Coordination of Components with BIP: Application to OSGi

Simon Bliudze Anastasia Mavridou Radoslaw Szymanek Rigorous System Design Rigorous System Design Crossing-Tech S.A. Laboratory EPFL Laboratory EPFL 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland radoslaw.szymanek@crossing- Alina Zolotukhina Rigorous System Design Laboratory EPFL 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION Coordinating component behaviour and access to resources When building large concurrent systems, one of the key is among the key difficulties of building large concurrent sys- difficulties lies in coordinating component behaviour and, in tems. To address this, developers must be able to manipu- particular, concurrent access to resources. Native mecha- late high-level concepts, such as Finite State Machines and nisms such as, for instance, locks, semaphores and monitors separate functional and coordination aspects of the system allow developers to address these issues. However, such so- behaviour. OSGi associates to each bundle a state machine lutions are complex to design, debug and maintain. Indeed, representing the bundle’s lifecycle. However, once the bun- coordination primitives are mixed up with the functional dle has been started, it remains in the state Active— the code, forcing developers to keep in mind both aspects simul- functional states are not represented. Therefore, this mech- taneously. Finally, in concurrent environments, it is difficult anism is not sufficient for coordination of active components. to envision all possible execution scenarios, making it hard In this paper, we present a methodology for functional to avoid common problems such as race conditions. component coordination in OSGi by using BIP coordination The coordination problem above calls for a solution that mechanisms. BIP allows us to clearly separate the system- would allow developers to think on a higher abstraction level, wide coordination policies from the component behaviour separating functional and coordination aspects of the system and the interface that components expose for interaction. behaviour. For instance, one such solution is the AKKA li- By using BIP, we show how the allowed global states and brary [15] implementing the Actor model. An actor is a state transitions of the modular system can be taken into component that communicates with other components by account in a non-invasive manner and without any impact sending and receiving . Actors process messages on the technology stack within an OSGi container. atomically. The state of an actor cannot be directly ac- cessed by other actors, avoiding such common problems as Categories and Subject Descriptors data races. However, component coordination and resource management are still difficult. Fairly complex message ex- D.2.1 [Software Engineering]: Requirements/Specifications— change protocols have to be designed, which are spread out Methodologies; D.2.2 [Software Engineering]: Design Tools across multiple actors. Any modification of the coordination and Techniques—Modules and interfaces, State diagrams policy calls for corresponding modifications in the behaviour of several actors, potentially leading to cascading effects and General Terms rendering the entire process highly error-prone. Our approach relies on the observation that the behaviour Design, Reliability of a component can be represented as a Finite State Machine (FSM). An FSM has a finite set of states and a finite set of Keywords transitions between these states. Transitions are associated BIP, OSGi, Component coordination, Concurrency to functions, which can be called to force a component to take an action or to react to external events coming from the environment. Such states and transitions usually have intu- itive meaning for the developer. Hence, representing com- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for ponents as FSMs is a good level of abstraction for reasoning personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are about their behaviour. In our approach, the primitive coor- not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies dination mechanism is the synchronisation of transitions of bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to several components. This mechanism gives the developers a republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific powerful and flexible tool to manage component coordina- permission and/or a fee. MiSE ’14, June 2 - June 3, 2014, Hyderabad, India tion. This allows a clear separation between the component Copyright 14 ACM 978-1-4503-2849-4/14/06 ...$15.00. provide classes and services that can be used by other bun- dles. A service is defined by the Java interface it implements. A state machine representing the bundle’s lifecycle (Figure 1) is associated to each bundle. A bundle can be in one of the states Installed, Resolved, Active, etc. However, once the bundle is started, it remains in the state Active— the func- tional states are not represented. Hence, this mechanism is not applicable for coordination of active components.

