{Read} {PDF EPUB} ~download Thomas by Thomas by Robin Jarvis. Published in the United Kingdom by Hodder Children's Books. Published in the United States by Chronicle Books. Cover illustration, © Leonid Gore . ' Long, long ago when the mountains were but hills and the ungirdled oceans were pools and meres, a vast darkness lay over eastern lands. Whilst on western shores the foundations of the three thrones were still part of the living rock and the Raith Sidhe had not grown to an eighth of their later strength, in the East a foulness reigned.' It is four years since the fall of Jupiter, but upon the all is far from well. Thomas Triton, midshipmouse, is tormented by horrific visions of the past; of stormlashed seas, ferocious battles, lost cities and terrifying heathen gods. But now the time has come to confront the most chilling memory of his youth and a dark, dreadful secret. 'How could I not write an account of the early adventures of the midshipmouse? In the original trilogy, he was always keeping some dark secret back until we finally learn that somehow he was responsible for the death of his best friend, Woodget. With that in mind I set about compiling his history and writing his memoirs. From the beginning I knew it had to be an epic quest type of story and the enemy had to be something entirely different, that was how the idea of the Scales came into being - that frightening sect who worshipped the banished serpent god. I found their habit of ripping their skins off to be quite revolting and terrifying, but its a perfectly logical and necessary thing for them to do. Of course, we haven't seen the last of Simoon and I don't think its right for Thomas to end his days suffering with that terrible guilt - do you?' 'There were a couple of special guest cameo appearances in this book. We meet Morgan, shortly before his tail is hacked in half, and also a young ratmaiden who decides that the glamorous life of a fortune teller is for her. I'm always on the lookout for interesting and unusal names and have collected quite few I've yet to use. I took the name of the sea maiden, Zenna, from the daughter of a very nice librarian I met when I visited her school in Shropshire.' The Characters. Thomas Stubbs . A brash young mouse with a weakness for berrybrew and who will one day become Thomas Triton. Woodget Pipple A fieldmouse from Betony Bank and Thomas' best friend. A great doom lies before him. Mulligan An Irish, one legged seafarer who bears a terrible burden which must not fall into the wrong claws. Zenna A daughter of the sea. Mother Lotus/Ma Skillet Ugly fat who owns a foul drinking den in Singapore called the Lotus Parlour. Dimlon/Dimmy A simple brained mouse befriended by Thomas and Woodget. Captain Chattan Giri Mongoose Captain from the fabled Indian city of Hara. Neltemi One of the twelve mouse maidens who tended the Shrine of Virbius. Gorscarrigern/Sarpedon/Scarophion/The Dark Despoiler The evil serpent God whose corporeal form was vanquished many years ago but whose dreadful spirit is ever waiting to return. The Holy One An ancient Lorus, one of the wisest of all creatures. He dwells in the city of Hara. Thomas. This article is about the book . You may be looking for the mouse . Thomas. Attribution. Author. Cover artist. Audiobook narrator. Publication information. Publisher. Release date. Pages. Thomas is the third book in The Histories trilogy by Robin Jarvis. It is the backstory of Thomas Triton, revealing the dark secret of his past. Contents. Official description [ edit | edit source ] It is four years since the fall of Jupiter, but upon the Cutty Sark all is far from well. Thomas Triton, midshipmouse, is tormented by horrific visions of the past; of stormlashed seas, ferocious battles, lost cities and terrifying heathen gods. But now the time has come to confront the most chilling memory of his youth and a dark, dreadful secret. Summary [ edit | edit source ] Four years after the events of , midshipmouse Thomas Triton is troubled by memories of a traumatic incident in his youth that resulted in the death of his best friend. His wife Gwen suggests that it would make him feel better if he wrote down what was bothering him. Many years prior, Thomas is taken in by a kindly community of field mice after being caught in a snowstorm. There he meets Woodget Pipple, a little field mouse who becomes his close friend, and a beautiful maiden named Bess Sandibrook. Thomas falls deeply in love with Bess, but is unaware that Woodget has similar feelings for her. Stating that she loves Woodget, Bess gently rejects Thomas, only for them both to realise that Woodget has run away after mistakenly thinking he's getting in the way of their romance. Thomas vows to find Woodget, and catches up with him at a dock as a ship called the Calliope is getting ready to set sail. Thomas and Woodget meet a tough Irish mouse named Mulligan, who invites them to have a drink with him on the ship before he leaves. But they stay too long and to their dismay are stuck on the ship. The two become suspicious of Mulligan, who is evasive and will not let anyone see the contents of a satchel he always carries with him. The Calliope eventually