Andy Kuhn,Ross Campbell,Mike Henderson,Dave Wachter,Sophie Campbell,Brian Lynch,Joshua Williamson,Erik Burnham,Jason Ciaramella | 104 pages | 26 Nov 2013 | Idea & Design Works | 9781613777992 | English | San Diego, United States Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Villain Micro-Series Volume 1 PDF Book

Really enjoyed this, reminded me exactly of what drew me into these comics when I was younger; dark and exploratory about the characters, but true to their form, didn't go overboard either. Great artwork. Love TMNT and this volume was a great insight to their characters. Open Preview See a Problem? Karai, Hun, , and the Shredder all get Used as slave labor, the dinos eventually rise up and break free of their Utrom oppressors. Sep 25, Dylan Sharek rated it it was ok Shelves: comics , idw. Micro Series — Leonardo 16— Jan 05, zxvasdf rated it liked it Shelves: netgalley. List of video games Role-playing game. 's history is revealed, Baxter's secret project may be more dangerous than he realized, Old Hob is ready to branch out on his own, and Alopex discovers a devastating truth about her past. The Turtles are stuck in a ghost dimension by an old adversary and only the Ghostbusters can save them. The initial creative team consisted of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles co-creator who collaborated on the plot and the page layouts , Tom Waltz who scripted the series and artist Dan Duncan. Great stories, great book. This is a set of four stories, each about one turtle. The Turtles are taken from their home by a dimension-hopping Renet and forced to participate in an interdimensional gladiator contest which by the whim of their initiator, Councilman Nieli, has no winners; but the Turtles, the stubborn Renet and some irritated gladiators intend to change this unbearable condition for the better. But there in does lie my issue with this book; it is four non-interconnected stories grouped into one book based solely on the fact that they are all villain back stories. NOOK Book. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Michelangelo, in a special holiday tale, explores New York City and finds even more mysteries. Add to Wishlist. I don't have a particular recommendation on how I think it should be read, but technically I did read out of order so if you really want to be as cohesive as possible, I would say check out the chronology of the stories first. Art by Dan Duncan; colors by Ronda Pattison. I was really expecting to dislike this like I did the last micro volume, but it's actually a steady and complete volume. Saki, who will later be known as Shredder , eventually finds Yoshi and his children, and murders them all. Error rating book. As part of the series, it really helps break into the action by shining the spotlight on to separate characters and delving into who they are. Micro Series — Fugitoid 29— Raphael wanders the streets of NYC in search of food, shelter, and answers. Volume 1, with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Villain Micro-Series Volume 1 Writer

As the family struggles to cope, an enraged prepares its revenge. The group is broken as Raphael wanders the streets of NYC in search of food and shelter. And finally Leonardo's issue is probably the most important, set between issues 8 and 9 of the main book as he and the others search for the kidnapped Splinter, only for Leo to run into a masked ninja with metal hand guards whose identity is probably obvious to everyone who isn't a hero in a half shell. NOOK Book. TMNT Universe 11—15 — Jan 09, Ben rated it it was amazing Shelves: comics. Notably, the series, like the original Mirage version , initially gives all four Turtles red eye masks until issue 5, where Splinter gives Leonardo , Donatello and Michelangelo their well-known blue, purple and orange masks, respectively. And bringing up the rear is Alopex, set on a secret mission by the Shredder which puts her at odds with both the Foot and herself. The one I remember best is Krang and Baxter. TMNT Volume Writer Joshua Williamson and artist Mike Henderson are no stranger to each other, and their collaborative power shines through. Find me a turtle. In April , a new series of eight one-shots was started, under the title Villains Micro-series. The fierce enemies of the Kraang, they invade Earth to wipe out their foes once and for all. A page black-and-white annual issue was released in October Samuel rated it it was amazing Nov 18, Ross Campbell's art feels different to his previous entries into the series, and I especially like his lack of inking of the flashback pages, which makes them really stand out. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 66 — Jul 01, Josh rated it it was amazing Shelves: comics , kindle , net-galley. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. A weekly five-part miniseries published in June Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Villain Micro-Series Volume 1 Reviews

