HA NOI - 2017

The thesis was completed at Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

Supervisors: 1. Assoc. Prof., Dr. Bui Dinh Phong 2. Assoc. Prof., Dr. Le Van Tich

Reviewer 1: ………………………………….……... …………………………………………

Reviewer 2: ………………………………………... ………………………………………..

Reviewer 3: ………………………………………... ………………………………………..

The thesis shall be defended in front of the Thesis Committee at Academy Level at Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics At……hour……date……month……. year 2017

The thesis can be found at: The National Library and Library of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics 1 INTRODUCTION

1. The necessity of the thesis In facing the need to choose the revolutionary path to liberate and develop the nation, Ho Chi Minh formed his philosophy of action from an early age, becoming a consistent theme throughout the rest of his life. Going out to the world, approaching the -, Ho Chi Minh found a way to save the country and liberate the nation by ensuring national independence associated with . Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action indicates that national independence and national independence right is sacred, inviolable and that freedom andhappiness for the people is the ultimate goal of all actions. The objective of Ho Chi Minh's action is the constant values and goals expressed by the rich and powerful actions of Ho Chi Minh in the process of leading and realizing revolutionary goals. The philosophy of Ho Chi Minh's actions objective is still valuable, contributing to the orientation of action for the Party and the people in the cause of national renewal and development. Through the lens of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh not only selected the philosophical values of the nation, of the East, of the West but also recognized and developed motives for revolutionary action. The philosophy of the power of the masses, the role of the masses are grasped in action. The people are the bottom line, the core value of all action, the philosophy of action of Ho Chi Minh. Patriotism of the people in the national tradition identified by Ho Chi Minh as "your precious things", and by concrete, practical actions, he arouse and promoted those precious things to serve the revolutionary cause. Patriotism is promoted by "emulation is patriotism, patriotism must emulate", and the spirit of "solidarity, unity, national unity" of the nation and the world, creating strong driving force determining the revolutionary victory. In the revolutionary cause, the democratic way of doing things has become a "universal key" to solve all difficulties. The philosophy of action dynamics embodied in Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is based on scientific theories, with affirmative and practical results, which have been the orientations for the Party's actions in formulating policies and building directions in order to bring into full play the dynamics of the cause of in the new conditions of the country. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is reflected in the rich and profound revolutionary cause. The philosophy of "Invaluable change for change" is Ho Chi Minh's method of action and of leading actions. Thoroughly grasping this philosophy in action assures the independence of the people, the freedom and happiness of the people, and shows the flexibility and creativity in concrete methods of action to accomplish the goal set out by the revolution. Facing the degradation of ideology, morality, saying not to go along with doing, saying one thing but doing another, etc. among the current cadres, party members, philosophy of action method "exemplifying in action”, "Party members 2 leading then the village following", Party members are "model boat" in Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action further affirming the strong values of implementing the philosophy. Ho Chi Minh's action philosophy concerning speaking with actual action, exemplifying in action, is a value that needs to be developed and expanded, becoming important criteria in assessing moral qualities, ideology of cadres and party members nowadays. With the results achieved in the reality of revolutionary action, Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action has contributed to the development of the philosophy of action contained in Marxism-Leninism, developing the philosophy of action of the nation to a new level. Contents of the philosophy of action orientated the Party’s activities and in building quality, standards of action, fighting, working and learning for cadres and party members. At the same time, the successes of the Vietnamese revolution and Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action have strongly supported the revolutionary movement of colonial national liberation in the world. Implementing his philosophy of action, Ho Chi Minh showed that the example of the pure, loyal international communist soldiers, affirmed the philosophical act of humanity of the nation of . Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action, with its deep and scientific content, its values enrich Ho Chi Minh's legacy, the tremendous spiritual wealth of the Party and people, Theoretical and practical values of the philosophy have significance for the development of the nation and the era. For that reason, I chose Ho Chi Minh's Philosophy of Action as my doctoral thesis with the desire to understand and contribute to the clarification of Ho Chi Minh's treasure. 2. Research purpose and research tasks 2.1. Research purpose The dissertation will clarify the concept, basis of formation, nature and basic contents; Ethnic and era values of Ho Chi Minh's Philosophy of Action. 2.2. Research task - Overview of the research situation related to the thesis topic, showing the results, identifying the thesis issues that should be further studied and clarified. - Definition of concepts; The basis of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. - Analyzing the content, defining the nature of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. - Assessing the national and the era values of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. 3. Subject and scope of the study 3.1. Research subjects Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action includes the foundational aspects, the content, the nature, the values of the nation, and the values of era of the philosophy. 3.2. Research scope From the perspective of Ho Chi Minh, concerning the materials, the thesis analyzes actions, tasks, articles, speeches, practical guidance; regarding the content, it 3 is the views, the practical action; as for the timing, it is mainly after the August Revolution from 1945 to 1969, to clarify the content and value of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. 4. Theoretical basis and research methodology 4.1. Theoretical basis The theoretical basis of the thesis is the views of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, the of Vietnam on the path, goals, motives and methods of revolutionary action. 4.2. Research Methodology The thesis uses dialectical materialist methodology, historical materialism and specific methods: Logical and historical methods in analyzing and evaluating events and actions of Ho Chi Minh; abstracting and generalizing methods to clarify Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action in different fields, and at the same time using a number of other specific methods such as analysis, comparison, synthesis, etc. to fulfil the purpose of the dissertation. 5. Scientific and practical contribution of the thesis 5.1. Scientific contribution - The thesis contributes to clarify the concept, defining the nature of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. - The topic clarifies the foundation basis and contents of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. - Determining ethnic values and values of the era of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action; contributing to affirm the comprehensiveness of the Ho Chi Minh heritage. 5.2. Practical contribution In theory: The dissertation contributes to increase the knowledge of political science in general, of Ho Chi Minh in particular and becoming the basis for the Communist Party of Vietnam to apply in the process of social development, especially the problem of unifying in the actions, words and deeds of the contingent of cadres and party members in the context of the renovation and integration of the country. In practice: The dissertation can be used as a reference for study and research in the fields of political science such as: Ho Chi Minh studies, politics, Party construction as well as applied in building and rectifying the current Party. 6. Structure of the thesis In addition to the Introduction, Conclusion, List of References, the thesis is structured in 4 chapters, 12 sectiond:


