HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Matters on The' Speaker's Desk, I May William Selby Allan, Jr
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1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD_-HOUSE 5487 THE JUDICIARY Austin Flint Hubbard hear the message which has come across 'UNI'lED STATES CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS William Michael Benkert the centuries: "Be of good cheer, I Keith Low Gerald McLaughlin to be judge of the will go with thee all the way." Under Carl Leonard Parrott United States Circuit Court of Appeals for Robert Franklin Lutz gird and upholC:l them with firm belief in the Third Circuit. Donald Oscar Ellis the ultimate triumph of the good. UNITEn STATES -ATTORNEY Wilfrid Neville Derby, Jr. Under all circumstances inspire us to Eli H. Br9wn 3d to be United States attor Ward Raymond Emigh think truly, to speak truly, and to live ney for the western district of Kentucky. Bernard Edwin Kolkhorst truly; thus our lives will be open books Robert Ellsworth MacDonald of good and wholesome deeds. In the UNITED STATES MARSHALS Donald Mcintosh Reed name of our Saviour, by whom and with John M. Moore to be United States marshal Daniel John Scalabrini tor the eastern distrlct of Kentucky. Rufus Sizer Drury whom, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all Loomis E. Cranor to be United States mar:.. William N!ithan Banks honoi: and glory be unto Thee, 0 Father shal for the western district of Kentucky. Robert Jerome Carson Almighty, world -without end~ Amen. David Lloyd Davies, Jr. IN THE ARMY The Journal of the proceedings of yes Frank Benjamin Carter terday was read and approved. !'EMPORARY APPOINTMENT IN THE ARMY OF THE Frank Marshall Fisher, Jr. UNITED STATES Alden Edward Lewis MESSAGE FROM THE SENJ}TE To be lieutenant general R.obert Tiulant Norris A message from the Senate, by Mr. Omar Nelson Bradley Sereno Sewall Webster, Jr. Arnold Roy Wadum Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced To be major generals William Joseph Zinck that the Senate had passed, . with · Stafford LeRoy Irwin Richard Eugene Hoover amendments in which the concurrence John Kenneth Cannon Phillip Hermann of the House is requested, a bill of the Lowell W-arde Rooks Curtis Johnson Kelly House of the following title: John Roger George To be brigacUer generals H. R. 2713. An act making approprtatlons Frank Upton Greer Donald Arthur Caswell for the Navy Department and the naval Ray Aloysious Dunn Vernon Francis Hauschild service for the .fiscal yeat: ending June 30, Alexander Cameron Maurice Rose 1944, and for other purpose~. Reese Maughan Howell . Edward Franklin Poole 3d Edwin Hubert Randle Raymond Howard Evans The message also announced that the Carlyle Howe Ridenour Charles Edward Johnson Senate insists upon its amendments to Elbert Louis Ford POSTMASTERS the foregoing bill, requests a conference Robert Victor Maraist with the House on the disagreeing votes Robert Ignatius Stack CONNECTICUT of the two Houses thereon, and appoints Edward Peck Curtis Peter M. Davey, Bridgeport. Mr. OVt:RTON, Mr. GLASS, Mr. THOMAS of COAST GUARD GEORGIA Oklahoma, Mr. GREEN, Mr. WALSH, Mr. APPOINTMENTS , W. Riley Allen, Blackshear. LODGE, and Mr. HOLMAN to be the con ferees on the part of the Senate. To be ensigns in the Coast Guard, to rank KANSAS jrQm June 9, 194;3 Hazel R. Craft, Lewis. EXTENSION OF REMARKS Joseph Rogers Steele Ben J. FUnk, Sedan. Mr. LANE . Mr. Speaker, I ask unan1.,. Ralph Arnold Peterson J. Glenn Logan, Topeka. mous consent to extend my remarks in Robert Joseph LaForte MINNESOTA the RECORD and include an article that Robert Leslie Ruth Joseph R. Dunn, Brainerd. James Paul Van Etten appeared in the Boston Sunday Post of Norman McLeod Barlow NEW :MEXICO ' May 30, 1943, entitled "City of Revere." AlYin Bislinghoff Jordan Jose Z. Sanchez, Santa Rosa. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Robert Bernard Moore There was no objection. George Pershing Jacobson SOUTH_ CAROLINA Mr. WEISS. Mr. Speaker, I ask Edward Dabner Hudgens, Jr. Patrick B. Holtzclaw, Arcadia. unanimous consent to extend my re Edward Michael Francis Kirchner WASHINGTON Richard Anthony Pasciuti marks in the REcoRD and include a news Glenn Edgar Murphy David E. Burklund, Mukilteo. paper article. Edward DeKalb Veal, Jr. Emerson G. Lawrence, Port Angeles. