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The Guardian, September 14, 1983

Wright State University Student Body

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Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1983). The Guardian, September 14, 1983. : Wright State University.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. uif'" " TuI iiJrL DPi AA 11-IT /V Y vj IU Ti> \KL/\ P FI1T /YIA MN Wednesday September 14* 1983 Number 6, Volume XX Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio

WSU '83 enrollment up, level off projected this decade

By DREW DIXON 1983 (a 3.5 perceni increase) is directl> at- Statt WrH.f tributed lo the WSU office of admissions, Fall Quarter enrollment for Wright State Falkner said. University is up from last year's quota "The office of admissions has done a There is a 3.2 percent increase in degree great job of recruiting freshman," he said. students attending Wright State this year "I have to pat them on the back." Currently the numerical count of degree Falkner said he doesn't see the universi- students at Wright State is 11,925 ty growing much bigger over the next which is up from last year's 11,545. decade. WSU Registrar Louis Falkner attributes "I don't see the university going above the increase in enrollment to a number of 17,000 to 18,000 students," Falkner said. factors. "Many students are finding it more "In full time student status, we are the and mora expensive to go away to school. largen university in the city of Dayton. But More students are finding it easier to com- with the .high school age population mute to school," he said. decreasing it will become increasingly dif- More parking spaces? "Another reason more student* are com- ficult to grow In university population. But ing to thi* particular univenity is because we (the university) are striving to grow Wright State University a in negodations "Negotiations are still under way for the Wright State's name has appeared many larger." time* in the pre** and TV over the past to purchase land for use in the construc- proposed parking are* behind David Lee's Structurally the university may not be year," he continued. "The fact that Dr. tion of 650 parking space*. Laundromat and attorneys are still growing much larger. Falkner said, "There The proposed site is * vacant lot located negotiating because we do not own the land are certain area* of the university that need alongside the main road coming into cam- yet," said David Atwater, assistant vice additional space. Laboratories will need to pu* and behind the utility building, where president for Facilities and General expand in order to facffital* the current in- David Lea'* Laundromat is located, near Service*. crease of student*, ftit Governor (Richard) the university apartments. .- The photo shows the proposed location "The hopes are that thl* wiD create some which went from 2.632 in 1982 to 2,725 ta (see PUBLIC page 2' for the new parking space*. On the right 650 new parking space* ind possibly side of the photo, the utility building it eliminate the need for the lower campu* "T5nTBoTt?^San!TtrTtr™* located with Hamilton Hall located on the lot," said Robert Kreuer, director of Park- Welcome Back: opposite side of the road. ins Services. Look inside for COPING 101. WSU's Firstly at free parking in 13 years

•y LO« CAIDWCLL »J issued at a ratio of about two faculty pected to be about 50 percent of what it Zone A is available to Mpdents, faculty members to one parking space. used to," Kretzer said. For the fira time since 19?0 Wright State and staff at a fee of $166 pw year. However Zone SI* available to staff members at "I'm conservative and change make* me University will have a free parking *y*tem. there is a waiting list- the same rales a* for faculty member*. nervou*, but we're going to give it a good B and C decal* wi D no longs be iuued. Zone F is available to faculty member* Three hundred and thirty decal* wiD alto go and make it work," said David Atwater, Both previously derignated parking lp«* wfll at a fee of $66 per year or $26 per quarter, be issued for thl* zone at a ratio of about assistant vice president for Facilities & now be zoned a* general parking area*. full-time, and $13 per quarter, part time. three staff member* to ooe parking space(pace. Oeneral Services. Thrc* zones remain on campu* that require Three hundred mad thirty decal* will be At no charge,, R decaidecal*s wfiwiHl be iwuadtlamed to "It will be toughe*! during the first two resident* of Hamilton Hall and the univer- week*," said AtwateT. while Kreuer sittity apartment*. HHdtca decak wiwilHl be ksueiuued to remarked, "It should be smoothed over in handicapped student*s also at no charge. about five week*." Robert Kretzer, director of Parking Ser- The lower C lot, ooceca&ed K lot. wiH vice*vices, sai*ald the new system will bring itan now be called the tower campu* lot. AH about $120,000 thisyeathis, year aas oppoaaopposed to transportatioo wB be coattaaad to and $300,000 tain the previou* yewyear.. Although from the main campus and lower campass thlthi*s i*s a drnjfodrotf of about $380,000, the new kx. For theflnt 13 day* of »d»oi the bu* system wffwiBl coscodt about $300,000 1e*tens to will run from 8:45 a. m. to *00 p. m. operate. ' Afterward It Mm to it's usual Aboat i0)obe were eVmtaaled with the schedule: »:45 *. m. to 5:05 p. m. Inaddi- ntw perking sysUtm. Seven student pod- lion, for the fb*t few day* of *thool fhere tioa* and about three fafl ttai* ttaff po4- wfll b»-a second bu* ta the event of

rnm car* wtt be on campu*. W. en- courage tar pools and the u»t of the tran- **£••*- WecregctagtohavetoadjuM." J TV Dub Guardian September 14. IWJ

Installment plan takes bite out of tuition

a O*FW mow T Students wishini to withdraw after the tun wraw those progiarm have proved to be sue the installments at all. thai student will be refund period (September 8) win stiU have cessful There isn't any reason why our pro- referred to a formal collection \gency gram won't be successful A student may make a partial payment to pay for the remaining installments "It's only fair," Rambo said, "to those This year WSl. students having dlf "We at the bursar's office have recetv on the installments before the due date of students who payed their full tuition at the fKuhies paying all of their tuition fees ai ed positive feedback from the students " that mstaHmem But if the student Joes nol beginning of the quarter We don't want one time will have another option For the Rarnbo said pay for the full installment by the due date, to discriminate for or against anyone. first time Wright State will be offering • Along with the new program will come the student's records will be pu! on hold "If a nudent who payed for their fun tui- Students Installment Payment Plan (SIPP) new tasks to be performed The paper work and penalty fees will be enforced tion at the beginning of the quarter decides instead of paying the total fee ai one for the program will be done without the A student may not use financial aid to to withdraw after the refund period, he's ume ,' a itudent can make three payments assistance of computers, Rambo said In pay for installments The corresponding out $540 toward then ;u?t>OG The first payment is turn there will be costs that will have to be fees not covered by financial aid that the "Why should a student who is on the in- di*r prior to the ftrsi day of faB quarter accounted for. he added student must pay will be spread out over stallment program (and withdraws) only clauaes The neit two payments are due on A new person has been assigned to work the three month period September JO and October JO specifically on SIPP To cover-the coat of There will be no penalty or bonus for have to pay the first installment? That stu- As of September i, II percent (1400 the new person, there is a $15 service charge students who complete installment dent win have to pay for the fuB tuition just students) ai the nearly 12.000 degree which is payed with the initial payment payments early like the student who payed for the full tui- students enrolled 'ire on SIPP Rambo said there win be no perceivable Students win be able to pay for in tion at the beginning of the quarter The plan was proposed last May by account for the people who won't be pay staOmenu through the mail. But payments "The student on the installment plan win Wright State University's Bursar Steve mg then payments on time In hopes of win have to reach the bursar's office by the have to complete the payments even if the Rambo The university approved the plan preventing this. Rambo said there will be due date Students on SIPP will be recetv student withdraws from the university after and it was implemented this fall SIPP will penalties assessed to students who don't ing a payment form in the mail. the refund period." Rambo said. be offered for the oexi two years od a tnal pay their payments on time If the payment is received after the If the student should decide to withdraw basis excluding quarters A hold will be put on a student's records deadline, the student wfll have to pay the from classes during the refund period, he Rambo said."My personal feeing ts thai if they don't pay the nexi payment on time $13 late fee will noi have to pay the remaining pay the program will enceed two years Other That hold will not be lifted until the stu "Students win be notified if we do ment, he said But the university will still universities in the state have similar pro- dent pays for thai installment •eceive their payments late in the mail," grams to what we are now offering the When a student pay for a late install- Rambo said (see FINANCIAL page 7) students ment, the student wiD be charged a $15 late Kent Stale. Bowling Green State. Ohio fee Over the two payments following the University. University of Cincinnati, and initial installment, s student could pay up Public campuses drawing more students Miami University have all had programs to $30 in penalties similar to ours for a number of years and If the student does not pay for any of (continued from page I) pick up on those students who can no Celeste is currently working on a proposal longer afford to go to private institutions," that will reduce stale funding for facility he said pa.poser: As a result of this, there won't The effects of this can already be felt, be os many new buildings opening on this according to Kalkner "You don't see WHEN ARMY NURSES campus This new proposal will slow down public institutions closing, but there are iiir-^icwth 0f younger universities such as private schools closing." he said. THE^^WETH^Y TAKE THEIRH SE N Wnght State/' Falkner said that in the '60s. "50 percent Fait net said tuition will rise in future of all college students attended private in- WITHTHEM . years. "My conarrn would be if fees would stitutions. That figure has changed as 75 -go up more tjran the rate of inflation and percent of aU college students today attend without corresponding appropriations of public institutions. financial aid," Fa'kner said. "We know that something is happening. Army nurses are officers "The type of students on this campus But we just don't have any measurable They never lose status by would be quite different. If fees go up, means of finding out how many students moving, as so often happens some students Vill be priced out and have are choosing public institutions over in civilian hospitals to choow another university. But we would private." In fact, the Armv encour- ages mobility and growth You re encouraged tr> cononui; \txir education in clinical | Dmicone specialties such as Intensive Care OR Pediatrics. OB or Anesthesia and to attend Printing Services conferences both inside and I outside (he Army If \

The pressure's on College students face risk of depression

percent of this fall's college Priesmeyer. M.Ed . based their study on their depression," he said. "Thai possibly Kashani said, admitting his idea probably freshman will not graduate with their own the clients of a counseling center ai a is why drug and alcohol abuse is so high won't meet much enthusiasm in a society clan.At many a* one-fourth will consider 725-student liberal am college. Priesmeyer among college students that marks the 18th birthday as the begin •utckle. statistically the second leading interviewed 100 students who sough I Other researchers ' findings coincide with cause of death among college-aged people counseling for academic career guidance, his theory. National Institute on Mental "We could be dealing Those numbers, par. of a distressing for job placement assistance or for emo- Health statistics show that approximately with the tip of the iceberg in trend among today's young people, could tional problems. She and Dr Kashani 22 percent of college-aged students used be tied to depression. suggests Javad H found that 35 percent of their sample were marijuana at least once during the 30 days some colleges." Kashani, M.D., a University of Mfefturi- depressed, regardless of the ostensible before the survey Colleges and universities, reason for seeking counseling. such as Kent State, have begun giving col- ing of adulthood. "This is a period when They then compared the rates of depres- lege credit to students who try to-stop their the child could stay at home, with his "Freshman...are at a sion among academic levels and found no alcohol abuse. Others, like Vermont's Ben- parents. I'm not necessarily encouraging higher risk for burn out, significant differences in depression among nington College, conduct weekly that, but we could at least have questions substance abuse and upperdassmen. Freshmen, however, did Alcoholics Annonymous meetings. In fact, about it." K*v<; a slightly higher rate than the older 70 percent of America's colleges provide Many freshmen not only are leaving home suicide. " students. some form of alcohol education program. for the first time, they are moving to schools where returninf, to their former Columbia professor of.ptychdatry. Writing •'The freshmen are coming from Some of the reaction could be prevented support system -family and friends- in the August issue of the "American Jour- childhood to young adulthood," Dr. if teenagers waited until they were ready to becomes impossible. nal of Psychiatry," Dr Kashani notes the Kashani said. "They must make a role leave home without feeling socially com- "Parents in California will send their freshman he studied suffered symptoms of change quickly. They are away from Home, pelled to do so at age 18. Dr Kashani children to school on the East Coast," he depression more often than their older away from their families, away from their surmised. observed. "Parents in the Midwest will counterparts As a result, they are at higher friends. They are under pressure to do well send their children to the West Coast " risk for burn-auJ. su,bstance abuse and academically. Now their parents are. pay ' 'For the first time there "The expectations of the parents should suicide ing for their studies, and for the first time is a real chance that they be based on the capacity and potential of One can t apply this study !o aD colleges, there is a real chance that they could flunk their child. But let the child be what he because there are no other data on this sub- out. All of these can make life very could flunk out." wants to be, with your guidance and sup- ject," Dr. Kashani said, adding that very stressful." port," Dr. Kashani said. "The freshman little, if any, research has differentiated the He also thinks many college students re- "I'm not sure it's necessary to push the year is a crucial year " - rates of depression among acedemic levels. spond to that sires* and the possible depres- child out of the home that soon." Dr But it does show, that we could be deal- sion that accompanies ii by abusing alcohol ing with the tip of t!w Iceberg in some or drugs colleges." "1 do wonder if they are using alcohol ot Dr Kashani and his co-author. Marybeth drugs as escapes, as ways of dealing with DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS Buy Cheap Books! Join the student effort at the ABOUT WSU? And WSU Book Co-op Get More For 029 U.C. Stop by the INFORMATION VAN Your Used to get answers to your questions Books! This week and sign up for the free raffle! .Cheaper WRIGHT STATTi> by the INFORMATION VAN idasgn! on the quad nitl\lill • COO Wednesday, Sept. 14 7:30am to 7j30pm : n a *' j I Thursday, Sept. 15 _ Friday, Sept. 16 7:30am t0 5:00pm UD-XLII-C90 High Level Bios Cassette Tope oy——^' $42.00/BOX or u $3.95«a/UM» THAM 12 maxell. MADE FOR KEEPi Sponsored by Student WSU BOOKSTORE Development « Tfc* [>*liy Guardian Seprember 14 ! 98}


