

The aim of this work has been to bring together all the books and articles bearing on the history of the state of Ill- inois, as far as possible, and to so arrange and classify them as to make them of the greatest use to the student of the sub- ject. This has been only partially accomplished, owing chiefly to the inaccessibility of much of the material, but it is felt that the list of works included will furnish at least a work- ing basis for anyone desiring to pursue the study of this spec-^ ial part of the nation's history.

The time covered by the list extends from the year of the famous voyage of Marquette and Joliet, when the coun- try is first known to have been traversed by the steps of white men, to the opening of the Civil war. The period divisions used are those into which the history seems most naturally to divide itself. Further divisions might have been made, but were not be- cause of the difficulty in separating the material correspondingly.

The first period, that of the discovery and exploration of the country, from 1673 to 1700, is more fully covered than any of the others; yet, as the study of this epoch involves that of the early history of both Canada and , the number of works to be consulted was very large and the treatment is not to any great degree exhaustive. It is regretted that the new edi- tion of the "Jesuit Relations", which is now appearing under the editorship of Mr. R, Q, Thwaites, has not as yet been brought down to a late enough date to be included, for, as it is to em- brace many Relations not in the former edition, it will doubtless contain much of great value to our subject.

The next period, that of French colonization , and the subse- quent ones^are in a general way, it is hoped, satisfactorily treated. Many omissions were, hov/ever, unavoidable. The litera- ture of the ordinance of 1787, whic?i might be desired by the stu- dent of Illinois history, for instance, was so abundant and vari- ed that it could barely be touched upon; that of the slavery move vement in the state and of the constitutional history of the state were also but incidentally treated of. The histories of various cities and counties it was also found necessary to omit. The short list of references on the Chicago massacre is included, how- ever, because the material was accessible and because it seemed to belong quite as well to the history of the state as to that of Chicago proper.

As the object of the work was merely to bring together such material as was available on the subject for the use of students, not so much effort has bejen expended in collecting bibliographic details about the books included, as in obtaining the exact re-

ference in every cas- , and in so analyzing and annotating them as

to exactly indicate their contents.

As the work is to such a great degree analytical only the authors and brief titles of the books are given in the entries under the period divisions, the full titles and imprints being given in the "List of books referred to under the different peri- ods with full titles and imprints" appended at the close. It is hoped that this v/ill furnish as convenient a form of reference as is needed.


Table of contents.

T, Abbreviations for periodical references. ------6,*

2. Bibliographical works consulted. 7.

3. Lists of works on the history of Illinois.

a. General history. .9^

b. Period of discovery & exploration, I673-I700. - - - n.

c. Period of French colonization, I700-I763. ----- 20.

d. Illinois under British control, I763-I777, - - - - -26.

e. Illinois as a part of , the Northwest

territory and the territory of , I777-I809. -29.

f. Illinois as a territory, I809-I8I8. ------35.

g. Chicago massacre, I8I2. 41,

h. Illinois as a state from its adnittanco to the

Union to the beginning of the Civil war, I8I8-I86I . -43

4. List of works referred to under the different periods

with full titles and imprints. 50.

Abbreviations for periodical references.

Am. Antiq. ------American antiquarian.

Am. Hist. R. ------American historical review.

Ajn. Pioneer ------American pioneer.

Chr. Mo. Spec. ------Christian monthly spectator. De Bow. ------De Bow*s commercial review. Harp. ------Harpers monthly magazine.

Hesp, ------Hesperian.

Hist. M. ------Historical magazine,

111. Mo. ------Illinois monthly magazine.

Legal adv. ------Legal adviser.

M. Am. Hist. ------Magazine of American history.

K, West. Hist, ------Magazine of Western history.

Meth. 0, ------Methodist quarterly,

Nat. M. ------National magazine.

New Eng. M. ------New England magazine.

NileV Reg. ------NileV register.

N. Am. R. ------North American review.

Olden time ------Olden time.

Once a week ------Once a week.

Potter Am. Mo. ------Potter»s American monthly.

West. J. ------Western journal,

-We^t . :>Wq -^este-r-^A -mo-nAV>V|^

Note:- The form of reference to periodicals is that used in "Poole's index to periodical literature", volume and page numbers being separated by a colon.


Bibliographical works consulted. Book's.

Adams, G: K. Manual of historical literature.

Griffin, A. P. F.

Discovery of the Mississipx^i ; a bibliographical account.

Karri sse, Henri. Notes pour servir a I'histoire a la bibliographie at a la cartographic de la Nouvelle France et des pays adjacents I548-I700.

Thomson, P. G, Bibliography of the state of .

Winsor, Justin. Narrative and critical history.

Catalogues & indexes.

American catalogue.

A. L. A, index to general literature.

Annual literary index to periodical literature.

Chicago-Public library . Catalogue

Cumulative index.

Illinois state library . Catalogue

Peabody institute of the city of Baltimore .Catalogue of the library,

Poole* s index to periodical literature.

General history.

Armstrong, P. A. Centennial history of Grunrly county. Gives clear outline of early settlement and conquest of Illinois down to 1800.

Barber, J. W, &• Howe, Henry. All the western states. p. 195-250. Contains outline history of state and gives much statistical and commercial information concerning towns etc., of a directory nature.

Blanchard, Rufus. Discovery and conquest of the northwest.

History of Illinois. A brief account of Illinois history told entertainingly.

Brass, W, History of Illinois. t>»M»PN\«-fca-¥\it-r> Stuve, Bernard. History of Illinois. Gives full account of the early as well as the later history, with clearness.

Flint, Timothy. History... of the Mississippi valley. p. 319-35. Chiefly geographi cal ,but includes brief r.ccounts of the early towns and cities.

Gerhard, F.

Illinois as it is . p. 13-137. Relates the history of the state clearly and concisely.

Hanford, T. W, History of Illinois.

Johnson's universal encyclopaedia. 4:499-500. Outline.

. ,

\ o

Larned, J. N. History for ready reference. 3; 16.94-96. Outline

Monette, J. W. History of the discovery and settlement of., the Mississippi. "A work based on careful researches and of great value to the historical student." Adams, C. K. Manual of historical literature. "Contains elaborate sketches of the settlement of Louisiana and Illinois^ Winsor .,3uL-A\^.3Havra\;-\ie. v

Perrin, J. N. Address delivered at St. Clair county centennial celebration at Belleville, 111, in 1890. A very brief outline of the history of the state, bringing out in condensed form the important dates, epochs and events in its discovery, settlement and progress

Moses John. Illinois, Historical and statistical. The latest work on the subject; presenting new facts in regard to the history and correcting and modifying earlier statements in light of later information.

New American Cyclopaedia. 9:466-67, Outline,

Washburne, E, B. Illinois, history, manufactures etc. Article prepared for the Sncycolpaedia Britannica; brief, clear and concise.


Period of discovery and exploration.

*Allonez, Pere Claude. Illinois, P?n,ld/''pfi«?-'^^^^''^^^°''^^"^^' etc. (see Dablon, ''''' re.arquablo I672-?673!'''''p.l86!2^9.Y''' ^'"^ !

d»un troisi^me voyage fait aux Illinois, (see Dablon, mf^J Relation... I673-I679. p. 128-34. & Martin,-!!!' mVit;. * Mission du Canada. p. )

f .7^^?"^^'^^ ®^ ' ^- Discovery and explora-« tionMnr, ^ f ^ of the Mississippi. p. 67-82.)

Andreas, A. T, History of Chicago. 1:40-66. Bancroft, George. History of the . 3;I65-67. Blanch ard, Rufus. ^is^overy and conquest of the northwest. p. 15-22,

•Boutel-Dumont , G. M. Memoires historique sur la Louisiane. 2-71-73 Describes Fort St. Louis.

English, (see French, nr.li. B. F. Historical Collections of Louisiana. 5:36-37.)

Bradford, W. J, A. Notes on the northwest. p. 70-75. Contributes nothing original to* the subject and not is always accurate; as, for instance, Creve- and coT\er Chicago are spoken of as the same place. Breese, Sidney. Pearly history of Illinois. p. 67-140 & p. 286-302.

articles marked with • ma?eriS! a contain original

Brown, Henry. History of Illinois. p. II8-I44.

•Butterfield, C. W. History of the discovery of the northwest by John Nicolet. p. 70-71. Shows that Nicolet probably visited in the year 1640.

''^ Butler, J. D. • First foot-prints beyond the lakes. ReprintS(i from Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. Defines motives of La Salle and other travellers.

Carpenter, W. H. & Arthur, T. S, ed. History of Illinois. p. 19-45.

•Charlevoix, Rev. P. F. X. de. History and general description of . 3:180, 197, 203-130. 5:131-133.

Commission for Sieur de la Salle, (see Brodhead, J. R, Documents relating to the colonial history of N. Y. 9:225.) A commission from the King of France to command the French possessions of America.

Davidson, Alexander & Stuve^, Bernard. History of Illinois. p. 59-107.

Duffield, Oration at Mackinac Aug. 15, 1878. On the question of Marquette's ever having been in Chicago.


Gravier, Gabriel. , Ddcouvertes et e tablissements de Cavelior de la S^ille. p. 135-167.

Griffin, A. P. C. The discovery of the Mississippi. Gives full information (chiefly bibliographical) regarding life and explorations of Joliet, Marquette, La Salle and later explorers.

Garneau, F. X. History of Canada. 1:257-66. Not very full.

•Harrisse, Henri. ^ Notes pour servoir a I'histoire a la bibliographic ... de la Nouvelle France. p. 322-23. A letter of Joliet's from Quebec, briefly relating his adventures,

Hager, A. D. Was Father Marquette ever in Chicago?

Hart, A. M. History' of the discovery of the valley of the Mississippi.

. p. 43-55. Relates La Salle* s and Tonti's experiences and troubles with the Indians in the Illinois country during the years 1680-82.

