THE ISS, 03S1- 114 1


, I I . \. • 1 " I' .~. . .--;- ..' . , . ,# #- . . ~ :11 . , , .' r. • Maintenance Management Pavement Planer

In the last year the words "Maintenance Management" have In Ju ne a new mac hine was introduced to the Williams Lake been frequently heard and seen throughout the Department. District, an asphalt planer, capable of planing off an asphalt sur­ From its beginnings a few years ago, the Maintenance Manage­ face to reduce slippery sections and rutted surfaces. ment program has grown to become a full comprehensive man­ The machine is manufactured in Germany and is now being agement aide to assist all district and regional maintenance oper­ introduced to Canadian highways. It is capable of cuts I/i inch 1h ations. to 2 inches deep and 12 feet wide . The surface is heated by a large propane, infra-red heater II) The program employs a system of both manual and com­ a temperature of 120 to 160°F. The material is then planed by puterized cost and performance reports which compare actual a cylinder with hardened steel cutters and the planed material lies with planned work quantities to assist districts with planning, in a single windrow on the road. It is shown here in use on scheduling, and controlling their activities. the Cariboo Highway. The windrowed material was picked up by a front-end loader with a smooth edge bucket and hauled Work is planned by means of a "Performance Budget" which away by a truck to a small paving project where the material allocates manpower, equipment, and materials to work activities was reused. Approximately 350 cubic yards of material were based on standards. Department policy, and available funds. moved from a 0.6-mile section per day. The machine weighs about 62,000 pounds and is self-pro­ pelled by a V-lO Deutz Diesel power plant. Three men operate the machine. A pilot car and flag persons were used to control and regulate the flow of traffic . This operation was on Highway 97 south of Williams Lake. A grader was used to tight blade the finished surface after the loader was finished . A broom then removed loose material and rocks before traffic was allowed to travel on the completed section. The result was a fairly smooth surface with good riding and anti-skid characteristics.

Headquarters Maintenance Management staff, left to right, seated, Debbie A . Haigh, Secretary; Earl A. Lund, Maintenance Management Engineer; Lori G . Bulmer, Computer Clerk; stand­ ing, John L. S. Buckle, Maintenance Standards Engineer; John Reimer, Programmer Analyst; Mike J. McDonald, Maintenance Management Consultant.

Most districts now have a co-ordinator who is responsible Ken Smith, Road Maintenance Foreman, keeping an eye on the asphalt planer. for, among other things, the processing of management informa­ tion in the district. Each region has a Maintenance Management Engineer and Technician who through the Assistant Regional Highway Engi­ neer provide technical direction to the districts on the program. The Maintenance Management Division of the Maintenance Branch has its headquarters in Victoria headed by the Mainte­ nance Management Engineer with his staff, including a Computer Programmer-Analyst, Maintenance Standards Engineer, Com­ puter Clerk, and Secretary. The management system expects to achieve a number of benefits. These include improved scheduling of work, better utilization and control of resources, improved internal communi­ cations via monthly management meetings, and the provision of a better level of uniform service to the public. To date all district and regional maintenance operations arc involved in the program as are the Dock District and Electrical District. Other branches and divisions are anticipating inclusion in the near future. Material was loaded and hauled away to ano ther pav ing project.

2 THE ROAD RUNNER Minister's Message Volume 13 Summer 1976 No . 3

Our Department peopl e ma intaining roads and deal­ Published**Quarterly by th e ing with th e inevitable com ­ British Columbia Department of Highways plaints and criticisms mu st and Public Works get th e [eeling sometim es Victoria, British Columbia that th e number of cars ill th e Pro vince is increasing Ray Baines, Executive Editor mu ch fast er than th e popula­ Arthur J. Schindel, Editor tion . They are right . It is. In 1965 th ere were 1,797,000 people in British Co lum bia Associate**Field Editors and 767,669 motor-veh icles, W. S. Boughey Victoria a ratio of 2.34 persons per Herb Gutteridge Regional Electrical Crew vehicle. In 1975 th ere were Er ic Eastick Centreline Marking, Cloverdale 2,457,000 people alon g with Dou g Jones Burn aby 1,44 3,000 registered motor- vehicles, a ratio of 1.7 persons per vehicle. Population George Harp er __ Burn side had increased 37 per cent in the 10 years and motor­ Hector McLe od Nan aimo vehicles, 88 per cent. If there is only a slight incr ease in D. L. Olive r Co urtenay th e number of complaints, therefore, we are still doin g George Cooper Patrol, North Van couver a pretty good job because th ere are 37 per cent more Ellis Meads Dock Di stri ct people to make th em and th ey hav e 88 per cent more cars. Lloyd Burgess New Westmin ster ALEX. V. FRASER S. R. Young McBride Min ister Whayne Chappell Kamloops Ken E. Smith Williams Lake ._------~ M. D. Mu rr ay Ram say _ M. J . Newlands Revelstoke Les Johnson Vernon R. J. Martin J. W . Zaporozan Penticton Brian Niehaus Merritt Communications Parley Dave Roberts In April the Communications Division of the Servic es Branch Dorothy Wilkins Grand Forks held a conference in Karnloops, the first time all the sta ff had Joy Mailey Rossland been assembled in one place since 1973. S. J. Dixey .. N elson The conference was organized to acqua int the techni cians with Jack Prokopetz New Denver new regional administr ativ e procedures, and to give them an R. Jackman Cre ston upgrading in solid-sta te servicing. Guest lecturers includ ed Tom N. K. Molander Cranbrook Yearsley, Garth Shearing, Ro y Jarvi s, Ian Miller, Dav e Chura, Sam Caravetta Fernie and Lou Hansen of the Department, and Rei Fritsche of R. F. Mike Magli o Golden Electronics Ltd . W. R. Rowe .Smithers Stan Gladysz Pouce Coupe Homer Good Fort St. John Harman DeIyea Terrace Shirley Hrechka Prince George Clyde SmaasIet Prince George Don Johnson QuesneI Brian Hunter Vanderhoof L. M. Wagar Burn s Lake W. R. Ball Prince Rupert

COVER PHOTO R em oval of a kin g-sized boulder containing 3,800 cubic yards was undertak en by th e D epartment early in l uly near Sayward on Van coul 'er Island.The ma ssiv e rock , 70 feet long, 35 teet deep, and 110 feet high , was tak en out in order to prevent pos­ sible [uture damage to an env ironm entally sensitive part of th e Top row, left 10 righ t, Headquarte rs Co m m unications En ei­ Salmon R iver, where the new north island high way is being buil t. nce r Ga rth Sh earing, Pat Ma hood, LOll Hansen, W ayne Nicho lls, Th e job was acco mplished with a single blast using 3,375 pounds Steve Hu ghes, Dave Smith, R oy Jarvis, and Russ Ha zel. Centre of powder wired in m illi-second dela ys. To p picture shows the row, Berne Serne, Ian M iller, R ol f Mathie, Doug Pearce, and moment of detonation as the rock starts to open up lik e a blos­ Craig Sco tt. Front row, Mike M cCooey, Pete M ethuen, G erry sam.Bottom left, the huge boulder before the blast and , right, Car lson , Paul Lock e, and Dave Chura. a neat pile of easily handled rubble after the smoke cleared. 3 PROMOTIONS

VIC DREW has MOLLY PYSTRA­ Engineering Aide 3, Creston, to Engineer­ been promoted to the SHUK recently won ing Assistant; E. V. HEMMINGSEN, position of Chief Prop­ through competition M.O. 3, Alberni, to Engineering Assistant; erty Negotiator by the position of Dis­ D. P. HANDLEY, Engineering Aide 3, Public Service compe­ trict Office Manager in Revelstoke, to Engineering Assistant; B. tition. Vic is in his Smithers. Molly be­ E. MERRICK, Bridgeman 2, Cranbrook, 30th year of continu­ gan with the Depart­ to Bridgeman 3; L. 1. VOTH, Bridgeman ous service in the De­ ment as Clerk-Recep­ 2, Willi ams Lake, to Bridgeman 3, Port partment, 24 of which have been in the tionist in 1971 and was promoted to Alberni; D. A. BUCKLEY, Sign Mainte­ Property Negotiations Branch. When the Timekeeper in 1974. Molly is married. nance Man , North , to Fore­ regional districts were formed in 1956, {? TC? tI man 1 (Road); I. S. ROBERTSON, M.O. Vic was appointed Regional Property 4, Nelson, to Foreman I ; R. J. LAHNER, ALBERT (RED) EVANS, Road Fore­ Negotiator in Region 1 and served in Mechanic 2, New Denver, to Mechanic man, has won through competition the that capacity up until his appointment 10 3, Trout Lake; B. DOUCETTE, M.O. r. position of Road Foreman 3, Cassidy. Victoria in 1971 as Assistant Chief Prop­ Cloverdale, to Centreline, M.O . 6; R. Albert served as Foreman for a time at ert y Negotiator. Vic is an accredited LOWE, M.O. 4, Kimberley, to Foreman and Duncan before receiving member of the Appraisal Institute of 3 (Road); L. D. TOWNSEND, Engineer­ his present position. Canada and is a Charter member of ing Aide 3, Quesnel , to Engineering Assis­ Chapter 54 of the American Right-of­ {: {: {: tant, Prince George; L. G. THATCHER, Way Association. E. G. DAVIS was the successful appli­ M.O. 7, , to Foreman 2 (Road) , Blue River; J. HALE, Labourer, Williams tt tr -{.c- cant for the position of Machine Operator 3 in the Rossland District. Lake, to M.O. 5, Cloverdale; H. H. Mc­ MACKENZIE S. {:( fI i? EACHERN, Engineering Aide 3, Fort si. WITZEL has won the John, to Engineering Assistant; D. A. position of Road Fore­ G. T. GALPIN was the successful ap­ BRENNAN, Engineering Aide 3, 100 man , 4 in the Courte­ plicant for Engineering Aide Grade 3 in Mile House, to Engineering Assistant, nay D istrict through a the Rossland District. Greg is married Quesnel; F . G. PALMER, Engineering recent competition. with two boys and he comes to us from Aide 2, Col wood, to Engineering Aide , ; Mac started with the the Vanderhoof Di strict. R. M. STORY, Engineering Aide 2, Col­ Department in 1950. {: {: {: wood, to Engineering Aide 3; 1. E. Mac is married and has seven children, G. A. GERMAN was the successful O'BRYAN, Engineering Aide 3, Mission, all active in competitive sports. His in­ applicant for the position of Machine to Engineering Assistant, . terests are recreation or the wise use of Operator 3 in the Rossland District. H. L. DENTON, Engineering Aide 3, leisure time . His main interest at present George is married with three children. Mission , to Engineering Assistant, West is golf. He is also very active in church {: {: 0(:{ Vancouver; M. E. T1NANT, Engineer­ work and is the Knights of Columbus ing Aide 3, Duncan to Engineering Assis­ Youth Director for the Province. E. W. HONEYMAN was the success ­ tant ; L. W. MOFFATT, Engineering Aide ful applicant for the position of Labourer 0(:{ 0(:{ 0(:{ 3, Karnloops, to Engineering Assistant; in the Rossland District. Eric is married R. M. NEALL, Engineering Aide 3, West A. L. PRODEAHL, with one son . Vancouver, to Engineering Assistant; P. District Technician, 0(:{ {: {: J. WILSON, Engineering Aide 3, Dease Fernie. Art recently J. D. MACDONALD from Engineering Lake, to Engineering Assistant, Sayward; won the above position Aide 3, Rossland to Engineering Assis­ C. H. Alger, Engineering Aide 2, Castle­ through competition. tant, Rossland. Jim is married with one gar, to Engineering Aide 3; R. M. SHI­ Prior to his move to son. MIZU, Engineering Aide 2, Delta, to Fernie he worked for {: {: {: Engineering Aide 3; T. R. PASETKA, the Prince George C. D. McKERRACHER, Mechanic's Engineering Aide 2, Cloverdale, to Engi­ District survey crew since 1968. Pre­ neering Aide 3, Terrace; J. M. McNEE. viously he had worked for the Construc­ Helper, was reclassified to Yardman, Rossland. Dayle is married with two Engineering Aide 2, Kamloops, to Engi­ tion Branch in Prince Rupert. Art is neering Aide 3; R. W. ELLIS, Engineer­ married with one son and one daughter, children. 0(:{ 0(:{ {: ing Aide 2, Sayward, to Engineering and enjoys poking through old ruins R. A. MARTIN was the successful Aide 3, Penticton; R. L. HOPPER, Engi­ looking for old bottles, etc., in his spare neering Aide 2, 100 Mile House, to En­ time . applicant for the position of Bridgeman I in the Rossland District. "Porky" is gineering Aide 3, ; K. W. PENNER, Engineering Aide 2, Pen ticton , married with three children. LAING SHIMMIN to Engineering Aide 3, Nimpkish; L. F. 7:( -{:{ 'k recently won through LARSEN, Engineering Aide 2, Kamloops, competition the Office N. PECTIN was the successful appli­ to Engineering Aide 3, West Vancouver: Manager's position at cant for the position of Labourer in the R. 1. HARLAND, Engineering Aide 2, Lillooet. Laing is Rossland District, Castlegar Area. Nick West Vancouver, to Engineering Aide 3; single, and enjoys golf­ is single . O. M. NORDSTOKKE, Engineering Aide ing and outdoors {: 0(:{ {: I, Engen, to Engineering Aide 3, Vander­ sports. He has been J. V. PETERSON was the successful hoof; T. R. SKUBOVIUS, Bridgeman 2, with the Department since 1974 and was applicant for the position of Deckhand Dease Lake, to Bridgeman 3; D. R. an Office Manager trainee in Prince on the Castlegar Ferry, Rossland District. ROBERTS, M.O. 5, Burnaby, to Fore­ George prior to his transfer to Lillooet. John is married with four children. man 2; M. J. FULTON, M.O . 3, Burn­ {:{ {:{ {: {y {: 0(:{ aby, to M.O. 5; G. S. GEDDES, Engi­ CHUCK HUNTER, Mechanic, Na­ Other recent promotions include D. W. neering Aide 3, Victoria, to Engineering naimo shop, has recently been promoted LESYK, Mechanic 3, Aldergrove, to Me­ Assistant; G. KASSA , Mechanic 2, to Mechanic 2. chanic 4, Chilliwack; D . F. REJMAN, Princeton, to Mechanic 3. 4 Francois Lake Ferries - 60 Years