WELCOME sea., wevfc GOT cou£fts o? ewum IK fcDUCKnoti, JOURNALS OF CM eDuamFMAi AID TO ec.ua™. BILINGUAL iwriWiMli? BACK! eDuexnai SPECIAL e&uam COMPUTES, Tl»r» i • surgo ot confusion onslety «nd oipoctsBon In eDuanoH PSYCWOUKISTS, EDUCA- »• oats inn JU Htm an<9 aid faces ian In «m) out of four TION LOBBIES, OF tf rtslon FM( pound ma pavement men «cho m m. &DucxnoN„, DM md time has booo dMM Into room nonbort HOW CAN UMNfc\\ POSSiBL/ SAY /J and etui idwdohi Tour head spins ami your howl skips IGNORING WaouanoN? / ^ *•0 ore sbeul to »nt»i ttio Twttgh! Zone .2 Don't wander oimlessly in tht grey ozone ores' Pick mp R* iJa*y Guard Ion ond become iniormed sboul your

The Buardtan is distributed free of charge Tuesday •Kot through Friday at numerous locations on campus Pick it up' As o student run organization.the Guardian _ en courages each student to voice his/her opinion on cam pus issues We welcome your letters to the editor The only way we can let you know what's going on is if you let us know what's happening around cam- pus If you have a news tip or feature story idea call us ot 8*73-2505 or stop by our office at 546 University Center Take advantage of (he opportunities we offer If vou'rt seeking a roommate, selling a car or looking for a losi pet. advertise in our classified ads section ( ontaci our advertising manager for our display ad One of the worst deteriorations of all is your non rotes If your campus organization is sponsoring an To the editor... existant wimpy student "government " They should eveni promote « in the Guardian Ask aboul our be the first ones out there calling the media and leading discounts Korean controversy the demonstration when the students get stepped on We hope you enjoy and utilize >h<- Coping 101 sup- Instead they're more concerned with not rocking the plement wc have included in our ftat issue It was To tht Editor boat so their title will look good on a resume designed to inform you aboul important campus of It is sad aoout the Russian downing of a oassenger So you're saying, "Don't bitch unless you have i fices. introduce key administrators and promote stu- plane It i» u sad and^rightemng to see the adolev better idea!" Form a strong student union that won't dent involvement Hang an to the supplement; we cent, nayT infantile U.S. reaction ' be afraid to act in mass when the university steals your know it will come in handy We act surprised and superior when neither is in money or your rights. Elect a student government If you are interested in becoming a reporter for the order Our statesmen are making vote-getting, that's not totally impotent and will not be afraid to Bmrdlan feel free lo fill out an, application at our paranoia-generating proclamations abo-jithe Russians lead by example. office not being trustworthy litis is only wefoenmg the situa- This is your school! You and your families pay for tions which caused the tragedy. THe USSR and the it! Don't be afraid to get on your ass and fight for U.S. are equally lo blame The U.S. did have a your rights!!! revamped 707 spy plane in the area The area is Michael E. Pierce STAFF viciously guarded because Russia is afraid of us Both the U.S. and U.S.S.R- arc imperialist nations. ._MATT KENNEDY The U.S. has been involved in invasions of Russia Eakins missed _KIM W1LLARDSON -DEAN LEONARD while the reverse ts not true. The economies and MARY SEESE childish ideologies of both countries are tied to expan- ROKN ROST sion arid imperialism. To the Editor, Until both countries cease their stupid provocations The Guardian recently reported the death of Dr. CawMto.- and emotional reactions to noo-inuei. "insignificant" OHW BaH—. Amodatt ftofeawr of ComaMnfagions ' DIXON. TOM KERN. countries like Korea will keep getting caught ig the for Wright State, ta a Mcctact article dealng his -JUL® KOtCMMER •UK MM DREW DCXON. STEVE MILDER croesfire. s«*pk accompUstuMats. Hit objective bMUkMM MM SCOTT RANDOLPH. The U.S. adopts poeturee that leiod the U.S.S.R. to' achkiveuKua wen lap»Mt i i aad important, to be DBA HENRICH fed it has no choke but to deepea the game. Then the we. b« aore mm be aM aho«t this wr? special LOT** DREW DIXON, CRBO KERN. TERESA KIRCHMFR U.S. wags to fisjsr and accepts node of the respon- man. He caae to ^r%hl State hi the tarty yean, when sibility. This dance doeee't fool me in the least, the school a* it extos today was (»)y i dream in the America, «od 1 believe in you-if you are ocrious about minds of the faculty «ad thcae of us »ho were to be wanting this tragedy never to happen again you must to (kit gradMatta. Wkh Us dedicatiofi; his energy and Letter-to-the-Editor policy lean, a more honest step. bh ««jr warmth and hh good humor, he faupM as ' Richard Edg^rton «o work together to lay the groundwork for a real 1/yom with to voice yomr opbfkm on a campus or ' \ world-wide related tow. be hand by submitting a - letter-to the atUtcr. The Dtiy Guardian editorial *aJJ Storm of apathy sodHfr—' * T"^** "*11% Tn'MtniHa'aii taga iihitoll reserves the right to me to own dacretkm in deciding ' rtwapiililuu. totharhmrnny fcuniMMalianil iilili which letters will be printed. Due to space limitations To the Brffeor, dtffl and mthnriam not only the sobetaace of Ws it is impossible to prim all letters weracttve. Letters 1^ BK bqpn by Stating that i am 33 years old and course*, bat the challenge of striving for personal tot-' cat he submitted in person at OAS Untvanky Center as eonoinfMr of the SXKS. (Students for a Democratic cefcnce In everything wt did. The things that he taught or mated to The Daily Ooardtan. S640Ct*meiaeim Society) aad was actively inoM with the ami-war both directly and by his example have stayed with me Highway. Wright State UniverjUy, Dayton, Ohio movement and the student revojtaicn m the late «0*|. aBmylfe. For toe, «a«J for niatiy others, Dr. Eakins 43433. All letters mutt be typed and signed by the Warn I returned to coflege after an aboence of 10 ^ was mentor, teacher, tetem. most of a. Wend. yn, ia the fcJ of 1978.1 could not twBrw tha stone ' tie wffl be grtotly atoeed. of apathy running rampant on the campus of W.S.U. Karsn Pohl Meber 'Vu COPING 101 mmmammtmmmmmmmmammmm Fall 1983 Campus Survival Supplement to Tha Dally Guardian


Yes, You can learn to deal with obstacles like the one shown above, and many, many more.

urn the page end begin to deel with TT~> ~>

2 Cep*n« 101 S^Xwnbm 14. 1983


Straight from the Fat Rat's mouth

Dr»w Duon was Ihe 1983 Fat R» Hlzza Eating is sheer ecstacv Blended in with ihe lopp champion Me lorc« tefl Inmselt through three tngv and ,rusi arid vou have a food orgy rounfli ol comoatttion at the contest sponsored l"he dmmg area is homey and appears to Oy lha University Center Board in the he virgin trom the workings of a large fail Rathikelta' last March fi »d chain Oul at the tour llnaHxth in a flatf ot sixteen No delivers ai JOB'S either Sorrv Drew Hutted himself mflh a medium pizza In guzzlers. «•> twer herr Joe's did serve the ftrsr round a small In the second round a couple of years ago hui ihe manager said and a large In the final to tie crowned the first people became 'oo unruly and beet was Pat flat jt Wright State This gave Draw the m eliminated centlve to critique and evaluate sorre ot the pMi ITie price on pizza ai Joe's is relatively o&tztr^bta to Wright State students inexpensive and the taste of their pizza is exceptional One pizza from Joe's and you'll know why the Dayton Dally News By DREW DIXON SwH w.n». chose Joe's as the best pizza in the Daytor. area Nothing is more a psrt of a college stu If you're a struggling college student dent's diei ihan pizza and beer It'* a tradi scraping and saving for monev, don't go lion on every campus, got the munchies? to Pizza Hut If you like good pizza at any- Get some suds and pizza' cost, Pizza Hut will do In recognition of this, here is a critique The price for a small deluxe pizza a! Ptz other than that the taste is generic never tried before of some of the pizzas in the radius of the za Hut Is Simply outrageous Beer prices- Domino's doesn"; deliver beer so have First I tried a small Tombstone deluxe plenty of your own to help wash down a pizza. After 15 minutes of coding, much crust that's like a rubber turntable wiih cat- to my surprize, I was eating a very good sup on it pizza The sauce...blended in with the toppings Caaaaiio s is very comparable to Tombstone, for a frozen pizza, throws Domino's Delivery time is about the same on a lot of cheese and the toppings are and crust and you have a food orgy. (although on some occasions I've had piz- distinguishable zas from Cassette's that took over an Tombstone is even better than hour to arrive). C a sea no's or Domino's. Overall appearance Isn't too good The Tombstone is made with real food. No additives or food substitutes. On the label WSU campus. Five area pizzerias ai-d two well, if you wamt to a lot of beer with toppings of the deluxe look like they were they even gyve the ingredients which went frozen grocery store pizzas are evaluated your pizza you better have money (S3.95 tossed in a food processor tnd chopped in- in the following critique The order of for a pitcher of Bud) No^ thank vou to little liny pieces. Then the toppings were into the sausage (beef, pork, salt, and names are not necessarily in order of Sack to the pizza. Excluding the just spewed oti top of the pizza and where spices). This pizza is definitely worth a try. excellence atrocious price, the Pizza Hut on- Wood- Ch^y landed, they landed. The other frozen pizza. Mater AhgeTo. Bach pizza reviewed is a small deluxe piz- man Drive does make a pretty good pizza. the Overall appearance isn't too good. isn't worth feeding tc the dogs. za accompanied by beer when • possible The overall appearancc of the .pizza is TJ* toppings of the deluxe look like they Do not read the ingredients before you This is in order to maintain connctancy for very good There is plenty of cheese to keep - were tossed in a food processor and chop- eat this pizza, it will cause extreme nausea. a means of comparison you satisfied and the toppings are palate ' ped into little tiny pieces. Then the topp- This pizza isn't a real pizza, it isn't even Godfather's pizza at the Five Points pleasing. ings were just spewed on top of the pizza real food. shopping center in rairbcrn makes a good The small pizza (not a personal pan piz- and where they landed, they landed, Things like cheese substitute and a list pizza at a reasonable price. In addition to za) is filling. The dining area is neat and s The taste is afano« Hke Domino's except of unpronounceable chemicals sod pre**- the pizza, beer prices are also fair comfortable, but if ycu've been in one Ptz The overall appearance of QotffatttWa re Hut to eat, you've been in 'em all. No pizza wasn't exactly appetizing, at least not delivery for the particular pizza I picked up at the Now on to the two most popular Don't read the ingredients before you eat counter pizzerias in Dayton with delivery. Looks are deceiving for Qcdfattser'a Domino's and Caaaano'a this pizza, it will cause extreme nausea. though. Even though the cheese did look When you iust don't want to leave the a little bit buret, the pizza tasted very good. confines of your borne and you've got a The ingredients were inticins and zesty. The craving for pizza, what's better than dial- sauce wasn't exceptional but it was spicey a-feast? Or maybe you've been drinking for the crust. I ordered a thin crtist (because vitives are really discouraging. and it did add flavor too many and suddenly got the mun- thick crust is more expensive). When you The taste? This so-called pizza tastes ran- The crust was thick and exceptionally chies but you can't competently drive to a order thin crust from Caeaano's, you cid. l'could barely eat one piece. I threw good When a piece of the pizza is picked pizza place-give them a' ring and in less know it's thin crust. The crust is like a the rest of the pizza out. up, it doesn't lose it's shape and become than a half an hour; voila. MUNCHTIME! cracker. The above listing of pizzas is small in floppy and sag If you call Domino's they'll be sure to For some reason or another, the par- comparison to • the number of places Godfather's doesn't deliver but it does get the pizza to you hot and fresh, ready ticalar pizza I ordered »v very salty. available. This is just a random sampling have take out. I ate in the restaurant and to be devoured. One great thing about Cassano's is, Of this sampHng here are the tabulations. the dining area is pleasant and roomy. The pnee of a small pizza at Domino's they deliver beer. No problem refueling the Best pizza; J©«'«. Wdrst pizza; Joe's Pizza on Airway Drive in Dayton is very inexpensive considering that Jhei/ fridge there. ./ Cats* no's. J think Vic Cassano it more makes pizza that will melt your tastebuds. small pizza is comparable to most places Now on to the infamous frozen pizza. concerned about pr&udng bis-television If you like lots of cheese on your pizza mediumi. Yes, (He pizzas that all college studetts have commercials rather than producing a good <1 certainly do). Joe's is the place to go. The overall ap| to bay at one time or another. You've <•« pizza. The cheese is piled on thick and a small piz- that hankerin' for pizza but you just can't ONE NOTE: 1 would have liked to have za will easily fill you up, , . rev*w»(l the Rathske liar's pizza here on The toppings are exquisite. Each dif. ferenl bite of the pizza brings a new flavdr. And the sauce.. .cooh the tauce. The sauce S«pt«mb*r 14, 1C*3 Coping 101 3

