15 September 2008 Manager Companies ASX Limited 20 Bridge Street SYDNEY NSW 200 Dear Sir INDEPENDENT EXPERT'S REPORT Attached herewith for immediate release to the market is the Independent Expert’s Report of Grant Samuel dated 15 September 2008. The report will be available today on the Origin Energy website on: www.originenergy.com.au/media/newsroom. Printed copies of the report may be requested by contacting our shareholder information line 1800 647 819. Yours faithfully Bill Hundy Company Secretary 02 8345 5467 -
[email protected] For personal use only Origin Energy Limited ABN 30 000 051 696 • Level 45, Australia Square, 264-278 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 5376, Sydney NSW 2001 • Telephone (02) 8345 5000 • Facsimile (02) 9252 9244 • www.originenergy.com.au GRANT SAMUEL & ASSOCIATES LEVEL 19 GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER 1 FARRER PLACE SYDNEY NSW 2000 GPO BOX 4301 SYDNEY NSW 2001 15 September 2008 T: +61 2 9324 4211 / F: +61 2 9324 4301 www.grantsamuel.com.au The Directors Origin Energy Limited Level 45, Australia Square 264-278 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Dear Directors ConocoPhillips Proposal 1 Introduction On 8 September 2008, Origin Energy Limited (“Origin”) announced that it had entered conditional agreements with a wholly owned subsidiary of ConocoPhillips (“ConocoPhillips”) to create an incorporated 50/50 joint venture (“JV”) to develop Origin’s coal seam gas (“CSG”) assets and a gas liquefaction facility (“the ConocoPhillips Proposal”). The key features of the ConocoPhillips Proposal are: ConocoPhillips will subscribe for new partly paid shares in Origin Energy CSG Limited (“OECSG”) which will comprise 50% of the enlarged share capital.