Fall 1995 Volume 22 • No. 3 The INA Quarterly

Volume 22 • No. 3 Fall 1995

3 Sadana Island Shipwreck Excavation 1995 MEMBERSHIP Cheryl W. Haldane Institute of Nautical Archaeology P.O. Drawer HG 10 T.S.S. Zavala: College Station, TX 77841-5137 The Texas Navy’s Steamship-of-war Learn firsthand of the latest discov- Elizabeth R. Baldwin eries in nautical archaeology. Mem- bers receive the INA Quarterly, sci- 16 Riding a New Wave: entific reports, and book discounts. Digital Technology and Underwater Archaeology David A. Johnson & Michael P. Scafuri Regular ...... $30 Contributor ...... $60 21 To Dive for the Meaning of Words George F. Bass Supporter ...... $100

23 Review: Nautical Shenanigans Benefactor ...... $1000 Ricardo J. Elia Student/ Retired . . . $20

24 In the Field Checks in U.S. currency should be made payable to INA. The portion of any do- nation in excess of $10.00 is a tax-de- 25 17th Century Shipwreck, La Belle, ductible, charitable contribution. Discovered in Matagorda Bay, Texas. Barto Arnold and Brett Phaneuf

26 News & Notes

On the cover: Chinese export porcelain from the Saldana Island Shipwreck includes a variety of bowls, dishes, and cups from the late 17th century AD. The peony scroll dish, one of 140 excavated this year, measures 35 centimeters in diameter. Photo by N. Piercy.

© October 1995 by the Institute of Nautical Archaeology. All rights reserved. INA welcomes requests to reprint INA Quarterly articles and illustrations. Please address all requests and submissions to the Editor, INA Quarterly, P.O. Drawer HG, College Station, TX 77841-5137; tel (409) 845-6694, fax (409) 847-9260, e-mail: [email protected]

The Institute of Nautical Archaeology is a non-profit scientific and educational organization, incorporated in 1972. Since 1976, INA has been affiliated with Texas A&M University where INA faculty teach in the Nautical Archaeology Program of the Department of Anthropology.

The INA Quarterly was formerly the INA Newsletter (vols. 1-18). Editor: Christine A. Powell Sadana Island Shipwreck Excavation 1995

by Cheryl W. Haldane, Ph. D., INA Research Associate

INA-’s first excavation season on the Sadana Island Shipwreck logged just over 1,000 dives for a total of more than 260 hours on the seabed at depths of 22-42 meters. Our work fo- cused on activities designed to protect the ship and its cargo from casual visitors, to prepare the site for further study, and to begin documenting its rich collection of Chinese porcelain and other ceramic artifacts (fig.1). Our first visit to Sadana Island had been made during the 1994 Red Sea shipwreck survey (INA Quarterly 21.3), and we were excited to be returning for our first full-scale project this year. Our excavation team included Egyptian archaeologists, a repre- sentative of the , INA-Egypt staff, students in Tex- as A&M University’s Nautical Archaeology Program, long-time INA illustrator Netia Piercy and a second-generation illustrator, Lara Piercy (fig.2). We camped on the beach opposite Sadana Is- land from 15 June until 28 August when a convoy of LandRovers and police cars began the 700-kilometer-long drive to Alexandria’s Maritime Museum with the season’s finds. Map: C. Powell Fig. 1. Sadana Island, Egypt. Excavation This season, we had four primary excavation goals: to prepare the site for future work, to evaluate mapping procedures for the kullal (juglet) field at one end of the site, to recover all visible porcelain objects, and to excavate test trenches for evaluating hull structure. The size of the site (c. 50 x 25 m) made computer mapping the most accurate means of recording site features relative to each other. By mea- suring distances between fixed points, we were able to use the Web© for Windows™ computer mapping system to position objects accurately in three dimensions. The ship lies along the base of a 27-meter-high coral reef. Stacked grapnel anchors more than 4 m long mark the bow, and layers of earthen- ware juglets and bottles cover the stern. Clusters of large storage and trans- port jars called zilla in Arabic received a great deal of attention as they obstructed our access to much of the central portion of the site (fig. 3). Many dives were devoted to measuring and then moving approxi- mately 30 zilla off the shipwreck and to the base of the reef. We suspect that most of these carried a liquid cargo or were empty when the ship sank. Some zilla, however, had been filled with objects by sport divers. They told us last year that they had done this to protect artifacts from theft by other sport divers. Objects recovered from zilla include copper wares, glazed bowls, a nearly complete glass “case” bottle, earthenware pipes, kullal, stacks of porcelain bowls concreted together, and a ceramic teapot (fig.4). Using a procedure developed and tested on site for sketch mapping Photo: C. Haldane and measuring within the kullal field, we excavated more than 100 kullal Fig. 2 (Above). Two generations of INA art- of at least 20 different types although all are of a similar thin, gray/brown ists at work—Netia and Lara Piercy examine fabric. We believe we raised about 10% of the existing kullal—one small some of their drawings of Sadana Island Chi- section of the area showed that there are at least five layers of juglets over nese porcelain. a field approximately 7 x 6 m.

3 INA Quarterly 22.3 Teams working on measuring and excavating porcelain objects dealt with two different types of material: objects clearly in context, usually locked to other site fea- tures by coral growth or marine encrusta- tion, and porcelain that had been recently broken and dumped in mixed piles by loot- ers. The large number of shattered porce- lain objects suggests that unscrupulous sport divers have been using hammers and chisels to try to break porcelain free of en- crustations. Their discards remain for us to record and study, but we also noted sever- al areas rich in porcelain that seem to be undisturbed.

Materials Porcelain The Sadana Island Shipwreck’s por- Photo: A. Flanigan celain cargo is unique among excavated or Fig. 3. More than 120 kullal and bottles provided us a glimpse of the complex salvaged materials from other wreck sites, associations of these small earthenware objects stacked more than five deep in one because it is a cargo intended for the Mid- part of the hull. Meter-high zilla (storage jars) like those in the central area of the dle Eastern market. A number of Dutch and photograph make up a substantial portion of the cargo as well. other European ships have been excavated in the Pacific Ocean, and the porcelain they carried includes shapes and designs specifically intended Tracing porcelain trade networks from Istanbul to to appeal to a western market. For example, images of China leads directly to Egypt and the Red Sea. Although human figures are common on western-oriented wares. the Ottoman Empire (which included Egypt) made a po- In contrast, all of the decorated pieces of porcelain from litical withdrawal from the Indian Ocean in 1635, mer- Sadana rely solely on floral motifs. No animal or human chants and ship owners from Arabic-speaking parts of the figures are present, and this is typical of styles intended Ottoman Empire continued to trade in the Red Sea and for sale in India and the Middle East. the Indian Ocean. Porcelain typically was carried from China to southern India, and transshipped at ports there. The trade routes between India and Arabic-speaking parts of the Ottoman Empire re- mained active. The Sadana Island Shipwreck includes a great deal of the Chinese Imari wares, a polychrome imi- tation of Japanese-style porcelain decoration. When porcelain is manufactured, only the rich cobalt blue glazes are applied before firing (underglaze). Ad- ditional colors, including scarlet, green, yellow and gold, were applied separately as overglaze. Unfor- tunately, these are rarely preserved in marine envi- ronments. This means that the porcelain we recov- er from the ship has only part of its decoration pre- served. Sometimes we can get a glimpse of more com- plex original decoration when dry porcelain is held in raking light. Illustrator Netia Piercy first identi- Photo: E. Khalil fied the “ghosting” where overglaze had preserved Fig. 4. Archaeologists worked hard to recover all visible objects to pro- the porcelain surface, leaving a thin glossy tracery tect the site from further looting. Here D. Haldane raises a stack of 13 of the original designs. Recording the ghosting is porcelain dishes encased in marine growth from the wreck. slow and demanding work, and only one porcelain

INA Quarterly 22.3 4 object has had its “ghosting” recorded fairly thor- oughly. We were pleased to find a virtually iden- tical example of the type in the Topkap1 Saray collections to compare to the Sadana bowl and to learn that the method we used to record the ghost- ing successfully reveals the original designs. This part of the study will require extensive work after the porcelain has been desalted, cleaned, and dried (fig. 5). Nearly 300 different porcelain artifacts were recorded and raised in 1995. We noted about 20 different object types, some of which Dr. Rose Kerr, Curator of Chinese art at London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, tells us date to the middle to late years of the 17th century. Curiously, we also have porcelain bowls almost identical to some in Photo: N. Piercy the Topkap1 Saray collections of the Ottoman sul- Fig. 5. Archaeologists spend hours each day cleaning and recording the tans in Istanbul that are dated about 50 years later more than 400 objects raised in 1995. Emad Khalil, INA-Egypt’s deputy by the individuals who have studied that materi- director, used pneumatic air scribes to remove coral growth and encrusta- al. Establishing the date for the porcelain cargo will tion from this large clay bottle. be an exciting aspect of future research. The primary porcelain cargo components excavat- In addition to the peony scroll dishes, porcelain ar- ed this year were two sizes of dishes decorated with a pe- tifacts included a variety of plates, cups, small and large ony scroll on the interior and an unidentified motif on the bowls, and a single triangular-sectioned bead (fig. 6). exterior. The dishes measure 34.4 cm and 37.8 cm in diam- Earthenware eter. More than 140 dishes of this type were excavated from Nearly 160 earthenware objects were excavated the wreck in 1995. Many of them were in the lowest part from the Sadana Island Shipwreck in 1995. Tobacco pipes, of the hull, concreted together in coral-covered stacks of a kursi (charcoal holder for a water pipe) with bright red up to 20 dishes that weighed more than 100 pounds. slip and elaborate decoration, glazed and unglazed bowls, spout- ed containers with small mouths, transport amphoras, bottles, pitch- ers, and kullal will provide an in- teresting corpus of material for study (fig. 7 and 8). Kullal are defined by the presence of a filter at the junction between neck and body and by the fine, thin brownish-gray fabric used in construction. There are 10 differ- ent shapes and decorative types of kullal excavated this year, three dif- ferent bottle shapes, and two differ- ent pitchers with handles. Fabric types are similar, and most exam- ples are decorated with bands of incised linear and punctate designs. a. b. c. Some also have applied plastic clay Drawings a & c by N. Piercy, b by L. Piercy decoration in more and less elabo- rate arrangements. The kullal from Fig. 6. Coffee drinking in porcelain cups had become an accepted part of daily life for Sadana Island bear strong similari- many people in the 17th century as contemporary Ottoman miniature paintings illus- ties to those excavated more than 20 trate. Celadon green, brown, and white cups with blue underglaze and colored under- years ago from the Sharm el Sheikh glaze are common on the Sadana Island wreck. shipwreck (see Raban, 1971).

