VILAS SAHAKARI SAKHAR KARKHANA LTD., VAISHALINAGAR NIVLI, TQ & DIST. LATUR TENDER FOR EOT CRANE Page : 1 Vilas Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd.,Vaishalinagar, Nivli, Tal. & Dist. Latur ( Maharashtra) (02382)-277622 (02382) 277631 E-mail:
[email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ref :-VSSK/ Tender/ 2723 /2020-21 Date:- 17/02/2021 TENDER NOTICE Online Tenders in prescribed format are invited from the reputed manufacturers who are on approved list of NFCSF and who have successfully Installed and commissioned minimum Three plant in India for the purpose of the following jobs. Design, Manufacture, Procure, Supply, erection , and commissioning of following Plants. Sr.No Particulars Tender fees in (RS) EMD in (RS) 01 Cooling Tower 1000/- 50000/- 02 Electrical Package ( Transformer, 5000/ 105000/- MCC,LT,VFD, Cables ) 03 EOT Crane 1000/- 20000/- 04 Bagasse Handling System 5000/- 125000/- Terms & Conditions 1. Blank Tender forms will be at website from the date 19.02.2021 to 01.03.2021. 2.The Online submission of Tender will be submitted on or before 05.03.2021. 3.Pre Bid & Technical bid meeting date and place will be informed later. 4.Tenderer shall pay the Tender fees + 18 % GST. through RTGS/NET Bank details are as under. Name of beneficiary – Vilas SSK Ltd., Name of Bank - Bank of India. Branch Code - 0641 IFSC Code - BKID0000641 Account No. – 064120100000571 5. EMD as mentioned above in the form of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee of Nationalized Bank and drawn in favor of sugar mill , payable at Latur. Tenderer shall upload the scan copy of EMD & original EMD shall be submitted to Karkhana.