• 1

FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1961 kM B TWEMTlr-K>m Armngt Dafljr N«t Praa* Ron iianrl|[fat»r H^raUii ' .. For ttM V eak Itodad •rto* , H ank 80, 1861 rnrenaat of U. A Members of Manchester Assem­ anUUsd “As Orem School FTA will have an Grade T pupils of Sotrth Meth­ Connecticut Stats Oellega ta Nsrw ricsxi Im- open house Wednesday frpm 7 to odist Sunday School will conduct bly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, Students Attend Britain Wednesday. Sm tfsi-The 13,979 Pwtly etoi^jr aad m « as About Town 8 p.m. for parents and children. a car wash tomorrow from 9 a.m. will meet Sunday at 8:30 a.m. st Twsnty-fllvs seventh gnuto stu­ sgs Abrosd.’’ free delivery tonight. Lew 8M8. finadap partly There will be an opportimlty to to 4 p.m. In the church parking South Methodist Church,to attend UNESCO Parley dents, sccbnqMuiied by their tee.oh- Sroccihfij by V6ttw • .ii‘ PSfaaa of i , f 55 N. Elm St. Plans will be dis­ MOSCOW (AP)—Th« So­ cussed for a 43rd birthday cele­ Manchastar By Bank Robber Beaupre Motor Sales, Inc.; 244 James W. Jackson, son of Mr. and viet Union announced today By ’THE ABSOOUTED PRESS ^waa bound by firemen who ex­ bration. HOUSE k HALE A torrid swath of flames, tinguished a brush fire near a Broad St.; Industrial Zone. Spe­ Mrs. William G. Jackson, 110 their Lunik 4 passed the moon cial eKCcpUon is requested to erect Hawthorne St., both of the First crackling through dry wood­ cemetary. E N F I E L D ~ ^ )— A wide­ St. Christopher Mothers Circle a t a distance of 6,281 miles In Virginia, where occasional a gaaoUne filling station and have Marine EHvlsion of the First Fleet, land in spots from Maine to spread manhunt was under Said Calm oerUflcate of approval for same at recently participated in a major will meet tonight at 8:30 at the on a course that will eventual- rain was forecast to spread slow­ Georgia, threatened further way today for a stocky ban­ above location. amphibious exercise off the coast home of Mrs. Walter Morrissey, f make it an artificial satel- ly eastward over the state, gale 106 Coleman Rd. wlnda dlinlnlahed to a whisper sfft- dit who escape with $5,048 All persons Interested may at­ of Southern California. te of the sun. death and destruction today. tend this hearing. S High winds spurred the blazes er fanning flames across some 18.- from a branch bank yester­ Mrs. Neal Tyler. 21 Comstock APRIL SHOWER Taae said the 1%-ton vehicle, 000 aerea of tlmberland. Asst. Friday, helping to level a wooden Zoning Board of Appeals The 60-60 Club of St. Mary’ launched Tuesday as a part of the day. The holdup man was John P. aifford. Episcopal Church; will sponsor p Rd., and Mrs. Samuel Pierson, 57 firehouse In Athens, Maine, In IB State Foiaater EM Rodger de­ last seen heading for Springi- Navy Aides Chairman b ^ e sale tomorrow at 10 ajn. at Arvlne Pi., will be hostesses Sun­ CASH and CARRY ON Soviet space race with the United minutes. All but one piece of mo­ scribed H as "almost a holo­ day from 2 to 5 p.m. at lAitz Junior States, passed the moon at 4:26 caust." field, Mass. Police said, how­ John A. Oagianello, W. T. Grant’s at the Manchester a.m. Moscow time. bile fire equipment was destroyed. Seoretary Parkade. Museum. The woodland fires have killed ever, he may have doubled ALL ADVER’nSED ITEMS Without epecifylng exactly what In one section of Shenandoah at least four persons in the past NaUonal Park. Va., one stubborn back toward Hartford after S u rren d er Russian aolentlata had hoped Lun­ week and burned up htuidreds of ik 4 would accompUeh, the Soviet blaza refused to die down. It eluding roadblocks on Rt. 5 at NO PHONE ORDERS thousands of acres. news agency said experiments (OonUnaed on Page Three) nearby Longmeadow, Mass. and measurements have been car­ At least four other persons were ’The bandU, described as 30 to One by One ried out. It said radio contact wiU kUIed by hurricane-force winds 35, fled with the money — mostly NO C.0.Ds. be maintained for several more that toppled live wires onto one in $20 bills — from a branch of d ^ s . car, overturned another and blew the First Natlonel Bank o t Wind­ BUENOS AIRES, Argen­ SHARP NEW SALE! down a building waU onto a third. Rusk^s Attack i l l Taw aald axtenalve experiment­ sor Locks. tina (A P)— One by one rebel ill:!: al material has been obtained In Georgia, where two men His face was partly covered with navy officers placed them­ 52-PIECE LADIES’ RAYON TRICOT PANTIE BRIEFS which will be of great Importance burned to death in the fight to a handkerchief when he entered WEAREVER WINDSOR SAUCEPANS On Aid Cutters selves under arrest today as reg. 69c for the Bbluticn of a number of stem about 1,000 forest fires dur­ the bank during a lull and pointed reg. to 197. COMMUNITY technical problema connected with ing the week, a third vlcUm per­ a gun at the teller, Mrs. Regina Argentina’s faltering revolu­ NOW 39c illed In a timber blaze that start­ King, and ordered her to hand over STYLING NOW ...... '...... 87c each the conquest of the moon. Called Blunder tion eased into its fifth day. a white only The data was reported being ed after he ignited trash in his her cash. Nothing was heard from the d SaVER PLATE • flrsfquallty heavy gauge aluminum a sizes 5 to 10 studied at cosmic space research yard. He was Homer Carroll, of When he directed the gun at four retired military men who led • % q t, 1 qt, 1% qt., 2 qt.. 6” fry pan iiiiii • elastic and band leg ^ centers. Ellijay. By GEOFFREY GOULD another teller, Mrs. Eleanor the revolt to oust President Jose m fg . list price 79.95 i l • and crotch______At Laurinburg, N.C., the badly WASHINGTON (AP) — Secre­ Mather, and ordered her to hand Maria Guido and stop elections. (OonUnaed on Page Three) burned body of Lonnie Brock, 72, tary of State Dean Rusk’s head-on over her bills, she replied: And diehard rebels vowed to con­ NATIONAL TOLEWARE SERVING TRAYS attack against congressional ”T1ie devil I will. That gun is tinue the uprising. slashers of foreign aid may—In only a toy.” ^0'^ III LADIES’ ALL WOOL FLANNEL SKIRTS Police said Mrs, Mather’s defi­ But loyalist forces pressed their the view of both friends and foes advantage and the end seemed reg. 1.00. of the program—tium out to nave ance apparently unnerved the 39.95 lireT.6.99. O J J bandit. He ran out of the bank only a matter of time. ’T)ie loyal­ ii! N O W ...... ^ Rusk, Red Ambassador been a tactical blunder. ist high command rep ^ ed the Both camps indicated his bold ■with his initial loot and fled north # decorated buffet trays • complete service for 8 jiiiii • popular stitched down box pleats In a car on Rt. 6. country completely undCT cemtrai • white, black, green, yellow, orange • evening star pattern iiiji! • proportioned sizes 8 to 18 (short, average, tall) charge may draw more fire on the and "peaceful and calm.” program, instead of diminishing Police described the man as • 8 knives, 8 forks, 16 iliiji « black, navy, brown, gray, camel Confer Again on Berlin about 5 feet, 10 inches, weighing A 25,0(X) man loyalist force stood teaspoons, 8 salad iil|i: • street floor sportswear 200 pounds, with a butch hair cut. ready to strike at Puerto Belgrar forks, 8 soup spoems, 1 jii|.;i ii— Opening six to seven weeks of BATES “PRH)E OF ANDOVER” hearings on the foreign aid He was wearing white, chef-type no naval base, last stronghold of trousers. By dOHN M. mOHTOWER ^cussione in the SEATO conference, authorization biU PVlday, the the navy rebellion, 850 miles HEIRLOOM BEDSPREADS ted serving spoon, 1 j III 331/3% OFF! PLAYTEX BRAS usiuilly diplomatic Rusk shot fids southeast of Buenos Aires, unless sugar spoon, 1 butter :!•!!• , , . , WASHINGTON (AP)—Secretary Rusk is certain to discuss Ger­ man and Berlin problems with blast Gaming Arrests the navy commanders submitted knife pjjil a discontinued styles In bands’: and long line strapless styles of State Deem Rusk and Soviet to truce terms. JUST ijjjii a broken sizes Ambassador Anatony Dobrynin Schroeder. He Is expected to talk "There is nothing that the Com­ BRIDGEa»ORT (A P )—’Twenty- 10.99 meet today for the second in their over with De GauUe U.S.-French munists want more than to see the nine persons were arrested early Adm. Jorge Palma, commander reg. 2.50 'to 6.95. current series of talks on East- differences on Ehmopean poUcy, ‘Yanks go home’...If we Yanks today in a gaunbling raid. of Puerto Belgrano, and Adm. Gu­ • full and twin size SPECIAL SALE! although the State Department come home, the Communists wiU It was the second such raid on illermo Perez Plton, who heads | • bleached or antique white NOW ...... 1.66 To 4.63 West differences over Berlin. 'The meeting comes a day after described Rusk’s session with the begin to take over. Why any the Main Variety Store at 1766 the crack marine corps, both • rounded comers French leader as a courtesy call. American would want to cooper­ Main St. within a week. gave themselves up to loyalist • pre-shrunk, no-ironing THE M O ST Russia annoimced at Geneva its readiness to accept installation of Last night. Rusk held a 45- ate with that global Communist Police Superintendent Jos%b army officers at Bahia Blanca, 18 wardrobe coordinates FAMOUS NAME 331/3% OFF! a MoscoW-Washington direct wire minute conference with De strategy to beyond my under­ Walsh said about half of the melt, miles from the navKl base. Gaulle’s ambassador here, Herve standing. But that la what sharp arrested today were also picked An estimated 150 officers and Latest in styling, youthful IN LADIES' FAMOUS BRAND NAME for use In any future war-threat­ ’ -^Pakna, Signifying Ohrist's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, are blessed by the Rev. Walter A. KOTEX (box o f 12) SUPER AND ening oriels. R was considered Alphand. The envoy said later cuts In our foreign aid programs up in last week’s raid when 42 Hykzko, paator of St. John’s Polish National Catholic Church, for distribution tomorrow as Palm men were reported under guard in appearance—both GIRDLES and PANTY GIRDLES possible that Rusk and Dobrynin that they had covered Berlin, the would mean." persons were booked on gambling Sunday la celebrated by Christians throughout the world. St. Mark says, "And many spread their at Bahia Blanca, including fiva qualifications the smartly REGULAR SANITARY NAPKINS SWIMSUITS might touch on arrangements for North Atlantic alliance, the Euro­ Said Rep. Otto Passman, D^La., Charges. gannentS;ln the way; and others cut down branches off the trees, and strewed them in the -way. And high-ranking naval officers. Offi­ attired teen noan demands by WARNBR’S, FORMFIT, NEMO, VAN RAAL’TB technical negotiations on setting pean Common Market and who leads the fight to slash the Anthony (Beaver) Salvaggia, ttiey that went before, and they that followed cried, saying. Hosanna; Blesssed is ho that comoth cers of naval schools also turned reg. 45c 29, was charged with keeping a his shoes must have. Our many, many styles from • discontinued styles from our regular stock up this unprecedented link. SEATO. foreign aid fun^ each year: In the name of the Lord.” (Herald photo by Ofiara.) themselves over to army author­ For gaming establishment and re­ ities. Winthrop Wardrobe NOW ...... 3 1.00 which to select • broken sizes Rusk was scheduled to fly to Alphand also told reporters "Oofyoas will never give him a reg. 3.95 to 15.00. Paris tonight for a meeting open­ leased in 1600 bond, for an ap- AP corresp

