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• • 566 SCH LONDON COUNTY SUBURBS SCR • SCHOOLA & COLLEGES continued. South Western Commercial College (John Plumstead (girls), Oil mill road, Plumstead St. • Mary's, Green lane, High •beet SWll ; Hammersmith School of Arts & Crafts (John William Poole, principal), 48 South side, S E 18 ; Miss Helen Bartram, mistreBB John Frederick Doe, master; Mills Lavinia Williams, principal), Lime grove Shep Olapham common SW4 Sydenham (girls), High street, Sydenham G ainey, mistress; Miss Elizabeth Tove7 herd's bush W12 Southlands Wesleyan Training Colle~re (for S E 26 ; Miss Crossley, head mistress infants' mistress ' Hampstead School of the KingiAlfred School school mistresses only), & Practising Wandsworth (girls), 92 West hill, Putney St. Peter's, Plough road SWll; Wlllla.m Society (John Russell, M • .A.. head master; Schools (girls & infants), (Miss M. Atkin SW16; Miss Grace L.Fanner,M.A.headmist J ames Ben nett, master Mrs. Nina Spiller, sec.), 22 & 24 Ellerdale son Williams, M.A.. principal ; Miss - road, Hampstead NW3 Harrison,iady superintendent), High street, CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Kennington Secondary School for Girls (Miss Battersea SWll Elementary Schools. • (Jhurch of the Sacred · Trott Annie C. Evers, L.J•. .A.. principal), Halsmere Southlands Wesleyan Training School for Arranged to Metropolitan Boroughs.. Battersea SW11; Peter road, Camberwell S Eo Girls & Infants (MiBif Holgate, girls' master; Sister Josephine, head • Kensingt{)n & Chelsea District School (Henry mistress; Miss Law, infants' mistress), • BATTERSEA. Sister Mary Aquinas, infants' mi"trel:l D. Aslett, clerk to the managers), 241 King Castle street, Battersea SWU . St. J oseph Catholic School for Boys, Btreet, Hammersmith W6 Strand School (R. B. Henderl!On, M• .A.. head COUNTY COUNCIL SCHOOLS. park road SWS; John Barry, lllAita' Latymer Upper School for Boys (Rev. Charles master), Elm park, Brixton hill SW2 Strea.tham College for Girls (Church Schools .Ash bury road S Wll ; Charles Cowland, James Smith, M• .A.. head master), 237 King C.AMBERWJUJ, 8treet, Hammersmith W6 Co. Ltd.) (MiJS .Amy G. Lefroy, head master ; Miss L. Mackay, mistress; Miss • Lewisham Grammar School for Girls (Miss mistress), 2o4 Streatham High road SW16 Elizabeth Runcieman, infants' mistress COUNTY COUNCIL SCHOOJAI. E. M. Ashworth, head mistress), Rushey Streatham Grammar School (Herbert Large, Basnett road, Hanbury road SWll; Harry green SE6 & Hawstead road, Catford SE6 F.R.G.S. head master), 40 Mitcham lane, Erith Baker, master; Miss Laura Sluter, A.dys road, Peckham S El6 ; . X... London College of Divinity (Very Rev. The Streatham SW16 girls' mistress ; Miss Bladwell, infants' master ; Mrs. F, A. Frazer, mwtn.; .Hia Dean of Ca11terbury, D. D. president; Rev. Sydenham & Forest Hill School of Art (F. mistress; cookery centre, Mrs. Jessie Fleming, infants' mistreSII .Albert William Green up, M.A.,D.D.,Litt.D., Jn.Kell, princ.), Vennerrd. SydenhmS E26 Bryant instructress manual training centre Arthur street, Peckham S E16; B. S. Blll'kett_ M.R.A.S. principal; Rev. John Mason University College School, Frognal, Hamp James Gower; mentally defective, Mrs. E. B •.A.. master ; Mrs. Smith, Harden, M.A., B. D., LL.D. vice-principal; stead NW3; Head master, Guy Kendall, Parker, mistress; M. Wright, master _ tress; Miss E. N. Freear, infant.' mistrea Rev. Prebendary E. G. Hodge, M • .A.. pro M.A. ; Masters: Classics & English subjects, Batterbea park road SWll; George H. Neal, Bellenden road, Peckham SE li (higher fessor; Rev. C. H. Titterton, B.D. Rev. J. Meek, M.A., F. W. Felkin, M.A., C. L. R. master ; Mrs. M. Goldsmith, mistress ; Mrs. grade); George Sampson, heai; H. F. Gaster, M. .A.. & Rev, H. G. Harding, Thomas, M.A..