AAC Physical Education Scope and Sequence The AAC Physical Education curriculum is based on the California standards, which divide learning into two areas: Team sports and Individual sports. Our Project-based Learning approach is supported by units which develop the whole child. This is done not only in the classroom (intellectually and socially) but on the athletic field as well (physically and socially). Through daily Physical Education classes, students learn to play together while developing skills and exercise habits that can be useful throughout their lives.

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11th / 12th Grade / Elective

Futsal Track & Field Health and fitness Swimming - Water polo Basic Skills - Review Basic Skills - Review Personal physical fitness Basic Skills - Review Tactics and Strategies Speed race / shot put goals / Nutrition Tactics and Strategies Badminton Volleyball American Football Basic Skills - Review Basic Skills - Review Basic Skills - Review Basic Skills - Review Tactics and Strategies Tactics and Strategies Tactics and Strategies Tactics and Strategies

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

10th Grade

Soccer American Football Health and fitness Badminton Roles and Positioning. Roles and Positioning. Personal physical fitness Basic skills (Review) Collaborative Strategies - Offense Basic Skills goals / Nutrition 2vs2 Track and Field - Jumping Collaborative Strategies Physical Fitness Plan Tactics and strategies Basic skills Basketball Volleyball Swimming - Water polo Long jump Roles and Positioning. Roles and Positioning. Basic skills (Review) Collaborative Strategies - Collaborative Strategies - Collaborative Strategies - Offense Offense Offense

9th Grade

Soccer Baseball Volleyball Badminton Roles and Positioning. Roles and Positioning. Roles and Positioning. Basic skills (Review) Collaborative Strategies - Basic Skills Collaborative Strategies - 1vs1 Defense Collaborative Strategies Defense Tactics and strategies Track and Field - Running Basketball Health and fitness Swimming - Water polo Basic Skills Roles and Positioning. Personal physical fitness Basic skills Speed race 30m Collaborative Strategies - goals / Nutrition Collaborative Strategies - Speed race 60m Defense Physical Fitness Plan Defense

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

8th Grade

Flag Football Volleyball Basketball Dance Collaborative Strategies. Basic Skills: OverHand Serve. Individual Skills. Square Dance. Roles and Positioning. Roles and Positioning. Roles and Positioning. Dodgeball Soccer Health and fitness Collaborative Strategies. Roles and Positioning. Positioning and Strategies. Individual personal physical Double Badminton Collaborative Strategies. Collaborative Strategies. fitness goals. Basics Collaborative Skills. Physical Fitness Plan Double Competition. development using the FITT in collaboration with the teacher. Fitness Room Learning Area. 7th Grade

Kickball Health and fitness Badminton Soccer Basic Individual Skills. 5 Fitness Components. Advanced Individual Skills. Advanced Individual Skills. Scoring System. FITT Principles. Dual Competition. Roles and Strategies. Rules and Concept of the game. Healthy LifeStyle. Dance Rules and Concept of the Flag Football Volleyball MultiCultural Dance. game. Basic Individual Skills. Basic Volleyball Skills Basketball Scoring System. Teamwork Philosophy Basic Individual Skills. Rules and Concept of the game. Rules and Concept of the game.

6th Grade

Games for inclusion Soccer Dance Volleyball Pre-sport games Basic skills:passing/ball Line & folk dance Basic skills: Health and fitness conduct/shooting Dodgeball Serve/Bump Introduction / Basic Skills Basketball Basic skills: throwing/ Badminton Nutrition Basic skills: passing / / dodging / catching Introduction to badminton shooting Basic individual skills

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

5th Grade

Fitness Unit Creative Movements Team Sports Unit 1 Team Sports Unit 2

Basketball Flag Football Perform a rhythmic, low-impact, Rolling (Floor) aerobic warm-up. Melt and Roll (Apparatus) Passing and Shot Throw and Catch Note that their heart is strong and Stretch and Balance (Floor) Pass and Catch a Hook Pass rapid after a high-energy activity. Stretch and Balance basketball Squaring Right and Left properly stretch all muscle (Apparatus) Perform the layup shot Handoff Use of Flags groups. Fast and Slow (Floor) Dribbling Playing Game Raise their heart rate as they Fast and Slow (Apparatus) Shooting Working as a Team exert more effort. Pull and Push (Floor) Learn Guarding techniques perform a vigorous activity that Pull and Push (Apparatus) Rebounding Team Handball can be sustained. Connecting Moves Defense Measure their heart rate after it On and Off with Flow Fouls Overarm throw speeds up. Levels Soccer Catch Increase their aerobic routine to Final Floor Routine Dribble, Pass, and Trap Rolling the Ball include a warm-up, moderate Straight on Tackle and Volleying with arms, torso, activity, vigorous activity, Body Trap and knees abdominal stretch work, and Knee Trap and Knee Pat-down dribble Dance Units stretching. Volley take pulse reading after warm-up Heading Volleyball and vigorous part of routine. Walk,Run,Schottische Diving Offense and Perform aerobic routine. Line Dance, Circle with Partners Defense Bump Pass Work in their target heart zone for Partnering and Mixers Putting a Ball back into Underhand Serve at least 15 minutes. Polka Play The Set Complete at least 30 minutes of Grand Right and Left Outlet and Inlet Passes Playing the Game activity without pause. Cast-off and Reel Receiving Serves Perform beginner aerobic dance Review and Dance Rotation Order routine. Dancing Assessment Measure their recovery.