He mee I read one part of the micro series for free but the rest cost money. Commander Mozar refuses, turning against his leader and launching a coup for dominance. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. I read volumes 1 and 2 of the series first before going into this. Very quick and enjoyable read. So he does, wearing his trench-coat and a bowler hat, wandering the huge building that's flooded with activity. This even had Bee Bop and Rock Steady in their non-mutant forms. This book has a lot going for it and the art is right up there. This volume focuses on the four brothers, each getting his own issue centering on who they are and what kind of lessons they need in order to become more fully who they are. Mikey and Donnie are the ones with the fun stories, both dealing with getting out and doing things otherwise closed off to them. This companion series to the ongoing is a nice look into the world of TNMT. Honestly didn't really care too much for Krang or though. Very good. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. That all changed with this issue. Since its inception in August , it has been the first new comic version of the turtles to debut after the sale of the franchise to Nickelodeon in October Refresh and try again. Villains Micro Series — Old Hob 42— Micro Series — Michelangelo 9. Both Krang and Baxter deal with father issues they had in the past that molded them into the villains they are presently, and Hob and Alopex revist fuzzy memories of their lives before they came in contact with mutagen. Taking several elements of the s and mixing them in a mutagenic blender, the tubular terrapins well represented the era's over-the-top excess. His brothers and Master Splinter vow to find him And of course I can't forget the early 90's cartoon run. Dec 02, Rich rated it liked it Shelves: graphicnovels. Books by Brian Lynch. Definitely a must read for those who are following the regular comics. There is some effort to make the stories at least have a semblance of connectivity as the previous villain has a few panels in the next ones story, but this is undermined by the different art styles making it hard to connect the two together, or even recognise certain characters. This is a chronological listing of the in-continuity comics in which the timeline of events developed. Another four-issue mini-series dealing with the latest incarnation of the Mighty Mutanimals , published from February to June The delight of this collection is to see how four different artists interpret one writer's stories. IDW Publishing. Dimension X 1—5 — TMNT Volume 3 reproduced for the first time ever in full, four-color glory! The Raphael story is by far the best leading in to his integration into the rest of the Turtles and his friendship with Casey. Old Hob's story also focuses on his origin and how he mutated, effectively playing off what most abandoned pets probably feel, except in Hob's case, he's been enhanced by mutagen. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Brian Michael Lynch is an American film and comic book writer.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Villain Micro-Series Volume 1 Read Online

Micro Series — Leonardo 16— Sort order. Aug 18, Matthew Ledrew rated it it was amazing Shelves: ninja-turtles. I sympathize with him now. Related Articles. Both stories are chilling tales of father issues and revenge. The animals are taken by mistake, and when they and the stolen mutagen get lost in the sewer, they are covered with the spilled mutagen and transformed into enlightened, humanoid beings. Following their defeat, the Triceratons' leader Zanramon was removed from power. I'm not following. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Old Hob's story also focuses on his origin and how he mutated, effectively playing off what most abandoned pets probably feel, except in Hob's case, he's been enhanced by mutagen. A thorough look back at the TMNT comic book roots with the original stories plus I've always lived more in the era of the s cartoons and the live action movies, but I also really enjoy the Turtles the way they were originally imagined. Joshua Williamson. The perfect way to catch up on the new ongoing series, this volume collects the Rediscover the underground roots of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with this special collection of ' issues Mutanimals 1—4 85— Explore Now. Great stories I have really enjoyed the villain microseries. Sort order. Mikeys was adorable, with good scratchy flat art. Gives pretty good insight on the villains. Not only does it show how some characters meet for the first time but it's also used as a way to give a better personality to our lovable heroes as the main focus of this micro series volume is the four brothers themselves. Accidentally transported to one of the Triceratons' colonies, the Turtles, like in the comics, engage in gladiatorial combat to rescue their friend Professor Honeycut. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 25 Jennika 1—3 — A weekly five-part miniseries published in June What makes it worse is that none of the writers or the artists are the same from section to section. I have a hard time with graphic novels as I get distracted by them when I read. Dec 31, Nicolas Ronvel rated it it was amazing Shelves: not-mine. They finally debut in the Season 3 episode "Dinosaur Seen in Sewers! The three flashback pages where he adapts an entirely different art style are actually really good though, so there's that. Other books in the series. The writing by Brian Lynch is consistent with the main series but I'm not sure why this couldn't actually been a part of that series. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. The connections are there if you pay attention, and I love how the whole universe is so complex and interconnected. Feb 07, Dev Sodagar rated it it was amazing. Jan 24, Dev Sodagar rated it it was amazing. Teenage mutant ninja turtles Villains Micro Series — Hun A four-issue mini-series crossover with IDW's Ghostbusters comic series , celebrating the 30th anniversaries of both franchises. The first collected volume of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles micro-series is a collection of 4 stories, each focusing on one of the brothers' solo adventures. Bottom line? Donatello heads to a tech conference and a face-off with Baxter Stockman in his issue, which is fun but not particularly memorable. The landmark th issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles gets the celebration it deserves in Valerio Schiti's art is really nice though, a nice fine line between realism and the old Turtle cartoons. The one I remember best is Krang and Baxter. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. This adds depth to the characters in the main storyline and fits very well with the different styles of drawings. A new age begins for the Turtles as the epic events of the past have created

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