1.1. Study of philosophy The study of philosophy is not much, some studies have mentioned the philosophy only to unify the concept of philosophy, as a basis for the study of the content of a particular philosophy. A review of the philosophical research reveals that the perception of conceptual and perceptual characteristics in relation to the philosophy of the researchers is relatively uniform. There is different perceptions of philosophy in works, but they are fundamentally not contradictory but complementary. Studies have always put philosophy in relation to philosophy, comparison, distinction of concepts, understanding of the relationship between philosophy and philosophy is increasingly clear. 1.2. Study of Ho Chi Minh’s philosophy Researching on the philosophy of Ho Chi Minh recently was also widely concerned by many researchers. However, there are not many specialized researches on Ho Chi Minh philosophy. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy is mentioned scattered in the study of method and ideology in the philosophy of Ho Chi Minh. The research works are mainly journal articles or scientific thematic articles. Ho Chi Minh's philosophies that were invested to be researched is the philosophy of "Being invariant to change variables", philosophy of social development, these are also works of scientific value. Studying the philosophy of Ho Chi Minh needs more attention and investment because of the scientific values and requirements of the country. 1.3. Study the Ho Chi Minh’s philosophy of action Until now, no work has studied the philosophy of action of Ho Chi Minh. However, in the study of Ho Chi Minh's philosophies or in the study of the method, style and philosophical ideology of Ho Chi Minh, the action philosophy of Ho Chi Minh was mentioned. The approach to the content of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action shows that the works reflected the goals, methods, motives, forms of expression, the formation path of the philosophy of action. However, the content is scattered in the works, there has been no work studying to clarify the philosophy of action of Ho Chi Minh. 1.4. Evaluation of the published research results and issues set out for the thesis 1.4.1. Achieved research results Firstly, through the works, philosophical concepts, Ho Chi Minh's philosophy and Ho Chi Minh's development philosophy are basically unified. It was able to initially determine the relationship between Ho Chi Minh's philosophies, the relationship between Ho Chi Minh's action philosophy and Ho Chi Minh's 5 philosophies. Works that evaluate the relationship between philosophy, or philosophies on one level are the study of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology. Secondly, the researchers asserted that Ho Chi Minh had many philosophies such as development philosophy, philosophy of people, humanity philosophy, moral philosophy, educational philosophy... and affirmed that there is the philosophy of action of Ho Chi Minh. In Ho Chi Minh, the philosophy of every problem is expressed in concrete action, Ho Chi Minh's action philosophy is mixed in other philosophies. Thirdly, the researchers consider Marxist-Leninist philosophy as the basis of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy. Researchers agreed that Ho Chi Minh is a practical philosopher. Applicants of the principles, rules, and pairs of Marxist - Leninist philosophical categories in the revolutionary practice of Vietnam in the manner of Vietnamese and Eastern people, to carry out the renovation and social development in the spirit of Lenin-Marxism. Fourthly, the works affirmed that there is Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action, citing some aspects of the content, expression of the form, the relationship of the philosophy of action with the categories of ethics,... or the relationship between the philosophy of action and Ho Chi Minh's development philosophy, but not enough and only for the purpose of researching other content. Fifthly, researches, when referring to Ho Chi Minh's philosophy, are of high interest to the researchers in the following matters: the philosophy of the people, the philosophy of humanity, the goal of action is to solve people report, human liberation, social liberation; Theory attached to reality is the supreme principle, the goal of action; speaking along with doing is one of the characteristics of Ho Chi Minh’s style and method; " Being invariant to change variables" is the principle considered action number one, culminating in the action method of Ho Chi Minh. These are issues that will be discussed by the thesis from the perspective of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. 1.4.2. Issues set out need further studying Firstly, acquire and present the system of concepts related to Ho Chi Minh philosophy and action philosophy. Formulating the concept of Ho Chi Minh’s Philosophy of Action. Confirming Ho Chi Minh's Philosophy of Action is the basis for defining Ho Chi Minh's goals, motives, and methods of action for other philosophies, as well as a fundamental way of expressing Ho Chi Minh's philosophy in revolutionary practice. Secondly, the dissertation explores the forming foundations and nature of Ho Chi Minh's philosophical nature. Thirdly, from the clues, the arguments in researches on the unification of theory and practice, on the speaking goes along with doing, about "being invariant to 6 change variables",... the author of the thesis continues to clarify the content of Ho Chi Minh's action philosophy, objectives, motives and methods of action in Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. Fourthly, from determining the basis of formation, nature, content, the thesis determine the value of the theory and practice of philosophy.

Summary of Chapter 1

A review of the study shows that researches on Ho Chi Minh's philosophy and Ho Chi Minh's action philosophy have achieved some initial results. The researchers agreed that there is a philosophy of action of Ho Chi Minh. This philosophy is reflected in Ho Chi Minh's writings, speeches, and actions during revolutionary life. In the works, the researchers only mentioned one or some aspects of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action, none of which worked on Ho Chi Minh's action philosophy as the research subject. As approaching the study of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action, the dissertation points out some of the contents of the philosophy that have been mentioned by the works, on the basis of which performing evaluation of the results of the research and the problems set out for the thesis to continue research. Overview of the research situation is the basis for the dissertation to fulfill the purpose and task of studying Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action.


