Leiif Nttm Ufraln the Weather Thieu Demands Reds Withdraw
S*4 V S PAGE TWE!NTY-TWO- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mandwrter. Conn., Thun.. Nov. 9.1972 Coventry Party Lever The Weather About Town Elimination Proposed Cloudy tonl^t with a 20 per Members of Manchester Washington LofL will m e e t cent chance of rain, low in the Bus Drivers lEiif nttm UfralN u |^ r 30s. Saturday, rain likely, Benjamin Named Barracks of World War I Friday at 8 p.m. in Orahfe Hall. See Page 15 Veterans and its Auxiliary wiU high around 50. M n. George S. Johnson Lutheran Church of Rockville, meet Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at Mrs. Elaine Tajilbr Johnson, of which he was a member. Plan To Strike To Draft Board the American Legion Home to MANCHESTER. CONN., F1UDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1972 VOL. XCH, No. 35 MANCHESTER — A City of Village Charm 79, of 45 Bigelow St., died this Survivors are a brother, Otto take part in the parade going to Read TWENTY-FOUR PAGES-TWOSECnONS PIUCEFIFTEENCBNIV morning at Manchester Irmischer, two sisters, Mrs. Leonard Benjamin, 31, of the hospital for Veterans’ Day Bfemorlal Hospital. Herman Tauscher and Mrs. HARTFORD (AP) — Daily riders of Connecticut Co. Northflelds Rd. has been ap traditional memorial service. Herald Ads Bom in Hillsboro, N.H., Dec. Harry Colby, all ofw. Easthamp<- buses have 15 days left to find other ways to get where pointed to the Tolland County 15, 18M, she was a resident of ton, Mass.; and several nieces \th e y ’re going, according to John Thomps<Hi, negotiator for draft board. Local 21, Manchester over 50 years.
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