5 INA Quarterly 22.3 Cupreous objects the category of case bottles. The exceptions are an 18-cm tall, turquoise neck and mouth of a large, round, glass Excavators recovered a number of objects made pri- bottle similar to examples from seventeenth-century Ot- marily of copper. These included cooking pots and lids, toman Turkey and a dark brown bottle base with a 10-cm handles, dishes, a coffee pot, a kettle, ewers, a single tool, diameter. Case bottles are known to be a European-style two hinged and linked loops, and two portable grills. In bottle intended for transporting liquor. Alcohol was an addition, a well preserved sheave that may be bronze and important part of seaborne trade in the Far East. In the weighs at least 12 kilograms and a possible folding lan- Muslim world, wine drinking had been forbidden by tern were retrieved. Mohammed, but debates about whether alcohol should Copper objects from the surface of the wreck have be considered forbidden also are well documented in writ- suffered from exposure to the sea, and many are extreme- ten documents of this period. ly fragile and broken. In some cases, we have identified The best preserved example of a case bottle (3-3) recent damage from previous site visitors. A copper plate was retrieved from a zilla. About 85% of the 28.5-cm-tall from the wreck that was returned to us by an anonymous body is present, but one-side is badly broken. Case bottles donor includes an inscription in Arabic that may help to are green glass bottles with square bases, walls that angle identify at least one member of the ship’s complement on slightly outward as they approach the rounded shoulders, its last voyage. and a well defined neck and rim. The walls are very thin, Glass and thus fragile, a feature that resulted in tremendous Glass objects from the Sadana Island Shipwreck in- breakage (probably much of it recent) on the bottom. At clude three types of bottles. All but two examples fall into least 21 case bottle bases have been excavated so far; con-

Fig.7 (Left). A pitcher.

We recovered about 20 different kinds of small-mouthed containers, probably for water, made of the same finely textured brownish-gray clay. This pitcher, kullal (or juglet), and bottle are typical in shape and decoration of the more than 1,000 remaining on the bottom. Drawings by K. Burnett, 35% of original size.

Fig. 8 (Below). Kullal (left) and bottle (right).

INA Quarterly 22.3 6 Fig. 9. Brief examination of hull con- struction methods during the 1994 Red Sea Shipwreck Survey had taught us that the Sadana Island wreck was built in a previously undocumented fashion. Two test trenches opened this year brought three very different parts of the ship to light, raising more questions than answers about the technology used to build the hull. Here, D. Haldane ex- amines the hull. servation and study will probably allow us to join some of these to ex- cavated body and shoulder sec- tions.

Organic remains The Sadana Island Ship- wreck contains a rich variety of waterlogged organic remains that Photo: E. Khalil includes wooden jar and bottle stoppers as well as a sub- men unloading pepper ships were forbidden to wear stantial amount of wood charcoal. In addition to clothes with pockets in them for fear that they would steal hand-picking larger samples, including rope, archaeolo- a few peppercorns. gists recovered seeds and other plant fragments through The aromatic resin carried on the Sadana Island ship- bucket flotation of object contents. wreck has a strong and rich odor. Chemical analysis by Bucket flotation separates organic remains from gas chromatography in order to define its chemical com- sand and shells by disaggregating the sediments and caus- position will allow a match to be made to known resin ing the organic component to be suspended in water, then types. This is the only way to tell which of the many plants trapped in a sieve as the water is poured through it. Mi- that produce aromatic gums and resins such as frankin- croscopic analysis of samples will teach us more about the cense, myrrh and storax and are native to India, the Far crew’s diet and the ship’s cargo, but already we know that East and the Red Sea shores is the source of the material the ship carried coconuts, aromatic resin, pepper, corian- on the Sadana Island wreck. der and coffee. These products are among the most frequently cit- The Hull ed spices in Ottoman archival documents, and they served Two trial trenches excavated in the central part of not only as spices but also as medicines. During the six- the ship and recording of the lowest portion of the hull teenth century, coffee had been introduced to the Arabian provided basic details of ship construction (fig. 9). In addi- peninsula from Ethiopia, probably by Sufis who seem to tion to moving sand in this area by hand, archaeologists have appreciated its stimulating qualities. The plant grew used induction dredges, large tubes that depend on water well in Yemen, and Yemen became the world’s leading suction, to make their job quicker and more efficient. One producer of coffee by the seventeenth century. Alexandria trench measured about 1.5 x 1 m; the other is about 3 x 3 was the major port for re-export of Yemeni coffee in the m. late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, and cof- The larger trench provided some interesting details fee was a high value cargo. The coffee arrived in Alexan- of construction, including a coating of resinous material dria after being shipped up the Red Sea, taken by caravan over the planking and an area that has had some of the across the desert, then by river boat from Cairo. heavier timbers removed. As this was uncovered in the Pepper’s value as a spice remains high today. More last few days of excavation, we will be investigating this than 4,000 years ago, pepper began to be traded westward further next year and trying to understand whether the from India. Price studies show that it has long been con- timbers were lost recently or at some time before the ship sidered as the most precious of spices. In addition to its sank. role in flavoring food, it is used as a preservative and was The methods used to build this ship are not previ- thought to be a stimulant and an aid to digestion; dock- ously recorded, and the ship itself as an artifact is there-

7 INA Quarterly 22.3 Reef survey In addition to excavating the site, archaeologists also surveyed the coral reef nearby. Four addition- al anchors, probably from the same ship, were located (fig. 10). One team member spotted a single stack of eight complete and clean dishes decorated with peony scrolls at a depth of 26 meters, probably placed there by a sport diver planning to raise them at another time. Five oth- er plates, all with recent breaks, were also found far from the ship- wreck and also represent looting activities. Origin of the Ship The first question asked by archaeologists and other interested Photo: E. Khalil people concerns the ship’s origin: Where is it from? We know that the Fig. 10. C. Haldane examines a 4-meter-long grapnel anchor. This is one of at least eight anchors carried by the immense ship that wrecked against the reef near Sadana Island. porcelain originated in China and that the coffee undoubtedly came from Yemen, but these were fore extremely important. What we have so far observed cargoes that could have been loaded at any major shows us that the hull was not built according to standard emporium such as Jidda. European methods. Its frames, though large (c. 20 x 20 cm) As we expected, no conclusive answer can be given and in some cases composite (built of two layers of wood), this season. Personal items often provide clues to the na- are spaced fairly far apart in comparison to Dutch or Por- tionality of the ship’s crew, and thus to its possible origin. tuguese hulls. We found few objects this year that could be considered Also, some of the bottom components (either hull personal items: the inscribed copper plate, smoking para- planking or perhaps a sister keel) measure 20 cm in thick- phernalia and possibly incense burners, although these last ness, which is much thicker than planking on comparable might be cargo. European hulls. It was also clear that frames do not fit the As we excavate more deeply into the hull, we ex- planking closely because many shims (thin wedges of pect to reach levels undisturbed by sport divers that will wood) have been found already. contain artifacts that can help us better address this ques- Major hull components were fastened with iron tion. bolts and nails. As the iron has decayed, only the concre- tion surrounding the fasteners or, in some cases, the Future Plans iron-impregnated wood is available for study. We did not We are extremely concerned about the presence of clear enough of the hull for a coherent pattern of fasten- looters at the site. The day we arrived, a dive boat also ings to be recorded. came and sent more than 10 divers into the water above it The trial trenches did not provide conclusive evi- despite our repeated requests that they leave the site. We dence for construction methods, but study of all notes, could not dive that day, so there was no possibility of be- measurements and descriptions of the areas, as well as ing able to observe them except from the surface. We do future seasons of excavation, will add to our understand- not know if they took things from the site. Many people ing of the hull’s construction. In addition to large compo- have told us that they know about the site and have visit- nents such as stringers and frames, archaeologists recov- ed it or know someone who has “many things” from the ered tiny chips of wood and bark that probably were left wreck in their home. The Egyptian will be from the hull’s construction. Identification of wood types patrolling the area periodically, but we have also left a used may provide a clue to the ship’s origin. warning sign on the sea floor (fig. 11).