T. J. COOPER, Engineering Aide I, Quesnel, to Engineering Aide 3; J. M. CULLINANE, Engineering Aide 2, Prince George, to Engineering Aide 3; G. G. FRANK, Engineering Aide 3,

.~ ~~' . Ymir, to Engineering Assistant, Nelson; ~-~- ... ~ ~ ~. G. G. BEST, Engineering Aide 3, Trail, -- to Engineering Assistant; D. L. ALL­ 'llniT rf' WOOD, Engineering Aide 3, New Den­ ver, to Engineering Assistant, Trail; H. W. STROESSIGER, M.O. I, Delta, to M.O. 6, Cloverdale; E. D. RELKEY, Engineering Aide 2, Prince George, to Engineering Assistant; B. V. RIKLEY, Engineering Aide 2, Paving, Terrace, to Engineering Aide 3, Paving, Prince George; G. E. McNUTT, Engineering Aide 2, Design and Surveys, Nanairno, to Engineering Aide 3; B. KIMBLE, Bridge­ man 2, Williams Lake, to Bridgeman 3; D. L. VANTINE, Road Foreman 2, Courtenay, to Road Forman 3, .Vernon; R. D. DYER, Labourer, Vanderhoof, to Road Foreman 2; E . A. LAUE, Bridge Foreman 3, New Denver, to Bridge Fore­ man 4, North Vancouver; P. MORGAN, Bridgeman 2, Saanich, to Bridgeman 3; 1. BATEMAN, Bridge Labourer, Lang­ dale Ferry, to Bridgeman I; J. G. PARKER, Mechanic 6, Fort St. John, to Mechanic 7, Dawson Creek; R. C. WHITE, Engineering Aide 3, Burnaby, to Engineering Ass istant, North Van­ couver.

CONYALESCENTS C. R. EVANS, Machine Operator J, Vanderhoof District, has been off work since March following his third operation. Cliff expects to be back to work by August. tI tI tI

A. ANTOINE, Machine Operator 7 at Fort St. James, returned to work in July after an operation in April 1976.

25 YEAR SERVICE AWARD RAYMOND E . MEEKS, Road Fore­ man 3, Salmon Arm I, District (Chase crew), was presented with a certificate for 25 years ,. of continuous service Inauguration of a lIew Francois Lake Ferry, June 13, was the culmillation of 60 years by W. A. Budden, Dis­ of ferry service all the lake . Top picture shows new $2.7 million Omineca Princess which tric t Highways Manager. Ray and his carries 34 cars and 200 passengers. She is 192 feet long and weighs 765 gross tons. wife, Janet, also attended a reception at Centre, the immediate predecessor, Ja cob Henkel, shown at the time of its launching ill Government House in Victoria, December 1949 and below, the Francois Lake Ferry which started service ill 1922. From 1916 ser­ 4,1975. vice was provided by a small launch and barge. 5 10-7 CLUB