Henepin, re Louis. Discription de la Louisiane. p. II9-I89.

Jn English tr, by J. G. Shea, 140-192. Description of La Salle's expedition in the Illinois country in 1680, giving an account of the building of Ft. Creve- cooler, his journey down the etc.

Nouvelle decouverte d'un tres grand pays situe dans L'Amerique entre le Nouveau Mexique et It rner glaciale.

In English. "The most part of which is a fabrication made up in part from the reports of their travellers and onbellish- ed with the romancn of his imagination." French, B.F. in his Historical Collections of Louisiana. 1:195.

Account of the discovery of the river Mississippi and the adjacent country, (see French, B. F. Historical Collections of Louisiana. 1:202-6.)

Hinsdale, R. A. The old northwest. 34-35, & p. 43-48.

Hurlburt , H. H. Chicago antiquities. "Has an account of the early discovery of the portago." V/i ns o r \t\ >5< *>y cvA'^ciN V^W^^^yv^ 4:198.

. ) )

''Contains extracts from diaries of travellers from Joliet and Marquette down to the present and critical essays upon the early discovers of the Illinois and Mississippi. M. Am, Hist. 8:74. (Ja 82.

Hurlburt , H. H. Father Marquette at Mackinac and Chicago. A paper read before the Chicago Historical Society Oct. 15, 1878.

Joutel, Henri. Journal historique du dernier voyage que feu M. de la

Salle fit . .

Tn English (see French, B, F. Historical Collections of Louisiana. I;I82-I93.) Contains description of winter passed by Joutel and his followers at Ft. St. Louis in the Illinois country on their way to Canada. Charlevoix says that Joutel was the most reliable of La Salle's followers.

K^-ngsford, William. History of Canada. 1:466-478. Relates La Salle* s expedition in Illinois country in 1680.

Kirkland, Joseph. Story of Chicago. p. 8-25. Gives valuable chronological table of exploration and events of history from I673-I833.

La Salle, Robert Cavelier, Sieur de, Lettres, et correspondance relative a ses entreprises (1678-85) (see Margry, Pierre. Decouvertes et etablissements V. 2. 1. Cavelier de la Salle s'etablit aux Illinois ^lettre du decouvr(^y a un de «es associe's. 2:32-93. 2. Relation du voyage de Cavelier de la Salle du 22 Aut. 1680 d I'automne de I68I; lettre de Cavelier de la Salle. 2:115-159. 3. De la Salle arrive aux Illinois; description du pays Jusqu'a la recontre du avec ce fleuve que la decouvreV a nomme fleuve Colbert: feuille*

detache'es d'un '^lettres de la Salle. 2: 164-180, >

In English in M. Am. Hist. 2:552-61 . (s 97.


Le Clerq, Pere Chrestion. Premier e tablisn-want de la foy...

-tr. by J. G. Shea. p. II7-I48. With the exception of Vk,imnit.^\-ti' s Description of Louisiana" this work gives the earliest account of the explorations of La Salle and was written by R«t«"i\»jfc\ pmd missionaries v/ho were his companions. Relates the troubles, conflicts, etc, of the Illinois mission at Ft, Crove-coTler in 1686.

Marquette, Pere Jacques, R^cit des voyages et des decouvertes. (sec Shea, J, G, Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi. p. 258-64.) Gives an unfinished letter of Father Marquette... containing a journal of his last visit to Illinois.

Recit du 2nd. voyage que le Pere Marquette a fait aux Illinois, (see Dablon, Claude. Relation. 1672-73

p. 99-121. & Margry, Pierre. Decouvertes... 1:259-76. )

-In English. Shea, J. G. Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi. p. 3-97.

Martin, F. X. History of Louisiana. 1:82-102. Account of La Salle's journeyings and explorations.

Mas on, A.t. Pioneer history of America. p. 81-96. Describes La Salle* s voyages and conquests.

Matson, N. Pioneers of Illinois. p. 22-99. Accurate in detail and entertainingly written.

•Membre, Father Zenobrius. Narrative of the adventures of La Salle's party, (see Shea, J. G, Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi, p. 147-164.)

Milburn, W. H. Pioneers, preachers and people of the Mississippi valley, p. 69-105. Voyages of Marquette and La Salle.

Monet te, J. W. History of the discovery and settlement of the Mississippi. 1:127, 135-138, 141.


Parkman, Francis. La Salle and the discovery of the great west. p. 48-72, 151-74, 188-200, 223-24. Gives full account of the first trips up the Illinois river, voyages of Joliet and Marquette and founding and fate of different forts and settlements.

Parry, G. 0. Historical adress on the early explorations and settlement of the Mississippi valley. Valuable for showing the relation of the work of the various explorers.

Peck, J. M, Sc Perkins, Eev. J. H. Annals of the west. p. 31-33, 37-40. J^xplorations of Marquette and his followers.

Perkins, J. JI. Memoirs and writings. 1:132-52. Good brief account of the explorations of the early travellers

Rarneau, E. La France aux Colonies. (see French, B. F. Historical Collections of Louisiana. 2:56, 291.) Description of the inhabitants of Ft. St. Loiiis after its founding by La Salle and Tonti,

•Relation officiolle de I'entreprise de Cavlier de la Salle. I679-I68I. {see Margry, Pierre. Decouvertes et e tablissements 1:435-544.) This is considered to be the official report drawn up by Abbe Beurou from La Salle *s letters.

Reynolds, John. Pioneer history of Illinois. p. 11-29. Gives in outline early discoveries and voyages in Illinois.

Shea, J, G. Catholic missions. p. 403-20. Gives an account of Marquette's success in the Illinois missions.

Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi.



•Shea, J. G. Early voyages up and down the Mississippi. p. 51-65, 84-85. Gives a letter of Saint Cosme concerning a trip down the Mississippi in 1699 which describes a trip from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi down the Illinois river.

Sparks, Jared. Life of Father Marquette. (see Sparks, Jared. ed. Library of American biography. 10:265-99.)

Life of R. 0, de la Salle, (see Sparks, Jared. ed. Library of Amer. biography. 1:1.)

•Tonti, Henri de.^ Dernieres deccouvertes dans I'Amerique septentrionale de M. de la Salle.

In English (see W. Y, Historical Society's Collections. 2:217-341.) "An apocraphal set of letters not written by Tonti."


Memoire envoye in 1693 sur la decouverte du Mississippi par de la Salle en 1678 et depuis sa nort. (see Margry, Pierre. Relations et memoirs inedits, p. 1-36.)

— In English. (see French, B. F. Historical Col- lections of Louisiana, 1:52-78, & Falconer, Thomas. On the discovery of the Mississippi. p. 47-96.) Contains a description of the Illinois country,


Relation ocrit de Quebec le 14 Novembre 1684. (see Margry, Pierre. Decouvertes et 6 tablisseraent des franpais. I :58I-89. Relates the enterprises of M. de la Salle. I678-I683.

Wallace, Joseph. History of Illinois and Louisiana. p. 45-152. Voyages of Joliet and Marquette and La Salle and Tonti.

•Winsor, Justin. Narrative and critical history. 4:201-46.

Period oif discovery and exploration, Periodical references.

Beckwiih, H, W. Illinois, map of, in 1680, Am. Antiq. 17:213-16. (Jl 95.)

Butterfield, C, W, Chicago; the metropolis of the v/est. M. West. Hist. 9:427-37. (F 89.)

History of Ohio. M. West. Hist. 5:51-58. (N 86.) Brief account of the explorations of Marquette and La Salle through the Illinois country.

Davis, Samuel W, French explorers in the northwest, M. West. Hist, 15:27-78. (Ja 92,)

Hurlburt, H. H. Father Marquette at Mackinac and Chicago. M. Am. Hist, 3:325. (My 79.)

Graham, A. A., Story of the Starved Rock on the Illinois. M. West. Hist. 1:213-30. (Ja 95.)

Green, J. H. Early French travellers in the west. 11, Ajn. R. 48:63-108. (Ja 1839.) A. review of Jared Sparks Life of Marquette; gives occasion to writer to trace the various explorations of early discovers in the west; which he does in a thorough and interesting manner,

Gravier, Gabriel. Robert Cavelier de la Salle. M. Ajn, Hist. 8:305-14, (My 82.) A biographical sketch; giving account of his ex-

plorations .

•Jonan, Henri. Jean Nicolet, interpreter and voyager in Canada I6I8-I642, tr. by Grace Clark.

Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. 11:1-20. p. 14-15 mentions the fact that Nicolet probably • entered the territory of the Illinois.

Mason, E. G. Early visitors to Chicago.

New Eng. M. 6 (new ser.) : 188-206. (Ap 92.)

•Sagean, Matthew. Extract from the relation of the adventures and voyages of Matthew Sagean. Hist. M. I0;65-7I. (Mr 66.) Mention of the building of Ft. St. Louis on tne Illinois.

Shea, J. G, Chicago from I673-I725; or, What is known as the first

Hist. M. 5:99-104. (Ap 61.)

The discovery of the Mississippi. Wis. Hist. Soc. Col. 7:111-22, Describes the return route of Marquette and Joliet.


Period of French colonization.

Andreas, A. T. History of Chicago. p. 67-72.

Beck, L. C. Gazetteer of the states of Illinois and Missouri. Contains a plan of Port Ghartres.

Binneteau, Pere Julien. Lettres du Pere Rinneteau de la compagnie de J^sus a un pe're de la meme compagnie. (see Relation des affaires du Canada. p. 51-62.) Work of mission, manners and customs of the people. Dated, "Du pays des Illinois. .. 1699.

Blanchard, Rufus. Discovery and conquest of the northwest. p. 129-31.

Bossu, Capt. N. Letters of travel through Louisiana, p. 127. Description of Fort Chartres.

Breose, Sidney, Early history of Illinois. p, 14-234. "Contains an interesting description of French life in Illinois. " Winsor, Justin. Narrative and critical history. 5:71.