2.1. Some concepts 2.1.1. The concept of "philosophy" "Philosophy" is a term derived from the Greek word "Philosophia" which means "loving wisdom". Philosophy used in the popular sense is the study of the most common problems of nature, society and people, the relationship of people in general, of human thinking in particular with the world around. In terms of form, "philosophy" is a special form of consciousness and awareness, represented by a system of abstract principles, views, generalizations, and strict internal logic. It is the system of knowledge about the foundations and fundamental principles of the relationship between man and nature, society and spiritual life, which express a particular rational cognition of the system of the basic problem of human existence. 2.1.2. The concept of "theory of philosophy" In the Vietnamese Dictionary of the Institute of Linguistics, "philosophy" is understood as "philosophical theory", "general concept of human beings on human 7 and social issues", "theories on the issues of human and the society". In the Dictionary of Vietnamese words and definitions, the word “philosophical theory” in a word-by-word way, in which "philosophica" is wisdom, "theory" is reason, rationale, for example, the rationale of philosophy. In the great Vietnamese dictionary "theory of philosophy" is also referred to as "philosophical theory" and is also understood as "the general and deepest human notion of human and social problems". In other research, Vietnamese scientists have quite a variety of interpretations of the concept of "philosophical theory" which can be understood as: Philosophical theory is the conjugal proposition from the experiences of human that is morally oriented in the relationship between man and man, man with nature, man with society, become the motto of human life and action. 2.1.3. The concept of "Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action" Ho Chi Minh associated the theory with practicality in a smooth way, practicalizing theories and theoreticalizing practice. He advocates actions and by concrete actions improving practice, speaking along with doing, doing more than speaking. He himself is a convincing example, the fire-acter, the one who awakens the peasantry, awakens the slave souls. Ho Chi Minh always shows the consistency between motivation and action, from big to small, from closer to farer subjects, all are clear, thorough, specific, planned, programmed, methods with reasonable steps. Ho Chi Minh's actions were not only aimed at solving the immediate problems, the pressing necessities of the revolution, but also the future development of the nation. In every action, on every field, Ho Chi Minh always put the people in the first place, considering the forces of the people being the greatest, it is the people who decide the survival of the country, the development of the revolutionary movement. From that point, it set out the responsibility of the Party and the State in all actions towards the people, to be loved by the people, to always love the people, to believe in the people, to respect the people, to put the interests of the people first and foremost, to be objective, to benefit the people, avoiding harm to the people. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action manifests itself in a variety of forms, mainly through practical activities, along with some of his writings and speeches, bearing the traits of the traditional philosophy of the nation but was scientifically supplemented and developed by philosophy of action contained in Marxism- Leninism. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is poignant, profound statements that show Ho Chi Minh's goals, motives, and methods of action for the cause of liberation and development of the country. With this understanding, Ho Chi Minh's Philosophy of Action is approached to the widest possible extent, as a whole, a independent research subject, pointing out the basic underlying contents of Ho Chi Minh’s philosophy of action. 8 2.2. The formulation basis of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action 2.2.1. Objective factors Philosophy of action in the traditional thought - First of all, the philosophies handed down in folklore are the philosophies of loving the country and the people as living and being a human, are "to love each other”, “to love the others as oneself”, “when a horse is hurt the whole pack refuse the grass”, etc. Due to these living principles, in his whole life of learning and firmly struggling, Ho Chi Minh, in every action, from small to important matters, from individual to national issues, had always been oriented towards the interests of the people, being devoted and loyal to the people. Secondly, the influences of the philosophies of action of the great thinkers in the history of the nation, not starting from the folk but were widely spread in the people, expressing the ideas of the outstanding people. The philosophy of "in the Southern mountains and rivers stay the Southern King", "the great cause wins the brutal, replacing the brutal with the good", "the cause of humanity lies in the peace" or "in building the country, teaching is the most important, finding talented people is the root", "Unfarmed no peace, no work no richness, no trading no activity, no talents no development", expressed in Ho Chi Minh’s actions that: rather scarifying everything than loosing the country and being enslaved; determining to reclaim independence even if that means the Truong Son range must be burned; Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom! Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is a product of the history and traditions associated with the process of forming the personality of Ho Chi Minh. Eastern and Western philosophy Eastern philosophy with the formation of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action First, the effects of Confucian philosophy and philosophy developed on the basis of in . Confucian thought does not take into account the importance of writing, theorizing, "setting the darkness of literary expression." The notion that only if it is impossible to practice the kingship that a man should turn back to speech. Or the view of "benevolent benefit" is the criterion for evaluating things. Only words that can be turned into action are valuable, if cannot then do not say. The theory of "unification", Sun Yat-sen's third sense strongly influenced the style, methods of action, the objective of action of Ho Chi Minh. Second, the impact of Buddhist philosophy. Vietnamese conceives that Nibbana is in the mundane world, the mortal man who wants to attain Nibbàna must be mundane, doing things to meet the needs of human life. The notion of "people’s mind, individual mind" points to the path of spirituality, aiming for the good by serving humanity and social groups have influenced Ho Chi Minh's thought. The philosophy of Buddhism of "following the immutable grace" is expressed in Ho 9 Chi Minh when he traveled across many continents, interacted with various types of people, "depending on grace" that he learned and acted in order to save the country. The virtues of being quiet, not talkative about issues not practical of the Buddha also absorbed by Ho Chi Minh to only absorb and express what is needed, useful, practical for the work of liberation, although his knowledge, life experience is extremely rich. Third, the values of Taoist philosophy, inheritance, development of ideas of attaching to the nature, harmonizing with nature, escaping all the fictitious ties of Lao Tzu, Ho Chi Minh's living opinion is also absolutely no desire for material or public wealth. He became the president as the trustees of the people, "as a soldier obeying the national mandate to go to the battle front. When my compatriots allow me to go back, I'm happy to retreat". For his part, he just wanted to "make a small house where there is green mountain, water to fish, planting flower, being friends with the old who go picking wood, with the children herding buffalos from the early morning to the afternoon, nothing to do with the fame circle". This is consistent throughout Ho Chi Minh's actions in life, especially when he encountered difficult situations in prison, but was always firmly believed, optimistic about the revolution career. Western philosophy with the formation of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action Western culture develops on the basis of the ideologies of reason and science as the criterion of truth. Reason thinking puts all human thoughts and actions in a logical circuit, the connection between things, phenomena, events to understand its nature. For nearly three decades living and working in a Western cultural environment, with Westerners, this lifestyle, way of thinking, working style, cultural space, through daily contact, has permeated itself into Ho Chi Minh. The pragmatism of the West expresses what, what is real, experienced, beneficial to humans is of high value to human life. In the context of loosing the country, with the people groaning under the oppression, the exploitation of and , Ho Chi Minh’s practical thinking derived from this objective situation. The good values of Western culture contribute to Ho Chi Minh's thinking, style, working methods and philosophy. Marxism-Leninism The theory of Marxism-Leninism directs people to specific, practical actions to liberate the class, to liberate the people. Marxism-Leninism was the solution to Ho Chi Minh's problems to the Vietnamese revolution. Ho Chi Minh found in Marxism-Leninism the instructions - like the "miraculous handbook", to carry out the revolution of national liberation, liberation of working people. Through the lens of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh chose the essence of the doctrine, theories of the saints, great men in both Eastern and Western cultures, to form his philosophy of action. 10 2.2.2. Subjective factors The dream, the ideal of saving the country, saving the people, his ultimate desire is the country being independent, people being free, all the people having food, clothes, everyone is educated. He had spent his life striving for the interests of the motherland, and the happiness of the people, overcoming many difficulties, sometimes hiding in the mountains, or going to prison, with life- threatening situations, staying sleepless all day and night, being patient - all for that purpose. Wise intellectual, independent thinking, self-control, creativity, understanding, eager to learn. Savvy intellect, thoughtful analytical thinking brings him to the perceptions and evaluations of the revolutionary movement in the country, as well as the bourgeois in the West, to select the path of national liberation according to Marxism-Leninism, having national independence associated with socialism. With independent thinking, autonomy and creativity, Ho Chi Minh’s loyalty to Marxism-Leninism is not only on the words, but in his firm understanding of the Marxist-Leninist views, methods and ideas. Marxism-Leninism to him is not a bible but a guideline for action. Willpower, strength, tenacity, these qualities are derived from the rich knowledge of cultural knowledge, practical experience, in any situation, despite how difficult, Ho Chi Minh can also respond effectively, suitably for the action purposes. Moreover, Ho Chi Minh equipped himself with the sharpest theoretical weapon of the era and constantly sharpen it in the practice of revolutionary struggle. The bravery and strong will of Ho Chi Minh have come from the patriotic heart, loving the people. His action spirit is "ready to be put in jail or on a guillotine", ready to sacrifice himself for the benefit of the nation and the people. For the people, nothing Ho Chi Minh did not dare to do, nor any power, any power, any bribe prevent him from doing actions for national interests. 2.3. The nature of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action 2.3.1. Scientific nature Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action was formed on the basis of Marxist- Leninist scientific theory. On the basis of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh selected the progressive, positive values of the philosophy of the nation, the East, the West to formulate his philosophy of action. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is a highly generalized proposition that is united and illustrated throughout Ho Chi Minh's life. These contents have the process of formation and confirmation in the revolutionary reality, with specific achievements. The way to express the content of the philosophy is understandable, scientific, in the understanding way of the masses, people, being 11 scientific but still close. The content of the philosophy is made possible and implemented by Ho Chi Minh's specific, diversified and rich actions in the revolutionary cause. 2.3.2. Revolutionary nature Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action was formed in response to the need to find a revolutionary path, from the requirement of national liberation in Vietnam. The content of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy embodies the radical revolutionary ideas of Marxism-Lenin, which in fact revolutionized to first liberate the nation and the people. And then it was a revolution that transformed everything that is old, outdated in the way we organize and manage society, to wash away the traces of old, backward in the thought of each individual. It was a revolution not only for the independence of the people, but also for the revolution of thought, politics, economics, culture, science... revolution to change all, eliminate everything that hinder the development of man, for man, because of man. It is the revolution that brings the people to the highest goal of mastering themselves, their destiny, their people and constantly contributing to the country's development. 2.3.3. Human nature Throughout his life, in Ho Chi Minh's thoughts and actions always consistently represents a revolutionary truth that is the cause of the people, by the people, for the people. He spent his life fighting for and guiding the people to fight and save the nation along the chosen path. His philosophy of action not only plays an important role in shaping the new humanism of the new action of the nation, the humanism of Ho Chi Minh, but also the humanistic and loving traditions. of the nation, the culture of the people associated with other progressive cultures in the world. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action transcends the demands of the struggle for national liberation, class liberation and the liberation of mankind in Vietnam, which embodies the values of humanity, reflecting the most common aspirations of human love, of compassion for the suffering, regardless of skin color and religion around the world. And it is even more human in that it not only inspires action, promotes action, but also directs people toward goal-oriented action, the method of national liberation, the liberation of oneself, to become the owner.