Figure 1: Bundle lifecycle in OSGi. 2.2 The BIP framework BIP [6] is a component framework encompassing rigor- ous system design. In BIP, systems are constructed by su- behaviour and system-wide coordination policies. perposing three layers of modelling: Behaviour, Interaction, For coordination scenarios that require a global state in- and Priority. Behaviour consists of a set of components formation, dedicated monitor components can be added in modelled by FSMs that have transitions labelled with ports. straightforward manner. This allows to centralise all the in- Ports form the interface of a component and are used to formation related to the coordination in one single location, define interactions with other components. instead of distributing it across the components. Further- The second layer models interaction between components. more, it considerably simplifies the system maintenance and Interaction models define allowed synchronization between improves reusability of components. Indeed, components do components and can be represented in many equivalent ways. not carry coordination logic based on the characteristics of Among these are the Algebra of Connectors [10] and boolean any specific execution environment. formulæ on variables representing port participation in in- An observable trend in software engineering is that de- teractions [11]. Connectors are most appropriate for graph- sign becomes more and more declarative. Developers pro- ical design and interaction representation, whereas boolean vide specifications of what must be achieved, rather than formulæ are most appropriate for manipulation and efficient how this must be achieved. These specifications are then encoding. When several interactions are possible, priorities interpreted by the corresponding engines, which generate — can be used as a filter. Interaction and Priority layers are often on the fly — the corresponding software entities. Thus, collectively called glue. In this paper, we only consider in- it is not always possible to instrument or even access the ac- teraction models and leave priorities for future work. tual source code. Furthermore, it is usually not desirable The BIP framework comprises a language and an associ- to modify such code, since this can lead to a considerable ated tool-set supporting the Rigorous Design Flow [6]. The increase of the maintenance costs. Our approach is based on BIP language allows building complex systems by specify- a non-invasive mechanism relying, for the interaction with ing the coordination between a set of atomic components. the controlled components, on existing API. The execution of a BIP system is driven by the BIP Engine We present a methodology for functional component co- applying the following protocol in a cyclic manner: ordination by using BIP coordination mechanism and its implementation based on OSGi that: 1. Upon reaching a state, each component notifies the BIP Engine about the possible outgoing transitions; • allows clear separation between component behaviour and system-wide coordination policies; 2. The BIP Engine picks one interaction satisfying the glue specification and notifies the involved components; • improves component usability and simplifies system maintenance; 3. The notified components execute the functions associ- ated to the corresponding transitions. • does not require access to the source code. Our work is based on implementing functional component The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides coordination by using the BIP coordination mechanisms. background information about OSGi and BIP. Section 3 However, the BIP language and tools mentioned above are presents the models of the Camel routes use case. Section 4 not used in this approach. shows how the proposed methodology is applied in practice. Section 5 describes the implemented software architecture. Section 6 discusses related work and Section 7 concludes the 3. CAMEL ROUTES USE CASE paper. Using BIP allows taking into consideration the structure of the controlled software and the coordination constraints 2. BACKGROUND imposed by the safety properties. BIP coordination exten- sion for OSGi has been implemented and tested in Con- 2.1 The OSGi standard nectivity FactoryTM1, the flagship product of Crossing-Tech S.A. The main use-case consists in managing memory us- OSGi defines an architecture for developing and deploying age by a set of Camel routes2. A Camel route connects a modular applications [18], which are assembled from multi- number of data sources to transfer data among them. Data ple components, called bundles. Bundles are comprised of can be fairly large, may require additional processing and Java classes and resources. OSGi controls the lifecycle of thus, routes share and compete for memory. Without addi- a bundle, its installation, starting, stopping, updating and tional coordination, simultaneous execution of several Camel deinstallation, on the fly without the need to restart the system. Furthermore, OSGi manages the resolution of bun- 1 dle dependencies, versioning and classpath control. Bundles 2 sitions. Each transition has a function and an associated port. One port can be associated to several transitions. The firing of a single transition happens as follows: 1. The transition is checked for enabledness: a transition is enabled when it has no guard or when its guard eval- uates