Brown, Henry. History of Illinois. p. 144-206,

•Charlevoix, Father r.K.de Journal of a voyage to North America. 2:215-224, 235-45.

§Glark, William. Observations on the late and present conduct of the French. "Gives a long account of the French encroachment on the Ohio." Thomson, P. G, Bibliography of Ohio, p, 68.

Note:- Books and articles marked with a • contain original material. Those marked with a § have not been examined.

Davidson, Alexander & Stuvo, Bernard. History of Illinois. p. I08-I6I.

Drake, S. A.. LThe) making of the Ohio valley. p. 31-38. Description of the French on the Mississippi and the Wabash.

Ferris, Jacob. States and territories of the great west. p. 75-82. Life at the French settlements,

Gali ssoniere , M. de la. Letter to Coimt de Maurepas. (see Brodhead, J, R. Documents relating to the colonial history of...N. Y. 10:134-36.) Gives some account of condition of French settlement in country of Illinois and Louisiana.

Hall, James. Romance of western history. p. 28-51. Describes the French settlement of Kaskaskia, Fort Chartres, etc., the people, their manners and customs, institutions, etc.

Sketches of history, life and manners in the west, p. 142-64. Portrays entertainingly the early French settlers and gives many curious ancjcdotes of the places and people.

Hinsdale, B. A., ^The^old Northwest. p. 52-53. Separation of Illinois from Louisiana.

Howe, Henry. Historical collections of the great west. p. 79-84. Recounts the manners and customs of the early settlers.

*Imlay, Gilbert. Topographical description of the western territory, p. 13, lOI. Very brief but valuable description of the country and life of the French settlers.

Jeffrey^ Thomas. History of the French dominion in North America.


Kirkland, Joseph. Story of Ghica^^o. p. 26-35.

Mares t, Pere Gabriel. Lett re au Pere Garmon de la meme compagnie. (see Lett res edifiantos et curieusos... p. 303-89.) ^ Dated "Aux Gasckaskias village de la Sainte Vierge le 9 Novembre I7I2.

In English Csee Kip, Rev. W. I. corap. Early Jesuit missions. p. 195-222.")

Lettres du P. Gabriel Marest de la compagnio de Jesus a un Pere de la meme compagnie. (see Relation des affaires du Canada in 1696. p. 43-50.) Dated "Du pays des Illinois au la Nouvelle France le 29 Avril, 1699." Gives an account of the mission.

Mason, E. G. Illinois in the I8th. century. p. 1-68. Contents 1. Kaskaskia and its parish records. 2. Old Fort Chartres. 3. Col. John Todd's record-book. "The recital of the grants, the marriages arad the

Chris tenin;;s at Kaskea and r. t. Anne brings us close to Boisbriant, Artaquotte and the other French leaders whose lives are interwoven with the narratives of events in Illinois. The doscript ionof Fort Chartres is by far the best extant." Winsor, Justin. "Narrative and critical history. 5:69.

Iv'atson N, . Pioneers of Illinois. p. 99-115, 180-92, 215-28.

French and Indians of Illinois river.

Milburn, W. H. Pionoors, preachers and people of the Mississippi valley, p. 129-162.

§Mitchell, John. Contest in America between Great Britain and France.

Monette, J. W.

History of the discovery and settlement of the . . . jMississipp p. 157-58, 161-67, 181-94, 233-34.

Parkman, Francis. History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac. p. 513-21, Brief description of early French settlements.

Peck, J. M. Sc Perkins, J. W. ed. Annals of the west. p. 56, 65-64, 678-727.

•Pittman, Philip. Present state of European settlement. p. 42-55. Description of the French settlements when captured by the British. Gives plans of several of the forts and villages.

•Pownall, Thomas. Administration of the colonies. Apx. section I. "Deals with the subject of early history of Illinois and the Illinois villages and forts. " Winsor, Justin. Narrative and critical history. 5:69.

Rameau, }\ (s,La)France aux colonies, part 2. p. 298. Gives a clear summary of the French settlement in the Illinois country and their population in the early part of the I8th. cent.

Reynolds, John. Pioneer history of Illinois. p. 29-54.

Roosevelt, Theodore. Winning of the West. I: 34-48. French settlements, life and condition of the people.

Shea, J, G. History of the Catholic missions among the Indian tribes, p. 421-34.

* Stirling, Thomas. Minute of surrender of Ft, Chartre...to the English, (see Brodhead, J. R. Documents relating to the colonial history of N. Y. 10:1161-65.)

Stoddard, Amos. Sketches of ... Louisiana. 232-34. Brief account of the French settlement in the Illinois country.


Tuttle, C. R. & Pennock, Rev. k, G. tThe-* centennial northwest. p. 136-144. Description of French settlements, largely made up from Pittman's account.

*Vivier, Fathor. Letter from Illinois ,1750. (see Kip. Rev. W. T, comp. Early Jesuit missions. p. 315-21.)

IjHe Lett res ^di f i |ant es . 29:58.

Wallace, Joseph, History of Illinois and Louisiana. p. I94-2II, 270-76, 304-18, 404-15. One of the best and fullest accounts of the period.

Winsor, Justin. Mississippi basin. "This work traces the counter-movements of the Englivsh and French in adventure, trade and war for the possession of the Mississippi valley, showing how such movements were directed on geographical lines." Annual Amer. Cat. 1895. p. 230.



Period of French colonization. Periodical refGrences.

Account of the French forts ceded to Great Britian in Louisiana, 1763. Olden time 1:321. Written by an officer well acquainted with the places he describes.

Rroadhead, 6. C. Settlements west of the Alleghanies prior to 1776. M. Am. Hist. 29:332-37. (Ap 93.)

Moses, John. Early French society in Illinois. n. West. Hist. 10:561-65. (S 89.) Interesting description of manners and customs.

Thompson. Albert. In and about Kaskaskia. M. West. Hist. 6:37-49. (My 87.)

Collet, 0. W. ed. Notes and criticisms on unsettled points in early western history M. West. Hist. 1:261-69. (F 85.) Account of Father Watrin of the missions of Louisiana

. )

Illinois under British control.

Blanchard, Rufus. Discovery and conquest of the northwest. p. 145-49, 153-56.

Brown, Henry, History of Illinois. p. 207-27.

Carpenter, W. H. 8r. Arthur, T, S. ed. History of Illinois, p. 59-75.

'Croghan, George. Journal. (see Butler, Mann. History of Kentucky. Apx. Hildreth, S. P. Sketches of pioneer history. Brodhead, J. R, Documents relating to the colonial history

of. . .N. y. 7:779-88. Col. Croghan was sent out after the peace of 1763 to explore the country adjacent to the and to capture Fort Ghartros and the Illinois country.

Davidson, Alexander & St uve, Bernard. History of Illinois. p. 162-72.

Dillon, J. B. History of Indiana. p. 114-36.

§GrOrdon, Harry. Extracts from the journal of Capt. Harry Gordon. (see Pownall, Thomas. Topographical description of North America. Apx. p. 2. "Capt. Gordon was the chief engineer in the western department of North America and was sent from on the river Ohio down the said river and to the Illinois in 1766." Thomas, P. G. Bibliography of Ohio. p. 135.

* Johnson, Sir William. Letter to the Lords of trades. (sec Brodhead, J. R, Documents relating to the colonial history of...N. Y. 7:775-79. Describes French treatment of Indians in Illinois country

Note:- Books and articles marked with a * contain original material. Those marked with a § have not been examined

Johnson, Sir William.

7 :808-I0. Describes Illinois settlements at time country came under British control.

•Kennedy, Patrick. Journal of an expedition, (see Imlay, Gilbert. Topographical description of the western territory. p. 506-11.) Expedition from Kaskaskia to the head waters of the Illinois river.

•Mason, E. G. Philippe de Rocheblave and Rocheblave pa.pers. Gives account of Rocheblave and his connection with the British, including much concerning Kaskaskia.

"His nam.e (Rocheblave * s ) marks an epoch and will alvmys have a kind of prominence as that of the last official representative of monarchial institutions upon the soil of Illinois," p. 252,

Matson, N. Pioneers of Illinois, p. II7-I23, p. 125-26.

Monette, J. W. History of discovery and settlem.ent of the Mississippi, 1:403, 408-14.

•Moses, John. Court of inquiry at Fort Chartres. (see Mason, G, Philippe do Rocheblave, p. 91-356.) "Being the text of a report of one of the courts of inquiry instituted for settling civil disputes,"

•Pittman, Philip. Present state of English settlem.ents on the Mississippi, p. 42-55. Account of Cascasquias, Prairir du Rocher and Fort Chartres and other settlements.

Reynolds, John. Pioneer history of Illinois. p. 54-62.

Wallace, J, History of Illinois and Louisiana. p, 384-403,

*Winsor, Justin, Narrative and critical history. 6:700-5.

The western movement.

Illinois under British control. I763-I777. Periodical references.

Affairs at Fort Ghartres, I768-I78I. Hist. M. 8:267-66, (Ag 64.) Giving impressions of an English officer concerning the western countrj'- at this period,

Brodhead, G. C. Settleraents west of the Alleghanies prior to 1776. Nat. M, 18:17-22. (My 93.) M, Am. Hist. 29:332,

Mason, E. G, ' Record-book of Col, -John Todd, first civil governor of the Illinois country. M. Am. Hist. 8:586-97. (S 82.)

Van Schaack, H, C, Gapt, Thomas Morris in the country of the Illinois. M. Am, Hist. 8:470-80. (Jl 82.) Gives some idea of the Indian mutinies and condition of inhabitants of this period.

Walker, G. I. Northwest during the revolution, Mich. Pion. Soc. Coll. 3:12-36. "Contains much new matter relative to an interesting period in our frontier hintory." Thomson, P, G. Bibliography of Ohio. p. 351.

Illinois as a part of Virginia, the , and the territory of Indiana, I777-I809.