crashes in a violent storm, killing most of its passengers. Mulligan washes ashore in Crete with Dimlon, a simple-minded young mouse Thomas and Woodget befriended during the voyage. Dimlon reveals himself to Mulligan as Dahrem Ruhar, an adept of the Scale, an evil cult that worships a reptile god called Suruth Scarophion. It is revealed that Mulligan has been carrying a piece of a jade egg sacred to the Scale, trying to prevent them from obtaining it and joining it with the other pieces, which would create a vessel into which Scarophion can be reborn. Thomas and Woodget survived the storm as well, and come onto the island in time to see a dying Mulligan, poisoned by the blades of Dahrem. He has carried the egg fragment with him and pushes it into the horrified Woodget's paws, telling him to take it to a place called Hara. Thomas and Woodget are discovered by an army of Indian mongooses who demand to know where they got the egg fragment from. After they explain the situation, the mongooses offer to take the two mice to Hara, their home city in India so they can speak to the sadhu and ask his advice. Dahrem, once again in the guise of Dimlon, comes along with them. Upon their arrival in Hara, Thomas, Woodget and mongoose Captain Chattan Giri go to see the Holy One, who also possesses a piece of the jade egg of Scarophion. In the night, the Scale arrive and launch a vicious attack on the city of Hara to steal the fragment. To everyone's shock, it is the sadhu himself who opens the gates for the Scale to enter. Dahrem attacks Woodget in the sadhu's chamber, demanding that he hand over the egg fragment Mulligan gave him. Thomas and the mongoose warrior Chattan hear the field mouse's screams and come to his rescue. Chattan engages in battle with Dahrem. The adept is killed, but not before poisoning Chattan with his blades. Faced with nowhere else to go, Thomas and Woodget decide to head to Singapore, where it is said that the jerboa prophet Simoon has journeyed. In a seedy bar called the Lotus Parlour, Thomas accidentally lets it slip to the bar's owner, Mother Lotus, that he and Woodget have the final egg fragment. Simoon is present and scolds the two mice for having walked directly into Scale territory. The bar is full of members of the cult (including Mother Lotus, the high priestess) who capture Thomas, Woodget, and Simoon and take them to their temple. The high priest joins the egg fragments together, and it appears Suruth Scarophion will be reborn. But as the reptilian form writhes within the newly created egg, it suddenly shrivels and dies. Simoon reveals that it was the plan all along to let the Scale obtain all the pieces of the egg, as he and other members of the Green Council like the sadhu knew it would ultimately be useless. The fragment held by Mulligan was periodically moved to different Green shrines, and thus gradually became a holy object. Cast from the egg, Scarophion's spirit enters a nearby statue in his image. Riding on its back, the enraged high priest chases Thomas, Woodget, and Simoon. The statue is destroyed when it crashes on a crag of rock, and Woodget kills the high priest to save Thomas's life. At the end of the journey, Thomas and Woodget are at a dock in Singapore waiting for a ship to take them back to England. An old beggar approaches them, but soon they discover that it is Mother Lotus, former high priestess of the Scale. She puts Thomas into a trance, during which he picks up Woodget and casts him into the water. Despite the field mouse's pleas, Thomas lets him presumably drown. Hours later, Thomas emerges from the trance and to his horror, remembers what he has done. He screams in anguish. In present day Hara, Chattan's sister Sobhan is taking her grandson to see the sadhu. She tries to help the latter remember his former identity, but he responds that Zenna, the siren who rescued him from the sea, wiped his memory completely and he is content that way. The final line reveals that this new sadhu is none other than Woodget. Literature / Deptford Mice. The first three books, known as the Deptford Mice books, tells the tale of a mouse named Audrey as her seemingly idyllic life is shattered when the evil god Jupiter and his legion of attack the mice. Audrey must find a way to vanquish Jupiter in order to stop him from wreaking havoc against the world, but the odds are stacked against her. The books include , , and The Final Reckoning. The next three books are known as the Deptford Histories and serve as prequel stories. These books include The Alchemist's Cat which tells the tale of a young boy who is held against his will by a sorcerer and a cat that would eventually gain great powers from being the sorcerer's familiar, The Oaken Throne which tells the tale of a bat and squirrel who must find a way to stop an evil cult while a war between their species rages on, and Thomas which tells the tale of a seafaring mouse who is hounded by a Religion of Evil known as the Scale. The main trilogies were followed by The Deptford Mice Almanack , a collection of animal traditions and folklore written by an in-universe chronicler. In between the snippets of history are mentions of the