Kimberly M. Wood* and Elizabeth A. Ritchie The University of

1. INTRODUCTION need to accurately predict both the rate of The southwestern United States is a semi-arid propagation of the trough and the TC track region which receives much of its annual acceleration as it moves into the mid-latitude precipitation during the summer months, most of westerlies. which is associated with the North American In order to better understand how TC remnants monsoon (NAM) (Adams and Comrie 1997; contribute to heavy precipitation events in the Higgins et al. 1997). Specifically, the states of current climate, and eventually their role in a Arizona, New , and get about changing climate, this study focuses on half their yearly rainfall from July to September, analyzing large-scale patterns associated with on average, and most of this precipitation falls TC remnants entering the southwestern U.S. from thunderstorms generated by the moist, Section 2 describes the data and methods used unstable atmospheric conditions associated with in this study, section 3 discusses the climatology the NAM. However, there can be significant of the eastern North Pacific basin, section 4 spatial and temporal variability in the amount of presents the results, and section 5 provides a NAM rainfall occurring in the region both within a summary and conclusions. single season and from year to year (Adams and Comrie 1997).* An additional, irregular source of moisture for the 2. DATA AND METHODS southwestern U.S. during the NAM comes in the Best-track data from the National Hurricane form of (TC) remnants from the Center (NHC) was used to track eastern Pacific eastern North Pacific basin and the Gulf of TCs over the period 1992-2005 approaching the Mexico (Corbosiero et al. 2009; Ritchie et al. southwestern U.S. until the NHC ceased issuing 2010). Most of the TC remnants which enter the advisories on each system. Further tracking southwest U.S. from this basin are advected into was done using 3-hourly GOES visible and the region due to interaction with a mid-latitude infrared satellite imagery until the TC remnant's trough. Though the winds associated with these moisture could no longer be identified. The storms quickly weaken after landfall on the tracks created for each system were then used coastline of Mexico or, rarely, , the to subjectively extract a corresponding rainfall tropical moisture they contain can produce large swath using unified US-Mexico daily gridded amounts of rainfall after interacting with local precipitation analyses from the National Centers topography. However, many factors can change for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). These the behavior of this trough interaction and thus swaths were plotted and examined for overall the resulting pattern and intensity of precipi- emerging patterns. tation, posing an interesting forecast problem. Large-scale conditions for each TC remnant TCs moving northward into the mid-latitudes were examined using 6-hourly, 2.5-degree Euro- often undergo a process called extratropical pean Centre for Medium-range Weather Fore- transition (ET). ET, the process by which a TC's casts (ECMWF) 40-year Reanalysis (ERA-40) energy source shifts from latent heat release in a for cases in the period 1992-1999 and 6-hourly, warm core to baroclinic processes with a cold 1-degree NCEP Final Analysis (FNL) data for core as it moves poleward into the mid-latitude cases in the period 1999-2005. 500 hPa geopo- flow, is a common occurrence in basins which tential heights, 500 and 200 hPa winds, and produce TCs (Jones et al. 2003). However, ET divergence calculated from 200 hPa winds were is difficult to forecast due to its complex nature the main fields used. The composite analyses (Ritchie and Elsberry 2003; 2007) as well as the for each group focused on a turning point for each storm as well as two 24-hour intervals prior * Corresponding author address: Department of Atmospheric to and two 24-hour intervals subsequent to this Sciences, PO Box 210081, 1118 E 4th St, The University of turning point. Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0081. The cases in this 14-year period were first Forty-three TC remnants were identified as separated into rainfall and non-rainfall cate- approaching or crossing into the southwestern gories based on whether or not each TC U.S. over the period 1992-2005. Thirty-five of contributed precipitation to the southwestern these remnants contributed precipitation to the U.S. Each case was then examined using the southwestern U.S. The remaining eight rem- fields outlined above for characteristic large- nants only contributed rainfall to Mexico, but in scale patterns and the way the TC interacted some of these cases cloud cover was advected with the mid-latitude flow. Five groups were over the southwestern U.S. The forty-three rem- identified utilizing both the large-scale patterns nants identified were categorized into five and the precipitation swaths. groups, which will be discussed in the next section.