INA Quarterly 22.3 8 The 1995 excavation season of the Sadana Island Funding and in-kind support for the 1995 Sadana Shipwreck has been a success, with more than 400 objects Island Excavation was generously provided by Billings K. raised and transported across the Egyptian desert and Ruddock, The Amoco Foundation, The Brock Foundation, through the Delta to Alexandria’s Maritime Museum CitiBank - Egypt, CIB, Pepsi, Arab Contractors, British Gas, where a new laboratory for wet objects is being prepared Egypt, Scuba Doo in Hurgada, and INA-Egypt members. by INA-Egypt with the assistance of the Supreme Council The American Research Center in Egypt and its Cairo Di- for Antiquities and the Egyptian Antiquities Project. We rector Mark Easton, Fran and Chip Vincent, and Richard plan to have a larger international crew in 1996, in order and Bari Biennia also contributed their efforts to the suc- to work more effectively. It seems almost too long to wait cess of the season. Our appreciation for your assistance is to return to this exciting and beautiful site. unbounded. Suggested Reading Acknowledgments. The Supreme Council of Antiquities and its director Dr. Abdel Halim Nur el Din provided a great Ayers. J. Ed. deal of support for the excavation, including archaeolo- 1986 Chinese Ceramics in the Topkapi Saray Museum, vols. gists Sameh Ramses, Mohammed el Sayed, Mohammed 1 and 3. Sotheby’s. Mustafa, and Inspector Abdel Rigal. We also are grateful to the Egyptian Navy for allowing Lt. Tarek Abu el Elaa to Hattox, R. S. join us for the entire season. The excavation also benefited 1985 Coffee and Coffeehouses. Univ. of Washington. from the talents of INA-Egypt staff Douglas Haldane and Medley, M. Emad Khalil, Illustrators Netia Piercy, Kendra Burnett, and 1989 The Chinese Potter. Third Edition, Phaidon. Lara Piercy, American University in Cairo student Mar- ston Morgan, and TAMU Nautical Archaeology Program Raban, A. students Elizabeth Greene, Alan Flanigan, Layne Hedrick, 1971 The Shipwreck off Sharm-el-Sheikh. Archaeology Peter Hitchcock, and Christopher Stephens. 24.2: 146-55.

Photo: E. Khalil Fig. 11. Regrettably, the Sadana Island Shipwreck has been visited by too many divers unaware of the impor- tance of taking only photographs with them when they leave the site. It is hoped that a blanket of sand and this sign will protect the site in the coming year.

9 INA Quarterly 22.3 T.S.S. Zavala: The Texas Navy’s Steamship-of-War by Elizabeth R. Baldwin

In February of 1839 the fledgling Republic of Texas ings that carried passengers and a variety of available car- commissioned vessels for a new navy, a navy that would goes, were introduced. However, packet services proved be of immense strategic importance in the ongoing con- to be a natural market for steam vessels, which did not flict with Mexico (fig. 1). The most controversial vessel of need to rely on wind for motive power. The Charleston was the new navy was the sidewheel steamer Zavala. Original- built for the coastal trade. While early packet routes had ly the Charleston, the vessel had been built as a coastal pack- typically run on sheltered waters, such as Long Island et and converted into a steamship-of-war for Texas. Sound or the Hudson River, the Charleston would traverse Although much has been written about the Texas deeper, and often more treacherous ocean waters along War of Independence from Mexico, surprisingly little is the Atlantic coast between Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and known about the actual design, construction, and arma- Charleston, South Carolina. ment of the ships, including Zavala. Because the financial The vessel’s permanent enrollment documents state resources of the young Republic of Texas were severely that her length was 201 feet 9/10ths, her breadth 24 feet strained and the navy was in a rush to have the vessel 1/10th, and her depth 12 feet. She measured 569 15/95ths ready for potential confrontations with Mexico, the navy’s tons, and had a round stern, a flush deck and a scroll head financial records for Zavala are incomplete and often con- (fig.3). These measurements yield a length to breadth ra- tradictory. No plans of her exist, nor was her extensive tio of 8.3 to 1, which appears to be the average ratio for refit to a warship documented in detail. Thus, there exists paddle steamers of the period. She was intended to carry a significant gap in our knowledge of the Texas Navy, its a maximum of 120 passengers, and had a complete com- capabilities and constraints in the hostilities with Mexico plement of furniture, bedding and crockery to service those that followed the War for Independence. passengers in style. The Charleston was built in Philadelphia in 1836 as The new vessel was fitted with a pair of beam en- a coastal steam packet for the Charleston and Philadel- gines built by Levi F. Morris of Philadelphia. This type of phia Steam Packet Company. The period from 1820 to 1840 engine is also known as a “walking beam” engine, and was vital to the advancement and worldwide acceptance was common on early steam vessels. It is a simple recipro- of steamship technology. It was during this period that cating engine, characterized by a heavy, diamond-shaped steamships were able to correct and improve upon previ- elevated lever that pivoted at its center and transmitted ous problems and inadequacies and present a serious com- the drive force from a vertical piston rod to a connecting mercial threat to sailing vessels. In response to that com- rod which in turn drove the paddlewheels. Originally de- mercial threat, packet services, regularly scheduled sail- veloped in 1822, this type of engine was reliable, econom-

Fig. 1. Sketch of the Texas Fleet at Galveston by Wil- liam Bollaert. Zavala, the only steam vessel in the fleet, is pictured in the lower left. The configura- tion of one stack behind the other reflects a failed at- tempt at perspective on the part of the artist. (Cour- tesy of the Newberry Li- brary, Chicago).

INA Quarterly 22.3 10 ical and easy to maintain, and it became the univer- blockade Texas ports, had appropriated funds for the ac- sal engine of the eastern coastal packet steamers. The quisition of a new fleet for the navy in November of 1837. two boilers were most likely of copper, to prevent Texas had maintained a fleet during its war of indepen- corrosion from seawater, and probably sheathed in dence from Mexico, but those vessels were no longer use- iron for greater strength. ful. By December 1838 the newly elected President Lamar Unlike most packet steamers of her day, wrote in favor of the popular pro-navy position: “The pro- Charleston was very heavily constructed. Such heavy tection of our maritime frontier … is a public duty. … This timbering was typically an attempt to strengthen the duty may effectively be accomplished by a naval force of vessel to carry the weight of her twin engines and small magnitude though under present conditions of our boilers and to prevent her from hogging. It may also credit and finances not at a moderate expense.” The com- have been in response to the tough ocean conditions missioners promptly contracted for six sailing vessels. Yet, that awaited on the coastal ocean route. Indeed, a the Navy Department also thought it imperative to pur- punishing encounter with the elements occurred only chase a steamship, which would have an advantage over months after she began her service. sailing ships by being able to maneuver in and out of har- The Charleston encountered a severe gale off Cape bors and rivers regardless of the wind. Unfortunately, the Hatteras in October of 1837. A passenger gave a vivid ac- naval commissioners found themselves in strained circum- count of the storm: stances: they had only bonds of the Republic of Texas with A little before two o’clock in the morning, a which to pay for a ship. sea broke over the stern of the boat like an Financial considerations seem to have weighed avalanche … making an opening about one heaviest in the decision to purchase the packet Charleston inch wide the whole length of the boat, instead of a steam vessel that had been purpose-built as a through which the water poured … every warship. Steam warships had first been built for the U.S. time she shipped a sea. … At half past ten, Navy in 1814 to designs by Fulton. In England the British A.M., a sea of immense volume and force, Navy had also taken to building steam warships, and be- struck our forward hatch, towered over the tween 1820 and 1840 about seventy steam vessels were upper deck, and swept off all that was on it. added to the fleet. Although the Texans would have pre- It engulfed the fire under the boiler of the ferred a purpose-built warship, they were not prepared to engine on that side, and lifted the machinery pay the necessary price. In the Charleston the Texas Navy so as to permit the escape of a volume of agents had found an ideal compromise. She had been built steam and smoke, that nearly suffocated us, with extremely heavy timbers for a merchant vessel, she and so shifted the main shaft of the engine could be had for a bargain price, and Texas bonds could that it no longer worked true, but tore away be used in the transaction. An interested, and politically the wood work␣ … The big bell tolled with the motivated South Carolinian, James Hamilton, arranged a shock, as though sounding the funeral knell consortium to buy the vessel for cash in return for the Texas of all on board. bonds. After the sale of the steamer to the Republic of Tex- The staunch Charleston rode out the storm and limped as the vessel was repaired and altered in New York City into Beaufort, South Carolina for repairs. Other vessels were by Hamilton’s consortium. The type of work reported in not as fortunate. The storm destroyed the steam packet Home navy records in the Texas archives seem to indicate that with the loss of about one hundred lives. Charleston was in dire need of major repair as a result of After these well-publicized wreckings, public con- the extensive damaged suffered in the gale off Cape Hat- fidence in the Charleston route steam packets seems to teras. In fact, the high cost of repairing such heavy dam- have been badly shaken, so much so that some of the lines age may have helped to push the Charleston and Phila- became financially untenable. Although the Charleston delphia Steam Packet Company into bankruptcy. fared relatively well in the gale, the Charleston and Phila- The necessary repairs were made by a battery of delphia Steam Packet Company went bankrupt shortly different firms from New York City and environs, and in- thereafter. Whether the bankruptcy was due to the public cluded extensive repair to the hull, masts, repair to the lack of confidence in the coastal steam packets, or to the engines and boilers and new copper sheathing. The vessel depressed economic climate of 1837 is uncertain. The com- was also fitted with new equipment which included drap- pany’s bankruptcy, and the ongoing national depression, eries, cushions and tassels for cabin decoration. Such dec- forced its trustees to sell the Charleston at a substantial loss. oration seems inappropriate for a warship, but it reflects The ship was purchased by agents for the naval com- Hamilton’s assumptions about her future use. In a letter missioners for the Republic of Texas. The government of to the secretary of the Texas Navy, Hamilton stated, “She the Republic, concerned that Mexico had the ability to will be completely fitted out to answer the purposes both