WSU strives for equality, accessibility

By rrm llll. OCA was built it happened to have a barrier free tun VVrtlor ground level entrance People with disabilities began to recognize that they Wright Suit University is nationally could come to WSU recognized for its accessibility to handi- "Once we began to see that disabled capped students it udenu and employees were here at the "Our campus is totally accessible," ex- university, we began to plan for our other plained Steve Simon, director of Handi- buildings to be barrier free and accessible." capped Student Services "All of our said Simon. buildings are designed to accomodate peo- Simon credits Frederick A. White as one ple with various kinds of mobility of the initial leaders in deciding to make impairments " the campus architecturally feasible for the Simon knows of no other university in handicapped the country that is better equipped to serve White, the university's firw employee, the handicapped than WSU was Vice-President of WSU to 1970, serv- "Most other colleges and universities ed as Acting President from October 1972 have varying degrees of access." said through June 1973, and was named Senior Simon "We've taken great pride in the ac- Vice-President until his retirement in April cessibility of our campus " 1975 State and federal laws govern the con- He went on to say that in the He credits this in large to the work of the Building modifications are continuous- struction of public buildings And ac- Oetman Hall extension, lab tables and work WSU Architectural Barrier Committee, ly being made to improve accessibility cording to Simon, buildings constructed space will be made accessible for handicap- which reviews plans for all new construc- "We are constantly looking at our from public funds must now be made ac ped students tion at WSU as well as all major modifica- facilities. The Architectural Barrier Com- cessible to people with disabilities Simon believe; tins is in line with the tions to any buildings on campus mittee constantly evaluates our facilities to However, there are some problems with function and philosophy of Handicapped The Barrier Committee is a standing determine if they are as barrier free as they accessibility to certain parts of the univer- Students Services committee which was established during the can be," explained Simon. "We make sity "The function of Handicapped Student early years of the university changes when we come up with new ideas Services is to promote equal educational Said Simon. "Many of the people in- and when the funds are available An ex- Simon feels (he biggest problem is within opportunity on campus for students with volved in the original design of the cam- ample is the installation of electric doors. some of the science labs "We don't have disabilities," explained Simon. "The basis pus had the foresight to begin constructing They are not required by law to make laboratory equipment at this point that has of our philosophy is to allow students to our buildings barrier free " buildings accessible, but practically all of been designed for people with disabilities," function independently and be in- According to Simon, when Allyn Hall our campus buildings have electric doors " he said. dependently mobile on campus."

BEAUTY COLLEGES TEACHING ASSOCIATES WANTED RIKE'S KETTERiNG School of Medicine Teaching Associates - SHOPPING CENTER needed to teach technical skills of male genital and rectal examinations to medical 30SaWOaOMANOR. students. $15/hr. Approx. 15-20 hours per month. 298-5752 Requirements: ^ Maturity ^ Good HOURS Interpersonal skills ^ Willingness BE A PROFESSIONAL M..W..F. 10-9 HAIRSTYLIST T. & TH. 1(M:30 to undergo examination for SAT. 9*4:30 teaching purposes ^ Must be at least 21 ^ Able to work Friday Ftecrtvi A TRY afternoons. WMJKCUll FREE AND SAVE Call Department of Family Practice HAIRCUT 504 229-6436, 8 am-4:30 pm Mon-Fri. With Any FROSTING (Incl. Torwr) AUBL 50 OFF AMY MOISTURE QUOTIENT RETAIL REO 122.25 With Coupon PRODUCT WITH THIS COUPON » When Your Studies $14.50 . EXPIRES 10/31/83 Drive-You To Drink Expires 10/31/83 Drive To Yost's Drive-Thru : 3913 Col. Glenn Hwy. (GET THE MOST FROM YOST) If you ain't 19 bring your mother . r

4 Coping 101 S*pt»mtv»' 1«. 1M3

Dealing with exams: Prepare, don't despair


all. mo»t of us are going to be attempting Set your mind on your work. It pays off. class when yxw go back to study its notes t It is also wise to organize the notes in a to concentrate for the first time in three If you have ^personal problems that need This is a cheap trick and ft works! way the student Teds be can use them best. months. to be dealt with, write them dewn to be A good guide for scheduling study Pauk says. This may mean doing some Have • good place to study. Pauk says thought about later, when your study, periods, Pauk says, is to allow at least two outlining, summarizing or categorizing. This means good lighting Eliminate glare period is over boms of studying each hour of class. But This book is recommended reading from by using indirect lighting as well as a shad- Pauk provides several particularly easy he also recommend] you schedule some a qualified poor studier. It is very easy tb ed lamp and put a light-colored blotter on methods to leam that help motivate you time ev?ry day to review so as to avoid read and not all of it has to be read to-be your desk Having two light sources also and minimize your wandering mind. cramming at quiz*knd exam times. gained from (I haven't read all of it, but eliminates shadows that tire your eyes Make a schedule. This "gets you On » sample achetfuk in the book is listed I plan to). If you UK o fluorescent tamp, use one suited" and encourages efficient use of one hour for review for each week day. My slogan this year, as exempfifted by with a double bulb-fixture, In order to time because you know when you get to The-two methods of sladying that 1 ex thb boolt is: "Coflefe:- why make it harder stop. avoid the tiny flicker of fluorescent frs* to tee positive results from this fafl are: ' tb*» tt has to be?" Pauk also recommends that you make a lighting distributed praflkx and recitation. And who can argue with that?

f Saptombor 14. 1M3 Coping 101 5

Student Development advises, plans,organizes

•» MAN* CAOWTHid student discipline n less likely to drop out than one who isn't what the university departments give us helping any student resolve any pr» involved, she added about tlw programs," said Risacher. blems with the university The Student Development Office, There is $ 159,75'l in the student activities There are five major new things which located it l&Ailyn Hill, i, . muhipurpo* There are 114 student organizations at fund The money comes from a general fee are planned for Student Development this facilit/. I' Wright Sute University An organization which is assessed of all students The year can function how it wants to within the Its full ijht professional tuff member, money funds student government, student -students advising students in conjunc university guidelines in the student are Director Joanne Risacher. Assistant ombudsman The Daily Guardian, Nexus, tion with orientation program organization handbook Student Develop- Director Gerry Petrak and International wwsu radio station. Inter-Club Council. -expansion of the leadership program in- ment is supportive of the student groups Student Advisor Roger Holmes, who also University Center Board. Leadership Lab. to the nuts and bolts of running an in helping them accomplish what they want serves as the part time professional staff the Election Commission and the Budget organization member Also on I he staff are eight to 12 to do Board Discretionary Fund -preparation of student ambassadors to The requirements that an organization students and graduate assistani Katfey Any organization can submit a proposal go to Japan and, if solidified, preparation Gotschall. specificalh has to meri in order to be to the Budget Board for funding of students to go to Brazil Student Development serves many •\jgistered are thai there ts no duplication The Information Center is a one stop try to support the Greek system more functions: ->l ot!—* clubs. no discrimination except for place for information Staffed entirely by directly -advising of sororities, fraternities. stu groups so.- h as fraternities and sororities, students, then goal is to never turn a pe! -establishing an advisory committee to dent government, student ombudsman, making sure it does not go against univer son away without an answer ihe Student Development Office for input srudeni media and all of ihe campus .lubs n pro- function because I feel that this com- grams provided for students " pliments and supplements classroom lear the Information Center ning," said Risacher the student mailboxes Student involvement has a direct relation student affairs liason foi uudent health to attrition according to research in higher services education and the student who is involved A place to escape!

a* JULIA KATMAtfal ly area being used by others Achilles Hill offers a fresh green at- About a mile from Wright State's main mosphere, picnic tables, grills, electricity (if campus, just off Colonel Glenn Highway, requested), and firewood for university is a wtKxled recreation area that can ac- staff, students, and liumni if they are will- comodate UD to *00 people It is called ing to taki the following steps Contact Achilles Hill and is available to any univer- Kathy Morns at least a week before the sity organization that wants to escape the reservation date Fall aiK* spring are feusy confines of the main campus The price is times on the hill so try to make your reser- a $50 deposit, $40 of which will be re- vation a couple of months in advance. lumed if there is no damage or trash left behind Groups outside of the university can also reserve the hill for $10 more Kathy Morris, coordinator of Student Ac tivities, is the the person to contact for reservations Morns suspects people outside of the university have been abusing Achilles Hill. To protect the hill from further damage, stricter guidelines have been developed. The only akohol allowed on the hill is beer and the sale of it must be approved IN THE ARMY. by Student Development or Student Ac- tivities. One security guard must be hired Your BSN means you're a professional. In die Army, it also for a group of 50 to 150 people and two means you're an officer. You start as a full-fledged member of our gutirds are needed for groups over 150. Outside security sources must be contacted medical team. Write: Army Nurse Opportunities, through Wright State's Security P.O. Box 7713. Burbank, CA 91510. Department. , Achilles Hill is also a nice place for one or two students or faculty members to relax after an intense boot of studying, or for a pkak lunch. But university group* with reservations havc-top priority and should contact campus pofioe if they find their par- p

