CO drinking sets drinking sets Catherine Poigenfuerst,[email protected],+4315120508-60 Please feelfreetocontactusw withtheshipment. sentfolded andwillbe ordered forfree be can boxes article. The this matching box Lobmeyrblack the for cut showstheshort to it, next The "P"-column 4 ...outofproduction time) askforlead 3 ...deliveryonorder(please 2 ...stockitem availability 1 ...shortterm informsab the "S"-column The codein errors excepted. packing included.Pr they areexstockVienna, February29th,2 is validuntil The pricelist below. ofcontents sheetsreferto,inthetable the catalogue which groups, the article You willfind our comprehensive materialfrom At perarti sheets -thereisoneavailable pleasebrowse overview To getageneral On thefollowingpagesy LOBMEYR CRYSTALPRICELIST2019 Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set NTENTS

no.261 -"Biedermeier" no.257 -"Commodore" no.232 -"Ranftbecher" no.279 -"Balloon" no.248 -"Loos" no.240 -"Ambassador" no.238 -"Patrician" no.231 -"Barock" no.253 - "Liechtenstein" no.253 -"Liechtenstein" no.280 - "Wiener Gemischter Satz" Satz" Gemischter no.280 -"Wiener no.276 - "Ballerina" no.276 -"Ballerina" no.272 - "Wersin" no.272 -"Wersin" no.267 -"Alpha" no.98 - "Palais" no.98 -"Palais" no.278 -"Compatible" no.233 -"Tirol" no.104 -"Reigen" no.4 no.2 -"Hofburg" ou find the core product range of LOBMEYR crystal. ofLOBMEYRcrystal. ou findthecoreproductrange ith anyrequest: dropbox link dropbox you can download or full catalogue and more catalogue and orfull youcandownload cle group - or visit our website. group-orvisitour cle out the availability of the product: theproduct: of the availability out through ourproductinformation/catalogue 020. All quoted prices are not including VAT, arenotincluding prices quoted 020. All ices are subject to change without notice, notice, without change to ices aresubject .

sheet number sheet number catalogue catalogue 276 272 278 267 098 004 280 104 002 261 240 238 231 279 257 248 232 - -

price list page in 17 11 16 18 13 21 12 18 12 10 4 1 7 5 1 9 8 6 7

J.& L. Lobmey r GmbH · Kärntnerstraße 26 · 1010 Wien · Austria · T +43 - 1 - 512 05 08 · F -85 · e-mail: [email protected] · · Filiale: Schwarzstraße 20 · 5020 Salzburg · Austria · T +43 - 662 - 87 31 81· F +43 - 662 - 87 02 47 Erste Bank AG Wien · Kontonummer 30001035155 · Bankleitzahl 20111 · IBAN AT 782011130001035155 · BIC GIBAATWW · Handelsgericht Wien · Firmenbuchnummer FN 127981h · DVR-Nummer 0426661 · UID-Nummer ATU14956902 Wiener Stutzen Other and barware Other stemwareand Decorative seriesandpieces Decorative Werkstätte) (Wiener ofearlyModernity Masterpieces Bar Series:NEOSelected,Crack, Staehlemuehle MAK Acht Wiener Achtel no.286 -"Normal-Spe Drinking set no.285 -"Jo Drinking set Drinking set no.283 -"Fortune Drinking set Drinking set Drinking set Heavy cutvases Heavy cutplates STILL Series Eckhart Series Thom Series Gletscher series Series Taking Care Loos Cooler -Goblets) olive cut(GW with Goblet C Crystal Boxwith series Rockcrystal monk Goblet with Ring Vase Bell shapedvase Hoffmann Goblets Jardinière Prismenschliff Treppenschli Strnad Boxes Candy dishes Hoffmann Bronzit Series mug Small otto J <um Oriental Flowers Poculum SONG Serie Lily "Josep personal decanter coffeese Wiener Melange blers blers el no.284 -"Alphabet" no.282 no.281 -"grip" ff Schale Schale ff

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J.& L. Lobmey r GmbH · Kärntnerstraße 26 · 1010 Wien · Austria · T +43 - 1 - 512 05 08 · F -85 · e-mail: [email protected] · · Filiale: Schwarzstraße 20 · 5020 Salzburg · Austria · T +43 - 662 - 87 31 81· F +43 - 662 - 87 02 47 Erste Bank AG Wien · Kontonummer 30001035155 · Bankleitzahl 20111 · IBAN AT 782011130001035155 · BIC GIBAATWW · Handelsgericht Wien · Firmenbuchnummer FN 127981h · DVR-Nummer 0426661 · UID-Nummer ATU14956902

Flower vases Giftware Diverse Masterpieces rba eis 1 44 45 43 43 410 010 - 43 - 40 40 41 260 40 39 42 39 39 060 039 069 036 020 071 013 003 -Crack Engraved Elements 37 37 Arabian Series LOBMEYR Collectables 050 710 Schwarzemailvasen Hofner Vasen 37 Engraved Masterpieces 010 38 Flower VaseBV71 –calabash vases Flower VaseBV69 -drop 180 Flower VaseBV60 Flower VaseBV39 200 Flower VaseBV36 Flower VaseBV20 Flower VaseBV13 43 Flower VaseBV3 Biedermeier (Promenade,Mozart,spider) tumbler) Cylindrical tumblers(ELIN("E")- 066 CrystalJellies Paper weights Little massive dish 37

J.& L. Lobmey r GmbH · Kärntnerstraße 26 · 1010 Wien · Austria · T +43 - 1 - 512 05 08 · F -85 · e-mail: [email protected] · · Filiale: Schwarzstraße 20 · 5020 Salzburg · Austria · T +43 - 662 - 87 31 81· F +43 - 662 - 87 02 47 Erste Bank AG Wien · Kontonummer 30001035155 · Bankleitzahl 20111 · IBAN AT 782011130001035155 · BIC GIBAATWW · Handelsgericht Wien · Firmenbuchnummer FN 127981h · DVR-Nummer 0426661 · UID-Nummer ATU14956902 Drinking set no.2 - "Hofburg" - Prismenschliffservice with Habsburg crest Josef Lobmeyr sen., 1835 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2002001 TS2GR Beer tumbler with Habsburg crest87 123 4 G 2.118,00

2002010 TS2GR Water tumbler with Habsburg crest77 107 2 G 2.044,00 2002100 TS2GR with Habsburg crest70 112 2 G 2.486,00 2002105 TS2GR Liqueur glass with Habsburg crest51 83 4 E 2.174,00 2002115 TS2GR flute with Habsburg crest59 165 2 L 2.486,00

2002190 TS2GR Wine decanter with Habsburg crest115 245 2 C 4.880,00

Drinking set no.2 - "Hofburg" - Prismenschliff without Habsburg crest Josef Lobmeyr sen., 1835 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2002201 TS2GS Beer tumbler 87 1234 G 1.331,00

2002210 TS2GS Water tumbler 77 1072 G 1.226,00 2002200 TS2GS Wine glass 70 1122 G 1.628,00 2002205 TS2GS Liqueur glass 51 834 E 1.331,00 2002215 TS2GS Champagne flute 59 1652 L 1.589,00

2002290 TS2GS Wine decanter 115 2452 C 4.483,00

Drinking set no.4 - clear Ludwig Lobmeyr, 1856 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1004001 TS4GL Beer tumbler 71 125 2 G 93,00

1004010 TS4GL Water tumbler 76 95 0,221 D 81,00 1004050 TS4GL Champagne tumbler 60 100 1 F 71,00 1004070 TS4GL Goblet 81 149 0,241 G 133,00

1004082 TS4GL Beer glass on stem 73 1552 L 125,00

1004084 TS4GL Water glass on stem 75 126 0,221 G 121,00

1004101 TS4GL Wine glass I. 73 133 0,161 G 125,00

1004102 TS4GL Wine glass II. 65 1201 G 118,00

1004103 TS4GL Wine glass III. 57 1092 D 109,00 1004104 TS4GL Wine glass IV. 48 972 F 105,00 1004115 TS4GL Champagne flute 67 170 0,111 L 125,00

1004116 TS4GL Champagne cup 97 106 0,11 L 133,00 1004150 TS4GL Fruit plate (TS267) 124 332 T 128,00

page 1

prices effective until 29. February 2020 1004130 TS4GL Finger bowl 120 562 Q 104,00 1004135 TS4GL Salad dish 140 652 T 106,00 1004182 TS4GL Water pitcher DKR16 172 160 13 N 323,00

1004190 TS4GL Wine decanter with stopper140 310 1,2 3 O 488,00

Drinking set no.4 - with engraved Pearlborder Ø h vol S P retail USD 3004001 TS4PBO Beer tumbler 71 1252 G 243,00

3004010 TS4PBO Water tumbler 76 95 0,221 D 240,00 3004050 TS4PBO Champagne tumbler 60 1002 F 203,00 3004070 TS4PBO Goblet 81 149 0,241 G 295,00

3004082 TS4PBO Beer glass on stem 73 1552 L 284,00

3004084 TS4PBO Water glass on stem 75 126 0,222 G 268,00

3004101 TS4PBO Wine glass I. 73 133 0,161 G 284,00

3004102 TS4PBO Wine glass II. 65 1202 G 269,00

3004103 TS4PBO Wine glass III. 57 1092 D 258,00 3004104 TS4PBO Wine glass IV. 48 972 F 245,00 3004115 TS4PBO Champagne flute 67 170 0,111 L 269,00

3004116 TS4PBO Champagne cup 97 106 0,12 L 323,00 3004130 TS4PBO Finger bowl 120 563 Q 341,00 3004135 TS4PBO Salad dish 140 653 T 350,00 3004150 TS4PBO Fruit plate (TS267) 132 352 T 335,00 3004165 TS4PBO Fruit bowl I. (TS267) 238 713 R 516,00 3004166 TS4PBO Fruit bowl II. (TS267) 210 643 T 460,00 3004167 TS4PBO Fruit bowl III. (TS267) 170 453 T 424,00 3004182 TS4PBO Water pitcher DKR16 172 160 13 N 653,00

3004190 TS4PBO Wine decanter with stopper140 310 1,2 3 O 958,00

3267144 TS4PBO Salad Bowl II. (TS267) "Pearlborder"230 165 3 M 589,00

3267145 TS4PBO Salad Bowl III. (TS267) "Pearlborder" 182 1363 M 479,00

Drinking set no.4 - with engraved matted ribbon Ø h vol S P retail USD 3005001 TS4MAT Beer tumbler 71 1252 G 133,00

3005010 TS4MAT Water tumbler 76 95 0,222 D 129,00 3005050 TS4MAT Champagne tumbler 60 100 2 F 96,00

page 2

prices effective until 29. February 2020 3005070 TS4MAT Goblet 81 149 0,242 G 184,00

3005082 TS4MAT Beer glass on stem 73 1553 L 170,00

3005084 TS4MAT Water glass on stem 75 126 0,223 G 160,00

3005101 TS4MAT Wine glass I. 73 133 0,162 G 170,00

3005102 TS4MAT Wine glass II. 65 1203 G 148,00

3005103 TS4MAT Wine glass III. 57 1093 D 141,00 3005104 TS4MAT Wine glass IV. 48 972 F 136,00 3005115 TS4MAT Champagne flute 67 170 0,112 L 164,00