Beckwith, H. W. Historic notes on the northwest. p. 245-59. Contains extracts from the memoirs of George Rogers Clarke.

Blanchard, Rufus. Discovery and conquest of the Northwest. p, 221-23, 226-29.

{)Brown, C. R. (The) old northwest territory.

Brown, Henry. History of Illinois. p. 227-73.

Burnet, Jacob. Notes on the ... northwest territory. p. 75-78. Brief mention of Clark's expedition, "We know of nothing which illustrates more forcibly the rapid growth of the vast region northwest of the Ohio than the contents of this volume". Thomson, P. G. Bibliography of Ohio. p. 45.

Butler, Mann.

History of .. .Kentucky . p. 45-58, 394-96. Account of the conquest of Kaskaskia with letters of instruction to Clark from in regard to his campaign against Kaskaskia and letters, of con- gratulation upon his success.

Carpenter, W. H. & Arthur, T. S. ed. History of Illinois. p. 75-148.

•Clark, G. R. Campaign in the Illinois. A reprint in original spelling of a letter sent by Clark to of Virginia dated Falls of Ohio, Nov. 19, 1779, giving an account of his campaign.

Note:- Books and articles marked with a * contain original material; those marked with a § have not been examined


•Clark, Ct. R. Memoirs, (see Dillon, J, B. History of Indiana. p. 127- 84.

Collins, Lewis. Historical sketches of Kentucky. Contains life of Gen. Clark.

Crafts, W. A. Pioneers in the settlement of America, 2:260-65. Account of Clark's campaign.

Davidson, Alexander & Stuve', Bernard, History of Illinois, p. 173-240.

Dillon, W. H. , History of Indiana, p. 223-25.

English, W, F. Conquest of the country northwest of the Ohio river, "Mr, English's work is useful in the amount of illus- trative material he has got toge ther. .. contains much carefully prepared material on the early life of Clark and the career of men connected with him, but it is very defective in historical organization," Turner, P. J, in Am. Hist, R, 2:364,

fHening^ Virginia statutes. 9:552. Account of the act creating the territory northwest of Ohio, the country of Illinois of Virginia.

Howe, Henry, Historical collections of the great west. p. 90-97,

•Hut chins, Thomas, Topographical description of Virginia, (see Im»lay!, George. Topographical description of the western territory, p, 485-506, & p. 499-504.) "Shows the more restricted application of term Illinois giving position of new and old Port Chartres," Winson. 5:564.

Kirkland, Joseph. Story of Chicago, p. 34-55.

•Mason, E. G, Col, John Todd's record-book, (see Mason, E, G, Illinois in the I8th, century. p. 49-68.)


Description of substance and form, with explanations and opinion as to value of this original manuscript of Illinois 1st. governor. Gives names of officials of the first organized settlement of Kaskaskia after Clark's conquest.

•Mason, E, G. Lists of early Illinois citizens, (see his Pierre-Meriard p. 55-98.) Lists of Illinois citizens in Kaskaskia, Cahoki^, du Pont, Prairie du Rocher and St. Philips previous to 1783.

Mat son, N. Pioneers of Illinois, p. 127-36.

Monette, J. W. History of discovery and settlement of .Mississippi 1:414-24, 2:100-2, 530-22. Relates the story of Clark's campaign: gives account of Illinois while a part of Indiana and the begining of the opening of the country to settlement.

Paine, Thomas. Public good. "A scarce pamphlet relating to the controversy betv/een Virginia and the U. S. in regard to the ownership of the western territory." Thomson.T".^. B'.*»Vi<»^f»YV>^^

§Patterson, A, W. History of the backwoods, "It is a perfectly reliable narrative of events in the west arranged chronologically from the earliest discoveries of the French to Wayne's victory," Thomson, P, G. Bibliography of Ohio, p. 271.

Peck, J. M. & Perkins, J. H. Annals of the west. p. 188-216, 348-49, Conquest of Kaskaskia and organization of St, Clair county,

§Pioneer life in the west.

Reynolds, John. Pioneer history of Illinois. p. 62-309.

My own times. p. 1-67.

Covers the period from 1800 to 1809.

Roosevelt, Theodore. Winning of the west. 2;3I-57, 168-83, 3:235-42. Grives account of Clark's conquest: of the organization of the Illinois country as a county and of the Americans settlements and their trouble with the French.

Schultz, Christian, jr. Travels. 2:35-39. Dencripticn of the southern Illinois settlements. "Though not intended for the public these letters are intelligent and for the most part accurate." Thomson, p. 305.

Tuttle, Charles R. & Pennock, Rev. A. C. The centennial northwest. p. 151-55.

*Watrin, Father. Memoir of the missions of Louisiana.

§V/ithers, A. S. Chronicles of border warfare. Relates the conquest of Kaskaskia.

•Winsor, Justin. Narrative and critical history. 6:716-25, 729-30 & 740-42.

The western movem.ent, the colonies and the republic west of the Alleghanies. I763-I798.

Illinois as a part of Virginia, the Northwest territory, and the territory of Indiana. I777-I809. Periodical references.

Anthony, Elliott. Account of the act for establishing the country of Illinois and for more effectual protection and defense thereof. Legal adv. 7:284-85 (3 Ag 86-

Baldwin, C. C. Gen. & . T.T. West. Jlist. 1:230-35.

Account of the , relations of Gen. Clark and his faithful ally and their financial troubles.

Butler, Mann. Valley of the Ohio. West. J. 9-10: for pages see index. (F 53 - Ap 55) Series of articles on the subject running through the magazine for the two years.

Clark, G. R. Letters relating to the Illinois expedition in 1778-79.

Am. Hist. R. 1:90-96 { 95)

Coleman, R, F. George Rogers Clark. Harp. 22:784-93 (My 6I-) 23:52-62 (Je 61)

Cone, Mary. Expedition and conquest of George Rogers Clark, 1778-9. M. West. Hist. 2:133-55 (Je 85) 3:735-36 (Ap 86) Regarded by John Moses as inaccurate as to some of the facts stated.

Gunn, J. H. Witchcraft in Illinois. M. Am. Hist. 14:458-63 (N 85)

ayden, H. E. Oliver Pollock; his connection with the conquest of Illinois in 1778. M. Am. Hist. 22:414-20 (N 89)


•Henry, Patrick. Instructions to Col. Clark for the expedition against Kaskaskia, Hist. M. 3:362 (D 59)

How Illinois became a state. Legal adv. 6:101-2 (17 Mr 85)

Kingston, J. T. Early western days. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. 7:297-344.

*Mason, S. G. Kaskaskia and its parish records. M. Am. Hist. 6:161-82 (Mr 81)

March of the Spaniards across Illinois, M. Am. Hist. 15:457-69 (My 86)

Mattingly, Ezra. George Rogers Clark. M. Am. Hist. 14:561-72 (S 91) Largely biographical.

Minor, B. 3. Conquest of Illinois. De Bow 4:366-73 (N 47) 450-59 (D 47) The conquest of Illinois during the revolution by arms of Virginia under Gen. Clark.

Moses, John. Expedition and conquest of 1778-9. M. West. Hist. 3:267-70 (Ja 86)

Papers from the Canadian archioves I778-I783. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. 11:97-212. Describes Illinois during the time of the revolution.

Peyster, A. S. de Extract of a letter... to Gov. Haldinand. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. 11:135-38.

Reynolds, John. Biography of the revolution; a sketch of the life of Gen. George Clark, the founder of Kentucky and the hero of the revolution in the west. Hist. M. 1:168-70 (Je 57)


Reynolds, John. My own timevS. West. J. 14:201-5. (Ag 55) 273-74. (S 55) Extracts from his book of this title. vSinclair, Patrick. Letter to Gov. Jialdimand. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. 11:151-57. Describes a military engagement in the Illinois country

Smuckor, Isaac. Early time western history; the territory northwest of the .Ohio river. Potter Am, Mo. 4:258-60. Gives names of counties of northwest territory with county seats and dates of organization with brief mention of the separation of Illinois from in 1800.

Military expedition to the northwest. 1774-82. Potter Am. Mo. 4:341-44. (My 75) Expeditions of Clark, Mc Intosh and Brodhead.

Indiana territory. M. West. Hist. 4:618-24. (S 86) Account of separation of the country from the north- west territory and its organization as a separate county.

Van Gleve, J. W. Ool. Robert Patterson, Am. Pioneer 2:344. (Jl 43) Brief mention of Gen. Clark.

Van Matre, D, S. Clark's Illinois campaign, M. West. Hist. 15:306-8. (Ja 92)

Wells, J. C. Virginia conquest: the northwest territory. Clark's campaign. M. km. Hist, 16:452-57. (N 86)

Illinois as a territory, I809-I8I8.

5Aiiiphlett, W. (The) emigrant's directory.

*p'v-k\5eck, Morris. Letters from Illinois. Letters written to friends in [Rngland by a recent emigrant; a valuable contribution to the history of the state in that it gives a clear picture of life of the period, the struggles, experiences of settlers, etc.

Notes on a journey in America. p. 117-35, "One of the most interesting and instructive books that has appeared for many years," Ed. R. 30:120.

' Blanchard, Kufus. Discovery and conquest of the Nort?iwe."t, p. 317-22.

Brown, Henry. History of Illinois. p, 274-342.

§Brown, S. R, (The) western gazetteer. Sketches of the states and territories arranged alphabetically.

Carpenter, W. H. Sc Arthur, T. S. ed. History of Illinois. p. 148-80.

§Gutler, Jervis. Topographical description of the state of Ohio, Indiana terri tory ...

Note:- Rooks and articles marked with a * contain original material; those marked with a § have not been examined.

Dana, E. Description of the bounty lands of Illinois. A scarce pamphlet containing the geographical and geodetical description of that tract of country situated in Illinois appropriated and surveyed for the bounty lands of soldiers who served in the late war between the United States and Great Britian.

