Coexistence in the Middle East (SPME209 / 48779)

Topics and Schedule of Classes and Study Visits*

July 3 - : Opening Session 19:30 Opening Session and introduction at RIS classroom (CR) 211 21:00 Group Activity

July 5 - Jerusalem: The Center of Three Monotheistic Religions 6:45 Departure 7:30 Tour of Holy places for Islam, and Christianity in Jerusalem led by Ophir Yarden, Director, Center for Interreligious Encounter with , ICCI 14:00 Meeting with Shmuel Rabinovitch, of the and the Holy Sites of Israel 15:20 Visit to the Western Wall Tunnels 17:30 Meeting with Father Athanasius, Franciscan Order in Jerusalem at the Monastery of St. Saviour

July 8 - Nationalism and the Creation of the State of Israel 8:00 Departure Visit to Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial 12:30 Return to Mt. Scopus 13:30"Two Narratives in one land, The Zionist and the Palestinian narrative", (RIS CR 300): Gershon Baskin Founder of the Israel-Palestinian Center for Research Hanna Siniora, Member of the Palestinian National Council (PNC) 15:30 "The Arab Spring and its repercussions in Egypt & the Middle East" Diaa Hammad, First Secretary, Political Department, Embassy of Egypt in Israel

July 12 - Status Quo and Security Barrier- Arab Population and Islam 7:30 Departure 9:30 Visit to Jewish Settlements of Ariel and Barkan in the West Bank Encounter with members of the Council of Jewish Communities of the West Bank. 14:30 Visit to Islamic College at Baka El Gharbiyeh 17:30 Meeting with Kadi Iyad Zahalka at Kfar Kara, Muslim judge of the Shar'i Court in Jerusalem

July 15 - Israel, the Middle East and the International Community 8:00 Departure 9:00 Visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Political Meeting with Paul Hirshon Deputy Spokesperson of the MFA: "Regional analysis after the Arab Spring" "Iran's nuclear project and the threat to Israel, the Middle East and the World" "Israeli – Palestinian relations" 14:00 Panel by young politicians from Knesset parties (RIS CR 311)

July 19 - Hezbollah and Iran’s Influence in Lebanon 7:30 Departure Tour with "Beit Hageffen": coexistence in Haifa between Arabs and Jews. Meeting with Yael Fenster, from the Tel-Chai College. Meeting with former Kirat-Shmona Mayor Haim Barbibai, Tour along the border between Israel and Lebanon Overnight at Kibbutz Hakuk

Jul 20 - Syria, the Golan Heights and the Galilee 7:30 Departure The Golan Heights and their military and strategic importance, with Erez-Landau Visit to Mount Bental, key site in Yom Kippur war and observation point to Syria Visit to holy places in the Galilee Visit to Nazareth and the Basilica of the Annunciation

July 22 - The Peace Process: Proposals and Prospects. 8:30 Departure 9:00 Political tour of Jerusalem: Peace Process -proposals and challenges Col. (Res.) Dany Tirza PhD. Former territorial and borders advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert 13:30 Lecture by Saman Khoury, General Manager, the Peace and Democracy Forum in East Jerusalem (RIS CR 311).

July 26 - Hamas and Gaza’s Disengagement 7:30 Departure Visit to Sapir College, meeting with Dr. Ruth Eitan. Visit to the city of Sderot. Visit to observation point to Gaza Strip Overnight at Kfar Hanokdim, Bedouin Tent, explanation about Bedouin life and tradition

July 27 - Peace with Jordan, Masada and the Dead Sea 4:00 Climbing to Masada. Observation of the sunrise over the Judean Desert, the Dead Sea and Jordan. "Jewish–Roman War the begging of the Jewish Diaspora" Tour of the Fortress and archeological site by Erez Landau Ride on Camels in the Judean Desert "Border with Jordan -Peace and relations" by Erez Landau Visit and swim in the Dead Sea

July 29- Examples of Dialogue and Coexistence Projects 8:30 Departure 9:00 Meeting with Ronnie Edri initiator of the online campaign "Iranians we love you" 10:30 Encounter with members of the Parents Circle - Families Forum (PCFF) is a grassroots organization of bereaved Palestinians and Israelis. Conclusions Evaluation and feedback

July 30 – Final Exam 10:00-12:00 Final Exam (RIS CR 306)

Closing Session 19:30-21:30 Closing Session (RIS room 211)

*This itinerary is tentative and subject to changes. For more information please refer to: