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SiiiCCoieva JW:~ ~------------JUbm~ Goofs \ "First have their day at big rally and come, first served" decrees dance-mixer Friday night as graduate manager's office. No campus dons costumes for pre- reserve seats for students! game pep. Washington Evergreen STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON, PULLMAN, WASH., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 29,1937 No.5 VOL. XLIV. ---- ------" Pre-Game RallyWill Feature Full Program Women's Groups Welcome 138 "Goof" Parade, All-College Mix Greets WSC Neophytes As Rushing Closes m Three Sororities Prizes Will Go Last Frosh Exams Dads Friday ~ Group Hears Tie For First To Groups Vieing Come Saturday "Send Dad Personal "Fez Day" Friday In Big Pep-Fest Invitation," Urges In Pledging Race The psychological examina- Friday is "fez day!" AWS Plans tion is compulsory for fresh- Something new in rallies will be McAlister On that day, Washington When Panhellenic's formal pledg- men and new students who are State will observe its traditional ing machinery came squealing to a shown Washington State students Orientation Tea and their Dads Friday night at 7 Convocation To- transfers. Personal invitations should be expression of Cougar spirit. stop along sorority row last night, If you missed the test during o'clock when the campus gathers sent by students to every \VSC dad And-according to Ed Tugaw, 138 woman students had accepted morrow Features freshman days, you will be giv- Committee w.n for a "Goof" parade, yell session, to attend the annual' Dad's week- rally ccrnmittee chairman, the the pledge of 13 different Greek en an opportunity to take the and possibly an all-college mixer end this week, Lyle McAlister, Dad's vigilance committee will be out Meet Tonight sisterhoods on the campus. Unique Dramatist psychological examination on in the men's gymnasium. week-end committee chairman urged to see that it is observed. Three groups last night claimed Saturday morning, October Z, at Ed Tugaw, rally committee chair- today. To the freshmen and to the Thirty women who will act as top honors for number of women Ma nv of Shakespeare's immortal 9 :00 o'clock a. rn., in College man, today promised the "craziest, A full week-end is planned for uninitiated ,the fez tradition student hostesses to freshman \\'0- pledged. Alpha Gamma Delta, characters will live again in Jack r Hall, Room 211. We cannot ex- biggest, peppiest pre-game event of all WSC fathers from the time they means simply this: the fez or men at the A WS orientation teas, Kappa Delta and Pi Beta Phi each Rank's presentation of his "Shakes- I cuse students from taking this the year" for this 'pep-fest' Friday pearean Revue" at convocation to- arrive on the hill to the time they rooter hat is to be worn on which begin Monday, will meet to- turned in a iist of 19 neophytes. night when he disclosed details for examination. Please do pot make leave, he said. Festivities will be- every Friday before a Washing- Kappa Alpha Theta placed with 17, morrow. such request. Those who fail night at 7 o'clock in the women's the rally, arranged at a committee gill with the rally Friday evening ton State game and also on the room on the second floor of the while Alpha Chi Omega took show Rank, who was well received when to take the examination next meeting yesterday afternoon. I and end with individual entertain- day of the game. The hats Home Economics building, money with a group of IS. he was first introduced to the cam- Saturday will have to pay a fee "Goof" Parade Feature ment at group houses after the may be obtained at the Students' The new plan for introducing Complete lists of women 'pledged pus a year ago, is the first of a in order to take this test at a game Saturday night, Dressed in "goofy" costumes, Bookstore. campus life to the new students will by each group last night follow, group or artists billed to appear be- later date. Dads Elect Officers members of campus groups houses be outlined by Dean Lulu Holmes, Alpha Chi Omega: Rosalie Howe, fore the student body this year. I ~ New officers of the Dad's Associ- Barbara Fairchild, A\VS president, Tacoma; Pat Henry, Pullman; and residence halls will begin a English and literature students ation will be elected Saturday morn- and Delma De Yarrnon, orientation Mary Frances Monaghan, Spokane; parade in front of the Bookstore will be of special interest to this ing when the association will con- Dads' Lunch chairman. Marylyn Boslie, Pullman; Inez promptly at 7 o'clock, led by year's show, for Rank will portray Frosh Defy vene in E. A. Bryan hall for its Blcom Works Collart, Seattle; Gayle Van Divont, "Butch", Cougar mascot, and the such well-known Shakespearean eighth annual gathering. The meet- Women acting on the committee Wenatchee; Louise Baker, Pullman; college band. Picking up all groups characters as Lady Macbeth, An- ing will be called to order promptly include Barbara Bloom, Claire Con- Patricia Stone, Monrovia, Califor- en route, the parade will wind tonio, Portia and Shylock. at 10 o'clock by E. A, Boyd of Tickets Sell through Greek row and will march Soph Rule over, Betty Cooper, Dorothy Da- Uses New Settings Spokane, last year's president. A Turn to Page Two to the men's gymnasium. 