3005116 TS4MAT Champagne cup 97 106 0,12 L 190,00 3005150 TS4MAT Fruit plate (TS267) 132 353 T 211,00 3005130 TS4MAT Finger bowl 120 563 Q 210,00 3005135 TS4MAT Salad dish 140 652 T 249,00 3005144 TS4MAT Salad bowl II. (TS267) 230 1653 M 380,00

3005145 TS4MAT Salad bowl III. (TS267) 182 1363 M 326,00

3005165 TS4MAT Fruit bowl I. (TS267) 238 713 R 365,00 3005166 TS4MAT Fruit bowl II. (TS267) 210 643 T 341,00 3005167 TS4MAT Fruit bowl III. (TS267) 170 453 T 285,00 3005182 TS4MAT Water pitcher DKR16 172 160 13 N 440,00

3005190 TS4MAT Wine decanter with stopper140 310 1,2 3 O 663,00

Drinking set no.4 - engraved with "Netzgravur" Ø h vol S P retail USD 3004234 TS4GR Wine glass III. 57 1093 D 463,00 3004235 TS4GR Wine decanter with stopper140 310 1,2 3 O 2.311,00

Drinking set no.4 - Engraved with ornament of TS182 Ø h vol S P retail USD 30041033 TS4GR Wine glass III. 57 1093 D 1.074,00 30041902 TS4GR Wine decanter with stopper140 310 1,2 3 O 4.541,00

Drinking set no.4 - Engraved with Rothschild stars Ø h vol S P retail USD 30040011 TS4ROS Bier tumbler "Rothschild stars"71 125 3 G 405,00

30040102 TS4ROS Water tumbler "Rothschild stars"76 95 0,22 3 D 405,00 30040502 TS4ROS Champagne tumbler "Rothschild stars" 60 1003 F 291,00

page 3

prices effective until 29. February 2020 30040701 TS4ROS Goblet "Rothschild stars"81 149 0,24 2 G 451,00

30040821 TS4ROS Beer glass on stem „Rothschild stars“73 155 3 L 479,00

30040841 TS4ROS Water glass on stem „Rothschild stars“ 75 126 0,222 G 470,00

30041011 TS4ROS Wine glass I. „Rothschild stars“73 133 0,16 2 G 415,00

30041021 TS4ROS Wine glass II. „Rothschild stars“65 120 3 G 354,00

30041031 TS4ROS Wine glass III. „Rothschild stars“57 109 3 D 335,00 30041041 TS4ROS Wine glass IV. „Rothschild stars“48 97 3 F 326,00 30041152 TS4ROS Champagne flute "Rothschild stars"67 170 0,11 2 L 443,00

30041161 TS4ROS Champagne cup "Rothschild stars"97 106 0,1 2 L 433,00 30041501 TS4ROS Fruit plate (TS267) „Rothschild stars“ 132 353 T 440,00 30041301 TS4ROS Finger bowl "Rothschild stars"120 56 3 Q 470,00 30041351 TS4ROS Salad dish „Rothschild stars“140 65 3 T 509,00 30041441 TS4ROS Salad Bowl II. (TS267) "Rothschild stars" 230 1653 M 681,00

30041451 TS4ROS Salad Bowl III. (TS267) "Rothschild stars" 182 1363 M 645,00

30041651 TS4ROS Fruit bowl I. 238 713 R 709,00 (TS267) „Rothschild stars“ 30041661 TS4ROS Fruit bowl II. (TS267) „Rothschild stars“ 210 643 T 691,00 30041671 TS4ROS Fruit bowl III. (TS267) „Rothschild stars“ 170 453 T 654,00 30041822 TS4ROS Water pitcher DKR16 „Rothschild stars“ 172 160 13 N 820,00

30041901 TS4ROS Wine decanter "Rothschild stars"140 310 1,2 3 O 1.253,00

Drinking set no.4 - Engraved with Pearl-monogram Ø h vol S P retail USD 30040101 TS4GR Water tumbler pearl-monogram76 95 0,22 3 D 295,00 Drinking set no.4 - with a painted fly Ø h vol S P retail USD 10040501 TS4GM Champagne tumbler Fly without 60 1002 F 183,00 goldrim 10040502 TS4GM Champagne tumbler Fly+gold rim60 100 2 F 238,00

Drinking set no.98 - "Palais" - with cut facettes Ludwig Lobmeyr, 1870 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2098011 TS98GS Water tumbler on base 75 1052 D 754,00 2098050 TS98GS Champagne tumbler (TS262)55 100 2 D 421,00 2098070 TS98GS Goblet 82 1702 L 995,00

2098082 TS98GS Beer glass on stem (TS104)80 162 0,24 3 L 865,00

page 4

prices effective until 29. February 2020 2098101 TS98GS Wine glass I. 75 1512 G 958,00

2098102 TS98GS Wine glass II. 67 1403 G 848,00

2098103 TS98GS Wine glass III. 58 1244 G 820,00

2098115 TS98GS Champagne flute 84 1922 V 958,00

2098130 TS98GS Finger bowl 115 643 Q 894,00 2098168 TS98GS Fruit bowl 220 982 R 1.584,00 2098186 TS98GS Water pitcher (TS261) 120 2253 O 1.308,00

20981904 TS98GS Wine decanter "original" with stopper125 298 2 O 2.541,00

Drinking set no.98 - "Palais" - with simple facette cut Ludwig Lobmeyr, 1870 Ø h vol S P retail USD 20985011 TS98GSE Water tumbler (TS104)75 96 0,22 3 D 470,00 20985050 TS98GSE Champagne tumbler (TS262)55 100 3 D 405,00 20985082 TS98GSE Beer glass on stem (TS104)72 162 0,24 3 L 661,00

20985070 TS98GSE Goblet 82 1703 L 681,00

20985101 TS98GSE Wine glass I. 75 1513 G 653,00

20985115 TS98GSE Champagne flute 84 1923 V 635,00

20985186 TS98GSE Water pitcher (TS261) 120 2253 O 875,00

20985190 TS98GSE Wine decanter with stopper (TS261)140 335 3 O 1.261,00

Drinking set no.104 - "Reigen" - with olive cut Ludwig Lobmeyr, 1866 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2104010 TS104GS Water tumbler 75 96 0,222 D 230,00 2104050 TS104GS Champagne tumbler (TS262)55 100 3 D 230,00 2104082 TS104GS Beer glass on stem 72 162 0,243 L 273,00

2104070 TS104GS Goblet 81 160 0,232 G 265,00

2104101 TS104GS Wine glass I. 74 146 0,152 G 260,00

2104102 TS104GS Wine glass II. 66 1363 G 253,00

2104104 TS104GS Wine glass IV. 46 1043 D 191,00

page 5

prices effective until 29. February 2020 2104115 TS104GS Champagne flute 56 170 0,12 L 269,00

2104130 TS104GS Finger bowl (TS98) 117 643 Q 335,00 2104165 TS104GS Fruit bowl I. (Form 231)242 82 3 R 844,00 2104168 TS104GS Fruit bowl (TS98) 220 983 R 884,00 2104182 TS104GS Water pitcher DKR 16 172 160 13 N 810,00

Drinking set no.104 - "Reigen" - without cut Ø h vol S P retail USD 9104010 TS104GL Water tumbler 75 96 0,222 D 89,00 9104050 TS104GL Champagne tumbler (TS98)55 100 2 D 96,00 9104082 TS104GL Beer glass on stem 72 162 0,243 L 145,00

9104070 TS104GL Goblet 81 160 0,232 G 139,00

9104101 TS104GL Wine glass I. 74 146 0,152 G 133,00

9104102 TS104GL Wine glass II. 66 1363 G 129,00

9104104 TS104GL Wine glass IV. 46 1043 D 118,00 9104115 TS104GL Champagne flute 56 170 0,12 L 139,00

Drinking set no.231 - "Barock" - with engraved ornament Stefan Rath, 1905 Ø h vol S P retail USD 3230001 TS231OR Beer tumbler 80 1382 G 544,00

3230010 TS231OR Water tumbler 85 1072 D 534,00 3230070 TS231OR Goblet 100 1702 L 649,00

3230101 TS231OR Wine glass I. 86 1552 G 619,00

3230102 TS231OR Wine glass II. 78 1403 G 561,00

3230104 TS231OR Wine glass IV. 58 1074 D 478,00 3230115 TS231OR Champagne flute 74 1862 V 604,00

3230116 TS231OR Champagne cup 103 1202 G 729,00

3230130 TS231OR Finger bowl 130 663 T 774,00 3230161 TS231OR Fruit bowl I. 240 802 R 3.039,00 3230183 TS231OR Water pitcher DKR16 128 1603 N 1.621,00

3230190 TS231OR Wine decanter with stopper108 322 2 O 1.796,00

page 6

prices effective until 29. February 2020 Drinking set no.231 - "Barock" - without engraving Stefan Rath, 1905 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1231001 TS231GL Beer tumbler 80 1382 G 114,00

1231010 TS231GL Water tumbler 85 1072 D 109,00 1231070 TS231GL Goblet 100 1702 L 145,00

1231101 TS231GL Wine glass I. 86 1552 G 136,00

1231102 TS231GL Wine glass II. 78 1402 G 131,00

1231104 TS231GL Wine glass IV. 58 1074 D 116,00 1231115 TS231GL Champagne flute 74 1862 V 136,00

1231116 TS231GL Champagne cup 103 1202 G 133,00

1231130 TS231GL Finger bowl 130 663 T 164,00 1231161 TS231GL Fruit bowl I. 240 802 R 331,00 1231190 TS231GL Wine decanter with stopper108 322 2 O 341,00

Drinking set no.232 - "Ranftbecher" - with cut "Ranft" Ø h vol S P retail USD 2232210 TS232GS Water tumbler 89 113 0,242 G 306,00

Drinking set no.232 - "Ranftbecher" - Other decoration Ø h vol S P retail USD 12320101 TS232GM Water tumbler painted with fish89 113 0,24 2 G 460,00 3232016 TS232 Water tumbler 1 letter engraved89 113 0,24 3 G 498,00 3232020 TS232 Water tumbler Insect engraved89 113 0,24 3 G 421,00

Drinking set no.233 - "Tirol" - "Tiroler Hirsch" Stefan Rath, 1910 Ø h vol S P retail USD 3233010 TS233TI Water tumbler "Tiroler Hirsch"83 112 4 G 488,00 3233022 TS233TI Wine tumbler II. "Tiroler Hirsch"72 96 4 D 431,00 3233024 TS233TI Wine tumbler IV. "Tiroler Hirsch"54 75 4 F 386,00 3233160 TS233TI Fruit bowl "Tiroler Hirsch"210 65 4 R 1.436,00 3233182 TS233TI Water pitcher DKR16 "Tiroler Hirsch" 172 1604 N 1.245,00

3233243 TS233TI Vase I. "Tiroler Hirsch" 156 1554 N 1.093,00

3233253 TS233TI Vase tall "Tiroler Hirsch"127 188 4 O 1.131,00

page 7

prices effective until 29. February 2020 Drinking set no.238 - "Patrician" - clear Josef Hoffmann, 1917 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1238001 TS238GL Beer tumbler 82 131 0,332 G 93,00