NEIL C. TATIRIE, local district office and a public banquet HECTOR CO- Chief Property Nego­ attended by the Mayor and other town LUMBO recently re­ tiator, recently retired. dignitaries. Presentations were made by tired after 13 years of He was honoured at a J. P. O'Toole, District Highways Mana­ service with the De­ banquet in Victoria ger. Hilda is an accomplished artist, partment at Courte­ attended by approxi­ mainly in oils, and an avid rock-hounder. nay. Hector started mately 100 fellow She comes from a pioneer Lillooet family. with the Department workers and associates. Her father was a well-known mining engi­ in 1963 and for the Deputy Minister Howard Sturrock made neer and prospector. better part of his service worked with the a presentation to Neil on behalf of his Courtenay sign maintenance crew. He fellow employees. He began with the was presented with a gift at a recent fare­ I Department of Public Works in 1936 as well gathering of co-workers and wished Chainman in New Denver and remained Approximately 100 members of the a happy retirement by R. G. Mulcaster, I ~ with the Location and Construction Department attended a retirement dinner District Highways Manager. for- DON McCOR­ Branches until 1939. He was Resident i:I i:I i:I Engineer in New Denver in 1941 prior MICK and NORM to his entry into the armed forces . He WHARF of the Head­ HERB BARTHEL. returned to the Department in 1946 as quarter Bridge Branch regional Driller and an Instrument Man with the Location at the Victoria Rac­ Blaster in Prince and Construction Branches in Kamloops. quet Club. W. A. George since 1961 has In March 1947 he became Resident En ­ (Bill) Bowman, Senior recently retired. Prior gineer in Kamloops and, in 1949, moved Wharf Bridge Engineer, gave to his service in Prince to Creston as General Foreman. In 1951, a resume of their service. R. G. (Bob) George he was a he moved to Victoria as Right-of-way Harvey, Associate Deputy Minister, pre­ Powderman on the Agent and in due course became Chief sented service award certificates to Don North Thompson Project in 1957 and Property Negotiator. He has 36 years and Norm and expressed the Depart­ Construction Foreman in the Bridge River with the Department and will receive a ment's appreciation for their many years area in 1959. Herb is married and has gold watch at Government House this of service . Norm joined the Department three children. He will be living in December. His hobby is gardening and in November 1956 as Administrative Of­ Chilliwack. His hobbies are fishing. travelling in his recreational vehicle. He fice Manager with the Bridge Branch. gardening, and old-time dancing. Prior to this he was born in the Kootenays and plans to i:I i:I i:I spend some time there. worked for the De­ partment of Lands, CAPT. CLARENCE Forests, and Water A. CALLOW, Senior Rights, commencing in Captain on the Gabri­ D. R. FISK, has re­ October 1938. His ola Island Ferry, re­ tired after 27 years long years of service tired recently. He with the Department. were interrupted only McCormick began with the Depart­ Doug was an Engi­ during the war years when he served ment in 1962. A pres­ neering Technician 3 overseas with the RCAF in Bomber entation was made to with the Design and Command. Don joined the Department Clarence and his wife at the Nanaimo Surveys Branch head­ in October 1945, and has served con­ District office. His fellow workers wished quarters staff. Born tinuously in the Bridge Branch since that him well on his retirement. Horses and and educated in England he emigrated time. Don and Norm received presen­ gardening are his hobbies. to Canada after serving eight years in the tations from their many friends in the i:I i:I i:I Royal Artillery both in Europe and the Branch and the Department. Middle East. He started with the De­ CARL W. NOWAT­ partment as a Chainman in the Nelson­ ZEK, Mechanic 3, Sal­ Creston area and after working in Yale mon Arm District, re­ and Nanaimo he was transferred to Vic­ W. C. (BILL)GAZE, tired April 30, 1976, toria where he was steadily promoted Road Foreman 4, re­ after 25 years of ser­ until he reached the position of Design cently retired after 28 vice with the Depart­ Crew Chief, Technician 3. He will be years with the Depart­ ments of Agriculture greatly missed because he was well known ment as Senior Fore­ and Highways. Carl for his thoroughness and patience. Golf man in the Courtenay was honoured at a dance in Salmon Arm is his number one hobby with electronics District. Bill started and attended by a large crowd of friends and gardening a close second. His many with the Department and fellow employees on March 19, 1976. April 12, 1948, and had previous experi­ friends in the Branch wish him a happy i:I i:I i:I retirement. ence with heavy equipment and five years with the RCAF in charge of runways and CHESTER LLOYD retired after 28 roads maintenance throughout northwest years of service with the Department. MISS HILDA Canada. Bill developed expertise in mul­ Chester was Loader Operator at Duncan, HA YLMORE, Lillooet tiplate culvert and was called upon to Nanaimo District. A widower for a time, District Office Mana­ supervise various installations in British he was recently married and plans to ger, recently retired Columbia for the Department. He also travel in his retirement. Chester farmed after 35 years of ser­ took part in the development of asphalt on the prairie and worked in a Youbou vice. She began as a patching techniques and travelled through­ sawmill before joining the Department at Clerk in 1941. Two out the Province conducting in-service Duncan. His friends in Duncan and Na­ retirement parties were training. Bill plans his retirement in the naimo wish him the very best for his held to honour her retirement; one at the Comox Valley with his wife, Dorothea. retirement. 6 A. H. BERT DlB­ MICHAEL J. KEN CORRIGAN, BEN, Headquarters FERRO, Machine District Office Mana­ Driver Trainer, Train­ Operator 3, Salmon ger Trainee, Williams ing and Safety Branch. Arm District. Sica­ Lake District office. has retired after 17 mous crew, retired Ken was employed in years with the Depart­ May 31, 1976, with Prince George as a ment of Highways. 32 years of service Yardman and Time­ Bert started as a Fore­ with Highways. Mike keeper prior to his ~ man in Lillooet, then was Mechanic Fore­ was honoured at a dance in Salmon Arm transfer to Williams Lake. Ken is mar­ man at Cloverdale. In 1963 he trans­ on March 19, 1976, and attended by a ried and enjoys judo and karate in his II ferred to Kamloops as Mechanical large crowd of friends and fellow em­ spare time. He also holds a private Superintendent and later District Super­ ployees. pilot's licence and has his own plane. I {:{ {:{ {:{ intendent. In August 1970 he transferred {:{ {:{ {:{ '" to Pouce Coupe and in 1974 moved to Victoria as a Training Officer. He and DAVID HENRY Vanderhoof District has a new Engi­ his wife, Jean. were honoured at a ban­ NICOL, Salmon Arm neering Assistant in the person of D. G . quet at the Racquet Club in Victoria. District, Chase crew, ELLIOTT. Doug worked for the De­ where he was presented with gifts and retired October 31, partment briefly in 1974. He is now a slide presentation of his life. Bert and 1975, after 38 years married and has a son. Jean are retiring to Clinton where they of service with High­ will spend their retirement years. ways. Dave was hon­ oured at a farewell {:{ {:{ {:{ party held in Chase and presented with EXTRACURRICULAR GORDON HOW­ gifts by his friends and co-workers. ACTIVITIES ARD. Assistant Me­ {:{ {:{ {:{ chanic, Headquarters Stores, North Vancou­ PAT DICKSON, Clerk 3. Vanderhoof ver District, retired District office, recently retired and re­ May 1976 after 13 ceived a presentation from her fellow years with the Depart­ workers. Membership on the Vander­ ment. He previously hoof Golf and Curling Clubs will occupy worked for the Public Works Department. her free time . His fellow employees honoured him at a {:{ {:{ {:{ farewell banquet and presentation. Gordon is married and has four children. JOSEK GACH of the Rossland bridge His hobbies are fishing and golf. crew, retired in July 1976 after 30 years of service. He began with the Depart­ ment in 1946 as a Labourer and trans­ Scotty Freebairn, right, former District ferred to the bridge crew in 1947. Highways M a II ag e r , K a m l o o p s , was roasted by friends and co-workers as they wished him and his wife, Peggy; the best of luck on his new appointment as TRANSFERS Assistant Regional Highway Engineer, Region 4, Prince George. A set of Rolf S. R. DAVIES, Me­ clubs was presented to Scotty on behalf chanical Foreman, of the Kamloops and regional crews b» Dawson Creek High­ Whayne Chappell, Kamloops District Of­ way District, has trans­ fice Manager. ferred to Vernon Dis­ Recently, the Langley maintenance trict. Stan started crew gathered at the Cloverdale yard service in Quesnel then when service awards were presented to, moved to Prince OBITUARIES left, Edward Weiss, Machine Operator 4, George, Good Hope Lake, and, in 1968, GEORGE A. STILL, Road Foreman who is retiring early, and J. E. McCotter, to Dawson Creek. The Dawson Creek 2, in Fernie, died Wednesday, June 30. Machine Operator 3, who is taking a crews and associates gathered at a fare­ 1976. after suffering a heart attack. leave of absence. Ed began with the well dinner to wish Stan and his wife, George started with the Highways De­ Department in 1959 and John in 1969. Helen, well in the new location. partment at Chetwynd in August 1964, Both men spent all their service time ill {:{ (:{ {:{ and moved to in March 1973. the New Westminster District. and then to Fernie in June J974 . He VIC RUPITZ trans­ {:{ {:{ {:{ was 57 years old and is survived by his ferred from Williams wife and four children. A farewell party was held in the Na­ Lake to Penticton to naimo District office for BILL PLEAS­ take over the post as {:{ {:{ {:{ ANTS, who was Foreman at Duncan at District Office Man­ JOHN P. D'ANDREA, Labourer, the time of his retirement. Bill, a very ager. His hobbies are Cranbrook road crew, died suddenly June capable man, served with the Department chess, hunting, and 10. He is survived by his wife, Donna. for 18 years. He loves hunting and fish­ fishing. He 'is married John had been employed by the Highways ing and plans to do extensive travelling and has a boy of 16 who plays hockey since 1973 and will be missed by his in the future. and a girl (14) who loves horses. fellow workers.