Summary of Chapter 2

Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is based on the inheritance and development of the philosophical values of the nation, of the East, especially the philosophy contained in Marxism-Leninism. On the basis of Marxist-Leninist methodology and dialectics, Ho Chi Minh selected and developed cultural values, ideas, and philosophies that made Ho Chi Minh's philosophical sense of communist expression but unlike other communists. The philosophy shows the Marxist - 12 Leninist , but still very Vietnamese, is close to the understanding of the Vietnamese. The categories, norms, values of Buddhist philosophy, Confucianism, ethnographic traditions, national culture are used, even repeated more than the words of Marxist science, but express and transmit of Marxist philosophical, scientific and revolutionary values. The process of forming Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action at the same time as the process of activities and leading of Ho Chi Minh in the revolutionary movement in Vietnam. In this process, the content of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy has been increasingly improved, the scientific, revolutionary and human nature of philosophy has become more and more profound. The philosophical contents are embodied in practice, tested by the revolution, of which values are evaluated and confirmed. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is no longer a philosophy of living and being an individual, but a reflection of a life-long philosophy of era meaning that encompasses universal human values broadly and deeply. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action shows the purpose, motive, and the means of action for the realization of human values in the course of historical development. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is constantly being implemented and increasingly expanded. Formed in a scientific, non-secondment way, Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is not only national, but also international, for the good development of mankind, for mankind. On the basis of assessing the origin, the nature of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action, initially allowing to define the concept of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. The concept of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action reflects the content and nature of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. This is an important basis, deciding the contents of the study of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action which will continue to be implemented in this thesis.