1238072 TS238GL Goblet VE 90 213 0,22 C 144,00

1238073 TS238GL Goblet VD 90 184 0,251 V 136,00

1238082 TS238GL Beer glass on stem 80 156 0,212 L 133,00

1238084 TS238GL Water glass on stem 88 136 0,251 G 136,00

1238101 TS238GL Wine glass I. 90 1631 L 136,00

1238102 TS238GL Wine glass II. 80 148 0,011 G 133,00

1238103 TS238GL Wine glass III. 70 1332 G 125,00

1238104 TS238GL Wine glass IV. 60 1182 G 116,00

1238105 TS238GL Liqueur glass V. 50 102 0,022 D 116,00 1238114 TS238GL Champagne flute tall new84 221 0,15 1 C 136,00

1238115 TS238GL Champagne flute 70 180 0,122 L 133,00

1238116 TS238GL Champagne cup 102 1571 V 145,00

1238131 TS238GL Finger bowl on stem 120 901 T 145,00 1238132 TS238GL Finger bowl without stem120 59 2 T 120,00 1238190 TS238GL Wine decanter with stopper98 337 0,65 2 O 618,00

1238215 TS238GL Milkjug 100 743 D 206,00 1238217 TS238GL Sugar dish 81 48 3 E 78,00 1238254 TS238GL Vase on stem 128 1462 K 238,00

Drinking set no.238 - "Patrician" - with "Spitzengirlande" Josef Hoffmann Ø h vol S P retail USD 3238073 TS238GR Goblet VD 90 1843 V 676,00

3238082 TS238GR Beer glass on stem 80 156 0,213 L 691,00

3238084 TS238GR Water glass on stem 88 1362 G 691,00

3238101 TS238GR Wine glass I. 90 1632 L 663,00

3238104 TS238GR Wine glass IV. 60 1183 G 599,00

page 8

prices effective until 29. February 2020 3238105 TS238GR Liqueur glass V. 50 1023 D 599,00 3238114 TS238GR Champagne flute tall 84 221 0,192 C 709,00

3238190 TS238GR Wine decanter with stopper98 291 0,65 2 O 2.136,00

3238254 TS238GR Vase on stem 128 1462 K 911,00

Drinking set no.238 - "Patrician" - with engraved Pearlborder Ø h vol S P retail USD 3238072 TS238PBO Goblet VE 90 2133 C 405,00

32380731 TS238PBO Goblet VD 90 1843 V 433,00

32380821 TS238PBO Beer glass on stem 80 156 0,213 L 415,00

32380841 TS238PBO Water glass on stem 88 1363 G 433,00

32381011 TS238PBO Wine glass I. 90 1633 L 405,00

323811411 TS238PBO Champagne flute tall84 221 0,19 3 C 386,00

3238116 TS238PBO Champagne cup 102 1573 L 460,00

3238131 TS238PBO Finger bowl on stem 120 903 T 479,00

Drinking set no.240 - "Ambassador" - clear Oswald Haerdtl, 1925 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1240070 TS240GL Goblet 102 2192 C 136,00

1240101 TS240GL Wine glass I. 96 198 0,132 V 133,00

1240102 TS240GL Wine glass II. 79 1832 V 128,00

1240104 TS240GL Wine glass IV. 51 1523 G 120,00

1240113 TS240GL 76 1302 G 120,00

1240115 TS240GL Champagne flute 62 265 0,091 C 145,00

1240116 TS240GL Champagne cup/Martini116 168 0,13 2 K 145,00

1240119 TS240GL Sherbet on stem 120 99 0,132 T 133,00

page 9

prices effective until 29. February 2020 1240190 TS240GL Wine decanter with stopper130 384 0,8 3 O 534,00

Drinking set no.248 - "Loos" - with diamond cut on bottom Adolf Loos, 1931 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2248001 TS248GS Beer tumbler 72 130 0,31 G 240,00

2248010 TS248GS Water/Whiskey tumbler77 92 0,2 1 D 240,00 2248011 TS248GS Double old fashioned tumbler87 109 0,3 1 D 295,00 2248021 TS248GS Wine tumbler I. 68 841 E 211,00 2248022 TS248GS Wine tumbler II. 61 761 F 211,00 2248023 TS248GS Wine tumbler III. 53 67 0,042 F 183,00 2248024 TS248GS Wine tumbler IV. 46 60 0,051 F 173,00 2248025 TS248GS Liqueur tumbler V. 39 532 F 163,00 2248050 TS248GS Champagne tumbler 55 115 0,151 G 203,00

2248051 TS248GS Feing’spritzter 60 1452 G 249,00

2248130 TS248GS Finger bowl 101 60 0,212 Q 365,00 2248170 TS248GS Fruit bowl new 208 852 R 1.326,00 22481801 TS248GS Water pitcher original122 149 4 N 673,00

2248180 TS248GS Water pitcher 104 2404 O 728,00

2248190 TS248GS Wine decanter with stopper83 295 0,75 3 C 1.326,00

2248242 TS248GS Vase 145 1902 M 1.141,00

Drinking set no.248 - "Loos" - MARS Glas Edition Ø h vol S P retail USD 2248310 TS248 Water tumbler MARS "Franz Graf"77 92 0,2 3 D 460,00 2248311 TS248GS Water tumbler MARS "Eva Schlegel"77 92 0,2 3 D 460,00 2248312 TS248GS Water tumbler MARS "Manfred 77 92 0,23 D 460,00 Wakolbinger" 2248314 TS248GS Water tumbler MARS "Heimo 77 92 0,23 D 460,00 Zobernig" 2248315 TS248GS Water tumbler MARS "Brigitte 77 92 0,23 D 460,00 Kowanz" 2248316 TS248GS Water tumbler MARS "Helmut Lang"77 92 0,2 3 D 460,00 2248317 TS248GS Water tumbler MARS "Arnulf Rainer"77 92 0,2 3 D 460,00 2248319 TS248GS Water tumbler MARS "Georg Salner"77 92 0,2 3 D 460,00 2248320 TS248GS Water tumbler MARS "Gregor Eichinger" 77 92 0,23 D 460,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 2248321 TS248GS Water tumbler MARS "Gunter 77 92 0,23 D 460,00 Damisch" 2248322 TS248GS Water tumbler MARS "Jenny Holzer"77 92 0,2 3 D 460,00 2248323 TS248GS Water tumbler MARS "Markus Schinwald" 77 92 0,23 D 460,00 2248324 TS248GS Water tumbler MARS "Peter Noever"77 92 0,2 3 D 460,00 2248330 TS248GS Water tumbler MARS "SET 13 77 92 0,23 D 5.985,00 tumbler" Drinking set no.248 - "Loos" - Sagmeister on Loos Stefan Sagmeister, 2011/13 Ø h vol S P retail USD 124801011 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister „wrath“77 92 0,2 2 D 306,00 124801012 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister „lust“77 92 0,2 2 D 306,00 124801013 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister „gluttony 77 92 0,22 D 306,00 “ 124801014 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister „sloth“77 92 0,2 2 D 306,00 124801015 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister „greed“77 92 0,2 2 D 306,00 124801016 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister „pride“77 92 0,2 2 D 306,00 124801017 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister „envy“77 92 0,2 2 D 306,00 124801021 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister 77 92 0,22 D 306,00 „patience“ 124801022 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister „chastity“77 92 0,2 2 D 306,00 124801023 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister „temperance“ 77 92 0,22 D 306,00 124801024 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister 77 92 0,22 D 306,00 „dilegence“ 124801025 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister „charity“ 77 92 0,22 D 306,00 124801026 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister „humility 77 92 0,22 D 306,00 “ 124801027 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister 77 92 0,22 D 306,00 „kindness“ 1248300 TS248GM Water tumbler Sagmeister FULL SERIES 77 92 0,23 4.280,00 (14)

Drinking set no.253 - "Liechtenstein" - without decoration Stefan Rath, 1928 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1253010 TS253GL Water tumbler 84 891 D 104,00 1253011 TS253GL Old fashioned tumbler74 84 1 D 98,00 Drinking set no.253 - "Liechtenstein" - "Reiche Jagd" Stefan Rath, 1928 Ø h vol S P retail USD 3254010 TS253RJ Water tumbler 84 893 D 2.236,00 3254190 TS253RJ Wine decanter with stopper (TS261)120 340 3 C 4.471,00

Drinking set no.253 - "Liechtenstein" - Other decoration - engraved Ø h vol S P retail USD 3253003 TS253 Water tumbler Animals 84 893 D 288,00 3253004 TS253 Water tumbler Leaf Border84 89 3 D 226,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 3253005 TS253 Water tumbler Lucky symbols simple84 89 3 D 253,00 3253012 TS253 Water tumbler Liskova Zodiaks (12)84 89 3 D 1.131,00 3253013 TS253 Water tumbler Powolny months (12)84 89 3 D 2.168,00 3253014 TS253 Water tumbler"horses riding school" (6) 84 893 D 538,00 3253020 TS253 Water tumbler Pearl Border84 89 3 D 269,00 Drinking set no.253 - "Liechtenstein" - Other decoration - painted Ø h vol S P retail USD 1253306 TS253GM OF Tumbler Ladybird 74 842 D 114,00 1253307 TS253GM OF Tumbler Edelweiss74 84 3 D 114,00 1253308 TS253GM OF Tumbler Luck clover74 84 3 D 114,00

Drinking set no.257 - "Commodore" - clear Oswald Haerdtl, 1954 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1257001 TS257GL Beer tumbler 74 122 1 G 86,00

1257010 TS257GL Water tumbler 85 90 0,241 D 83,00 1257050 TS257GL Champagne tumbler (TS4)60 100 2 F 74,00 1257070 TS257GL Goblet 93 126 0,212 G 110,00

1257101 TS257GL Wine glass I. 82 110 0,152 G 105,00 1257104 TS257GL Wine glass IV. 56 80 3 E 98,00 1257115 TS257GL Champagne flute 66 170 0,12 L 105,00

1257116 TS257GL Champagne cup 98 120 0,12 L 109,00

1257190 TS257GL Wine decanter with stopper114 285 0,9 2 C 479,00

Drinking set no.257 - "Commodore" - with insect engraved (6) Oswald Haerdtl, 1954 Ø h vol S P retail USD 3257001 TS257GR Beer tumbler with insect74 122 2 G 221,00

3257002 TS257GR Water tumbler with insect85 90 0,24 3 D 221,00

Drinking set no.261 - "Biedermeier" - cut Stefan Rath, 1936 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2261010 TS261GS Water tumbler 80 1062 D 275,00 2261070 TS261GS Goblet 87 1612 L 350,00

2261101 TS261GS Wine glass I. 78 1472 G 303,00

2261115 TS261GS Champagne flute 69 1812 L 253,00

2261180 TS261GS Water pitcher 120 225 13 O 774,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 2261190 TS261GS Wine decanter with stopper103 290 3 C 939,00

Drinking set no.261 - "Biedermeier" - engraved Stefan Rath, 1936 Ø h vol S P retail USD 3261010 TS261BO Water tumbler 80 1062 D 618,00 3261070 TS261BO Goblet 87 1612 L 656,00

3261101 TS261BO Wine glass I. 78 1472 G 571,00

3261115 TS261BO Champagne flute 69 1812 L 561,00

3261180 TS261BO Water pitcher 120 225 13 O 1.078,00

3261190 TS261BO Wine decanter with stopper103 290 3 C 1.446,00

Drinking set no.261 - "Biedermeier" - without decoration Stefan Rath, 1936 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1261010 TS261GL Water tumbler 80 1062 D 125,00 1261070 TS261GL Goblet 87 1612 L 163,00