Catalogue says: deal with it! deal with it!

ha iw t and time consuming, goals in life • y OC-t HfNWlCH Sure an problem fiksy. so sne smiles r til the lime and answers every question •IP d< t little modeling and work with han wiih. 1 guess I would have to sav that the :) napped children H indtigri' is a winder fu. 'ding bui fn«y*i important thing to me is thai there be !»OI|M is even brtiei Sure i glg*i< ;irt.f in the world (.0 with H make You're disciplined and well ratting m> hand during dance , tan lor 1*7 ground o*> **eli r>ai»e my thar. she is \sk her politely nor to han? the Swines her wind chimes in front of the air condi hand inyrrtaiif an*i *f always did it in iKfning vent rhat way she'll be spared the You'li never forger the firsi time you saw u h«x>l Wlmf Irv 'a.,' IV" iff KM» embarrassment of that inevitable confron him He was sprawled across his bed. chug things IK' nif b*Mher«. it> ,e(l trtUi" lufcgtng MAMs a tiny TV balanced on IM» TTw Coltog* Catalogs* pro* •On til his stomach, he motioned vou aside with IIIHII .if jixKlies l>v new siudenlt because of the Chinese water torture ish a frantic wave until his program s climax Often using a 'ongue in itiffl format tink tink tink so you stand on a chair (when Moe whacks Shemp with a frying Th« Coitog* Catalogue jm-ido insjghi and crash them 10 the floor with your ten nis racket, scream-ng. ' I can't bear this tn pan) then extended a hand he'd jusi used »ith a hum (Moot ' wisi mi.' sieas uarver 10 scratch God-knowt what and introduc sal to college life lite having <0 ll* r wilh -essant whimsy'" ed himself your roommate thouse, aivl slam into the floor, where you thai 1*. lass Scheslule all of your morning classes at leasi an hour laier than hers If you're Will Xjl ui ail. he's en unforgettable character find yourielf vis-a-vis a snifter full Your mentor is Hunter S asleep when she gets up. she'll be the soul and. lesi your mind should wander, he of chicken bones The time for action has Thompson Your roomate is of consideration, she'll be out of the room leaves little souyonrs scattered about Ihe come You wake him up. none too gently and across campus without a sound before skeleton of a pizza on your desk, his and together you reach the decision to Miss Baton America you even 'oil osii of bed However if cigarette butts in. your Noxema, his jock divide the room down the middle It's a fee f ir*t. you gel to k now one another She you re both up at the tame time, she'll be strap draped over your reading lamp ble truce but, unfortunately, your only thorn yOC her awards her tiaras her rib excruciatingly merry she'll suggest that you Pleading is useless hope For the rest of the semester you must horn from various baton companions, her both start abandoning the sack even earlier How can ! study under these filthy ! I per!eel attendance medals from elemen in order to jog. she'll hum If you can conditions'"" content yourself with studying facing the tary »nd high schools (she mined • Friday manage to convince her -and this is no "Weil, excuse me' I didn't know you had wall and giving his belongings a swift kick senior year when she wat crowned Cheese small feat that vou are not a morning per open heart surgery for homework ' when they edge across the border This pro Queen of Wisconsin! het trophy from Ihe son and that you prefer not to talk before Indignation breeds contempt blem has but one surefire cure: as soon as . arsdy Striper on Parade pageant. etc breakfast, she will make an elaborate ritual •Why it this electric trypan full of chili possible, move out' 1 etc etc of pretending to lock het lipt with an im in the shower ' Then you show her your awards a era aginary key There will be a twinkle in her "Because II won't fit in th; washbasin Not aB the information, however. comes tificaie saying you pasted driver's ed. (no eye I rest my case l ittle by little, your room degenerates tn- from "case histories " The section on etceteras) She can play Flight of Ihe Beyond that, comfort yourself with the •tothe western franchise of the Black Hole making-money offers a wide variety of Bumblebee' on the accordion Yoti can knowledge that shewon't be spending much of Calcutta money-making schemes. It has bow-io's on bek-b on cue time lounging about the dorm She'll be out Finally, on a late night safari to the (continued on pg 7) (an this relationship be saved'' pounding the pavement. busily pursuing bati'room, you trip ever a stack of old P».v

Enter the Parker Topof-the Paiker presents 2500 chances Class Sweepstakes and you could win something that can give you a your father never had real advantage in life. Your own Texas Instruments home computer. j While youre at it. pick up » « r something better to wnte with, too. A Parker Jotter ball pen Its microscopically-textured \ V \ ball grips the paper to help prevent • messy blobbing and skipping"8- . And it writes up to hve times longer than most .ball.peas Look for sweepstakes entry forms and details at your college 10 500 2000 bookstore But do it soon With over 509 computers to win, this is (,rand I Vines Second Prizes. I hud Prizes one sweepstakes worth entering. While you still have.the chance. t PARKER •fetd-A*** pnrofcm <*i ercncs n abeKtc^droUrathmOaobo 15, ISRlOrJffiTTPC 14. 101 7

deal with it! deal with it! deal with it! deal with it!

(from pt 6) their needs as soon *s they have a paper for a few hours. I hurry out the door in a great deal, and sometimes I do not I due search of Tiger Town Tavern guess it depends on how much beer 1 drank everything from dog breeding lo this nilt> immediately after stepping into the "Tri- the night before I am now also able to little hint on starting your own research ple T." I visit the bar and order a pitcher write a conclusion and tie any loose ends service Hints on how to get thai term paper of cold Budweiser I don't know exactly of the paper together, and that is the final finished come right from the horse's why, bui the cold Bud and (he rock music step of my simple bui efficient method If you have been in school, even for just mouth actual college freshmen There's do wonders for my overworked mind I a week, you may have noticed what hap- one method that I'm sure works because carry the beer to a (able, 1 carefully sil pens when an instructor hands out a it's similar to the one I've used for the last down, and I drink and drink After about The best thing about this method is that syllabu* that includes a research paper You three years three pitchers, I tell myself a hard-hitting it only takes a month or so to recover And have no doubt, seen the looks of horror on message "I'm going back lo write thai if you're into recovering in a big way. The the fixes of your fellow students, heard the At about eight o'clock two nights before damn paper right now " So I stagger back Catalogue tells you how to get credit for plans of iriass suicides, or wondered why the paper is due, 1 begin to think deeply and to my room and stumble onto the bed in an overseas vacation According to this >h« enrollmi-nt of your class )ust dropped focus my concern on the assigned topic order to gather my list of ideas I (hen wot> book, you can even get credit for settina overnight After 15 minuies of intense thought, I sii ble over to desk and sit down-1 am ready up your own magazine' The fact is that some people can't cope down at my desk and brainstorm the topic to write But the most useful information in the with the ides of having to do research on a scratch sheel of paper I scribble down I do not actually write, though, instead, entire book is the section on excuses After Whii this means to you. the student who everything that is related to the mam topic I scribble down a bunch of unorganized all. everyone has some deadline they can't doesn't gr: vertigo at the mere mention of and then circle the ideas that appear lo be bullshit 1 formulate an introduction to ex meet or some class (hey have (o skip W e the Dewey Decimal System, is that you (he most significant Of course. 1 am listen p4aui my thesis, and then I copy down some can't, however, print them They wouldn't have a marketable skill that you can turn ing to music by Pink Floyd. Rush, or the phrases to explain my supporting ideas work if the teachers knew them, and I don't into a money-making service Rolling Stones dunng this penod of total However, 1 do not prepare a conclusion at want to wreck anyone's chances 1 can give concentration I usually brainstorm the this- point because the other parts of the this piece of advice from the book Some important considerations: Never, topic for aboul *0 minutes, or until I have paper are certainly in their roughest forms If you miss an exam because your grand never, never write another student's paper exhausted it. and by this time I have a basic When I can literally hold my head up no mother died, and you had to go out of town for him. ai mosl universitites this can get notion of wha! I plan to accomplish m rny longer, I finally go to bed for the funeral, lie-say you were abducted you and your client kicked out of school paper I then pick out a mam idea from my After sleepmg-it-off, I resume work on by aliens, it's more believable Also, you may want to discourage last list and write it down on a clean sheet of my paper the next day At this time. I write minute customers or charge [hem a rush paper Next. I pick out four or five sup- the rough drafi (that will be turned in lo I always wondered why one of my profs fee There will be "paper seasons" (around porting ideas from (he scratch sheet and list my instructor! t>y merely adding or taking started to hyperventilate when I had to miss mid-terms and finals.) so make it attrac them under the main idea. After this, I toss away thoughts and ideas from the extreme a class to go to my grandma's funeral tive to your customers to inform you of these papers onto the bed and forget them ly rough draft, sometimes, I have lo add Honest, it was the truth

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Welcome Back extra! extra! extra! extra! 2 Large 2 small Pizzas pizzas cheese and 2 items ASK about our CRUSTY'S cheese and 2 items discounts party orders PIZZA 119 E. Dayton-Yellow you must ask for extra! you must ask for extra! 1 Free Pizza Springs Rd. Fairborn extra! when ordering extra! when ordering for students Phone: No other coupon accepted No other coupon accepted with extra! extra! with extra! extra! with-4.0 Ave 878-7990 8 Coping 101 14. 1983

You can't complain unless you vote

W illiam Shepard is a geophysics major a. S'f vc Mn OIP and down and . rieer lor ihis bu' I think ii> |0in a Jub or .ommittee and to attenO " ^an be done, said Brownfield "We will Student liovernment meetings and open who is the Science and Engineering representative He wants to get Involved ss e **tv t,< - or k hand in hand wilh the hopefully make 'he facults see lhai it will forums with the students His involvement has ••.jJcrm said Mike Brownfield. -hairer he a good thing for W St lhai we know previously included being a member of the V. righl Siale t niverslly 4 Sludenl who's best All Student Government meetings are Hamilton Hall Board, Inter dub Council, n-sei nmem rirownfield stressed thai this ranking open to the public Thev will be held in the and Ombudsman Selection Committee Brownfield made n sleai in his campaign system wouid be based mainly on the Student Government office. Ill 1 Unversi Tern Farrow is the Liberal Arts reprt . hairer iasi spring thai he will be a si u students evaluations of the instructors ty Center The first Student Government sentative She is a music major and Is In Jen acuvui His mono i« 'I'm « sludeni Vnother goal of Student Government is meeting has been tentatively scheduled for her senior year at WSU She believes in • f,>i fiange going to be the promoting of voter regsstra the week of September 19 Dates and time* making herself available to all Liberal Arts One of 'he biggest issues we're going tK>n I91U is a presidential election year and will be posted outside the Student Govern students After all she says, her job is to if iaskle us faculty evaluation. ' said Student Ciosrernment is planning various ment office Brownfield activities to coincide with .this Brownfield hopes to be able to keep the represent the students Brownfield should like to see the presen! "Come spring, during the primaries, we Student Government office open all day Don Hemmelgarn majors in business systems changed He would like to see more will try and increase student participation but that will depend on the representatives' and is that college's representative He .onslructive ways to evaluate teachers at and make them aware of who's running class schedules He would like to have hopes to establish better communication tie dean level and the departmental level and their stands on various issues." said someone available in the office at all times within the College of Businesss and Ad »e plan on working with the faculty Brownfield Duane Maxwell n the new Student ministration Hemmelgarn is planning to on preparing this new e'valua'ion." said He would also like to bring vanous can Government researcher He replaces Jim support issues that will benefit students as St Peter who resigned to become a well as faculty members Brownfield "W( want to svork with the dkdates from both the state and national 'acuity not against them levels to WSU dunng the campaign season graduate assistant for the Department of Gregg Palmer Is the Education repre- The idea is to use the standard course/in- Not until Brownfield and other Student Healvh Sciences sentative. For the past two years he has structor evaluation forms that the students Government representatives convene this Maxwell, a political science major, "as been sports director at WWSU Palmer fill out at the end of the quarter and to fall can other important issues be dele/ recommended for the job by St Peter and feels that all students should get involved place a greater emphasis on them mine*) and discussed appointed by Brownfield m the affairs of Student Government Brownfield would '.ike to publish the "We function to serve the students We Maxwell said. "The researcher provides Swadeep Nigam is a native of New Delhi, results of the»e evaluations so students can are a voice fot the students " stressed a lot of the background information on cer- India. He Is the new Graduate represen- look ai what other students from previous Brownf ield "Studenu have to tell us what tain projects that Student Government tative ai WSU Nigam's main goal will be' quarters have thought about a particular they're concerned about and what thev would be interested In " to increase the budget for business graduate instructor thiirit needs to be done at WSU On our The Student Government researcher and assistants Me believes this would be the most ef part we will vocaiir? tht through the secretary ere the only two positions filled The remainder of the representatives in- fes tive way of having the bat qualified in newspapers and with open forums " by appointment All other positions are clude Darlene Connaughton, nursing; Jeff strociors on campus Brown field calls this Brownfield svould also like to see more filled via student elections Steiud, School of Medicine; and Gayie a weeding out process " student involvement at WSU He feels the There are eight representatives who hold Oriffin, School of Professional I don't think the faculty will jump up best way to go about this Is for a student positions within Student Government Psychology OVERSEES ALL Board of Trustees keeps WSU on Wright Track

