Natural Stilbenoids Isolated from Grapevine Exhibiting Inhibitory Effects Against HIV-1 Integrase and Eukaryote MOS1 Transposase in Vitro Activities
Natural Stilbenoids Isolated from Grapevine Exhibiting Inhibitory Effects against HIV-1 Integrase and Eukaryote MOS1 Transposase In Vitro Activities Aude Pflieger1., Pierre Waffo Teguo2., Yorgos Papastamoulis2., Ste´phane Chaignepain3, Frederic Subra4, Soundasse Munir4, Olivier Delelis4, Paul Lesbats1,5¤, Christina Calmels6, Marie-Line Andreola6, Jean-Michel Merillon2, Corinne Auge-Gouillou1, Vincent Parissi6* 1 Universite´ Franc¸ois Rabelais de Tours, EA 6306, UFR Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Parc Grandmont, Tours, France, 2 Groupe d’Etude des Substances Ve´ge´tales a` Activite´ Biologique, EA 3675 - UFR Pharmacie, Universite´ Bordeaux Segalen, Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin (ISVV), Bordeaux, France, 3 Plateforme Prote´ome - Centre Ge´nomique Fonctionnelle, UMR 5248 CBMN, Universite´ Bordeaux Segalen, Bordeaux France, 4 LBPA, CNRS, Ecole Normale Supe´rieure-Cachan, France, 5 Cancer Research UK, London Research Institute, Clare Hall Laboratories, Potters Bar, United Kingdom, 6 Laboratoire MFP, UMR 5234-CNRS, Universite´ Bordeaux Segalen, Bordeaux, France Abstract Polynucleotidyl transferases are enzymes involved in several DNA mobility mechanisms in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Some of them such as retroviral integrases are crucial for pathogenous processes and are therefore good candidates for therapeutic approaches. To identify new therapeutic compounds and new tools for investigating the common functional features of these proteins, we addressed the inhibition properties of natural stilbenoids deriving from resveratrol on two models: the HIV-1 integrase and the eukaryote MOS-1 transposase. Two resveratrol dimers, leachianol F and G, were isolated for the first time in Vitis along with fourteen known stilbenoids: E-resveratrol, E-piceid, E-pterostilbene, E-piceatannol, (+)-E-e- viniferin, E-e-viniferinglucoside, E-scirpusin A, quadragularin A, ampelopsin A, pallidol, E-miyabenol C, E-vitisin B, hopeaphenol, and isohopeaphenol and were purified from stalks of Vitis vinifera (Vitaceae), and moracin M from stem bark of Milliciaexelsa (Moraceae).
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