1261101 TS261GL Wine glass I. 78 1472 G 151,00

1261115 TS261GL Champagne flute 69 1812 L 133,00

1261180 TS261GL Water pitcher 120 225 13 O 354,00

1261190 TS261GL Wine decanter with stopper103 290 3 C 470,00

Drinking set no.267 - "Alpha" - clear Hans Harald Rath, 1952 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1267001 TS267GL Beer tumbler 104 83 2 T 78,00 1267010 TS267GL Water tumbler 90 72 0,251 E 69,00 1267020 TS267GL Wine tumbler 76 60 1 E 61,00 1267040 TS267GL Cocktail tumbler 61 49 0,081 F 54,00 1267025 TS267GL Liqueur tumbler 47 37 2 F 50,00 1267218 TS267GL Flower bowl without lid117 93 1 T 114,00 1267219 TS267GL Lid for flower bowl 123 26 1 H 70,00 1267144 TS267GL Salad Bowl II. 230 1652 M 240,00

1267145 TS267GL Salad Bowl III. 182 1362 M 203,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 1267161 TS267GL Fruit bowl I. 238 712 R 221,00 1267162 TS267GL Fruit bowl II. 210 642 T 203,00 1267169 TS267GL Fruit bowl III. 170 452 T 166,00 1267150 TS267GL Fruit plate 132 352 T 118,00 1267149 TS267GL nut bowl 95 40 3 Q 74,00 1267180 TS267GL Water pitcher 121 207 1,31 K 240,00

Drinking set no.267 - "Alpha" - colours Hans Harald Rath, 1952 Ø h vol S P retail USD 126728003 TS267FA Water pitcher 03 citrin 121 207 1,32 K 240,00

126728004 TS267FA Water pitcher 04 rosalin121 207 1,3 2 K 240,00

126728007 TS267FA Water pitcher 07 amethyst121 207 1,3 2 K 240,00

126728012 TS267FA Water pitcher 12 light blue121 207 1,3 2 K 240,00

126728019 TS267FA Water pitcher 19 light green121 207 1,3 2 K 240,00

126728026 TS267FA Water pitcher 26 grey 121 207 1,32 K 240,00

126728028 TS267FA Water pitcher 28 black121 207 1,3 2 K 240,00

126714507 TS267FA Salad Bowl III. 07 amethyst182 136 3 M 203,00

126729507 TS267FA Flower bowl 07 amethyst117 93 3 T 114,00 1267400 TS267FA Water tumbler SET (6 pcs.) 2 409,00 1267403 TS267FA Water tumbler 03 citrin90 72 0,25 1 E 69,00 1267404 TS267FA Water tumbler 04 rosalin90 72 0,25 1 E 69,00 1267407 TS267FA Water tumbler 07 amethyst90 72 0,25 1 E 69,00 1267412 TS267FA Water tumbler 12 light blue90 72 0,25 1 E 69,00 1267419 TS267FA Water tumbler 19 light green90 72 0,25 1 E 69,00 1267426 TS267FA Water tumbler 26 grey90 72 0,25 1 E 69,00 1267428 TS267FA Water tumbler 28 black90 72 0,25 2 E 69,00 1267503 TS267FA Cocktail tumbler 03 citrin61 49 0,08 2 F 54,00 1267504 TS267FA Cocktail tumbler 04 rosalin61 49 0,08 2 F 54,00 1267507 TS267FA Cocktail tumbler 07 amethyst61 49 0,08 2 F 54,00 1267512 TS267FA Cocktail tumbler 12 light blue61 49 0,08 2 F 54,00 1267519 TS267FA Cocktail tumbler 19 light green61 49 0,08 2 F 54,00 1267526 TS267FA Cocktail tumbler 26 grey61 49 0,08 2 F 54,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 Drinking set no.267 - "Alpha" - with cap Max Lamb, 2009 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1267011 TS267GL Water tumbler with cap110 160 3 T 110,00

126701103 TS267FA Water tumbler with cap 03 citrin110 160 3 T 110,00

Drinking set no.267 - "Alpha" - with engraved letter Ø h vol S P retail USD 32674031 TS267GR Water tumbler “engraved letter" 03 citrin 90 72 0,253 E 276,00 32674041 TS267GR Water tumbler “engraved letter" 04 rosalin 90 72 0,253 E 276,00 32674071 TS267GR Water tumbler “engraved letter" 07 90 72 0,253 E 276,00 amethyst 32674121 TS267GR Water tumbler “engraved letter" 12 90 72 0,253 E 276,00 lightblue 32674191 TS267GR Water tumbler “engraved letter" 19 90 72 0,253 E 276,00 lightgreen 32674261 TS267GR Water tumbler “engraved letter" 26 grey 90 72 0,253 E 276,00 Drinking set no.267 - "Alpha" - with engraved ellipse Monica Singer, 2007 Ø h vol S P retail USD 326740391 TS267GR Water tumbler "Ellipse" 03 citrin90 72 0,25 3 E 101,00 326740491 TS267GR Water tumbler "Ellipse" 04 rosalin 90 72 0,253 E 101,00 326740791 TS267GR Water tumbler "Ellipse" 07 amethyst90 72 0,25 3 E 101,00 326741291 TS267GR Water tumbler "Ellipse" 19 light blue 90 72 0,253 E 101,00 326741991 TS267GR Water tumbler "Ellipse" 19 light green 90 72 0,253 E 101,00 326742691 TS267GR Water tumbler "Ellipse" 26 grey90 72 0,25 3 E 101,00 Drinking set no.267 - "Alpha" - with engraved rabbit Ø h vol S P retail USD 326701003 TS267GR Water tumbler "Rabbit" 03 citrin90 72 0,25 3 E 156,00 326701004 TS267GR Water tumbler "Rabbit" 04 rosalin90 72 0,25 3 E 156,00 326701012 TS267GR Water tumbler "Rabbit" 12 light blue 90 72 0,253 E 156,00 326701019 TS267GR Water tumbler "Rabbit" 19 light green 90 72 0,253 E 156,00 Drinking set no.267 - "Alpha" - Ebenmass Hubert Spoerri, 2016 Ø h vol S P retail USD 12674285412 TS267GM Water tumbler 28 black Gotik gold90 72 0,25 3 E 293,00 12674285411 TS267GM Water tumbler 28 black Renaissance gold 90 72 0,253 E 293,00 12674285413 TS267GM Water tumbler 28 black Rokoko 90 72 0,253 E 293,00 gold 12674195422 TS267GM Water tumbler 19 lightgreen Gotik 90 72 0,253 E 176,00 painted 12674045421 TS267GM Water tumbler 04 rosalin Renaissance 90 72 0,253 E 176,00 painted 12674125423 TS267GM Water tumbler 12 lightblue Rokoko 90 72 0,253 E 176,00 painted

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 Drinking set no.267 - "Alpha" - "white leaves" decoration Sebastian Menschhorn, 2004 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1267301 TS267GM Beer tumbler "white leaves"104 83 3 T 221,00 1267310 TS267GM Water tumbler "white leaves"90 72 0,25 2 E 180,00 1267320 TS267GM Wine tumbler „white leaves“76 60 3 E 156,00 1267340 TS267GM Cocktail tumbler "white leaves"61 49 0,08 3 F 101,00 1267325 TS267GM Liqueur tumbler "white leaves"47 37 3 F 90,00 1267344 TS267GM Salad Bowl II. white leaves230 165 3 M 635,00

1267345 TS267GM Salad Bowl III. "white leaves"182 136 2 M 525,00

1267350 TS267GM Fruit plate "white leaves"132 35 3 T 211,00 1267361 TS267GM Fruit bowl I. "white leaves"238 71 3 R 516,00 1267362 TS267GM Fruit bowl II. "white leaves"210 64 3 T 460,00 1267363 TS267GM Fruit bowl III. "white leaves"170 45 3 T 359,00 1267395 TS267GM Flower bowl without lid "white leaves" 117 932 T 273,00 1267396 TS267GM Lid for flower bowl "white leaves"123 26 2 H 203,00 Drinking set no.267 - "Alpha" - “Tulipmania“ Hans Harald Rath, 1952 Ø h vol S P retail USD 126718003 TS267GM Water pitcher "Tulipmania" 3 tulips121 207 1,3 2 K 516,00

126718403 TS267GM Water pitcher 28 black "Tulipmania" 3 121 207 1,32 K 526,00 tulips

1267399 TS267GM Water tumbler "Tulipmania"90 72 0,25 2 E 214,00 1267499 TS267GM Water tumbler 28 black 90 72 0,252 E 214,00 "Tulipmania" Drinking set no.267 - "Alpha" - L.O.B Line of Beauty Kay Sallier, 2014 Ø h vol S P retail USD 3267244 TS267GR L.O.B. Salad Bowl II. 230 1653 M 958,00

3267401 TS267GR L.O.B. Beer tumbler 104 833 T 606,00 3267440 TS267GR L.O.B. Cocktail tumbler61 49 0,08 3 F 488,00 Drinking set no.267 - "Alpha" - Other decoration Ø h vol S P retail USD 126728128 TS267GM Water pitcher 28 black with gold 121 207 1,33 K 326,00 rim

12674281 TS267GM Water tumbler 28 black with gold 90 72 0,253 E 170,00 rim

Drinking set no.272 - "Triennale" - cut Wolfgang v. Wersin, 1958 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2272001 TS272GS Beer tumbler 84 1542 G 618,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 2272010 TS272GS Water tumbler 90 1052 D 589,00 2272050 TS272GS Champagne tumbler 70 1402 G 589,00

2272026 TS272GS Liqueur tumbler tall 43 1052 D 460,00 2272205 TS272GS Liqueur decanter tall 78 2253 C 1.234,00

Drinking set no.272 - "Triennale" - with spheric bottom cut Wolfgang v. Wersin, 1958 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1272001 TS272GHL Beer tumbler 84 1542 G 258,00

1272010 TS272GHL Water tumbler 90 1052 D 249,00 1272050 TS272GHL Champagne tumbler70 140 2 G 230,00

1272026 TS272GHL Liqueur tumbler tall 43 1052 D 230,00 1272205 TS272GHL Liqueur decanter tall with stopper78 225 3 C 759,00

Paul Wieser, 1992 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1276082 TS276GL Beer glass on stem 78 2032 V 140,00

1276084 TS276GL Water glass / rich red wine tasting (III.) 100 1821 K 139,00

1276101 TS276GL Red wine glass (I.) 93 256 0,351 C 141,00

1276102 TS276GL White wine glass (II.) 83 2301 C 133,00

1276104 TS276GL Sherry glass 60 1482 G 101,00

1276112 TS276GL Champagne A 76 2371 C 125,00

1276114 TS276GL Champagne B 64 222 0,121 C 121,00

1276113 TS276GL Champagne C 73 1702 L 118,00

1276115 TS276GL Champagne flute 50 2553 C 136,00

1276190 TS276GL Tall wine decanter 100 4402 Y 848,00

1276191 TS276GL Decanter 180 2261 M 230,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 1276201 TS276GL Burgundy glass 100 191 0,261 V 140,00

1276202 TS276GL Red wine tasting / water (IV.)88 183 1 V 133,00

1276203 TS276GL White wine tasting (V.)50 180 1 L 121,00

1276205 TS276GL Water glass tasting (VI.)77 142 2 G 118,00

1276204 TS276GL Travellor 76 1482 G 118,00

Drinking set no.276 - "Ballerina" - other decoration Paul Wieser, 1992 Ø h vol S P retail USD 12761911 TS276GM Decanter with golden lines180 226 3 M 348,00