1110n,Dorothy Dear e, Alysjune Dun- Included tbis year will be new I talk by Otis McCreery, Dean of Luncheon Tickets f ning, Lucille Elam, Emlyn Griggs. The student body will assemble Paddle Squads En- Men. and a short program will con- in the balcony for a brief rally stage settings and electrical effects, I Dorothea Kembel, Hope Kim- which should do much· to enhance force Old Tradition clude the meeting, For Dad's Day brough, Pat McGil licuddv. Anne Turn to Page Four the general atmosphere of the re- Registration will begin at 9 o'clock Montgomery, Vivian N aimy, J 0 Barnard Lists Saturday morning in the women's Go on Sale vue. Of Wearing Greens Newport, Betty Offerman, Esther I Rank is an experienced showman, gym, and will continue until noon. Ott. haying written and directed two All fathers should register as soon Tickets for the Dads' Day lunch- Failure Causes ldaho-WSC Sophomore paddle squads made as they arrive, Others working are Norma Peter- plays, "Vienaa Express," and "Ap- eon went on sale yesterday after- son, Kathryn Schoedel. Kay Smith, their appearance on the campus yes- Game Comes Next noon in the bookstore for fifty cents, "Poor management is the cause of Questions And ril Sho\\'ers." This experience, com- terday, distinguished by red felt arm Bernadine Turner, Jean Ward. Vi- bined with his inherent ability for Following a \l0011 luncheon at the 'Tickets are available for all iathers, 95 pel- cent of the failures in student bands on their sleeves. ola Wentsch, Jane Wilson, Carol the drama, has brought to Rank C0111mons in their honor, Dads will and if there are any extra, students work at college," says Frank T. Answers "The freshman gree n tradition will Coffman and Nancy Sampson. the reputation of becoming one of proceed to the football game at Rog- will be able to attend with their Barnard. registrar at Washington be strictly enforced this year by the Vcllmer To Assist' * * * the foremost dramatic artists in Am- ers' Field where a special section fa thcrs. State college. "The student who care- Here are some of the ques- class of '40," declared Kenny De- Henrietta Volmer, Barbara Jean erica. The luncheon IS scheduled for fully budgets his time and sees to it tions students are asking about vine, sophomore vigilance commi t- Turn to Page Four Clark, Bernice Heil, Margaret Nail 12 noon, and will be held at the that study. outside activities. and the WSC-Idaho game Satur- tee chairman. yesterday. and Dorothy Sly. Commons. It immediately follows social affairs all playa balanced part day afternoon on Rogers field. Invitations will be mailed to fresh- rngl·1sh rxams "This tradition' is one of long Dads' Association meeting held ear- in his college life, will make a suc- The graduate manager's office E: E: standing and one that should be men women by their respective lier III the morning. Students are cess of his schooling, has supplied the answers: continued. It is up to the freshman hostesses immediately. Board Names urged to buy their tickets as SOOIl Many Causes for Failure J 1. 'When does the game begin? rxempt Twenty class to recognize and preserve this as possible, "Failures are due to any number The game will start prompt- E: tradition." of causes," Mr. Barnard continues, Dorothy Damon IS chairman of lyat 2 p. m. ---- Already a note of defiance has ap- "such as ill health, poor preparation 35 Students the luncheon committee. Open House 2. Whar rs pr ice of admission? Twenty freshmen have been ex- peared through signs painted on the in fundamental subjects in high :student coupons admit erupted from the Erig lish 1 cla sses II s t ep s vf Bryan hall. "'Nc do nOI in" school, too much social life, financial without additional cost. as a result of th eir high grades tend to tolerate defacing of school Rumburg Appoints YWCA Opens Schedule Made worry, outside work, too much time Qoupon number 2 will be in the English placement tests given buildings." emphasized Devine. Membership and interest in athletics, lack of in- taken at the gate. It must during freshmen days. "The larger boys of the sopho- 0rew Committees The Open House committee will terest, and poor study conditions.