THE BRITISH COLUMBIA ISS, 03S1- 114 1 PUBLISH ED BY T H E DEP, RTf lENT OF HIGHWA 'SAD PUBLICW OI KS SUMMER ]976 V LUME 13. N UMBER 3 , I I . \. • 1 " I' .~. .--;- ..' . , . ,# #- . ~ :11 . , , .' r. • Maintenance Management Pavement Planer In the last year the words "Maintenance Management" have In Ju ne a new mac hine was introduced to the Williams Lake been frequently heard and seen throughout the Department. District, an asphalt planer, capable of planing off an asphalt sur­ From its beginnings a few years ago, the Maintenance Manage­ face to reduce slippery sections and rutted surfaces. ment program has grown to become a full comprehensive man­ The machine is manufactured in Germany and is now being agement aide to assist all district and regional maintenance oper­ introduced to Canadian highways. It is capable of cuts I/i inch 1h ations. to 2 inches deep and 12 feet wide . The surface is heated by a large propane, infra-red heater II) The program employs a system of both manual and com­ a temperature of 120 to 160°F. The material is then planed by puterized cost and performance reports which compare actual a cylinder with hardened steel cutters and the planed material lies with planned work quantities to assist districts with planning, in a single windrow on the road. It is shown here in use on scheduling, and controlling their activities. the Cariboo Highway. The windrowed material was picked up by a front-end loader with a smooth edge bucket and hauled Work is planned by means of a "Performance Budget" which away by a truck to a small paving project where the material allocates manpower, equipment, and materials to work activities was reused. Approximately 350 cubic yards of material were based on standards. Department policy, and available funds. moved from a 0.6-mile section per day. The machine weighs about 62,000 pounds and is self-pro­ pelled by a V-lO Deutz Diesel power plant. Three men operate the machine. A pilot car and flag persons were used to control and regulate the flow of traffic . This operation was on Highway 97 south of Williams Lake. A grader was used to tight blade the finished surface after the loader was finished . A broom then removed loose material and rocks before traffic was allowed to travel on the completed section. The result was a fairly smooth surface with good riding and anti-skid characteristics. Headquarters Maintenance Management staff, left to right, seated, Debbie A . Haigh, Secretary; Earl A. Lund, Maintenance Management Engineer; Lori G . Bulmer, Computer Clerk; stand­ ing, John L. S. Buckle, Maintenance Standards Engineer; John Reimer, Programmer Analyst; Mike J. McDonald, Maintenance Management Consultant. Most districts now have a co-ordinator who is responsible Ken Smith, Road Maintenance Foreman, keeping an eye on the asphalt planer. for, among other things, the processing of management informa­ tion in the district. Each region has a Maintenance Management Engineer and Technician who through the Assistant Regional Highway Engi­ neer provide technical direction to the districts on the program. The Maintenance Management Division of the Maintenance Branch has its headquarters in Victoria headed by the Mainte­ nance Management Engineer with his staff, including a Computer Programmer-Analyst, Maintenance Standards Engineer, Com­ puter Clerk, and Secretary. The management system expects to achieve a number of benefits. These include improved scheduling of work, better utilization and control of resources, improved internal communi­ cations via monthly management meetings, and the provision of a better level of uniform service to the public. To date all district and regional maintenance operations arc involved in the program as are the Dock District and Electrical District. Other branches and divisions are anticipating inclusion in the near future. Material was loaded and hauled away to ano ther pav ing project. 2 THE ROAD RUNNER Minister's Message Volume 13 Summer 1976 No . 