Geographical sketches of the western country. p. 133- 56. "Author was employed by emigrants desirous of removing to the west to select and purchase for them sites for permanent settlement." Thomson, P. G. Bibliography of Ohio. p. 87.

§Darby, William. Emigrant's guide to the western and southwestern states and territories.

Davidson, Alexander & Stuve, Bernard. History of Illinois. p. 240-94.

Drake , S . A. (Jhe") making of the Ohio valley states. p. 246-50. Brief description of the various settlements in different parts of the state.

•Edwards, N. W. History of Illinois from I778-I833. "An attempt to describe Illinois during the years of I its territorial life and the first years of its I existence as a state which is not very successful."

I Adams, G. K. Manual of hist©Vvc2i\ VvVtraVuvcp , 564.

I Edwards papers, ed. by ?\ B, Washburn,

•Elliot, I. H. Record of the services of the Apx. I Illinois soldiers. K The apx. contains a record of the services of P Illinois , rangers and riflemen who protected the families from the ravages of the Indians I8I0-I3.

Emigrant's guide; or, Pocket geography of the western states and territories.



Faux, W. Memorable days. p. 271-300. Description of a visit to Mr Flower's English settlement in .

Fearon, H. B. Narrative of a journey. p. 258-63. "Written for emigrants and taking p.n unfavorable view." Winsor, Justin. Narr. and crit. hist. Consists chiefly of remarks on Mr. Birbeck's notes as to their truth in regard to the Illinois country.

Flower, George. History of the English settlement. "The narrative of Mr, Flower is simple and unpretending in its recitals and it bears the impress of sincerity and truth. The story of the struggles, labors and sufferings of the early colonists, the picturesque descriptions of scenes and events, give to the work all the interest of a romance," E, B, Washburne in the preface.

Flower, Richard, Letters from Lexington and the Illinois.

Mason, E, G. Early Chicago and Illinois. Contains the Pierre-Menard papers.

Pierre Menard and Pierre-Menard papers. p. 17-43. Reprinted from the above work.

Matson, N, Pioneers of Illinois. p. 231-302.

Melish, John. Information and advice to emigrants. p. 39-65. Description of Berbecks settlement.

Miller, Andrew. New states and territories. "^Printed for the benefit of emigrants and others in-

tending to visit the western country'! I8I9 . Thomson, P. Q, Bibliography of Ohio. p. 246.

Monette, J. W. History of discovery and settlement of the ,. .Mississippi 2:523-34.

Palmer, John. Journal of travels in the United States of America, p. 411-20. Gives history and situation of principal towns in the territory.

§Pik:e, Z. M. Exploratory travels,

Reynolds, John. My own times. p. 76-153. "It is discursive and sketchy and abounds in details of local value." M. Am. H. 5:153.

Pioneer history of Illinois. p. 309-48.

Tuttle, G. R, f>c Pennock, Rev. A.. C. (^TheD centennial northwest. p. 240-53.

Welby, Adlard. Visit to North America. p. 109-25. "This work in (general is well written and good authority." Thomson. Bibliography of Ohio. p. 350.

. .

Illinois as a territory. I809-I8I8. Periodical references.

'Gunn, H. [ J. Territorial statesmen of Illinois,

P/I. West. Hist. 3:494-99. Brief account of organization of territory and early of f i cials

Doty, J, D. Papers Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. 13:163-264. Boundaries of Illinois territory, p. 239.

Forsyth, Thomas, Letter-book. I8I4-I8I0. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. 11:316-55. Describes the Indian affairs at Peoria, I8I2-I5.

Parkinson, D. M. Pioneer life in Wisconsin. Wis. TUst. Roc. Coll. 2:326-64. Description of life in Sangamon county Illinois in years I8I7-I9. p. 327-28.

Shaw, John. Personal narrative. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2:197-232. Gives account of the Indian warfare in Illinois and the surrounding country in years I8I2-I5.

Storrow, S. A. The northwest in I8I7. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. 6:154-87. Part relating to Illinois, p. 175-81.

Chicago massacre, I8I2.

Beggs, R. R. Pages from the early history. p. 191-220.

Blanchard, Rufus. Discovery and conquest of the northwest, p. 257-76.

Dawson, M. B. Battles of the U. S. p. 103-10. Includes an extract from an original dispatch of the Captain in charge of the fort.

Kinzie, Mrs. J. H. Waubun. p. 202-59. An account of the massacre mede up from accounts of it given by persons dwelling there at the time. One of the most frequently quoted accounts of the event.

Massacre at Chicago,' I8I2,

Kirkland, Joseph. Chicago massacre.

Story of Chicago, p. 56-78,

Mc Afee, R. B. History of late war. p.98I0I.

Peck, J, M. & Perkins. Annals of the west, p. 600-13,

Chicago massacre. I8I2. Periodical references.

Cutler, H. G. Chicago prior to 1840, M. West. Hist. 12:517-23. (S 90)

Kirkland, Joseph, Chicago massacre in 1812. M. Am, Hist. 28:111-22. (Ag 92)

Lossing, R. J, The Kinzie house. Potter Am. Mo. 6:321-27. (My 76)

Matson, N, Sketch of Shaubena, a Pot towattamie chief. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. 7:415-21.

Chicago massacre. Niles Reg. 4:82.

Illinois as a state from its admittance to the Union to the begining of the Civil war, I8I8-I86I.

§A.ckerraan, W, K. Origin of names and stations on Illinois Central Rail- road.

Americans as they are, p. 85-90, Descriptive of people and country of Illinois in the early period of its statehood.

Arnold, I . K- Reminiscences of the Illinois Bar forty years ago. (see Porter, Jeremiah and others. Chapters in early history of Illinois.)

Beck, L. C. Gazetteer of the states of Illinois and Missouri, p. II-I65,

Beecher Narrative of the Alton riots and death of E. P. Lovejoy. A contribution to the history of slavery in Illinois.

Beggs, S. R. Pages from the early history of the west, p, 94-273 & 317- 20. "The book contains much matter of historical value." Thomson, P, G. Bibliography of Ohio. p. 28.

Blanchard, Rufus. Discovery and conquest of the northwest. p, 333-518.

Bradford, W, J, A, Notes on the north //est, p, 102-5. Very brief account of Black }Ia>//k's war.

Note:- Books and articles marked with a * contain original material; those marked with a § have not been examined.

§Bross, William. Illinois and the I3th. amendment...

Brown, Henry. History of Illinois. p. 343-86.

Brown, W. H. Early history of Illinois, (in Porter, Jeremiah and others. Chapters on the early history of Illinois.) Contains entertaining sketch of amusements and customs of the inhabitants of Illinois about the time it was made a state, as well as a clear outline of the works of the earliest legislatures especially in regard to the slavery movement and internal improvements.

§Bullock, W. Sketch of a Journey through the western states.

Carpenter, W. H. & Arthur, T. S. ed. History of Illinois. p. 180-255.

§Collot, Cr. H. 0. (.A Journey in North America.

Cunynghame, Arthur, Glimpse at the great western republic. p. 76-120, An account of a sporting trip from Chicago through the interior of Illinois to the Mississippi, describing the life in several of the cities of the state in their early day, La Salle, Rock Island and others, also a journey on a canal-boat,

Ellsworth, H. L. Illinois in 1837, A general account, descriptive and statistical of the state at this date,

•Elliot, I. H. Record of the services of Illinois soldiers in the Black Hawk wrir, 1831-32 & in the Mexican war 1846-48. Material given largely in tabular form,

Parnham, Mrs. Eliza \V. Life in the prairie land. Describes life of early settlers, their customs etc.

Ferris, Jacob, States and territories of the great west. p. 199-214,

General account of the development of the state, its principal events, population, cities etc. from its admittance to a state to 1856.

Flagg, E, T. Far west; 1:84-114, 143-242. Description of villages on the Illinois river and in the southern part of the state.

Flint, Timothy. History and geography of the Mississippi valley, p. 318-32.

Ford, Thomas,

History of Illinois ... . T8I8-I847 ^ "A very popular book which is both spirited and interesting. Adams, G. K. Manual of historical literature, p. 564.

•Gales, Joseph & Seaton, W. W.^ comp. Annals of Congress. I8I8. 2:1677, Northern line of Illinois when made a state defined.

Gillespie, Joseph. Recollections of early Illinois, Devoted chiefly to character sketches of the early governors of the state but gives a brief account of the early French settlements in the state and of the slavery struggle.

Gould, E. W. Fifty years on the Mississippi. p. 521-25, Early steamboats on the Illinois river.

§Hall, B. F, Land owners manual.

Hall, James. Letters of the west. p. 2II-I0, 215-33, Describes Shawneotown and vicinity largely as to products etc. but includes some interesting tales as to the origin of names etc.

Hinsdale, R, A. Old northwest. p. 326-28. Describes organization of state.

Hoffman, C. F. Winter in the west. 1:227-304 & 2:37-71.

§Hoskins, Nathan, jr. Notes upon the western country. Very brief concerning Illinois. "Is one of the most redable books giving a .eneral description of the states," Thomson, P. G. Bibliog- raphy of Ohio. p. 178.

Hubbard, G. S. ^ Beckwi+h, H. W. (The) Winnebago scare, (see Scammon, J, Y, and others, A.ddress. p. 41-52,)

Jones, A. D. Illinois and the west. p. 61-236. Travel sketches.

Kirkland, Joseph. Our new home in the west.

Lincoln, W. S. (Thej Alton trials. Contribution to history of slavery and movement of state.

Lusk, D. W Politics and politicians of Illinois. p. I-I09, 555-644.

Matson, N. Memoirs of Shaubena.

Moses, John, Illinois, historical and statistical. "The book shows a freshness andcrispness of style that makes the subject alive before the attention of the reader." M. V/est, Hist. 10:587.

Patterson, R, W, Early society in southern Illinois, (see Porter, Jeremiah

and others . Chapters on early history of 111,) Rarly period of statehood, their manners and customs etc.; is a history of the social life of the people.