Sv MATT KENNEDY "The rol< of (he board is to set univer- president of the university shall be elected the Bogie Busters; Steven Mason, board N«w» EdKor sity policy." said Patricia O'Brien, ex- from year to year...The concurrence of six chairman and president of the Mead Cor- The Wright State University Board of ecutive assistant to the president and members of the board shall be necessary poration; Ervin Nutter, chairman of the Trustees "shall do all things necessary for secretary to the Board of Trustees. in order to elect or remove the president of board on the Elano Corporation; Charles the creation, proper maintenance, and suc- O'Brien has served as secretary to the the university." Rose, general manager of Deico Products cessful and continuous operation of the board for the past two years. The' position The board m£y accept donations of land Division, GMC; John Troiey, chairman on university," according to the Ohio Re- involves preparing the agendas and doing and money for the purpoae of such univer- the executive committee for Dayton vised Code clerical work for the board, O'Brien ex- sity "as another function under tht re- Malleable Inc.; ^red Weber, former From the last trustees meeting, examples plained. O'Brien also noted, "It it a noo- viaed code*. The board is also responsible Dayton city commissioner and president of of what the board does include: approving paying position." The secretary poahion is for approving the annual university budget Weber Jewelers; Perry Wydrnan, chairman a 10.5 percent rise in tuition; approving the an additional duty and an elected position before it goes Into effect. of the baord for Third National Bank A promotion of eight associate professors to voted on by the Board of Truncal. The Board of Trustee'i first pubHc Trust Co.; Reverend Arthur Younger, and full profenors; approving a resolution con- Another function of the board is to x meeting for this academic yes* will be Oc- Frederick Young of Young and Alexander gratulating the WSU Raiders for their na- "employ, fix the compensation of, and tober S, 9 a.m. in the Presidential Dining Co. tional championship; and unanimously remove thi pmidrat.

WSU President completing first decade

By Man H.wi Editor ment. Kegerreis said don't think sity of this size not to be Division I member Jerrold Petrofsky came into na •n a minute.'' «aid popular topics as ihc facult> Ootng Division I was another reason About the impact of Petrofsky's work Wright Stale University's President Robert meetings. The classic faculty member Kegerreis used to show the need of a con- on WSU. Kegerreis said he thought "the Kegerreis about hit position believes that the business of the university vocation center most significant impact so far hai been gets in the way of true academics "If we go to Division I and if we con- simply publicity. ! no longer when I go Concerning his education tn business tinue to progress (in our athletic program) out into the far reaches of the country, 1 Kegerreis said it has "been a help in my be- our crowds will increase and there is simp don't have to rely on the basketball team ing president but also it is not a complete ly not enough room in the gym thai we now to spread the fame of the university preparation or a completely satisfactory play in for any expansion "Petrofsky's work has done thai 10 a educational preparation for the presiden "It's difficult to recruit good athletes greater extent and a somewhat more flat cy But then I don't know what is." Because of the president's duties as defined in the university's code of regula "I think Division I is naturai, inevitable, tions, Kegerreis has been involved in various issues and happenings which have and honorable for us to do." occurred at Wright State over the past years. that come from high schools that have tering extent too So it's been that the One of these issues was the proposal to larger gyms than we have." he noted publicity value has been incalculable " build a convocation center at.Wright State This academic year a no decal parking Petrofsky's work has also "put a stress "The problem with the convocation system is being instituted by the universi- on some of our research management center is that we have to rai*e a significant ty Kegerreis calls the new system because we've had to pay so much atten- amount of money for a convocation center "somewhat of an experiment to see if we tion to the Petrofsky project .to th: from private sources. ..Now for an addi- can finance the parking lots by other Rehabilitation Engineering Center, that it's tion to the library for example, or for the means. difficult to take care of all the other new mathematics and enginetring "If we can (finance parking service this research activities of which there are a KEQERREW building...that is being provided by state way). It's a much more trouble free system. significant amount Kegerreii hat served as university presi- funds. Firs; cjroe, first serve basically," he said. "We have to be careful to balance our dent for ten of the 19 years Wright State "The disagreement on the campus is Kegerreis said the previous system attention even though the Rehabilitation has been in existence. what the priority should be. Soese people 'created a lot of ill will." He bdieved many Engineering Center is so publicity Kcgerreis is the chief executive officer of tay we want an addition to the library individuals would "beat the system time generating we have lots, just scads of in- the university He is responsible to uphold before a convocation cutter. And I tell" after time." The excmple of this was in- teresting research projects; people doin* the policies and procedures established by them but those ire two different sources dividuals who "piled up parking tickets," really topnotch, nationally acclaimed wort the University Board of Trustees. of funds. You .Save to do each of those he said. here which get attention (that it might Examples of other duties Kegerreis per- whenever the optimal time has arrived for Last May Kegerreis publicly spoke out desire)." forms includes: the managing and directing the raisings of those funds. against a report by the Ohio Board of Kegerreis said that trying to "generate the day-to-day operation of the universi- We—sheafel~ S^~tje-£Bsturb6dr~Kcni Regents suggesting several Ohio medical a balance in publicity for all the activities ty, developing and maintaining long-range athletic fans, if we get a library addition, schools including Wright State's school of the university is just a terribly, grinding 'plans for the development and growth of first. The library advocates should not be 1 either close or reduce their enrollment by frustration .It's one of the frustrations of the university, serving as 4 member and disturbed if we get the convocation center . ts much as 50 percent. any university president." president of the faculty .and appointing all first because it involves different scums: "The Ohio Board of Regents' One reason Kegerreis contributes to why administrative officers of the university "The university obviously needs a/in- forecasting mechanism, what they used, the university has an "active" atmosphere with the confirmation of the Board of vocation center....We do not have plans at was grossly inadequate." Kegerreis said is the students. Trustees. the moment to build it. but it is inevitable about the Regents' prediction that Ohio "The students that we have here certainly Wright Sute University to "the most ac- 1 think in the history of the university we^ was producing too many doctors. set the tone of this place, and there are a tive, interesting university in Ohio and cer- will have one." "1 have learned not to trust manpower lot of students here that are achievement tainly one of the most (interesting) .n the Kegerreis believes the university needs'a forecasts (as those used in the oriented, very hard working. Many of them midwest. Probably in the country. " paying all or part of their way through One of tile reasons why the university is school. so active Kegerreis believes the university "The students that we have here "Relatively no nonsense," Kegerreis said community is ''progress oriented; people of the students. "If you have a dilatory in- seem to be very up on tb? balls of their feet certainly set the tone of this place." structor, somebody hears about it very looking to the future. Vefy optimistic. quicklv....Get a bad instructor here at "I think it it because ever since (Wright place which can hold a large ntimber of Re*entt'report)....The worst jobs we have Wright State and...boy, the dam or depart State) was started 19 years ago, there has university community for concerts,, lec- done in this country in Kjn* of significant ment chairman or the provost or I, or all been something going on. New programs tures, visiting dignitaries, etc. economic forecasting are in manpower of the foregoing, hear about it. So there is developing...just seems to be sort of a "We have our June commencement at forecast." _a demand here for quality all the way vivid, vigorous air. the University of Dayton Arena which is Kegerreis beheves it. would be difficult to "through....It't very invigorating." "Everybody has plans. We art winding a blow to our pride...(But) can you affort accurately determine If Ohio medical When asked about hit beginnings Keger- up the moat comprehensive planning ex- to spend 12 or 10 million on your wound- school at« producing too many doctors reii said "I wat bora in a hospital in odae the university has ever done. ..If we ed pride?" became "the system it to difficult to Detroit, Michigan.-1 remember It well, could do oae tenth of what we have the In- Kegerreis stressed that<"Wedo'not talk manipulate" and "there are a lot of then wat white tile on the waUs...the nurse taratf to do this wiH continue to be a very about a basketball arena, we're talking variabk> (involved). was heavy set." "1 Currently JCegerrest it married awl ha* caching place to be." about a convocation center." - Kegerreis feds "the medical schools in Kagenek described the prsddent's po«4- The earner would need to be'a flexible Ohio wiB toon agree to a slight successive two chidren. bobbies include golf, ten- tk* at "a verifased Job aad thart art times racfltty according to Kaprnit. It would rphaaioa hi their tnrpiaiastt, and we hope nis. aed flytag. fe b Hceaaed far single and whan IM vary much like aa advertising r»d to be abiew perform a verity of func- by. those careful, fine tunings of otttftimfiw plum. Sooe of kit •WTT'HifliTfW incMe the of P.*. parson. ..You have » repreaant tions ImluiM— H in. Mmconctrtt, eatoBments in medical schools that we will American Association of University Pro- aad td the uretversfcy." o»l basketball. '. , not produce an nnnarraiary surplus of fessors, American Marketing Assodatiost, •ml lag hi> Ph.D..in baahssss ad- Oawarahtg the possibility of Wright Phjrfetaa." * and the American Psychological astolaUaUoa at Ohio fcatt University as Suu gcJeg dlvialon I in baakabaQ, Kt«sr- Last Howria another event occurred wall ai a ma*m h» marketing MM* rtis sahS "It St unaanal for a univer- when the work of .Wright Skate faculty Association. 10 Coping 101 14, 1M3

