Clak's Mictory-At Vincennes. Supplemen
eACommemora ive History áf the George Rogers Llark Bicentennial Exhibit. .Indiana Sbate Muteus Society, Inc.,'Indiamapolisl.:- 'Ibdiana Americat:levoIUtion Bithentennial Commission,.. IndianaPolis.i Lilly Eudomment,'-Inc., Indianapolis,.. '-.Ind,.4/.141ationallnAOMment7for-the''Arts, _Washington, -:c-f-Wri.-tiOnatlii4bitlentHfor-the-human es(MPAR)--, Washin4ton,_ 76: 6013.-; All pictures wi_ ouCcap. i.onSibave been removed .fron tbedocnm4nt before being-sUbtitted tc0DRSI or a related document, see. sO .010. 02R .peorge RogerS Clark txhibit, Indiana-.statp museum .86ciety,,..Inc.', 202 -North Alabasa'Street, .Indiapapolis, I4iiana 4620Lt ($0.87 Plus postage, paPer cover) ETAS. PRICE .i4F-$0,..R3 Plus PoStage FIC,Not Available -from -EDRS. 'DESCRIPTORS 'BOgraphiest,.*Educatiorial Tacilitiesl:Elenentary_. Secondary -EducationI'*EihibitsMuseilms; -*RevolutIonary War .(United States); *0nited States .-Histary. IDENTIFI1RS :-*Bicentennial;-Clark (Geo-rgeRcogers).-. ABSTRACT 'This pamphlet pro ides an illustrated'narrative histo'ry of the George Rogers Clark Bicentennial Exhibit at the IndianalState Museum.,Gedrge,Eogers elark was a frontier hero of the American Revolution who explored and-conquered ternitory in Kentucky, Ohio,. and Mine/is. TWO multimPdia exhibit is open to the public from February 25,' 1976 through February 25, 1979, the 200th anniversary of Clak's mictory-at Vincennes. Supplemented by several auxiliary displays and clAnging exhibits, the story is 'told in two major galleries.'It follows Ckark from his boyhood in Virginia, through his early years in Xentucky, and finklly'his return to Williamsbarg_where received secret orders to attack the British .outposts tin the Old orthitest. The paMphlet combines the biographical story of Clark's xPeditions with photos and sketches of his military equipment, lothiAg, and significant events in his life.
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