Peck, J, M, Gazetteer of Illinois, Of value because of early date (1834). Outline of history of ancient towns given under their names.

Peck, J. M, New guide for emigrants to the west. p, 251-314, More descriptive than strictly historical.

§Peck, J. M.

Travellers directory of Illinois, Contains a synopsis of about all the history that

has ever been written of Illinois, , .and contains much minute information of interest. Meth. 2.3:402.

Reynolds, John, My own times. p. 153-383, This work is one of the fullest in this period.

Sketches of the country on the northern route. p. 5- 152, 244-64. Gives history and description of various towns in different parts of the state.

Sketches of Illinois.

Scott, J, L. Journal of a missionary tour. Sketches of Illinois.

Smith, J. C. Western tourist's and emigrant's guide, p. 122-45.

Steele, Mrs. Summer journey in the west. p. 120-74. Travel from Chicago to Alton and along the Illinois river.

Tanner, Henry. Martyrdom of Lovojoy. Lovejoy was killed by a pro-slavery mob at Alton, Illinois Nov. 7, 1837.

Washbu rne, E, B, Sketch of Edward Coles,

"The chief account of slave struggle in Illinois." . Winsor, Justin, Narrative and critical history, 7:325,

Woods, John, Two years residence ,.. in the Illinois country.



Illinois as a state from its admittance to the Union to the beginning of the Civil war. I8I8-I86I, Periodical references.

Backus, Electus. War with the Sac and Fox Indians under Black Hawk in Illinois and Michigan in 1832. Hist. !!. 22:353-60. (D 73)

Doty, J. D. Papers Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. 13:239-40. Disciisses the boundaries of Illinois as a state.

Hollister, Edward. Remarks on the state of Illinois and Missouri. Chr. Mo. Spec. 5:20-26. (Ja 23) Brief descriptive article with historical references concerning Illinois in the 1st. years of its state- hood with special notice of religious matters.

Illinois. Hesp. 2:154-55. (D 38) Extract from a letter in N. Y. Daily express (1838) descriptive of Illinois at this time.

Life in Illinois. Once a week 4:399-404. (6 Ap 61) Account of a journey through the state in I86I, largely descriptive.

Marguire, W. H. A famous political conquest in Illinois. M. West. Hist. 15:97-101 (N 91)

Moses, John. The constitutional convention of 1847,- the election of 1848. M. West. Hist. 12:16-24. (My 90)

Election of Gen. Shields to the Senate--"state policy"-- railroad and banking laws. M. West. Hist. 12:132-42. (Ju 90)

Moses, John, Illinois in 1849-52. M. West. Hist. 12:246-57. (Jl 90) The above three articles are extracts from v. 2 of Moses, John. History of Illinois.

Notes on Illinois in 1830. 111. Mo, 1:55-542; 2:8-488.

Peck, J. M. Early American settlements in Illinois. West. Mp. 1 :73. (Ja 33)

Illinois constitutional convention. M. West. Hist. 4:285. (Jl 86) Gives names of delegates to first constitutional convention.

Thwaites, R. G. Boundaries of Wisconsin. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. 11:462-65, 468& 494-501. Discussion of the boundary dispute between Illinois and Wisconsin.

Early lead mining in the Fever (or Galena) river region. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. 13:271-92.

List of books referred to under the different periods with full titles and imprints.

A.ckerman, W. K, Origin of names and stations on the Illinois Central Rail- road. Chic. T884.

Americans as they are, described in a tour through the val- ley of the Mississippi. 218 p. Lond, 1828.

Amphlett, W, Emigrant's directory of the western states of North Amer- ica, including. ,, the whole western country according to its latest improvements with instructions for descending the rivers Ohio and Mississippi. 208 p. Lond. I8I9. tmdrisf A. T. History of Chicago. 3v. illus. chic, 1884.

Armstrong, Perry A. Centennial history of Grundy county; historical oration delivered ar Morris, 111,, , 1876, 15 p. n, p, 1876, pam,

Bancroft, George. History of the United States from the discovery of the American continent, Ed, 4, lOv, illus, Bost.1846

Barber, John Warner & Howe, Henry, All the western stayes and territories, 733 p, illus, Cin, T868,

Beck, Lewis C, Gazetteer of the state of Illinois and Missouri. 352 p. maps. Aeb, T823.

Beckwith, Hiram. W. Historic notes on the northwest.

Beecher, E

Beggs, S, R. Pages from the early history of the west and northwest, embracing reminiscences and incidents of settlement and growth and sketches the material and religious progress of the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri with special reference to the history of Methodism. 325 p. Cin. 1868,

Bitkbeck, Morris. Letters from Illinois, Ed. 3. 114 p. Lond. I8I8,

Notes on a journey in America from the coast of Virginia to the territory of the Illinois I8I7. Ed. 2. 163 p. I map. Lond. 18 18.

Blanchard, Rufus. Discovery and conquest of the northwest with a history of Chicago. 768 p. Wheaton 111. I88I.

History of Illinois to accompany an historical map of the state. 128 p. I map. Chic. 1883.

Bossu, Capt. N. Letters of travel through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana, tr. from the French by J. R. Forster. 2v. illus. Lond. I77I.

Bradford, William J. A. Not'3s on the north./est or valley of the upper Mississippi. 302 p. N, Y. 1846.

Brass, William. History of Illinois. Chic. 1876.

Breese, Sidney. Early history of Illinois, from its discovery by the French in 1673 until its cession to Great Britain in 1763. 422 p. maps. Chic. 1884.

Brodhead, John Romeyn. Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New York. lOv, Alb. 1853-58.

Bross, William. Illinois and the I3th, amendment to the constitution of the 8 United States. p. . Chic, 1884, (Chicago historical society.)


Brown, Charles R. 'The old northwest territory; its nission forts and trading posts. 32 p. maps. Kalanazoc. 1875,

History of Illinois from its first discovery to the present time. 492 p. I map. T,. Y. 1844.

Brown, S. R. Western gazetteer; or, ^Imigrant's directory containing a description of the western states and territories... Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio and the territories of Illinois and ITissouri, 336 p. Auburn, N. Y. I8I7.

Bullocl:, W. Sketch of a journey through the western states of ^Torth

America from New Orleans by the }.!i ssi ssippi , Ohio, City of Cincinnatti and Falls of Niagara to New York in 1827. 31*8+35 p. naps. Lond. 1827.

Burnet, Jacob. Notes on the early settlerr.ent of the northwest territory. 501 p. I por. Cin. 1847.

Butel-Dumont , G, R. Memoirs historique sur la Louisiane, contenant ce qui y est arrivd' de plus memorable depuis l*annee 1687 jusqu'a present. 2v. illus. Par, 1753.

Butle:-', James Davie. First French foot-prints beyond the lakes; or. What brought the French so early inti the northwest. 56 p. Madison, Wis. 1882.

Butler, Mann. fA" history of the comr.onwealth of Kentucky. 396 p. I por. Somerville. 1834.

Butterfield, Consul Ti'illshire. :Ii story of the discovery of the northwest by John Nicole in 1634, with a sketch of his life, 113 p. Cin. I88I.

Carpenter, William. Henry & Arthur, T. S. ed. History of Illinois from its earliest settlement to the present time. 255 p. I por. Phil, 1857,

Charlevoix, Pierre Francois Xavier Journal of a voyage to North America undertaken by order of the French king, containing the geography, description and natural history of that country especially Canada, together with an account of the customs, charecter, religion, manners and traditions of the original inhabitants. 2v. I map, Lond. 1 76 1.

History and general description of New France, tr. with notes by J. G, Shea. 6v. por. maps. N. Y, 1866,

Clark, George Rogers.

Campaign in the Illinois 1778-79 with an introduction by Hon. Henry Pirtle of Louisville and an appendix containing the public and private instructions to Col. Clark and Major Bowman's journal of the taking of the post of Vincennes. 119 p. I por, Cin, 1869. (Ohio valley historical series.)

Clark, William. Obsrevations on the late and present conduct of the French with regard to the enroachments upon the British colonics in North America... to which is added by another hand ob- servations concerning the increase of mankind, peopling of countries, etc. 479 p. Bost. 1755.

Collins, Lewis. Historical sketches of Kentucky. illus. Louisville 1847.

Gollot, G. H, 0. Journal in North America, containing a survey of the coun- tries wat'ired by the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri .. .wi th exact observations ... on the towns, villages, hamlets and farms in that part of the country. Eng. tr. Ill, 310+ 372 p, illus. Par. 1826.

Crafts, William A. Pioneers in the settlement of America from Florida in I5I0 to California in 1849. 2v. illus. Bost. 1876.

Cunynghame, Arthur. Glimpse at the great western republic. 33? p, Lond. T85I.

Cutler, Jervis. Topographical description of the state of Ohio, Indiana

territory and louisiana, comprehending the Ohio and Missis- sippi rivers and their principal tributary streams, 219 p. illus. Bost. I8I2.

Dablon, Claude. Relation de cequi s*est passe plus remarqueable aux missions des peVes de la corapagnie de Jesus e-rv la nouvelle France les annees ,1672-73. 219 p. N. Y, T86I.

Same. 1673-79. 290 p. N. Y. 1865.

Dana , E Description of the bounty laws of Illinois; also the principal roads and routes by land and water through the territory of the United States. 108 p. Gin. I8I9.

Geographical sketches of the western country designed for emigrants and settlers, being the result of extensive re- searches and remarks to which is added a summary of all the most interesting matter on the subject, including a particular description of the unsold public lands collected from a variety of authentic sources also a list of the principal roads. 312 p. Gin. I8I9,

Darby, William. Emigrant's guide to the western and southwestern states and territories, comprising a geographical and statistical description of the states Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky and Ohio, the territories of Alabama, Missouri, Illinois and Michigan. 311 p. maps. N. Y, I8I8.