New Provost sets high goals

1 B» KIT! KEMMEOY oversee (he university ! academic programs FerTan hopes "to gel students more in- as "diverse by all criteria, but all appear tdtte. and business affairs The provost wfll serve volved in decision making beyond having t. have a high interest place a high value on education " Although he position encompasses (he a* me chief administrator officer when the students on committees "They (students) have as greai a stake He also sensed an academic 'seriousness entire range of university (responsibilities). university president is absent on (he part of the students " The students ' he academic aspects are obviously al it* Ferrari feels his job is primarily a "chief as anyone else involved." he said "may not reflect the rah-rah attitude found ventral point. Provosi Michael terrari academic officer rote for the university Ferrari believes (he "value of one's in other places " van! »tx>ui his position Ferrari wants to "develop character in education rests as much on what the univer The students seem to have "a determina- The prtivtni'* responsibilities are (o this institution " He hopes to work close sity is becoming as what it is and was " ly wi ' (he deans, faculty, siaff, and The students, "value of education im- tion (o gel (he very best education possi student* to promote a creative atmosphere proves as the institution improves I can't ble." Ferran said Ferrari described Wright State Univer see why anyone would want (o harm (he sity as "in this state and in this nation, one institution," Ferrari said as a reason why Ferrari described the faculty as being of the most exciting, most promising in student representatives should be consulted dispensed across all disciplines and the staff solutions If I didn't believe thai I would and not ignored "seems quite dedicated to building a noi have come here In addition to formal channels, Ferrari climate of learning " "There are so many things out there for wants to establish other methods of com- To the students Ferrari said. "1 hope us lo grab We could be anything we want munication An example of this is infor students will take pride in what the univer in the future mal meetings with student leaders, he said sity is and what we are becoming because "My background is in planning I hope Ferrari said he is also "accutely aware what we become and accomplish will be to emphasize the strategic importance of of.the need to have a campus life " He feels lied to the students' commitment and con- planning." he sihd (here is a need to "support a rich and sup- tributions to the university Ferrari feels pari of how to improve the portive student life style " "That the students come here out of university is attracting and holding on to He said some students and faculty have choice, not because it's close, not because qualified faculty and having the necessary said they regret that "the university does it's cheap (but) because it has a first rate equipment for |he specific areas of study not have a sense of community (calling faculty and first rate facilities." on campus He hopes to encourage a iti just an extension of high school At this time Ferrari said he is trying to greater effort in research and study Ferrari hopes to "work toward building "immerse myself Into the institution," "My goal a mutual trust and respect bei that sense of community " learamg about its history, meeting with ween the students and the rest of ihe univer Strong points Ferrari sees about the faculty and students. He said he has not sity," Ferrari said Although (his mutual university include its faculty, its student made any organizational changes because irusi "can't be said, u must be population, and its staff he wants to become more acquainted with demonstrated " Ferran described the student population the university first Vice President Vice Provost for Administration for Planning Providing a service is how vice president financial and business ' . —-George. Kirk is vice provost for plan- Kik did not know what specific projects tor Administration Joseph Hamel describes Concerning (he various services under ning and the diversity legislative liaison the planning office would be involved in his position him, Hamel said. "I like to think of things He has held these Vsitions since November next year tmtil the university president and Hamel said he provides "service to facul- as an organizational chart " 1981 provost approve any of the plans :v. service to students, service to othet staff Under that organizational chart, Haraei . -Kirk's positisn involves "advising and submitted. people We don'i run any major program supervises such areas as account reporting, working witiflhe Provost, the President of which does not support another program " payroll checks, paying venders, buying the University and tht University Planning "We're here to support," Hamel said goods, running the telephone system, prin- Council." Kirk said he is "the staff about the administration "We need to em- ting, duplicating, and the mailing services specialist on planning...! have talked with phasize thai's what we're here for Under personnel services, Hamel deans and administrators concerning their (occasionally) " oversees the handling of policies and pro- planning. ' Hamel is in cliar(e of a number of ser- cedures fpr the hiring snd administration Kirk is head of the Office of Planning vice functions in the university These ser of personnel: classified, faculty, and located in the Kettering Center in vices can be broken down into two areas unclassified downtown Dayton. The function of the Hamel oversees matters concerning the planning office and Kirk's own position is university facilities including the physical to provide guidance and support for the ptant, maintenance, engineering, security, strategic planning of the university. Kirk safety, and parking. said. Under' computer services, Hamel is responsible for the administrative computer "The university has gone through one services end the research and instructional phase of planning," said Kirk. The plan- computer services. Hamel said two change* ning office is working toward the "con- wi3 be occurring next year in the computer tinuation of thai planning effort and (mak- service area. ing those new plans) congruent with The university is "replacing the com- previous ones." puter with a.much larger main frame com- As leiisiatWe Ultson, Kirk is responsible puter in December...(and) a lot mors for acting as an liaison between the univer- students will be on terminals as a larger sity and the legislature relating to issues VAX 780 computer is also being installed whlch-Have an rffact or. art of concern to in December," said Hamel. ihe university. • " Another duty Hamel performs is Kirk has been with the university for treasurer of the university, an elected posi- about the last four year;. He first came to tion by the Board of Trustees. Because of the university as vice president for ad- this, Hamel said he H "responsible for the ministration and treasurer. After serving in . cast), investing die cash, and dispersing the tljat position for about two years, he cash." It-is Hansel's name which appears became the vice prove*t for planning an*} HAMEL on paychecju. M. MO Coptaa Ml 11

Koch's expectations are high

•y CHERYL COMATMP faculty, but is also known by the quality his/her classroom activities I would like in areas of student affairs so that there is of its student body to see more students involved in campus ac- continuity and stability in departments and Elenore Koch, vice president of Studeni One goal of the division (Student Af tivities." said Koch low turn over," she said Affairs. has many expectations, innovative fairs) is assisting in the attraction and reten Long range plans for WSU hopefully in- Koch's personal future plans are con idea», and plana for. the future of Wright tion of high quality students so that the clude a new University Center, Koch aaid ccrned only with university problems State Univeriity and the student body university can become regionally and even According to her the current center was •'! would like to be here long enough to "I think it is important to know that the nationally known for excellence." said designed for continuing education and does see Wright State become more of a cam- quality of a university is demonstrated by Koch not have the capacity for a University pus that meets needs of various segments the quality, of the academic programs and Housing is a major concern to Koch, and Center of the student population a proposal is being developed to "again Student Development, Career Planning "I would like to be here long enough to bring to the administration's attention the and Placement, Expanded Horizons, the see more housing, a child care program, need for adequate campus housing " Artist Series, Professional Graduate Advis- and more adult accommodations I would Currently, housing is hot available for ing. and Student Employment are also like to see a special project for housing for graduate students, married individuals, or overseen by Koch and the-Division of Stu- the disabled to set a national example students in the 25 and older age bracka dent Affairs Koch is the first woman to hold a high Koch would also like to solve problems "I think the Division of Student Affairs administrative position a! WSU, appointed for the older and evening students. Offices has become an integrated unit other than Vice-President of Student Affairs in IV7" are currently not open during evening separate departments operating She is the originator of Handicapped Stu hours, there are almost no weekend classes, individually dent Services, student mailboxes, sugges and no child care facilities are offered "This enhances the ability to serve tion boxes, and numerous other campus Future projects are also planned for students by hiring well trained professionals improvements Wright State's exchange program, in- cluding visits to Brazil, with long range plans involving Kenya, Africa and Yugoslavia Special projects Koch would also like to see more student involvement by developing the fraternity/sorority system. Senior Vice President Dr John R. Bel when 1 leave, it will be with a sense of "A student involved in activities outside jan is responsible for Wright State's special sadness Thi; university has a fine future the classroom becomes Innovative and is a projects. The projects will be conducted at and I will wuh it well student who has a higher probability of the request of WSU President Robert "Some of the things I've been doing for gaining and succeeding in addition to Keggereis the university will eventually have to be KOCH Bel jan is a nine-year veteran WSU ad- done by others," he added. ministrator, coming to Wright State in 1974. He was the founding dean of the WSU medical school, hokling the position until 1980. .In Vf1-\ he was appointed vice FAIRBORN CAMERA provost of the university which he served as until he was appointed provost in 1981. He was nlso appointed vice president for Helps You Capture lTe®TAffairsThT978 which he served as until 198!-. He served as' provost from 1981 through July 1983 That Special Image "Unfortunately I'm ,rfcmote from the students as of now "Bejjan said of his cur- rent position. BdjUn is currently located at She Kettering Center in downtown Dayton "But 1 will devote all my time and effort toward whatever projsct the university assigns to me as I've always done." Bdjan pirns to leave' Wright State by the end of the academic year. He has serious offer! for positions at other universities. Brljan said, "1 am currently involved in terictu discussions for thoae positions. BEUAN "I do plan to leave the university and


•* Fua.... , d Nasrallah - 3rd National Building the complete y 32 N. Main Street, Suite 849 camera shop Dayton, Ohio 45402 14 6. Main St., Faktxxn, Ohio 224-8200 Monday, Tuesday. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 3-6 Ctoaad Wadnaaday and Sunday \ . • % 11 Coping 101 September 14. 1M3 /


third year in ICC He looks forward to »n interesting and exciting year as Chatrer of icc IC C Executive Vice C hairer, Dave Mor Inter Club Council (ICC") is an organua man is a junior majoring in Management r;uii designed to promote (he involvement. Science He collect* dragons and is 21 years Jt-.elopment and siabiliiv of the campus old Dave encourages an increase in par .lubs and organizations by coordination of ticipation on the part of the clubs this year activities aruV'Tov»ding information and Vice ('hairer Finance, Kay Trornbino is • advice lunior majoring in Accounting, she is mar Intel ( lvT> * ouncil sponsor* five main ried and has two children She hope! events at V- right State Tha/f * are designed prirpariiy to provide She hopes to *erve you well as an officer he club* and organizations of I.CC a great of IC C Vice Chatrer Public Relations, •pport unity lo generai? .noiiey During kathy Shakro is a junior majoring in 'Homecoming ^eek we have different Flemetary Education and is 21 years old event* going on to involve everyone in the This will be her second yeat m ICC She *A*.ght State community The Petrofsky feels this will be a very productive and fine Benefit Bash was initialed as an annual veai for Inter Club Council The whole rveni in Spring '83 All proceeds go directly staff at ICC hopes that you will become an .. [V Petrofsky* fund l(C plans on active member of and participate In the Mionsoring more events in the future many campus organizations There are five member* on the ICC staff If you have any questions or would like This year's staff are C hairer Griff Geiss to contact a WSU club or organization, < irtff is 22 year* old. a |unior majoring in please come in the ICC office (042 Univer- Business Administration This will be his sity Center) or call the office at 873-2162

Nov 16. featuring recording artist D 1 founder, Baha'u'Uah; over 100 years ago IVCF Speer. and an inter-denominational wor- are the equality of men and women, the MARKETING ship and communion service Nov 18. elimination of prejudice of all kinds, and Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship This Friday's meeting will feature Deiter (fee Harmony of icienc* and religion. Come see what the Marketing Club is all (IVCF) a an organization made up of Walk of Christ Community Church, speak- Baha'is rucognin; that just as scientific about. An exciting year is planned in- students who wish to grow and learn about ing on "Evangelism " Small groups of four truth has been discovered by a succession chiding guest speakers, trips, social events, Jesus Christ IVCF is open to ail in the to 10 people will meet at various times dur- of individuals including Pythagoras, and career workshops. Make professional university community, regardless of ing the week throughout the year for study, Galileo^ Newton, and Einstein, so hat contacts and meet students with the same background, and there are no dues or training, and prayer, and Eric Brauer. spiritual truth beenY.rogressively repealed interests.. Our first meeting will membership requirements The goals of IVCF representative will speak on Small •hrough-such prophets as Krishna. Moses. be September 29, at 2p.m. In 155 U.C If IVCT include evangelism, which -s the shar- Group Night Sept: 23 Buddha, Christ. Mubar&med, and most you can't make it, contact Cathy ing of the gospel, and discipleship. the recently,. Baha u'llah, / Rutkowski at 879-0244 or Debbie Day at teaching and encouraging of one another t Baha'is on cax&nui have been involved 253-0096. Don't miss out! in Christian living WSU BAHA'I CLUB In such activities as promoting Justice The Fellowship is looking forward to an Wetk with talks by lawyers, judges, and exciting school year with meetings every The Wright State Baha'i Club is com- others involved in the legal system, arrang- Friday afternoon at 4 p.m. in the Campus posed of Wright State students and alum ing a.iecture series on islam, and holding CAMPUS BIBLE Ministry building. Fall quarter's special ni who are interested in promoting the con- an annual bazaar. Upcoming activities »ill events will include an all campus square cept of world unity as it is expressed in the revolve around the themes of world unity FELLOWSHIP dance on Sept. 30, a retreat at Camp Joy teachings of the Baha'i Faith. Among the and human rights. For further information Campus Bible Fellowship Is an interna- the weekend of Oct. 14. a free concert on principles of the Faith enunciated by Ms caD Uz Gordon at 42M9S9. * • tional cm-campus Christian organization, open to an students, faculty, and staff. CBF wants to share and explore the relevance of Ood's Word to our daily hves. CBF has Baptist leadership, but those at- tending come from a variety of backgrounds. CBF activities include-.!) group Bible studies and discussions. 2) Soe-oo-ooe H- ble studies, 3) social and fellowship ac- tivities with BudtnU from CBF chapters at ana campuses, 4) an annual winter rorM, and J) a variety of outreach opportunities. Otxampg. BUe studies win M at 11 a*d 12 on Wednesday and Friday, begia- ning Sqj*. 21. Watch the refigious activities baMaboard J«M outride the Bunar*. of- flea in AByn Hafl for sm details; other «rfy ttatea may be arraagad. *» pore pie*. tm to coatact JOMHIM Hapdmon « 4fe4M. or total Car waff mi Bptf Hokz at Ut-jm. September 14, 1M3 Coping 101 1* 3 v v^ £ v v^ ^ ^ ^ o o o o Gv Ov 0V Ov