11 INA Quarterly 22.3 with a plan for car- rying them out. He felt that as refitted the vessel needed further strengthen- ing to bear the weight and recoil of the guns, and that the engines were exposed and vul- nerable. By selling the unnecessary passenger furnish- ings for approxi- mately $10,000.00, Hinton felt he could finance the alter- ations. Some pre- liminary mainte- nance work took place in Galveston where the paddle- wheel arms and buckets were re- placed, but no fur- Map: E. R. Baldwin ther work was au- Fig. 2. Map showing the location of Galveston, Texas and the site of the Zavala. thorized. The new of a marine frigate, and a mail and passenger boat … commodore of the Texas Navy, the energetic and dynam- [E]xcept as needed to transport troops, I should presume ic Edwin Moore, arrived in Galveston to take command it would be deemed expedient to keep her as a govern- on October 4, 1839. He inspected the fleet and designated ment mail-boat between New Orleans and Galveston … the alterations to be made. Zavala was ordered to New Or- and at the same time keep your coast clear of all blockade leans for fitting-out, and Hinton was allocated $9,000.00 and Mexican cruisers.” Other administrative officers of the for that purpose. He was not authorized to sell the fur- Texas Navy were of similar opinion regarding the vessel’s nishings to obtain additional funds. Financial difficulties suitability; that is, she should be made a government pack- arose immediately. New Orleans merchants, still smart- et. Armament and equipment for the steamer were also to ing from the nationwide depression and rampant infla- be provided by Hamilton’s consortium. It was proposed tion, demanded payment in cash, refusing Texas notes. to “mount upon her one long eighteen or twenty-four Hinton’s frequent letters convey frustration, mostly be- pound gun in the forecastle, and one long twelve or eigh- cause the list of needed repairs quickly outgrew the avail- teen on the stern, and four or six waist guns, with mus- able cash. And something was clearly amiss. Along with a kets, pistols, pikes and sabres, powder and ball, and nec- request to authorize expenditures for a new foremast and essary munitions of war for a crew of one hundred men.” a new berth deck, he asked to replace the paddlewheel The Charleston steamed out of New York on February 19, components. “I found that so decayed and shattered were 1839 bound for Galveston, where she arrived sometime the wheels, there was not a single arm that was fit to be around March 18, 1839 (fig. 2). The steamship was the first used again.” It is hardly possible that in the course of barely ship commissioned into the new navy, not as a govern- three months, most of which had been spent at anchor, ment packet, but as a steamship-of-war. She was renamed Zavala would have completely worn out the sixty oak pad- Zavala, in honor of Lorenzo de Zavala, the first Vice Pres- dlewheel timbers ordered in Galveston in August. Nor ident of the Republic of Texas. does it seem possible that new masts would be needed A. C. Hinton, a former junior officer in the U.S. only one year after they had been replaced during her re- Navy, was given command of the steamer. Hinton wrote fit in New York. Yet the repairs were made, and Hinton the secretary of the navy, outlining alterations he thought continued his increasingly frustrating correspondence with necessary for Zavala to function well as a warship, along the secretary seeking necessary funds.

INA Quarterly 22.3 12 The secretary appears to have ignored Hinton’s re- dore Moore in command. Zavala sailed on June 27th as quests entirely, but eventually by February 1840, the re- part of that expedition. Moore planned to use Zavala to pair bills reached a total in excess of $21,000.00. The re- patrol and seize ships in harbors where she could maneu- pairs, including the new foremast, new engine parts, new ver regardless of the wind. The Commodore intended to decking, new guns and the removal of all passenger ac- take prize vessels and in that way finance the navy and couterments, were both beyond Hinton’s authority and in keep his fleet afloat. excess of the secretary of the navy’s budget. Upon his re- Moore formulated a plan to capture the city of San turn to Galveston, Hinton’s commission was withdrawn Juan Bautista on the Tobasco river with General Anaya of and he was dismissed from the Texas Navy. Hinton had the Yucatan, for $25,000 in prize money. The city favored been ordered to make “necessary repairs,” yet appears to the centralist government of Mexico, which both the Yucat- have been given no authority to carry them out. Those who an and Texas were fighting. On November 19, 1840 Zavala did have fiscal authority began to exercise it against the towed three vessels up the river: the Austin, the San Ber- new navy. Sam Houston, who had formerly been Presi- nard, and a Yucatan brig. On November 20th Commodore dent of the Republic and would again be elected Presi- Moore took the city without firing a shot. Zavala was dis- dent after Lamar’s term was up, was opposed to the new patched to Galveston, where she arrived on April 20th with navy. Houston had seized leadership of the Congress and $8,460.00 in specie. felt that Texas’ economic and military troubles could be The Texas Navy was now at full readiness and fi- solved by annexation to the United States. A strong mili- nally had the funds necessary to ensure its survival. Yet tary would not help his cause. In an effort to economize politics held the navy from combat. Instead of heading back and halt the runaway expenditures of the new navy, the out to sea, Moore was ordered to remain in Galveston and congress passed a law on February 5, 1840 requiring the refrain from even routine maintenance of the fleet. Dur- president to withdraw the entire fleet from action. The act ing this time the Texas government had been engaged in was intended to put the navy on reserve status, to be called diplomatic negotiations with the British government for upon only in a military emergency. President Lamar was official recognition of the Republic of Texas. Once Britain vehemently opposed to the act, and prevented its enact- offered both formal recognition and to mediate a truce with ment by executive privilege. Section four of the act stated: Mexico, the Congress felt that the navy was no longer need- “should Mexico make any hostile demonstrations upon ed as an offensive force. On September 18, 1841, Texas also the Gulf, the President may order any number of vessels entered into a treaty of official alliance with the Yucatan. into active service, that he should deem necessary for the This agreement was the official result of the informal mil- public security.” Invoking this power, President Lamar itary partnership that Moore had formed with Yucatan addressed Congress with the following explanation: forces in the taking of San Juan Bautista. Under the new alliance Moore was ordered to pro- It is … confidently believed here that the Mex- ceed to the Yucatan and to join forces in maneuvers against ican government had made a contract in Eu- Mexico’s centralist government. Moore was to receive only rope for the purchase of several vessels of $8,000.00 for provisioning and routine needs, a direct fee war, and that she had actually procured an that the Yucatan had offered to pay for the Texan fleet’s armed steam ship from a commercial house assistance. Although the sum was hardly adequate to in England, with a view of making a descent maintain the fleet, it was all the Congress, under Hous- upon the coast of Texas … Under these vari- ton’s leadership, was willing to allow. Moore could take ous circumstances, I have considered it my only those vessels that were immediately ready, petition duty to keep the Navy at sea for a short peri- for further funds, and rely on his ability to produce priz- od…. To have disbanded … our naval ser- es. Under the alliance any prizes captured or any revenue vice, at the moment when we have reason to confiscated from Mexican Government sources was to be believe our enemy was preparing a naval ar- divided equally after meeting the cost of the expedition. mament for our coast, would, in the opinion Zavala needed too much work to participate in this of the executive, have not only been indis- foray. She was laid up in ordinary. Without active mainte- creet and impolitic, but would, as he believes, nance the hull quickly deteriorated. In January of 1842, have been contrary to the true intention and Commodore Moore made a special appeal to the secre- meaning of congress. tary that funds be made available to enable Zavala to reen- By February 1840 the new navy was ready for ac- ter action. “If I had the steamer Zavala to co-operate with tion. Zavala saw action only in the Yucatan Campaign of the Squadron, I could levy contributions on several of their 1840-41, but was a major factor in victories there. The towns to a greater amount than the entire cost of the Navy Yucatan Campaign began in June of 1840 when the fleet - without the Zavala little else can be effected but to pick sailed out of Galveston, bound for Mexico with Commo- up any vessel that they hazard out” (Emphasis in origi-

13 INA Quarterly 22.3 nal). Again on April 5, 1842, Moore wrote the secretary of under the direction of J. Barto Arnold, and the National the navy to no avail. “I feel it is my imperative duty to Underwater and Marine Agency (NUMA), a private or- urge upon the Department the necessity of fitting out the ganization under the direction of author Clive Cussler. By steamer Zavala in order that we may keep the ascendancy careful study of historical maps that showed both the place- by sea …” Although funds were authorized by Congress ment of wharves and the pattern of infilling to enlarge the for her further repair and return to service, Houston, now island, the team located Zavala ‘s remains beneath Pier 29 president, never made the appropriation. in Galveston (fig. 2). Coring and a test trench made by back- Zavala subsequently sank further into disrepair, and hoe revealed various metal ship fittings and wooden hull in May 1842 she was run aground in Galveston to prevent remains, as well as a large riveted iron boiler measuring her from sinking. The deteriorating hulk was eventually more than 15 feet in length. The archival background re- stripped and allowed to sink into the harbor’s mud flats. search and the vessel remains together indicated that the She eventually became part of the harborscape. The story investigators had found Zavala. The survey confirmed that of Zavala began to fade from public memory. significant portions of the hull remain, despite damage to That memory has been rekindled by archaeology. the hull incurred in her working life, and deterioration re- On November 14, 1986, the remains of the steamship of sulting from her intentional grounding and abandonment. war Zavala were located and identified by the Underwa- INA has proposed a limited eight week excavation ter Archaeology Unit of the Texas Antiquities Committee, of the hull remains to document the construction of Zava-

Fig. 3. Conjectural reconstruction of the Charleston, before being refitted as a warship.

INA Quarterly 22.3 14 la. Due to the paucity of data relating to the construction Hill, J. D. and service of Zavala, and similar coastal steamships of 1987 The Texas Navy: Forgotten Battles and Shirtsleeve Di- the period 1820 to 1840, this excavation will contribute sig- plomacy. State House Press, Austin, Texas. nificantly to our knowledge of 19th-century steamship con- struction and to our understanding of the role of the navy Morrison, J. H. and naval policy in the Republic of Texas. 1958 History of American Steam Navigation. Steven Daye Press, New York. Suggested Reading Arnold, J. B. Smither, H. (Editor) 1990 The Survey For the Zavala, a Steam Warship of the Re- 1931 Journals of the Fourth Congress of the Republic of public of Texas. Underwater Proceedings from the Soci- Texas. Vol. 3. Boekmann-Jones Company, Austin, ety for Historical Archaeology Conference 1990: 105-109. Texas.

Dienst, A. Wells, T. H. 1909 The Navy of the Republic of Texas. The Quarterly 1960 Commodore Moore and the Texas Navy. Univer- of the Texas State Historical Association: Vol. XIII, July. sity of Texas Press, Austin, Texas.