Davidson, Alexander & Stuve, Bernard. History of Illinois from 1673 to 1873. 1040 p. illus. Springfield. (111.) 1884.

Dillon, John B. History of Indiana from its earliest exploration by Euro- peans to the close of the territorial government in I8I6. 637 p. illus. Indianapolis. 1859. Dawson, Henry Barton. Battles of the United States by sea and land. 20 p. illus. N. Y. 1858.

Drake, Samuel Adams. (J'he)making of the Ohio valley states I660-I837. 269 p. illus. N. Y. 1894.

Duffield, Oration at Mackinac, Aug. 15, 1878.

Edwards, Nlnlan W. (The) Edwards papers being a portion of the collection of letters, papers and manuscripts of Ninian Edwards, ed. by E. B. Washburn. 633 p. fac sim. Chic. 1884.

(Chic, historical society, v 2. )

History of Illinois from I778-I833 and life and times of Ninian Edwards. vSpringf ield. 1870.

Elliot, Isaac H. Record of the services of Illinois soldiers in the , 1831-32; and in the Mexican war 1846-48 with an appendix giving a record of the services of Illinois militia I8I0-I3. 343 p. vSpringfield 111. 1882.

Ellsworth, H. L. Illinois in 1873; a sketch descriptive of the situation, boundaries, face of the country and prominent districts. Phil. 1837.

Emigrant's guide or pocket geography of the western states and territories, containing a description of the several cities, towns and rivers. 266 p. Cin. I8I8.

English, William Hay den. Conquest of the country northwest of the river Ohio 1778- 1783 and life of General George Rogers Clark. 2v. por. Indianapolis. 1896.

Falconer, Thomas. On the discovery of the Mississippi and on the southwest, Oregon and northwest boundary of the Unitod States. 100 p. Lend. 1844.

Farnham, Mrs Eliza W. J^urhaus";! Life in prairie land. 408 p. N. Y. 1847.

Faux, W. Memorable days: a tour through the United States with an account of Birbeck settlement in the Illinois. 488 p. Lend. 1823.

Fearon, Henry Bradshaw. Narrative of a journey of 5000 miles through the eastern and western states of America. I8I7. Ed. 2. 454 p. Lond. I8I8.

Ferris, Jacob. fThe)states and territories of the great west; their geog- raphy, history, advantages, resources and prospects. 352 p. illus. N. Y. 1856.

Plagg, Edmund T, Far west; Tour beyond the mountains, embracing outlines of western life and scenery, sketches of the prairie, rivers and mountains, early settlement of the French etc. 2v. N. Y. 1838.

Flint, Timothy. History and geography of the Mississippi valley to which is appended a condensed physical geography of the Atlantic, United States and the whole American continent. Ed. 3. 2v. in I. Cin. 1852.

Flower, George. History of the English settlement in Edwards county, Illinois, founded in I8I7 and I8I8 by Morris Birbeck and George Flower. 402 p. Chic. 1882. (Chicago historical society's collections, v I.)

Flower, Richard. Letters from Lexington and the Illinois, containing a brief account of the English settlement in the latter territory and a refutation of the misrepresentation of Mr. Cobbett. Lond. I8I9.

Ford, Thomas, Historj'' of Illinois from its commencement as a state in I8I8 to 1847; containing a full account of the Black Hawk war, the rise, the progress and fall of Mormonism, the Alton and Love joy riots and other im.portant and interesting events. Chic. 1854.

French, Benjamin Franklin. (corap.) idstorical collections of Louisiana, embracing many rare and valuable documents relating to the natural, civil and political history of that state. 7v. 1846-75.

Garneau, Francois Xavier, History of Canada from the tim.e of its discovery till the union of 1840-41 tr. by Andrew Bell. Ed. 3. 2v. Toronto. I860.

Gerhard, Fred, Illinois as it is; its history, geography, statistics, constitution, laws, government, finances, climate, soil and plants, 451 p. illus. Chic. 1857.


Gillespie, Joseph. Recollections of early Illinois, and his notes men read before the Chicago historical society, March 16, 1880, 50 p. por. Chic. 1880.

Gould, E. W. Fifty years on the Mississippi; or, Gould's history of river navigation. 749 p. I por, St. Louis. 1889.

Gravier, Gabriel, Decouverte et ^tablissements de Cavelier de la Salle de Rouen- dans L'Amerique du Nord, lacs Ontario, Erie, Huron and Michigan; Valles de l(Ohio et du Mississippi et Texas. 411 p, illus. Par. 1876.

Hager, A, D, Was Father Marquette ever in Chicago?

Hall, Benjamin P.

Land-ov/ner • s manual containing a summary of statute reg- ulations in New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois ,.. con- cerning land-titles, deeds, mortgages, wills of real estate,,

477 p. Auburn, (N. Y. ) 1847, Also published under title "Early history of northwest, embracing New York," 1849.

Hall, James, Letters of the west; containing sketches of scenery, manners and customs and anecdotes connected with the first settlement of the western sections of the U. S. 385 p, Phil, 1828.

Romance of v/estern history; or. Sketches of history, life and manners in the west. 420 p, I por. Cin. 1857.

Sketches of history, life and manners in the west. 2v, Phil. 1835.

Hanford, Thomas W, History of Illinois in words of one syllable. Chic, 1888,

Harisse, Henry. \ , \ s Notes pour servir a l*histoire a la bibliographie et a la cartographie de la Nouvelle France et des pays adjacents I545-I700. 367 p. Par. 1872.

Hart, Adolphus M. History of the discovery of the valley of the Mississippi. 155 p. St. Louis, 1852.

Henepin, Father Louis. Description de la Louisiane nouvellement decouverte au sud*ouest de la Nouvelle France par ordre du roy. 107 p. T map. Par. 1688.

Description of Louisiana; tr. by J, G, Shea, 407 p. maps. N, Y. 1880.

Nouvelle decouverte. d»un tres grand pays situ^dans l*Amer- ique entrc le Nouveau Mexique et le mer glacialc. 506 p. Amsterdam. 1698,

New discovery of a vast country in America, extending above 4000 miles between New Prance and New Mexico with a description of the Great Lake, cataracts, rivers, plants and animals etc. 2v. Lend. 1698,

Hening, Virginia statutes.

Hildreth, Samuel Prescott. Sketches of pioneer history. N, Y, 1850.

Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. ^he) old northwest, with a view of the 13 colonies as con- stituted by the royal charters. 440 p. N, Y. 1888.

Hoffman, Charles Pernio. Winter in the west. 2v. N. Y, 1835.

Hoskins, Nathan^ Jr. Notes upon the western country contained within the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and the territory of Michigan, taken on a tour through that country in the summer of 1832. 108 p. Greenfield. (Vt.) 1833.

Howe, Henry. Historical collections of the great west; containing narratives

of the most important and interesting events in western history. 2v. in I. 527 p. Cin. I85I. Reprinted in 1872 bringing history down to that date,

Hurlburt, Henry H, Chicago antiquities, 673 p. illus. Chic. I88I.

Father Marquette at Mackinac and Chicago.

Imlay, Gilbert. Topographical description of the western country of North America; containing a succient account of its climate, natural history, population, agriculture, m.anners and cus- tom.s, with an ample description of the several divisions into which that country is divided... in letters to a friend in England. Ed. 3 598 p. maps. Lond.1797.

Jeffreys, Thomas. History of the French dominion in North and South America. Lond. 1760.

Johnson's universal encyclopaedia, 8v. N. Y, 1896.

Jones, Abner Dumont. Illinois and the west; with a township map containing the latest surveys and improvements. 255 p. Bost. 1838.

Joutel, Henri. Journal his tori que du dernier voyage que feu M. de Salle fit dans le golfe du Mexique pour trouvee- ^ 1* embrouchure du Mississippi nomme a prtTsent la riviere de Saint Louis que traverse la Louisiane ou l*on voit I'histoire tragique de sr. mort et plusieurs choses curieuses du Nouveau Monde, 380 p, I map. Par.I7I3.

Kingsford, William. History of Canada from the earliest times to I84I. 4v. Lond. 1888.

Kinzie, Mrs. John H. Waubun; or, "The early days in the northwest." 497 p. illus. Phil. 1873.

Massacre at Chicago I8I2. illus. Chic, 1887,

Kip, Rev. William Ingraham. :onip. Early Jesuit missions in North America comp, and tr. from the letters of the French Jesuits. 325 p. Alb. 1866.

Kirkland, Joseph. Chicago massacre of I8I2 and historical documents, illus. 218 p. Chic. 1893.

Story of Chicago. 2v. illus. Chic. 1892-94.

Larned, Joseph Nelson. History for ready reference from the best historians, biographers and specialists. 5v. Springfield. (Mass.) 1894-95.

Le Clerq. P^re Chaestien. Premier ^tablissem.ent de la foy dans la nouvelle France contenant la publication de l»Evangle, I'Histoire des colonies Francaises et les fameuses decouvertes depuis le fleuve de Saint Laurent la Louisiane et le fleuve Colbert jusqu» au Golphe Mexique acheve'*es sous le conduite de feu monsieur de la Salle. 2v. Par, I69I.

First establishment of the faith in New France, tr. by J. G. Shea. 2v. illus. N. Y. I88I.

Lettres edifcfiantes et curieuse des missions etrangers par quelque missionaires de la compagnie de Jesus. v. Par. I7I5 or 1758.

Lincoln, W. S. The Alton trials 1837. N. Y. 1838.

Lusk, D. W. Politics and politicians of Illinois; anecdotes and inci- dents, a succient history of the state I809--I886. Kd. 2. 668 p. illus. Springfield. (111.) 1886.

Mc Afee, Robert B. History of the war in the western country. 534 p. Lexington. (Ky.) I8I6.

