Mcralji Between the Films
a Supttittg Ikralii MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1974 — VOL. XCIH, No. Mancke$ter--A CUy o f Village Charm THIRTY-TWO PAGES - TWO SECTIONS PR,CE. FIFTEEN C CENTS Weicker Says Watergate Beats GOP Lalibertes Win $100,000 PRINCETON, N.J. (UPI) - “ We’re still shaking and I Sen. Lowell P. Weicker, R- don’t know when w.e’ll get over Conn., says Republicans should it. Nothing like this ever “ speak out" on Watergate to happened before in our lives.” avoid defeats such as Uie one So spoke Mrs. Ann Laliberte suffered by James Sparling Jr., of Manchester today. She and In Michigan’s special con her husband, Rosario, won gressional election. 1100,000 in the State Lottery, in Weicker said Sparling, a a drawing held at the new Republican unseated by Bob Howard Johnson Ballroom in Traxler Tuesday in a campaign Windsor Locks. ; I- in which the Democrat made They recieved a 810,000 check Watergate an issue, had been on the spot from State Comp very popular and was an troller Nathan Agostinelli and excellent congressman. He said will receive 110,000 a year for there -was no resentment the next nine years. toward Sparling by voters in his Mrs. Laliberte, who works at district. Pioneer Parachute in The defeat was “actually Manchester said, “We just worse than it looks,” because E # < Traxler had a poor attendance record in the Michigan state Today’s Winner legislature, said Weicker, a 85090 member of the Senate Watergate committee. jumped up in joy and disbelief "If Republicans want to be when we heard our number wishy - washy about Watergate called.” She is 51.
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