Concerning ideology, Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is difficult to distinguish between goals and motives, as well as goals and motivations for other issues. There are many aspects that are both objective and motive. The thesis divides the philosophy of action into goals, motives and methods as an approach to Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. 3.1. Philosophy of action goals 3.1.1. National independence, unification of the motherland Ho Chi Minh born in the context of a lost country, people were living in the scene of exploitation by oppression. His philosophy of action objectives put 13 "Motherland be the foremost", "Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom". Coming to Marxism-Leninism, the philosophy of Ho Chi Minh's objective of action shows that "the revolution of national liberation must develop into a socialist revolution to achieve full victory". And in order to build independence, the philosophy of action is defined in Vietnam: "To befriend all democratic countries and not create hatred for anybody", with the goal "All peoples in the world are born equal; Every nation has the right to live, to enjoy and to be free" should be acted upon in order to build the country, to build a world of peace. "Righteousness and the ideal of democracy - to be a substitute for war, that freedom, equality and charity must be exercised in all countries without distinction of race and color". The philosophy of Ho Chi Minh's objective is first and foremost for the nation, for the people but more general also for all peoples, for the sake of freedom, happiness and human development. The objective of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action shows the human and ethical values that make up the nation's value and the values of era of philosophy. 3.1.2. Freedom, happiness of the people Ho Chi Minh's guiding philosophy is "People only know the value of freedom, of independence when the people are well fed and clothed" (57, p.175]. People considering eating as heaven, if there is no food, there is no heaven. He pointed out that this is applied for all human beings, "only when there is enough food can people work", without food, the people cannot do anything, people need to be "fulled before studying" [61, p.70]. Therefore, the goal in Ho Chi Minh's action is to "take utmost care of the people's life", which is considered to be the most focused, strength to carry out the freedom and happiness of the people. Ensuring people have food, clothes, ensuring a habitable place for the people, making sure they are educated are the target of action immediately after the country have gained independence, but the depth of the goal expressed in the philosophy that "to make our country worthy of independence and freedom, and contribute to gain freedom and independence". This philosophy not only motivates and encourages the actions of each cadre and party member but also of the people to live a life worthy of independence and freedom. Because of the freedom and happiness of the people, the objectives of the Party, the Government, cadres and party members must be defined as: "The Government is the faithful servant of the people", the Government ‘’serve the Fatherland, serve the people ". The philosophy of action for freedom, the happiness of the people regulates and binds of all actions of the Party, the Government, cadres and party members to be in accordance with their status, that is, they have to meet the rights and status of the people, always put the right and status of the people to the highest position. 3.2. Philosophy of action motives Motivation is all that motivates human to act to make revolution happen. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action shows that there is a dynamic system in 14 which factors are both motive and revolutionary. The thesis analyzes some of the main drivers. 3.2.1. Motivation of patriotism and national spirit Concerning the philosophic motive of patriotism and nationalism, Ho Chi Minh discovered that, "patriotic spirit is like precious things". Recognizing the value of patriotism, Ho Chi Minh "tries to explain, propagate, organize and lead the patriotic spirit of all people to practice in patriotic work, struggling work", bringing the "hidden precious things" displayed in the cause of liberation and development of the country. He pointed out: "The brutality of has already prepared the ground: socialism has to do only the job of sowing the seeds of liberation." [54, p. 40]. This philosophy of action shows the opportunity of maturing, it not only motivates the to fight for liberation, independence and unity, but also for the great liberation struggle around the world, where "capitalism has already prepared the ground". 3.2.2. Great national unity motive Assessing the power of the people, Ho Chi Minh asserted, "in the world nothing is as strong as the solidarity of the people". The philosophy of "ten times difficulties without people will be impossible, but hundreds of difficulties will be overcome with the support of the people", orientated actions and solutions to solve difficult problems of the revolutionary cause. Whenever the revolutionary cause encountered difficulties, thanks to the help and contribution of the people, the difficulties were pushed back, every enemy was defeated and the country overcame any difficulty. From the practical action, Ho Chi Minh pointed out that: "Solidarity, solidarity, great solidarity. Success, success, great success". This is a summary, a philosophy of action dynamics. Developing philosophical propositions, direction ideas of Marxist and Leninist actions on international unity, "proletarian of all countries, solidarity!", Ho Chi Minh's philosophy stated that "Proletarian around the world are brothers!". The expression of philosophical clauses is more profound, such as fraternal affection and also close to the Vietnamese understanding. Unity in action, according to the philosophy of action of Ho Chi Minh, has been and still is a force, a motive for action to make great achievements of the revolution of Vietnam. 3.2.3. Motivation for Democratic Practice Approaching the practice of democracy from a philosophical point of view of motive force, Ho Chi Minh pointed out that, "Democratic practice is the universal key that can solve all difficulties". This philosophical statement shows that, through democratic practice, cadres, party members and people see the values of democracy, thereby promoting action towards the establishment of a democracy regime, as the target of revolutionary action. Through democracy, it was not only 15 to overcome difficulties but also to move forward without difficulty, especially the difficulties caused by lack of democracy is the philosophical depth of Ho Chi Minh's motive force. 3.2.4. Motivation for patriotic emulation Ho Chi Minh soon realized the position and role of emulation in the revolutionary cause. The philosophy of action that Ho Chi Minh pointed out is, "Emulation is patriotism, patriotism must be emulated”. He realized that human beings are the true motive of revolution, of revolutionary action, affirmed that "emulators are the most patriots" and "emulating improves the people". Linking emulation with reward generates motivation for benefits, both material benefits as well as spiritual benefits, thereby promoting all classes of people, all cadres and party members to actively emulate. Ho Chi Minh pointed out that: "Reward to encourage good people, and motivate others to try to follow". The philosophy of patriotic emulation motive and benefit motive in action is still valuable and constantly used development in the revolutionary cause. 