Drawing: E. R. Baldwin

15 INA Quarterly 22.3 Riding a New Wave: Digital Technology and Underwater Archaeology. By David A. Johnson & Michael P. Scafuri

There was an air of excitement in the sleepy little town of Selimiye during the summer months of 1995. INA was beginning its first new Turkish excavation in eleven years, the excavation of the Byzantine-period shipwreck at Kücüven Burnu near Bozburun. With this project, INA brought a new cast of characters to Turkey, many of whom had never been to INA’s base in the Mediterra- nean before, and many of whom were working on their first underwater excavation. With these different faces came fresh insights and ideas of how to go about the business of performing ar- chaeology in the field. The interaction of these in- dividuals with the veteran staff of the Turkish arm of INA made for a project where innovation and experience mingled in a creative atmosphere of learning. Photo: Don Frey After over thirty years of pioneering re- Fig. 1. David Johnson using the technologies described in this article at search in the methods of archaeological excava- the Bozburun site. tion, INA and its founders have established it as a leader in the investigation of new technologies. It is continually building upon the innovations of the past to remain at the forefront of the science of archaeology. Most obviously, this has occurred in venturing into the hostile environment of the ocean floor to excavate through the use of SCUBA. Additionally, in experimenting with sonar, magnetometry, and acoustical technology for use in underwater survey and excavation, INA has pushed other technological envelopes since its inception. With the digital age upon us, there has been much talk about the “information super highway” and the ever- growing importance of computer technology in our daily lives. The role of computers in archaeol- ogy has had an increasingly significant presence in recent years. From early on, INA has appreci- ated the usefulness and validity of the computer as a tool in managing the vast amounts of data produced during excavation and analysis of ar- chaeological finds. The Port Royal Project made use of database and computer aided drafting pro- grams when they were still in their relative infan- cy (see INA Newsletter 12.4:10), and now that the software and hardware is becoming increasingly more powerful and sophisticated, there are more innovative and exciting tasks being attempted with computers, such as the topography and map- ping of the Bronze Age shipwreck site at Ulubu- run (see INA Quarterly 21.4:8-16). From the earliest stages of planning the field campaign to excavate the medieval wreck at Bozburun, it was decided to rely more upon dig- ital information management than any of INA’s past excavations (fig. 1). This commitment set us Photo: C. A. Powell on the path of conducting a project that uses com- Fig. 2. A picture of the final Web results for the primary datum points puters as the primary tools in cataloguing and con- from the Bozburun site.

INA Quarterly 22.3 16 trolling information both in the field and out. Computers will also be used as the medium for the wreck’s final presentation. The intent of this commitment is to increase efficiency in the col- lection and analysis of archaeological data while still in the field. This should facilitate the faster communication of archaeological information to our peers. It will also serve to bring archaeolo- gy to more of the public through electronic me- dia such as CD-ROM, the Internet, and the WorldWideWeb. Web The root of computer applications in the field at Bozburun lay in the use of a program, developed by Nick Rule for the Mary Rose Project Photo: INA in the 1980’s, called Web©. This program allowed us to derive extremely accurate three-dimen- sional positional information for artifacts on the sea-floor using relatively simple tools. In es- sence, the program uses a best-fit algorithm to detect inconsistencies in measurement data that usually go undetected when using traditional methods of triangulation with a line and plumb- bob (fig 2). Several methods of measurement data are accepted by Web, including offsets, bearings and slopes, but the simplest method, called Direct Survey Measurement (DSM) was selected for implementation during the 1995 field season. DSM makes the process of measuring underwa- ter less complicated, using four direct lengths from known points, or datums, to find an un- known point in three-dimensional space (fig. 3, Photo: INA 4, and 5). Web manipulates the measurements to find the solution, the point where the mea- surements best agree. The program then reports the average error among the measurements. Over the course of the 1995 season, pro- venience for nearly one hundred individual ar- tifacts were computed using Web, with an ac- cepted margin of error of under 2 cm. Using this positional information, we were able to begin the computer drafting of a three-dimensional

Fig. 3 (Top). AutoCAD drawing of the Bozborun camp. The structure locations were determined by taking tape measurements between the buildings and iterating them in the Web program. Fig. 4 (Middle). A reconstruction of the Bozborun camp galley and tool shed in AutoCAD. Fig. 5 (Bottom). Photograph of the Bozborun camp pictured above. Photo: D. Frey

17 INA Quarterly 22.3 base was to make the information management system as user-friendly as possible. The informa- tion had to conform to a format that would be con- ducive to the convenient entry of useful data and also to the effective extraction of necessary infor- mation. Concurrent with this goal was the need for expandability and easy file transfer. FoxPro® for Windows™ was selected for use due to its programmability and processing speed, and also its convenient compatibility with a number of other pieces of software. FoxPro was programmed not only for more convenient data entry and extraction, but also to link to AutoCAD and Web in order to transfer information between programs. In designing a system to solve the prob- Photo: INA lem of managing the data, it was thought that the Fig.6. Three-dimensional preliminary model of a Bozborun amphora. software and hardware used should be powerful, yet not overly complicated or inaccessible to an archaeologist. FoxPro, as well as the other software model of the site in the field. This site plan represents one packages used, offered a powerful PC-based solution that of the most exciting and innovative applications of com- was relatively inexpensive and easy to implement with a puters in the Bozburun project. moderate level of orientation. A “multi-relational” database was constructed to CAD and Modeling handle the provenience, registration, and cataloguing of The primary environment that we selected for the artifacts, using the system developed at Port Royal as its construction of the three-dimensional plan was Au- basis. As the artifacts are studied during the period be- toCAD®. This drafting program was selected because of tween excavation seasons, specific databases that contain its high degree of accuracy and its compatibility with oth- more detailed information will be constructed and related er database and design programs. It also enabled us to use to the field catalogue database. By incorporating graphi- an AutoCAD programming language called LISP, within cal information, such as photographs and dimensioned which we could read the provenience data determined in drawings, along with numerical and textual information Web as the basis for inserting three-dimensional models in the databases, all of the information necessary to study of artifacts into their appropriate locations. The modeling the site from a number of perspectives will be at the user’s routines of the animation and rendering package 3D-Stu- fingertips. dio® were also used with great success to create realistic and accurate wireframe images of the artifacts. Next Steps Through the application of these programs, archae- System development before next season is geared ologists will be able to see an actual three-dimensional rep- towards refining the interaction between the database and resentation of a submerged find while on the surface, rather the AutoCAD site plan. Current avenues being pursued than dealing with a conventionally drafted two-dimension- for solutions include incorporating Web’s algorithms with- al plan or photomosaic (fig. 6 and 7). While the usefulness in the database program and using a data transfer pro- of such a document for study and analysis has yet to be gram such as structured query language (SQL) or direct seen, the production of the plan has been an insightful ex- data exchange (DDE) between the database and the plan. ercise in data collection and field analysis. The plan is in- This would allow simultaneous interaction between the tended to provide a graphic interface into the databases programs and the cross-transfer of data. Several geograph- that hold the more detailed information about the indi- ic information system (GIS) packages are also being tested vidual artifacts. This serves as a unique tool in studying and considered for use in future seasons. the finds of the site in a convenient manner and helps to One of the major goals of the 1995 excavation sea- communicate detailed information about the spatial rela- son was to perform a detailed review of the wreck site to tionships of the artifacts more effectively than with con- assess the size of the task at hand and formulate an appro- ventional methods. priate plan for the most efficient and effective completion of the project. In conducting this review, some of our ini- Database Management tially conceived systems and procedures, the digital infor- The underlying concern in building the field data- mation management system included, were tested and

INA Quarterly 22.3 18 their merits and faults were assessed. It has been determined that to complete the first phase of goals in integrating computers into the field, certain im- provements in systems and hardware must be made. These improvements and upgrades will fa- cilitate the excavation goals and help to increase the efficiency of our data handling. The most immediate problem to solve is the excavation and cataloging of the large pile of amphoras that covers the hull remains. Certain tasks, such as excavation and conservation, act as limiting factors in plotting an efficiency curve for this problem, since both must proceed at a con- trolled pace which is determined by individual cir- cumstance. Computers can be used to accelerate these and other time consuming processes in part by establishing provenience for artifacts and by Photo: INA reducing the time involved in recording and cata- loging. While using digital technology to stream- Fig. 7. Several Bozborun amphoras arranged in a hypothetical scatter line these processes may involve an initial capital pattern. investment for the necessary equipment, more use- ful information will be produced in less time, giving a re- Future Presentation turn on this investment that will be more than justified in The use of computers to collect and store archaeo- the post-season. logical data more efficiently represents the first phase in INA staff are working in various ways to solve this this system. The second phase involves using computers task. To increase the efficiency of establishing provenience, to communicate the findings of archaeological research to the feasibility of implementing the SHARPS™ acoustical a broad audience. Electronic publishing offers a medium system, developed by INA board member Marty Wilcox, for communication that has unlimited versatility. As an is being assessed. The speed of taking “points” with example, it should be possible to allow a scholar of Byzan- SHARPS, combined with the Web program, produces a tine trade to examine fabric samples of the amphoras for fast and efficient system for measuring artifacts. Addi- intensive study while, at the same time, showing a curious tionally, labeling artifacts in the field with bar codes would fourth-grader what a ship from the Middle Ages would aid the registering, storing, and tracking of artifacts as they have looked like. are processed and offer another type of access into the da- The final publication of the findings of the Bozbu- tabases. Also being considered is a personal computer that run shipwreck project is intended to be partly in electronic is fully functional under water and is currently being de- media. In partnership with the Visualization Laboratory veloped by the Australian Institute of Marine Science. in the College of Architecture at Texas A&M University, In cataloguing artifacts, a search is being conducted INA plans to make the information collected during this for affordable and accurate scanning and digital imaging excavation available as a multi-media digital library or equipment which would provide three-dimensional sur- “data mine.” Not only will hard data be available for in- face meshes or drawings of artifacts with relatively little terested scholars and students, but also the analysis and time and effort spent. While a field catalogue entry of an interpretation of finds, including presentations such as re- amphora last season would take 45 to 90 minutes to com- alistically rendered and animated reconstructions of the plete, performing the same task with a digital scanner vessel and an interactive three-dimensional tour of the would produce an accurate recording in a fraction of the wreck site as it appeared on the sea floor (fig. 8 and 9). time. In this way, every amphora taken off of the wreck INA and the Nautical Archaeology Program at Texas A&M could be recorded in detail by scanning and photography, University are currently preparing home pages for the and many could be redeposited on the seafloor at the con- WorldWideWeb that will be continually updated with in- clusion of the field season. With a representative sample formation concerning current and past projects as a first retained for more extensive analysis and these recordings, step towards this type of electronic publication. the data set of the amphoras from the Bozburun wreck Computers, as with any other piece of equipment, would be quite complete. are tools to the nautical archaeologist that can be used in

19 INA Quarterly 22.3 the excavation, analysis, and interpretation of ar- chaeological data. They are tools that are becom- ing increasingly more vital to the efficient and suc- cessful conduct of archaeological projects. In this regard, any stigma concerning their involvement and usefulness with archaeology surely must be abandoned. As INA begins to seek funding to equip itself for the digital age, these are consider- ations that must be kept in mind.