32761913 TS276GR Decanter with engraved matted 180 2263 M 405,00 ribbon

32761915 TS276GR Decanter engraved laurel180 226 3 M 614,00

32761917 TS276GR Decanter engraved „SWIRL“180 226 3 M 479,00

Paul Wieser, 1998 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1278200 TS278GL Bed side bottle 130 2002 O 249,00

Drinking set no.279 - "Balloon" - clear Ted Muehling, 2007 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1279001 TS279GL Beer tumbler 82 1451 G 110,00

1279005 TS279GL Tumbler convex 75 104 1 D 93,00 1279006 TS279GL Balloon 86 891 D 100,00 1279008 TS279GL Tumbler concave 75 103 1 D 93,00 1279011 TS279GL Double old fashioned (DOF)89 87 1 D 100,00 1279025 TS279GL Shot 50 55 1 F 74,00 1279190 TS279GL Decanter large 136 2741 O 311,00

1279191 TS279GL Stopper for large decanter39 67 3 F 98,00 1279192 TS279GL Plum stopper for large decanter38 89 4 F 179,00 1279200 TS279GL Decanter small 126 2402 O 256,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 Drinking set no.279 - "Balloon" - with engraved butterflies Ted Muehling, 2007 Ø h vol S P retail USD 32790011 TS279GR Beer tumbler engraved butterflies A 82 1453 G 245,00

32790012 TS279GR Beer tumbler engraved butterflies B 82 1452 G 453,00

32790013 TS279GR Beer tumbler engraved butterflies C 82 1453 G 704,00

32790014 TS279GR Beer tumbler engraved butterflies D 82 1453 G 935,00

32790051 TS279GR Tumbler convex engraved butterflies A 75 1043 D 198,00 32790052 TS279GR Tumbler convex engraved butterflies B 75 1042 D 428,00 32790053 TS279GR Tumbler convex engraved butterflies C 75 1042 D 641,00 32790054 TS279GR Tumbler convex engraved butterflies D 75 1043 D 911,00 32790061 TS279GR Balloon engraved butterflies A86 89 3 D 245,00 32790062 TS279GR Balloon engraved butterflies B86 89 3 D 519,00 32790063 TS279GR Balloon engraved butterflies C86 89 3 D 654,00 32790064 TS279GR Balloon engraved butterflies D86 89 3 D 919,00 32790081 TS279GR Tumbler concave engraved butterflies A 75 1033 D 198,00 32790082 TS279GR Tumbler concave engraved butterflies B 75 1032 D 428,00 32790083 TS279GR Tumbler concave engraved butterflies C 75 1033 D 641,00 32790084 TS279GR Tumbler concave engraved butterflies D 75 1033 D 911,00 32790111 TS279GR DOF engraved butterflies A89 87 3 D 208,00 32790112 TS279GR DOF engraved butterflies B89 87 2 D 435,00 32790113 TS279GR DOF engraved butterflies C89 87 3 D 653,00 32790114 TS279GR DOF engraved butterflies D89 87 2 D 919,00 32791902 TS279GR Decanter large engraved butterflies B 136 2742 O 1.096,00

32791903 TS279GR Decanter large engraved butterflies C 136 2742 O 1.954,00

32791905 TS279GR Decanter large "Looping and a butterfly" 136 2742 O 2.604,00

32792002 TS279GR Decanter small engraved butterflies B 126 2403 O 898,00

32792003 TS279GR Decanter small engraved butterflies C 126 2402 O 1.516,00

Drinking set no.279 - "Balloon" - with painted butterflies Ted Muehling, 2007 Ø h vol S P retail USD 12790011 TS279GM Beer tumbler painted butterflies A82 145 3 G 186,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 12790012 TS279GM Beer tumbler painted butterflies B82 145 2 G 250,00

12790013 TS279GM Beer tumbler painted butterflies C82 145 2 G 398,00

12790014 TS279GM Beer tumbler painted butterflies D82 145 2 G 549,00

12790015 TS279GM Beer tumbler with two painted flies 82 1452 G 254,00

12790051 TS279GM Tumbler convex painted butterflies 75 1043 D 166,00 A 12790052 TS279GM Tumbler convex painted butterflies 75 1041 D 226,00 B 12790053 TS279GM Tumbler convex painted butterflies 75 1042 D 378,00 C 12790054 TS279GM Tumbler convex painted butterflies 75 1042 D 529,00 D 12790061 TS279GM Balloon painted butterflies A86 89 3 D 171,00 12790062 TS279GM Balloon painted butterflies B86 89 2 D 236,00 12790063 TS279GM Balloon painted butterflies C86 89 2 D 385,00 12790064 TS279GM Balloon painted butterflies D86 89 3 D 534,00 12790081 TS279GM Tumbler concave painted butterflies A 75 1033 D 164,00 12790082 TS279GM Tumbler concave painted butterflies B 75 1031 D 226,00 12790083 TS279GM Tumbler concave painted butterflies C 75 1033 D 376,00 12790084 TS279GM Tumbler concave painted butterflies D 75 1033 D 525,00 12790111 TS279GM DOF painted butterflies A89 87 3 D 171,00 12790112 TS279GM DOF painted butterflies B89 87 3 D 236,00 12790113 TS279GM DOF painted butterflies C89 87 2 D 385,00 12790114 TS279GM DOF painted butterflies D89 87 3 D 534,00 12790251 TS279GM Shot with one painted insect50 55 2 F 151,00 12791902 TS279GM Decanter large painted butterflies B136 274 2 O 615,00

12791904 TS279GM Decanter large painted butterflies D136 274 2 O 1.001,00

12792001 TS279GM Decanter small painted butterflies A126 240 3 O 320,00

12792003 TS279GM Decanter small painted butterflies C126 240 2 O 665,00

Drinking set no.279 - "Balloon" - with painted fish Ted Muehling, 2007 Ø h vol S P retail USD 12790017 TS279GM Beer tumbler painted fish B82 145 2 G 250,00

12790018 TS279GM Beer tumbler painted fish C82 145 3 G 398,00

12790019 TS279GM Beer tumbler painted fish D82 145 3 G 549,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 12790057 TS279GM Tumbler convex painted fish B75 104 2 D 229,00 12790058 TS279GM Tumbler convex painted fish C75 104 3 D 378,00 12790059 TS279GM Tumbler convex painted fish D75 104 3 D 529,00 12790067 TS279GM Balloon painted fish B86 89 2 D 236,00 12790068 TS279GM Balloon painted fish C86 89 3 D 385,00 12790069 TS279GM Balloon painted fish D86 89 3 D 536,00 Drinking set no.279 - "Balloon" - with painted eye Ted Muehling, 2007 Ø h vol S P retail USD 12790016 TS279GM Beer tumbler with painted eye on the 82 1453 G 261,00 bottom 12790055 TS279GM Tumbler convex with painted eye on the 75 1043 D 243,00 bottom 12790065 TS279GM Balloon with painted eye on the bottom 86 892 D 249,00 12790085 TS279GM Tumbler concave with painted eye on the 75 1033 D 243,00 bottom 12790115 TS279GM Double old fashioned (DOF) with painted 89 873 D 249,00 eye on the bottom Drinking set no.279 - "Balloon" - Other decoration Ted Muehling, 2007 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1905 TM cut-writing on tumbler (per letter)120 75 3 260,00 1906 TM cut-writing on decanter (per letter)220 140 3 428,00

1907 TM Mini-writing (per letter) 5 53 104,00

POLKA, 2008 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1280084 TS280GL Waterglass 76 1201 G 104,00

1280101 TS280GL Redwineglass 99 2001 K 120,00

1280102 TS280GL Whitewineglass 79 2121 W 104,00

1280104 TS280GL Shotglass / stopper 49 85 1 F 85,00 1280116 TS280GL Champagne cup 110 1401 K 114,00

1280190 TS280GL Wine decanter without stopper135 297 2 O 304,00

Drinking set no.281 - "grip" - with lamella cut Marco Dessi, 2009 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2281001 TS281GS beer tumbler 75 1402 G 295,00

2281010 TS281GS wine tumbler 73 872 E 285,00 2281025 TS281GS shot tumbler 39 922 F 230,00 2281050 TS281GS Double old fashioned tumbler85 100 2 D 323,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 2281136 TS281GS flower vase 128 3143 I 829,00

2281162 TS281GS fruit bowl II. 292 653 P 1.198,00 2281190 TS281GS decanter 121 2892 O 700,00

2281195 TS281GS whiskey decanter 105 2272 C 1.381,00

Drinking set no.281 - "grip" - with spheric bottom cut Marco Dessi, 2009 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1281001 TS281GHL beertumbler with sphere cut75 140 3 G 221,00

1281010 TS281GHL wine tumbler with spheric cut73 87 3 E 203,00 1281025 TS281GHL shot tumbler with spheric cut39 92 3 F 166,00 1281050 TS281GHL Double old fashioned tumbler with 85 1003 D 221,00 spheric cut 1281136 TS281GHL flower vase with shperic cut128 314 3 I 626,00

1281162 TS281GHL fruit bowl II. with spheric cut292 65 3 P 884,00 1281190 TS281GHL decanter with spheric cut121 289 3 O 479,00

1281195 TS281GHL whiskey decanter with spheric cut105 227 3 C 1.096,00

Drinking set no.282 - with diamond cut Ted Muehling, 2010 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2282001 TS282GS Beertumbler 81 1502 L 516,00

2282020 TS282GS Winetumbler 75 952 D 488,00 2282040 TS282GS DOF tumbler 83 1002 D 516,00 2282050 TS282GS Champagnetumbler 52 1602 L 479,00

2282180 TS282GS Water pitcher 93 2402 O 810,00

2282240 TS282GS Vase 120 2342 O 1.059,00

2282251 TS282GS Branch vase (I.) 100 4452 884,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 2282254 TS282GS Bud vase (IV.) 55 2202 C 635,00

Drinking set no.282 - with spheric bottom cut Ted Muehling, 2010 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2282501 TS282GHL Beertumbler 81 1503 L 240,00

2282520 TS282GHL Winetumbler 74 953 D 221,00 2282540 TS282GHL DOF tumbler 85 1003 D 240,00 2282550 TS282GHL Champagnetumbler 52 1603 L 221,00

2282580 TS282GHL Water pitcher 93 2403 O 460,00

2282740 TS282GHL Vase 120 2343 O 479,00

2282751 TS282GHL Branch vase (I.) 100 4453 506,00

2282754 TS282GHL Bud vase (IV.) 55 2203 C 276,00

Drinking set no.283 - „Fortune“ - clear Mark Braun, 2010 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1283001 TS283GL beer tumbler 83 97 2 D 86,00 1283002 TS283GL wine tumbler 70 80 2 E 78,00 1283004 TS283GL shot tumbler 53 73 2 F 71,00 1283010 TS283GL Water tumbler 74 85 2 E 81,00 1283040 TS283GL whiskey tumbler 86 60 2 E 78,00 1283180 TS283GL Watercaraffe „fortune“97 230 2 C 221,00