' V- ESADi LAOS, WAT04 THl S/N O W ^ Big Turnover in Major League tMEN,A4AF«QUI6 D S LATSU«r,WXI LBANDER AND X WENT) Upper Volta OUT INTH'iSARAee «AV BOAST OF BE1NS THE BEST SWORDSMAN IN FRANCE,W4f>M. AM IN, UNCLE AMOS, TMEY'I?S 9Haap HAK-KAFP.'-ta.>£N fiARDEi, 4Iui feolL) B ut TfcXJR CHICKENS n o t / /MONSIEUR.'YlPUR HAN6NT LAIDANV A e S S S NET.' NOU SAID. WHOLE AOVERSARV IS A4A30R Neariy Half • ftRAPEFRIlT HOOPLE, W IZARD OFTMl • BbMpBwan The THBYWERETH' IpICSCSi^^ tadapwant tolpft (FOILS-'-M^tOUCHl SSmaU herring Dodgers by Shaide, WOlJLD'S CHAMPION an! NOT ------Ang.B. OLatUoe waem E SS LAYEIRS/XTXJNTj ONE 1960 in baakaby Of Starters Herald Angle BUGGS BUNNY THINK THEVRE SO EOS.' UQoickaa M Nomad HOT,'' MHuard UUnU of 11 Ocean moramant leluctanea i1 ffrhamai Yankees by Mile By EABL YOST UOtherwiaa aoRaea eouraa n 10 Streata (ab.) drcuita 440anaa al fM New Stars By EABL YOST ITPatoaea 90 Label Golfing season will be in full ZY28Ua Ulbm alantB diFtandi cHgr FLORIDA — Leave It to Ifogl swing shortly and already sev­ ISninala ibaap aiF^drinka 468hlald baarto GOOP SET OF GOLF dMITSOqZl mlboit) (Id.) 47 Gnat NEW YORK (AP)^A 46 Berra, new player-coach of the NEW YORK (AP) — The Baltimore, three for Minne­ eral area courses have opened. aSSerioaa aSMuaical neta Dodgers by a shade and the . CLUBS. OL'FWIENP!/ 2 0 0 0 9 ____ dlacoune S4 Soul (Egypt) 4eOratk littor per cent player turnover, in­ Yankees to come up with a new sota iuid one each for the Los Graham Clark reports a large play 32Seati anaw M Pertaining to asNew Onlnae so Soviet cluding at least a dozen rook­ one. "After all these years they Yankees by a mile. Angeles Angels and the Chi­ last weekend at Minnechaug, just M ind n port SlCoodMi Mickey Mantle and Prank XTFMonSjraar an epoch ies, is anticipated when the (Yankees) want me to start hit­ cago White Sox. over the Manchester town line in 25 Frenzy aOBartera OSCrlmaoa ting ground balls." Each morning Robinson to have great years, A pennant would give the Gla.stonbury, and Ellington Ridgs sbaap 408truggto SSMeaaura X U lM major leagues open the 1963 Yogi hits grounders to the In­ along with Don Drysdale and Yankees four straight. was the site for numerous club Ralph Teiry. The Yankees’ Mantle was fanchaatar T” 5“ 5“ T~ r " r r r W TT r season next Monday field. "I’m getting more hitting members to try out their new, or SZHorenniisaal and Tuesday. this spring than ever before," he Those were the predictions the choice to repeat as MVP old, equipment for the first time M Plait u of the members of the Base­ in the American League, ulth this spring . . . Members of the UHothar a( n r About 360,()()0 persons, including added. And, in exhibition game^, President Kenney, are expected Berra has been swinging a big bat ball Writers’ Association of Al Kallne of the Tigers the Manchester Chapter ef the State Pentheua ■ r r IT America who pcutlcipat^ In second pick. (Greek myth.) FT" to attend the 11 openers, two on and getting more than his share of Board of Approved Baaeball Um­ the annual Associated Press RoMnson of the Reds was pires will hold an Important meet­ MSpadoua n r I n r u Monday, the rest the following base hits. S7 unaipirated day. pre-season poll. the MVP selection In the Na­ ing Wednesday night at 7 o’clock M Uautananta Of the 70 writers who par- tional, followed by Willie at the West Side Rec . . . A l­ (ab.) 22 'The President, as is customary, What’s a rl'*er pltcli? Tills Is will throw out the first ball at .cipated, 27 picked the Los Mays of the Giants. bert (Goldie) Spielman will be the 4^ 41Hopa’ Ulna !T 9T T a 16 IT anotiier new wrinkle discovered Angeles Dodgers to 18 who Drysdale was the pick over 41Coungeoaa D.C. Stadium, where some 47,000 during . Al Lopez, guest of honor at a sports dlimer named the San Francisco his Dodger teammate, Sandy April 8 at the Elka Home in Rock­ one faiu will watch the W a^lni^n White Sox manager, had the an­ ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN 46 Whaadia s r Giants, win­ Koufax, to win the most ville. Andy Robustelli of the New Senators inaugurate the American swer: "It's a ball that will rise 46 Acquire H i t ners last year over the Dodg­ games in the National League. York football Giants will be the knowledge 56~ League season against the Balti­ over the fence when hit.” Simple more Orioles tn Monday's only ers In a playoff. The Cincin­ Drysdale was 25-9 last year, main speaker. Art McOlnley of the ^BUTITHOUGHT WaX,nHOUSHT ------< My'SOSHDIDNT\OUSEE CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 40 Make aport of 41 as that! \ h e sa id h e w a s KNIGHTS NEVER I f ihjf» id» \ HIM? HE NEVER EVEN 62 Palm cockatoo ST league game. nati Reds drew 24 first place and Koufax won 14 before he Hartford Times will handle the TOOK. UNFAIR / I J REACHED FOR HIS SHORDf 54 Underworld god Don Rudolph, 31-year-old south votes, but were picked third was sidelined with a numbed toastmaster role. Several Barber­ AtVAMIAGE r -----. r - ^ HE JUST RQDE BIGHT 55 Before paw, figures to get the starting Unsung heroes of spring trala- on total points. The only other Index finger. shop quartets will supply the an­ OFFSOPLE/ 'A I OVER ME/. HeGirl'a name place pick went to the St. 46 v r 4 80 91 assignment for Mickey Vernon's Ing, fellows who never get any Terry of the Yankees was te rertainment. 67 Turned inilde publicity, or rarely any, are the Louis Cards. the selection to repeat as top • • • out Senators, He will be opposed bv SO Requlremanta 62 u another leftqjander, 23-year-old coaches. "These men work seven The New York Yankees AL winner, with Camilo Old Timers Day at Yankee 00 Continued Steve Barber. Rudolph had an 8-10 days a week, long before the first drew the American League Pascuai of the Twins the sec­ Stadium this summer wU be on atoriea ST record for the last-place Senators player arrives at the park and first place votes of 55 writers, ond choice. Terry was 28-11 Saturday, July 27 when New York DOWN S t u and Barber was 9-6 lor the Orioles long after the last one is gone." Al to six for Detroit, four for last season and Pascuai 20-11. enteitoins the Mhmeaota Twins. 1 Relief agency last year. Lopez reported. He speaks with In recent years this attraction has aAfraab A capacity crowd of around 30,- authority for before becoming a drawn o^iacity or neM-oapacity 000 is assured for the traditional major league manager at Cleve­ Mowrte Paces Yankees’ Victory crowds Final sheet shoot of National League opener in Cincin­ land and then Chicago, Lopez was the Manoheoter Coon and Fox OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WII.L1AMS nati. The , with a coach. “The coaches do more Club is scheduled Sunday morning right-hander Earl Francis, 9-8, on work than the players.” at 10:30 at the clubhouse In North the mound, will be the Reds' op­ Coventry Word has reached position. Lefty Jim O’Toole, a 16 McCormick Arm Case the desk that Watkins was able to IS performer in ‘62, has been giv­ While on the subject of coaches, fleld but fotir playsn for the en the starting nomination by and during my discussion with Al championship playoff — Man in Motion with Season Just Around Corner Lopez, a non-pald coach with the BY AL VERMEER Reds Manager Fred Hutchinson. To Get Try in Minors against Civltan fai the Bee Amer­ PRISCILLA’S POP Rising temperatures, a desire to get out into the fresh air and love for golf all helped All teams except Baltimore and Yankees came over, Joe DiMag- ican VtdleybaU Leagne. A requeat Dick Armstrong to get In some pre-season driving at Mt. Nebo. Herald Photographer Washington will play Tuesday. glo. “What are you doing these for postponement was denied tha The schedule and starting Umes days. You look great,” Lopez ad­ former champions and Ctvlton b O N ’T Reggie Pinto caught Armstrong in action, the ball in flight and a divot that must be dressed Joe D. “I’m picking up NEW YORK (A P )—^Mike McCormick’s arm has been a \ / 3 A Y IT/ EST; easily won the beet of five aeto in M Y D IE T ? replaced. AMERICAN LEAGUE broken bate,” he replied, brand­ mystery for some time, now the 24-year-old Baltimore pitch­ three straight games Fred O M . I S A V E New York at Kansas City, 2:30 ishing a shattered bat in one hand. er has turned detective in an attempt to find himself. ‘ OTMAT URF. ■ Bhabel, new UCcHm hnakethall p.m. DlMagglo has made a fortune, McCormick, who’s been a ma-’?>------— coach, feels Art Heyman, Duke CSilcago at Detroit, 1:30 p.m. first as a player and later In the Jor leaguer since the day he i i i standout, has a better ehsaea to Boston at Los Ai^eles, 11 p.m. public relation fleld. He’s cur­ signed a bonus contract with the moke the pro# flian Barry Kramer Cleveland at Mlnneslta, 2:30 p.m. rently unemployed, however. New York Giants In 1966, was LCIL Schedme o4 NYU. “Heyman ean do more Nicklaus Records 66, Only games scheduled. headed today for the Orioles’ thhigs and could play eitlier the NA'nONAL LEAGUE Happiest guy I encountered In Rochester farm club In the Inter­ front or backoonrt," toe Tong L ob Angeles at (3iicago, 2:30 p.m spring training was muscular Gus national League to try and solve Again Divided mentor told newsmen. • • • i San Francisco at Houston, 2:30 Triandos, former Baltimore catch­ some of the mysteries. p.m. er, now with Detroit. "I would Obtained from the Giants in one Gene Johnaon, former mtoor Milwaukee at Pittsburgh, 1:35 rather hit against Wilhelm of the winter's biggest trades, In to Sections teague baaeball player, now an au­ Tabbed Man to Watch p.m. Knuckleball specialist Hoyt Wil­ McCormick came to Baltimore to salesman at Mortorty Brotiiers St. Louis at New York, 2 p.m. helm) than try to catch him. It’s along with pitcher Stu Miller and Again thia season the CXHL r ^ tly bec^e a father for tlul AUGUSTA, (AP) — ftvro shots off the record set here^lng, struggled to a 74 for 145—six Cincinnati at Philadelphia, 8:05 catcher John Orsino in exchange fifth time. A third daughter has by Lloyd Mangnim 38 years ago— strokes off the pace. Palmer, the in my contract, no knuckleball baseball schedule has been split Pudgy Jack Nicklaus, whose An tmprecedented winter trad­ for pitchers Jack Fisher and Billy Into “East” and “West with Man­ joined two brothers at the Jotei- 4*4 the year Nicklaus was bom. defending champion, who man­ ing spree and an unusual flock pitchers when I’m catching/’ Tri­ nicknames range from “ Bob- andos’ name is in the record book Hoeft and catcher Jim Coker. chester High set for a 12-game eX' son household. Johnson left pro Souchak escaped a three-Mray aged a mild rally on the back of spring Injuries, combined with ball In 1961 while in the Milwau­ Bo” to “Baby Dumpling,” nine despite a ragged game, had for the dubious honor of being McCormick has been coming clusively leag^ue slate. The Indiana deadlock when he capped his sec­ the development of a number of along slowly In the Orioles’ camp will oppose four other "eastern” kee Braves’ farm system , . BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL ♦ WQWWi44fcTifcfc».t4Nt04. was the young man to watch a 78 for 147. rookies have changed the face of charged with the most passed balls ond straight steady round with an and Manager Billy Hitchcock clubs on a home and home basis, Manchester Country Club la look­ 8-foot birdie putt on 18. a great many clubs. In one game, there, all while Wil­ “ You moan that after all I’ve learned about basketball starting today’s third round The strong man from Pennsyl­ feels an additional stretch with but will take on the “western” ing for aomeonn to handle nows vania teed off Thursday hoping to Houston, for example, will pre­ helm was pitching. The flutter ball items for the monthly buUotln IF VWREPUNlUe WHO'S PLAVING P 0& - we're going to start baaeball?'* of the Masters Golf Tourna­ Bo Wlninger, tied with Souchak does so msiny tricks that Trian­ the minor leaguers under the teams only once each. a t'69 after the first round, bogled score two Masters ‘‘firsts.” No one sent an opening day line-up con Florida sun could be just the Jack Crockett would be glad to alt 7IX3G-CATCHER; c a t c h e r ? I'MTRyiNa- JKKMMaUJUMl ment. tabling only two players, exclu­ dos once suffered a broken finger The so-called Blast is made up 'MOTHwaseraRAr. the 18th and wound up with a 12 has won successive Masters titles cure-all McCormick needs. of Manchester, Conard, Hall, Wind­ down with any scribe and >90NNie,V0UR TO GET ^\y BALL/ Although h« and handsome Jay sive of the pitcher, who were in while warming up Wilhelm. the matter. The pay la smefl. and 141 total, that put him in a tie and no one ever has won four ham and Wethersfield. The clubs NET 19 100 Hebert were ene shot behind the Masters crowns. the 1662 Inaugural line-up. They McCormick has had the goods midpoint leader, husky Mike Sou- for fourth place with late-finish­ since he broke In with the Giants. meet one another twice. The West 6MMLi ing Hd Furgel, the lame-armed Sam Snead, a 3-time Masters are Al Spangler and Anytime you dare Maury Wills chak, the 28-year-old Nicklaus held third baseman Bob Aspromonte. to bunt, he’s on base,’’ Manager Somewhere along the line, how­ ■—CXIIL style—includes the two BEN CASEY center stage after his dazzling former Open champion who hir- champion, with a 73; former Open ever, they became somewhat Bristol Scdiools—Central and Elast- dled two of the last three holes for titlist Dick Mayer, with a 70; and Playbig at second base for the Bobby Bragan o f Milwaukee told comeback In the second round Colts will be Ernie Fazio, the 676,- me when we discussed the fleet- perishable. From 1968 to 1960, ern—and the two in Meriden—Platt Veteran Celtics when a hlazing putter carried him a n . Tony Lema, one on the hot young after the club had moved to San and Maloney. men amcxig the touring pros, with 000 bonus boy who has changed footed Dodger ioflelder. to a 4-under-par 66. Par for the picturesque, testing Manager Harry O a ft’s mind Francisco. McCJormick wras a reg­ This year Manchester plays twice THENE)Cr CMy»i MR.CARUSlE,rm yOU'LLBEWGARINS Augusta National course Is 86-88— a 69,' were deadlocked In sixth H op e to Solve Seuchgk, a former end and about sending him to the minors. Sarasota has bech a good luck ular starter, winning 11, 12 and In Bristol, both games within three ------' TAKE A FEW TH/(rc/wr place-kicker an the duke football 72, stretched 6,850 yards over roll­ place at 148. 