Acknowledgments. Special acknowledgment is due to Nick Rule and his wife, Carol, who joined the Bozburun excavation for two weeks during the 1995 field season. His views, assistance, and ideas continue be an integral part of applying comput- ers to this project and nautical archaeology as a whole. We would also like to thank INA presi- dent and Bozburun excavation director Dr. Fred Hocker, who provided continual support and en- Photo: C.A. Powell couragement for our goals and sometimes gran- diose ideas. Without his assistance and willing- Fig. 8. Complete and broken amphora models embedded in a hypothetical ness to try a few new things, our system could mesh surface in 3-D Studio. never have gotten off the ground. Additional ac- knowledgments should be given to Professor Ri- chard P. Skowronek of the Engineering Design Graphics Department at Texas A&M University, whose excellent instruction and advice over the past year with AutoCAD and 3D-Studio proved invaluable this summer. Lastly, we would like to thank John Flynn of Computer Access in College Station, who provided us with timely help, ad- vice, and, more importantly, almost all of the hard- ware used in the 1995 field season.

Suggested References

Hill, Roger W. 1994 Technical Communication: A Dynamic Context Recording and Modeling System for archaeology. IJNA 23.2: 141- 145.

Archaeological Computing Newsletter (ACN) Photo: INA Published by the Institute of Archaeol- ogy; 36 Beaumont Street; Oxford OX1 Fig. 9. A fully rendered image of the amphoras in figure 8 with textures 2PG; United Kingdom. and materials applied to their surfaces.

CSA Newsletter Published by the Center for the Study of Architecture.

INA Quarterly 22.3 20 To Dive for the Meaning of Words by George F. Bass George T. & Gladys H. Abell Professor of Nautical Archaeology/Yamini Family Professor of Liberal Arts

When I learned to dive in 1960, while a doctoral On a ship that probably sank in the late 14th centu- candidate at the University of Pennsylvania, it was to en- ry BC off Uluburun, the next great cape to the west of Geli- able me to raise artifacts—tangible evidence of the past— donya, my student and colleague Cemal Pulak has now from a Late Bronze Age shipwreck located off Cape Geli- found an even better preserved layer of dunnage, this time donya, Turkey. I had no idea that the new field of under- consisting of thorny burnet, a prickly bush that grows wild water archaeology might also aid philologists by clarify- throughout the eastern Mediterranean area. In this case, ing the meaning of words in ancient texts. he may also have found remains of the ship’s wickerwork The excavation at Cape Gelidonya revealed mostly fence, a type of spray shield that appears in 15th- and 14th- the cargo of a modest merchant vessel that had sunk century Egyptian tomb-paintings of Syrian ships as well around 1200 BC, approximately the time about which as in the Odyssey. Homer wrote. Thirty-four ingots of Cypriot copper, the The Uluburun wreck has also helped clarify words residue of tin ingots, and baskets filled with scrap bronze in a number of Near Eastern languages. In a paper deliv- weighed about a ton in all. Between this metal cargo and ered in 1972, the late Leo Oppenheim suggested that two the fragmentary remains of the ship’s hull was a layer of words found on cuneiform tablets of the 14th century BC— twigs with their bark still preserved. mêku and eblipakku—meant raw glass. If he was right, there Someone on the excavation staff had brought an was written evidence that the major Syrian port of Ugarit English translation of the Odyssey, so, looking for an ex- exported glass, that Ashkelon, Acco, and Lachish sent glass planation of the twigs, I eagerly turned to the passage in ingots to Egypt, and that the pharaoh, in turn, sent glass which Homer describes Odysseus building a wooden ves- ingots to Babylon. There was, however, no archaeological sel in order to leave Calypso’s island. After completing evidence to support Oppenheim’s theory until excavators his hull, the translation said. Odysseus constructed a wick- from the Institute of Nautical Archaeology discovered at er fence to keep out the waves, and then backed up this Uluburun approximately 200 disk-shaped ingots of glass, fence with brushwood. There was my answer: the twigs the first glass ingots known from the Bronze Age. were backing for a wicker fence, similar to the canvas Most of the Uluburun ingots are cobalt blue, but spray-shield on the Turkish sponge boat from which we some are turquoise, and one is lavender. And this distinc- dived. tion throws light on Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions. On my return to the University of Pennsylvania at In a relief of Tuthmosis III, Syrians are shown bringing the end of the excavation, I was asked to deliver a report baskets of blue and green cakes as tribute to the pharaoh. on the excavation to members of the University Museum. The blue cakes are identified in Egyptian as “lapis lazuli” Just before going to the auditorium, I thought I should re- and “genuine lapis lazuli,” and the green cakes as “tur- fresh my memory by checking that passage in the Odyssey, quoise” and “genuine turquoise.” The Uluburun ingots and took another English translation from my shelf. It did now allow Egyptologists to identify the blue and green not say the same thing. So I opened a German translation, cakes as blue and green glass ingots, unless they are spec- and was surprised by a different reading. One said that ified as being “genuine” in the inscriptions. This distinc- Odysseus, after constructing the wicker fence, had made tion was already known from Akkadian, which describes a bed of brushwood for himself, and the other said, in- lapis lazuli as being either genuine (literally “from the stead, that Odysseus had thrown in a lot of wooden bal- mountain”) or artificial (literally “from the kiln”). last! The Uluburun excavation may have allowed the Although I was studying ancient Greek, I had far correct translation of another Egyptian word, one on which more faith in professional classicists than in myself as a Victor Loret published an entire book. Loret believed that translator, but at last I turned to Homer’s own words in sonter (written sntr) was terebinth resin. If he was correct, Od. 5.257: he could translate Egyptian texts to show the importation πολλην δεπεξευατο υλην of tons of this substance from the Syro-Palestinian coast Nothing about a backing for the fence, or wooden into Egypt, where it was burned as incense in religious ballast, or a bed of brushwood. What Homer said was rites. Because only two possible samples of terebinth res- that Odysseus spread out a lot of brushwood. That’s all. in had ever been found archaeologically, and neither of The Cape Gelidonya excavation showed that the υλη, the them identified with certainty, Loret’s thesis did not gain brushwood, was simply dunnage, the cushion which mar- general acceptance. iners use to keep cargo from damaging a ship’s hull, and The Uluburun ship carried more than a hundred possibly to keep it out of bilge water. Homer should have Canaanite jars filled with a resin chemically identified as been translated verbatim. coming from the Pistacia terebinthus tree and weighing

21 INA Quarterly 22.3 about a ton. The reason that such resin had not been found Perhaps my greatest thrill on an underwater exca- on land in such quantities is that shipments of resin that vation did not have to do with a new translation, but it did reach their destinations presumably were quickly did have to do with the history of literacy. It came with burned. When I looked at a storeroom scene from the tomb the 1986 discovery at Uluburun of a wooden diptych with of Rekh-mi-rê‘ in Egyptian Thebes and recognized the ivory hinge. In all of Homer there is only one mention of word sntr written in hieroglyphs on a Canaanite jar simi- writing. In the Iliad (VI.169) such a wooden diptych is men- lar to those from Uluburun, my two years of struggling tioned, but it has been considered anachronistic by schol- through Egyptian as an M.A. student at the Johns Hop- ars, for the earliest such writing tablet known previously kins University suddenly seemed worthwhile—especial- came from an 8th-century B.C. find at Nimrud. Unfortu- ly as the jar was stored with copper ingots, of which the nately, the wax writing faces of the Uluburun tablet had Uluburun ship carried ten tons. disappeared, so we not only do not know the message it The jars of resin at Uluburun also allow a new in- carried, but what language it was written in! terpretation of Linear B ki-ta-no as terebinth resin. Ki-ta-no Applicants to our Nautical Archaeology Program had earlier been translated by one scholar as being nuts at Texas A & M University often detail their diving experi- from the pistachio tree, but the vast quantities in which ences. How much better if they tell us what ancient lan- they were used in Bronze Age Greece did not make sense. guages they have studied. A healthy linguist, after all, can Perhaps we have a new insight into Mycenaean religion. usually learn to dive in a week or two.

Dr. Bass’s article is reprinted with permission from Texas Classics in Action (Winter 1994), the publication of the Texas Classical Association. TCA can be contacted at 2535 Turkey Oak, San Antonio TX 78232. Old World Excavation Directors Visit New Bozburun Site

Photo: C. A. Powell INA Old World Excavation Directors assembled for a historic meeting this summer at the new excavation site at Bozburun, Turkey. Pictured from left to right are: Frederick M. Hocker (director at Bozborun), Cemal M. Pulak (Uluburun), George F. Bass (Cape Gelidonya to present), Michael L. Katzev (Kyrenia), Cheryl W. Haldane (Sadana Island), and Robin C. M. Peircy (Mombasa). Only Donald Frey (Secca di Capistello) and Shelley Wachsmann (Tantura Lagoon) were not present.