to true. Only enabled transitions can be fired; 2. The function associated with the transition is called; (a) Camel Route (b) Switchable Route 3. The current state of the FSM is updated. We define three types of transitions: internal, spontaneous and enforceable. Internal transitions represent computations independent of the environment and are used to make the component models more concise; when enabled, they are executed immediately. Spontaneous transitions represent (c) Monitor changes in the environment that affect the component be- haviour but are not controlled. Enforceable transitions rep- Figure 2: Examples of component models. resent the controllable behaviour of the component. To en- sure execution determinism, at most one internal transition can be enabled at any execution step. The type of a transi- routes can lead to OutOfMemory exceptions, even when each tion is inferred from the type of the port associated to it. route has been tested and sized appropriately on its own. Transitions of different types are illustrated in Figure 2(b). For the sake of simplicity, we assume that all active routes Firing the enforceable transition off takes the route into consume the same amount of memory. Thus, it is sufficient state wait, from which two transitions are possible, both to ensure that the number of active routes does not exceed leading to the state done. The internal transition can be a given threshold. taken if the route has finished processing the files (the asso- We have designed BIP models for Camel routes, using ciated guard g is satisfied). Otherwise, the component waits the suspend and resume functions provided by the Camel for the notification of the spontaneous event end. Engine API. By introducing an additional Monitor compo- In our implementation, the execution of transitions is con- nent, we limit the number of routes running simultaneously trolled and managed by a BIP Executor object, while the to ensure that the available memory is sufficient for the safe synchronisation between components is orchestrated by a functioning of the system. dedicated BIP Engine. BIP Executor maintains a queue of The model of a Camel route is shown in Figure 2(a). It notifications corresponding to spontaneous transitions and has four states: suspended, ready, working and finishing. cyclically executes the following two steps: first, all transi- The route has transitions begin and end between the states tions from the current state are checked for enabledness; and ready and working, corresponding to processing a file. The second, one transition is picked for execution. Transition route can be turned off through the off transition. Figure choice depends on its type (in order of decreasing priority): 2(b) presents a different model of the route. It is obtained 1. If an internal transition is enabled, it is fired. by merging the ready and working states together (the on state), and by splitting the finishing state into two: wait 2. If a spontaneous transition is enabled and a corre- and done. We use notification policies provided by Camel sponding notification is available in the queue, this to observe spontaneous modifications of the route states. spontaneous transition is fired. If there are no noti- This differentiates the types of transitions used in the model, fications in the queue corresponding to enabled spon- which is further explained in the next section. taneous transitions and no enforceable transitions are In Figure 2(c) the model of the Monitor is presented. It enabled, the component waits for the first notification has three states that correspond to the number of simultane- of one of the enabled spontaneous transitions. ously active Switchable routes, which is limited to two. This 3. If enforceable transitions are enabled, the Executor in- is achieved by enforcing, for each route, the synchronisation forms the Engine about the current state and the en- between its port on (respectively finished) and the port abled ports (i.e. which transitions can be performed). add (respectively rm) of the Monitor through the use of BIP The Executor then waits for a response from the En- connectors. It is worth noticing that Monitor components gine indicating the port to execute. Upon receiving carry only coordination logic but do not contain any func- this response, it performs the corresponding transition. tional code. To reuse the Monitor component for a larger number of routes, the model has to be extended with more When a spontaneous and an enforceable transition are states. Next section presents how the component models enabled simultaneously, but a notification corresponding to and their coordination constraints can be specified. the former has not been received yet, the BIP Executor an- nounces the latter to the BIP Engine. Even if a notification 4. DESIGN METHODOLOGY arrives, it will not be processed until the next cycle. 4.2 Design steps 4.1 Component model In our approach the developer does not need to access A component is represented by an FSM extended with or modify existing source code. Designers provide specifi- ports. The FSM is specified by its states and guarded tran- cations as separate files and are responsible for enforcing ... @bipComponentType(initial = "off", @bipTransitions({ name = "SwitchableRoute") @bipTransition(name = "add", source = "0", @bipPorts({ @bipPort(name = "end", type = "spontaneous"), target = "1", guard = ""), @bipPort(name = "on", type = "enforceable"), @bipTransition(name = "add", source = "1", @bipPort(name = "off", type = "enforceable"), target = "2", guard = "")}) @bipPort(name = "finished", public void addRoute() {routeCounter++;} type = "enforceable")}) ... public class SwitchableRoute { ... @bipTransition(name = "end", source = "wait", Figure 4: Annotations for the Monitor. target = "done", guard = "!g") public void spontaneousEnd() {/* method body */}

