The New Hampshire, Vol. 79, No. 40

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The New Hampshire, Vol. 79, No. 40 The New Hampshire Bulk Rate,U-6 Po~taoe ,s;;;.; Vol. 79No. __________________________39 FRIDAY, MARCH 241989 .,;__--------------~----------(603)862-1490 . Durham.N.H. Durham"JH f>ermH3CJ Another budget cut proposed By Joanne Marino and Mary financial demands that would Tamer be imposed," she said. Last night more than 60 Urban was one in a long line UNH students boarded buses of speakers trying to dissuade .. heading for a hearing in Con­ committee members from pass­ cord to show support for a bill ing House bill 200, and to that would prevent a further cut sponsor House bill 777 instead. in the University System House bill 777 would restore (USNH) biennium budget. the funding originally proposed The hearing was held in by Gov. Gregg. response to the NH State House According to bill 200, the request, House bill 200, that all reduction would yield a bien­ University System (USNH) nnial appropriation of $105.3 departments reduce Gov. Judd million--$9.2 million less than Gregg's suggested biennium the governor's recommendation budget by $9.2 million, or an and $19.9 million less than the 8 percent reduction. USNH' s original request. Gregg's budget proposal for The devastating impact of an 11 percent increase over the such a reduction to the USNH Site of the proposed 600-bed dormitory complex located behind A-lot. (Sharon Donovan! next two years already implied have forced trustees to consider photo) a reduction of half of the dramatic vertical cuts rather USNH's original budget. The than continuing to drain the original budget submitted asked overall university budgets. for a 22 percent increase over The USNH has outlined sev­ Dorm location is finalized two years and was considered eral options if this newest "bare bones" by the system's reduction is adopted by the state. board of trustees. They include: Pamela Urban, co­ UNH trustees approve dorm site chairperson of the students for OPTION ONE: the university council (SFU), ELIMINATE USNH UN­ By R. Scott Nelson Haaland formed an Ad Hoc Site the part Qf the. trustees." testified to the House Appro­ ITS NOT MANDATED BY After months of considera­ Selection Committee in October, Victor Azzi, director of cam­ priations Committee and House STATE LAWS. tion, debate and conflict, site which submitted the recreation­ pus planning, said he is pleased w~ys and Means Committee • Eliminate USNH School for 5, the area north of A-lot and al field area behind Snively as with the choice of site 5 because that "the impact of House bill Lifelong Learning, and its pro­ west of the railroad tracks, was its recommendation on De­ he feels it is the best all-around 200 would raise just the tuition grams, off ices and personnel approved as the location of the cember 15. On February 21, location for the housing com­ bill for a New Hampshire in Portsmouth, Lebanon, Con­ new 600-unit student housing Haaland once again chose site plex. student to $3,750 a year by fiscal way, Manchester, Berlin, Lit­ complex by the USNH ·Board 5 as the dorm complex location. "I think it is the right site," year 1991." tleton, Keene, Nashua, Durham, of Trustees. Site Selection Committee Azzi said, "because it will satisfy Urban, speaking on behalf of Plymouth and Lee. The 5-member Ad Hoc Com­ member William Condon, chair­ the needs of students, the needs the UNH community, added • Eliminate the University of mittee on Student Residence man of the UNH animal nutri­ of the people using the eques­ that the in-state figure of $3,750 New Hampshire at Manchester, Facilities Planning, the board tional science department, said trian course, and the needs of did not include room and board and its programs, personnel and of trustees group responsible he believes the decision was the town." or other costly mandatory fees. facilities in downtown Manches­ for the decision, voted unanim­ made without proper future Azzi said the equestrian cross­ "I can honestly say if the price ter and at Hackett Hill. ously in favor of the site on planning. coun try course will be able to tag of education at UNH is • Eliminate all State support March 15. "I think they have made a be re-routed around the site, and marked up as drastically as for New Hampshire Public According to the agenda from mistake that will not be appar­ the site location will preserve House bill 200 would dictate, Television. last week's meeting, construc­ ent until six or eight years from the buffer between the univer­ many of my friends at school 5,426 students in educational tion of the complex is tenatively now," Condon said. sity and the town of Durham. today and