INA Quarterly 22.3 22 Review

Nautical Shenanigans by Ricardo J. Elia

Walking the Plank: A True Adventure Among Pirates by Stephen Kiesling. 259 pages, Ashland, Oregon: Nordic Knight Press, 1994.

To be a successful underwater treasure hunter you must fol- low a basic business strategy. First, you need a shipwreck that may have contained treasure. You don’t necessarily have to find the wreck, at least at first; just claiming to find it will work for a while. Next, you should invite a celebrity to join your search, preferably one with political connections. That will help you get publicity, which is not difficult since the media are attracted to treasure hunt- ers like sharks to blood. The publicity will bring in investors, which is the critical part of the whole enterprise—getting other people to spend their money on your adventure. No treasure hunter has applied this formula more success- fully in the past decade than Barry Clifford, the discoverer of the pirate ship Whydah, which sank off Cape Cod in 1717. Clifford scored early with the media by inviting John F. Kennedy, Jr., to dive with him in 1983; that year People magazine ran a feature arti- cle on Kennedy and Clifford’s “zany crew’ of “golddiggers.” The next year, Clifford found the wreck, which he claimed was worth $400 million. In 1985 Parade magazine ran a cover story that described Clifford as “the man who discovered a $400 million pirate treasure,” a misleading description since, even after ten years of digging, the value of the recovered artifacts is estimated at less than $10 million. In 1987 a limited partnership took control of the project and raised some $6 million through the sale of shares to investors eager to “own a piece of history.” The salvage operation has been conducted under a federal permit, which imposed some degree of archaeological involvement on the project, including a conservation program for treating the artifacts. To entice investors to put up the millions of dollars necessary to finance the project, the partners appealed to Walter Cronkite, who featured the Whydah salvage in a 1987 television segment produced by CBS News. They also wanted to publish a book about the Whydah project, to be titled The Pirate Prince. The book was to tell the story of Black Sam Bellamy, the Whydah’s captain, with a swashbuckling Clifford cast as a modern version of the eighteenth-century pirate. In 1989 freelance journalist Stephen Kiesling was hired to write the Whydah book. He went to Cape Cod and spent time with Clifford and members of his team, including divers, collaborating archaeologists, a historian, and business associates. As he conducted interviews and researched the projects, Kiesling became disenchanted with Clif- ford and the Whydah salvage and suspected that the project was not at all what was being portrayed to the public. In the end, Kiesling could not bring himself to write the hagiography that was expected of him. He was sued for breach of contract, countersued, and eventually settled the case. Kiesling ended up writing not The Pirate Prince, but Walking the Plank, a scathing exposé of the Whydah project. (A novelist was later hired to write The Pirate Prince with Barry Clifford; their book was published in 1993.)

Reprinted with the permission of ARCHAEOLOGY Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 1 (Copyright the Archaeological Institute of America, 1995).

Walking the Plank may be ordered from the publisher, Nordic Knight Press, 160 Scenic Drive, Ashland, OR 97520 [telephone (503) 482–2012] for $12.95, plus $3.00 shipping and handling.

23 INA Quarterly 22.3 In the Field

The 1995 INA/CMS Joint Expedition to 1994, as well as locating and record- available. It will also allow the deter- Tantura Lagoon, Israel ing additional sections of the hull and mination of the extent of the wreck- This fall, INA will join with its cargo, while also being aware of age. The computer which controls the Haifa University’s Center of Maritime other possible finds. Professor Emeri- sonar can give length, width, height Studies (CMS) to conduct the second tus Richard Steffy will be visiting the above sea floor, and area of any object season of study of a ship that sank with excavation to assist in trying to under- on the bottom. its cargo during the Byzantine period stand this enigmatic shipwreck. Marty Wilcox joined the Texas in Tantura Lagoon on Israel’s Carmel Historical Commission team for a coast. Wilcox Gift Aids Turkish Coastal Survey weekend in July to conduct a side-scan The expedition is directed by At the outset of October, Texas sonar survey of the La Belle shipwreck Meadows Assistant Professor of Bib- A&M student Brett Phaneuf will be site. The sonar images assisted the ar- lical Archaeology Shelley Wachsmann, joining Don Frey in Turkey to begin a chaeological recording process by pro- who discovered the shipwreck in 1983. sonar survey. They will be using INA’s viding divers with a picture of the sea INA excavation veterans Michael latest piece of equipment, a gift of floor in Matagorda Bay, where visibil- Halpern (Assistant Director) and Marty Wilcox, INA Director and in- ity rarely exceeds one foot. Patricia Sibella (Ceramicist) will assist. ventor of the device. The Marine Sonic Students from Texas A&M University Technology, Ltd. side-scanning sonar Canary Island Survey who will be participating in the exca- is “state of the art,” with the highest The Canary Islands Shipwreck vation include Steven Butler, Jaynie resolution for a commercially available Survey is currently on hold due to po- Cox, and Jeff Royal. They will be unit. litical circumstances in the region. joined by Stephen Breitstein, Yaakov It is hoped that the sonar unit Progress has been made, however. Ties Kahanov, and Ezra Marcus from the will assist surveyors to locate more between INA and La Universidad are CMS, as well as students from Haifa shipwrecks in less time. It will allow growing. They are exchanging infor- University’s Department of Maritime determination of what is exposed on mation and looking forward to launch- Civilizations and volunteers. the bottom before sending divers to in- ing a joint-research project next season. This year, the expedition will vestigate. This new sonar device will In the meantime, Brett Phaneuf, Peter focus on completing the in situ study accurately display amphoras or other Hitchcock and archaeologists from the of the section of hull discovered in cargo, in addition to any hull structure Canary Islands will discuss the next season. They will also be conducting research concerning Phoenician and Roman expansion into the Western Mediterranean and the Atlantic coast of Morocco. In mid-November, Phaneuf and Hitchcock will travel to Morocco to conduct correlating research. Once there they will be joined by Prof. Eliz- abeth Lyding Will of Amherst College. Mr. Thor Kuniholm (Director) has gen- erously put the library and research facilities of the Tangier American Le- gation Museum at their disposal. Pha- neuf and Hitchcock will be visiting an- cient Phoenician and Roman sites along the coast, e.g. Lixus, the oldest Atlantic settlement (8th BC) and Photo: S. Breitstein Kuoass, a major garum production Fig. 1. Archaeologists clean and study a large portion of the shipwreck which was site. Amphoras produced there are discovered during the 1994 season of exploration at Tantura Lagoon. found throughout the Mediterranean.

INA Quarterly 22.3 24 Phaneuf and Hitchcock will be to Albania to meet with Dr. Namik between Butrint and Vlore. The 1996 returning to College Station in Decem- Bodinaku, the director of the Albanian survey will focus on this region. ber to begin planning the upcoming Institute of Archaeology. The two With funding from a Fulbright season in the Canary Islands and fur- planned a survey of the Albanian grant, INA Research Associate Eliza- ther research in Morocco. coastline to begin in June 1996. While beth Greene will spend the upcoming van Alfen was in Albania, he and Al- year in Albania. Greene will continue INA Research in Albania Continues banian archaeologist Rezart Spahia research on known shipwrecks and In August, INA Research Asso- continued their reconnaissance, begun make preparations in Albania for the ciate Peter van Alfen made a brief visit in January, of the southern coastline survey.

17th Century Shipwreck, La Belle, Discovered in Matagorda Bay, Texas by Barto Arnold and Brett Phaneuf

Throughout June and July of this past year the Tex- oldest known French shipwreck in the New World. It will as Historical Commission, led by Barto Arnold (Texas State provide information about trade and exploration in the Marine Archaeologist), conducted an archaeological sur- Gulf of Mexico, as well as naval architecture and ship con- vey of Matagorda Bay. This survey was a continuation of struction in the late 17th century. a 1978 magnetometer survey conducted by Arnold, search- Artifacts recovered from the shipwreck include a ing for a range of wrecks. The most important of these was bronze cannon, brass pins, an abundance of pottery, pew- the 17th century shipwreck, La Belle. This piece of history ter plates, rope, hawk’s bells, beads, and an exceptionally had eluded treasure hunters for centuries, and Arnold him- well preserved portion of the hull. The Museum of Sci- self for almost two decades. At the end of June the survey ence and History and Don Keith of Ships of Discovery in team, comprising students from Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, Texas, along with the Conservation Re- University of Texas at Austin, and Florida State Universi- search Laboratory at Texas A&M University, are conserv- ty, had located a variety of sites to be explored in the com- ing the artifacts recovered during this past summer. Work ing month. On the first exploratory dive in July, the ship- will resume at the wreck site in May of 1996 under the wreck La Belle was discovered. aegis of the Texas Historical Commission, and will be di- La Belle was a small French fragatta given to the ex- rected by Barto Arnold. More information about the site plorer Réné La Salle (1643–1687) by Louis XIV and was and its historical background can be found on the World- part of a convoy of ships sent to colonize and explore the WideWeb at Mississippi River. La Salle missed the mouth of the Mis- sissippi and instead arrived in Matagorda Bay, Texas. He Suggested Readings established a settlement, Fort Saint Louis, near modern- day Port Lavaca. This enabled the French to claim Texas. Boudriot, Jean Unfortunately, La Salle’s colony suffered severe hardships, 1993 History of the French Frigate 1650–1850. augmented by the loss of the colony’s supplies and ships. Rottersfield. The settlement succumbed to disease and Indian attacks before the Spanish could locate and destroy the colony Weddle, Robert S. themselves. 1987 La Salle, the Mississippi, and the Gulf: Three In 1685, La Belle was driven across Matagorda Bay Primary Documents. College Station: Texas A&M in a violent storm and run aground on the Matagorda Pen- University Press. insula. A year later, Spanish explorers salvaged her guns and part of the cargo. The account of this provides the only Texas Historical Commission clues about the size and type of the ship. La Belle is the 1995 La Salle Shipwreck. Special Issue of The Medallion.