Drinking set no.283 - „Fortune“ - with a golden dot Mark Braun, 2010 Ø h vol S P retail USD 128300101 TS283GM Beer tumbler with a golden dot83 97 3 D 125,00 128300201 TS283GM Wine tumbler with a golden dot70 80 3 E 114,00 128300401 TS283GM shot tumbler with a golden dot53 73 2 F 109,00 128301001 TS283GM Water tumbler with a golden dot74 85 3 E 118,00 128304001 TS283GM whiskey tumbler wit a golden dot86 60 2 E 114,00 128318001 TS283GM Watercaraffe with a golden dot97 230 2 C 250,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 Drinking set no.283 - „Fortune“ - with engraved symbols Mark Braun, 2016 Ø h vol S P retail USD 3283004 TS283GR Beer tumbler with hop 83 973 D 268,00 32830042 TS283GR shot tumbler with berry53 73 3 F 230,00 3283005 TS283GR Wine tumbler with grape70 80 3 E 249,00 3283006 TS283GR Water tumbler with drops74 85 3 E 148,00 32830402 TS283GR whiskey tumbler with ear86 60 3 E 240,00 3283181 TS283GR Watercaraffe with drops97 230 3 C 304,00

Drinking set no.283 - „Fortune“ - Österreich Edition Mark Braun, 2010 Ø h vol S P retail USD 32831101 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Ach97 230 3 C 1.355,00 32831102 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Donau97 230 3 C 1.634,00 32831103 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Drau97 230 3 C 1.313,00 32831104 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Inn97 230 3 C 1.036,00 32831105 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Mur97 230 3 C 1.554,00 32831106 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Salzach97 230 3 C 1.036,00 32831107 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Ybbs97 230 3 C 1.236,00 32831201 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Rinnensee97 230 3 C 688,00 32831202 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Faakersee97 230 3 C 688,00 32831203 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Mondsee97 230 3 C 750,00 32831204 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Traunsee97 230 3 C 836,00 32831205 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Wörthersee97 230 3 C 884,00 32831206 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Attersee97 230 3 C 915,00 32831207 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Bodensee97 230 3 C 1.250,00 32831301 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Gugler 97 2303 C 880,00 Ferner 32831302 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Hintereis Ferner 97 2303 C 915,00 32831303 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Mittelberg Ferner 97 2303 C 1.075,00 32831304 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Pasterze97 230 3 C 1.475,00 32831305 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Stubaier Ferner 97 2303 C 1.136,00 32831306 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Taschach Ferner 97 2303 C 1.075,00 32831307 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Übergossene Alm 97 2303 C 859,00 Drinking set no.283 - „Fortune“ - International Edition Mark Braun, 2011 Ø h vol S P retail USD 32832101 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Po97 230 3 C 1.306,00 32832102 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Niger97 230 3 C 1.366,00 32832103 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Ganges97 230 3 C 1.390,00 32832104 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Euphrat97 230 3 C 1.376,00 32832105 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Hudson River 97 2303 C 1.565,00 32832106 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Amazon 97 2303 C 1.503,00 River

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 32832107 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Mekong97 230 3 C 1.914,00 32832201 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Lake Baikal97 230 3 C 794,00 32832202 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Lake Titicaca97 230 3 C 876,00 32832203 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Lake Vänern97 230 3 C 969,00 32832204 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Aral Sea97 230 3 C 954,00 32832205 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Van Sea97 230 3 C 1.114,00 32832206 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Lake Kiwu97 230 3 C 876,00 32832207 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Lake Toba97 230 3 C 876,00 32832301 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Perito Moreno 97 2303 C 1.110,00 Glacier 32832302 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Malaspina Glacier 97 2303 C 1.129,00 32832303 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Lambert Glacier 97 2303 C 1.019,00 32832304 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Siachen Glacier 97 2303 C 1.133,00 32832305 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Fox Glacier97 230 3 C 1.128,00 32832306 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Long Glacier 97 2303 C 820,00 32832307 TS283GR Watercaraffe Fortune - Sea of Ice97 230 3 C 908,00

Drinking set no.284 „Alphabet“ - clear Studio Formafantasma, 2013 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1284010 TS284GL water tumbler 70 103 3 G 90,00 1284020 TS284GL wine tumbler 63 95 3 D 86,00 1284080 TS284GHL pitcher with stopper 85 2753 C 526,00

Drinking set no.284 „Alphabet“ - engraved Studio Formafantasma, 2013 Ø h vol S P retail USD 3284011 TS284GR water tumbler A 70 1033 G 313,00

A 3284012 TS284GR water tumbler B 70 1033 G 313,00

B 3284013 TS284GR water tumbler C 70 1033 G 313,00

C 3284014 TS284GR water tumbler D 70 1033 G 313,00

D 3284015 TS284GR water tumbler E 70 1033 G 313,00

E 3284016 TS284GR water tumbler F 70 1033 G 313,00

F 3284021 TS284GR wine tumbler A 63 953 D 313,00 A 3284022 TS284GR wine tumbler B 63 953 D 313,00 B 3284023 TS284GR wine tumbler C 63 953 D 313,00 C 3284024 TS284GR wine tumbler D 63 953 D 313,00 D 3284025 TS284GR wine tumbler E 63 953 D 313,00 3284026 TS284GR wine tumbler F 63 953 D 313,00 F 3284080 TS284GR pitcher with stopper 85 2753 C 958,00

page 25

prices effective until 29. February 2020 Drinking set no. 285 „Joy Of Discipline“ - with ribbon cut LeGramme, 2018 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2285130 TS285GS Pill bowl 73 143 E 405,00 2285150 TS285GS Ramekin 73 283 E 451,00 2285010 TS285GS Water tumbler 73 573 E 506,00 2285040 TS285GS Smoothie tumbler 73 1143 G 534,00 2285080 TS285GS Pitcher 74 2283 C 884,00

Drinking set no. 285 „Joy Of Discipline“ - with plain cut at bottom LeGramme, 2018 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1285080 TS285GHL Pitcher with plain cut at bottom74 228 3 C 273,00

Drinking set no. 286 „Normal-Special“ - clear Ilse Crawford, 2018 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1286001 TS286GL tumbler thin 86,6 71,4 2 E 70,00 1286002 TS286GL tumbler medium 86,6 72,5 2 E 70,00 1286003 TS286GL tumbler thick 86,6 73 2 E 70,00 1286181 TS286GL small pitcher 121 1202 T 148,00

1286182 TS286GL water pitcher 154 1812 N 258,00

1286136 TS286GL large vase 255 2522 B 405,00

page 26

prices effective until 29. February 2020 Miki Martinek, 1998 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10025165 ACHTEL tumbler (with 0,125l marking)63 88 1 F 81,00

Peter Noever, 2005 Ø h vol S P retail USD 100251651 MAK - Achtel tumbler (with 0,125 l mark)63 88 2 F 63,00 100251652 MAK - decanter (with 0,75 l mark)53 300 2 Y 179,00

Mark Braun / Christoph Keller, 2013 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10025109 Spirit glass Staehlemuehle 45 100 0,022 D 66,00 10025110 Spirit glass Staehlemuehle with a golden dot45 100 0,02 3 D 78,00

LucyD, 2017 Ø h vol S P retail USD 460720351400 Wiener Melange coffee set clear90 137 3 218,00

460720351403 Wiener Melange coffee set citrin 90 1373 218,00

460720351404 Wiener Melange coffee set rosalin90 137 3 218,00

460720351407 Wiener Melange coffee set amethyst90 137 3 218,00

460720351412 Wiener Melange coffee set lightblue90 137 3 218,00

460720351419 Wiener Melange coffee set lightgreen90 137 3 218,00

460720351426 Wiener Melange coffee set grey 90 1373 218,00

Monica Singer, 2006 Ø h vol S P retail USD 100251680 Decanter "Josephine" with glass 110 330 0,81 J 341,00

100251681 Glass for "Josephine" 70 120 0,193 G 113,00

Kim+Heep, 2012 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1238218 Lily tea cup 90 86 0,252 E 66,00 1238219 Lily tea saucer 122 34 2 Q 96,00 1238220 Lily Mokka cup 65 69 0,052 E 55,00 1238221 Lily Mokka saucer (gilt brass) 100 192 Q 221,00 1238223 Lily tea saucer (gilt brass) 122 342 Q 240,00

page 27

prices effective until 29. February 2020 Bar series - clear Ø h vol S P retail USD 1110001 DOF tumbler light 90 97 0,32 D 83,00 1110003 DOF tumbler heavy with spheric cut bottom90 97 0,3 2 D 240,00 2110005401 Whiskey decanter with plain cut on stopper and 97 2222 C 498,00 bottom

Bar series - NEO selected Martino Gamper, 2016 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2110003111 DOF tumbler heavy I.NEO/cut/ off I-I-I90 97 0,3 2 D 295,00 2110003121 DOF tumbler heavy I.NEO/cut/ off I-II-I90 97 0,3 2 D 295,00 2110003131 DOF tumbler heavy I.NEO/cut/ off I-III-I90 97 0,3 2 D 295,00 2110003141 DOF tumbler heavy I.NEO/cut/ off I-IV-I90 97 0,3 2 D 295,00 2110003151 DOF tumbler heavy I.NEO/cut/ off I-V-I90 97 0,3 2 D 295,00 2110003161 DOF tumbler heavy I.NEO/cut/ off I-VI-I90 97 0,3 2 D 295,00 2110003171 Whiskey decanter NEO cut off I-II-D97 22 3 C 700,00 1110001822 DOF tumbler light NEO enamel painted VIII-II-II 90 97 0,42 D 210,00 1110001842 DOF tumbler light NEO enamel painted VIII-IV-II 90 97 0,42 D 269,00 1110001852 DOF tumbler light NEO enamel painted VIII-V-II 90 97 0,42 D 210,00 1110001872 DOF tumbler light NEO enamel painted VIII-VII-II 90 97 0,42 D 210,00 1110001882 DOF tumbler light NEO enamel painted VIII-VIII-II 90 97 0,42 D 210,00 1110001892 DOF tumbler light NEO enamel painted VIII-IX-II 90 97 0,42 D 210,00 Bar series - Double Old Fashioned (DOF) - Crack Murray Moss, 2017 Ø h vol S P retail USD 3110001800 DOF tumbler light /engraving/crack A90 97 0,4 3 D 323,00 3110001801 DOF tumbler light /engraving/crack B90 97 0,4 3 D 323,00 3110001803 DOF tumbler light /engraving/crack C90 97 0,4 3 D 323,00 3110001804 DOF tumbler light /engraving/crack D90 97 0,4 3 D 323,00 Bar series - Double Old Fashioned (DOF) - Flint Michael Anastassiades, 2018 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2110003400 DOF tumbler heavy - Flint 90 972 D 295,00 Bar series - Scotch Robert Stadler, 2018 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2110003410 DOF tumbler heavy - Scotch 90 97 0,32 D 365,00 2110005400 Whiskey decanter - Scotch 97 2222 C 1.069,00

Myung-II Song, 2014 Ø h vol S P retail USD 30025170 SONG 63 1833 V 285,00

page 28

prices effective until 29. February 2020 Hanakam & Schuller, 2018 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1005500 Poculum (with lid) ? ?2 163,00

Peter Rath, 1993 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10041821 Water pitcher DKR 16 Persian Flowers no.1172 160 1 3 N 525,00