The club has a $0 cent fee for the service Some Dayton area nurse leaders were in- Sigma Phi Epsiion Fraternity is over SI SCHOOL OF A limited amount of participation is ducted as charter members in this group- years old and we are working Towards a asked of those selling. The fee will be Officers to be installed are: Betty Schmotl, Century of Brotherhood. NURSING donated to the scholarship fund We president; Linda Delaney, first vice- Get involved and come and grow with president; Carole Krupa, second vice- us) SNOS, the School of Nursing Organiza- mules need this alternative to the inflated president; Holli Utz, secretary; Barbara tion of Students. i« * professional student prices of the bookstore. Come and support Kellerstraxs. treasurer; Barbara Murphy, nurses association; it is a constituent of the us by joining the fight to save students faculty advisor, and Mariann Lowell, facul- national and itate student nurses money. BETA PHI OMEGA ty advisor associations. The book co-op Is now in operation Following the installation ceremony, a Beta Phi Omega would like to introduce Membership to SNOS is $20 and is open through Sept. 23. The hours are 9 a.m.-5 reception was held at the Daytonian Hilton you to another side of college life. College to all nursing and pre-nursing students. Ac- p.m., all are "invited to contact" us in our For further information, contact Holli life can be more than merely going to tivities include hypertension screenings, room during this time. Utz at 254-4039 classes. Let ua help you make the most of pothicks aad brown bag lunches, com- it, while we hdp you make ihe most of you. munity projects, May Daze, and a notes Meet people, strengthen your stronger and tetti pool. Abo available are discounts qualities and develop your weaket ones on nursing magazines, and scholarship op- CHRISTIAN The "Bar-Flies" invite all interested men portunities. SNOS provides an excellent SCIENCE to stop by our rush table in Allyn Hall mean? of meeting other pre-nu.-sinj and (September 14-16), or to contact Dave Pear nursing majort. The Wright State Christian Science Col- at 258-2843, David Krueger at 233-4001, ot The SNOS office, room 460 Allyn. and lege Organization will meet every Monday Ron Mehi at 298-0016 for further Informa- bulletin board are located on the fourth at 12 noon in 045 University Center tion. Stop by the Allyn Hall moat during floor Allyn. Fall office hours will be posted Our purpose is to share with the September 19-23 while we row laps to raise soon. Students are encouraged to check academic community uplifting, inspira- money for our charity. United Cerebral bulletin boards and their campus mailboxes tional thought, based on the teachings of Palsy, and meet the "Bar-Flies " often for up coming events and meetings Christian Science, which will aid in the This year's officers are Jeannefte Stuckey solution of personal, community and world Kathy Lechner. Melissa Buck, Gregg Rid problems This sharing will be done die and Linda Owen. For more in forma through our regular testimony meetings, a WSU SPANISH lion, check the SNOS office or contac Christian Science lecture, and other Jeannette at the Nursing office, 401 Allyn How would you like.to eat international activities. 873-3131 foods, go on interesting trips, Kid listen to The campus community is cordially in- excellent speakers? If the answer to this vited to attend our meetings For more in question is ye.- '-ben the Spanish Club is for NEXUS formation contact Prisdlla Bolds ai you. You don't need to know Spanish to 873-3267 Naxua is Wright State's nuoent-run be s member, and it's a lot of fun literary magazine. It is published quarter- Las: year the Spanish Club had an-In- ly and distributed fr-w» •" " Sodety of Nursing, September 11, 1983 chartered on February 16,1974- Since then r— tow. » —•*> Dr. Beth Yaughn-Wrobd conducted the our brothers have excelled in Student * IrwmM m U »••«» installation ceremony at the Daytonian Government, Inter Club Council, Varshy WM-Wi b. - Mfc HUMAN FACTORS Basketball, and many other student ac- •o m ***** *am * W Hilton. tivities. Annually we are involved in inter- M r°* rwrjd -W-k"" Approval for the chapter was granted ' SOCIETY » M it. o~»m «***k. * «*M"« prior to the Sigma Theta Tau biennial fraternity sports and intramural aoftball. am UH a ~> "**• meeting in October, 1983, in Boston, We participate in «H of the "Doze*" (Oc- The chapter held a pizza party and tober. Winter, and May) and we co several technical meetings in 19t2-g3. For further information, contact Editor Massachusetts, sponsor a Haunted House in October with Presentations Included human factor* and Fatrick Graf through the Nexus office or Membership in the honor society is by the FaJrborn Jaycee* to raiae money for the the computer Industry, the lucccasftij kuer- the Department of English. invitation and is extended to undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and profes- Heart Fund, our national philanthropy view and your career wardrobe. The high siooal nurses who have^ demonstrated social activities tadudc parties, picnics, point of 1983 was trip token to Chicago to superior scholastic, leadership knd nursing cam pouts, roodtripa, golf tournaments,, see a nuclear power plant training facility. We also have many fund raising adven- WSU BOOK CO-OP achievements. canoertrips and many other events. Sigm m it an out place . turn. Don't'forget to see our booth at Oc- The WSU Bcok Co-op club U a student Sigma Theta Tau has over 72,000. to aM«1 your potential and to assume tober Daze and May Dase. For more in- alternative for the purchasing and telling members in tttdfrpten in colleges and toodmhip and responsibility through actual formation contact Rick OBI, faculty ad- of uaed text books. The chib sponsors a uDiversities throughout the United States. experience- To *t in with ua please visor at 873-2701 or Ttai Wimaatt, presi- thite week exchange that begins with eHhe t The organization encourages and sponsors stop bjr oar Rush table .n AByn -HoB dur- dent. (HFS mailbox in engineering office th* first or but wt*k ofa quarter. The ex- research, promote* the devdopment of nur- tag the first three wpaks of the quarter or pad bulletin boOrd both located on third caange is held in room 029 in the universi- sing leadership mid ***** U*Map- see Griff Odss in 042 University Center. floor Frwcett.) ty center across from Student Government. ment of nurse scholars- 14 Coping 101 S«pt«mb«r 14, 19*3 a a .<& 0V Ov 0V 0V Ov Ov Ov Cr

get trapped stagnant tunnelvulon It CIRCLE K becomes difficult to ie* the solutkom to our problems much less see how we are caus- Arc you tired of sitting back watching ing our own problem* By exchanging con- 11 things happen Then )oin Circle K and Han cepts and pattern! we can help our fellow making things happen domesticated primates and even deliver Circle K is a social service organization ourselves from our own stupidities! which serves the community through All of this may be done In jovial at- various projects. such a» walking In the mospheres Whether you prefer to play the March of Dimes WaikAmenca and anjwtr role of siren, satyr or waif, you are ing phones at the Channel 14/16 Auction welcome to come celebrate life with us on We work to develop service, leadership Fridays. 12-2 pit , in the famous Rat and fellowship while we have fun SSW sill be involved In several projects For more information call John at this year including October Daze, a Sa.ii '67-IJJ7. or Margie at 252-47?I Hain festival and the publishing of Xenophon"-a journal of comparative •realities Your Input Is Invited Contact ROLLING STOCK SSW through ICC or Student Rolling Stock is a unique theater group Development comprising the talents of able-bodied and disabled actors and actresses l( you have PUBLIC ever been involved In any aspect of the theater and you think you may have some RELATIONS talents to contribute, come to our introduc- tory party September 23. 5 p m in the The Public Relation? Club is planning I mversity C enter and find out about us many activities this year Among these in- If you can't make this social cent of the clude quarter. Our office is located in t423 MtUetI A graphic! workshop for PR skill development Hall Feel free to stop by anytime during exciting experience you ace invited to an Tours of an advertising agency and » the day for information MODEL UNITED organizational meeting Sept. 28 at 3 p.m. publishing company in 172 Millet! HsS. For more information PR professionals speaking a! periodic NATIONS before the meeting, contact D», James SIRENS, SATYRS club meetings Latt year for one week at the end of Jacob. Political Science. 032 Rike Hail, -PS campaign for s non-profit & WAIFS March, 1 SCO students from 130 colleges and 873-1039. organization universities throughout the United States Sirens. Satyrs and WiJtVTs-arrlnteP" 'A 'gePtosether with University of and Canada gathered in New York City for disciplinary problem solving "think tsink" Dayton's Public .Relations Student Socie- the National Collegiate Model United Na- ALPHA OMICRON tor eclectic disorganization for the sincere- ty of America tion! conference. After a year of rest and but-less-serious) -Varicus fund rViso-s, including u BEER recuperation the city is braced to receive us PI The basic, concept behind S S W is one BLAST! ' again. of contacting new ideas and giving your -And mu£h morel The National Collegiate Model United Alpha Omicron Pi it an International ideas to those for whom they are new. If The location of our meetings will be Nation* U aa exciting educational ex- Sorority, founded on January 2, 1897, at wt only expose ourselves to one set of potted or you may contuct the chib's presi- perience for students Interested In Interna- Barnard College in New York. tettefl or Ideas ("tnformatkw coding") w» ded. Rick Fuht, at m-7115. tional affairs and public speaking. Each The National Arthrltit Foundation it university tends a delegation representing AOlI's philanthropy. On a national teak, • member-Mate of the United Nationt to AOII hat their own Arthritis Laboratory New York. Student-delegates assume roles which is located to New Or leant. On the corresponding to the "real-lift" delegates, local level, the AOII't here at Wright State ditcusting a variety of topics from Inter- hold a twim-a-long every year and donate national poUtlct to scientific issues. Some the money to local arthritit programt. teutons of the conference are held in the Alpha Omicron Pi encourages members United Nationt building*. adding a quali- to get involved in other camput organiza- ty of reality which it awe Inspiring. tions and activities, tome of which include: * For the pan- two year* Wright State camping, partiet. canoe tripe, tki dub, pic- ttudenu have bean gfven an "Outstanding nics, and dancea. Together, the AOII't par- Delegation" award. Thit award it given on- ticipate in Greek Week, the Dam. Big ly' to the tlx top rithgationi at the con- Sitter/Little Sitter program, and several ference. To prepare for the conference events with the Alumni. ttudenu participate in the "Model Unhad Nations Seminar" (PLS.492/692) offered by the Department of Political Science dur- ing the Winter Quarter. Selection for the. teminar b made , through a competitive application axM-in- terrWw procatt. Emphasis b placed on knowledge and interett to foreign affain, pubtic speaking abfflty. academic abffity and a wiBtognett to work with a grtup of highly motivated todMdiiab. The course it m toted to political adaac* majorttad caa ba taken for graduate credk. it you are totereatad fat'joining ut to thlt Ufim+m 14. KM C*to« 1*111