4th Grade

Learning Experiences in Learning Experiences in Learning Experiences in Learning Experiences in Games Games 2 Gymnastics Dance Rules in PE, Expectations and Community Agreements. Overhand volley pass. Creating and Performing Combining Weight and ​ Spiral football pass. Throwing and catching deck Matching Sequences. Time Qualities. Forehand strike Tennis rings Muscle Tension and Refining the Five Basic Lead passes, offense and Offensive and Defensive Extension of Jump. defense. repositioning. Non-supporting Body Group Shapes and Developing defensive Parts. Movement Sequences. relationship in baseball. Developing Phrases With a Combining the Effort Partner. Qualities of Space. Developing Partner The Polka Step. Sequences.

3rd Grade

Learning Experiences in Learning Experiences in Learning Experiences in Learning Experiences in Games 1 Games 2 Gymnastics Dance

Rules in PE, Expectations and Forearm pass Rolling, Stepping , and Symmetry and Asymmetry. Community Agreements. Unilateral throw and Movements of Flight. Moving Alone and with Throwing lead passes. one-handed catch Relationship of the Feet Pair. Striking a ball with a paddle. Throwing and fielding With Weight on Hands Meeting and Separating . Kicking lead passes Cartwheels and Roundoffs. Creating Group Shapes at on Hands and Different Levels. Feet, Mounting and Designing Phrases and Dismounting. Making Curves Pathways. Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Shapes.

2nd Grade

Learning Experiences in Learning Experiences in Learning Experiences in Learning Experiences in Games 1 Games 2 Gymnastics Dance

Rules in PE, Expectations and Throwing and catching fly balls Changing Levels, Stepping to a Metric Community Agreements. and grounders. Directions, and Supporting Rhythm. Dribbling and passing the ball in Bouncing a ball forcefully and Body Parts While Traveling Rising, Sinking, Changing different directions with feet. travelling under or over it at a Backward Roll Directions and Pathways. Reaching to catch while keeping different level. Balancing, Rolling, and Creating Dance Phrases one foot stationary. Punting and kicking a ball high Step-Like Actions. with Locomotor and Dribbling a large ball with either and far. Making Body Shapes On Non-Locomotor hand while traveling in different Batting a ball off tee and fielding and Off Apparatus. Movements. directions. grounders. Step-Like Actions of the Relationships among Body Tapping a bouncing ball with the Hands and Feet Parts. dominant hand. Standards in Dance.

1st Grade

Learning Experiences in Learning Experiences in Learning Experiences in Learning Experiences in Games 1 Games 2 Gymnastics Dance

Rules in PE, Expectations and Tapping a bouncing ball with the Forward Roll. Making Shapes in our Community Agreements. hand(s). Traveling on Different Body body. Dribbling, Passing, Stopping a Dribbling with either hand, Parts. Traveling, Turning, and ball with the feet. changing directions, and Rolling and Weight on Body Shapes. Develop a forceful overhand stopping. Hands. Skipping, Pausing, and throw with a ball. Sharing self-selected throwing, Jumping Landing and Changing Body Shapes Traveling and stretching to catch striking, and kicking activities Rolling. and Levels. a ball. with others. Traveling Into and Out of Body Shapes and Passing and trapping a soccer Balance. Movement through Space. ball. Traveling, Pausing, and Changing Speed.

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4


Body Parts Space Awareness Throwing overhand : Basketball Dancing using body parts General Space Throwing a beanbag Shooting Identify body parts Changing Directions Throwing a small ball Dribbling ​ Balance : Personal Space Throwing big ball Running Balance beanbags in their body Jumping: Throwing an object Running Skills parts. Jumping skills Throwing Underhand : Running Games Balance a tennis ball on the Jumping with jumping ball Throwing a beanbag rocket . Jumping with a jumping bag Throwing a small ball Balance on one Foot Jumping the obstacles Throwing big ball Jumping rope Throwing an object observing the force with body Catching : Catching a beanbag Catching a ball Throw a ball underhand into the air and catch it