3.2.5. Cultural motivation From the practicality of action and in action, Ho Chi Minh's philosophy is to have "culture refining the way for the people to go". In pursuit of that philosophy, in the action, Ho Chi Minh seeks all means to equip and foster cultural knowledge and revolutionary theory for cadres, party members and the masses in the direction of constant perfection and development of each individual. Perfecting and developing people by culture, being cultural, on the basis of culture is the revolutionary cause of Ho Chi Minh. Discussing the philosophy of cultural motives, Ho Chi Minh pointed out that "a people of ignorance is a weak people" and that in order to develop "Culture, art as well as all other activities, you can not stand aside, but must stay within economics and politics". Culture in Ho Chi Minh’s ideology is not only a motive for action but also a goal of action, an aspect in which the subject must act in every direction, in order to develop society. The profoundness of the clause is that culture is the driving force, the basis for economic development, political stability, the basis for sustainable development, ensuring the cause of liberation and development of the country. In short, Ho Chi Minh saw clearly the aspirations of the people in the struggle for independence, Ho Chi Minh realized that patriotism has motivated the people to stand up to fight. On the basis of the Marxist-Leninist view of the revolutionary road, the dynamics of revolution, Ho Chi Minh organized forces, built solidarity and great national unity in the cause of liberation, reclaiming independence and freedom of the nation, of the people. In the revolutionary cause, Ho Chi Minh, through many actions of exercising democracy, solidarity and emulation, had brought into full play the patriotism, combined the strength of the nation with the power of the era, promoting 16 the revolution of Vietnam to win the cause of liberation, innovation and development. In the revolutionary cause, the people was the center of development and also the source of all revolutionary motives. Each revolutionary motive has its own way of expression, illustration and promotion, but there is always a close union in each individual and the community, it is a smooth combination of revolutionary ethics and cultural renovation knowledge in every human being. 3.3. Philosophy of method of action 3.3.1. The method of "Being invariant to change variables” The philosophy of action method “Dĩ bất biến ứng vạn biến” ("being invariant to change variables") shows that the action is always firmly gasp the immutability, consistent goals, but always see the swarm of variables in each moment to determine and select the forms of fight and the ways to act accordingly. It represents a smooth combination of persistence in perspective, stance, and purpose with flexibility and elasticity in the way things work. This is expressed in the action of always firmly grasping the target, being consistent in goals. Although the phenomena are constantly turning around, no matter how they change, all actions must revolve around the invariant, around the determined goal. In action, the subject has changes in movement in line with the strategy, in accordance with the change of the real situation, the rules of social development, time. The word "dĩ" and the word "ứng" represent a flexible method of action, taking this to respond to and adapt to the other but always grasp the essence, the core goal to cope with change of things, phenomena, new developments occurring in the process of development, in the cause of revolution. 3.3.2. The method of speaking in parallel with doing Ho Chi Minh does not come up with a method of speaking then doing with specific words, but in actions, in expression, he always spoke and did what he said, speaking with action, mouth speaking and hand working, and also asked officials and party members to act according to this method. Ho Chi Minh criticized the resolutions in the cabinet, criticizing "hundreds of propaganda speeches" are not equivalent to a living mirror,... He is fully aware that speech only has a strong effect when it is understood in practical action, by specific works and actions. The subject of the speech must be concrete actions, diligent, dedicating and effective works to convince others about his words. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action requires practicing "doing what he or she learns" and “working as speaking", and more importantly, we have to do first, do more, to set an example: “to guide the people, I have to be the example and standard for them to imitate”. Ho Chi Minh discussed a method once, he performed it ten times, with the philosophy of action that "if the plan accounts for 10 parts, the method must be 20 and determination be 30”. 17 3.3.3. Method to set an example Ho Chi Minh's guiding philosophy of action is "a vital example worth over a hundred propaganda speeches", implementing that philosophy in the cause of revolution, Ho Chi Minh became the embodiment of the example of ethics, about speaking in parallel with doing, theory connected with practice, about the practice of solidarity, democracy, etc. Seeing example and setting example is a method of action, action objectives, Ho Chi Minh, in his whole life, from small to big matter, from individual to collective, national, from national to international, always demonstrates the application of theoretical practice in reality; practicing democracy; people mobilization; solidarity and great solidarity; moral and revolution moral. For cadres, party members, the philosophy of the method of setting an example in action is pointed out as "Party members go ahead, villages go behind", party members are the exemplary motive force. Implementing the method leads to the notion that our people often say: party members go ahead, villages follow; Party members are exemplary motive force, and consider it a sincere compliment to the exemplary actions of party members and cadres. This method of action is still valid in the process of national renewal and development. 3.3.4. Method of consensus and unity of action Proper awareness is the basis for proper action. In the course of action, there may be new cognitive factors that divert, resulting in incorrect behavior. Therefore, properly understanding, firmly grasping the core of the problem, the core of the goal is the prerequisite to the appropriate action. The phrase "unanimous thought, unanimous action" has the philosophical meaning of a unified approach to action. The method of attainment is to practice reasoning connected with reality, to practice reasoning in order to properly perceive the reason, to create the unity of consciousness in order to act. Ho Chi Minh in the revolutionary act pointed out the importance and made best efforts to protect the unity "like preserving your own". He also pointed out that "democracy is that the party members are allowed to discuss everything" or "democracy is based on the masses, following the right direction of the masses". In emulation, in order for the movement to deepen and for everyone to be eager to join, he pointed out the need to "think through ideas". Thoughtful thinking is the basic requirement of the public mobilization method in order to agree and unify the action of Ho Chi Minh. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action used unity, democracy to reach consensus on the whole people, to pray united for the liberation and development of the country. Cadres and party members have to follow the rules of the Party because: "Party politics is the fundamental theory, the Party used to lead the revolution. It assures unification, unified ideology of the Party". Each cadre and party member is imbued 18 with ideals, undertakings and policies, and strictly implemented and practiced as the basis for avoiding disturbing thoughts, loose ideas, discrete actions, and mistaken actions. Without imbuing the Party's ideology, directions and policies, it is unable to lead the masses, the people, and can not do the revolution.

