Dedicated Engineering for a better community.

Past Transportation Project


Title: Transcontinental Corridor Improvements, Transcontinental Boulevard at West PROJECT DESCRIPTION Client: Jefferson Parish Department of Digital Engineering executed a feasibility study for proposed intersection Capital Projects improvements including hydraulic analysis for box culvert installations, as well as counts and analysis for addition of dedicated left and right turn . Personnel: Thomas P. Hickey, P.E. Frank T. Liang, P.E., PTOE DE prepared a VISSUM traffic simulation model to depict existing and Timothy Smith proposed conditions and performed all feasibility phase services David G. LeBreton, P.E., PTOE including traffic counts, layouts, VISSUM model, and cost estimating. Kenvard Beaugh Upon acceptance of the feasibility study, DE prepared plans and specifications and Value: $4 M (overall) provided construction administration and resident inspection services for the $310,500 (fee) intersection corridor improvements which included the design of a new traffic signal system. End Date: 2009 | 504.468.6129 | [email protected] PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTINUED The improvements included a large diameter drainage line installation, construction of dual left turn lanes, construction of dedicated right turn lanes to improve traffic flow, permanent striping, and a new traffic signal system. Dedicated Engineering for a better community.

Work for this project was performed in accordance with Parish and Past Transportation Project LADOTD standards.


Title: Transcontinental Corridor Intersection Improvements, Transcontinental Boulevard at West Esplanade Avenue

Client: Jefferson Parish Department of Capital Projects

Personnel: Thomas P. Hickey, P.E. Frank T. Liang, P.E., PTOE Timothy Smith David G. LeBreton, P.E., PTOE Kenvard Beaugh

Value: $4 M (overall) $310,500 (fee)

End Date: 2009 | 504.468.6129 | [email protected]