Fidse Alook— Tour Bus Falls Into Icy River; 19 Retirees
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' - *,• " 'y - U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. May 30,1M6 MANCHESTER SPORTS VVITKF ND PI US CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Heavy metal suits Fast track seen Cambodian’s past KIT t r CARLYkl Liny WrigM a Manchester cop for Indy 500 still haunts her I HOMES ITV/STEREO/ MISCELLANEOUS MI8CELLANEDUS Automotive roO R EN T APPLMNCE8 FOR SALE FOR SALE TAD SALES ...paged ... page 11 ... magazine Inside Sd o c Io u s 4 Bedroom Freezer. Upright model. I CARS Colonlol-2 full baths, con Marx battery operated venient location, $800 per Excellent Condition. ENDROLLS FOR SALE Frost free. Call after 6pm. child's racing car. Bat month. 648-7045 or 721- tery charger Included. $35 27Vk width - 258 $99 6464507. To g Salt-Large selection 7546. 646-5121. ISWi width - 2 tor 258 household Items, old Kelvinator Refrigerator MUST bo picked up at the Braided rug multi color. Manchester Herald Office tools, collectibles, furni with freezer. No frost ture, curtains. 9-3 Satur 5x8 $80. Call 646-1427. before 11 A M. ONLY. 1985 S-10 Blazer In mint INSTORE AND $75.00. Coll 643-5336.0 day, 107 Delmont St. [ ^ O F F IC E SPACE condition. Only 12,000 Kerosun Heater-used 4 miles. $9,800. 647-9764. Westlnghouse refrigera Tog Sole-Rain or shine, tor and stove, very good times, well built, like new Omnl-85. Good size $85.00 358 Lydall St., May 31, 1978 Dodge Challenger. condition, $135 each. Call 10-4. Sewing machine, 649-3259 after 4. 649-14U, keep trylng.a Runs well, good body TAG SALES sheets, miscelleanous condition, $1100. Don 647- mxdmkr) Manchester - A City o( Village Charm HrralJi Wilson business offices Foom Cushion uphol Items. 9557 evenings, evenings and support services. Fur stered chair. $25. Two Tag Sale-Odds 8, ends, 643-1108 days. MACHINERY 2 Family Tag Sale- nished otfices, secretarial tires, good treads, excel handiman materials, service, reception, tele AND TOOLS lent condition $10. See tools, nails, etc. A little bit Sporting Items, tools, 79 Cougar XR-7. Approxi phone answering, word anytime. 649-8390.P of eyerythlng. Saturday, household Items, stereo, mately 40,000 miles. Very Saturday, May 31, 1986 25 Cents procesing and copier fa Powerful 3 HP Craftsman M ay 31,8:30-4:00.63 Bran miscelleanous. Saturday good condition. $3750 649- cilities. Level H Watkins Electric Lawn Mower.. ford St. 5/ 8, Sunday 6/1,94Walker 6514. Center, 935 Main St., Man Rear .hard plastic grass St. chester. 647-0073. catcher with cord. $50.00. 3 Fam ily Garage Sale- Firebird 1982,6 cylinder, 4 Stereo, bike, photography Call 646-6794. Mahogany twin beds, box Rain or shine Saturday, speed, Am/Fm stereo Manchester - Downtown M ay 31st from 9-3. 372 equipment, luggage, cassette, sun roof, power springs, mattresses, bu household Items. Satur Tour bus falls retail or office space, 1750 reau, mirror, maple Parker St., Manchester. steering, power brakes, square feet. 668-1447. I LAWN AND day, M ay 31. 9am to 1pm, excellent condition. dinette set, refrigerator. Roln or Shine, 272 Vernon DARDEN Excellent condition. 643- Tag Sale-Moving must $5,600. Call 643-6802. sell. Nice household St., Monchester. Office or retoll space for 4714. MDTDRCYCLE8/ NH8CELLANEDU8 rent.-700 sq. ft.. Ideal loca 20 Evergreen shrubs. Up Items, plants, shelving, tion, no food. Near Mini furnlture-no lunk. Satur Tag Sale-May 31., 9-2. Rain MDPED8 AUTOMOTIVE right yews 15" to 18" high. date June 1st. 2 portable into icy river; M all. Call 649-0969. $40. 643-6801. 19" and 25" colored T V day .May 31, 9-4, Sunday sets. Working condition. June 1, 10-3. 57 Kim berly closets, dresssers, dishes, Oldsmoblle Toranado Console and table top $50 Dr. (off Birch Mt. Road). ladles bike, black 8, white 1979, 68,000 mlles/loaded, 83 Suzuki RM125 recent 2-13lnch tires and rims off RECREATIONAL to $99. 633-1797. TV , Color TV 8i miscellea clean. Asking $4,500. Call rebuilt. $600 or best offer. 19M Dotsun $5 each. 2 RESORT nous. 37 Scarborough Rd. l 2 £ j lEQUIPMENT 2 Family. Furniture, la 646-3633 or 742-6394. 742-6478. white Aluminum awnings PROPERTY Timex Sinclair 1000 per dles clothes and miscel 36 Inch and 30 Inch, $7 19 retirees die N sonal computer - still In laneous household. May Tag Sale. Rte 6 Andover. each. Call 742-0274.O Golf Cart-Set of twelve 1973 Ford Torino. Run Coventry Lake. 1 bed the box. Hooks up to TV. 31. Soturdav9-5.159Bryan Saturday May 31st 8, Sun ning Condition. $99 takes clubs and ball retrelver. day June 1. 