Summary of Chapter 3

Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action shows Ho Chi Minh's objective, motive and method of action in the reality of revolutionary activity. Each specific content contains the basic value, the essence of thought that was summarized into points, clauses. Content of the philosophy of action unified with Ho Chi Minh's ideology on the cause of liberation, innovation and development of the country. In other words, Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is the most condensed and deepest expression of Ho Chi Minh's ideology in the reality of revolution. From the perspective of behavioral theory, the action content Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is not only decisive for the Vietnamese revolution in the cause of national liberation, but also important in the orientation of action in the cause of national renewal and development. Each field of action, or specific expression of a section of thought, should take philosophical content as the basis for action orientation in order to achieve unity with purpose, motive, and method of action shown. The abandonment of goals, regardless of motives and methods or otherwise, or in other words not applying Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action in every revolutionary act, if not lead to failure, is not in the interest of the nation or the people. In each of the contents of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action, the most prominent feature is the liberation and development of the country for the people. Targeted content is not just the core issues of the revolutionary cause but also the driving force behind it. That momentum is derived from the goal of identifying the right position and role of the people in the cause of liberation and development of the country. That goal shows the path to liberation and development as national independence associated with socialism. The goal of the path also becomes a driving force when it accurately reflects the aspirations of the people, of the nation that is being independent, free and developed. The content of Ho Chi Minh's method of action also shows a thorough understanding of the target for the people. The method of action is always people- centered. Promoting the role of the people, freedom and well-being of the people is central to identifying the methods of action. The content of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action represents the nature of science, revolution and humanity, reflecting the new moral views, revolutionary virtues and morality of Ho Chi Minh. For human beings, for freedom, happiness, and development of human, there can not 19 have a goal, a method of action that is un-scientific, treading the dignity of man, and opposing the interests of the nation. The content of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is approaching from a political standpoint. Studying, clarifying the theoretical and practical values of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is important. Promoting Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action values is not only to create action plans to be in line with the country's development direction and strategies in the present stage, but also to continue to build and complete moral virtues, morality in the actions of cadres, party members. A path of culture, ethics and science to increasingly and radically realize social development goals and action objectives that Ho Chi Minh had identified and implemented effectively.


4.1. National values 4.1.1. Developing the philosophy of action of the nation The philosophy of action demonstrates the patriotic spirit, the determination to protect his father's country was developed by Ho Chi Minh. The development of the philosophy of national action is reflected in scientifically determined objectives, methods and action motives on the basis of Marxist-Leninist theories. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action has objectives, methodology, determining the driving force not only for national liberation, but also for the development of the nation, eliminating the root causes the loss of national independence. The philosophical content continues to be people-centred but well-developed, clearly defining the role and responsibility of the people with their freedom and happiness, and pointing out the means of action to turn the thought into reality. 4.1.2. Orientation of the Party's philosophy of action In Vietnam, the successes and achievements obtained in following the philosophy of action of Ho Chi Minh confirmed the scientific nature and the correctness of philosophy. The objectives, paths and methods of social change that Ho Chi Minh selected are continuing to be used, inherited and developed. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action continues to direct the actions of the Party and people of Vietnam in the new era. The practice of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action has resulted in the shortest way to practicalize the contents of social development that Ho Chi Minh chose. 20 4.1.3. Building quality, standards of living, fighting, working and studying for cadres and party members Not only stopping at the standard for himself, because of himself, through the process of self-awareness, self-absorption to act revolutionary, Ho Chi Minh also paid great attention to building, training and improving cadres and members of the Party. Thorough implementation of Ho Chi Minh's objectives, motives and methods of action philosophy has become one of the criteria for assessing the attitudes, capacities and effectiveness of the actions of cadres and party members. The philosophy of the objectives of independence for the Fatherland, freedom and happiness for the people becomes a striving direction, becoming a motive force for each person in revolutionary struggle. 4.1.4. Inspiring the nation to win great victories Implementing and practicing his philosophy of action in the process of propagating revolutionary theory as well as revolutionary leadership, Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese people gradually changed their appearance, political position, the economy of the country, of the people. The achievements that our country, our people won under the leadership of the Party and of President Ho Chi Minh affirmed the value of Ho Chi Minh's philosophical actions, inspiring actions for classes of cadres, party members, for the whole nation to continue the revolutionary cause that he laid the foundation. In short, to the nation, the value of Ho Chi Minh's philosophical action is not only expressed as the theory of scientific action to liberate the nation, to regain independence, bring freedom and happiness to the people, but also develop the philosophy of action of the nation, with orientation values for action for all subjects in the process of national renewal and development, especially for the Party. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is also the basis of the revolutionary science and technology to build the contingent of cadres and party members. Officials and party members implement and practice Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action in working, fighting and learning to train and demonstrate virtues, standards of morality, of their lifestyles. The more implementation of the philosophy of action of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy in practice, the greater its value, its spread, and its depth. Through this, it is affirmed of the value of being human, moral as a human in society, constantly contribute to the process of protecting territorial sovereignty, to maintain national independence, innovation and development. 4.2. Value of the era 4.2.1. Creative development of philosophy of action of Marxism-Leninism Marxism-Leninism is the source of important theory, which is decisive for the formation of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. However, it is not dogmatic 21 manipulation from the rigid standpoint but the creative application, and is especially creative when grasping the spirit and method. Taking Marxist-Lenin's core values, Ho Chi Minh has the method of evaluating and selecting values, as well as adding views to form the philosophy of action. The practice of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy is not only a process of assimilation, but also a process of asserting the scientific and revolutionary values of Marxist-Leninist theories in the context of Vietnam's reality, developing and supplementing shortcomings that did not have at the time of Marx and Lenin. 4.2.2. Initiating and raising the banner of liberating the colonial nations Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action, with its success in revolutionary practice, not only led the Vietnamese people from slavery to the status of masters and Vietnam from a controlled country to become an independent nation, but is also an initiator, the leader of the colonial empire, who extends human rights to the rights of nations. In the last years of the twentieth century, the beginning of the twenty-first century, the issue of colonial nationalism no longer exists, but the new forms, the risk of dependence on large countries, the aspirations of expansion of large countries still existed. In fact, Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is still valid. It is not only a guideline to act for the Vietnamese nation and Vietnamese people, but still worth learning in the maintenance of sovereignty, in ensuring the independence and development of any nation in the world. 4.2.3. Ho Chi Minh - the example of pure and loyal international communist soldiers Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is not only an emanation of Ho Chi Minh's and Vietnamese personality and minds, but also the crystallization, the development of Marxist-Leninist values and other progressive cultural values of mankind. Acting, fighting for human dignity, for the sake of human rights and interests, Ho Chi Minh not only brought to the nation but also brought immortal values to the struggling of modern people. As implementing and practicing the philosophy of action of Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam became independent, free and happy, increasingly innovates and develops, the people around the world know about the people of Vietnam as a heroic nation. And the world knows about Ho Chi Minh, honoring Ho Chi Minh as the hero of national liberation, the cultural celebrity of Vietnam, who set the fire of fighting and liberating the oppressed peoples all over the world. On a personal level, he is not only a great leader, a father, an uncle, a brother of the Vietnamese people, but for the people of the world, he is a friend, trusted comrade, productive and exemplary communist soldier, an example for learning.

