Hon. Arthur Mhghen Canada's Premier
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LETHBRB6S, AIJJBKTA. WEDNESDAY. JULY.7, 1930 KOORTKEN PAGES NUMBER 175 HON. ARTHUR MHGHEN CANADA'S PREMIER FACES * 'A COAL SHORTAGE » " --—:— WHEAT «•' WINNIPEG, July 6.—Coal UNiFHGIAL ANNOUNCEMENT RAINS j + dM)«rs declared today that a *• serious coal shortage Is expect-' * ) * «d In Winaipes; this winter. * , *. Tke- American supply cainot be •> * depended upon, and Western * MADE AT OTTAWA THAT MAN * Canada «ofi; coal will- be *| POLES HELP * scarce, some dealer! said. '.•„•.*[ * Tho'city couacll .waracd cltl- <•] FROM * zeas at a council meeting to. •> * ' l»y In supplies early.'oas alder- * I' v ~;=-declaring "hard cbar--will *J. BACK MAMOBA GETSTOST « only be available iu, limited " •:• quantities- and at most extra- MUCH eral arrived at hit office. Subsequently <• ordinary "prices." : .. '. Sir Thomas White Flirted With Ofier For Long Time Before i'U..'S. Grain Exchanges Will Polish Official Communique he was called upon by' Sir Thomas Taming It Down—New Premier is Very Young White. Crop Reports Today Tell Mud Op«n Speculative Market Says Bolshies Launch Drive Prior to bis' interview with tho Man—Veterans Want an Erection Different Tale From Those •' . •. in Short Time. , . on 720-Mile Front. prime minister. Sir Thomas .repeated ; o newspaper interviewers' Ihe state- Written Saturday. ment bo made last "night in Toronto. '{MARKET HAS BEEN BOLSHEVIKI CLAIM :hat he could not,-owing to reasons of health, accept trie leadership of the WHOLE OUTLOOK HAS v 1 SUSPENDED 3 YEARS CAPTURE OF ROVNO government. _ '' • Vets.Urue EJectlBn < NOW BEEN CHANGEE •- CHICAGO'. July 7.—Plans to reopen WARSAW. July 6.—(By Associated OTTAWA; July. 7.—Suggestion to the Dominion command of the Great H«r»ld corrwponilmits In variouc \tradlng in wheat futures" July 15 vlr-j Press.)--Along a front'of approximate 1 ',tually were-completeu yesterday at a ly 720 miles, the Russian Bolshevik War Veterans -Association' is contain- parts of ike tenth, writing »ince the I meeting of a committee of sixteen, rep- Important Clauses Remain, Spa have launched the greatest~" attnbk ed, in a resolution received by wire !»Instorms" of the ,weak-end, tell r reseollnE;thq 'clgMt leading, groin'ox- they have ever buried against the Pol- here today from a .Winnipeg 'branch rery : much, more ' encouraging, atorj; ^fhanges-ot the,counl~r)\ An advisory. Conference, Decided—Plan ish lines. On the northern and south- of the aasoclatlonr--'In' effect"-it de- Lb^n was conveyed In. crop reportt,' f committee of-thirty-one, composed of for Disarmament. .,"- . era flanks the Holes are retiring In clares that the people of Canada 'should RTitren on Saturday, pr'eTloua to the ;reureseilta.tlvesvof all '"wheat, interests, tho face of superior enemj forces decied who is to'be tbs next premier rarn«. -Th« gnivrsl teellaj now la thai' .•was expected,'to approve ihe recom- the altack'on the northern sector-be of Canada. •. ' •' good crops «ra golog to t» kirveetecc . j inendatlon of'tho' eichange committee SI'A, Belgium, July l.rJ-Decision was ing tQB most se^ere of the struggle Tho resolution, passed at a^ mass nnlvaa Mme.disaster overUket us be j .iat.a,rnee'tlng here today, ' • . reached.by members-of-the German Io n this front meetinept the Winnipeg men. follows: fore the irr»lii is rtpe. < Everrwhere''th< • rtory in that the n«ir moisture is down '. FeVchanges were made in the. plans ministry and military^officers attached j Fa[;cd ,.uh' th^ neces,,(T ct short "Sargent branch calls upon the as- 7 : to the oli,. »nd tb»t..-rlren ihowerf ,'. decided upon ..several- weeks ago by to the Germu.delegation .; lierej.thls Lntag their line the Poles ha^e begun eoclatfon to petition the governor-gen- : Tllnrnltlf In l-Oftnmn, an.l t** lft\,,v* n r»t t i. I. - . , . • . «^Buu from time to time during the renmin : it he committee^ They provide for morning to recommend to. KonsUntln • eral to confer with the people iliroufh f - " der of the growlni iwriod. there wil " 'trading in.De'cember delivery at the of-the German dele-1 The Eolshevlli offensive Is- heaviest a general electlou:aei to wSp they vyish gallon that a plair.pf- disarmament for | n,, lie a harrwt that will bring million!: 'MarU, Should'it be deemed-advisable on is northern sectors of the ~ -'front; to be pfomier Instead of accepting in new wealth to Southern Alberta. .to trade" in a.tiellvery earlier than De- Gerniiuy. he D'reseiiied- to, the allied j and jt is not Known here to what ex Premier flordeu's suggestions." Daily the Dominion command re- Hye IB flllfDg well tinea, the "rains'- . , eember, the. proposal, will" be consid- the reports state, and the rye harvest; ceives communication)! of all,-descrip- will soon be on. Wheat is near tin' . - Representatives at the meeting said ev'i Have ahancel cutting the tions' requesting that Ihe executive grain exchanges'were preparing- for a SPA take steps In bring about a general hcading-out stage, and it/vfil! attain :T election. There is a growing demand much better growth because of tliV reopening of .the market, after" three new moisture Another good general, . yeajs'-suspfn'slpn. Chicago exchange throughout the branch organizations that the government go to'the. peonie, rain at the lime tho-wheat is in- tht.' ' rules,'provide.'