& H. E. Hall, !f.A. ; French, .A. Allport, infants' mistress Miss A. Bawden, mistreM; Kate lecturers; Rev. H. Smith, M. A. Rev. W. German & Spanish, G. F. Calvert, B.A., Belleville road SWII & Wakehurst road, Bat Bennett, infants' mistress D. Sykes, M.A. & Rev. H. J. Carpenter,· Bernard Lake, B . .A.., Ph.D.,C.M.Dalrymple, tersea SWll; G. E. Rockett, master; Miss Cator street, Peckham SE1i; W. Q, M.A. tutors), St. John's ll.all, A venell road, M.A., Ph,n., E. H. Falle, M. .A.. & F • .A. A.. E. Coombs, mistress ; Mrs. E, J arman, Umpleby, master; MillS M, B. RiddeD, Highbury No Hedgcock, M. .A.. ; mathematics,a.rithmetio, infants' mistress mistress ; Miss E. M. Gregory,i.D.fant.' ml5 London College of Municipal & Sanitary En physics &c. C. R. Cockma.n, B •.A.., U. H. ~lingbroke road SWll; Thomas Maskell Choumert_road, Peckham S Elfi; W. G. Piper gineering (Nandy Hoskins, principal), 18 Stanley, B.Sc., T. R. Potbury, M.A., G. N. Hardy, master; Miss E. Storey, girls' mis Smith, master ; Miss S. E. mistresa; Nightingale lane, Balham S W12 Pingriff, B.A., B.Sc.,A.. E. Pierpoint, tress; Miss N. H. Watson, infants' mistrss Miss Edith Speight, infanta' London County Council Camberwell School & E. F. Steer; geography, G. Scott Lowe, Elder Deaf Girls, 103 Nightingale lane, Oolls road, Peckham S El6 ; S, 0. Banil, of Arts & Crafts (William B. Dalton, F.R.G.S.; drawing, W. Paddock; director Balham SW12; Miss Hopson, lady supt acting head master ; Miss Ma.rjorie Fruer. A.R.C.A, principal; C. H. Johnson, B •.A.. of physical exercises, J. H. Garrow ; sec Ethelburga street SWU; E. Sharman, head girls' mist. ; Miss Gardiner, infant.' mi•t sec.), Peckham road, Camberwell S Eo retary to the council, T. R. Potbury, M.A..; master ; Mrs. M. Sarll, head mistress; Miss Crawford street SE 5 (higher grade, mixed); London C-ounty Council N orwood Technical consulting physician, Dr. E. Collingwood E.E.Oxford,infants' mistress; MissMorgan, H. Heitefuze, B. se. maat«: Mill A. Institute (William Huntington, B.Sc. prin Andrews; registrar, Miss M. Yuille cookery dept. ; Miss E Keene, laundry dept Dawson, infants' mistrellS cipal), Knight's hill, West Norwood S E27 University College School (preparatory Gideon road S Wll ; J os. B. Dixon, master ; Friern (The Peckham rye S E 22 ; WUJiam I! London County Council Putney School of branch) (Charles Simmons, M.A. head Miss M. S. Jennings, mistress; Miss M. 0 -, master ; MiSII Million Art (John ~wyer, principal), Oxford road, master), Holly hill, Hampstead NW3 Selves, infants' mistress girls' ; Miss Augw~t& 0. Putney SW1o University of London Goldsmiths' College (T. SWll; Charles Cowland, master; infants' mistress London County Council Residential Home & Raymont, M.A. acting warden), Lewisham Miss Elizh. Runcieman, infants' mistress Gloucester road, Peckham S El5; 0.1. (JhaA, &hool for Elder Blind ~ys (Miss Garaway, High road, New Cross SE14 HODeywell road, Battersea SWll; George master ; Mrs. M. E. Dixon, girls' miatre.; supt.), 26 Bolingbroke gro. Battersea swn Victoria Patriotic School for Girls (Mrs. S. Ninnis, head master; Miss Graham, girls' Mrs. M. Ellson, infants' mi1tra11 London County Council School (for mentally Bulwinkle, supt.), 39, 41, 43, 45 & 47 ; Miss Walsh, infants' mistress; Goodrich road, East Dulwich SE22 (higher deficient children), Bravington road, Maida Spencer park, Wandsworth common SW18 coollery centre, Miss Nevin; manual train- grade); G. H. Griffin, head muter; Mill hill W9 Wandsworth Technical Institute· (.A. R. ing centre, Mr. Forth ; laundry centre, A. M. Steele, head mistu. ; lln. B. London County Council School of :Building Gridley, M• .A.. acting principal), SO High Miss Watson Crookes, infants' head mistreu (day & evening), 138 & 140 Ferndale road, street, Wandsworth SW18 Latchmere School, between 469 & 471 Batter Goodrich road, East Dulwich S EU (lpeclal Clapham SW4 Westbury Domestic Arts Resident Traming sea park road SWll; E. S. Cadley, master; I school) ; Miss Mum bray, head mi1trels London School of Clinical Medicine (Charles Dept. (Miss Evelyn Minot, principal), 1 Miss Farmer, girls' mistress; Miss Dom Grove vale, East Dulwieh SEllll; WWiaa Coley Choyce, M.n., B.Sc., F.R.c.s. dean), Nightingale lane, Balham SW12 mett, infants' mistress; Mrs. A. F. Lodge, Curnow, master ; Miss Mary Denalwn, . Seamen's hospital, King William street, Westfield College (University of London) for junior mixed mistress; Miss Perry, infantM' Greenwich S ElO Women Students (Miss A. Richardson, Lavender Hill, Latchmere road SWll; Mrs. Heber road, East Dulwich SE2J; London School of Tropieal Medicine, King principal), Westfield, Kidderpore avenue, Elizabeth Mackintosh, infants' head mis Herbert Brooks, head master ; Hila Kllen • William street, Greenwich S ElO Hampstead NW3 tress; domestic economy, Miss Urie,instruc· Harris, mist. ; Miss Robinson, infants' min .Manresa House (Jesuits' college)(Rev. Charlet< Westmoreland Society's School (James Hamil tress ; manual training centre, Francis Hollydale road, Peckham S El6; H. J • Blount, S.J, rectQr), Roehampton lane, ton, master:. :Mrs. Hamilton, matron), Butcher, head master White,B.A.,B.Sc. master; Mra, B. Richard Roehampton SWlo N orwood road, Herne hill S E 24 Mantua street SWU; Thomas Cooper aon, ; Miss C.Gerard, infanta' miA Hetal Crafts Training Institute Ltd. lB, Wilson's Grammar School (Sir Percival Chaloner, master; Mrs. Smith, girls' mis lvydale road, Nunhead SElfi; W. W. F. Oe Mountgrove road, Highbury N!; Alleyne N airne,chairman ; ThomasHarold tress; Mrs. Price, infants' mistrel:lll; junior oorne, head master ; Mn. Budd, bead mill Paradise House School (Mrs. Mary A. Hill, Knight, M.A. head master),Peckham road, mixed department, Mrs. Bradford tress; Miss A.lice Iselton, infant.' mm.t. prinoipal j AlPX, W. Wright, B,.A.,, LL.B. Oamberwell SE 5 Flough road SWll; Henry Hulland, master; Leipsic road S E5 ; Olaude R • .H. Ggglielmo, head master),Paradise house, Church st N16 Woolwich Polyttcnnic (.A. F. Hogg, M.A., Miss Elizabeth Allart, girls' mistress; master ; Miss Lily m;sta• • Queenswood School Ltd. (Miss Ethel M. Trew, F.c.s.principal),William st.WoolwichS E18 Mrs. Janet Des, infa11ts' mistress Miss Eliza Baylis, infanta' head mistress), King's av. Clapham pk SW4 Xaverian College (conducted by the Xaverian Raywood street SWS; David J.