3 Our Department peopl e ma intaining roads and deal­ Published**Quarterly by th e ing with th e inevitable com ­ British Columbia Department of Highways plaints and criticisms mu st and Public Works get th e [eeling sometim es Victoria, British Columbia that th e number of cars ill th e Pro vince is increasing Ray Baines, Executive Editor mu ch fast er than th e popula­ Arthur J. Schindel, Editor tion . They are right . It is. In 1965 th ere were 1,797,000 people in British Co lum bia Associate**Field Editors and 767,669 motor-veh icles, W. S. Boughey Victoria a ratio of 2.34 persons per Herb Gutteridge Regional Electrical Crew vehicle. In 1975 th ere were Er ic Eastick Centreline Marking, Cloverdale 2,457,000 people alon g with Dou g Jones Burn aby 1,44 3,000 registered motor- vehicles, a ratio of 1.7 persons per vehicle. Population George Harp er __ Burn side had increased 37 per cent in the 10 years and motor­ Hector McLe od Nan aimo vehicles, 88 per cent. If there is only a slight incr ease in D. L. Olive r Co urtenay th e number of complaints, therefore, we are still doin g George Cooper Patrol, North Van couver a pretty good job because th ere are 37 per cent more Ellis Meads Dock Di stri ct people to make th em and th ey hav e 88 per cent more cars. Lloyd Burgess New Westmin ster ALEX. V. FRASER S. R. Young McBride Min ister Whayne Chappell Kamloops Ken E. Smith Williams Lake ._--------------------------------------~ M. D. Mu rr ay Ram say _ Salmon Arm M. J . Newlands Revelstoke Les Johnson Vernon R. J. Martin Kelowna J. W . Zaporozan Penticton Brian Niehaus Merritt Communications Parley Dave Roberts Lillooet In April the Communications Division of the Servic es Branch Dorothy Wilkins Grand Forks held a conference in Karnloops, the first time all the sta ff had Joy Mailey Rossland been assembled in one place since 1973. S. J. Dixey .. N elson The conference was organized to acqua int the techni cians with Jack Prokopetz New Denver new regional administr ativ e procedures, and to give them an R. Jackman Cre ston upgrading in solid-sta te servicing. Guest lecturers includ ed Tom N. K. Molander Cranbrook Yearsley, Garth Shearing, Ro y Jarvi s, Ian Miller, Dav e Chura, Sam Caravetta Fernie and Lou Hansen of the Department, and Rei Fritsche of R. F. Mike Magli o Golden Electronics Ltd . W. R. Rowe .Smithers Stan Gladysz Pouce Coupe Homer Good Fort St. John Harman DeIyea Terrace Shirley Hrechka Prince George Clyde SmaasIet Prince George Don Johnson QuesneI Brian Hunter Vanderhoof L. M. Wagar Burn s Lake W. R. Ball Prince Rupert COVER PHOTO R em oval of a kin g-sized boulder containing 3,800 cubic yards was undertak en by th e D epartment early in l uly near Sayward on Van coul 'er Island.The ma ssiv e rock , 70 feet long, 35 teet deep, and 110 feet high , was tak en out in order to prevent pos­ sible [uture damage to an env ironm entally sensitive part of th e Top row, left 10 righ t, Headquarte rs Co m m unications En ei­ Salmon R iver, where the new north island high way is being buil t. nce r Ga rth Sh earing, Pat Ma hood, LOll Hansen, W ayne Nicho lls, Th e job was acco mplished with a single blast using 3,375 pounds Steve Hu ghes, Dave Smith, R oy Jarvis, and Russ Ha zel. Centre of powder wired in m illi-second dela ys. To p picture shows the row, Berne Serne, Ian M iller, R ol f Mathie, Doug Pearce, and moment of detonation as the rock starts to open up lik e a blos­ Craig Sco tt. Front row, Mike M cCooey, Pete M ethuen, G erry sam.Bottom left, the huge boulder before the blast and , right, Car lson , Paul Lock e, and Dave Chura. a neat pile of easily handled rubble after the smoke cleared. 3 PROMOTIONS VIC DREW has MOLLY PYSTRA­ Engineering Aide 3, Creston, to Engineer­ been promoted to the SHUK recently won ing Assistant; E. V. HEMMINGSEN, position of Chief Prop­ through competition M.O. 3, Alberni, to Engineering Assistant; erty Negotiator by the position of Dis­ D. P. HANDLEY, Engineering Aide 3, Public Service compe­ trict Office Manager in Revelstoke, to Engineering Assistant; B. tition. Vic is in his Smithers. Molly be­ E. MERRICK, Bridgeman 2, Cranbrook, 30th year of continu­ gan with the Depart­ to Bridgeman 3; L. 1. VOTH, Bridgeman ous service in the De­ ment as Clerk-Recep­ 2, Willi ams Lake, to Bridgeman 3, Port partment, 24 of which have been in the tionist in 1971 and was promoted to Alberni; D. A. BUCKLEY, Sign Mainte­ Property Negotiations Branch. When the Timekeeper in 1974. Molly is married. nance Man , North Vancouver, to Fore­ regional districts were formed in 1956, {? TC? tI man 1 (Road); I. S. ROBERTSON, M.O. Vic was appointed Regional Property 4, Nelson, to Foreman I ; R. J. LAHNER, ALBERT (RED) EVANS, Road Fore­ Negotiator in Region 1 and served in Mechanic 2, New Denver, to Mechanic man, has won through competition the that capacity up until his appointment 10 3, Trout Lake; B. DOUCETTE, M.O. r. position of Road Foreman 3, Cassidy. Victoria in 1971 as Assistant Chief Prop­ Cloverdale, to Centreline, M.O . 6; R. Albert served as Foreman for a time at ert y Negotiator. Vic is an accredited LOWE, M.O. 4, Kimberley, to Foreman Nanaimo and Duncan before receiving member of the Appraisal Institute of 3 (Road); L.
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