15. days. The two Meriden schools both WEUXMAE TO VDUJNT^ waac^ BUT you'RE soiNe THREE MONTHS; BUT Among the ether Colt newcomers charm for the Chicago White Sox Aid/MISS CARROLU WE CAN team, , didn’t play the first 36 holes ing woodlands ahd well-laced with Among thoee who failed to sur­ are Pete Runnels, American In 1960 when he posted his visit here. Next year, the schedule ID BERNE! >OURARM...Wia8E water ha^rds. since the team moved its spring 15-12 mark, he had the league’s ‘Big (JMliddle SURE USE MOUR TALSOL. AND ASeOOOASNEW. like a man who hasn’t won a tour­ vive the 150 cutoff were Jerry League batting champion acquired base of operations from Tampa. will be in reverse. nament In two years. His halfway lowest earned nm average, a NOT JUST M THE CHILDRB/<5 Neither Gary Player nor Arnold Barber, the little veteran who won from Boston; Howie Goss, center In four years at Sarasota the The Indians open the season a WARD! chart was 66-70—186. Palmer, who with Nicklaus are the the Azalea Open at Wilmington, fielder acquired In a recent trade brilliant 2.70. In 1661, he slipped week from Monday—April 16—• BOSTON (AP) — Playoflf-wlse Nicklaus was 74-64 — 140 and 'White Sox have lost but ene day to 13-16, then last season ran Into and close on June 3. big names of current-day golf, was N.C., last week, and former Mast­ with Plttsbutgh, and rookie catch­ due to the weather. Manager Al Boston expects to beat (Jlnclimati Hebert 7#-74—140. in a particularly threatening pesl- the first mystery and slid to 5-6 tonight—if the Celtics solve the ers champions Jack Burke Jr. and er Jim Campbell. Lopez told me. The park in Tam­ The complete slate includes: Tha 64 Nicklaus threw at the tion starting the final tws rounds. while spending most of his time Windham home; April 18, Conard, Oscar Robertson riddle. Tbie prob­ Cary Mlddlecoff. Barber missed Other rookies named to grace pa, incidentally, which is the field is the lowest score thus far Player, who said he never got hy ene stroke, Burke by two and opening day line-ups Include in­ on the sidelines wdth a sore ann. away; April 22, HaU, home; April lem: Not what makes Oscar run, SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL tn the S7th Masters and is only the one big shot to get him roll- spring home of the Cinciimati The aimouncement of McCor­ 29, Wethersfield, away; May 2. but how to keep him running. Mlddlecoff by 16. fielders Nate Oliver and Ken Mc­ Reds, Is named Al Lopez Fleld. Mullen, Do

Radio-TV Repallr Sendees 18 Help Wanted—Female 35 Hel^ Waatod—Malt 16 A r tld s ^ lf t e f l a k SI Apfurtmcnt»>-Flatfr— Housca For Salt 72 Houses For Sale 72 HooMif F o r Sal® 72 Housis For Ssio 72 Rouses For Sale 72 Lots For.SlJt 78 Want«d~RMl Eatott T l Tenenents OS THREE BUILDING lota CXlNNIBS TV and Radio Samoa, COOK wanted, also PART-TIM E - r Woor waxata, DARK, r a t s Mr aala. Wil­ RANOE, aiiUawalSa, OENTLIIMAM. a wkknmr. wiXiaa wyvvw--W7B ROOManwwM ranehanwavo®. ROCKVnXiB — BH room, ranch, MANCHESTER — 9 room- home BOLTON — • room Cape, ever- FIVE ROOM ranch, stone front, prim® WHH SOMBUNB to — Til IHOUBUE REACHING OUR ADVERTISERT avallalde all bouro. Satlofacttan Apply in persem. nlghU. CaU General Sarrtea. Ine., a-esr garag#, large jot, privacy, aluminum atorma, nice lot, cloae with 1% acres of lend, 8 targe aUe S-car cinder block garage plastered wells. 2 bedrooma, din'- location, AA zone j^hilbrick .rsoi sototor Oou om at Ml liam F. ataola * tak » two ofmaa, ISO; 1164 awvrclat room In p rm ta homo. Oaiaga., W NOOM APARTMENT, in- ing room, fireplace, ceramic tQe Agency, MI 9-S4k4. tor pronpt and aem U em m goarantood. Call Id a-lSU. Acadia Reetauramt, 103 Tolland M [ » A ^ , •4»-7MI. pM np. 1160. MI S4tOB. O m m ad. Kttch m prtvflatm . elude, etove, refrigerator, h ^ Carlton W: Hutohhu, Itoaltor, to everything, $13,800. Lipmen- horns, priced to sell at $11,500. with lubricatton pit, loft atorege. Tpke. ■ Multiple Uattav, AO PSlSS. Chorches Agency, MI S-1869, TR Hayes Agency, MI 8-410$. Bel Air Real Estate, MI 3-9883. bath, aluminum awnings, extras. Joaapk Barth, Brakw. , M-Noitr Aiiwtriis Service RsfacsiMm. 9 . K. Dario, B a i> o . hot water, and parking. IIOC Owner^MI 9-1484. TALCOTTVILLE — Beautifully______„ WANTED — JSxpailMiaad eaipat Mi, TUoattriOa, monthly. Mancheater Garden B-S485. Moving:—^Tnickinc— WOMAN to live In as housekeep­ mechanle, Muot have rMsrancea FLDOlUHKSNTA n R M , VERNON—Older 7 room Cepe, Situated lot approximately; DUPLBIXES AND two (amliteo, er, private room, adult and three and own toola. Tear ’toond em­ 100, IS. ai ikpartmento, MI s-7®M. RANCH WITH garage, 100x150 good condition, 1% baths, alumin­ VERNON BOWERS SCHOOL Area — 7 121x174. w ater, near stores, have qualified buyers. If you’re Free to HeraM Reaiers Stokaare 20 a t a f m f - v m . tIttM Boomt New room Cape, full shed dormer, 1% schools, $8,000. Reynolds Agency, thinking of sailing, please call, M ohlldren. CaU MI 9-0600 for In­ ployment. Good pw. ExoMIent ^TKIUDB ROOMB, etove end ro- MANCHESTER A landaceped lot, full cellar, oil hot um siding, 8/4 acre lot. Con­ terview. W(mu> BOOK Ihmytdopodia St water neat, aluminum eombino- venient location, $11,600. Hayes $2,000. assumes mortgage on baths, garage, fireplace, many 236-3568, 521-0528. obligation. E. E. Bushey Agenoy, THE AUSmt A. CHAMBBIRS OO. benefita. .^iply Ifr. .TUqraon. OUArantoad Fiumitura frigerater. ell utUittee. Ideal (or this real neat ranch, 8 bed­ Ml 9-2083. W tet iBlaniailiiia on one of oar claaaltled ■drarUacBMatit No Movmg. pocking, otorago, local Oarpat Depiartmant, WatUns edition. SO votaimaa. wtwth'SliS. VICINITY tiara, I bedrooms, living room, Agency, MI 8-4808. Mtros. Owner MI 9-1795. ■Moror at flio totepliono UstodT Simply eoB tko COUNTER GIRL wanted full win oMl m . Ben a, Harald. one P®riMi. Apply its Spruce kitchen end dining area. Excep­ rooms. huilt-ins, basement, VERNON - - Beautifully treed lot, and long dlatance. Agonto for Brothera, ®S5 Main siraat, Man- $£99 US MAIN—Tima noma, haat, hot ■troet. $9,600 — 4 ROOM YEAR ’round big corner lot, payments 42 OOURTLANd ” ST, — Compact 146x165 panoramic, view, $2,600. REAL ESTATE Listings wonted. Wheaton Van Lines, Inc., world­ time. Apply Parkade- Cleaners, cheater. tionally well cared for, $15,000. Manchester Shopping Psrkade. EXCELLENT USED oat e( Etc watar, otova, rdrlgarator, lUg. tU.MO WUUngton Only $600 Robert Wolverton Agency, Real­ ranch in Coventry, built-in oven $109.60 monthly. Move in May S rooms on one floor, garage, B. E. Bushey Agency, MI 9-3088. Frse estimates of vatus. Law- wide movers FYeo estimates. MI 9 m A O tJ m , M . ilV B ROOM, second floor, go- down to own this new 1st. owner, 849-2765, ranee F. Piano, Realtor, Ml MANCHESTER ANSWERING SERVICE 3-5187. WANTED — Automoliila me­ elonadU Brltaniiien fcr aMa. 10 pa. Mai badmom gia^p n g e, atorm windowe, oil heat, tor, MI .9-3818, MI S-48a. end range, lake privilegee. Bel I jEGAL SEjCRETARY part-time, chanic to work in General Moton E. Herald. room ranch with Hotpolnl Air Reel EeUte, m 8-9832. 8-3766. experienced, downtown Hartford dealerahlp. Apply in peraon to 91 pa. dtoi______nHa THREB ROOMB and bath, toat adulia with ona child. MI S-6408. buUt-ina, fireplace, one iCANCHBSTBR — 7 room q>lit OTS’TOM DESIGNED executive Ml 9-0500 UANCHE8TBSI Packogo IMlvery. floor WNUimeot, heat and aloo- HOLUSTER FTREET — New on T. J. CROCKE'TT home in one of Manchester’s Resort Property For Sale 74 Light trucking and package deliv­ office, JA 2-1165. Service Manage, ManiAastar SNOWBLOWER IS" OMItaBMB, acre woodad lot, ameoite level, 1% baths, rao room, gar­ Legal Notices Motor Solea, uaed once. Tarrtflie bogr. Meving. 19 po. aoBvartlble Hvtag roan trioity, osntrslW loeatad. taa drive, only 8 nunutsa to age covered patio half acre at market. Immaculate • room Co­ Rsaltor MI 8-1577 prime locations. 7 spacious a a i iMre yoor nwoaogo. You'll hear from oar edverUeer la Jig ery. Refrigerator's, waabeia and PART-TIME waitress for Monday, 512 W. Oantar E vents MI 8-2662. Baa, M . IQ S-MBT, »4. Fnrnidied Apartments 68>A lonial bungalow, .large sunny rooms, sunken living room, ANDOVER I^KE Buy from UBURK o r UEAUINO ON stove mmnng specialty^ Folding Street. Mo monay dowir kiotant eradit Can Parkway and SB minutos porkllke grounds. Hayag Agency, owner. 4 room house, gtig heat, GRANT o r AUMINI8TBATION Bigg wMboot s p e o ^ g on enrenlng at tfao tetephoaoL Wednesday tmd Saturday. Hours to Hartford. Complete MI 8-4808. rooms, natural woodwork. Bel cathedral ceiling, 2 huge flre- chairs for rent. Ml P-on3. 6 p.m. - 1 a.m. Ideal for married OIRL’S NAVY hlua aBrta«~a^ Free dailvary, area lay away THREE ROOM awdsm apmt- FAimALLY FURNIBHBD 80. WINDSOR — Minutes to Hart­ placee. landscaped lot. For ap­ outaide fireplace, large lot, clooe StHip of ronnwetfGut. Prohnt# Court, PART - ITMB willing, woriier for monthly payments less Air Real EstmU, MI 8-9383. ford from this 6 room ranch on Tomn of Bolton Difltrk’i of Andov#r* woman desiring to earn eortra Furniture Department. Apply in Mae 10-U; floworad mpoo. Gbu plan. mmt, fhat floor, heat, hot watar, room apartment ell utUltlc. than $100. COLONIAL, EXCELLENT condi­ pointment call owner, MT 9-6285 to beach. For detail* call MI April 1. 1963. money. Good wagCg and tipping. MI »«00. laM garator, otova, gaa and aloe- - noM, one Mook from Main at., FOUR BEDROOM 9 room Dutch lot approximately 163x300. Fire­ after 8 pm., or Saturday and 9-4626 Kfltatr of Jolin WHjrrn. «l Lost and Found 1 Auto Driving School 7-A Painting—Papering 21 person Marlow’s, Inc., 867 Main. t a MASS between 6-9 p.rn. tion. Located up In the Green place. Carport. Full basement. Colunibift. in lald ^ n trlrt, Apply Charcoal fe-oiler after 10 trioity fundriiad, tOaa bathroom $16,$00 VatvMn I year old area. Three light airy bedrooma Colonial, centrally located, Sunday. Pipp$»nt. Hon. Norman J. Praiiat, a.m. OA8 HOT air funiaoa, Uka now, S NORMANS, IM^C. and riiawar. Idad Aw WBrtdBg $17,500, Philbrick A’gmcy, MI Call Madeline Smith, Realtor, Mt COVENTRY 2 bedroom ranch, l o s t — LADY’S wi-istwatch vi­ MANCHESTER Driving Academy. EXTERIOR and Interior painting. GESNBRAL MOTORS dealer YHREB ROOM fuintahed apart- ranch with B good sized up, three rooms down. Lotga liv­ 9-1642, or evenings Mabel Sheri­ full bath, oil hot water heat, ga­ -ludK** Winter driving instruction is safe handling multtple line of cars de­ yaara old, 160,000 B.T.U., m im . FumMara WarMiouae eoupla. Pwrldiig. 'M I ? >66®, TT® rooms. Close to elemen­ 9-84B4. Upon Ui*’ upplicatloh Mary S. Flrtrh- cinity A A P, E. Center Street, Paperbanging, celllngi wallpaper SEWERS WANTED immediately. large blowar; olao, gaa h A p.m. tnent with bath, eeeond floor, ing room with fireplace. IH dan, MI 8-8189. rage. '* acre lot, .short dlatance of April, men ai 2 00 o ’clock licensed driving school, trained workmanshm guaranteed. Leo Office, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Oo«q>le preferred. Cavaatry water and sewers, taxes rooma, fireplace, natural wood- custom built and aaking only _ _ _ i III thw afternoon and that notice of LOST — BLACK and brown Bas­ ONE SOFA and 3 3-room Ranch high in the MANSPIKiLD Young fS*2 room time* and plare of h^arimf sett hound, answers to “Rorky.” fering classroom and behind call Ml 8-8043. YOU! ! ! YOU are a wonderful Boats and Acesggorieg 46 dudtogduding balgebe^e oxcol- cellent value for the first Realtor, MI 9-6524. hill* of Vernon. I.*rge living ranch, aluminum aiding. Frigi* iht»reon be pvwn lo all perioni* known person. You deserve a car of FOUR ROOM aawly dager ated ment. Apidy after 6 p.m., Tnom' ed basement, attached garage M I 3-4648. Kinder please call M3 9-D97 af­ wheel instruction for teen-agers. THREE DAYS travel — 4 daya at lent ocnditlon. aa Morrow, 649-3286, 36 Birch St. home buyer. excellent condition, $19,600, Phil- room with fireplace, paneling, (lalre biiilt ina American base *>r In'eraaied In aajd eatate. by MI 9-6075. PAINTING AND paperhaoging. your own, new clothes, and the home, Man over 40 for short BOAT. 18 FOOT, 1067 Hioinaon. apartment, t aaoond floor, heat, MANCHESTER — T room home ___ ,___ * ,, ■_. __ . oau.-mc a irtie ropy o( this ord**r to te r A hM water, aieotrle ranges garb- brick Agency, MI 9-84B4. > close to shopping, schools and MANCHESTER — 514 room Cape, attached garage, 3 b^room*. l a y h e a t. 5 r a m b lin g a c r e * 600 publiali-d oiu-e in .aomr newapapar Good clean workmanship at rea- many extras that make' life more trips near Manchester Worth up offshore ftaherman, 80 k.p. 106B $1S,900 Windsor Locks — 7 year nice area, Bowen School. Askin; light airy kitchen, immaculate feet frontage, small pond. 2-car havm* a rirmlatlon m .-Aid Diatrirt. MORTLOCK’S Driving School Inc., souabU rates. SO years in Man­ pleasant. If a limited budget to $8,000 to $12,500. in a year. Evinnide motor, 1967 Oator traO- ORAT RUG, 0x16 raaaanaUa. ago diapooal IncludoA gl2S. old 5 room ranch, all good SEVEN ROOM apllt, 1% hatha, bus, attached garage with patio, garage Asking *16.900 FHA VA PV'"'’' "n 'h- pu'dic aignimat n»ar- Roferonceo. l i l ®-oaM, Ml ®-8t69. Bwdneaa Locatlona huge kitchen, dining room, liv­ $13,800. Tongren Agency throughout. Moi> than ymi’d r ______D__, ’ -a' whrj- the ,l-r*-a-fd la-t dwelt in offices, classroom, located Man­ chester Raymond Flake. MI makes all this a dream, let Avon Write H. C. SwaUow. l^ea.. er. Marine bead, navy t^ , com­ CSiU MI 041448 oftar 6. alied rooms, large woMsd family room, garage choice lo­ 8-6331. expect for $17,900. Call Mr. financing. I-essenger Co, Real- ij,,. Town of I’dlumbia. a-nt by regla- Announcements chester Parkade, lower level. Be­ 9-9287. show you how just a few hours a Southwestern Petrideum Oo., pletely Muipped. Good condltloii. For Rent 64 lot, carport, 2 full hatha, cation, $38,900. Philbrick .Agency, ing room and den, flrei^ace, 3 tor*. 