25 INA Quarterly 22.3 News &Notes

INA dedicates new headquarters in Bodrum Charlton Gives Presentations On July 7, INA Directors and gala , as well as a moonlight dinner s. Bill Charlton, a graduate stu- staff formally dedicated the new head- This was served at the castle by staff dent in the Nautical Archaeology Pro- quarters facility in Bodrum. Over one in in Ottoman costume (thanks to Mu- gram and INA’s Divemaster, spoke to hundred guests, including representa- seum Director Oguz Alpözen) and the Northwest Friends of INA in Port- tives from the Turkish Ministry of ending in Selimiye, where guests land, Oregon, on the 26 and 27 Sep- Culture, the Mugla Provincial Gover- dived on the Bozburun shipwreck and tember 1995. Hosted by Mary and nor’s Office, the Municipal Authority enjoyed some hearty camp cooking. Dick Rosenberg and Dr. David Per- of Bodrum, the Bodrum Museum of lman, Charlton gave a talk and slide Underwater Archaeology, and the presentation about this past summer’s American Embassy, along with over a activities at the first field season on the third of the Institute of INA Board of Nautical Ar- Directors, chaeology’s ex- were on hand. cavation of a The gala cele- ninth-century bration fea- Byzantine mer- tured tradi- chant vessel tional Turkish found in the music and northern Ae- folk dancing. gean Sea near Although the Bozburun, Tur- complex has key. been in use in Charlton an unfinished then traveled to state for over the Wrigley a year, recent Marine Science donations Center on from INA Di- Catalina Island, rectors and California, friends, along where he at- with a con- tended a Nitrox certed push diving course this spring Photo: INA conducted by and summer, INA Director Danielle J. Feeney cuts the ribbon at the opening of the new INA the American directed by facilities in Bodrum, Turkey, as Archaeological Director George Bass looks on. Academy of Robin Piercy, Underwater Tufan Turanl1, Sciences Cemal Pulak and George Bass, has al- INA Scholarships Granted (AAUS). He will soon be certified as a lowed the completion, including fur- The Institute of Nautical Nitrox diving instructor by the Inter- nishing, of the main administrative Archaeology is pleased to support the national Association of Nitrox and building and both dormitory wings. education of several Texas A&M Technical Divers (IANTD). Lastly, he Directors and friends making Nautical Archaeology students attended the annual AAUS sympo- the trip to Turkey enjoyed a week of annually. Ben an Liu, Tommi Mäkelä sium at Scripps Institute of Oceanog- festivities, beginning in Istanbul, and Christine A. Powell were awarded raphy in San Diego, California where where Director Ayhan Sicimoglu host- INA Scholarships this year. Glenn he was co-author of a paper presented ed a reception with members of the Grieco and Brian A. Jordan were on the implementation of a new set of Turkish business community. The named as Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown Cook dive tables at Bozburun, Turkey, this group continued on to Bodrum for the Graduate Fellows. past summer.

INA Quarterly 22.3 26 Norwregian Maritime Archaeologists Elizabeth Greene Receives Fulbright Three Flags Visit Texas A&M University Nautical Archaeology Pro- Marek Jasinski, Fredrik Søre- gram student Elizabeth Greene is the Over ide and Bjørn Sortland of the Uni- recipient of a 1995 Fulbright Fellow- versity of Trondheim, Norway visit- ship, which will help to fund her re- Turkey ed the faculty, students, and staff of search in Albania. the Nautical Archaeological Pro- gram at Texas A&M University on Visiting Scholars the 5th of October 1995. An informal The Nautical Archaeology presentation about underwater tech- Program at Texas A&M University nologies as applied to research in is playing host to two international maritime archaeology in Norway Visiting Scholars for the 1995–96 aca- was given. Professor Marek Jasinski demic year. is known for his work on Svalbard Jan Bill arrived in September. as well as with the concept of the He has been involved with the work maritime cultural landscape. Fredrik of the Center for Maritime Archae- Søreide is currently writing his dis- ology of the Danish National Mu- sertation on underwater technology seum in Roskilde. for maritime archaeology and Bjørn In October, INA welcomed Sortland is a specialist in underwa- Albanian archaeologist Rezart ter operations. Spahia, who hopes to become his country’s first nautical specialist. Jordan Fellow Gives Lecture David Johnson, who was “Hurricane Havoc” Exhibit awarded a Leyland T. Jordan Fellow- There is an exhibit of material ship, gave a well-attended presenta- from the Nuevo Constante wreck tion entitled “Ships and Slaves of Co- from October 8 to December 1, 1995, lonial Jamaica” on September 20, at the Museum of the Gulf Coast, in 1995, at Texas A&M University. The Port Arthur, Texas. The Nuevo lecture was intended to encourage Constante was a Spanish plate ves- awareness on the University campus sel sunk in 1766 just off Cameron, of the work of the Nautical Archae- Louisiana, carrying New World ology Program and INA. The Jordan goods to the Old World. For more Fellowships are awarded by the Jor- information, call the Museum at 1- dan Institute for International 409-982-7000. Awareness at A&M. DAN Medical Guide now Available Article Published DAN’s Dive and Travel Med- Photo: S.W. Katzev Texas A&M Nautical Archae- ical Guide is ready for fall release. ology Program student Matthew G. With an updated emphasis on dive Pridemore has published an article travel and safety, and extensive cov- The flags of Turkey, INA, and Texas A&M in Issue 24.2 of the International Jour- erage of dive safety and health is- University fly proudly over the new excava- nal of Nautical Archaeology, “A re-ex- sues, the new DAN Dive and Travel tion site at Bozburun. 1995 marked the first amination of a ship on an ivory Medical Guide is an essential tool for season of excavation at this ninth-century plaque from Sparta.” Mr. Pridemore prevention, identification and treat- Byzantine wreck near the town of Selimiye. discovered the presence of a second- ment of scuba diving injuries. The This was the first new Turkish project for INA ary ram on the ship portrayed on the guide will be available for purchase in eleven years. A varied contingent of INA Greek plaque while conducting his in November 1995. For information, staff, A&M students, Turkish archaeologists thesis research on naval rams in an- contact DAN Membership Services and students, and others conducted the sea- tiquity. at (800) 446-2671. son from May to August.


George F. Bass, Archaeological Director Frederick M. Hocker, President Donald A. Frey, Vice President Gregory M. Cook, Treasurer Rebecca H. Holloway, Secretary Cemal M. Pulak, Vice President


William L. Allen Donald G. Geddes III Alex G. Nason John H. Baird Bengt O. Jansson Ayhan Sicimog˘lu George F. Bass Woodrow Jones, Jr. Ray H. Siegfried II Edward O. Boshell, Jr. Harry C. Kahn II William T. Sturgis Ray M. Bowen Michael L. Katzev Robert L. Walker Gregory M. Cook, Vice Chairman Jack W. Kelley, Chairman Lew O. Ward Harlan Crow Sally R. Lancaster Peter M. Way Frank Darden Norma S. Langworthy Garry M. Weber Claude Duthuit Samuel J. LeFrak Martin A. Wilcox Daniel Fallon Robert E. Lorton Richard A. Williford Danielle J. Feeney Frederick R. Mayer George O. Yamini William A. McKenzie


George F. Bass George T. & Gladys H. Abell Professor of Nautical Archaeology/ Yamini Family Professor of Liberal Arts Kevin J. Crisman, Assistant Professor Donny L. Hamilton, Associate Professor Frederick M. Hocker, Sara W. & George O. Yamini Faculty Fellow J. Richard Steffy, Sara W. & George O. Yamini Professor of Nautical Archaeology, Emeritus Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., Frederick R. Mayer Professor of Nautical Archaeology Shelley Wachsmann, Meadows Assistant Professor of Biblical Archaeology


Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Siegfried II Jeremy Green Australian Institute of Maritime Archaeology Graduate Fellow: Elizabeth Greene Boston University Cemal M. Pulak Cheryl W. Haldane, Ph.D. Brown University Douglas Haldane, M.A. Bryn Mawr College Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown Cook George Indruszewski University of California, Berkeley Graduate Fellows: Margaret E. Leshikar-Denton, Ph.D. University of Cincinnati Brian A. Jordan, Glenn Grieco John C. Neville Cornell University Robert S. Neyland, Ph.D. Corning Museum of Glass STAFF Brett A. Phaneuf Departmento de Arqueológia Subacuatica de Ralph K. Pedersen, M.A. la I.N.A.H., Mexico Marion Deg˘ irmenci Donald Rosencrantz University of Maryland, Baltimore County Helen Dewolf Peter G. van Alfen New York University, Institute of Fine Arts Sheila D. Matthews, M.A. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Selma Og˘uz Partners for Livable Places Claire P. Peachey, M.A. University Museum, University of Robin C.M. Piercy ADJUNCT PROFESSORS Pennsylvania Cemal M. Pulak, M.S., M.A. Shell of Turkey, Ltd. Sema Pulak, M.A. Cynthia J. Eiseman, Ph.D. Texas A&M Research Foundation C. Wayne Smith, Ph.D. John A. Gifford, Ph.D. Texas A&M University Tufan U. Turanlı Faith D. Hentschel, Ph.D. University of Texas, Austin Patricia A. Turner Carolyn G. Koehler, Ph.D. Jane Pannell David I. Owen, Ph.D. QUARTERLY EDITOR David C. Switzer, Ph.D. COUNSEL James A. Goold Gordon P. Watts, Jr., M.A. Christine A. Powell