@bipTransition(name = "finished", source = "done", target = "off", guard = "") public void finishedTransition() {/* method body */}

@bipGuard(name = "g") public boolean isFinished() {/* method body */} ...}

Figure 3: Annotations for the Switchable Route. their validity. However, our tools log an exception when a non-valid specification is detected at runtime. The design process involves two steps: first, defining the Figure 5: Interaction constraints. behaviour for each component; and second, specifying their interaction constraints. transition guard. The method must return a boolean value. 4.2.1 Specification of component behaviour This annotation has one field: guard name. An FSM extended with ports, as presented in Section 4.1, @bipTransition — associated to a transition handler me- is provided as an instance of a Java class implementing the thod with four fields: port name labelling the transition, dedicated Behaviour interface, which is used by the Execu- source state, target state and guard, a boolean expression tor and the Engine and provides access to the information on the names of the guards (true if omitted). The guard ex- about states, ports, transitions and guards of the FSM. pressions can be specified using parenthesis and basic logical Developers need to provide the following: the name of the operators. Only ports defined by the @bipPort annotation component; the list of all states and the initial state; the list can be used as transition names. of ports; the list of transitions with corresponding guards; and a reference to the object implementing the methods as- 4.2.2 Specification of interaction constraints sociated to guards and transitions of the component. To define the interaction model, the developer specifies the There are two different ways to provide this information. interaction constraints of each component. An interaction One way is to build such objects from specification anno- constraint can be provided for each port of a system. Two tations. Annotations are syntactic metadata associated to types of constraints are used to define allowed interactions: parameters, fields, methods or class declarations. Annota- Causal constraints (Require): used to specify ports tions in a BIP Specification are processed by the BIP Ex- of other components that are necessary for any interaction ecutor, which we have developed as part of our library, to involving the port to which the constraint is associated. construct a corresponding Behaviour object representing the Acceptance constraints (Accept): used to define op- FSM. For specifying larger components, where annotations tional ports of other components that are accepted in the become impractical, we have defined a Behaviour API, which interactions involving the port to which the constraint is allows developers to construct a Behaviour object in a pro- associated. grammatical manner. For example, the constraint SwitchableRoute.on Require Figures 3 and 4 partly present the annotated Java classes Monitor.add forces the port on of any component of type for the components of Figures 2(b) and 2(c) respectively. SwitchableRoute to synchronise with a port add of some We have defined the following annotations: component of type Monitor. Furthermore, the constraint @bipComponentType — associated to a BIP component SwitchableRoute.on Accept Monitor.add specifies that no specification class. It has two fields: name of the component other ports are allowed to participate in the same interac- type, and initial state. tion. In the current implementation interaction constraints @bipPort — associated to a BIP component specification are given in an XML file (cf. Figure 5). class. It has two fields: port name, and port type which can be “spontaneous” or “enforceable”, specifying the type of the transitions. The internal transitions are defined by omitting 5. IMPLEMENTATION their name. We use an additional @bipPorts annotation to The software architecture of the proposed framework is specify several instances of the @bipPort annotation. shown in Figure 6. The architecture consists of two major @bipGuard — associated to a method that computes a parts: the part that involves the components to control (on ********************* Inform ********************* Component: switchableRoute395 is at state: done Component: switchableRoute393 is at state: off Component: switchableRoute394 is at state: done Component: monitor396 is at state: 2 ********************* Engine ********************* ChosenInteraction: Component: switchableRoute395 with port: finished Component: monitor396 with port: rm ********************* Inform ********************* Component: switchableRoute395 is at state: off Component: switchableRoute393 is at state: off Component: switchableRoute394 is at state: done Component: monitor396 is at state: 1

Figure 7: BIP Engine: one execution cycle printout. Figure 6: Software architecture.