423-9291 anvtim e. IMMACULATE LARGE I room full baths, aluminum combina­ Lariviere MI 9-5306. MI 4-1760, i»r«d mail poatag.' propald 10 Mary ginners. older, nervous students, day can help you make that Box 789, Pmt Worth 1, Texas. $1,600. MI 8-4046. full basement, oil hot MI 9-8464. VERNON — 614 room ranch, TR 5-6611. S rialctifi I'olumhia. I'onn.. and Jo­ INCOME TAXES prepared in your our specialty. Teen-tige driver's EXTERIOR and interior painting, dream come true. Call 289-4922. GOOD USED rffrigerator, $26. dMurtraont, large otorage room, tions, oil hot water heat, $18,600. a Nd OVER -- WELL designed 8- seph Wan i-O 226 W--t lOlh Rc . New water heat, city water end Storms garage. Very clean hom^ York. . N ’ . V , a l l on or before t h * 8 t h home or by tqjpolntment. Exper­ education course. State certified. paperhanging, wallpaper remov­ SALES TRAINEE — Established 60 h.p. JOHNSON outboard, $678. Can MI 0-1401. refined neighborhood on hua line, >6® NORTH MAlN-atOM.' MD / eewer. dose to express­ COMPACT RANCH — 8 b 1 o c k s Robert Wolverton, Realtor, MI bedroom ranch, wall-to-wall ienced tax work, 24 hour service. COUNTER GIRLS 7 to midnight 80 Scott, MTS. X Evinnide, flOO. beat, hot water, atove and re­ ®-«M®, ®4i. 9-3818, MI 8-4548. N ear Circle. Tirongren Agency, MI day of April. 19ti3, M3 9-7398. ed, ceilings, fully insured. Cali sales route in local area opening WEBOOR RECORD player, S- way, 10 mlnutoe from from Waddell School is this 8-6331. carpeting, large kitchen with NORMAN ,1. PRKl’SS, Judfa Cali MI 8-4723.______George Ouillette, Ml 9-1251. shift. Apply Mister Donut, 255 W. soon. $96 weekly guarantee if 10 Johnson, $iB0. Band oaw with frigerator, garage if deelred, Ref- Hartford. An excellent bedroom ranch, full basement BARROWS k WALLACE dining area, plenty of cupboards. Middle ’Tpke. motor $70. Wanted 00 h.p. Mer­ •p m i; automatic toaster; both erenceere quired. OaH MI 0-3M6, SMALL STORE near Main Street. with garage, corner lot, plenty of PITKIN STREET—Bight room AT A I'Ot'RT OF PROBATF, held at INCOME TAX returns prepared by qualified while training. Advance axoeUent condition. Also, velour Suitable for barber ihqp, office, buy! SIX ROOM older home, garage, ■tainles* steel twin sinks, full Maiirhe-t.'i. within and for ihe dt»- Garage—Service—Storage 10 COMPLETE PAINTING and deco- to $144 weekly after training. cury. MI A1454. ®-6 only. trees. Top value (or only $16,700, colonial on corner lot. Four good newly redecorated, quiet neigh­ M E. Center St., basement, large lot with trees, Irici i*f .Manrlie-ter, t,n Ihe 4th day of auditor. Business and individual. rating service, interior-exterior, TWO PLEASANT married women, painting with wooden frame. MI etc. Perking. Apply Morlow’a, bedrooms, four rooms down In­ ...... 1963 Married man wiUi car: experi­ FOUR ROOM apartment, heat, $18,500 East Hartford — 6 room T. J. Crockett, Realtor. 848-1677, borhood, many extras, $15,500. Manchester. Conn. large 4S% mortgage may be as- Ab^’it A D Accounting services. Raymond fully guaranteed to your satis­ part-time evenings. must be ence not necessary. F or Inter- 04HS^ be., 867 Mun. Cape, 3 full baths with clude heated sun room. Rec room sumed, $13,300. Pratt Agency, ..Preient...... Hon. .Joiin J Wallett. .fudze. Girard. AU 8-6008. ONE-CAR GARAGE neap Clinton neat, clean, quick and of good hot water, stove, refrigerator, Must he seen. Call MI 9.8446. No Katate of F.rneat Copplnz, late «f faction, with down to earth riew call 644-0202 between 6-8 Diamonds—^Watchc SMALL OFFICE 100% Main shower stall, full shed in basement 90% completed. Ex­ agents. anytim e, PI 2-7596 , 246-2892. ' , M anchester iiV'iald di«mri.”'dece*iied. Street MI 9-1823. prices, fully insured. Vick’s character. Apply ’Treat Shoppe. p.m. edulta only. $106 per month, 87 dormer, vestibule, fire­ cellent condition throughout. T. _ ------. ------.1 t'pon application of t-ouipe ropptnz. FEDERAL INCOME taxes prepar­ Painting & Decorating 529-8422, Route 83, Talcottvllle. Jew ehy 48 Offlee and Store Marble Street, Manchester, MI location. Apply, Marlow’a, ------1 a d m in istra trix , p ray in g for a u th o rity ed with your savings In mind. 8-0888. Main. place, combination win­ MANCHESTER J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. SO. 'WINDSOR—^Kelley Road near MI 9-6452. SALES Representative wanted for WATCH AND JewMiy repairing at Equipmmit 54 dows, large wooded lot, Vernon Circle Shemping Center ELLTNG'TON An oversized Wanted-Real Eatate 77 ] •“ ,■;lUd''■:r^ard"^;X«.^n^'on Reasonable rates. Call MI 8-6246, Business Services Offered 13 PART - TIME help—Luncheonette, MANCHESTER — CUTE 4 room Cape that can grow with you E. J. Bayles. local area. If you are employed reasonable prices, prompt serv­ m o d e r n FIRST floor 2 room desirable location, one and Wilbur Cross Parkway with 1' i.“ PAXN'i’lNQ and wallpapering, wall­ sales floor. Apply W. T. Grant as a salesman making lees than NEW TYPEWRITERS, $69.96 up; ranch, convenient locatimi, ideal public bua at door. Neat Split with full dormer, 150x201 non­ WAN'TED By private party, 5-8 tyRDURKD That the toregoinz ap- LAWN MOWERS sharpansd and Co., Parkade store. ice, 2 watchmakers. Manches­ apartment available for immedi­ Honses For Rent 61 i block to bus. phcatioii be heard and detHrmined At INCOME TAX returns prepared paper removed. W a llp ^ r books $400 a month, apply now at Mont­ ter's oldest established jeweler. used typewriters, $39 im. Berube’s Convenient and Compact for younger or older couple, $11,- Level, 7 rooms, garage, fireplace, development lot. Material* to room older single home oy 2 repaired, sales and service, pick on request. Ceilings. F r ^ sotl- ’Typewriter Service, 4T9 E. Mid­ ate occupancy with heat and hot 700. MI 3.0254. finish up*tair» bath and 2 or * family. Phone MI 9-49,33. I...... lie Probate. office..... Matirhfijitqr bi by former Internal Revenue up snd delivery. Ice skates Biarp- CLERK - TYPIST, record depart­ gomery Ward Company. Opening F. E. Bray, 737 Main St., State water, $76 a month. J. D. Realty, THREE ROOM cottage, furnished $18,700 Manchester — 6 year old 114 baths, attractive price, $17,- .said Di.sfiic’t. on th<=" 16th day of A pril. mates. CaU Roger HI 84)9». available. We have men In this dle Tpke., Mancheater, MI 9-3477. • room Colonial, 1% 8 bedroom ranch close to 800, A# little aa $700 down. Glenn bedroom* included. Act quickly. A.D 1963. at o clock in tha mr«- Agent in the convenience of your ened, precision ground. L h M ment, 40 hour week. Must be able Theater Building. MI 3-5139. or unfurnished, gas furnace, BOWERS SCHOOL—6 room Cape, Gate* Agency, MI 9 .5552. nooh and th at notir#« rtv ^ n to Hil home for indl’vldual and business. Equipment Oc area making up to $600 monthly parking, odult^ only. New Bol baths, fireplace, combina­ schools and hue. Only $13,990. Roberta Agency, MLS Reajtora, Id 4>aU.te of Equlpmmt Corporation, Route 88, PAINTING, paperhanging, floor to type 50-80 words per minute. $400 down. plus recreation room, offers Legal Notice l>»»rflonji intfiFst/’d in aald MI 8-8938. Vernon. Conn.in. TR 6-7608. Manchea- sanding, ceilings whitened. For Pleasant working conditions. In­ and enjoying many liberal com­ Wearins: Apparel—Purs 57 FOUR ROOM apartment, second ton Road, MI 8 6886;. tion windows, shaded let, Vn 4-1521. Eve. Mrs. Devenitz, FORD STREET 5 room the pendencyt»«*nd« ,, of aaid anplicatlon and pany benefits such as paid vaca­ Florists—^Nnrserios 49 excellent location, near privacy and convenience, back­ 538-0794. the time and place of nearinc tiltlier*> lowest rates and good clean work­ teresting, diversified work. Call floor, automatic heat, domestic yard fully fenced, new knotty fram e house, near shopping. AT A qpPRT o r PROBATF: held at on. by publishing a <’opy of this ordar FULL-TIME tax accountant ready SHARPENINO Servioa- Saws, tion, group life, and hospitaliza­ LADY’S BEIGE lined fitted «uit. hot water residential, near shop­ SH ROOM HOUSE With heat and shopping, bue end schools. stFr. within and for thf dintrict to aasiat you. Rates reasonable. manship. call MI 4-0601. Manchester Memorial Hospital, TREES — BALSAId, i^mce. 10 or Complete d ty utllltiee. PAUL FIANO AGENCY pine kitchen, walking distance^to G.I. WANTSHD to take over mort­ zchoolz, buses. All utilities. $12.- . Mancbe-ter on the 2nd day uf April. ill sonic newspaper having a circultr knives, axes, shears, akates, MI 3-1141, Ext. 320 for appoint­ tion insurance plans, liberal car ' size 12-18, excellent conditicn, $6. ping, parking. Phone MI 8-2171, hot water, $100 per month, cen schools, shopping, 1 ^ line. New­ 900 Joseph Barth, Broker. 1 A D . 196,3 tioii In said district, at Call S. J. Turklngton, Jr., MI rotary blades. Quick service. C ^ - NESMAN AND BROWN — Paint­ allowance; no overnight travel. more $1. each. Daily after 3:80. Cali anytime MI 9-6724. 9-6:30 p.m. trally locate. COll MI 8-5876, 1 ^ 't miss this one. gage of a beautiful 8-bedroom PieRHiit Hun, John J . Wall**U Jutlic**. flays before the day of said nMnn|L m ent. No sales Sunday. I ^ your own. MI t-0458 MI 8-2861 ly redecorated. $14,800. MI 9-3300. ranch in Rock'vllle. No money 649-0320. tu appear If they see ('ause at said 8-7731. tol Eiquipment Co., 88 Alain St., ing. decorating, interior, exteri­ Apply to Miss V. Zaldera. Man­ Rxtat^ of Jfian A. Harkett of Pasa­ lime and place and be heard relative Manchester. Qours dally 7-6. or, paperhanging. Call Coventry SALESPERSON — Thoroughly ex­ ager, Montgomery Ward Catalog 388 Slater St. AT THB-WAS-NU Shop, 478 Main HEBRON — ROUTE 86. 4 room FIVE ROOM ranch and garage, $83,800 Best Hartford — T room down to right bwer. Priced $13,- EAST HARTFORD -- 6 room Co dena, (California, ownini; property in FOR SERVICE and sa'vings in pre­ Glaetonbury. dose to Manchea­ ranch, ceramic bath, at­ ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE — $99 500. TR 6-1020, MI 8-0070 Manchester in said district', an in ra p -: i»»ereto. and m ake **«*'!^" R Thursday 7-9. Saturday 7-4. MI 742-7179 or 742-6039. perienced women’s wearing ap­ Store. 269 W. Middle TUmpike, Street, you’ll find a choice ae- apartment, with heat,' call MI per month includes everything. Ionia). attached g a r a g e aand n a abU-abu. i>e ! »nd by mal 'DK,'"' “f. paring income taxes for business 8-7958, Manchester. lectlon of deeigner’a clothes at a 8- 0948, between 5-9 p.m. ter townline. Rent $166. Avail- tached garage. 3 fire- • n o n -d e v e lo p -I Pp™ api.liraliou of .Taiue.- M. llig- 1963. hv ccrtiripd mall, a copy of this parel, 5-day week. Apply in per­ Garden— Farm—Dairy ROCKLEDOE — Cexitemporary Neat 8 bedroom ranch Just t porch, deairabl, urd.i' to Frederick Willard C<»plnz. and uidlvidual, call PI 2-6607. son Tweed’s. 773 Main Street. fraction of their former cost. able now. MI 9-7819. laces, brick front, on bus TWO - FAMILIES ment area wall to-walt carnet-' P"” ''on'cvator. prayln* foi author- 1 <6 Burbank Drive. Warwick. Rhodw STEPS, SIDEWALKS, stone THREE ROOM apartment, heat­ £ne. ' ranch, cathedral ceiling, ll'ving years old. Pull cellar, copper carpel ,,, leaee certain real eatate. par - 1 ----- U’,",. “I’ W 'reTine FREE MOTH proofing for your PAIN’TING — INTERIOR and ex­ Products SO Daytime, cocktail, and dreanea plumbing, Youngstown kitchen. A ing, built-in* and paneled Are- tlcularly deacrihed in asid applicsllnn lalan^ Richard R coppmf. ^yior walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter­ terior. MI 9-9688. WOMAN TO do plain cooking and Help Wanted— suitable for weddings. Open 10-6, ed, atove, refrigerator, cabinet room with fireplace, electric Chestnut St. — 5-5, $15,900. p l l c e w a l l . P r ic e d r ig h t. "" fjl!;. H 'A an ’ ^ • '" ^ ‘-^11.. Conn.^, B artsu a. C. blankets and winter clothing at FOR SALE—cow manure for your MB,000 South Windsor — Beautiful kitchen with built-ins, I bed­ buy at $11,900. The Elsie Meyer ' ORDERF.D Tltat the foregoing ap­ Covenev. 15 Jennifer (^urt. a if^ . races. All concrete repairs. kitchen work in Rest Home. $60 ’Tuesday thro u g h Saturday, kitchen, garage, adults, third Summer Homes For Rent 67 Lyness St. — 4-4, $16,900. 528-8707. New Jersey: Muriel C. Schindler. Lucky Lady Coin Cleaners. 