those prospective BUDGET, page 5 scheduled to begin in late Au­ "They' re going to make this Now that the site selection students could not cope with the gust of this year, with occupancy area residential without long­ has been made final, the uni­ slated for September of 1990. range planning," Condon added. versity can proceed with plans Site 5 was the location orig­ "They're going ahead with this for the dorm complex itself. inally proposed by President without knowing what they'd Azzi said the design stage for Haaland last September, a cho­ do with displaced programs." the complex, which must be ice which caused much anger, Amy Dickens, a field teacher completed before construction especially among UNH Eques­ involved in the UNH equestrian can begin, will probably last trian Program members, whose program, also feels the decision about six months. cross country course will be lacks foresight. The student housing, Azzi partially displaced by the dorm "I think we're all very disap­ said, will likely consist of a complex. pointed," Dickens said. "It's a cluster of buildings, instead of In response to the opposition, very short-sighted decision on one large building. Yup, ol,' Bob is new ed. By Joanne Marino Brief editor, a semester as -A funny guy will take over the Forum editor and "proud co­ position of Editor-in-Chief for founder of LAPHOS." The New Hampshire. Starting Durling said he considers the as the cartoonist of Jumpin' Jake Ediror-in-Chief position a "pa­ his freshman year, Robert Du­ ladin in the fight against evil." rling hasn't lost his sense of "There are still a lot of little humor working at the paper­ things I have to get to know," -and he'll probably need it. Durling said. "As far as actual For the position, Durling will product, I'm not too worried." be ultimately responsible for According to Durling no one content, production and busi­ really knows what a managing ness operations of the paper. editor's job entails. He will be managing a staff of As managing editor, Durling almost 100 and a bu lget of is used to all-nighters on pro­ $127,465, often requirir ~ nearly duction nights, handling nearly 60 hours per week of r s time. half of the paper's layout. He Durling has held several said it is rewarding "just seeing positions at The New Hamp­ a good page 3." shire since tickling funny bones Over the next month, Durling with the Jumpin' Jakestrip. His will be busy selecting a staff for Editor-in-Chief elect Robert publication. accomplishments include Man­ the paper's 1989-90 Durling (Mike Parnham pho­ A cosmetic escapee, this easta' bunny hopes to enjoy Sunday. aging Edi.tor for a year and a They will take over production (Mike Parnham photo) half, a 'brief' stint as News-in- on May 1. to) PAGE TWO THE NEW HAMPSHIRE FRIDAY, MARCH 241989 UNH's favorite MUB rat leaves fora new home By Sarah Minnoch son, Production Staff Supervisor for his job in the games room. He is the ultimate MUB rat. of the MUB. Fortunately, the position had He is the Memorial Union Stan only seemed to have one reopened when he came and Building. He is Stanley F. Cope­ problem at UNH. He had been talked to Don Harley, the land, the Facilities Manager of a Master Sergeant in the Air former Business Manager of the the MUB who wil be "very, very Force, doing air refueling for MUB and current Treasurer of missed," according to his em­ 25 years. Stationed at Pease, he the Student Activity Organiza­ ployees and friends. decided to retire because "the tion, who re-hired him. Stan is leaving the university time was right." His vision was Harley speaks very fondly of March 30 for a new job at the starting to get a little blurred Stan, calling him both a "gen­ University of Texas in Arling­ and glasses were a hindrance tleman" and a "gentle man." ton, where he will be the Games on the job. And he says, like a He also describes him as "the Area Supervisor in the E.H. baseball or football player, "You most humble man I've ever Hereford University Center. should know when you should known in all my life," someone He is a celebrity at UNH, gee out." with "deeply ingrained values someone who is easily recog­ Now you're probably wond­ who does everything with ex­ nizable, and according to many ering why chis created a problem cellence." of his associates, someone who for Stan at UNH. Well, it seems After doing some calculating, is always there when needed. that he had been used co a Harley estimates that Stan has He has a smooth, dark com­ uniform system of getting saved more than $10,000 a year plexion with wire framed bif­ things done when in the mil­ for the MUB in labor costs since ocals sitting on his nose.
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