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it Ernest Harold Goldman Leo B. Reed, Redmond. is so ordered. Charles Webster Valaer Hanna A. Hanson, Riverton Heights. ':rhere was no objection. LeWayne Newcomb Felts John Maloney, Jr., .Skykomish. ·William Ellison Baird Otto F. Reinig, Snoqualmie, PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE Owen Wesley Siler Mr. HEBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask William Davis Palmer unanimous consent that on tomorrow, William Edward Dennis Leslie Byron George 'after the disposition of the legislative William Edwarcf Wallace HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES matters on the' Speaker's desk, I may William Selby Allan, Jr. address the House for 15 minutes. Keith Charles Vrana TUESDAY, jUNE 8, 1948 The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Mitchell Arthur Pereira The House met at 12 o'clock noon. There was no objection. George MacAulay Lee Costner Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, under a John Durward Richardson The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Harry Hart Carter Montgomery, D. D., offered the follow special order for today I was granted 30 Garth Hines Read ing prayer: minutes to address the House. I yield George William Sohm back that time, and I ask unanimous John Richmond Rogers Infinite and eternal God, our heavenly consent to address the House for 30 min Thomas Pope Cheatham Father, what wisdom, what power and utes on Monday next, after the disposi David Richard Domke majesty in all Thy works. Out of the tion of matters on the Speaker's desk. Arthur Hancock mysterious silences of our breasts, am-:id Charles Wayne The SPEAKER. Without objection, it warren Edward Rast the varying currents of this world, do we is so ordered. Kenneth Raymond Vaughn seek Thee. Thou who art the inspiration There was no objection. Wallace Clarence Dahlgren of all that is good and the glory of all EXTENSION OF REMARKS Samuel Raymond Wall that is beautiful, send forth Thy light, Robert Allen Adams reminding us of our place and calling. Mr. BALDWIN of New York. Mr. Robert Arthur Schulz Do Thou open the windows of our minds Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex Edward Reuben Tharp that we may receive the spirit of love tend my remarks in the RECORD and in Philip Joseph McFarland and truth, thus leading humanity away clude a letter on the Liberty Bell and a · Frederick James Hancox poem, The Bishop of Washington. John Joseph Doherty from the wrong, deceptive altars. Wilfred Ulrich Johnson Blessed Lord, as daily there are num The SPEAKER. Without objection, it James Norton Ashbrook berless Calvaries in our land, we pray is so ordered. Paul Morusky Thee that all sadly stricken hearts may l'here was no objection .. 5488 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 8 Mr. REED of New York. Mr ..Speaker, The entire career of former Congress - By his lovable disposition, his courtesy I obtained unanimous consent to extend man Darrow is notable for self-sacrifice and fairness he won and held their last my remarks and include an article which and· conscientious devotion in the inter ing affection and respect .. appeared in Collier's magazine. It ex est of his fellow man. Following his Friend of three Presidents, elder ceeded the amount permitted. I have early education in the common schools of statesman of Germantown, he will be an estimate from the Public Printer. It New London, Conn., he pursued his stud honored and held in fond recollection by will cost $90. Notwithstanding that, I ies at Alfred University, Alfred, N. Y., all who knew hi:rri for his great services ask unanimous consent that it may be waiting on tables and cleaning class to his city and community, for the ex included as a part of my extension of rooms, and so forth, to ~aY his tuition ample he set of the good citizen, laboring remarks. and board, graduating in 1880, and in for others during a long and fruitful life. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it later years was honored by having· the He giveth his beloved sleep. is so ordered. degree of LL. B. conferred upon him by There was no objection. this university. Following graduation Mr. nAYBURN. Mr. Speaker, will the Mr. REED of New York. Mr. Speaker, from college he entered upon a business gentleman yield? I ask unanimous consent to extend my career, which included foreign service as Mr. SCOTT. I yield. remarks in the RECORD and include a sales representative for an oil bypro Mr. RAYBURN. I have asked the gen tleman to yield in order that I may say letter from the New York Tribune. 1 duct; and, in 1888, he settled in German The SPEAKER. Is there objection? town, Philadelphia, and established and I have served in this House for a long There was no objection. conducted a successful paint business time. I have served with many good Mr. DONDERO. Mr. Speaker, I ask until10 years ago, when he retired from men, many fine gentlemen. I never unanimous conse:t;1t to extend my re active business. · served with a finer man "'r a more splen marks in the RECORD and include therein Mr. Darrow always took an active in did patriot than George Darrow. a statement by a C. I; 0. leader at Pon terest in civfc affairs. · During the period Mr. SCOTT. I may say that I know tiac, Mich. of his service as president of the twenty his family will be deeply grateful for. the The SPEAKER. Is there objection? second sectional school board of Phil kind expressions of the Speaker of this There was no objection. adelphia he took a leading part in the House, of whom our l~te friend was so Mr.