Palm Sunday, 4:30 Pm
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• 1 FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1961 kM B TWEMTlr-K>m Armngt Dafljr N«t Praa* Ron iianrl|[fat»r H^raUii ' .. For ttM V eak Itodad •rto* , H ank 80, 1861 rnrenaat of U. A Members of Manchester Assem anUUsd “As Orem School FTA will have an Grade T pupils of Sotrth Meth Connecticut Stats Oellega ta Nsrw ricsxi Im- open house Wednesday frpm 7 to odist Sunday School will conduct bly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, Students Attend Britain Wednesday. Sm tfsi-The 13,979 Pwtly etoi^jr aad m « as About Town 8 p.m. for parents and children. a car wash tomorrow from 9 a.m. will meet Sunday at 8:30 a.m. st Twsnty-fllvs seventh gnuto stu sgs Abrosd.’’ free delivery tonight. Lew 8M8. finadap partly There will be an opportimlty to to 4 p.m. In the church parking South Methodist Church,to attend UNESCO Parley dents, sccbnqMuiied by their tee.oh- Sroccihfij by V6ttw • .ii‘ PSfaaa of <fiaidattow area, the south com er of Main St. servioes. Board members are in- Infennatlon oo-ordinator, UB. 1^ 9 A.M. IS 9 fM . 10m lOaiy Hobln, daughter, of visit ciaaaroonu, where pupils work er, Mrs. Doris Hogsn, and Mrs. M anehe§t«r^A City of V Zhmm for the past year will be displayed, and Haj^ord Rd. Proceeds will fi ivited. ’Hie Manchester Assembly MarrlU Rufainow as chaperone, and farmaUen Agwiiy: Uond Mr. and Mra Thomas E. Hobin, wUl meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at Social studies classes from Ban- of the Asia Society, and » W Benton has reoenUy been and to speak with teachers. nance a class trip to the Cathedral net Junior High School attended twenty-eight ninth {rads students, AR-niUR DRUfl et, In the Pines, Ringe, NJI., next tha Masonic Temple. Officers and o f studsnta from C%lto, Nigeria, •tooted iMuae <dtalrman ot Burr the 15th annual UNESCO High with teacher Mrs. Beriiloe Maher YOL. LXXXn, NO. 169 . (TI n PAGES—1 ION—SUBURBIA TODAY) AdvertlelBg on Page 81 month. choir members are reminded to and Mrs. Jules Karp as oha.psrons, India, and Tanganyika were heard. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY,"I’APRIL 6, 1968 PRICE SEVEN CENTS HUl at WtiUmantlo State OoUege. Palms will be blessed Sunday at wear white, street-length dreasee. School Conference at tbs Central 8:30 a.m. at S t John’s Polish Na tional Oathollc Church. They will Donald E. Beaser, son of Dr. and Mrs. EMward L. Besser, 114 be distributed at both the 8:30 and .......................... ........................ NOTICE 10 a.m. Masses. Adelaide Rd., has been named to the honor roll for the third mark M oon Shot State News Bi accordance with the require ing period at Mt. Hermon School, ments ot the Zoning Regulations Girl Scout Troop T will sponsor r Blazes a bake sale tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Northfleld, Mass., where he is a for the Town of Kancheater, Con- senior. Goes By at nedtlcut, the Zoning Board of Ap- at House and Hale’s department LAST DAY TOMORROW Roundup peato will hold a public hearing on store. P*roceeds will help finance a Mary Buahnell Cheney Aux Revolt Sputters Out, Montey evening April 15, 1963 at trip In the near future. 8:00 P.M. in the Hearing Room of iliary, United Spanish War 'Veter Main 5,281 Miles in South the Municipal Building on the fol Pvt. 1X3. Gilbert W. DuPont, ans, will meet Monday at 7 p.m. Roadblock Evaded lowing applications: STATE son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. at the home of Mrs. Joel Nichols. Straat TxiPAnnm 117 OIHrrA Qt « t i ,I T > i , f 55 N. Elm St. Plans will be dis MOSCOW (AP)—Th« So cussed for a 43rd birthday cele Manchastar By Bank Robber Beaupre Motor Sales, Inc.; 244 James W. Jackson, son of Mr. and viet Union announced today By ’THE ABSOOUTED PRESS ^waa bound by firemen who ex bration. HOUSE k HALE A torrid swath of flames, tinguished a brush fire near a Broad St.; Industrial Zone. Spe Mrs. William G. Jackson, 110 their Lunik 4 passed the moon cial eKCcpUon is requested to erect Hawthorne St., both of the First crackling through dry wood cemetary. E N F I E L D ~ ^ )— A wide St. Christopher Mothers Circle a t a distance of 6,281 miles In Virginia, where occasional a gaaoUne filling station and have Marine EHvlsion of the First Fleet, land in spots from Maine to spread manhunt was under Argentina Said Calm oerUflcate of approval for same at recently participated in a major will meet tonight at 8:30 at the on a course that will eventual- rain was forecast to spread slow Georgia, threatened further way today for a stocky ban above location. amphibious exercise off the coast home of Mrs. Walter Morrissey, f make it an artificial satel- ly eastward over the state, gale 106 Coleman Rd. wlnda dlinlnlahed to a whisper sfft- dit who escape with $5,048 All persons Interested may at of Southern California. te of the sun. death and destruction today. tend this hearing. S High winds spurred the blazes er fanning flames across some 18.