Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 9-14-1983 The Guardian, September 14, 1983 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1983). The Guardian, September 14, 1983. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. uif'" " TuI iiJrL DPi AA 11-IT /V Y vj IU Ti> \KL/\ P FI1T /YIA MN Wednesday September 14* 1983 Number 6, Volume XX Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio WSU '83 enrollment up, level off projected this decade By DREW DIXON 1983 (a 3.5 perceni increase) is directl> at- Statt WrH.f tributed lo the WSU office of admissions, Fall Quarter enrollment for Wright State Falkner said. University is up from last year's quota "The office of admissions has done a There is a 3.2 percent increase in degree great job of recruiting freshman," he said. students attending Wright State this year "I have to pat them on the back." Currently the numerical count of degree Falkner said he doesn't see the universi- students at Wright State is 11,925 ty growing much bigger over the next which is up from last year's 11,545. decade. WSU Registrar Louis Falkner attributes "I don't see the university going above the increase in enrollment to a number of 17,000 to 18,000 students," Falkner said. factors. "Many students are finding it more "In full time student status, we are the and mora expensive to go away to school. largen university in the city of Dayton. But More students are finding it easier to com- with the .high school age population mute to school," he said. decreasing it will become increasingly dif- More parking spaces? "Another reason more student* are com- ficult to grow In university population. But ing to thi* particular univenity is because we (the university) are striving to grow Wright State University a in negodations "Negotiations are still under way for the Wright State's name has appeared many larger." time* in the pre** and TV over the past to purchase land for use in the construc- proposed parking are* behind David Lee's Structurally the university may not be year," he continued. "The fact that Dr. tion of 650 parking space*. Laundromat and attorneys are still growing much larger. Falkner said, "There The proposed site is * vacant lot located negotiating because we do not own the land are certain area* of the university that need alongside the main road coming into cam- yet," said David Atwater, assistant vice additional space. Laboratories will need to pu* and behind the utility building, where president for Facilities and General expand in order to facffital* the current in- David Lea'* Laundromat is located, near Service*. crease of student*, ftit Governor (Richard) the university apartments. .- The photo shows the proposed location "The hopes are that thl* wiD create some which went from 2.632 in 1982 to 2,725 ta (see PUBLIC page 2' for the new parking space*. On the right 650 new parking space* ind possibly side of the photo, the utility building it eliminate the need for the lower campu* "T5nTBoTt?^San!TtrTtr™* located with Hamilton Hall located on the lot," said Robert Kreuer, director of Park- Welcome Back: opposite side of the road. ins Services. Look inside for COPING 101. WSU's Firstly at free parking in 13 years •y LO« CAIDWCLL »J issued at a ratio of about two faculty pected to be about 50 percent of what it Zone A is available to Mpdents, faculty members to one parking space. used to," Kretzer said. For the fira time since 19?0 Wright State and staff at a fee of $166 pw year. However Zone SI* available to staff members at "I'm conservative and change make* me University will have a free parking *y*tem. there is a waiting list- the same rales a* for faculty member*. nervou*, but we're going to give it a good B and C decal* wi D no longs be iuued. Zone F is available to faculty member* Three hundred and thirty decal* wiD alto go and make it work," said David Atwater, Both previously derignated parking lp«* wfll at a fee of $66 per year or $26 per quarter, be issued for thl* zone at a ratio of about assistant vice president for Facilities & now be zoned a* general parking area*. full-time, and $13 per quarter, part time. three staff member* to ooe parking space(pace. Oeneral Services. Thrc* zones remain on campu* that require Three hundred mad thirty decal* will be At no charge,, R decaidecal*s wiwfiHl be iwuadtlamed to "It will be toughe*! during the first two resident* of Hamilton Hall and the univer- week*," said AtwateT. while Kreuer sittity apartment*. HHdtca decak wilwiHl be iuueksued to remarked, "It should be smoothed over in handicapped student*s also at no charge. about five week*." Robert Kretzer, director of Parking Ser- The lower C lot, ooceca&ed K lot. wiH vice*vices, sai*ald the new system will bring itan now be called the tower campu* lot. AH about $120,000 thisyeathis, year aas oppoaaopposed to transportatioo wB be coattaaad to and $300,000 tain the previou* yearyew.. Although from the main campus and lower campass thlthi*s i*s a drnjfodrotf of about $380,000, the new kx. For theflnt 13 day* of »d»oi the bu* system wffwiBl coscodt about $300,000 1e*tens to will run from 8:45 a. m. to *00 p. m. operate. ' Afterward It Mm to it's usual Aboat i0)obe were eVmtaaled with the schedule: »:45 *. m. to 5:05 p. m. Inaddi- ntw perking sysUtm. Seven student pod- lion, for the fb*t few day* of *thool fhere tioa* and about three fafl ttai* ttaff po4- wfll b»-a second bu* ta the event of rnm car* wtt be on campu*. W. en- courage tar pools and the u»t of the tran- **£••*- WecregctagtohavetoadjuM." J TV Dub Guardian September 14. IWJ Installment plan takes bite out of tuition a O*FW mow T Students wishini to withdraw after the tun wraw those progiarm have proved to be sue the installments at all. thai student will be refund period (September 8) win stiU have cessful There isn't any reason why our pro- referred to a formal collection \gency gram won't be successful A student may make a partial payment to pay for the remaining installments "It's only fair," Rambo said, "to those This year WSl. students having dlf "We at the bursar's office have recetv on the installments before the due date of students who payed their full tuition at the fKuhies paying all of their tuition fees ai ed positive feedback from the students " that mstaHmem But if the student Joes nol beginning of the quarter We don't want one time will have another option For the Rarnbo said pay for the full installment by the due date, to discriminate for or against anyone. first time Wright State will be offering • Along with the new program will come the student's records will be pu! on hold "If a nudent who payed for their fun tui- Students Installment Payment Plan (SIPP) new tasks to be performed The paper work and penalty fees will be enforced tion at the beginning of the quarter decides instead of paying the total fee ai one for the program will be done without the A student may not use financial aid to to withdraw after the refund period, he's ume ,' a itudent can make three payments assistance of computers, Rambo said In pay for installments The corresponding out $540 toward then ;u?t>OG The first payment is turn there will be costs that will have to be fees not covered by financial aid that the "Why should a student who is on the in- di*r prior to the ftrsi day of faB quarter accounted for. he added student must pay will be spread out over stallment program (and withdraws) only clauaes The neit two payments are due on A new person has been assigned to work the three month period September JO and October JO specifically on SIPP To cover-the coat of There will be no penalty or bonus for have to pay the first installment? That stu- As of September i, II percent (1400 the new person, there is a $15 service charge students who complete installment dent win have to pay for the fuB tuition just students) ai the nearly 12.000 degree which is payed with the initial payment payments early like the student who payed for the full tui- students enrolled 'ire on SIPP Rambo said there win be no perceivable Students win be able to pay for in tion at the beginning of the quarter The plan was proposed last May by account for the people who won't be pay staOmenu through the mail. But payments "The student on the installment plan win Wright State University's Bursar Steve mg then payments on time In hopes of win have to reach the bursar's office by the have to complete the payments even if the Rambo The university approved the plan preventing this.
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