Take or leave it in the "good old days." The following notice was placed in a number of Interior British Columbia newspapers circulated 1932-33. Snow Removal ; 1932- 33 Cariboo and Lillooet Electoral Districts

The Public will please take notice . No snow ploughing will be don e on any of the following ro ads: Likely Road. Horsefly Road. Canim Lake Road . 93 Mile-Lone Butte-Brid ge Lake. Springhouse Road. Chilcotin Main Road. All persons who are compelled to use these roads should make arrangements now to have team s and sleighs available for winter travel.

Th e Bellos Bru sh Cutting Ma chin e hired ill 1930 by th e Prince George Di strict H. L. Hayne, Eng ineer, J. C. Brady, for clearin g right-of-way betw een Prince Ge orge and Summit PUBLIC WORKS ENG INE ER Lak e. Th e ma chine was a ll adaptation of a Model 60 Cat erpillar tractor . /11 a report on th e ma chin e's performance Brady said cost of wid enin g 4.7 miles or / 8 Wonder what would happen if the Depart­ acres was $624.50 and cost of clearing and grubbing 2.6 miles of Ilew road involv­ ment did that today? ing 23.25 acres was $2,288.


W orking for relief on th e Wells-Barkerville Road about 1934. Art Gagnon Eye-ball and high-ball construction of with the horses and scraper. Hart Highway, Pille Pass, 1946.

8 Top, modem shop, Hart Highway, Pine Pass, 1946. Chap with hand on hip sticking out his tongue at the photographer is Mickey Thal­ heimer, 11011' Road Foreman at Barriere. Above, the Pouce Coupe Public Works (now the Daw­ .1'011 Creek Highway District) construction crews shown operating all old No. 60 gas cat and steel wheel-pull grader constructing a section of farm access road on the East Pine Hill. This section is now paved and is the Hart Highway, Rowe 97. Picture was probably in late 30's or early 40's. Right, Model 20 gas tractor and pull-grader on road constructton from Vale­ mount to Tete Jaune, the original Yellowhead ; Highway, in 1938. Mall on the grader is Stan " ;# .,. J. Carr of Mount Robson. who supplied the .-~ picture.