10041822 Water pitcher DKR 16 Persian Flowers no.2172 160 1 3 N 525,00

10041823 Water pitcher DKR 16 Persian Flowers no.3172 160 1 3 N 525,00

10041824 Water pitcher DKR 16 Indian Flowers172 160 1 3 N 670,00

10041825 Water pitcher DKR 16 Chinese Flowers172 160 1 3 N 670,00

Peter Rath, 1993 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10025184 Tumbler Persian Flowers large no.190 95 240 2 D 249,00 10025185 Tumbler Persian Flowers large no.290 95 240 2 D 249,00 10025186 Tumbler Persian Flowers large no.390 95 240 2 D 249,00 10025188 Tumbler Chinese Flowers large 90 95 2402 D 249,00 10025190 Tumbler Indian Flowers large 90 95 2402 D 249,00

J & L Tumblers - with cut base BCXSY, 2014 Ø h vol S P retail USD 20035100 Tumbler J cut 86 1052 G 323,00 20035101 Tumbler L cut 81 1052 G 323,00 J & L Tumblers - with portrait Ø h vol S P retail USD 20035200 Tumbler J cut and portrait 86 1053 G 405,00 20035201 Tumbler L cut and portrait 81 1053 G 405,00 J & L Tumblers - with portrait and arabesque Ø h vol S P retail USD 20035300 Tumbler J cut, portrait and arabesque86 105 3 G 626,00 20035301 Tumbler L cut, portrait and arabesque81 105 3 G 626,00

POLKA, 2008 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10025130 otto 78 155 2 L 90,00

0 D 30025131 otto "lines" 78 1553 L 306,00



A CORDOBA 197890 30025132 otto "hexagon" 78 1553 L 221,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 30025133 otto "honeycomb" 78 1553 L 210,00

Tino Valentinitsch, 2010 Ø h vol S P retail USD 29926 „Wiener Stutzen“ optic beer tumbler77 185 2 L 93,00

29928 „Wiener Seiterl“ optic beer tumbler60 157 3 V 83,00

29931 „Wiener Pfifferl“ optic beer tumbler51 120 2 L 74,00

Ø h vol S P retail USD 10025151 Beer mug small 85 1081 K 125,00

Ø h vol S P retail USD

M 30025151 Beer mug small 1 engraved letter85 108 3 K 295,00 30025152 Beer mug small "horses riding school"85 108 3 K 571,00 3004210 Beer mug small "Pearlborder" (TS4)85 108 2 K 313,00 3233210 Beer mug small "Tyrolian deer" (TS233)85 108 4 K 774,00 3253210 Beer mug small "Reiche Jagd" (TS233)85 108 3 K 2.681,00

Ø h vol S P retail USD 10025201 Brandy 0. 110 141 0,0252 K 133,00

10025202 Brandy snifter I. 103 132 0,0252 K 110,00

10025203 Brandy snifter II. 88 112 0,0252 G 100,00 10025204 Brandy snifter III. 74 94 0,0252 D 93,00 Brandy snifters - with engraved pearl border Ø h vol S P retail USD 3004230 Brandy snifter 0. pearlborder 110 141 0,0252 K 304,00

3004231 Brandy snifter I. pearlborder 103 132 0,0252 K 285,00

3004232 Brandy snifter II. pearlborder 88 112 0,0252 G 268,00 3004233 Brandy snifter III. pearlborder 74 94 0,0253 D 258,00

page 30

prices effective until 29. February 2020 Hoffmann Bronzit Series - Serie "A" Josef Hoffmann, 1912 Ø h vol S P retail USD 100370101 Water tumbler „Serie A“ 69 1043 D 470,00 100370251 Liqueur tumbler „Serie A“ 36 753 F 359,00 100371001 Wine glass „Serie A“ 67 1353 G 369,00

100371161 Champagne cup „Serie A“ 103 1173 V 488,00

100371901 Wine decanter „Serie A“ 120 2153 O 1.621,00

Hoffmann Bronzit Series - Serie "B" Josef Hoffmann, 1912 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10037010 Water tumbler „Serie B“ 69 1043 D 285,00 10037025 Liqueur tumbler „Serie B“ 36 753 F 230,00 10037100 Wine glass „Serie B“ 67 135 1303 G 304,00

10037116 Champagne cup „Serie B“ 103 117 1403 V 313,00

10037190 Wine decanter „Serie B“ 120 215 1.0003 O 1.409,00

Oswald Haerdtl, 1925 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10025300 Candy dish G. 220 390 2.0003 A 1.198,00

10025304 Candy dish I. 127 220 4001 K 365,00

10025305 Candy dish II. 100 175 2401 V 304,00

10025306 Candy dish III. 80 138 1101 G 275,00

10025307 Candy dish flat 118 109 603 T 365,00

Candy dishes - gold lustre Oswald Haerdtl, 1925 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1002530045 Candy dish G gold lustre 220 390 2.0003 A 1.584,00

1002530445 Candy dish I. gold lustre 127 220 4003 K 506,00

1002530545 Candy dish II. gold lustre 100 175 2403 V 421,00

page 31

prices effective until 29. February 2020 1002530645 Candy dish III. gold lustre 80 138 1103 G 365,00

1002530745 Candy dish flat gold lustre 118 109 603 T 506,00

Oskar Strnad, 1916 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10025320 Strnad box small 63 75 2 D 93,00 10025321 Strnad box 100mm 68 1082 G 121,00

Strnad Boxes - "white leaves" decoration Oskar Strnad, 1916 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10025322 Strnad box 100mm 68 1082 G 310,00 Strnad Boxes - Oskar Strnad, 1916 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1002532045 Strnad box small Gold lustred 63 753 D 176,00 1002532145 Strnad box 100mm Gold lustred 68 1083 G 211,00

Josef Hoffmann, 1912 Ø h vol S P retail USD 29912 Treppenschliff Schale 180 1252 R 7.183,00

Josef Hoffmann, 1912 Ø h vol S P retail USD 29910 Prismenschliff Jardinière large 247 923 P 12.818,00

Josef Hoffmann, 1912 Ø h vol S P retail USD 29911 Prismenschliff Jardiniere small 142 923 R 5.065,00

Josef Hoffmann, 1914 Ø h vol S P retail USD 29802 Champagne cup with rounded stem99 196 3 V 1.824,00

29914 Fleckerlschliff Pokal, cut with rich facettes 93 2102 C 3.591,00

29923 Würfelschliff Pokal, with prism cut100 207 3 C 3.168,00

29924 Stufenschliff Pokal, with square stepped foot 95 2073 C 3.279,00

Hoffmann Goblets - Other decoration Josef Hoffmann, 1914 Ø h vol S P retail USD 29801 Champagne cup with facetted stem99 196 3 V 2.210,00

29803 Champagne cup with with 3 medallions99 196 3 V 4.015,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 Josef Hoffmann, 1910 Ø h vol S P retail USD 29915 Bell shaped vase 161 1822 M 1.768,00

29916 Bell shaped vase with engraved putti161 182 3 M 4.401,00

Josef Hoffmann, 1930er Ø h vol S P retail USD 10037203 2003 - Hoffmann „Ringvase“ 125 1553 M 4.696,00

Form: Josef Hoffmann / Dekor: L.H. Jungnickel, 1911 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10037197 Goblet with monkey frieze 69 1873 V 626,00

Marianne Rath, 1922 Ø h vol S P retail USD 29215 High vase cut bergkristall 1504 K 2.145,00

29216 High vase with chinoise engraving150 4 K 2.726,00

Crystal box - with Chinoiserie Oskar Strnad, 1925 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10037205 2005 - Crystal box with chinoiserie (O.Strnad) 49 1253 H 2.689,00

Oswald Haerdtl Ø h vol S P retail USD 20025500 GW Goblet 0. cut 172 1974 A 1.351,00

20025501 GW Goblet I. cut 135 1652 K 845,00

20025502 GW Goblet II. cut 115 1302 K 549,00

20025503 GW Goblet III. cut 100 1104 G 459,00

Loos Cooler - with pyramid cut on bottom Adolf Loos / Hubmann&Vass, 2012 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2248500 Loos Champagne Cooler 177 1923 A 6.133,00

2248600 Loos Vodka Cooler 159 1653 M 5.838,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 Sebastian Herkner, 2017 Ø h vol S P retail USD 2025601 Taking care box with lid I. cut 155 2203 A 1.271,00

2025604 Taking care tray (brass silver plated)45 50 3 E 421,00

Sebastian Menschhorn, 2004 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10037204 2004 - Vase Gletscher (S. Menschhorn)190 230 3 A 4.236,00

20100 Gletscher tea light 88 523 Q 774,00 20101 Gletscher bowl 147 843 T 1.086,00 20104 Gletscher caviar bowl with insert242 145 3 P 5.498,00

20105 Gletscher caviar bowl without insert242 145 3 P 5.249,00 10041301 Gletscher insert for caviar bowl 120 563 T 249,00

Sebastian Menschhorn, 2010 Ø h vol S P retail USD 20200 Thom Vase 163 2153 A 4.051,00

20210 Thom Vase tall 115 2953 Y 5.396,00

20220 Thom Bowl 265 953 P 4.973,00 Thom series - Sebastian Menschhorn, 2010 Ø h vol S P retail USD 202100 Thom Vase matt 163 2153 A 4.051,00

202110 Thom Vase tall matt 115 2953 Y 5.396,00

202120 Thom Bowl matt 265 953 P 4.973,00

Sebastian Menschhorn, 2013 Ø h vol S P retail USD 20300 Eckhart Vase 163 2103 A 6.069,00

20310 Eckhart Vase tall 116 2533 6.409,00

20320 Eckhart Bowl 265 933 P 6.906,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 STILL series - clear Studio Formafantasma, 2014 Ø h vol S P retail USD 88005 STILL Large vessel 211 3853 I 733,00

88014 STILL Medium vessel 178 3253 I 545,00

STILL series - engraved Studio Formafantasma, 2014 Ø h vol S P retail USD 88000 STILL Medium vessel, water bacteria178 325 3 I 4.051,00

88001 STILL Medium vessel, silicia 178 3253 I 3.039,00

88002 STILL Tumbler STILL, silicia 70 1033 G 330,00 88010 STILL Charcoal dish, water bacteria127 220 3 K 2.339,00

88011 STILL Charcoal dish, silicia 127 2203 K 2.174,00

STILL series - copper Studio Formafantasma, 2014 Ø h vol S P retail USD 88003 STILL Medium vessel, filter 267 4503 2.984,00

88004 STILL Medium vessel, filter charcoal cup25 115 3 Q 689,00

88006 STILL Copper ladle 145 3903 J 958,00

88012 STILL Copper spoon 35 1243 Q 614,00

88013 STILL Copper cup 92 653 E 608,00

Ø h vol S P retail USD 29101 Massive plate Moskau - Cut Rhombes270 3 P 3.688,00

29102 Massive plate Moskau - Slanting Peals270 3 P 3.244,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 29103 Massive plate Moskau - Cut Rays270 3 P 2.431,00

Stefan Rath Ø h vol S P retail USD 20015001 Stefan Rath Vase with cut 160 3604 I 4.693,00

