, as well as individuals who have manifestations currently violating morality, lifestyles. 21 4.2.4. Diversification pf practical socio-political movements, especially the prective of “Green Summer”, “Humanitarian Blood Donation” for students in Viet Nam today It is necessary to better promote the leadership role of the Youth Union and the Student Association in organizing as attracting students into practical socio-political movements, organizations of associations in universities. There should be content and forms of education lively, colorful and continue to innovate and develop the movement “Volunteer Youth”, “Strengthening Exam Season”, “Humanitarian Blood Donation” ..., The Youth Union, the association deploys practical political and social activities under the leadership of the Party Committee. The Board of Directors should have close links with the Department of Political Affairs, Department of Political Theory. To have a close cooperation in the whole school, improve the quality so education activities of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students.

4.2.5. To closely combine the school, family and society in the process of educating the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students in Viet Nam. This combination aims to create a multi-dimensional impact, create synergy to improve the effectiveness of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. The requirement of this combination are: Firstly, the consistency of the objectives and contents of education must be ensuring.

Second, building a close bond between family, school and society in the education process.

4.2.6. Strengthening the inspection and supervision of schools, departments and organizations of the unions for the education of the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. Strengthening the monitoring and supervision of this educational activities in order to raise the sense og self-awareness in activities, 22 accurately grash information on the actual state of such educational activities as well as the factors affecting the process of education, from which to find out the causes and propose timely and effective solutions to improve the quality of educating Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought.

For the Party Committee, the Board of Directors should regularly monitor and supervise the education activities of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought of the unit and teacher in the schools. Offices, boards in school, especially the Training Department should promote their role in monitoring and supervising the implementation of training programs, the programs of study subjects of political theory in general, subjects relates to Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought in particular. Promoting the supervision of faculty members for faculty, student supervision of faculty, student supervision of faculty members through faculty assessment form.

The end of chapter 4 Promoting Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought through ethical education, building a student's personality is one of the basic, long-term measures. That is aimed at building a human society, developed in our country. Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought Education for students at universities in Vietnam in the past few years, although some results have been achieved in the building of new moral and ethical standards. However, this work still has many limitations. In order to promote the achievements and overcome the limitations in the education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students at universities in our country today, we need to educate the Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students with long-term orientation and a synchronous system of educational solutions, in order to step by step raise students' awareness of training and cultivating according to Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought.

Therefore, in order to improve the quality of education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students at universities, it is necessary to synchronously 23 implement the above solutions with the coordination and association of educational subjects in the home, school with family and social education.

CONCLUSION Our country is now entering a period of accelerated industrialization, modernization and international integration towards the goal of “prosperous people, strong country, democratic, equitable, and civilized society”. This is a very difficult, hardship and long-lasting revolution. In order for this revolutionary cause to succeed, we have to explore all of our resources, especially the care and training of human resources, forming new properly developed human beings for the society, in which, Ho Chi Minh's humanistic thought is the foundation and the root for the orientation of building those new human beings. Students are a great social force and the future owners of the country. In order to be worthy of that role, students should not only be qualified and skillfull but also conscientious and responsible to the community. They must be the people who develop the whole "virtue" and "talent " with Ho Chi Minh's humanistic values. Human qualities in each student are formed in a variety of contexts, especially in university environment and directly in the contents of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought. Over the past years, the educational activities of Ho Chi Minh humanistic ideology for university students in our country have contributed to the formation of good qualities in students such as responsibility, sympathy, thoughtfulness, and sharing. However, on the social level, there are still a great number of students who are degrading their morals, pursuing pragmatic lifestyles and individualism leading to their own insensitivity towards people and society. Therefore, studying the education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for students is very necessary and urgent both in theory and practice. In order to overcome the reality to improve the quality of Ho Chi Minh humanistic educational activities for university students in our country now, Ho Chi Minh's humanistic thought for students is linked with the goal of building a "new socialist human being" and educating the 24 humanist thought of Ho Chi Minh for students to be accountable to themselves, their families, industrialization and modernization of the country. In addition, in the researcher’s opinion, some highly feasible solutions in educating the Ho Chi Minh humanist ideology for students are: First, raising awareness of the position and role of education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought for university students in Vietnam today.; Second, renovating the contents and methods of teaching Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic thought to university students in our country through Ho Chi Minh ideology courses; Third, strengthening the conditions to support educational activities and building the cultural and humanist environment in universities; Fourth, promoting student autonomy and self-discipline in Ho Chi Minh's humanistic ideology; Fifth, Diversifying practical socio- political activities, especially the "Green summer" campaigns, "Humanitarian blood donation" for students in current universities.; Sixth, closely combining schools, families and society in the course of education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic ideology for students; Seventh, strengthening the inspection and supervision of schools, departments and unions for the education of Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic ideology for students.

Our country is now entering a period of rapid industrialization, modernization and international integration which requires the generation of Vietnamese youth in general and Vietnamese students in particular to be professionally qualified and ethics in order to meet new requirements. Therefore, the education and training of the generations of properly developed students with morality - intellectuality - aesthetics, responsibility, sympathy, thoughtfulness, and sharing, living with the ideal and faith with the ambition to set up business for their future and the future of the country according to Ho Chi Minh’s humanistic ideology is an urgent issue today. That task requires the attention and coordination of all organizations and branches, but first of all, it should be the education in the universities in our country today. 25


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