- from a branch bank yester Mrs. Neal Tyler. 21 Comstock APRIL SHOWER Taae said the 1%-ton vehicle, 000 aerea of tlmberland. Asst. Friday, helping to level a wooden Zoning Board of Appeals The 60-60 Club of St. Mary’ launched Tuesday as a part of the day. The holdup man was John P. aifford. Episcopal Church; will sponsor p Rd., and Mrs. Samuel Pierson, 57 firehouse In Athens, Maine, In IB State Foiaater EM Rodger de last seen heading for Springi- Navy Aides Chairman b ^ e sale tomorrow at 10 ajn. at Arvlne Pi., will be hostesses Sun CASH and CARRY ON Soviet space race with the United minutes. All but one piece of mo scribed H as "almost a holo day from 2 to 5 p.m. at lAitz Junior States, passed the moon at 4:26 caust." field, Mass. Police said, how John A. Oagianello, W. T. Grant’s at the Manchester a.m. Moscow time. bile fire equipment was destroyed. Seoretary Parkade. Museum. The woodland fires have killed ever, he may have doubled ALL ADVER’nSED ITEMS Without epecifylng exactly what In one section of Shenandoah at least four persons in the past NaUonal Park. Va., one stubborn back toward Hartford after S u rren d er Russian aolentlata had hoped Lun week and burned up htuidreds of ik 4 would accompUeh, the Soviet blaza refused to die down. It eluding roadblocks on Rt. 5 at NO PHONE ORDERS thousands of acres. news agency said experiments (OonUnaed on Page Three) nearby Longmeadow, Mass. and measurements have been car At least four other persons were ’The bandU, described as 30 to One by One ried out. It said radio contact wiU kUIed by hurricane-force winds 35, fled with the money — mostly NO C.0.Ds. be maintained for several more that toppled live wires onto one in $20 bills — from a branch of d ^ s . car, overturned another and blew the First Natlonel Bank o t Wind BUENOS AIRES, Argen SHARP NEW SALE! down a building waU onto a third. Rusk^s Attack i l l Taw aald axtenalve experiment sor Locks. tina (A P)— One by one rebel ill:!: al material has been obtained In Georgia, where two men His face was partly covered with navy officers placed them 52-PIECE LADIES’ RAYON TRICOT PANTIE BRIEFS which will be of great Importance burned to death in the fight to a handkerchief when he entered WEAREVER WINDSOR SAUCEPANS On Aid Cutters selves under arrest today as reg. 69c for the Bbluticn of a number of stem about 1,000 forest fires dur the bank during a lull and pointed reg. to 197. COMMUNITY technical problema connected with ing the week, a third vlcUm per a gun at the teller, Mrs. Regina Argentina’s faltering revolu NOW 39c illed In a timber blaze that start King, and ordered her to hand over STYLING NOW .......... '........................................... 87c each the conquest of the moon. Called Blunder tion eased into its fifth day. a white only The data was reported being ed after he ignited trash in his her cash. Nothing was heard from the d SaVER PLATE • flrsfquallty heavy gauge aluminum a sizes 5 to 10 studied at cosmic space research yard. He was Homer Carroll, of When he directed the gun at four retired military men who led • % q t, 1 qt, 1% qt., 2 qt.. 6” fry pan iiiiii • elastic and band leg ^ centers. Ellijay. By GEOFFREY GOULD another teller, Mrs. Eleanor the revolt to oust President Jose m fg . list price 79.95 i l • and crotch____________________ At Laurinburg, N.C., the badly WASHINGTON (AP) — Secre Mather, and ordered her to hand Maria Guido and stop elections. (OonUnaed on Page Three) burned body of Lonnie Brock, 72, tary of State Dean Rusk’s head-on over her bills, she replied: And diehard rebels vowed to con NATIONAL TOLEWARE SERVING TRAYS attack against congressional ”T1ie devil I will. That gun is tinue the uprising. slashers of foreign aid may—In only a toy.” ^0'^ III LADIES’ ALL WOOL FLANNEL SKIRTS Police said Mrs, Mather’s defi But loyalist forces pressed their the view of both friends and foes advantage and the end seemed reg. 1.00. of the program—tium out to nave ance apparently unnerved the 39.95 lireT.6.99.