Two extended timber-pile pier construction bridges with pre­ polyethylene while high strength grout cures ill keyways. Other stressed-concrete stringers are under construction in the Smithers picture shows pocket ill corner of the stringer used for lateral tell­ District at Hynes and Canyall Creek. Left, deck covered with sion rods. Photos from the Rocky Creek site.

The regional paving crew, directed by Ken Power, putting MC~ asphalt into the windrow 011 the Green Lake Road for the Penticton Highways District. First step ill roadmix proiect.

Cathy Santos, summer relief Deckhand on the Boston Bar aerial ferry, opening the gate to let another car aboard. Dur­ in~ the school term Cathy drives the North Bend school bus.

Crushing aile-half-inch material and adding salt in the forestry pit at A llison Pass all the Hope-Princeton Highway. Composite picture makes it look like two loaders are being used.

Ed M urdoch, Head Ferryman all th e Big Bar ferry all the Fraser River, Lil­ looe t H ighway District, situated 50 miles west of the Cariboo Highway. Ed has Fire Chief Andy Owells from Tranquille giving the Penticton, Oliver, and Keremeos operated the ferry since 1963 . crews a demonstration of the use of all types of fire-extinguishers.

10 Heavy flood ing in M ay caused this 12-fool d eep, 60 -foo l long Sam Reid, Bridge For eman, and "R ed" Arnold, For eman at washo ut on Ha wkins Creek Road, Yuhk, area, Cranbroo k Dis­ Lytton, M erritt District, inspect exca vation for m etal bill wall on trict: Trans-Canada Highway soutli of Lytton,

Th e Dawson Creek Highway District Soldier from "W ar of the Worlds"! sign crew, Dick G ebhart and Joe Sch oen­ Two members of the Dawson Creek No t quite. Bill DeVaysl, Bridgeman, stein, repairing signs destroyed by I'{II/­ Highway District bridge crew, J. Nygaard witli th e regional brid ge paint crew, Kam­ dalism , Local vandals make th eir job Peterson , right, and J. Scho lz, in th e proc­ loops , is sandblasting th e Overlanders [rustrating, especially ajter long week­ ess of constructing a salt shed at th e M ile Bridge ill Kamloops. ends. 22 Alaska Highway area yard.

M cBride District bridge crew christen a new Wajax Mark 3 pump. Mounted on the wat er-tank and pumping 16 gallons per minute at 230 psi, this recent acquisition has cut th e district bridge washing-time by approximatcly 15 per cent , Left to Left 10 right, Tom BIIIlC C, Me chanic. N elson ; Reo Peloso. right, J. Neale, Yardman; S. R. Young, District Highways Man­ Welder, N elson; Russ Browell, Low-bed operator; and Bill Korte­ ager; Helmut Hess , Bridgeman 2; Ron Goodell, Mechanic 2; guard, Shop Foreman, in [ront of a 1975 Louisville Ford tractor Dave Mac l.ean, Bridgeman 3. that was filled up as a joint project by team,


BILL ROWE, Engi­ CATHIE TOM­ neering Assistant with Highway Employee Helps KINS was appointed Smithers Highway Dis­ Save Lives the Regional Personnel trict since May 1974, Assistant for Region is mainly involved with DONATO GROSSI, Sign Man with 1 in April 1976. subdivisions and per­ the Prince Rupert Highway District, Cathie has brought 10 mits. Bill started with and the assistance of two other men the Department con­ Revelstoke District in saved the lives of eight youths from a siderable knowledge 1950 and transferred to Construction burning automobile after it crashed and experience which was gained through Branch in 1954, where he worked on ncar Prince Rupert, June 26. several years of experience in all facets various projects at Revelstokc, Lytton, Donato and the other two men of personnel administration within the Aldergrove, Williams Lake, Clinton, pulled the occupants from the burn­ Federal Government. She is presently Langley, Valemount, Kamloops, Hope. ing vehicle that was discovered lying completing a certified course in Personnel and Delta. Bill is married with two on its roof after having careened down Administration at BCIT. As well as ski­ daughters and a son. His wife , Belly , is a steep embankment from Highway ing, tennis, and swimming, she spends her a registered nurse employed by the Bulk­ 16. All the injured had been cleared spare time welding. ley Valley District Hospital. They all from the wreckage when the gasoline enjoy the more leisurely life of the north, tank exploded. including fishing. hunting. ski-ing, canoe­ It is possible that the passengers ROCKY VANLER­ ing, and swimming. Bill is RR field edi­ would have remained trapped within BERG, Technician 2 tor for Smithers. the vehicle and been engulfed by the with Bridge Branch at­ flames were it not for the courageous tached to Smithers and unselfish action of Donato and District at present is KEN E. SMITH, the other two men . supervising and assist­ Williams Lake High­ ing with district bridge way District, has been construction. Rocky in the area since 1973 KEITH McIN - has been a Project Supervisor for the past as a Trainer Operator TYRE, District Office five years and worked with the Paving and is now a Road Manager, Prince Branch in Dock District, Construction Foreman I. He is George. He has been Branch, in Vanderhoof District, Testing married and enjoys with the Department Branch in Smithers District, and Bridge ski-dooing and cross-country ski-ing . He seven years and has Branch in other areas. His hobbies arc is a defensive driving course instructor, a worked in Cloverdale, rockhounding and photography and he member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Prince George, and follows fishing, hunting, curling, and ski­ and an instructor with the Provincial Prince Rupert. He enjoys fishing and ing in the sports. Rocky is married and Emergency Programme search and res­ collecting old cars. has one daughter. cue . Ken is RR field editor for the Wil ­ liams Lake District.