Margry, Pierre. Decouvertf3S et etablissemont des Francais dans l»ouest et

dans le sud de l*Amerique septentrionale I6I4-I754; memoires et documents originaux, 6v, Par. 1875,

Martin, Francois Xavier. History of Louisiana from the earliest period. 2v. New Orleans. 1827-29.

Martin^ Mission du Canada.

Mason, Augustus Lynch. Pioneer history of America, 1032 p. illus, Detroit 1883.

Mas son, Edward Gay. John Todd's record-books and John Todd*s papers, 154- 229 p. Chic. 1890. A reprint f rom Masson* s E. G. Early Chicago and Illinois, in Chicago historical society collections. 4v.

Early Chicago and Illinois. 521 p. Chic. 1890.

Illinois in the I8th. century; or, Kaskaskia and its parish records. 68 p. Chic. I88I,

Phillips de Rocheblave and Rocheblave's papers. 356 p. Chic. 1896. (Fergus historical series v. 34.)

Pierre Menard and Pierre-Menard papers. 98 p. Chic. 1896. (Fergus historical series, no. 3.)

Matson, N. French and Indians of Illinois river.

Memoirs of Shaubena; with incidents relating to the early settlement of the west. 269 p, illus. Chic. 1878.

Matson, Pioneers of Illinois; containing a series of sketches relating to events that occurred previous to I8I3; also, narratives of many thrilling incidents connected with the early settlement of the west, drawn from history, tradi- tion and personal reminiscences. 306 p. I por. Chic. 1882.

Melish, John. Information and advice to emigrants to the U. S. and from

. the eastern to the western states, illustrated by a map of the U. S. and a chart of the Atlantic ocean. 144 p. map. Phil.

Michigan pioneer society collections. 1874-89. v. I-I3. Lansing. 1877-89.

Milburn, William Henry, Pioneers and people of the Mississippi valley. 465 p. N. Y, I860.

Miller, Andrew. New states and territories; or, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois amd Michigan. .. in their real charecter in I8I8, showing... the situation, size, number of inhabitants... 96 p. n. p. — I8I9.

Mitchell, John. (The) contest in America between Great Britian and France and its consequences and importance; giving an account of the views and designs of the French with the interests of Great Britian and the situation of the British and French colonies in all parts of America. 244 p. Lond, 1757.

Monet te, John Wesley. History of the discovery and settlement of the valley of the Mississippi by the three great European powers; vSpain, France and Great Britian and the subsequent occupation, settlement and extension of civil government by the United States until the year 1846. 2v. N. Y. 1846.

Moses, John. Illinois historical and statistical; comprising the essential facts of its planting and growth as a province, country, territory and state. 2v. illus. Chic. 1895

Hew American cyclopedia. 16 v. N. Y. 1867.


Paine, Thomas. Public good; being an examination into the claims of Virginia to the vacant western territory and of the right of the United vStates to the same. 38 p. Phil. 1780.

Palmer, John. Journal of travels in the U. S. of America and in lower Canada I8I7; particularly relating to the prices of land and provisions, remarks on the country and people etc. and an account of the commerce, trade and present state

of Wash., N. Y, , Phil... to v^rhich is added a description of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri, and a variety of other useful information. 456 p. I map. Lond. I8I8.

Parkman, Francis. La Ralle and the discovery of the great west. 483 p. Bost. 1895.

History of the conspiracy of Pontiac and the war of the North American tribes against the English colonies after the conquest of Canada. 630 p. maps. Host. I85I.

Parry , C . C Historical address on the early exploration and settlement of the Mississippi valley, delivered in Davenport (lo.) Jan. 21, 1873. 36 p. Davenport. 1873. (pam.)

Patterson, A. W. History of the backwoods; or. The region of the Ohio: authentic from the earliest accounts, embracing many events, notices of prominent pioneers, sketches of early settlements etc., not heretofore published, 311 p. Pittsburgh 1843.

Peck, John Mason. Gazetteer of Illinois in three parts; containing a general view of the state, a general view of each county and a particular view of each town settlement, stream, prairie... alphabetically arranged. 376 p. Jacksonville. (111.) 1834.

('A') new guide for emigrants to the west; containing sketches of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and Michigan with the territories of Wisconsin and Arkansas and the adjacent parts. 374 p. Bost. 1836.


Peck, John Mason. Traveller's directory for Illinois. N. Y, 1840,

Peck, John Mason & Perkins, Rev. J, IK Annals of the west; embracing a concise account of the principal events which have occurred in the western states and territories from the discovery of the Mississippi to the year 1850. 808 p. St. Louis. 1850.

Perkins, James Handasyd, Mem.oirs and writings >ed. by W, F, Channing, 2v, Gin. I85I..

Perrin, J, U, Address delivered at St, Clair county centennial celebration at Bellville, 111. in 1890. 14 p. n.p.n.d. (pam.

Pike, Zebulon Montgomery. Exploratory travels through the western territory of North America; comprising a voyage from St. Louis on the Mississippi to the sources of that river and a journey through the interior of Louisiana and the northeastern provinces of New Spain, performed in the years 1805-06-07, 436 p, maps. Lend, I8II.

Pittman, Capt. Philip. The present state of the European settlements on the Missis- sippi, with a geographical description of that river. 97 p. maps. Lond. 1770.

Pioneer life in the west; comprising the adventures of Boone, Kenton, Brady, Clark, the Whetzels and others in their fierce encounters v/ith the Indians. 332 p. illus. Phil. 1858.

Pownall, Thomas. Topographical description of such parts of the British colonies as are contained in the. (annexed) map of the Middle of North America. 46 p. map. Lond. 1776.

Fameau, E, (La) France aux colonies; etudes sur le develop^ement de la race frangaise hors de l*Europe. 355 p. maps. Par, 1859.

Relation des affaires du Canada en 1696 avec les lettres des Peres de la compagnie de Jesus depuis 1696 jusqu'au 1702. 73 p. N. Y. 1866,

Reynolds, John. Pioneer history of Illinois; containing the discovery in 1673 and the history of the country to the year I8I8 when the state government was organized. 548 p. Belle- ville. (111.) 1852.

My own times; embracing also the history of my life. 595 p. illus. Chic. 1879.

Sketches of the country on the northern route from Belle- ville, 111. to the city of New York and back by the Ohio valley. 264 p. Belleville. 1854.

Roosevelt, Theodore. Winning of the west. 40 p N. Y. 1896.

Scammon, J. Young, Arnold, J. N. & others.

(The ) Winnebago scare; an address delivered at the annual meeting of the Chicago historical society. Nov. 19, 1868.

Scott, James L. Journal of a missionarji tour through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois ... comprising a concise description of different sections of the country, health of climate, inducements for emigrants with the embarrassments... 203 p. Providence. 1843.

Shea, John Gilma|»y. History of the Catholic missions among the Indian tribes of the United States, I529-I854. 514 p por. N. Y. 1854.

Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi valley with the original narrative of Marquette, Allonez, Membre, Hennepin and Anatase Douay, 267 p. I map. N. Y, 1852.

Early voyages up and down the Mississippi. Alb. I86I

Schultz, Christian, jr. Travels; or, An inland voyage through the states of New

York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee and through the territories of Indiana, Louisiana... performed in the years I807-I808 including a tour of nearly eeee miles. 2v. illus. Y. I8I4.

Sketches of Illinois, descriptive of its principal geographi- cal features, prominent districts, ... 321 p. I map. Phil. 1838.

Smith, John Calvin.

. Western tourist's and emigrant's guide v/ith a compendious gazetteer of the states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois. 180 p. I map. N. Y. 1839.

Sparks, Jared, Library of American Biography. 250irin 16, Bost. 1844-60.

Stoddard, Amos. Sketches historical and descriptive of Louisiana. 488 p. Phil. I8I2.

State of British and French colonies in North America with respect to numbers of people, forces, forts, Indian trade and other advantages, 190 p. Lond, 1755,

Steele, Mrs ^ (A) summer's journey in the west. 278 p. N. Y. 1841.

Tanner, Henry. (The) . martyrdom of Lovejoy; an account of the life, trials and perils of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, who was killed by a pro-slavery mob at Alton, 111. on the night of Nov. 7, 1837. 233 p. Chic. I88I.

Thomson 5 — Sketches of the war.

Tonti, Henri de. Derniei-es decouvertss dans L'Amerique septeTitrionale de Cavelier de la Salle et les aventures de Chevalier Tonti, Gentilhomme Italien, Compagnon de M, de la Salle depuis 1678 jusqu»-au 1690. 399 p. Par. 1697.

Tuttle, Charles R, ^. Pennock, Rev. A. C. (I'he) centennial history of the northwest; an illustrated history. 656 p. illus. Madison, (Wis.) 1876.


Wallace, Joseph. History of Illinois and Louisiana under the French rule. 433 p. Cin. 1893.

Washburne, Edwin B, Illinois; history, manufactures, raining resources, government, internal improvements, population and financial condition. 7p. map. Phil. I88I. (pam.

Sketch of Edward Coles, second governor of Illinois and of the slavery struggle of 1823-24. 253 p. I por.

fac Sim. ' Chic. 1882.

Welby, Adlard. Visit to North America and the English settlement in the Illinois with a winter residence in Philadelphia, 224 p. illus. Lond. I82I.

Winsor, Justin. (The") Mississippi basin; The struggle in America between England and France I697-I763. 484 p. Bost. 1895.

Narrative and critical history. 8v. illus. Bost. 1884.

The western movement, the colonies and the republic west of the Alleghanies I763-I798.

Wisconsin historical society collections. 1854-95. V I-I3. Madison, (Wis.) 1855-95.

Withers, Alexander S, Chronicles of border warfare; or, A history of the settlement of northwestern Virginia. 319 p. Clarksburg, Va. I83I.

Woods, John. Two years residence in the settlement on the English prairie in the Illinois country; a description of the principal towns, villages etc. with the habits and customs of the back-woodsmen. 310 p. Lond. 1822.