ponents and the Symbolic Engine through a dedicated BIP the left) and the BIP Engine part (on the right). The grey Engine interface. The BIP Engine is packaged as an OSGi outer boxes in the diagram represent OSGi bundles. bundle, using the mechanisms provided by OSGi to publish For each component a BIP Behaviour is generated at run- the service that can be used by other software modules. time, which contains information about the FSM and ports An example of the Engine execution cycle is shown in Fig- of the controlled entities. As shown in Figure 6, each in- ure 7 for the Camel route use case (cf. Section 3) with three stance of BIP Behaviour is coupled with a dedicated in- Switchable routes and one Monitor with component IDs stance of BIP Executor to form a BIP Module. The Notifier 393–396 respectively. Two out of three Switchable routes is an additional component that informs the BIP Executor inform the BIP Engine that they are at state done and there- of spontaneous events relevant to the controlled entities. fore the Monitor correctly informs the BIP Engine that it The BIP Executor builds the Behaviour object from the is at state two, which corresponds to the number of active component specification or receives it as an argument at routes. In the next step, the BIP Engine selects the interac- initialisation (as specified in Section 4.2.1). BIP Executor tion finished · rm, which forces the Monitor to decrement implements the protocol presented in Section 4.1. In order the counter due to the completion of the ID 395 route. to ensure consistency of guard valuations, guard functions are computed only once at each execution cycle, regardless of how many times they are used. At each execution cycle, the 6. RELATED WORK Executor interprets the Behaviour and fires the transitions, Different approaches have been proposed to deal with the invoking the methods using Java Reflection mechanism [14]. coordination of concurrent systems. First of all, locks and The operational semantics of BIP is implemented by a semaphores [16] have been extensively used in software engi- dedicated Engine (presented in the right part of Figure 6), neering approaches to address concurrency problems. How- which is used for the coordination of software modules ac- ever, these solutions do not allow a clear separation between cording to the three-step protocol presented in Section 2.2. the functional code and the coordination mechanisms, mak- The implementation of the Engine is modular and consists ing it hard to design and maintain correct programs, espe- of five main parts: three Encoders, the BIP Coordinator and cially when they are used in large concurrent systems. the Symbolic BIP Engine. It uses Binary Decision Diagrams A Coordinator service developed by the OSGi commu- (BDDs)3 [3], that are efficient data structures to store and nity [19] allows simple coordination between multiple soft- manipulate boolean formulæ. ware components. A Coordinator object has only two states: The ports and states of the system components are as- Active and Terminated. This approach provides a higher sociated to boolean variables. These boolean variables are abstraction level primitive for multi-party synchronisation used at initialization by the Behaviour and Glue Encoders barriers. Thus, some simple coordination can be ensured for to translate the behaviour and glue constraints (glue de- several entities having no information about each other. scription and register arrows in Figure 6) into boolean A different approach is taken by the AKKA library [15], formulæ. During runtime, each component provides infor- that implements the Actor model [2]. Actors are concur- mation about its current state and enabled ports (inform rent components that communicate asynchronously through arrow). This information is also translated into boolean for- ports and avoid the use of low-level primitives, such as locks mulæ by the Current State Encoder. and semaphores. However, component coordination through At each execution cycle, the Symbolic BIP Engine com- complex message exchange protocols among multiple actors putes the conjunction of these constraints to obtain the can be challenging and error prone. global boolean formula that represents the possible interac- Apart from BIP, the most prominent component-based tions of the system. It then chooses one interaction, notifies frameworks found in the literature are Ptolemy [13] and the BIP Coordinator that orders the components to make Reo [4]. In particular, Reo is a channel-based exogenous the necessary transitions (execute arrow). 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