ANNE LUNDY. Clerk-Typist in the Smithers District of­ fice, began with the Department in May 1976. Previously, Anne and her husband operated a sporting goods shop in Smithers. In her spare time she likes gardening; camping, and fishing with her husband and two child­ ren.

BRUCE GOLD­ SMITH joined the Headquarters person­ nel office in June 1976 as a Personnel Officer trainee. Bruce, who Most of the Francois Lake ferries crew, left to right, front row, Werner N. J. Harms, has his bachelor of Shift Captain; T . E. Ashe. Senior Captain; W . H . Comer, Senior Engineer; Peter G . Gies­ science degree in psy­ brecht. Shift Engineer; second row D . G. Murray. Mate; R. Maclronald, Auxiliary Mate; chology, was previously with the Depart­ G. M . Alexander, Shift Engineer; G. K. Smith, Deckhand; J. Mussick, Auxiliary Oiler; ment of Health. He is now busy studying J. M . Comeau, Shift Captain; Malcolm M . Coupland. Relief Captain; Patrick Edmonds, for his master's degree in public adminis­ Deckhand; W. P. Turner, Deckhand; back row, Prithvirali Sen, Shift Engineer; Ken K, tration at the University of Victoria. Millar. Shift Captain; Rene A. Betemps, Relief Engineer; D, S. Toth. Mate; F. Barlow, Bruce is married and his hobbies include Auxiliary Mate; T, J. P. Scurr, Auxiliary Mate; D. W. Smith, Auxiliary Deckhand; J. K. billiards. swimming, and hiking. Flemming. Oiler; Duncan A . Thomson. Shift Cap tain.

12 CLYDE SMAAS- MARGARET LAR­ Shown accepting LET, Regional om« SON, Clerk 3, Vou­ flowers is DOROTHY Manager, Prince cher Clerk, Prince WHEATLEY which George. Clyde has George District Office, were presented to her worked for the De­ has been with the De­ as the "Secretary of partment since 1960 partment 21/2 years, the Day." Her day and was originally an prior to which she was won April 29. office manager trainee worked for the De­ 1976. This is a con­ in Prince George. He has worked in partment of Public Works for one year. test run by a local radio station and various offices in the Province, including Marg is single and enjoys ceramics. Dorothy's name was entered by her fel­ Revelstoke and Pouce Coupe. He was low employees in the New Westminster ..t.. the District Office Manager in Prince "/: maintenance office . It was a good day George for several years. He is single DONNA ANDER- r' ----~--~ for Dorothy with several gifts and awards and enjoys fishing and hunting. He ha s SON (Prince George presented to her as well. Several em­ several vintage cars and is a member of I). Radio Operator, ployees heard her name announced on the Antique Car Club. He is also a Prince George regional the radio and phoned in their congratula­ member of the Eagles Club. tions. Dorothy is Department of High­ office . Donna is mar­ r, if ried and has one ways Manager AI Walissers secretary. STU MILLER ar­ daughter. She enjoys -(.\ '{e: .t:- rived in the Salmon judo and reading in R. E . (BOB) STAN­ Arm District on No­ her spare time. She has worked for the DEN, Technician 3, vember 24, 1975, from Department for three years. Design and Survey Quesnel to take over i- Branch. Prince George. the maintenance man­ Bob is single, has been agement duties. Stu JIM RAMSAY, Me­ with the Department has purchased a home chanic, Prince George of Highways for 19 in Salmon Arm and is all sett led in for shop. Jim is married years, and enjoys coin a long stay. He also bought a bo at and with six children. He collecting. golf, and curling. is apparently thinking of taking up fishin g enjoys hunting, fishing, {,.- u {{ seriously. and farming in his ,(? i , spare time. He has GLADYS SCHECK. H. P. ERICKSON, been with the Depart­ Clerk 3 Timekeeper. District Technician. ment for four years. Prince George District Prince George. Phil office . Gladys is mar- has been with the De­ i f U U ried with one son and partment since 1956. one daughter. She has JOE PETERSON, been with the Depart­ He worked for the De­ Engineering Aide , sign and Survey ment for one and a Prince George District half years and enjoys homemaking. Branch for 17 years survey crew. Joe is before transferring to the Prince George single and enjoys U U -rr District. Phil is married with two sons hockey, fishing, hunt­ MRS. B. HUGHES and one daughter and coa ches a little ing . and snowmobiling. began with Highways league baseball team in his spare time. He has worked for the in Salmon Arm on U -{:,. -(,. Department for two years. September 4, 1975, to CECILIA PUGA, take over the Voucher i, ' U -{\. stenographer, Prince Clerk duties. Barb has George regional office . DOROTHY TUR· a large area around Cec is married with ICK, Stenographer, her home and spends one daughter, is an Prince George regional most of her spare time pulling weeds. avid skier, and enjoys office. Dot is married '!? '{:( U camping in her spare with one son and en­ CLAUDIA WAT­ time. She has worked joys gardening and SON, born in West for the Department since June 1966 , prior looking after her Germany and having to which she was with the B.C. Forest new home in her spare travelled around the Service in Prince George. time. She has worked for the Depart­ world with her parents 'lJ;; { r ment since December of 1970. to different job sites. A. E. WILLEKES, U f : t;.. settled in British Co- Regional Maintenance lumbia in May 1972. Management Engineer, CAlVI ROWAN, En­ Claudia began with the Smithers District Prince G eo r g e re­ gineering Aide, Prince in April 1974 as a Clerk-Typist, later she gional office. Arnold George District survey gained the position of Clerk-Stenographer has been with the De­ crew. Cam is married 2. Prior to her marriage on September partment since Decem- and enjoys fishing and 27, 1974, she was Claudia Landrock. ber 1974. He is single hunting. He has been Her favourite sports are swimming and and enjoys golf and other outdoor sports with the Department ~ downhill ski-ing. She is also interested in his spare time. for two years. in collecting stamps.