11 Reasonably priced. Ml 3-0796. Male or Female 37 lawns and gardens, sold by the floor. MI 9-0062. new, contemporary ranch rooms, 2 baths, family room with Agency, Realtor, MI 9-6624. plication be heard and determined at a week, live in. Six days- a week, ’Thursday till 9. Ml 8-9407. Oak St. — 5-5, $20,000. the Probate office in M ancheater. in Hopktne Road. R'hngton Conn. Maple Street. HOUSES PAINTED — Reason- Wednesdays off. TR 5-3141. load, deliveries made on Satur­ BREWSTER, CAPE COD. Airy. I • large rooms, jdus recree' fireplace, attached garage, oun- GLAS’TONBURY — T room Split JOHN J. WADLKTT. Jodge TREE REMOVAL, pruning, and PART-TIME executive aecretary. day. Phone MI 8-7405. ROCKVILLE — FOUR room tion room, 3 fireplaces, 3 $16,900 — FIVE TEAR are. room ranch on a one acre land­ BOLTON — NEARLT new 6 room bv publiahins R copy of this order In at Green at 6:30. and fertilized, grass cut, shrubs qualifications to Box C, Herald. water, atove. refrigerator, tiled Cape, acre wooded lot. fireplace, Call MI 8-9000 Or inquire at 1504 aome newspaper havlnic a circulation Rug Ckoning ceilings whitened and refinlshed, 529 W. Center Street, MI 3-8116. wear, Etc., size 7-9, excellent 17 through 81. $100 week. M3 scaped and tree ahaded lot. 3- SIX ROOM raiich, attached gA Manchester Road, this weekend. pruned; fertilizer and nursery papering. Call MI 9-0726. condition; also, pink wedding bath, and shower Parking. $80. 6-8004. $37,900 Vernon — 3 year dd 7 car g a r^ e , full cellar with rec 114 baths, walk-out basement, | In said district, at least aeve.n daya Compony stock at reasonable prices. Call LICENSED instructor in hair-; l ARNER’S GARDEN Center. MI 3-6306. room executive ranch, 3 rage, hullt-ins, aluminum storms Principals only. before the day of aald hearing, to ap­ Help Wanted— Male 36 dressing and cosmotologv. Call dress, worn once, very reason­ room, 8 Mdrooms, ceramic bath, and screens. Largs wooded lot. $2,300. aseumea m ortgage. Hayes pear if they aee caiiae at aaid time 19 Haansway 84. Personals 528-1782. open daily now, fresh horseradiah able. MI 9-0276. bedrooma, living room huge living room with fireplace, 58 Croft Drive. By owner, MI Agency, MI 3-4808. and place and be heard relative there­ Electr’^cal Services 22 423-6339, days. Or 423-9046 8ve- and onion seta, seeds, lime, fer­ FOUR ROOM apartment, heat, Apartment Buildings dining room, all electric built 1964, $26,900. Robert Wolver­ to and make rehifn to thia court. Del Knowles, Profi. LAWNS — RAKING, rolling and GRADER OPERATORS — must nings. hot water, gas for cooking, Elec­ 4-8988. SOUTH WINDSOR; Large split .TOHN J. WATJiTCTT. Jud«« BLECTTROLOX Sales and Service, tilizer. At Lamer’s Farm 'Mar­ For Sale 69 kitchen, includes deluxe ton Realtor MI 9-3818, MI Call 948-6012 mowing by dependable ^ults. FREiE ESTIMATES. Prompt aerv- have experience with small resi­ ket — also, fresh fruits, bananas, Wanted—^To Buy 58 tric refrigerator and gas stove. oven and range, dlahwash- 8-4648. MANCHESTER — t bedroom level with 2 paneled ll’ving TOLLAND banded repi'eaentative, Alfred MI 9-2425 or MI 9-6963. ice on aU types of electrical wir­ dential and commercial graders. and vegetables. MI 9-0074. Please call MI 0-7787, 5-7 p.m. er, disposal, family room rooms, lavatory in master bed­ Amell, 206 Benzy St. Tel MI ing. Licensed and Insured. Wilson Apply in j^rson Industrial Pav­ Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 fix UNIT ^>artment house in A-1 ranch, 114 bathz, rac room, car­ 3-DAY 8-0450. FRANK Is buying and selling good condition, excellent return on In­ with stone fireplace, and IMMACULATE Cape, 4 down, 2 port, $19,200; short way out — I room, y ard 100x330, garage. Electrical Co., Manchestor. 5II ing A Engineering Company, 134 used furniture and antiques at 420 POUR ROOM apartment, fine con­ glass sliding doors leading imfinished up, fireplace, fenced Kitchen range, copper tile above INVITATION GARDENS PLOWED — Also, 9-4817. Glastonbury, ICE 8-7876. E. Service Road. Hartford, PROFESSIONAL clipping, groom­ dition, location very good, nice vestment. Mortgue available, bedroom ranch, large lot, $11,- OPEN FOR INSPECTION WANTED — RIDE to Willimantlc Fertilizers 50-A Lake St. Call and a«e what we’ve centrally located. Imilbrick Agen- to outdoor patio, 2-car ga­ yard, near ahoppiig, school and 900 ; 4 bedroom t^der home, one counters. Drapes at windows. SERVICE! wheel harrowing done. MI 9-5096. aojppss from the M eadows Bowl­ ing, bathing of all breeds Poo­ got. Open Sundaya. MI 9-6580. yard. Write Box T, Herald. Very clean. Now vacant. Price TO BID from Manchester arri'ving 8:30 dles a specialty. Call MI 9-8793 or FARM LOAM—Top quality, big ey, MI 9-8464. rage, shaded lot, excellent bus. Bel Air Rm I Eetate, MI acre land, $9,500; many more ail Sunday 2-4 p.m. Floor Finishingr 24 ing Lanes. location. Owner transfer­ 8-9832. $18,900. Glenn R oberts Agency. a.m., leaving 5 p.m. MI 9-0991. BROKEN WINDOWS repaired, M I 9-0500. five yard load. $12. Also cow WE BUY SELL or trada antlqua UNFURNISHED 6 room apart­ mice ranges. Cali the Ellsworth Sealed Bids ■will be received un­ immediate service, lowest cost red — muet sell. Mitten Agency. Realtor, MI MLS Realtors, MI 4-1521. Eves. til 3:00 P.M. (E.S.T.I April 16, FrKNTTUBE OLEANlN« FLOOR LA’YING, sanding, refln- WANTED — ALL 'round presser manure. Columbia 228-8323, after and Uaed funilture, china, flasa, ment, all conveniences, $160 a BuginesB Property For Sale 70 SPACE—SPACE—6 huge bed' 528-0794. anywhere. Lowest prices on mir­ for new dry cleaning store. Must MALE BEAGLE with papers. $40. 5 p.m. month. No children. May be seen 3-6030 or m 8-2325. - Crestwood — A beautiful 1963, by the Housing Authorit.v of ishing our specialty. Get the bes' Call MI 9-7510, evenings or week­ silver, plctun tranMa and oM $99,600 Manchester —■ New lauge rooms. Colonial, nearly new, hot rors, table and desk tops. Call for less. Call MI 4-0601. be able to finish silks. FMli or ooina, old dolls and guns, hobby 9- 5, 124 E. Center Street. COVENTRY — FOUR room ex­ wooded area of custom built the Town of Manchester, and then Automobiles For Sale 4 Your G lassm an, 289-2019. ends. GOOD COW M anure SO. WINDSOR — bualneae zone, B room nuUc designed L- water 3-zonc heat, 1>^ baths, 80 JENSEN STREET — Nice part time. MI 4-8353. $5 $10 eollectlaas. stUc centents or whole 120’ front on busy Route 30 in shaped ranch, plus a large privacy, Carlton W. Hutchins, MI pandable Cape. 2-car gar^e. 2 homes overlooking Snipsic publicly opened for mipplying ap­ FLOOR SANDING and refinishlng loads. Delivered Excellent for Cape In tip-top shape, fireplace, proximately 75,000 gallons Bunker NEED CAR? Ypur credit turned LIGHT TRUCKING — Attics, cel­ eststea. Furniture Repair Service, Wapplng Center. Depth 280’. recreation room, living 9-6182. acreened pOTch, large wooded lot, large porches, Lakeview Drive, Lake. 25 minutes to Hartford. (specializing in older floors). EXPERIENCED Painters wanted. gardens, shrubs. lawns. etc. MI TalcottvUs, Conn. TsI. MI S-744®. FOUR ROOM apartment. TeJ Ml WMerfront Park, off Daley Rd. Over 1,450 sq. ft. of com fort­ "C" No. 6 Fuel Oil for the 1»«3- Cath-’R-Garr|f down? Short on down payment? lars, garages, yards cleaned MI Work located between Manches­ 3-7804, 3-7980, Brick 3-(amlly has many poselble room with cathedral cell' convenient to shopping, bus, and Bankrupt? Repoesession? Don’t Painting. Ceilings. Paptrhanging. SHALLOP’S HEAD MI 9-8731. uaea. Plot will accommodate ex­ Ing, dining room with OVERSIZE CAPE, Buckley Open house Sunday 12-5 p.m. or able living in this unique 6 1964 H eating Season. 9-6315. ter and Glastonbury. Inquire 44 school. Asking $14,000. E lva Specifications and Contract Doc- ' despair! See Honest Douglas. Ih- No job too small. John Verfallle, KENNELS FOUR ROOM apartment avail­ pansion. Tremendous investment built-in china cabinets, School, 1% baths, garage, extra 628-8878 after 5:30. room ranch style home. 2 Weakaad SfMcialt MI 9-5750. Bayberry Road, Glastonbury. Rooms Without Board 59 large, rooms, acre lot. city utili­ Tyler, Realtor, MI 9-4460. uments may be obtained at the I quira about lowest down, small­ LAWN MAINTENANCE — Rak-1 Call 633-7786 between 5-6 p.m. Household Goods 51 able April 21 or after. Please eall growth Mtentlal. Ray S. Hol­ kitchen ’with custom cab­ tiled baths. 2-car garage. est payments anywhere No smaU ing, rolling, mowing etc. Reason- i FURNISHED ROOM near bath, 643-1946. combe, Realtor, MI 4-1385. inets and binit-ine, 3 full ties, Immaculate. Bel Air Real COVENTRY — Excellent 4 room ELLINGTON — 8 room Colonial, Priced in v e^ low twenties. offlee of said Authority, 24 Blue-' Regular loan or finance company plan. able rates. Ray Hardy, MI 3-5541 HARDWOOD FLOORS - laid Protection dogs for home or Estate. MI 8-9883. 1 full baths, built-ins, new fur- field Drive, Manchester, Oonnecti-' sanded, refinishedi Call MI WANTED — TWO mechanically gentleman, parking, 54 High baths, 3-cv garage, glass ranch with fireplace, breezeway, Directions: ’rake Exit 98 on Cement Douglas Motors. 883 Main. business. Obedience training. FOR SALE—Used furniture MI Street. sliding doors leading to garage, $11,500. Joeeph B arth, nsu:e, city water, cloee to bus, Wilbur Oroos Highway, left cut. ! •1.65 9-4920. inclined men for full and part- j IRONWOOD DRIVE, Vernon — time work. Apply Holiday Bowl­ Problem dogs a specialty. 3-7449. Land For Sale 71 outdoor terrace. Excellent Broker, 649-0320. school and shopping, $13,900. Lip- over Highway, then right onto ’The Authority reserves the right! VOLKSWAGEN 1960. blue deluxe Household Services Field training. Boarding. FURNISHED ROOM for gentle-1 6% room ranch built 1956. wood­ man-Chorches Agency, MI to accept or reject any or all bids. | Mortar ing Lanes. BAST WINDSOR — Located on location. Complete city Route SO. Approximately 114 sedan, 5 brand new tires includes Offered 13-A Mortg:aKes 31 FULL SIZE mattress and box- man, heat, lights, private eh-' SEPTIC TANKS utilities. Immediate ed lot with 100 foot frontage, full 8-1869 TR 5-8485. miles to Crestwood homes. Housing Authorit.v of the! Cement •1.40 Route 5, bUBineaa and industrial two new Riow tires. Phone MI d r i v e r s — FOR school buses, q>rlng, headboard and metal trance, parking. - Evenings MI cellar, oU hot water heat, alum Bear right onto Crestwood TNjwn of Manchester SECOND mortgages — Unlimited Daleville Road^ AND cupancy. 16 ROOM DUTCH Colonial 3-7021 after 6 p.m. REWEAVINO of btuna, moth holea. Vernon - Manchester area, 7:30 - frame: full size mahogany bed 3-2816; Days PI 3-6864 i land, 80 acres. Tongren Agency, inum combinations, quiet dead­ CHECK THESE VALUES Drive, look for signs. W. Endsrlin, | Zippers repaired Window Shades funds available for second mort­ 8:45 a.m,, 2-3:30 p.m. MI 3-2414. and steel coil spring: 2 wooden MI 8.8831. end street, perfect f

. > . ,r *** . . -.-V f»-«?-- ■•■ " ' - ' j :EATURDAYr APRIL 6, 196K ■ ' 'tSi^v' '■ '"r-'' fA O E TEN iian rlfifa tfr ^v^nini^ ^ rcalh iiitttti

Mambers of the Ladite of St. ■ K nUNB OOUMOa.1 INK M U James’ will meet tomorrow at 7:45 About Town p.m. at ^ e Holmes Funeral Home, K «(0 400 Main St, to pay respects to Business Bodies fnON SHARES PROFIT UM Palm G Peter Stevenson will lead a wor­ hostesses. The Aildon Spinning Mills at "W OW " What Service ship program. Mrs. William John­ Taloottvllle has announced a fis­ OhiM gowii son and Mrs. Carl Johnson will There will be a rehearsal tomor­ cal earnings distribution to its em­ PLACE ORDER—PICK IT UP IN W MINUTES «r, ; An*W serve as co-hostesses. row at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic ployes of 320,867.12 under the DON’T BELIEVE US? THEN TftY USI j Arohdiooeoi Temple for Amaranth members firm’s profit sharing plan. taking part in a birthday enter­ Louis C. Olmsted, personnel - TIM Apn tainment. manager, made the announcement PIZZA-RAY'S goou im ‘G this week and said that there vftti iw o « Dr. Joseph Massaro of 52 Park are 140 participants in the profit 130 SPRUCE STREET — Ml 3-0031 oratorio "1 St. is attending a four-day med­ APPLES sharing program. Open 2-11—Sun. 4-10 •‘Um paaso^ ical meeting in Chicago, 111. Doc­ The combined plan, wliich has SMALL LARGE 17M, U U Your Best Fruit Buy tors from 50 states have regis­ been in effect since 1654 with Sat. till 12 a ^ wlO tered for the annual American great success, is based on a point CLOSED WEDNESDAY oii£/’ Porf Of The Season Academy of General Practice 75e *1.25 system for employes. One point 25c Extra Each Item : chorus uni9 Fresh From Our Coolers meeting. All Academy members for every $100 dollars earned each W ild. WIUI are required to complete 50 hours year and points for each year of All Winter Until May poUtau Op of postgraduate study each year. service. Two-fifths of each share alto star • of the profits is in the form of Oo.t ora U) Open Every Day The Holy Name Society of St. cash while three-fifths is put into James' Church will receive cor­ a trust fund for the employe. PERO ORCHARDS porate communion at the 8 a.m. The present trust fund is in ex''- ho aoci Mass tomorrow. Members will cess of $200,000 and the average u Urn “St Avery St., Wappin? meet at 7:30 in the downstairs trust Share for employe is about Jdhaan Sc church. $2,500. It requires six months or toloeaat li more of employment to be eligible aitomeon for the profit sharing plan. Wednesday marked a total