Travel in London Report 12 Report

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Travel in London Report 12 Report Travel in London Travel Report 12 Travel in London Report 12 ©Transport for London 2019 All rights reserved. Reproduction permitted for research, private study and internal circulation within an organisation. Extracts may be reproduced provided the source is acknowledged. Disclaimer This publication is intended to provide accurate information. However, Transport for London (TfL) and the authors accept no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions or for any damage or loss arising from use of the information provided. Overview ...................................................................................................... 7 1. Introduction ..................................................................................... 27 1.1 TfL’s Travel in London reports ....................................................................... 27 1.2 Travel in London report 12 ................................................................................ 27 1.3 About Transport for London (TfL) ................................................................. 28 1.4 Further information ............................................................................................ 28 Section 1: Overall travel demand and mode shares ..........................29 2. Overall trends in travel demand and mode shares ................. 31 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 31 2.2 Historic and changing trends in total travel in London .......................... 31 2.3 Total travel in London ....................................................................................... 32 2.4 Trips in London ..................................................................................................... 32 2.5 Journey stages in London ................................................................................ 34 2.6 Mode shares in London ..................................................................................... 36 2.7 Active, efficient, sustainable mode shares ................................................ 39 3. London’s population and economy ........................................... 43 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 43 3.2 London’s population .......................................................................................... 43 3.3 London’s economy .............................................................................................. 51 3.4 Further consideration of the factors underlying travel demand trends ....................................................................................................................... 57 4. Travel by London residents ......................................................... 59 4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 59 4.2 Travel by London residents: trip rates......................................................... 59 4.3 Travel by London residents: active, efficient and sustainable mode shares .......................................................................................................... 65 4.4 Focus on: car ownership in London .............................................................. 69 4.5 Travel in London at night ................................................................................... 81 Section 2: Healthy Streets and healthy people ................................. 85 5. Active travel and active people ................................................... 87 5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 87 5.2 Active travel: overall trends ............................................................................ 87 5.3 Physical activity and active travel .................................................................. 88 5.4 New survey of pedestrian activity in central London ............................ 90 5.5 Active people near-market segmentation ................................................. 94 5.6 Active people qualitative research ................................................................ 96 6. Active travel: cycling in London ................................................. 101 1 Travel in London, report 12 6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 101 6.2 Cycling volumes in central, inner, and outer London ............................ 101 6.3 Temporal variations in cycling demand .....................................................103 6.4 Cycling volumes across strategic cordons and screenlines .............. 106 6.5 Cycling volumes on recently opened infrastructure ........................... 106 6.6 Santander Cycles ............................................................................................... 108 6.7 Cycling demographics and attitudes: a summary ................................. 109 6.8 Cycling demographics among London residents ..................................... 110 6.9 Cycling demographics and behaviours on recently opened routes ....................................................................................................................... 113 6.10 Active travel behaviour among residents in the Mini-Holland boroughs ................................................................................................................. 115 6.11 London’s developing cycle network ............................................................. 118 7. Healthy Streets .............................................................................. 119 7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 119 7.2 The Healthy Streets Indicators ....................................................................... 119 7.3 Healthy Streets Mystery Shopper Survey .................................................. 120 7.4 Healthy Streets Check for Designers .......................................................... 128 7.5 The contributions of green infrastructure to the Healthy Streets Approach ............................................................................................................... 129 8. Road danger reduction ................................................................ 133 8.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 133 8.2 Road danger reduction: key trends .............................................................. 133 8.3 Recent trends in casualties ............................................................................ 134 8.4 Longer-term trends in casualties ................................................................ 134 8.5 Casualties by road user during 2018 ............................................................. 136 8.6 Trends in casualties by road user ................................................................. 137 8.7 Casualties resulting from collisions involving a bus or a coach ....... 138 8.8 Differences by casualty gender and age .................................................... 138 8.9 Child casualties ................................................................................................... 139 8.10 Casualties by location: inner and outer London .................................... 140 8.11 Vehicles involved in collisions ....................................................................... 141 8.12 Wider contextualisation of road casualty trends in London .............. 141 8.13 Progress towards Vision Zero targets ........................................................ 146 9. Travel demand trends: motorised road travel ....................... 149 9.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 149 9.2 Overall trends for motorised road traffic in London .......................... 149 9.3 Motorised traffic: car (including PHVs) ....................................................... 153 9.4 Motorised traffic: freight ................................................................................ 154 9.5 Understanding the drivers of freight demand in London .................... 158 9.6 Goods vehicles entering the central London Congestion Charge zone ........................................................................................................................ 164 9.7 Motorised traffic: licensed taxis and private hire vehicles ................. 164 2 Travel in London, report 12 9.8 Motorised traffic: understanding the nature of the market for private hire vehicles in London ..................................................................... 167 10. Cleaner air and climate change ................................................. 173 10.1 The Ultra Low Emission Zone in central London ................................... 173 10.2 Climate change .................................................................................................... 185 Section 3: A good public transport experience ................................ 189 11. Public transport: travel demand trends ................................... 191 11.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 191 11.2 Public
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