D. W . Grant, R egion 2 Saf ety Officer, presented B.e. Safety Th e Dawson Creek Highway District, R olla area road cre,,' . Co uncil Si lve r on Gold Cert ificate A ward of M erit to K clowna are con gratulated for winning th e G old Safety A ward . Left to office staff fo r 300, 488 man-h ours witho ut a time-loss accident right, Forem an , W . Sh earer, C. H end erson, R . Green, fl. Qu erin, fro m 1948 to 1975. L eft to righ t, R . M. M cMillan, Distr ict J. Heat on , M . Mattson, C. M eunier, R . Wal die, and J. Degasso , High ways Ma nager; Mr.G rant; Joyce Calhoun, Clerk; Bernard Milledge, Clerk; Betty Cameron, Clerk-Stenog rapher; Ste wart Pik e, Clerk. R egion 2 Safety Officer Dove Grant presented th e [ollowitu: safe ty awards; A bron ze award for 40 ,484 accident-free mall­ hours to A Ian Ta ylor, wh o accept ed th e award 011 behal] of the M erritt Hi ghway Di strict; a silve r on go ld certificate for 233,000 accident-free man-hours to Art Turner, He ad Fcrryntan , wh o accepted the award on behalf of the North Bend Ferry Cre,,' (/2 m en); a silver award for 85 ,320 accident -fr ee man-hours to the Hope Road Cr ew, accepted by Foreman Berni e Bergstr om; four awards, silver, gold , bronze on go ld , and silver on go ld for 203 ,300 accident-fr ee m an-h our s to Road For em an John Bla ck, who accept ed th e award on behalf of th e Boston Bar R oad Cre,,'; a sil ver certificate for 113,300 accid ent-free man-hours to Gary Watson, Safety Chairman at M erritt, wh o accept ed the award on behalf of th e M erritt R oad Cre w; a bron ze certificate for 41 ,165 accid ent-free man-hou rs to Safety R epresentative Kim Th omas, who received the award all behal] of th e Logan Lak e R oad Cr ew . It was a pro ud m oment fo r the Fort St. John surrey crew when the» received a Go ld Certificate of M erit for working 111,893 consec utive m an-hours witho ut a lost-time accident. L eft to right, John Clark , M aint enan ce M anagem ent Technician; Bert D ibben, Safe ty Officer; H arold M cliachcrn , En gineering Assistant; Brent D onis, Engineering A ide : Mick ey Hulin , En gi­ neering Aide; K erin A rnold, En gin eering A ide; and Don Hutton, D istri ct Technician .

M. I."Red" Arnold , Lytton Foreman Cranbrook District method study design ed this m onorail fo r installing and re­ with three aw ards-Bra nZ(' on Gold, m oving ploughs. It was fabr icated by the garage crew except for th e upright pos ts, Silver on G old, and A ward of Merit fo r Th ese were installed by Orb en St einwandt, Sign Maintenance Mall, and Mike Sen er­ having work ed 244, 000 ma n-ho urs. This chia, Labourer. Th e two-to n hoist and carriage travels continuously arou nd th e record is still growing and the Lytton m onorail. Th e pulley lifts plough int o place on tru ck enab ling one man to liand lr road crew are to be commended for th is installation. fine achievement.

J4 Salmon Arm District TRUCK ROADEO ON THE JOB Salmon Arm District held its first truck roadeo in April and it proved to be a big success. The High-average Trophy went to the Falkland crew with 293 points. Salmon Arm had 278 , Chase 263 , Celista 258. and Sicamous 247. GEORGE A. BAILEY. Falkland, placed first in the 4-ton competition with 350 points. Mart Sandaker had 336. Jacob Bosshardt. 326, and Tom Clark, 325 . HERBERT D. YOUNG, survey crew, placed first in the crewcab with 341 points. Earl Tennant had 339, Steve Husband, 334. and Ron Freed, 320 .

Left to right, W . A. Budden, District Highways Manager, presenting Cam Wilson, Falkland Foreman, with the High­ average Trophy, and Ed Rozander, Regional Driver Trainer l n­ structor, looks on.

A roadeo gets foremen together. A t the Salmon A rm District event were, left 10 right, Cam Wilson , Falkland; Ray Meeks, Chase; Vern Flockhart, Sicamous; Harold Downer, Celista; and AI Rhodes, Foreman 2, Salmon Arm.


Winners of the fifth annual Kamloops Regional Bonspiel, left 10 right , Sandy Teleiord, lead; A lex Gordon, skip; A lbert Proulx, second; Sterling Mel.cod, third. Winners of the B event were lake Surline, lead; Lawrence Thalheimer, second; Ron Rccchi, The Salmon Arm bridge crew had the task of rerouting the skip; Jim Dcnomy, third; Tom Van Dyke, lead; Paul Witzer, skip; stream on Hummingbird Creek, Highway 97A, south of Sicamous, Bob Cassidy, second, and Larry Strohmaier, third, were the will­ removing the old bridge and installing a new culvert, The pic­ ners of the C event, and Wally Pldskalny, skip; Bob Da voren, tures show the old bridge before being removed, top , the culvert second; SCally Frecbuirn, third, and Bill Stanley, lead, 1I'0n the under con struction, centre, the old creek bed 10 the left, and the novelty dress event. nell' on e on the right, above.

15 The Department's 25-car Comox Queen, top right, is dwarfed by 320-car Queen of Cowie han, one of the latest additions to the B.C. Ferries fleet, shown in this aerial photo at Harbou I' near Vi ctoria. The big, 111'11' 6,650-ton, 457-foot 10nR ferry was receiving finishing touches before RoinR into service. Gill' quarter its length and aile tenth its tonnage, the Comox Queen was in [or annual refit. By coincidence the Canadian Armed Forces minesweeper, bottom right, is also named Cowiehan.

16 UTfl OGIt A f'llr.1) l l" C A SADA BY K. M . M."DOS Alll . Q UF.~::'\; · S PR ISTER, VICTO R IA, B RITl SIl CO I.UM IllA