9am-5pm. room waterfront cot $65. 643-4859 nights. Drive. It. 647-9079.O IMI8CELLANE0U8 Trailer Canopy. 8 x 12 with tages, suitable tor 2 per $45.00. 649-7918.D Picture frames, clothes, AUTOMDTIVE tent 7x7. $50 643-8095. By John Roll Four of the seven patients taken sons only. Available June Dropes 150 x 84, off white, Tag Sale. Saturday May linens and other The Associated Press to Washoe Medical Center in Reno Ping Pong Table with 21st to August 30. $150-$250 tolly lined, 2 pair for $50 31, 9-4, 288 Knollwood Rd. miscellaneous. 1967 Cougar Parts: Trunk- were in critical condition, said Dr. paddles and extras, will 646-6332. Air conditioner, water- Tires Radial 225-15 <>ood lid, bumper, headlight os- W ALK ER . Calif. — A tour bus Jerry Calvanese. per week. 742-3022. deliver $50.00. Please call bed, curtains, household Ta g Sale. Saturday May condition 4/$99 or best sembly, overhead carrying residents of a retirement “ From what I saw, I think some 643-9003.O 31, Moving must sell. 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix. Cape Cod; Cozy 2 bed Citizen's Bond Antenna. Items, children's clothing Air condition, power offer. Please keep trying, console. $99.00 Takes all. home careened at high speed off a may not survive,” he said. Humldlfyers, snow 649-0621 after 6:00.o room cottage, fully Good condition, two ye and much more. steering, power brakes, 875-4493.0 twisting mountain road and “ They're not home free by any ars old. $20 or best offer. blower, microwave, air equipped, walk to beach. new transmission, shocks plunged into an icy, swift-running means ... These people are elderly 643-8686 otter 5. r^BDATS/MARINE Call T im 649-6947.0 78 White St. 5/31,9-2, small conditioner and more. and rear springs. $2,000 or river Friday, killing 19 people and and they don't recover as easily as 1 ^ EQUIPMENT appliances, 2 van Rain or shine 169 Bolton FOR SALR AT PUBLIC AUCTION Center Road. Bolton. best offer. 646-8787 or injuring 22, authorities said. young people. They'll be in for a Cordless electronic tele benches, 10 speed, car 649-3467 after 6pm. BY THR TOWN OP MANCHR$TRR , ROOMMATES 16 foot Mod River canoe, phone Duofone ET-330 $99 ramps, furnishings, The death toil made it the worst rough time.” Terrific Tag Sale. House Notice It hereby given of a sole at public auction to be held paddles Included. Used or best offter. Call be books, much more. U.S. bus crash in nearly six years. The passengers were mostly WANTED hold Items In good condi Monte Carlo-1976 Excel Saturday, May 31,1986 at 10; IS o.m., EO T, at the Manchester four times. Excellent con tween 5-6pm. Ask for The bus, bringing passengers residents of the Santa Monica tion, some brand new, lent condition. $1500 or Police Deportment (Saroge, 239 Middle Turnpike East, Man dition. $800. Please call Roger.0 Tag Sale-Tons of mlscel- chester, Connecticut, fit the unclaimed merchandise os back to Santa Monica. Calif., after Tower retirement home who had Manchester-Split rent books, clothes, office fur best offer. 643-2400 after 5. 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- leonous Items, large and lilted below. $316 per month plus heat niture, even a motorcy four-day outing to Reno, Nev., was been on “ a relaxation tour” due 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for small. Many 25 to 50cents. Claims for merchandise listed below should be made with and utilities. 1 months cle. Don't miss It! 120 Dodge Dlplomot-1978, 6 90 miles southeast of Reno on U.S. back Friday Evening, said Penny Bob. May 31 and June 1, 9-2, 46 cylinder, automatic, with the Manchester Police Deportment. No claim mode after security. Available June Westminster Rd. Leland Drive East Hart sole will be accepted. All soles are final and for cosh. No. 395 at 10:30 a.m. P D T when it Hanson, a spokeswoman for Star 1st. 646-8578 days. ford May 31 only. 10-4. power steering, excellent soles to minors. Inspection of articles for sole ntov be mode bounced off a fence and plunged line Tours. 15 ft. 11 Inch Starcraft day Dinette set $125 good con condition, moving must between 9:00 o.m. and 10:00 a.m. on the day of the sola. down a 15-foot embankment into "There was a lot of blood and lot cruiser boat with a 1985 60 dition. Wayne sump pump Mens Ta g Sale-Large as sell. Call 647-8721 anytime. The Town reserves the right to remove from the sale, or re- the West Fork of the Walker River. of internal head injuries,” said horse Mercury engine. $20. Machinists microme sortment of soltwater f Ish- lect, any or all bids for what It deems to be In the best Interest Ing gear and hand tools.