.for delivery of many cpuncil^in sess.ion-here. rA't'this niorn- the right flank of the Polish lirie'and milk stage, so that it would fill goooi . sra'des and, other exchanges are pian- ing'« meeting'>yItii;:Pr«niier Venizelos also on Ihe Ber'e&ina front, where the berries, would make about as good a ''ning lo change.their rules providing soviet army has brought up h gi. = crop'condition as could be wished for} lor the-delivery of ; number -three ,of;Greer,e present,>(tie" couacil decided ioforceinents. | TORONTO, it,.would be'-lftiposs'ib'le. .to/grant the : Julj 7 — The Total precipitation at Lethbrldge to . grades "of wheat on contract, at a pen- Turkish request; fpr'ilhe,'.revision of .- Bolshies Take Rovno j : date this month is ^80; all In the we'ete ,Blty ot nvo cents; •: Minneapolis. Dii- •".. LONDON, ".iuly: 7.-^The fortress of "World ,8ays' . this these - cjausoVf-A 'Coiumiflsloii; of-,ci- noruing •jnd storm, as.against."« for the whole lulh.and'Kansss City have po-sUfii-the-. fcbvrio, ,^one of the famous triangle-of month' of June. : perls wlll'be;app_plriteil,- hpweyer, to Sir Thomab proposed "clt'iinges; for,jidoptipn;; "Mln-' study the'mfhorclauBes'wilh reference fortresses in Volhyhla/tb.the east'.of lieapolis Srlli imake Its contract "grade Dubno and Lutsk, haS:fallen into Dr;\- While lett for to partial .feVisio'1 n ..b£ theVdpcument so Same Hall at Raymond nunibcr.'onrairnberVpnc nprthem-sprmgnorthern"spring: wheat,, far'as-these 'are'-coriceriied r shevik handp; Il^i.vannounced ;in'Uhe Ottawa :' 1 a li't with .number-two:, noftbcrn: deliver- -' > ?-;-i Greekt's'Wieb'Aldna -'V:v soviet corhimmicalipn'fQr^Tueaday, re- slEMMVe World 4 (From:0ur Own.CbrrescondenlV able at. J.wi.;cenAJ»le6S,;and 'number .' LONDON.^/July^vefeKSreek ,"-Vroo'1 -r'"-''" le'leves that RA\VOND Julv 6—A closer in ; notwitnstandlug three -"at.'ter^iiy cents' under numb'e'f | have sweptjthe;;tolitltry};*Esf;i)f-.ilJal. \estigation of the hail damage influx onb;-pr. fiice.^^!^!^ b'elow'iiuinber two. 1 Poles;, the". Boisb'eVikl look .pte: fliou- jhis tgu_Brd pukessor clear.' J bf^urkS.-'a'a-far.nort1 h ed-by the storm Sunday night dhclo« - Winter wheat.Is to be inade'deliver- **•'' Arl^nmU > n.u-_'ii•'!iV™ * \-1-''_ T_^'»'_ j saiid/.pi'i3pner.s, '/two. armored? liaiiis. •'••' ementsrS to ed the fabt that several field's In the hble(.pr) ^contracis: at Minneapolis.?at two -tanks,-, two 'six-inch' guns and, a reporter and Ha>mend ^nil Welling districts -»er( five'Cents' under spring, ivith the pen: train; \yith locomotives. .The com'J ,o ihe Canadian hit pretty hard. Hsil insurance m'eii ress, he will ac- alty-for the.of her grades on the same to eliminate the Turks', frqto the p niunieatloh adds:.''. -; '.-. t- •'- report a number of claims for' hall tasis. ' " •'.... .-"In .the direction ;of .Proskufov, cept :the . prem- damage. Bullock brothers, of Well- ince of Btgba shortjj'.viThe,Greek. iership of Can- vance was so raplil', anoV unexpected south of Romo.'we broke through tbe" ing, are .\mong the heaviest losers fortified zone and are driving tho ada It'jifferad to that.the Turks were unable to destroy him this morning by bin eicelloncv, They report a partial loss on three the railway,^whlcti, .with its rolling enemy back along Ihe'^railway, in the eighty-acre fields: On their Welling 1 direction of Tarnopol and Lumburg." HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN the governor-general, the Duke of Dev- place a number of chickens were kill- stock, was lefti'ln'tici/-! '•.'; onshire. , •:-' - : "Col. - Henderson.' secretary to his ed instantly .by/the'hail. .; • . ^"' ;••• OHAWA, July 7.—The Onadian Press learns unoffic- excellency, reached Toronto from'Ot- Hail losses in the Raymond district. ' tawa yesterday mornirik arid saw Sir are very'light. .Although some .darn- ' ially; that Hon. Arthur Meighen was this afternoon summoned Thomas YVI -• - - age is reported, none are serious! The , ast night." rain, allhougb not long-extended, was by;the governor-general to form a ministry to succeed Sir heavy, and.tue effect on the growing Robert Borden. " . ' . : White nfeets Borden crops le incalculable. : OTTAWA, July 7.—(By Canadian A soaking "rain Is reported by mem- • STi JOHN'S, Newfoundland, July 7. : Press.J—A clearing of the political NEGQJIATIONScST!LL GOING ON press representatives that he 7 bers of.