22 Summary of Chapter 4 Evaluating and positioning the value of a view is difficult, for a philosophy of action formed by the whole system of core views expressed in the form of clauses is even much more difficult and complex. The evaluation and comment on the value of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action as stated above has just been to a certain extent, being general and mainly feeling. In practical application, the practice of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action can also have valuable aspects that can be assessed from other angles. In particular, Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action represents an ever- increasing value of marginalization in its implementation and practice of philosophy. However, it must also be noted that Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action, regardless of its point of view, is also valuable to the nation, for the nation on both the practical and theoretical sides. At the same time, it has the value of the era with international scale when it not only enriches Marxist-Leninist philosophies, but also promotes a movement for national liberation in the world, as well as the understanding, cooperation and development among countries around the world. For the people, Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action not only provides a system of core arguments for the realization of revolutionary goals, or in other words to implement the philosophy of social development in Viet Nam, but also promotes and creates a strong motive force for the cadres and party members. The contents of the philosophy also become the criteria to determine and evaluate cadres, party members in the process of striving and training, in performing the tasks, the responsibility for the Party and the people. On the basis of the objectives and orientations of the Party, each cadre and party member performs and acts to ensure the independence of the nation, for the country's continuous innovation and development. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is not only valuable to the cause of liberation, renewal and development of the country, "as the lighthouse for today's struggle", but it also embodies the values of morality and culture. The value of a moral example embodied in action, a humanist example. Ho Chi Minh is a great example of solidarity, of the desire for peace, the struggle for peace, creativity and cultural acumen,... The values and contents crystallized in the philosophy of action of Ho Chi Minh represents cultural value as it motivates the desire for action to realize the values of freedom, scientific development and revolution. The values of the nation and the era of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action need to continue to be applied, especially to promote those values in the context of the current renovation, integration and development of the country. These values should be further researched, expanded and evaluated more accurately to promote and affirm the values of Ho Chi Minh’s legacy. At the same time affirming the proper path of development that Ho Chi Minh oriented for the Party and people on both theoretical and practical aspects. 23 CONCLUSION The starting point of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is from the patriotic love of the people. Because of patriotism and the love for the people, Ho Chi Minh went out to the world to find ways to save the nation and the people. It was during the process of finding a way to save the country that he studied, researched and absorbed the cultural values and progressive thinking of mankind. In particular, the determination to form Ho Chi Minh's philosophy was Marxism-Leninism. Marxism- Leninism not only helped Ho Chi Minh choose the right path to save the country and liberate the nation, but also to show how to achieve that goal. Combining the philosophy of action contained in Marxism-Leninism with the traditional philosophy of action of the nation, of the East and the West, Ho Chi Minh formed a scientific and profound philosophy of action. This philosophy expresses the scientific nature, the theoretical foundation of Marxism-Leninism, which embodies the flexibility and elasticity of Eastern philosophy. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action represents the nature of science, revolution and humanity, closely linked to practicality. This nature is derived not only by scientifically inheriting the philosophical values of the nation and humanity from the perspective of Marxism- Leninism, but also by creative development and improvement of these philosophies to be in line with the new conditions and circumstances with characteristics and personal marks of Ho Chi Minh. The content of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action clearly shows the purpose of every action, motive for action, method of action. The objective of Ho Chi Minh's action is the independence of the nation, the freedom and happiness for the people, the liberation and development, the consolidation and maintainance of the independence, development and full liberation of the people. The goal of every action is for the people, considering the independence of the nation, the freedom and happiness of the people is the most and only impotance. A goal to find independence, freedom, happiness and development of the people, by the people, for the people. Towards the People, for the people, is evident in the views on promoting motives for development, forming the philosophy of Ho Chi Minh's motive force. Practicing the philosophy of action motivation in Ho Chi Minh first and foremost constitutes the material and spiritual force that decides the victories in the national liberation revolution of Vietnam. Continuing to promote and foster revolutionary motives according to Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action also serves as a basis for the sustainable development of the country and to thoroughly liberate people. The objective, motive, method of action is a unified body, which constitute Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. Practicing Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action contributes to the successes of decisive victory for the destiny and development of the Vietnamese nation, with the victories of the Vietnamese revolution in the light of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action contributes to advancing the philosophy of national action to a new level. The application of Marxist-Leninist 24 philosophies of Ho Chi Minh contributes to completing and enriching the philosophy of Marxism-Leninism. Practicing Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of life, in work, in dealing with relationships is a requirement for the Party and State, and for socio-political organizations and is a way to train cadres and party members. By thoroughly understanding the objectives, methods and ways of promoting the motives, there are grounds for assessing the morality, characteristics and ethics of each cadre and party member. The basic content of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action becomes a criterion system that contributes to the training and evaluation of cadres and party members. The Vietnamese revolutionary practice demonstrates the correctness, theoretical science of Ho Chi Minh's action, Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary career began to continue, Vietnamese people are still living in the Ho Chi Minh era. Applying Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is a shortcut and effective way to realize the objectives of actions and social development Ho Chi Minh set out. The content and value of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is not only meaningful to the Party, State, socio-political organizations, economic organizations,... but it makes sense for each individual as the subject of action. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is increasingly deepen and deeply understood in the process of practicing and implementing the philosophy. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action through the process of implementation and practice is no longer a philosophy of revolutionary theory, of social development but also of cultural significance, becoming a new cultural and moral value. It can be seen that the philosophy of action of Ho Chi Minh set the light and directed the people to go, led the nation to carry out independence, freedom and happiness. With objectives, motivation, there are methods and philosophies that guide people in the realization of values and objectives.The people is culturally oriented, scientific oriented, which is also a profound target of Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action is not only the result of solving a specific problem, but also the result of a long-term process of solving many problems in revolutionary reality. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action brought about the revolutionary victory for the Vietnamese people in all fields. Ho Chi Minh's philosophy of action needs to be implemented, and thoroughly understood in each realm of life in order to achieve and complete the goals set forth by Ho Chi Minh, performed and obtained victories and successes in the first step of the national liberation, human liberation, economic, cultural and social development in Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh is a hero of national liberation, an outstanding Vietnamese cultural person with humanity stature, which is probably largely due to the value of actions and cultural values embodied in his philosophy of action.


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