' - *,• " 'y - U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. May 30,1M6 MANCHESTER SPORTS VVITKF ND PI US CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Heavy metal suits Fast track seen Cambodian’s past KIT t r CARLYkl Liny WrigM a Manchester cop for Indy 500 still haunts her I HOMES ITV/STEREO/ MISCELLANEOUS MI8CELLANEDUS Automotive roO R EN T APPLMNCE8 FOR SALE FOR SALE TAD SALES ...paged ... page 11 ... magazine Inside Sd o c Io u s 4 Bedroom Freezer. Upright model. I CARS Colonlol-2 full baths, con­ Marx battery operated venient location, $800 per Excellent Condition. ENDROLLS FOR SALE Frost free. Call after 6pm. child's racing car. Bat­ month. 648-7045 or 721- tery charger Included. $35 27Vk width - 258 $99 6464507. To g Salt-Large selection 7546. 646-5121. ISWi width - 2 tor 258 household Items, old Kelvinator Refrigerator MUST bo picked up at the Braided rug multi color. Manchester Herald Office tools, collectibles, furni­ with freezer. No frost ture, curtains. 9-3 Satur­ 5x8 $80. Call 646-1427. before 11 A M. ONLY. 1985 S-10 Blazer In mint INSTORE AND $75.00. Coll 643-5336.0 day, 107 Delmont St. [ ^ O F F IC E SPACE condition. Only 12,000 Kerosun Heater-used 4 miles. $9,800. 647-9764. Westlnghouse refrigera­ Tog Sole-Rain or shine, tor and stove, very good times, well built, like new Omnl-85. Good size $85.00 358 Lydall St., May 31, 1978 Dodge Challenger. condition, $135 each. Call 10-4. Sewing machine, 649-3259 after 4. 649-14U, keep trylng.a Runs well, good body TAG SALES sheets, miscelleanous condition, $1100. Don 647- mxdmkr) Manchester - A City o( Village Charm HrralJi Wilson business offices Foom Cushion uphol­ Items. 9557 evenings, evenings and support services. Fur­ stered chair. $25. Two Tag Sale-Odds 8, ends, 643-1108 days. MACHINERY 2 Family Tag Sale- nished otfices, secretarial tires, good treads, excel­ handiman materials, service, reception, tele­ AND TOOLS lent condition $10. See tools, nails, etc. A little bit Sporting Items, tools, 79 Cougar XR-7. Approxi­ phone answering, word anytime. 649-8390.P of eyerythlng. Saturday, household Items, stereo, mately 40,000 miles. Very Saturday, May 31, 1986 25 Cents procesing and copier fa­ Powerful 3 HP Craftsman M ay 31,8:30-4:00.63 Bran­ miscelleanous. Saturday good condition. $3750 649- cilities. Level H Watkins Electric Lawn Mower.. ford St. 5/ 8, Sunday 6/1,94Walker 6514. Center, 935 Main St., Man­ Rear .hard plastic grass St. chester. 647-0073. catcher with cord. $50.00. 3 Fam ily Garage Sale- Firebird 1982,6 cylinder, 4 Stereo, bike, photography Call 646-6794. Mahogany twin beds, box Rain or shine Saturday, speed, Am/Fm stereo Manchester - Downtown M ay 31st from 9-3. 372 equipment, luggage, cassette, sun roof, power springs, mattresses, bu­ household Items. Satur­ Tour bus falls retail or office space, 1750 reau, mirror, maple Parker St., Manchester. steering, power brakes, square feet. 668-1447. I LAWN AND day, M ay 31. 9am to 1pm, excellent condition. dinette set, refrigerator. Roln or Shine, 272 Vernon DARDEN Excellent condition. 643- Tag Sale-Moving must $5,600. Call 643-6802. sell. Nice household St., Monchester. Office or retoll space for 4714. MDTDRCYCLE8/ NH8CELLANEDU8 rent.-700 sq. ft.. Ideal loca­ 20 Evergreen shrubs. Up­ Items, plants, shelving, tion, no food. Near Mini furnlture-no lunk. Satur­ Tag Sale-May 31., 9-2. Rain MDPED8 AUTOMOTIVE right yews 15" to 18" high. date June 1st. 2 portable into icy river; M all. Call 649-0969. $40. 643-6801. 19" and 25" colored T V day .May 31, 9-4, Sunday sets. Working condition. June 1, 10-3. 57 Kim berly closets, dresssers, dishes, Oldsmoblle Toranado Console and table top $50 Dr. (off Birch Mt. Road). ladles bike, black 8, white 1979, 68,000 mlles/loaded, 83 Suzuki RM125 recent 2-13lnch tires and rims off RECREATIONAL to $99. 633-1797. TV , Color TV 8i miscellea­ clean. Asking $4,500. Call rebuilt. $600 or best offer. 19M Dotsun $5 each. 2 RESORT nous. 37 Scarborough Rd. l 2 £ j lEQUIPMENT 2 Family. Furniture, la­ 646-3633 or 742-6394. 742-6478. white Aluminum awnings PROPERTY Timex Sinclair 1000 per­ dles clothes and miscel­ 36 Inch and 30 Inch, $7 19 retirees die N sonal computer - still In laneous household. May Tag Sale. Rte 6 Andover. each. Call 742-0274.O Golf Cart-Set of twelve 1973 Ford Torino. Run­ Coventry Lake. 1 bed­ the box. Hooks up to TV. 31. Soturdav9-5.159Bryan Saturday May 31st 8, Sun­ ning Condition. $99 takes clubs and ball retrelver. day June 1. 9am-5pm. room waterfront cot­ $65. 643-4859 nights. Drive. It. 647-9079.O IMI8CELLANE0U8 Trailer Canopy. 