...And there are those who've a to deal with it It C«Mif 181 1*. 1»«3


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KNB1WI Coalition pushes to raise drinking age to 21

•» CAHOtnt OiLAK (•octal Wrtta. places like Wright Si*e Unmnxy tunc to grsMfM to revise acorky ptaas thai aachaA- •taaag thee roahtion "will have 10 days from BACK the date of notification (Sept. 12) to gathet the «*gAaiures needed," said Brown TO * If .the coalition gets enough signatures and Ohio voters approve it In November, SCHOOL it would "cBmtawtc alcohol for the majori- ty of the stud' at Wright State." said Gerry Prtrak. aiyiale director of Student FROM Devdopewnt- The current minfcrium age is 19. The coalition want to change it to 21 because of the high percentage of alcohol related ALPHA traffic ai.'cidrntt among It to 20-year olds. Reverend Duane Summervile, chairman of the coahtxn. said they choae 21 bees use 0MICR0N it "is mngnired by society as a mature age psychotogicaly, sociologically, physically, and cmooooaBy " If the «ue is pot on the bafiot, and Ohio PI voters approve it. the new law would go in- to effect on July I. 1984. This will give

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4904 Airway Rd. 252-5131 BANK ONE 2412 Cftilp• Dr. 27711476 sJT* ' Tjai • usst v . 4 TW Mb ( mmrGtm Uimm+m 14, l«J Risky Business involves realism, style, class

I, OCAM LfOMAftO vard work (A green hose enters the frame Prnthouir-style fantasies-but, actually, I ceeds in softening her without sentimen- (ttnitilwiinl Ed Mo- with phallic sinisterness) When Joel first think the film is surprisingly even-handed talizing her in its view of women Lana ii » male fan- In "Risky Business, style serves con- ttle opening shot o( "Risky Business makes love with Lana, writer-director Pmul tasy, all right, but she's also a har-4 nosed tent There's a pleasing unity to the struc- sen ihr lone for the whole movie It's a Brick man s'loots the scene just as he does pragmatist The movie may be a little ture. Joel's mother's precious glass egg slow motion panorama o( Chicago at Joel's fantasies- in soft focus, with wind radical in seeing prostitution for what » is- becomes a central symbol.though not in a night accompanied t>v the sound of a train pushing a pair of patio doors open, and leaves whooshing in Though Joel's fantasy fs part of our free enterprise system—and heavy-handed way. has become a reality. It's still a fantasy I .ana is the ultimate capitalist. While his parents are away. Joel goes Reality hits the day after Lana flatly Rebecca De Mornay's steely cat eyes and from heaven lo hell and back, and the on- demands her payment of JJOO. "You're full mouth-there's a small scar on the up- ly (material) thing to show for it is a small crack in the middle of the egg The crack and tfx pulsing nm$K of Iangenne '>fCHIII kidding?" Joel says "I don't believe I per lip, suggesting a less-than-ideal past- may be his loss of innocence But with that The film doesn i have ihf slam bam pat am. she replies, cooly are in perfect counterpoint to Tom Cruise's ingot' "hr' teen nte-of passage movies It Sex is great, but, like everything else, it's sunny grins and open face. She's frighten- loss, he's gained confidence, and he's ready has an evorn languor (t i very stylish And a business Feminists may accuse the film ingly calculating, but when she's sincere, to face a future that his wildest fantasies the film - SiVk* is perfectly expressive of Its of "objectifying" females-as in Joel's we know it Near the end. the movie suc- could never have anticipated hero • J ream' and obsessions From the start, we get into the head of hie! iKim Cruise), a teenager from the aflflucm suburb 61 1 akc Short He's anx- IOUS about his SAT scores and about get • ing as^epted to Princeton-and about sex CASIO NOW OFFERS His M-«uai fantasies always end in a ntghiinait ul his future being destroyed t IUIIIIIV he envisions his hunger for sex STUDENT AID. • rsulting in a lailure of his ambitions A (ticnd tells him."Sometimes you ve got We at Casio figured you could use a Both feature fractional calculations (a to sa* ^ hat the Saying 'What the little help this semester (not to mention a function rot found on many comparable '' leads to freedom, and freedom leads tew extra bucks) So we're ottering a $5 units). So new you can work with fractions rebate on our FX-98 and FX-910 solar pow- without having to convert to decimals ui oppottuimy . " "Risky Business" is ered scientific calculators, which regularly And since both units incorporate a about »hai happens whep loel learns to sell for $29 95 por/erful solar cell that can operate in very -ay, ** hat the —?" The FX-910 is a wallet sized unit with lew light, they'll not only save you time and After Kiel * parents leave for a vacation 48 scientific functions. The FX-98 is credit energy, they'll save you from ever having as he sees them off. the camera, master- card size with 42 scientific .functions. to buy batteries. fully. takes his point of vtew-eyerything Both feature an 8 digit mantissa with 2 The FX-98 and FX-910 also come with i urns to chaos His sei fantasies become digit exponent a free application mar* ial, ' Strategies for a reality "But so do his worst fears An ex- Scientific Calculating,'' which will save you pensive call girl, named 1 ana (Rebecca De work by shewing you shortcuts for using Mornavl invades his Hfe By the end of the your calculator. film, Joe I- in order to pay for the repairs So if you think you could use a Bffle on his dad's Porsche-has turned his home student aid this semester, take advantage of into a bordello our $5 rebate offer. And bring a Casio to "Risky Business" Jpves eroticism its due (it is. I think the sexiest movie around) Almost rverything is eroticized--even Joel's Where mirodes never cease

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W *V Tumi*ir 14. 1*5 Tie Dnil» Oaardha 7 HELP! Addict loses MTV fix. summer fun

; to watch more and more. behind the amez. has picked up on videos. the winner.) Local radio nations are also After a month of watching. I began to Bke NBC has a late night show called "Friday starting to ptay MTV fare, though no single this ."new" music. High-powered pop. Night Videos" that* a little different from station has changed format enough to play ll W«J i bad lumnio Fim. my room techno-pop. "fresh" anisic-or whatever MTV. but has stolen the bask ideas from exclusively this new musk. mates moved oui and everyone left for (he you want to call it-suddenly became the MTV Before I lost MTV. they were hav- What MTV is doing today I cannot xond. my job got IO be a real kind of music I wanted to bear. Even my in& bands compete for future video slots. report. I do, however, have a couple of drag- Third. I got hit over the head and radio-listening habits chanted. Before Viewers called into "900" numbers to friends who are planning to get cable soon. robbed at work But wont of all, I couldn't MTV. I generally listened to only one


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Soccer team opens season with 7-1 victory

By DAVID KERN The Raider team is also manned by ex- and seems best "capable of scoring game and we will put them away in 10 to 15 Spatial Wfflst ceptional mid-fielders. El-Macharrafie has winners." minute* we'll relax and put some of our The Wright State University soccer the services of All-American Mark Myton El-Macharrafie said, "You'll see this subs in." season got underw»> on Saturday against at center halfback. Byron Patton at left year a more blended attack, with a faster The game everyone is looking forward Malone College wiih a ' I Raider victory halfback and Greg Luke as the right half tempo." This year the coach expects to see to is the WSU-UD game October 9. El- The Raiders are corning off their best finish position. "Greg Luke has shown a lot of more team play. "Last year I was looking Macharrafie does not see this game as last year with a 13-4—s record, and are ex- improvement In the preseason, and he will more for individual play because we didn't rivalry because of a difference in "team pccted to do will this year be very helpful in the transition from have the combinations we do now," he goals" or objectives. "You can tell that UD The Raider defense remain* strong wiih defense to offense," El-Macharrafie said said, "ll was play pretty, this year with is very excited about the game. But the the leadership of sophomore Hylton Dayes more depth, we are quicker technically and emotional uplifting by this game can get the List year, Hylton was a first team All- The Raider offense is lead by "our two tactically This year 1 told my players that players off target." He wishes that this was American fullback for the Raider's rookie creative spots, Eddie Ruff and Rob Camp- we want to execute the fundamentals in the a soccer rivalry and not "a North Dayton coactf" Irnad El-Macharrafie. El- bell, the number one and two scorers for shortest amount of time. Last year, even against South Dayton or Fairborn against Mac'/iarrafie describes Hylton as his the Raiders last year," El-Macharrafie sakl. though Wright State was favored in a lot Dayton rivalry." El-Macharrafie believes "strongest player c?n defense Hylton has The number three scorer for the Raiders of games, we didn't put them away as quick that if Wright Stale can show UD "what added a lot of inspiration to the other last year was Dan Durbin from Kettering as we should have. This year, we're more you can do with the ball, you take the defenders," he said. Alter He started only seven of 22 games assertive, we know how quickly we can play rivalry out of the way."

WANTED: p^-Un* poutto. ..adabfe far cot CLASSIFIEDS *«« audwl 10 rcpta*™ travel company on campui. Eani commiatlon. fraa irral and wort eqnrtaoa Comact BaadKonlm Toon, Inc. IJU MOImpon Hs-7, WlUJaaaYtlk. NY 14*21. 7IMJJ-3723 Young team faces new season

private parking, qute, J tor'srad •raian. uactor. haat aBptoyaa: I22J./ an. ofunWi- •y gny« WIDE* The Lady Raiders are facing a very tough «J. !M0./a» runudad • mil • dtp. S-SJ7H4I*, a/i Staff WfHer i * wkadr 2S3.PM0 schedule this year. They will face several In recent years Wright State's volleyball teams which were nationally ranked last MAUI AOOMMATZ wanM io *an with mm. AOtXM FOft Woaaa: 1IW I mo. Al utU . kitchan Clwiadnn paraom no»4rink«t. mrkmi sadnt. nun team has gained recognition as being a year. Ferris State, Florida Southern, and pro.idad JO Ja^MT klal Mala), wattHs feunc. hava food hysJaaa- WW dfacua location of apt., rant. IO Miami Vritey hoap aad U D Cat 44J-0ISS Division II national powerhouse. Even Lewis University are just a few of the Divi- Cal m ate Kan. if an tm haw aama though the team is only returning four sion II powerhouses the volley bailers will 6ARN M00 oa mora aadi ichooi yaar. FViiMa houn. aad ao. players who earned letters, including team fact this leaion. They will also tangle with Moalkiy paymanl for placm* po«cr> oa campua HM HOMO (o aad from WSU frora Xania ana. Bonus baaad Oct raauka. Pfiici awardad m wail. WIU Mp CM gaa. Ftaikk KfaadoJa. Cal Sort at captain senior Kim Holmes, Coach Peggy Division I foes Ball State, Dayton, and K&3M4M) J7M21S. Wynkoop expects the winning (raditior. to Miami. continue. If the Raiders art to have a successful Said Wynkoop, "We're a good cohesive season the younger players will have to unit T»ith young and seasoned players." come through for them. CRAZY CAT'S Offensively, Wynkoop is not yet sure Coach Wynkoop is counting on how the Raiden will respond. freshman Trida Basler (Cincinnati Oak Hills) and Sue Whitlow (Lawrence Central, TCP 40 VIDBO GAMES "We have % quid! multiple < Indianapolis) to be two sparkplugs on a we tack in height," explained young and aggressive team. Tiam captain Kim Holmes must also provide scoring punch and team leadership Wynkpop is Vfty confidenconf t about the if tjie volleyballers art to hae a successful team's ability on fefease. campaign. "We feave 15 payers ththai t know all their Overall, Wynkoop expects a good season defensive 'skills^" said Wynkoop. "We for the volleyball team. need to be* good defensive team." Said Wynkoop, "I don't think other Wynkoop hopes to see the volleyball teams win be overlooking us. We've got a team nationally rankeci within a month winning tradition and I don't expect that after beginning play. to change."

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