3. CLIMATOLOGY 4. RESULTS Examining the general circulation in the eastern North Pacific shows that the tropical regions are The large-scale and rainfall patterns associated dominated by the inter-tropical convergence with forty-three TC remnants that crossed into or zone (ITCZ) and the mid-latitudes by upper-level impacted the southwestern U.S. region have troughs. During June and July, these troughs been examined for characteristics that can be generally remain well to the north, but as the used to aid forecasters. We emphasize that season progresses from late summer into there is considerable variability among the cases autumn, they protrude farther south. This in- in terms of the spatial distribution of rainfall creases the chance for an interaction between a across the region. However, to aid in identifying troughs and a northward-moving TC remnant to patterns that will help discriminate this rainfall occur. Also, TC tracks in the eastern North variability, we began by first broadly dividing the Pacific tend to shift from westward to more cases into characteristic remnant tracks and northwestward later in the season as the ridge in rainfall swaths. The large-scale patterns place over the southern U.S. and northern associated with the TC remnants in each broad Mexico retreats eastward. Thus, the likelihood of category were then examined for common TC interaction with mid-latitude troughs im- features that help to explain the shape of the proves as the season progresses. This is rainfall swath. In particular, the presence and reflected in the histogram in Figure 1 where timing or absence of a midlatitude upper-level more TC remnants enter the southwestern U.S. trough has a significant impact on the tracks of later in the season. remnants. These initial groups will be presented first, followed by results from preliminary statis- tical analysis of the 1992-2005 cases. The TC remnants used in this study are listed in Table 1. Out of the five groups identified over the forty- three cases, two of them consist of TC remnants which were advected into the southwestern U.S. due to interaction with a mid-latitude trough, or about half the cases investigated. Average rain swaths for these groups are shown in Figure 2. Group 1 cases, usually occurring in August or September, experience ET farther north and are thus more likely to bring rain to the southwestern U.S. Eleven cases over the 14-year period comprise this group. An example of a group 1 Figure 1. Histogram of the number of TC rem- TC is Hurricane Javier (2004) (not shown), nants that impacted the southwestern U.S. which tracked largely parallel to the Mexican during 1992-2005 by month. Note that the TCs coastline before interacting with a westward- that did not contribute rainfall to the U.S. all pro- moving mid-latitude trough. The rapidly weak- duced rainfall in Mexico. ening TC turned northwestward and was brought over land due to the presence of this trough, and the tropical moisture associated with Javier's remnant contributed to measurable rainfall trough and made landfall as a Category 4 across much of the southwest, including 0.41” in hurricane. Its far-south recurvature and greater Tucson, AZ. intensity at landfall, as well as the strength of the trough interacting with it, contributed to much greater rainfall occurring with this system com- pared with group 1 cases. Cases in groups 3 and 4 differ from TC rem- nants in groups 1 and 2 due to the absence of a trough during most of their lifetimes. Instead, the relative strength of the ridge over the south- ern U.S. and northern Mexico has a large impact on the tracks of these TCs. The average rainfall swaths for these groups are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2. Average rainfall swaths for ET groups: 1 (top) and 2 (bottom). Average 24h track from -48h to 48h superimposed. Group 2 cases, usually occurring in September or October, experience ET farther south and are thus less likely to bring rainfall to the majority of the southwestern U.S., but they tend to produce higher rainfall accumulations due to an average greater intensity prior to ET and an additional influx of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico as the remnants propagate eastward. Ten cases over Figure 3. Average rainfall swaths for groups 3 the 14-year period comprise this group. Two (top) and 4 (bottom). Average 24h track from pairs of cases were identified together in this -48h to 48h superimposed. group due to the difficulty subjectively distinguishing the moisture of one case from the Group 3 cases move northwest parallel to the moisture of another due to the close proximity of Mexican coastline, occasionally turning north the TCs during their lifetimes. An example of a near the U.S., and their rainfall patterns follow group 2 case is Hurricane Kenna (2002) (not this motion. However, these systems typically shown), which continued to intensify after recur- weaken rapidly as they move north of about 35º ving to the northeast due to an upper-level N, either because they are over land or because of the much cooler sea surface and low-level air temperatures. Thus, in most cases rainfall does not extend north or east beyond Arizona. The large-scale flow is generally characterized by a break in the ridge or a ridge retreating eastward. An example of a group 3 case is Hurricane Isis (1998) (not shown) which moved dominantly north before making landfall on the southern tip of Baja California. This TC moved north into a ridge over the western U.S., turning to the north- west after it made landfall. The remnant brought rain to western Mexico, Arizona, Cali-fornia, Figure 4. Time series of temperature (°C) and , and . It was eventually captured precipitation (in.) for the Denver NWS station. by a mid-latitude low propagating eastward. Cross-hatched area denotes the time period for Group 4 cases do not bring rainfall to the south- the passage of Ileana's moisture. western U.S. as they are usually blocked from An example of a group 5 case is Tropical Storm the region by a mid-level ridge usually centered Ignacio (1997) (not shown) which underwent ET over extending far westward over the over open ocean as a weak TC and contributed Pacific Ocean. The flow associated with this to precipitation in both the southwestern and ridge steers the TCs away from land and over northwestern U.S. (Wood and Ritchie 2010). cooler