PSC Publications 2000 – 2012
PSC Publications 2000 – 2012 001 Estevez J, Cantero A, Romero C, Kawaide H, Jimenez L, Ku- Nakano T, Takatsuto S, Matsuyama T, Nagata N, Sakata K, 028 Maruyama-Nakashita A, Saito K, Ishizawa K, "β-Cyanoalanine 041 Obara M, Kajiura M, Fukuta Y, Yano M, Hayashi M, Yamaya T, zuyama T, Seto H, Kamiya Y, Leon P, "Analysis of the expres- Yoshida S, "Selective interaction of triazole derivatives with synthase and cysteine synthase from potato: Molecular clon- Sato T, "Mapping of QTLs associated with cytosolic glutamine sion of CLA1, a gene that encodes the 1-deoxyxylulose 5-phos- DWF4, a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase of the brassino- ing, biochemical characterization, and spatial and hormonal synthetase and NADH‐glutamate synthase in rice (Oryza sa- phate synthase of the 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol-4-phosphate steroid biosynthetic pathway, correlates with brassinosteroid regulation" Plant Molecular Biology 46 749-760 (2001) tiva L.)" Journal of Experimental Botany 52 1209-1217 (2001) pathway in Arabidopsis" Plant Physiology 124 95-103 (2000) deficiency in Planta" The Journal of Biological Chemistry 276 25687-25691 (2001) 029 Matsuoka K, Schekman R, Orci L, Heuser J, "Surface structure 042 Oikawa H, Toyomasu T, Toshima H, Ohashi S, Kawaide H, Ka- 002 Fukazawa J, Sakai T, Ishida S, Yamaguchi I, Kamiya Y, Taka- of the COPII-coated vesicle" Proceedings of the National Acad- miya Y, Ohtsuka M, Shinoda S, Mitsuhashi W, Sassa T, "Cloning hashi Y, "Repression of Shoot Growth, a bZIP transcriptional 016 Bhaya D, Takahashi A, Grossman A, "Light regulation of
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