of 80(»are graduates o f the ManrfieSterApresent positlonB In 1867. He High Scho(d and hold standard Uvee at 32 Knighton St. formed t The fiscal year at Aldon runs years service to the Oonnectlcut wKh Alff from Feb. 1 to Jan. 31. certificates from the American RoUason, in 1949 became assist­ Bank and Trust Company’s Man­ ant treasurer suid In 1967 ad­ big, tha Institute of Banking. They have dO-mennbo THE ARMY AND NAVY CX>NTRA<7T OONFERiMED chester office by those three men, worked thdr way up through the vanced to assistant vice president. ranks of the local banking institu­ He reefides at 41 Strant St. oroboetra, Kaman Aircraft Corporation Everett E. Moore, assdStant vice ly tno nv president and trust manager; tion from the opening of the pred­ Ingraham returned from Oie confirmed today that negotiations ecessor bonk, the Manchester NavU Service in 1945 and was tha^RTork had been completed and a contract Thomas E. RoUason, Msistant vice Trust Go., on April 3, 1633. All named assistant treasurer. He be­ that yaar {imounting to 15.6 million dollars president; and Vincent W. Ingra­ had banlrdng e?cperlence before came treasurer of the bank In Alpo or had been signed with the United $PRING $PECIAL ham, vice president. that data 1950, apd vice president in 1956. States Navy for continued produc- Moore, named assistant trust of­ His home is at 71 Bridge St. f o i ^ t Uon of UH-2B SEASiPRITE heli­ These three men each com­ BINGOAND pleted 30 years of service. All ficer in 1944, was named to his (Herald photo by Satemls.) " W i v o f copters. p.m i3w r The new fixed price contract, “ Or DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT for which plans had been disclosed recognition of Glnolfl’s special tal­ which keeps the water in Uquid the driver’s seat belt Is fastened Why buy a foreign spwts bar 7 If It’s class you want stop In at Gordon’s Atlantic Service. Classic model '87, T-Blrd, excellent 8 O 'C L O C K earlier by the Navy, carries pro­ ents as a distribution clerk, print­ form through a combination of is offered by Hinson Manufawrtur- duction for the high speM, all ing of special labels, signs and electothermal heating and a rub­ Ing Co., Waterloo, Iowa. The device condition, low mileage, fuUy equipped. weather, utility rescue helicopter lettering on outside mall boxes. berized fabric container. It can has an electronic connection with through December 1664. “It is only through the efforts supply drinking water at tempera­ the starter and It doesn’t work The new contract also provides of men like yourself that we can tures as low as 60 degrees below imtll the seat belt Is taut. Once G o r d o n 's Atlantic Service started, the motor wlU keep run­ additional funds of 1.4 million dol­ continue to serve the people of zero, the firm says. Also, a "mem­ W e s t r o a d ., e l l i n g t o n — t r 5-8392 lars for special support equipment, this community in the manner that ory jogger” which prevents a car ning after the belt Is unfastened, training, training equipment, and is expected of us,” Bailey noted In motor from being started until as in a garage or parking lot. „..Xa oa » PLUMBING publications. a letter to Ginolfi. OTwr hap era ham Water Heaters HAMILTON OONTBAOT MANAGER BURGEB-OHBF ttBM M HEATING A $1 ’ mdlUon oontractto build George A. Koss has been named tnraad X Humidifiers trailer-mounted units that wiU ser­ new manager of the Burger-Chef COMING APRIL 7 Dehmoidifiers AIR CONDITIONING vice the two-man Gemini space­ Drive In at 235 Main St. M m ( craft before launch time has been Koss, who is from Pennsylvania, SIMANCHESTER- produ Air Cleaners received by the HamUton Standard has been transferred from the Bur­ division of United Aircraft Oor- ger-Chef at Alexandria, Va., Heat Pomps poration. where he has been manager for aOCKVILLE AREA star oas Hamilton Standard is also sup­ the past three years. Bm i a Water Pumps plying ground support equipment “We are trying to Improve the ■noon B WILLIAMS for the modified 'Titan II missile service to our customers here," he A FASTER,EASIER Water Coolers that win launch the Gemini. Un­ said today. “This is our main OIL SERVICE, Inc. der a contract from Martin Mari­ goal,” he added. Water .Softeners etta. Corporation, the company is 'The drlve-ln restaurant fea­ WAY TO L UWG producing skld-moimted units that tures Chef Burgers, cheeseburgers, Zone Control WiU automatically control the tem­ milk shakes, french fries and soft GENERAL ELECTRIC DEALERS perature of the missile’s propel­ drinks. Bath Rooms lants in ground storage tanks. MSTUKE CALLS Known for Quality Products and Service BRIEFS POSTAL CLERK HONORED Thadeus R. Bars, former Man­ 841 Brood St., Manchester—^MI 6-4548 Michael Ginolfi of Thrall Rd., chester resident for some 25 years, Vernon, a clerk at the Manchester March 28 joined the Pratt & Whit­ Post Office, this week received a ney Aircraft Quarter Century Club. Superior Performance Award A leadman at the East Hartford Certificate, lapel pin, and a check firm. Bars now resides at HarUord. for $100 for his outstanding work M A f for the postal department here, it Robert N. Slocomb, a native of was announced by Postmaster Al- Manchester and foimer buyer of den E. Bailey. women’s bras and foundations at The award certificate was sign­ J. C. Penney Company, New York, ed by Postmaster General J. Ed­ has been appointed a buying de­ Here’s an important improvement in tele­ ward Day and Manchester Post­ partment head in the merchandise phone service for everyone listed in the master Alden E. Bailey. group responsible for women’s ac­ The award, second of Its kind cessories, smallwaros, and cos­ Manchester-Rockviile telephone book. given to an employe here, was in metics, toiletries and drugs, the Starting Sunday, April 7, you need dial firm announced this week. only the numeral "1” — instead of "112" Philip I. Holway o f 143 Adelaide — to be connected to our direct distance Rd., CLU, a member of the Hart­ ford branch office of the Connec­ dialing equipment Then proceed with your' ticut (jeneral Life Insurance Co., call in the usual way. ■ For example: To LOAM has been named to the firm’s dial long distance callsalls wiwithin Connecticut, ' President’s d u b for outstanding For Sale agents. He Is a life member just dial "1” and then the telephone num- Listen to The Manchester the club having earned the honor i ber you wish to reach. To dial calls outside • Fill and Gravel after 10 years’ qualification. t J ■ - I Community College Story For Sale of Connecticut, just dial "1", then the area h; I • Mason Work Henry J. Chenette Jr., Wapplng, code, followed by the telephone number. I • Trench Digging has been appointed an assistant on Monday, April 8, 1:4C treasurer of the Hartford Farming- P.S. All-Numeral Talaphom Numbers Qo Into • Trees Pnin^, ton Avenue office of the Connec­ Use on April 7, Tool Remember, your number hi until 2 P.M. over WINF Removed ticut Bank and Trust Co. the new Manchester-Rockviile tolephono direc­ • Lawns Graded, RoIIcfd, tory has a now look, instead of two lattors and on the Pot Turner Show and Raked New aluminum and glass doors livs figuros, all numbsrs havs ssvsn fiouros. For this week were installed in the example, a numbsr Ilka Ml 3-92M will b#COIIIG I^. Donald Morrison and Mrs. Raymond Gowen 30 Year’s Experience! front of the Manchester Post Of­ Plaata chock your now directory bofora Will Be Interviewed Phone Ml 3-7172 fice by the Pittsburgh Plate Glass maklno hKal calls. a The new numbaring Mratam Co. of Hartford. Is nsadad bocausa of rapid tsIsphoiM groarlh. As mors and mors tslaphonos go Into m o, tborw aren’t enough uaabkbio cambfiiaUofis of Mtors Victor Della-Fera of the Man­ and numbore to keep pace. chester Travel Agency next Thurs­ day will journey to Boston as a.-' special guest for the inspection of n e w ENOLAND TELEPHONE CO *|p^ the M.B. Riviera, new ship of the - n i t so' Caribbean Cruise Lines, which will inaug^irale luxury cruise service to the West Indies, Bermuda and DRIVEWAYS Nassau. :v;- IrvMi KirpDbN o7 136 W. Center St. was recently honored "at a re­ Free Estimates On: tirement dinner given by his fel­ low employes at the Travelers. Kirpetvs retired from the insurance BITUMINOUS ASPHALT PAVING firm after 38 years service, 20 of < which was in the data processing • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS • GAS STATIONS department. • BASKETBALL COURTS Clifton M. Griswold, vice presi­ dent and manager of the Hart­ ford National Bank and Trust Company’s First Manchester of­ AH Work Personally Supervised fice, has been appointed to the Manchester Advisory Board. He W E ARE 100% INSURED repleoM former manager Charles Fond who is assuming maoage- ment of the Hartford NatlonA’s new expanding mortgage depart­ DEMAIO BROTHERS Since 7920 ment at Hartford. N E W PRODUCTS I N THHS . TEL Ml 3*7691— Cony Jm r Iiw Seder NEWS: When you go to the Arctic,^ you won’t have to wonry about your water simply ftaeatng, to Goodyear'o ‘TiUow

■I ^ R I I , 6 tlini A PR IL 12 ; M i u n i i u

I X V Personalities j

Robert MacNell NBC News’ London correspond- Religious Programs 'snt Robert MacNell normally oov- srs toe British Isles. Last Novem­ ber, he was sent to cover a story

imJ>n^r*JS^rSSSr ( I) n « Bt~ nymad°boH>$S ^W u& gSS rr?**- Shows — w w »a;:;^Kr». 1^1 I £ “ s* ^ nudiar. (H) ’ n t ^ eooUe In and the ‘Hie “Laundry Baga”—NataBa CMy,” B suspeiu...... ^ Andrea Oagovla head tha osat (Jana Dido) and MUdted (Muriel *'•• i !} IS * O t Made ot tha aeaaon’a final ‘IBeO TWa- landers)—use every trick to con­ < •> *«»»*»' oommemoi tlWLandan umfanrotM td- phone Hour" color ap adai____ iS i S !P > J 9 ^ BekMl - —■wrw wwHuxuemoi'ailOQ _ w Hour" apadal Huiis- vince Joey Bamee (Joey Bishop) (M> n a ObUtapkan *HManlay fcy, Aprtt J ^ C N J ^ W lfe tw o tk , Tha - —.. War ..a r ™ «,m-umnaj^S;,r‘i5f tarnate-week aerlaa oB b Ttaaiiday show, in "Jc- , the Good Samari- (88) TUa la Tha Ufa dnlta Qlhatte, Toea&ta. svenlngs on NBO-TV. „ _ <*•) Oaal Bobarts i^on Air Show" (fron Battle l°5 I Haari ((Bhlilay BooHH chMto ^)laode of “The New Joey Craek, lUcb.J and "OarUnir HWit MHavia - and STEREO ^OoM the osnae ai vUUnm Myrs **'** 5 *} ?p*^*t* Paaaaver Bn iotrsu ler BBoa Bishop Show" in color aeries Sat­ ,< •> Nawa VIma atar In I^S^an Iti^m yatarr I WBveriy (Aim Doran) wlian Or ^5* “«niddle-age bhiea” strike urday, April 8 (NBC-TV, 8:80 ^ SalTwUaa (Color) ------nroaram_flbned_fUmed fi teH B oly drama.. uStoSuya 1?'SK Horaoa HoNurt .croHn Tlwtoher). p.m. BST). (88) Saoiltlea Of Tha Haaa ^ alater BSffrlLnMned in Coi>en- Albartaon) on ^ (48) Thla 1. Tha U l a ^ ^ Land ratnimnA Cbriat'a route to bacen. . , B guaat qmiihony ooftthiotor, dls- ma 4BUt birthday, and Enskm » :1 8 ( 8) Tha Ohriataphaaa ^hrory. Alexander Soaan^ and SeiTfce On AH M od els 18:88 ( 8) All Amaru murate. (W 84. Whora Aao Fear i^aaM har from file c*ty*a oroliea- OTTtoole (Dean Jones) tries to m * Waida SIS ------a o a l'lM d y a fa Pigeon,’* the “Ha- Kaow I f ft S P t?'‘®**Si?„**“ ** ^ h a o a iia a hS diallkaa iraman w e waning aplrita, hi “Opera­ J*** »■" Today » ( 8) Ohananxe Qalf ‘‘Hasel Souada Her ®y® *«■ Ttteaday, ll.'88 (8) Camara Three^ (18) Oar Faith 1818 tion: Physical” on NBO-TV’ir^Sn- W p Frablem Today IF YOU OWN A BOAT CHECK OUR A’a” on NBC-TWa “Haael’' color dgn O’Toole" Sunday, April T (T ABC-TV, Tom Lc^paha Experimental aerlaa; J (88) O fl^ ------*1rt»y. boat, wHh aerlaa Thuraday, AprH 11 (OiSO (Hobert (fanrad) uaea a bit ot Hacandrew, boat. • Funt. S)?* Croaby gmnt ^ ) Palm ftawdar Haaa I (| M > ICM O p m Oaaapaay atfffw Of The Weak , PJB. B 8 T ). atara aa IX. Baxter. kreitfatible bait to trap a pair ot w From Cathedreal of the Holy ^ Matthew Faaalon” ((Solor) MARINE EQUIPMENT riiutteribuge bent on blackmail. W io n - hony Fraabioaa. Skip H m e l ^ K r oratorio (in lE^iiah) AUrod'w^' lenatein condiiduotlny. Sololata In- "" .«w.vv v«A« elude Judith Raakin, Donald rovers tha man who saved __ \4\ gi£r**‘’ •"* Gramm. Ufa years axo is a homicidal Citizens Bcmd Radio SaHet and Service (18) laalyht maiiXac. T U E S D A Y T elevision P R O G R A M (48) Alamal Faa ^:S8 U:88 John K.^ M. McCaffery. mod­ iS^^VVS.!" "^/*VSK‘^.'Sss;5' erator. ChallenglnK team : Kotre TSfPg^Crtsr }“ i**4 *">* BynUa I* DameI univeraity.—. SiB ’a .ii-’' ” l®«»wi lor lack of evidence. (**> Jfaa Into Space Wlurt’a Wron* With Holly- Dumont Color TV V i.8* ^ ,< *> Fttst Ban Theatre (48) Bvaagel Hoar (88) Film 4:88 ( 3) 27th Maatara CMf Tamnaa- J R jd r ’ (Part . H) Intervlawa Garden." Margaret n:88 ( 8) laalyhla meal S i" .Oscar nominees, producers, (a) ( 8) Alomnl Fan directors. I' m } ! ! •* Gaatfart (A„, ___ (82) Champlenahlp Bridce Chris Schenkel and Jack Dreea 11:88 ( 8) News RUCmOMCS •»** < •> Newniape BritoUa Bi *‘HU1 386.’ deacrlbe _the action from the ! - = -wJF®I4g Togbz <*•> Aroand Saaday Auaiista Ga!7 NaUonal Ooif'oitib! iJS. **«F» * .Wsather wlOi ^ (40 ^ ) C^alleBKe Qolt ( 8T______IMreettoBB *88 <**> ff«ws * Wsather LASORATOIIIES w lU i______Starring Aniold Palmer and (U) Bto Fielare gswi * Wtetherata . ^ p®?.