characters' lives in the present day - and a series of strange and foreboding events. It comes to a head when the Great Oak containing the rat god Hobb's spirit is felled by a storm, and Audrey ousted as Starwife by mysterious black squirrels, one of whom bears an inexplicable resemblance to her fieldmouse "enemy" Alison Sedge. The Sequel Hook has yet to be followed up on - instead, the 2000s saw the release of two Deptford Mouselets books, set apart from the main action. Each of them took place in the year before The Dark Portal . The first, Fleabee's Fortune , was about a token pacifist rat, and the second, Whortle's Hope , was about a fieldmouse from Fennywolde. There were to be two more entitled Ogmund's Gift and Twit's Progress . The former was to introduce the prophet bats' unruly nephew who'd rather not have to deal with his growing magic, and the latter would describe Twit's journey from his home in Fennywolde to visit his cousin in Deptford. For some reason, neither of these have been published yet, though it has been nearly ten years since the publication of Whortle's Hope . However, with Robin Jarvis lately returning to the worlds of his other classics, Hagwood and The Witches (the former having only one book with a cliffhanger that was unresolved for fourteen years), it is possible that the remaining Deptford Mouselets books and the grand finale of The Deptford Mice may finally see the light of day in the not too distant future. These books provide examples of: Abusive Parents: Isaac Nettle beats his son Jenkin, whom he blames for the death of his wife, as she died giving birth to him. He also abuses him verbally, once even saying that he wished an owl would carry him off. These words no doubt come back to haunt him later when Jenkin really is killed and eaten by an owl. Aluminum Christmas Trees: The circular nests built by the fieldmice (technically Eurasian harvest mice) at the top of cornstalks seem like fanciful inventions of the author's imagination, right? Actually, they do make nests just like those in Real Life. Amulet of Concentrated Awesome: The Silver Acorn And This Is for. : Audrey cries "This is for my father!" right before she throws her mousebrass at Jupiter in The Dark Portal . Warden Mugwort from The Oaken Throne calls out the names of his dead children as he fights the bat army. Animal Facial Hair: Thomas Triton has this, among others. Animal Stereotypes: There are some, most notably the stereotype of rats being evil and dirty certainly matches how they are portrayed here. Animated Tattoo: The face on Madame Akkikuyu's ear, through which Nicodemus (really the spirit of Jupiter) is able to speak to her. Anyone Can Die: In a Robin Jarvis book, you'd better believe it! Authority Equals Asskicking: The two characters in the series who manage to bring down Gods of Evil are both Starwives using the powers given to them as part of that position. Awesome McCoolname: Madame Akkikuyu. This is lampshaded in Thomas when she decides to become a fortune teller. Her given name was exotic-sounding enough, but it needed a bit more, so she tacked Madame onto the beginning. Awesome Moment of Crowning: At the end of The Oaken Throne , Ysabelle has her coronation as the Starwife. It is not literally a crowning; rather, the Silver Acorn pendant which is the symbol of office for the Starwives is formally placed about the neck of the squirrel who has ascended to the throne. However, Ysabelle pushes it away at the last minute and refuses the position, much to the shock of those watching. She goes in search of her beloved Vesper, whom she previously rejected, in the hopes that they will run away and start a new life together. but she finds him dead and so is left with no other option but to become the new Starwife. Balloon Belly: In Whortle's Hope , the mean-spirited Dimsel Bottom is given a magical biscuit by Samuel Gorse which, unbeknownst to her, comes with the side effect of making anyone who eats it rapidly gain weight. She becomes too large to move, and it takes over a year for her to return to normal. Her ordeal causes her to become kinder to others. Belligerent Sexual Tension: Audrey and Piccadilly Benevolent Mage Ruler: The Starwife Better to Die than Be Killed: In The Oaken Throne , the captured bat Heglyr impales himself on a squirrel guard's spear after Lady Ninnia implies that her subjects might use torture to interrogate him. Beware the Nice Ones: Many characters regard Twit as a Kindhearted Simpleton, and there is some truth in that. just do not make him mad! Big Bad: Jupiter in the main series. Big "NO!": This is yelled by Jupiter when the Starglass falls from his grip and shatters. Bittersweet Ending: This is applicable to almost all of these books, especially The Final Reckoning , The Oaken Throne , and Thomas Blood Magic: In The Oaken Throne , the high priest of Hobb dips the Silver Acorn in the blood of one Ysabelle's subjects three times during a sacrifice. Each time, he calls Hobb's name. This summons the evil rat god to the world. The bloodstains cannot be removed from the amulet, no matter how many times it is washed, until Ysabelle unites it with the magic of the Starglass and becomes the Starwife. Bratty Half-Pint: Scabmona in Fleabee's Fortune . As they are rats, her parents are actually proud of her rude behaviour, whereas they are ashamed of her polite older sister Fleabee. Break the Cutie: Robin Jarvis delights in doing this to his characters. Specifically, this could apply to protagonists like Audrey , Ysabelle , Woodget , or Twit . Burn the Witch! But Thou Must!: In The Final Reckoning , once Audrey unwittingly takes the Silver Acorn and allows the powers to channel through her, the Starwife informs her that she is now her successor whether she likes it or not. Thomas by Robin Jarvis, Used. Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the text. Possible ex library copy, will have the markings and stickers associated from the library. Accessories such as CD, codes, toys, may not be included. Chronicle Books, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: GOOD. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: VERY GOOD. Quantity available: 1. Light rubbing wear to cover, spine and page edges. Very minimal writing or notations in margins not affecting the text. Possible clean ex-library copy, with their stickers and or stamp(s). Chronicle Books, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: VERY GOOD. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: VERY GOOD. Quantity available: 1. Light rubbing wear to cover, spine and page edges. Very minimal writing or notations in margins not affecting the text. Possible clean ex-library copy, with their stickers and or stamp(s). Chronicle Books, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: VERY GOOD. Thomas. Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 2. Former Library book. Great condition for a used book! Minimal wear. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Condition: Very Good. 1St Edition. Thomas. Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 2. Former Library book. Shows some signs of wear, and may have some markings on the inside. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Condition: Good. 1St Edition. Thomas. Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. Great condition for a used book! Minimal wear. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Condition: Very Good. 1St Edition. Thomas. Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. Former Library book. Great condition for a used book! Minimal wear. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Condition: Very Good. 1St Edition. Thomas. Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. Shows some signs of wear, and may have some markings on the inside. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Condition: Good. 1St Edition. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. Connecting readers with great books since 1972. Used books may not include companion materials, some shelf wear, may contain highlighting/notes, may not include cdrom or access codes. Customer service is our top priority!. Chronicle Books, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Good. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. A+ Customer service! Satisfaction Guaranteed! Book is in Used-Good condition. Pages and cover are clean and intact. Used items may not include supplementary materials such as CDs or access codes. May show signs of minor shelf wear and contain limited notes and highlighting. Chronicle Books, 2006. Condition: Good. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. Connecting readers with great books since 1972. Used books may not include companion materials, some shelf wear, may contain highlighting/notes, may not include cdrom or access codes. Customer service is our top priority!. Chronicle Books, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Good. Thomas. Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. Pages can have notes/highlighting. Spine may show signs of wear. ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Good. No Jacket. Thomas. Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. Pages can have notes/highlighting. Spine may show signs of wear. ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Good. No Jacket. Thomas. Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Fair. Quantity available: 1. Former library book; Readable copy. Pages may have considerable notes/highlighting. ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Fair. No Jacket. Thomas. Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. May have limited writing in cover pages. Pages are unmarked. ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Very Good. No Jacket. Thomas. Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. Former library book; Pages can have notes/highlighting. Spine may show signs of wear. ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Good. No Jacket. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books. Used - Hardcover Condition: VERY GOOD. Quantity available: 1. Light rubbing wear to cover, spine and page edges. Very minimal writing or notations in margins not affecting the text. Possible clean ex-library copy, with their stickers and or stamp(s). Chronicle Books. Hardcover. Condition: VERY GOOD. Thomas (Deptford Histories) Jarvis, Robin. Published by Hodder Wayland (1995) Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. 