8 x 12 with tages, suitable tor 2 per­ $45.00. 649-7918.D Picture frames, clothes, AUTOMDTIVE tent 7x7. $50 643-8095. By John Roll Four of the seven patients taken sons only. Available June Dropes 150 x 84, off white, Tag Sale. Saturday May linens and other The Associated Press to Washoe Medical Center in Reno Ping Pong Table with 21st to August 30. $150-$250 tolly lined, 2 pair for $50 31, 9-4, 288 Knollwood Rd. miscellaneous. 1967 Cougar Parts: Trunk- were in critical condition, said Dr. paddles and extras, will 646-6332. Air conditioner, water- Tires Radial 225-15 <>ood lid, bumper, headlight os- W ALK ER . Calif. — A tour bus Jerry Calvanese. per week. 742-3022. deliver $50.00. Please call bed, curtains, household Ta g Sale. Saturday May condition 4/$99 or best sembly, overhead carrying residents of a retirement “ From what I saw, I think some 643-9003.O 31, Moving must sell. 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix. Cape Cod; Cozy 2 bed­ Citizen's Bond Antenna. Items, children's clothing Air condition, power offer. Please keep trying, console. $99.00 Takes all. home careened at high speed off a may not survive,” he said. Humldlfyers, snow 649-0621 after 6:00.o room cottage, fully Good condition, two ye­ and much more. steering, power brakes, 875-4493.0 twisting mountain road and “ They're not home free by any ars old. $20 or best offer. blower, microwave, air equipped, walk to beach. new transmission, shocks plunged into an icy, swift-running means ... These people are elderly 643-8686 otter 5. r^BDATS/MARINE Call T im 649-6947.0 78 White St. 5/31,9-2, small conditioner and more. and rear springs. $2,000 or river Friday, killing 19 people and and they don't recover as easily as 1 ^ EQUIPMENT appliances, 2 van Rain or shine 169 Bolton FOR SALR AT PUBLIC AUCTION Center Road. Bolton. best offer. 646-8787 or injuring 22, authorities said. young people. They'll be in for a Cordless electronic tele­ benches, 10 speed, car 649-3467 after 6pm. BY THR TOWN OP MANCHR$TRR , ROOMMATES 16 foot Mod River canoe, phone Duofone ET-330 $99 ramps, furnishings, The death toil made it the worst rough time.” Terrific Tag Sale. House­ Notice It hereby given of a sole at public auction to be held paddles Included. Used or best offter. Call be­ books, much more. U.S. bus crash in nearly six years. The passengers were mostly WANTED hold Items In good condi­ Monte Carlo-1976 Excel­ Saturday, May 31,1986 at 10; IS o.m., EO T, at the Manchester four times. Excellent con­ tween 5-6pm. Ask for The bus, bringing passengers residents of the Santa Monica tion, some brand new, lent condition. $1500 or Police Deportment (Saroge, 239 Middle Turnpike East, Man­ dition. $800. Please call Roger.0 Tag Sale-Tons of mlscel- chester, Connecticut, fit the unclaimed merchandise os back to Santa Monica. Calif., after Tower retirement home who had Manchester-Split rent books, clothes, office fur­ best offer. 643-2400 after 5. 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- leonous Items, large and lilted below. $316 per month plus heat niture, even a motorcy­ four-day outing to Reno, Nev., was been on “ a relaxation tour” due 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for small. Many 25 to 50cents. Claims for merchandise listed below should be made with and utilities. 1 months cle. Don't miss It! 120 Dodge Dlplomot-1978, 6 90 miles southeast of Reno on U.S. back Friday Evening, said Penny Bob. May 31 and June 1, 9-2, 46 cylinder, automatic, with the Manchester Police Deportment. No claim mode after security. Available June Westminster Rd. Leland Drive East Hart­ sole will be accepted. All soles are final and for cosh. No. 395 at 10:30 a.m. P D T when it Hanson, a spokeswoman for Star­ 1st. 646-8578 days. ford May 31 only. 10-4. power steering, excellent soles to minors. Inspection of articles for sole ntov be mode bounced off a fence and plunged line Tours. 15 ft. 11 Inch Starcraft day Dinette set $125 good con­ condition, moving must between 9:00 o.m. and 10:00 a.m. on the day of the sola. down a 15-foot embankment into "There was a lot of blood and lot cruiser boat with a 1985 60 dition. Wayne sump pump Mens Ta g Sale-Large as­ sell. Call 647-8721 anytime. The Town reserves the right to remove from the sale, or re- the West Fork of the Walker River. of internal head injuries,” said horse Mercury engine. $20. Machinists microme­ sortment of soltwater f Ish- lect, any or all bids for what It deems to be In the best Interest Ing gear and hand tools.
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