*'* martial. Gary Player meet challenKera (88) n im (48) Saaday Edltiaa STTBWMOM, *® 9 . •i88 ( 8 ) Lloyd Bridges Show 11:88 < 8) CaidM Baparls Jo« Cambell (48) Eastern ’ F r a . BawHax ?i| ;«•( fBact - - J F -n ’ ^K®®" ®* C“ e!to> MUI." Bd- / av4*ax;4C» .po**"*^ V/UUf Club, Canr. Daayae 11:18 (M) Saaday ,Mtoht Movie li8 t ( 8) laaiikts 18:88 ( 8) We Believe “Scmamouche." Stewart Onwe- Shaw are Hllllon Dollar Mavla STANEK m im im i^^T tnio'^ Foe Tnatr featured in the story of a bop iA\ I * " Tin Bowline er Eleanor Parker. (82) Coaeera (88) Alamnl IBn U iU • >W ( 8) Kr— • — * — appointed os a Senate page, ( iU8-83) Mnior Adame, Pm ^ * 4 ‘ *o*“**!?**---- 8:8# (. 8>) J “ 2 S 1 :. 8*88 ( 8) Bad Skelton , „ <*!> Wild Bill Rlehok T ra^ ‘ NoV S9CM1Sad auuKsSonga V f o o r Mjae. e." Mar-ki maater 8iS 1 C28-8L z iiiM aeea m n v i u n Q 1:88 ( 8) Perception suet Sullivan^atalle Wood. !2228)^,S5h*5^?^ “ in •*">«* Blair iotas Red I / *> WOd Wert Theatre ( 8) Conexe Bowl ' PE»R»tlDi *“ The_Portrait of Dorian Ap- (22-88) BAIwlBkle ( 0 > Sr5J..*®*22*V Tfceatre JJJ) Schine 18 Pin BowUnx Cartoaa Sariex , Pbow Kittv F ^ le. Ginger Rogers, C ^• ” Dancers introduce '"rBe Fverymaa's FamUy. 8:88 ( S),^Tweatlolh Ceatary SoW iras a y e a r •iU ( Empire {t*} Workshop --o-Jt TImt Failed. R on -: of $92.19 and mon! 8:88 ( 8) MIlUaealro Ethiopia: The Lion and tha The m ajor______tolor Richard Egan _ <88) The Christophers f ^ s a ■ Part n . Includes Inter- “ •d piem a n , Ida Lupino. lajw coat oc home heatioc, of ooiine. Is tha ooet o t iha fwd im ______j Axricnltaro Story (48) Fealara 88 «• to ftwjjheapw ^ Wi88 4 .ax ,5% n ,“ *«“ »P®*!*® 2S.?. -O Neal. "Arrow tath a 1:28 t 8) Yonr Coaxressmaa *!!•* Emperor Halle Belaa- Md here la Connecticut fuH oSla ftir oheiiwtiuui aBv‘ eiMltootow oUlu^ *• * }JI^ * Xkoatro . From sle in Enylish. visits to a Cop­ .West.. j.Point wsiia _ oiStory." James <282« Sap Wkea rarian frea- ConnecHcat . p*!P'*v. Doris Day. le U.S. 11- tic church M d Axum. leyendary ...... #jft 2Pw »• Faa Wwrtt 1:88 ( 8) Washiaxton Report • ( 8) News A Waamer ‘.tt' *55” **"E Mavla young eon. (SO) Frontiers Of Faith 9SP'ifJ ^ Sheba. ( 8) Nawseope 'Hr Dog Rustr." Ted DoaaM 4:18 ( 8-ML6S) AoterlcMi a.aa /IS®?* Hawallaa By, ipth of 13 lessons devoted to the (SYdO) Meet The Press (Calar) J8}> l^xd’s Kayer •on, Ann Doran, * ** T 1 **®“ » OBOW S“ «w n Yom^ O u e ^ HartJd Wilson. Leader of 1:88 ( 8) M m n ^ O f MedHaNaa to coetrcH m ajo^om e operstinF oosts, Savinn, cti fUM aloitotoT^L’ iStu^Swri ( 8) Hamemakers Mavis Id} Jack dlscloee# some trade ■ecretii Labor Party. 1:18 ( 8) Maa To Maa Fo# tfcd ffiiif fliRt NHOi fch radio doyi# Bob Hop# viN ; 2 ^ ' « * t B e r e a S ^ '•The Racket. S22»S®““lf and Don Wilsro a ^ a k w «ft |I*a*» Euowa Best 1:28 Robert Mltdium; (18) Sabseriptiaa TV <«> Memaati of Oemfart, Oaad- money that can well be diverted to other purpoaea by the wlae hoam o w n e R *^ ^ Usabatb Scott ‘/Sy,L*?°J?F*.® ^ u r e l and Hardy. nleht Hvma Fra- }**?•) Hick FoweU Show boraawiokfy ihoHrlMiRilL NBC-TV hoc sigiiod him Martial of Captain pnwJff’ wi,l*“-Ki*“S **** *ate rack MU D t AI ( k MU M A N U I Al I llkt k fora solid yior of oppooraneotlfi on hooMong Fridt^ U)88 The Frtaa la BkM aad Swakbp Skew BnrtnII '®i*** *^*»a Merrill and Ed ___Jort , (58) FUm M O N D A Y P R O G R A M •»••,<••) Earip Skew wU^'^JjillV'a ^53*ea? ,“ c ^ e S ^ Television IHAT', IMI", tolovIsfQii program la color. ~4m WjmuMi Chaanpl *- a.S8 "S* »“ S! ( 8) Let*! Talk Ahoat — ( M 8 ^ ) Sevan Kara tSs* &‘£"^lnif^’'-" '*-**®‘ ( 8) Town Crier (18) SabaoriptieB TV M-aa / Swi*** FaloSchableo < 5> S«U«e« The Air (to) News Hrt8 ( 8) Leva Of Ufa . (») lluS" •' *•••• 4,8>.Q»toy Moore Show 5®MMs®niAl OlMtroem J4((«oV5ir55, , <5J? For Year lafermaUea Faei FInt fmpeeiilaa 8:48 (88) M a a ln Oa Farads 8:88 ( 8) Hap *Btehjude*' i (to) Call Mr: D rfiftVr®**.! *®„I>“ rward Kirby. /nJ^toS®5s'**?. S®*“ «»ter (8) daoh La Laaae Show KooUe (SMward Dynaea) and J. “Tito IXsutenpnt,'* a :___ fu n Srt8 CoMtfHeatel CTlaiereoiie (82-88) Bomper Brom ' licat^ ® "' Saaatar from Caaaea- B. Hals (Robert Logan) solve boH- u ... : STTE—' f-*!?--...... (18) SabaeripUea TV (Color) hour dnuna seriea about tha ad­ JLfi8torcfc. Far Tamarrow (to) News <. 8) MoMoneato of Coaifort <18)■ " “ The Clownr- ( 8) W a a ^ r, Nawa, Sparta day citaM and meiMl famMy iMt in ventures of a young Mhrina CkHrpa (8228) Troth a r Oaaaateaa------.Tr--w ( 8) Newoeope -BalletiB Board 8:18 ( 8) Dabble Drake Shaw a m ‘JftV l i * «ehm > 8:88 ( 8) BUlllonatra WHITING CORP. the “TT Sunset Strip’’ story over ofHoer, vrill be preeented on the la.xx Kaawa Bert f '2 f S'- KLm i«‘ ekr < 8) Commvatty Ztibrary Bo- (82) Weather a)l8 < 8) Weather News aad soorceo ( 8) Bast Of Groaoho (to) Lone Baagar AiBCVrV BVUay, a m IC, caOed NBC-TV Network Saturdays, T:80- 22 Hawx Dap Bapart T:SS ( 3) ManaioBf Of Maa (28) School Programs (CbMI (88) News 254 BROAD STj—TEL. Ml 7-1 IM 8im« ^ i?® S *“ ®Jy ®°al tow n s.D - 8:88 p.m.) “Reunion at BtSboa^ pm .N XT, atsrUiMr sent IWL ( 8 2 .______?i'l^.,’S** *^ discuased by Kon- (2^S0) Today Show <**>• J a c o b Olahhoase 8:80 ‘ • "^ '- U " a M------r s Fart n Bins ^ K ^-ssr* T:18 ( 8) The People Speak (. 8) CMe -oleadar ' LSi-Oloaeap aa Sports ^M itnroa eraiim^^H ®*ir* *^mbs, mine op- 7:25 (22) Weather (22-38) Say When (8-88-2228)) News . Howe (M) £ 5 g ^ ^ ‘° " ''®P«'e»®ntaUv^ 7:80 Bfaan Oapt BenadMfr (WUHam Orven 'Wister’a novel, “Tlw Vtr- ( S) Peroeptioo Yob TrastT ( 8) After Dtaaer Movie (fr28) At Bame aim 5?***® Onkhanaa M>88 (8X-4»28) Nows, ( 8) Frteadi Of Mr. Oeehev (to) Morning Movie • "lUng Ricbard And The Oru- Reynalda) brotbar la aarignad to glnlaa" — baatii for NBC-TV’a 90- .When_y..vaa A Vrt41Girl ABIs AtMMIUlUJBeautiful.' 3rorts ------*’^®«‘ **«» bts unit, it lend* to compUoatlenB mlnute 'ureekly ooior Seriea — has KM 181 g^ B a rrow d Shear S ^ 8 ) BasebaU A ^ ie Jergenr. Stephen Dtmn. in “AjmI Oata Ortad Oat,” the story 18:88 ( 3) Homemakerg Movie sold 11,000,000 o ^ e s ki 00 years. *'** ft ■fff FF? W-rid Tans *5M < »> »• TaU The Twmtk for the' finest in Thomas “T*** “ * Saturday, Apstt 8, over ABCVTV, Mitchell. M aA Stevens. (Wi U tcal News on “Tlia aaHaat Men.** Ryan O’Neal, oo-atar of NBC- ( n ) Leoal News <**-38) Play Year Haneh Woafho* MANCHESTER oiewi (Color) (83) Film TV’* “Bmplra,'’ comes from a show {w%2r* ^ ; 51 *“ Ooart bualneas famUy. Hia father, ga^yar. OUm Shaw CUSTOM 18:58 ( 8) Almaaae (28) Speeial Bapart OLDSMOBILE MmitkllagaB (Tnivy 'Wlard) aiki B ^ of Oreadia S i S l i & 7 “ " 11:88 ( *8to) The Prise la Bight Hlthllghle Ms deputies trtip wnnmiBgering CRiaifea O’Neal, la a noveHat and . » S a le Answera "Reach tor the Sky." Kennath (Color) (JJ) S^rorta Cam .ro “TOtm (HJDOMCMnLO IMBAUBI* setUers and b t W paaoa to Sioux screen writer; hia moOtor, the for­ 1)*8 (to) Mm» of DasUap , ^ is .. .. Moore. MADE j *> droo Wymaa Praaeats (82-38) ConoeatratteB 7:88 Monday Night at the Mev- fa d iM in “One n w in VemdlUon’’ mer Patricia Oallaghen, wee an 812 WEST CENIVR 5111187 on “The Dakotas’’ ISonday, April aotreaa; and hU younger brother, <*>^> Baa Jeriod lealart of Cam- FURNITURE ( S-48-88) Seven Kays ,* 1 5t*o®** Tomiossoe Ernie Ford stealing a oar visits his uncle's U:88 ( 8) Saareb for Tamarrow ,.£®” £ ’’S®®^‘ "2 **™ - (88^) Trath or Ooaseaaaaees The Dakataa NEW or USED Kaavm nert .O ne IMy in VermlUioo' with SMITHES 18:45 8) The Oaldlag Ught Larry Ward and Jack Elam. TOOL RENTALS W ED]NESDAY T elevision PROGRAM U:B5 ( M ^ ) News Day Bapart HoetUe townspeople try to bait • FLOOR SANDBR 1:88 mw.Y Diueioiis ^9^? f%®DG#l__ /JB\(to) Beat Bmm* at FVQraneha____w. — ( 8) Baal Seller 1®*®* treaty for AMP BPPyBB To O rla r_ ■The Bells Of St. Marys." Part which Marshal Kagan brings a SiU go Of ^ Air , m o l a t o p l ^ ^ 1. Bing Crosby. Ingrid______Bergman Sioux chief into towm " • RVO SHAMPOOHR M * (88) S p toM jtopart 7 .. P ^ ®*~“ ( SA8) Oenenu HaspUal < M l^ ) BIflemaa CHICKEN •rti ___ (88)8) Man Maw M o fDastiay F ' ■■ — - - f f i f i , (8-4828) Stoaey Barks (88A8) At Home Kitty Im . WALLPAPBB SmUEBR Ora W )> Coattarotal o ^ n i in (to) >ews Weapons .Man" with guest atara COBURN a MIDDLEBROOK, $ S f2 { 5®* (Oateto PArma,^ I m y indudM (to) Barbara Bernard Shaw J. D. (^ n o n and Henry Silvia. AT amt *1 ®-«rt ht of 1963 *?**S.’" ‘ investl- _ ^ INVESTMENTS ^^«n5W aK ra”xS^e?!£ ' ( 8) Aa The World T a n s getes t b arrow death of a gov- ______CUBOMW r JOHNSON n „ rgfr i 8) Coaneetlent Hevlettma erament offi^l. "Journey For Margaret." Mart ( 8 ) Daaap Thamas Shaw 4MII SEfSEF** MHANSAOBIONB BANDlJlID - *g;M) Encyolopadla Of Comma- “SINCE 1»41” ^ re t^ Brlen. Robert Young. Starrlni•‘fins ,P">ny Thomas and VERNON _ CALL IN OMMOR /iT,' I'* Tletare Mar;•lorfa Lord. Bunny tells Char- « “™* "® ™wa«a»-Wro«. a ^ FADTO asdWALLPAPBR TMc Dp U Mhmtes Indar ism sst. MO MAIN ST,—MI 9-M6S ??■*■ ®bow lap that IMana Lawrence .— - — • ______" BOBlua M l a *U W vegNON omouE .O f NteM 5JJ> Bert of Oreaeha J “_?‘ .aotttaoapigjr him to'ga t 4)w^jlrsr A Dar This la The Aaewm a job at the Copa ntu m 8-i6m (22) Speolal Bapart DoUar Xavia oownauon. With NBC N ew raro 8:88 < 8) Apdr Griffith — tn 8-nts HEM’S MiVE-W To Tell The Trath (88) ifea Of DaatlBy B o u t^ lU'vrow e r a ,* others.w i ( 8) Password * ? ° 5 ” y Howard and « oDnm ea-m MM wd828) M Wa^B agan T_____ r^ (Calar) Don Knotte. Andy and Thelma ■rtT" (to* LBo of Biley I^u In trytog to cure^^lela Ln fmaa* Shaw E J oto Meintire with I# d a . A Scotsman binds a (to ^ > Day la Court fedSuS. *'^'” ®*® Bamv awsaaller ^^a contra^ to marry 8:M <88> Midday n ep o rt •T DOES ^ ^ hi# dauj (8228) Art aiinhltrUec Shaw Make A DifforcMo WImm Toi flsvg! •|J{ .Htoka - 2:88 ( 8) Boasa ParW Celebrity g^SSS M— .ww m >to (88) to Sehaal F 8rt# I Sj^.riy^lffil^a;.*-*' (M) Baras and ARea Ht “ Make Beam “ ^ (22-88) News ?^S2>® HIchard Boone. f ^ l * % ^ ^ , 5 * > ® ® n with Irtgto (2228) NBC News Spaalal IMmverp 4|* “ TXT’ Vto.IL” ^ Jethro caddie# to r I ( 8) Edm ol Night U ) ______— ______Dollar Mavla A|^ Duroeher the Dodzer *®*"“ Bince Sandy 8:88 »*5i i?**’!?*.. 9s!**® Mavis f 8-4D-GS) ftoff Tcagt ?f (/ I . O A M Jrmam tm ia m < *>J> Teu The Troth Mth Annual *‘Oacar** Awarda of Harvo;/ Fraston^SJt. <**^) Yea. Don’t. Siw (Osier) there is a difference in r<88 ( 8) JAck Shew i^r) **»•!« fan ( 8) Gala Storm Shm^ ftS of Motion Plctuira Mi88 the Shop At Homo For Four Oakpot Aru and Science#. Frank Sina^ PtvMwiE ainr^’S .,5 .® ^ '’ H®“ “ ro r a ^ m You can taka advantage of your (4 0 ^ ) Whs Be Yen TrartT tra. emcee#. ------EYEGLASS SERVICE^ li^orfM S^g^:' *-** — - Spaulah Oeudenar." Dick . Ayers* oi^Srtra. i J 2, News. Deagias.E d w a rd s money-saving Spectacular Just by I ( 8) Baagar Aan t sawew«8Tg»»8 Water) Shaw ------Loren. MaxliSiian Sdhell ^ qusaiy oe ayafleas frame* and lensMi, tiiere ere *om* reilSilmtol fre, ^ “ HSSSiSer."'*1Stai.?"*Si telephoning us. We*U be glad to (t^TTlalcb Game 1007 MAIN ST., MANCHESmi e* BODinB 81, OOVMWmi gram. Tin 18:88 p S E T *** Aow you a matchless selection of dmertcaa — mi.iaaa fcer'^'^Sr-'oth25f.‘* faoris of the * a r ^ yen get from your optioel «aq)ert tlwt are 8rt8 ( » N ^*‘ *™*** Itopart ohvkms . . . ..SBd^aemeyoaeeB’teeeMtaU. lal^A Jssss-.- fab to meei him Mohawk broadloom right In yom ( .!) Wim own home. "(ivissjrss"^ ; i 8 ^ B f f . _ _ (88) n im f*i®Wa ;W fa f ^ divorce. h F-w or The gusSty of our frsmas, mw taueea, and our aerriee are the UtS8 ^*s5Swr 8i88 (M> Shaw MANCHESTER CARPET 'jplrtf” *" * * * « » t 8 r .2**.9 Sherwood Bbr- **’*• fJH ®SS*t Tkeatra 4:48 mg r e e ^ why we oaa promise you mtlsfaction with your ghurnes. Maria ■The E m b^er,” depicting owe S ll Main St.—Ml S-51M rrh es N ------” lUndolph SooH, M ) Haws and Weather Ui88 jsa auvf SUriUMNl# by irol A toral Jack irre PVaa frt8(8)B.ak. AndBuSa;.*, ( 82*28) Naksd aSo MANCHESTER MoTle at 6 nM*. _M««tei ^ e R o b g S g : Mi88 ( 8- 8-4828) News. ^Miwy Ofvxa Scotland.**wuua.__ Kalberine Titoarasw U :88 ^nSl*35!B , ClaraB^BmMhfr^M ( ^ H y r ^ ^ FIFE aad SUFFLY EdaaaHaaal pae 18:88 f ^ ^ P ” *** r j ' „ „ <••> Nfifr a Waathar ttl 18 —ll.b.{ 5)“Aiasr*'^“ *~’ _ _ _ SJS f . « M fa. inoorpobatbd _ T o The BaU a - a ® ______Otaatra. Bather WHOLESAU •iiasr,aad Syabhs Sl?®m®’ “ ij?*** fa®**- PLUMBING oMl 8>88 ( S ) Shaw • (to) News. Wt (to) Fnw to Lead’s ( 8) Spwrto Flew BaB, P S-S'------HEATING SUPPLIES S>88 VISIT OUK SHOWROOM > inm amr ■ , . . , (88) «ft Sr**** Film Oaahlaa Of Ma K88 " fabsrtBpi MS N. KAIN 8T. 88 < S> 1$ W ) Xeesli Hssrs MH.ff'jeTSLjw. 2 0 8 ( W A h Haws aad lf^m\ 'Mma^SAmR 7i8 lii J0SsilSSSLTSS?] P A G E F O U R MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, i m . I.i*" IWJRSDAY T^ s i o n B) The Deetera Hollywood w r w A AUaa ■- •) Suece Of Ste dir (45JS) Jaae Wymaa P raaaaSa Saarlia ien estM J . Dave dream* about opening Bis on TV ~ 'D CeatlaeaUI dsM r ‘(^ i:rS i.’'igji. ^ own bualnaito 4 545.51) q tM a a P w > Day OS) Mtniea Dollar Marla • ■ • • ii^ ^^wlth^ ^tatm ViM tV) .K*wJSp***lrtSi3S^ Bund t iN < 8>- Ta Ten The Xrnth ” toT“B» Tlib" AJHV VfOaaa WM .of W* thebeam amanamaywBlualva BT BB8KINE JOHNSON (84) Bdacattenal Pregrama TIB BletliWtV A Hottywood Com »po«d*«t motet a*b tskea polaon in j m fiM) < >1 PbursPlays itattsaa Of Th* Oma (455»|wha De Yea TraatT t 54i^l 1^1 8:15 ( I ) Bawa, D ^ i^ a Kdwarda "Boya and___ *^l?