0750017457. Hodder Wayland, 1995. PAPERBACK. Condition: Very Good. Thomas (The Deptford Histories Book Three) [Paperback] Robin Jarvis. Jarvis, Robin. Published by Hodder Wayland (1995) Used - Softcover Condition: fine. Quantity available: 1. Thomas (The Deptford Histories Book Three) [Paperback] Robin Jarvis. Hodder Wayland, 1995. Condition: fine. Thomas (The Deptford Histories Book Three) Robin Jarvis. Published by MacDonald (1995) Used - Softcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. All orders are dispatched the following working day from our UK warehouse. Established in 2004, we have over 500,000 books in stock. No quibble refund if not completely satisfied. MacDonald, 1995. Paperback. Condition: Good. Thomas (Deptford Histories) Jarvis, Robin. Published by Hodder Childrens Book (2000) Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. Hodder Childrens Book, 2000. Condition: Very Good. 1620742113. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: UsedAcceptable. Quantity available: 1. Chronicle Books, 2006. Condition: UsedAcceptable. book. Thomas (The Deptford Histories Book Three) Robin Jarvis. Published by Macdonald Young Books 01/01/1995 (1995) Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 6. Shipped within 24 hours from our UK warehouse. Clean, undamaged book with no damage to pages and minimal wear to the cover. Spine still tight, in very good condition. Remember if you are not happy, you are covered by our 100% money back guarantee. Macdonald Young Books 01/01/1995, 1995. Condition: Very Good. Deptford Histories, The: Thomas (The Deptford Histories) Robin Jarvis. Published by Hodder Children's Books 01/11/2007 (2007) Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. Shipped within 24 hours from our UK warehouse. Clean, undamaged book with no damage to pages and minimal wear to the cover. Spine still tight, in very good condition. Remember if you are not happy, you are covered by our 100% money back guarantee. Hodder Children's Books 01/11/2007, 2007. Paperback. Condition: Very Good. Thomas (The Deptford Histories Book Three) Robin Jarvis. Published by MacDonald (1995) Seller: Brit Books, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom Contact seller. Used - Softcover Condition: Used; Good. Quantity available: 1. **Simply Brit** Shipped with Premium postal service within 24 hours from the UK with impressive delivery time. We have dispatched from our book depository; items of good condition to over ten million satisfied customers worldwide. We are committed to providing you with reliable and efficient service at all times. MacDonald, 1995. Paperback. Condition: Used; Good. Thomas by Robin Jarvis. Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the text. Possible ex library copy, will have the markings and stickers associated from the library. Accessories such as CD, codes, toys, may not be included. Chronicle Books, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: GOOD. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: VERY GOOD. Quantity available: 1. Light rubbing wear to cover, spine and page edges. Very minimal writing or notations in margins not affecting the text. Possible clean ex-library copy, with their stickers and or stamp(s). Chronicle Books, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: VERY GOOD. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: VERY GOOD. Quantity available: 1. Light rubbing wear to cover, spine and page edges. Very minimal writing or notations in margins not affecting the text. Possible clean ex-library copy, with their stickers and or stamp(s). Chronicle Books, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: VERY GOOD. Thomas. Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 2. Former Library book. Great condition for a used book! Minimal wear. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Condition: Very Good. 1St Edition. Thomas. Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 2. Former Library book. Shows some signs of wear, and may have some markings on the inside. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Condition: Good. 1St Edition. Thomas. Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. Great condition for a used book! Minimal wear. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Condition: Very Good. 1St Edition. Thomas. Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. Former Library book. Great condition for a used book! Minimal wear. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Condition: Very Good. 1St Edition. Thomas. Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. Shows some signs of wear, and may have some markings on the inside. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Condition: Good. 1St Edition. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. Connecting readers with great books since 1972. Used books may not include companion materials, some shelf wear, may contain highlighting/notes, may not include cdrom or access codes. Customer service is our top priority!. Chronicle Books, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Good. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. A+ Customer service! Satisfaction Guaranteed! Book is in Used-Good condition. Pages and cover are clean and intact. Used items may not include supplementary materials such as CDs or access codes. May show signs of minor shelf wear and contain limited notes and highlighting. Chronicle Books, 2006. Condition: Good. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. Connecting readers with great books since 1972. Used books may not include companion materials, some shelf wear, may contain highlighting/notes, may not include cdrom or access codes. Customer service is our top priority!. Chronicle Books, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Good. Thomas. Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. Pages can have notes/highlighting. Spine may show signs of wear. ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Good. No Jacket. Thomas. Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. Pages can have notes/highlighting. Spine may show signs of wear. ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Good. No Jacket. Thomas. Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Fair. Quantity available: 1. Former library book; Readable copy. Pages may have considerable notes/highlighting. ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Fair. No Jacket. Thomas. Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. May have limited writing in cover pages. Pages are unmarked. ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Very Good. No Jacket. Thomas. Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books LLC (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. Former library book; Pages can have notes/highlighting. Spine may show signs of wear. ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less. Chronicle Books LLC, 2006. Hardcover. Condition: Good. No Jacket. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Robin Jarvis. Published by Chronicle Books. Used - Hardcover Condition: VERY GOOD. Quantity available: 1. Light rubbing wear to cover, spine and page edges. Very minimal writing or notations in margins not affecting the text. Possible clean ex-library copy, with their stickers and or stamp(s). Chronicle Books. Hardcover. Condition: VERY GOOD. Thomas (Deptford Histories) Jarvis, Robin. Published by Hodder Wayland (1995) Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. 0750017457. Hodder Wayland, 1995. PAPERBACK. Condition: Very Good. Thomas (The Deptford Histories Book Three) [Paperback] Robin Jarvis. Jarvis, Robin. Published by Hodder Wayland (1995) Used - Softcover Condition: fine. Quantity available: 1. Thomas (The Deptford Histories Book Three) [Paperback] Robin Jarvis. Hodder Wayland, 1995. Condition: fine. Thomas (The Deptford Histories Book Three) Robin Jarvis. Published by MacDonald (1995) Used - Softcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. All orders are dispatched the following working day from our UK warehouse. Established in 2004, we have over 500,000 books in stock. No quibble refund if not completely satisfied. MacDonald, 1995. Paperback. Condition: Good. Thomas (Deptford Histories) Jarvis, Robin. Published by Hodder Childrens Book (2000) Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. Hodder Childrens Book, 2000. Condition: Very Good. 1620742113. Thomas (The Deptford Histories, Book 3) Jarvis, Robin. Published by Chronicle Books (2006) Used - Hardcover Condition: UsedAcceptable. Quantity available: 1. Chronicle Books, 2006. Condition: UsedAcceptable. book. Thomas (The Deptford Histories Book Three) Robin Jarvis. Published by Macdonald Young Books 01/01/1995 (1995) Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 6. Shipped within 24 hours from our UK warehouse. Clean, undamaged book with no damage to pages and minimal wear to the cover. Spine still tight, in very good condition. Remember if you are not happy, you are covered by our 100% money back guarantee. Macdonald Young Books 01/01/1995, 1995. Condition: Very Good. Deptford Histories, The: Thomas (The Deptford Histories) Robin Jarvis. Published by Hodder Children's Books 01/11/2007 (2007) Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. Shipped within 24 hours from our UK warehouse. Clean, undamaged book with no damage to pages and minimal wear to the cover. Spine still tight, in very good condition. Remember if you are not happy, you are covered by our 100% money back guarantee. Hodder Children's Books 01/11/2007, 2007. Paperback. Condition: Very Good. Thomas (The Deptford Histories Book Three) Robin Jarvis. Published by MacDonald (1995) Seller: Brit Books, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom Contact seller. Used - Softcover Condition: Used; Good. Quantity available: 1. **Simply Brit** Shipped with Premium postal service within 24 hours from the UK with impressive delivery time. We have dispatched from our book depository; items of good condition to over ten million satisfied customers worldwide. We are committed to providing you with reliable and efficient service at all times. MacDonald, 1995. Paperback. Condition: Used; Good.