waters, where they dissipate. As a result, the average swath for these TCs parallels the These groupings were created based on subjec- western coast of Mexico but does not reach into tive analysis. Spatial pattern standard devia- the U.S. However, observations have been tions were computed to determine how well made of upper-level moisture from group 4 representative the composite fields were of the cases entering the southwest U.S. in the form of individual TCs in each group (not shown), which cloud cover, which can inhibit normal summer- showed that the standard deviations are fairly time convection and thus rainfall in the region. low up to 0h (the turning point time) and An example of a group 4 TC is Hurricane Ileana increase beyond that (Figure 5). (1994) (not shown) which initially moved parallel to the Mexican coastline before being steered westward by a strong ridge extending north and west of the TC. Measurable rainfall fell along western Mexico in association with the TC's passage, but it contributed no precipitation to the southwestern U.S. Some high-level clouds and moisture from the storm were advected into the region around the ridge, however, which may have inhibited normal summertime convection in some regions, such as Denver, CO (Figure 4). Figure 5. Total standard deviations for 500 hPa The potential for non-rain TC cases to instead geopotential height composites for groups 1-4. prevent precipitation in the southwestern U.S. will be further investigated after the time period To objectively evaluate the robustness of the under study has been expanded to at least subjectively chosen groupings, EOF and REOF twenty years. analysis was performed on the 500 hPa geopo- tential heights and rainfall swaths, respectively. Group 5 cases do not fall into any of the This was done for the entire forty-three case previous four categories. Six of the forty-three data set as well as for two subgroups: the ET TC remnants from 1992-2005 comprise this cases and the ridge cases. The first three 500 group. Many of them appear to have a forked or hPa EOFs (not shown) explained 46%, 21.8%, split precipitation swath, compared with the rela- and 9.3% of the variance respectively. The first tively linear progression of the swaths from the EOF showed a weakening ridge as a strong categorized cases. The large-scale pattern in trough and/or TC approached, while the second place during the lifetime of these TCs is also EOF hinted at the potential role of cut-off lows as abnormal compared with the patterns described opposed to troughs in bringing some of these earlier. remnants into the region. The third EOF repre- sented a weakened ridge and the lack of a (not shown) explained 19.3% of the variance, trough interaction, representing the north- but it better emphasized the northern ET type northwest moving cases. The REOFs for the compared with REOF1. rainfall analysis explained less variance and were less clear in delineating one type of case from another (not shown); this is largely due to 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS the variance within each group's rainfall swaths as well as the differences between each group. This study found forty-three eastern Pacific TC remnants impacting the southwestern U.S. over For comparison, the aforementioned subgroups the 14-year period from 1992 to 2005. Four were also analyzed. The first 500 hPa EOF for major patterns were observed from these TCs. the 18-case ET sub-group is shown in Figure 6, The first group of 11 TCs underwent more where a stronger trough and weaker ridge are northern ET and were more likely to contribute visible. This EOF mode explained 43.7% of the rainfall to the southwestern U.S. during August variance. or September. The second group of 10 TCs underwent more southern ET and were less likely to contribute rainfall to the southwestern U.S., but these late-season TCs tend to produce more rainfall overall due to the combination of more intense systems and additional moisture from the Gulf of Mexico once they cross over Mexico and the south-central U.S. The third group of 8 TCs did not interact with a trough while near the southwestern U.S. but instead followed a more north or northwest motion pattern due to a weakened ridge in place over the southern U.S. and northern Mexico; this pattern tends to bring rain to the coastal and near-coastal western U.S. as the systems drift northward. 6 TCs did not fit into any of these groups, comprising the fifth group for the time being. This study gave an initial analysis of dominant spatial patterns relating to TC remnants impacting the southwestern U.S. with the intent to aid forecasters. Expanding the data set to cover storms over at least 1990-2009 may change the categories from their current state as well as include TCs from group 5, thus improving the aid they can give to forecasters. These groups were fairly consistent within each one as given by the spatial pattern standard deviations, but objective analysis was still needed to support those results. Preliminary Figure 6. 500 hPa EOF1 (top) and rainfall swath findings from EOF and REOF analysis reinforces REOF1 (bottom) for ET subgroup (18 cases). the subjective groupings outlined earlier, but Figure 6 also shows the first REOF for the rain- spatial variability, even within a particular group fall swaths in the ET subgroup. It explains only type, must also be considered when examining 20.5% of the variance, but it clearly demon- these maps. Also, a larger data set will increase strates the variability in the spatial extent and the sample size and improve these preliminary amount of rainfall that can occur even within a results. Once the data set is expanded, which is carefully selected subgroup of cases. It also currently being done, the analyses outlined here leans toward the southern ET type due to the will be repeated, and a correlation analysis greater amounts of rainfall and the more between the 500 hPa geopotential heights and southerly extent of the given pattern. REOF2 the rainfall swaths will also be performed. Group 1 1992 Darby Jul 6-9 6. REFERENCES (11) 1992 Lester Aug 22-26 1993 Hilary Aug 24-30 Adams, D. K., and A. C. Comrie, 1997: The 1994 Hector Aug 7-11 North American monsoon. Bull. Amer. 1998 Frank Aug 7-10 Meteor. Soc., 78, 2197–2213. 1999 Greg Sep 8-13 Corbosiero, K. L., M. J. Dickinson, and L. 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