^*^5nna ' fto^ vlsion can pvrt you to aloep, b«toy IsS <*I5 Cad«5*iLdlBs Oar.Warid 4:55 ( S) Bairnr Aaiy Show aolution to. Mary . and Jeffa sit, keep you awake and entertain ( •> rriaada at Mr. Oaaber (S8M)Ma)teh Oame fanaiiy aquabble vlsitii* relatives. It also can se«*d S:M » l> lOaptaia K aaguM ( 54545) Amerieaa Baadataad (18) Jilograpby Bloi l:M Cluuutea^ U WaHd Maritaia 4:M (8845) Afleraeea Nrwa Bepert t:85 a g«d to heavan—siiow buaineM • Baa Kloharda Naaaey and heaven. . i . . i f ) J a A La l4aaaa Shaw * '* * (MiM)*Make Boom P jr Daddy RlcltorJ Chamberlain. ’W l » - That’s where Irene Ryan ■ la. Bamner Baaaa ( 84544) Dlaoaraiy "SS Ing Prlnceaa". A i? . y e a i^ d (S> Baaa Tka CWwa (U ) MUItoa_paIlar Marla (.tone Harding) live# In a fan- "How do I feel about all this?" t )U ( t> DabMa Draka Mmw 4:55 ( i> Big 8 The**ar . „ laay world-.becauae her fnther she aaid. " It ’s like I had gfone to • ;W ( i ) MiniaaJON ^ "Wife. Huaband and J^lend.” has kept her locked up alnoe ahe ( ■) Baat at OmMka Loretta Young. Warner Baxter. waa fire yeara old. ______llOCLVGA,** ItiM * 1) Cajeadiur 5tSB ( 8-1548) Am erleu Ifowaataad ( 84541) JM va, It Ta Banras She’s "Grannie’’ o f the ‘^Beverly Say Wkaa _ .. 8:55 ( 8) Admiral Jaoh t:55 ( 8) Tba iKtoellyaa HlHbilUea.’’ Since the age o f 11, ( S> Wka TO# Ya* Traaft (88) Ptrat Show „ . , ------My >el>_>.Thma Sana <4*> Maralas Marla •Toaat of New York." Cary Starring Prod MacMurray. wl^n she won an amateur kiddie "Ekut of the River." Jolul Oar- Grant, Edward Arnold. Steve and singing contest, she had pursued field, Brenda Marshall. (84) Ohlldrw « Bdaeattoaal ^5*aSe"Tww,' ^ fl^ big time fame.' ’Ihen—^wham!— IS:M ( t ) Bamemafcars Marie Pregrama n l .15:55 p.m. uiraonhcloua girl In the klfehi she’s coetarrlng with Buddy EX>sen IRENE lis'AN I "T h e Poatman Didn't Ring.' (85) Three Stoegee . _ »:W (8845) Baael- (Celar) In P " " ’ ’ I Richard Trarla, Brenda Joyce. (55) Tba Admiral and Bwahhy iJM5!8i)MoBale‘a_Nayy In the nation’s top television show. I .PIay Year Baaeh (Calar) Shaw E r r in g Brneat BorrainA Mo- SuddMUy, after aU those years. ' ■ ( l> Day U Oarnt (58) PUm Hale ia eared from a tranefar to 5:M (»> Barly Mew _ j, the Brlllah Navy by an admiral Irene Ryan has discovered the real l i m (Mdst'Tkelpriea la Bl«ht Waiar) "The RanegSdea." Willard Park looking like Bna. Parker. e r Larry Parka. meaning of those words, "There’s ■' r - ' ^ ( 8) Jaae Wymaa Pi----- *- 15:55 no business like show business.” • 11 :M OaBceatraUoB (M) Shertft al Oaehlaa ^ !n tog*S h lri Cohway and Zina ■r . ( 8-M-U) Seven Beya (M ) Lfylag Ward . . _ B ^ u o e . "A Dark World." A "Honestly.” * e said, “ It ’s so U ;M ( S> Lera Of IM* _ . 5:45 (88) Seetal Seearlty to Aotton paycbiatrio patlent'a therapy la funny I sit and just laugh. Six Aa Tke WerM Tanu T:55 ( 5) Wyatt Barp '^BeUe ’Starr."' Starr."' Gene Tiemey, She was sitting In a booth ait ( 8) CoaaeeUeat Morlethne ( 8) Newa. Weather Randolph Scott. •'Caalie on the Hudaon." John (88) W eather____ (45) Slava AUea Shaw the Brown Derby. In a high fashion Garfield, Ann Sheridan. (8545) Newa * Weather 11:85 (84) S p o * Benndap gown, silk scarf over her head and ■ 08) Big Plotare (55) M m 11:85 < 8) Sperte View (SS) Harvjy Olaea Shew 11:15 (8845) Toaighl Show (O), a diamond ring glittering on a fin- | ? ;i? (‘l?)’ » S S S i i ’ SKS?. -ktkughta ( 8) Cinema 5 _ . (45) Beet Of Oreaelw (85) 8^i4a Camera ger, Irene looked about as much (53) Thla la The Life "Plight Por Proedom. like Grannie as Sophie Loren looks %-M ( » ) Special Bepert (55) Newa^ , MacMurray, Roaallnd Rusp (85) Men Of Deatlay }t|; M hSa-lS'rteh WHa 18:48 (45) Lorda like kCa KetUe. 8:55 < 8) Paaaword 18:85 t 8) Newa. Weather. But she dropped a c4ue about' (28-85) Ben Jerred (Oaler) H a n d l ^ r f Meditatto* ^ . her age. I (18) Life of BIley ^ “ Hooey," she said, “I ’m getting ■ (45-58) Day la Coart aunera persecution from other 8:84 (58) Midday Bepert children 'Kitsauae hia father (An- (85) Newa lettws from people who remember 8:85 < 3) Honae Party me when I acted with a stock com­ IRENE BYAiW pany at the Empress ’Iheater in In "Beverly HUlbllUea’’ Omaha in 1926.” show businese. Ir^pe served hi She kept repeating, "It’s so fun- vaudville, stock oompanlee, radio, FRIDAY Television PROGRAM ny.’* _ movies, and In teleivision roles. In 4> Ugerta BawMhm Preaton Poater. Rathbone. -1 8) Sport* View Funny, that is, in a great big radio there was some success hi Time Cbsaam (85) Childrea * Edaeattonal Pra- (St^l^aalgh t Shew (ealer) wonderful way. 8:55 ( I ) ’Tow# C A r graata tUI 5:48 p.m. "The ’Em and Irene Ryan Show.” 5:55 ( 8) CoUme O f ^ Air m ) Threa Btaagea. . _ „ LIcroaa The Pacific.” Huiuphiair A year ago she was doing a Tim was her husband, gone now. (85) CoaUaeatol CIssavaaoB (48) The Admiral And Swabkf. night dub act ki a Seattle spot 5:85 ( 8) Saariae SemeatCT Bogart, Mary Astor. She was always on her toes, al­ (2845) Coatlaeatal Ctoaafooaa (81) PaaUiy Marhet 18:0 (45) Lard'* Prayer ______.. when word oame from Hollywood ways giving slick performances. 1 :0 < i ) Newacopo, Mameato a* Ceaa that the "HlllbUties” had been sold 5:88 (^8)°5i*maBta af ^m tart , 8:85 (85) Barly Shaw „ tka. fart, Byma But never a big, big star. 5:48 ( S) Newaoapo BaltoUa Baaid "The Swordamnn," (0 ) Newa to teksdsion. "But I loved Miow businees.’’ she ■lien Drew. Suddenly, as we talked, a part 8:48 ( 8) Commaalty Llbravy m (55) Sheriff ef Cec. said. “Every minute of H. Why? 5:55 ( 5) Boeky and Hi. of what was funny made Irene Tk) really Iw e show businees you 1:55 ( 8) Of Mem a ^ Maitvoa (18) BabscripUen Martin Perkins, host o< IfBCo (82-18) Today Bhow (48) News _ have to be of It, not just In it. — — “ *Hag*r TV’s “Wild Kingdom” color i------"Now, at my age." she said, "all 1:15 ( 8) Jewlah Newa * Vtowa d:8d (58) Taney WAS recentiy named director of the That’s me, honey, I ’m of K.” :85 (82) Weathey 8:88 ( 8)■ ~TeataeiW.eatl News M. Sparta of a sudden I have income tax u85 ( 8) Thla la C C ^ .,8 5 (^ .»B 1 . 4 Ot, Louis Z()bloglcal Gardetui — problems." A 1600 w ig and those duds idle ( 8) F r ieada #1 Mv. Oaaabag ler where he replaced the man who The big time can take time In are about all Irene needs 8:55 ( 8) Captala Baagua* (58) gave him hie flfat zoo j ta !«*• to transform herself into Grannie. (45) Agrienltore._PmgT*m_ , _ (68Mfew* 8:85 (45) Amerieaa Bhlpplag Tiday 8:88 (W ^bheaae as a grounds-keeper. There’s maka-up, sure, but It is 90 5:55 ( 8) Bap Btehaida „ 5:55 Ipi) Oleae Bf'aB Sperta per cent talent that transforms ( 8) Jack La Laaae.Bhaw 8:4di 84845) New* WendeU Oorey, who star# as chic Irene Into the role. Out of (2845) Bompev Beam (B ) PamBy Market (45) Boao The C l o ^ 155 (T t D5ath Valley Day* Dr. Theodore Bassett on NTC- character, and wearing slacks, a 5:18 ( 8) Debbie Drake Shaw ( 8) Bvealag Bepert. Mews and TV’s “The Eleventh Hour," is de­ silk blouse, high heels, people who 5:85 ( 8) Mniloaaira Weather scended from an old 'Massachusetts work on the show sometimes fail ( 8) Beat et Oraaebe (88) Lecal New* 15:55 ( 8) Caleadair , (854i) New* and Weather fandly which included two Prest- to recognize her. 1:1# (88) Special Bepert dehts, John Adams and JMm Traat 1:18 (t t ) Westora Masaaohasetta About her talent, director Rich­ (45) BUI Ne. 1 / (Quincy Adams. ard Whorf comments: "She’u f®n- 15:55 ( 8) Homemakrra Mavto . , Camera tastic. She puts facial takes on "When You're Smfitng. Prankle (45) Itaw* Toung 9 foot 9 Jim Fowler, as- ELECTRONICS Laina. Lola AlbytglU. _ top of facial takes.” • (2845) Play Baaeh (Oaler) ’ ’• • l i W l S t Eric Fleming with s is U ^ h o s t on NBC-TV’s "W ild She’s been a regular on television ( 8) Day la^art CItnt BJaatwood.. "Incident of the KlngidDm,” almost became a pro- iABORATORIES Black Ace", with guest star feeslimal baseball player Inste^o* before with Buddy Hackett in 11:51 (2845*'5^ePrice !••■*** Walter Slexak. A dishonest “Bringing Up Buddy," with Ray ( 8) JM e Wymaa Praarato gypsy wUh a beautiful daughter a zoologist. The Philadelphia Phll- 277 BROAD Bolger In “ Where’s Raymond?” (MV-The Shraad Of Tarta bruin: the wrath of a suitor on Um offered him a contract while ll:S5 (88M) Ooneentratlea the heads of the drovere. he wag a star athlete ait Earlham. But as Grannie, Irene finally has tt T 84548) Sevea Keys (88) iBteraaMoaa! Showtime: made. She predicted the show Don Ameche. host. "Circus of College. (85) Impreealea the Tigers." . _ . . . , F d * woidd cUdk even before air time. (Color) ^ , , ( 8) Pesllral ef Perfermlag Arte “It’s so simple—^just good ( 84548) Teaaeaaee Brala Pars (15) Haneymeoners In 1966 Ralph Edwards. eotocu- fashioned comedy,” s h e exp (88) Good Friday Sarvlea (45-88) O h»eae Uve producer of NBC-TV'8 "Truth 18:81 ( 8) Search Por Tomarraw Starring l?U"t Walker. "Gold. or OonsetpiencM” heard Bob Bar- "No one is neurotic: we spWe no (8885) Tnith Or M aaaaaeaM Glory and Custer." (Part I). MAftlNE world problems, and there’s no ( 8-4548) Father Kaawa Beet Scouting for Chister, Cheyenne Is kerig voice over hlg oar radio, was message about anyth^„ 12:45 ( 8) The Oaldlar Light ■ assigned to search for gold in impreeoed with his style, audHtan- 12:58 (28) Newa Day Bepert the S'oux reeerratlon. (R) ed hhn. and very soon BOb Barker ELECTRONICS Except, fo r IrMie Ryan, that t:85 ( 8) Beat Seller . _ . _ 8:55 (85) Tightrpoe "there’s no buslneiM like "Bella of St. Maiya/‘ P*rt S 8:85 ( 8) Beate 55 'WdM signed to .emcee "Truth cr Bing Crosby. Tnarld Bergman. Starring Martin MUner. Consequences.” ( 848) General Waapital... (8 8 ^ ). Slay Along With MIlih (8848) At Nome WUh KHty , Lealle XJggainii and EQ IU n iEN T (45) Newa . Olorta Lambert are aololsta. Even SS a teen-ager, MartiB 1:56 (45) Barbara Bernard Shaw. f $4d-8S) The Fltotatoneo Perkins, star of NBC-TV’s “Wild l : l t ( 8) Aa The World ■fmaa (Color) “Nothing But the Tooth." 1\ K \ 1)11). -V W I .t -.) I. \ X I Ty^ersonalities | ( 8) Conneetleat Movlatima ■ te m ey ’a tooth haa to come out KittgdtHn,” gave a hint that he “ Mexican SnltHre Out W eat" and Fred dec'des to- do the job. would one day become a famous Lupe Veler. Leon Brrol. (Rt snake hfuMUer — he kept so many (Continued from Pngs Oasl (18) Big Plctare ' ( 8) The Shraad of Tarla (38) Harvey Olaea Shew 848 ( S4MS) I'm n<'hea* — Bp’a snakM In the basement o f the (45) Beet at Oreaehs Feaafer fam ily home Ih Pittsburgh. Kans„ PETS! Brussels, Lirtxm, Upsala, Helsln (83) Faith Far ‘Today Starikig John Astin and Marty his father couldn’t hire and keep a PUPPIES kl, and—while coveHng President 1:88 ^ M l S-80M 8:88 (88-88) Newa (88-0) The Price Is Bight (Color) work as an elM trical appHancd 3:55 ' 8) Bdgo Of Nlrfrt ' B in CuUen, emcee. ^ (1845) Lsratia' V ^ r , < 8-0-58) Tt Baeset Strip salesman. Fam ily devotion and a woman’s < 8-4548) Oaeee P>*r A i^ y “ Reunion in Balboa stara Roger realization that East and West (18) Hl'lloa Dollar Marie Smith. Jeff looks for a hltemd- WMtney Blake—co-starring as cannot meet prevent Adam CSart' 8:85 » 4 ) T a TeB The Tralh run driver ' among thousands of Com plete (84) Bdaeatiaaal Pregrsaas W celebrating college students. Dorottt^ Baxter In . NBC-TV’S Wright (Pertiell Roberts) from 1848 (88-0) Jack Paar Shew 545 Jl.m. (Color) Guasis; Mahalta Jackson ‘‘Haset” color sertee—made her leaving the Ponderosa ftxf married ( 8) 4CMle Storm ^ . , acting debut as Ailoe in "AUos Beauty Service Ufe in Phlladelph'a ta “M y Broth-, (4548) Who Da Tea Traetf • ' and Jim Bishop. Competently Handled By 8:58 ( 8) Newa. Detudda Bdwarda 15:0 ( 8) EyewMnrs* In Woiiderland,” while in the ftM l air’s Keqier”- episode of NBC-’TV’a 4:58 ( 8) Baacer Andy Shaw The major news event oT the at Eagle Bock (Oahf.) Two Skilled Operator*— “ Bonanza” color series- Sunday, (88M) Mstok OaBM>_ __ , week, with Charles CoUIngwood A pril 7 (9-10 pjn. E S T). ( 84d5SV Amerieaa Baadataad and other CBS News Cotramoad- gramme echool...... Gladys Clos* and 4:88 (8845) Attoraoaa New* Bepert ants. 4:88 ( 8>-New* ■ _ ( 8) West Pelat Rokmd Reonehnsne (28-85) Make Beam IQrr .Daddy - AUya Joalyn, who Btani as CMo> “ Way ot the Mflllee m liar Mevla U : 0 < »«4 5 4 » Mews, w S S i Keever and the Colonrt," la a f l M which retraces the steps o f Jesus 4:58 ( 8) Big * »k*!ifirS In vr m "Three Smart Glrla Grow Up." m « 8 New* generation New Yorker. He sAgB as He walked to Hia Cru(dflxlon, Deanna DurMn. Robert (jum- News aad WeaBmr STUDIO Anurlea's OreatesI Mavtoe Us grandfather stiU referred to tt wUl be presented for the fburtti U i 0 as Ndsr Amstsrdam. AUyn’s grant time on the NBC-’TV Networlc on 5:0 riL&Ul) AmeriM Newaetaai “ The Miracle of Our Late of Ml 9.2742 B:M f 8) Admiral Jack Pillm a.” Gilbert Brtai uL towaa uncle, Edwin Morgan, was gover­ SM Main St.. MaMhester Palm Sunday, A pril 7 (a:S0-8:»> (881 Plral Shew Whitney (Color). p.m. EBT). "The Last Days of Pompeii (45) Steve Allca nor of New York.