2098230 Vase tall Moscow with TS98 facettes161 232 4 O 2.529,00

29202 Vase tall Moscow with cut „Schiefe Schälen“161 232 4 O 3.199,00

29203 Vase tall Moscow with cut „Rhomben“161 232 4 O 3.199,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10025705 Little massive dish 25 1001 Q 175,00 M 30025705 Little massive dish 1 engraved letter25 100 2 Q 313,00 300257061 Little massive dish "Lipizzaner - Capriole (1)" 25 1002 Q 538,00 300257062 Little massive dish "Lipizzaner - Pesade (2)" 25 1002 Q 538,00 300257063 Little massive dish "Lipizzaner - Passage (3)" 25 1002 Q 538,00 300257064 Little massive dish "Lipizzaner - Courbette (4)" 25 1002 Q 538,00 300257065 Little massive dish "Lipizzaner - Levade (5)" 25 1002 Q 538,00 300257066 Little massive dish "Lipizzaner - Piaffe (6)" 25 1002 Q 538,00 30025707 Little massive dish Zodiak 25 1003 Q 829,00

Ø h vol S P retail USD 10025710 Paper weight (spheric cut on bottom)43 90 2 249,00 30025710 Paper weight 1 engraved letter 43 903 460,00

Talia Radford, 2015 Ø h vol S P retail USD 30025729 CrystalJelly No.0 magnifier 59 893 Q 516,00 30025730 CrystalJelly No.1 59 893 Q 516,00 30025731 CrystalJelly No.2 59 893 Q 516,00 30025732 CrystalJelly No.3 59 893 Q 516,00 30025733 CrystalJelly No.4 59 893 Q 516,00

Ø h vol S P retail USD 10025105 E tumbler small 75 105 1 D 98,00 10025106 E tumbler large 85 1181 G 113,00

20025105 E tumbler small olive cut 75 1053 D 394,00 20025106 E tumbler large olive cut 85 1183 G 484,00

30025105 E tumbler small composers 75 1052 D 1.448,00 30025106 E tumbler small "Spiralornament Powolny"75 105 3 D 848,00 30025107 E tumbler small "Spiralornament Powolny" - 75 1053 D 405,00 sandblasted 30025110 E tumbler large Opera character85 118 3 G 3.408,00

3261261 E tumbler large Blümchenborde 85 1183 G 526,00

3261262 E tumbler small Blümchenborde 75 1053 D 456,00

page 37

prices effective until 29. February 2020 Biedermeier tumbler - Tumbler Series "Promenade" Leonid Rath, 2009 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10037311 Tumbler "Promenade" motiv No. 169 104 3 D 221,00 10037312 Tumbler "Promenade" motiv No. 269 104 3 D 221,00 10037313 Tumbler "Promenade" motiv No. 369 104 3 D 221,00 10037314 Tumbler "Promenade" motiv No. 469 104 3 D 221,00 10037315 Tumbler "Promenade" motiv No. 569 104 3 D 221,00 10037316 Tumbler "Promenade" motiv No. 669 104 3 D 221,00 10037317 Tumbler "Promenade" motiv No. 769 104 3 D 221,00 10037318 Tumbler "Promenade" motiv No. 869 104 3 D 221,00 Biedermeier tumbler - Vienna tumblers 2018 Ø h vol S P retail USD 30037330 Habsburg tumbler 3D 180,00 3990401 Simple Mozart tumbler 69 1043 D 139,00 3990402 Mozart tumbler 69 1043 D 330,00 Biedermeier tumbler - other decoration 2010 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10037310 Tumbler with spider's web gold rim and two flies 69 1043 D 439,00

page 38

prices effective until 29. February 2020 Valy Wieselthier, 1930 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10015103 Flower Vase BV3 I. 114 3303 Y 323,00

30015103 Flower Vase BV3 I. Leaf Border 114 3303 Y 483,00

30015116 Flower Vase BV3 I. MAT 114 3303 Y 443,00

3004254 Flower Vase BV3 I. PBO 114 3303 Y 516,00

Oswald Haerdtl, 1927 Ø h vol S P retail USD 100151115 Flower Vase BV13 0. 370 1803 P 488,00 10015112 Flower Vase BV13 II. 227 1353 R 268,00

10015114 Flower Vase BV13 IV. 112 602 Q 139,00

Stefan Rath, ca. 1928 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10015116 Flower Vase BV20 137 203 1,51 O 180,00

1001511603 Flower Vase BV20 citrin 03 137 203 1,54 O 221,00

1001511604 Flower Vase BV20 rosalin 04 137 203 1,54 O 221,00

1001511619 Flower Vase BV20 lightgreen 19 137 203 1,53 O 221,00

10015131 Flower Vase BV20 painted chinese flowers137 203 1,5 3 O 698,00

10015331 Flower Vase BV20 Gold Lustered137 203 1,5 3 O 258,00

30015109 Flower Vase BV20 Leaf Border 137 203 1,53 O 405,00

30015110 Flower Vase BV20 Ginko 137 203 1,53 O 848,00

30015115 Flower Vase BV20 Rothschild Stars137 203 1,5 2 O 689,00

30015118 Flower Vase BV20 matted ribbon137 203 1,5 2 O 276,00

page 39

prices effective until 29. February 2020 3004251 Flower Vase BV20 PBO (TS4) 137 203 1,52 O 421,00

3261251 Flower Vase BV20 BLB (TS261) 137 203 1,53 O 624,00

Valy Wieselthier, 1930 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10015117 Flower Bowl BV36 II. 302 803 P 330,00 3230220 Flower Bowl BV36 II. ORN (TS231)302 80 3 P 4.899,00 3231220 Flower Bowl BV36 II. BO (TS231)302 80 3 P 3.591,00

Stefan Rath, 1952 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10015118 Flower Vase BV39 I. 138 3603 Y 250,00

10015119 Flower Vase BV39 II. 100 2502 C 175,00

10015120 Flower Vase BV39 III. 88 2002 C 139,00

3230248 Flower Vase BV39 I. ORN (TS231)138 360 3 Y 865,00

3230249 Flower Vase BV39 II. ORN (TS231)100 250 2 C 774,00

3230250 Flower Vase BV39 III. ORN (TS231)88 200 2 C 663,00

3231248 Flower Vase BV39 I. BO (TS231)138 360 3 Y 608,00

3231249 Flower Vase BV39 II. BO (TS231)100 250 2 C 534,00

3231250 Flower Vase BV39 III. BO (TS231)88 200 2 C 405,00

fish bowl vases - clear Stefan Rath, 1955 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10015150 Flower Vase BV60 II. 200 2003 M 281,00

10015151 Flower Vase BV60 III. 150 1503 N 179,00

10015152 Flower Vase BV60 IV. 100 1003 G 113,00

page 40

prices effective until 29. February 2020 fish bowl vases - colours Stefan Rath, 1955 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1001515004 Flower Vase BV60 II. rosalin 04 200 2003 M 295,00

1001515019 Flower Vase BV60 II. light green 19200 200 3 M 295,00

1001515026 Flower Vase BV60 II grey 26 200 2003 M 295,00

1001515103 Flower Vase BV60 III. citrin 03 150 1503 N 180,00

1001515104 Flower Vase BV60 III. rosalin 04 150 1503 N 180,00

1001515107 Flower Vase BV60 III. amethyst 07150 150 3 N 180,00

1001515112 Flower Vase BV60 III. light blue 12150 150 3 N 180,00

1001515119 Flower Vase BV60 III. light green 19150 150 3 N 180,00

1001515126 Flower Vase BV60 III. grau 26 150 1503 N 180,00

1001515207 Flower Vase BV60 IV. amethyst 07100 100 3 G 110,00 1001515219 Flower Vase BV60 IV. light green 19100 100 3 G 110,00 fish bowl vases - oriental flowers Stefan Rath, 1955 Ø h vol S P retail USD 100151521 Flower Vase BV60 IV. Persian Flowers no.1100 100 3 G 341,00 100151522 Flower Vase BV60 IV. Persian Flowers no.2100 100 3 G 341,00 100151523 Flower Vase BV60 IV. Persian Flowers no.3100 100 3 G 341,00 100151524 Flower Vase BV60 IV. Indian Flowers100 100 3 G 365,00 100151525 Flower Vase BV60 IV. Chinese Flowers100 100 3 G 365,00 fish bowl vases - Stefan Rath, 1955 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1001515045 Flower Vase BV60 II. Gold lustred200 200 3 M 369,00

1001515145 Flower Vase BV60 III. Gold lustred150 150 3 N 254,00

1001515245 Flower Vase BV60 IV. Gold lustred100 100 3 G 184,00 drop - clear POLKA, 2011 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10015069100 Flower Vase BV69 I. clear 136 3373 Y 273,00

10015069200 Flower Vase BV69 II. clear 152 2093 N 273,00

10015069300 Flower Vase BV69 III. clear 190 1403 R 273,00

page 41

prices effective until 29. February 2020 calabash vases - colours Sebastian Menschhorn, 2016 Ø h vol S P retail USD 10015071104 Flower Vase BV71 I. rosalin 04 125 2553 O 268,00

10015071107 Flower Vase BV71 I. amethyst 07125 255 3 O 268,00

10015071128 Flower Vase BV71 I. black 28 125 2553 O 268,00

10015071204 Flower Vase BV71 II. rosalin 04 154 2133 M 268,00

10015071207 Flower Vase BV71 II. amethyst 07154 213 3 M 268,00

10015071228 Flower Vase BV71 II. black 28 154 2133 M 268,00

10015071304 Flower Vase BV71 III. rosalin 04 203 1893 A 268,00

10015071307 Flower Vase BV71 III. amethyst 07203 189 3 A 268,00

10015071328 Flower Vase BV71 III. black 28 203 1893 A 268,00

page 42

prices effective until 29. February 2020 Ø h vol S P retail USD 39923 Bacchus Beaker (Jaroslav Horejc 1920)147 174 3 34.463,00

Ø h vol S P retail USD 39922 Daphne (Lore Vogler) 132 2403 26.375,00

Ø h vol S P retail USD 39928 Vase engr. Altdorfer Jagd 125 1803 16.606,00

Otto Hofner, 1905 Ø h vol S P retail USD 39919 Hofner Vase Pferdefries 1905 132 1713 14.595,00

39920 Hofner Vase Bärenfries 1905 132 1713 14.595,00

39921 Hofner Vase Pantherfries 1905 132 1713 14.595,00

Robert Balluch Ø h vol S P retail USD 39944 Black enameled vase I. "poppy" 134 2153 O 14.365,00

39945 Black enameled vase I. "tulips" 134 2153 O 14.365,00

39940 Black enameled vase I. "martagon lily"134 215 3 O 14.365,00

39941 Black enameled vase III. "poppy"108 176 3 O 8.416,00

39942 Black enameled vase III. "tulips" 108 1763 O 8.416,00

39946 Black enameled vase III. "martagon lily"108 176 3 O 8.416,00

39947 Black enameled vase I. "cherry blossom"134 215 3 O 14.365,00

LOBMEYR Collectables - other decorations Ø h vol S P retail USD 10037202 2002 - A Biedermeier beaker (J. Lobmeyr sen, 1846) 97 1454 V 3.218,00

10037207 2007 - Flacon Nr.8 125 1554 T 4.728,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020 Machytka & Schmoranz, 1877 Ø h vol S P retail USD 90000 Pitcher No.7887 from the Arabian Series141 255 3 M 5.221,00

page 44

prices effective until 29. February 2020 Murray Moss, 2017 Ø h vol S P retail USD 1919001 engraved crack on glass/tumbler A 3 249,00 1919002 engraved crack on glass/tumbler B 3 249,00 1919003 engraved crack on glass/tumbler C 3 249,00 1919004 engraved crack on glass/tumbler D 3 249,00

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prices effective until 29. February 2020